Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Feb 1912, p. 4

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OFFICIAL PAPER 0P LAKE COU#ITV. 'Oftie Teicîhone No. 1 i tys Editors Reideuce No. 145-L. Lihertl v-le Exchange.- à tt re d ai t !ia os o ff , tii .bery % hi e, ILI., as S econd C Ies M alah M ater. ~' bncO\\ - JAd.. nîtsing Rates Made Known ou Application- SUBSCRiPTION PRlCE. 4150 PER'EAR sTrRICTLY IH AOVANCE. W . j. sm iTH ... -. .. . .. . -.. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .Editer1 Ir _s ,jýj.......... ............. ............ Managerj CRAY hL. HUBBARD .. ... . ..........CttY Edtor WffICH 13 PREFERALLE? It looks as if it must be decided by the voters oi La:ke -C outy whether they wish to support a Lake County mnu ,for Seonator and oppose Lake County men for iegisla.tureu OJ shahl they BE FOR Lake County men for the lefpisia- ture and a Mcllenry County man for Senator. - That s the vy the tbing is iooming Up and voters wiil have to decide. TiseShurtleff feliows are lining up inu McHenry and Lalce 7' 0X SHURTLEFF AND -_MAC GUFF-11ý, AN{D AGAIMBT OLSOIN-. In other words, the Shurtieif figlit ýjà corne into Lake County and said: Be FOR Shurtieff ý,Ud AGAINST Oison; be FOR a non-Lake man for LEG- ZU&ATURE anid a Lake man for SENAT:OR. OtherTs anw"er: Wby not be for a Lake Oonty maxi for LEGI- L&TURE and a non-Lake for SENATOR? It's tise prob- l. m for the voter to decide which is tise thlng to do. In other words, the question te be deci-ded is: Does lake County want Oison as Senator more than Shurtleff uflersentative; or does it want Shurtleff more as Rep- imetutative than it does GOon as Senator; or does it want a J.mke County Mani for Senater and a McHenry man for lté enttie; r oesitwantsaLae ounty anfor mor de anit vants ak o yman for h hotwhch is mont preferable-Olson as Senater Mmçe brLIff Eseproeontative; or Mac GuMu as Sonator ý »U4* IMicOCounty iman iu hurtef'.aplace? W"o vi decido viiether Liake.Oounty prefers Oiso vUrtwlef or vice versa., Peoplel___________ THE CONGRESSONAL MATTER. S The frienda of George P. Engeibard are urging thse ~Mat this.ot ail tures ta the opportualty for big eloction The mmte tbluk Foi and Paufln vil onaaaethe, and, remenibeing thse clôseoshave ~uIadgave Iff. Fous two years ago, they mre ou- te bafat there b r.thnanueven cape favorite to pluck thse oovetdplum. . On thse other the frieuda of Mr. Fons say that the congressman is uonly in Evanston, but thioeiout thse entire ttax any tlm n ubh htoryr. . Theyeint, te the ho êh suboon rnlzmg more o r leua witiste local thtie pust yeai and te thse fine impression ho niAde of the naval station a f 0w montha ago, as of icraa.d popularity. As te Paullin, the bu fot yet developed te, sucis an extent as to ftienods out u4to tise pen, fur it must be remem- tizat bis friends titis yearmiust ail be taken from the an's supporters of two yoars ago. And while it b.noted that thse words "friends" and "supporters," .~er used advisedly, yet it mst be conceded that this between thse congresaman and the drainage trustee i8 q t b.a mttr of friends and friendahip, but ai- ontrel a ameof thse most practical kind of politics. aly News expecta to see in the developinents of this i ton a.tgrat deal of amusement und fun.-Evanston pFà RESINSTITUTES. v Thse Farmers' Institutes being held in Lake county are A source of instruction to all progressive farmers and the 41*17 regrettable thing abo.,t themi s that they are not more ibÏriely attended. No fariner eau attend one withoat receivi-ng inforrma- tiensicli wil heip make him a better and. more efficie nt ~.farmer, one who wiil make more money and be more cou- Stented at farmiug. Farmers shouid set aside the days eich year on whieb tUme institutes are heid iu order to atterd every session. Net only is advice given by experts froin the state- institu-, tous, but successful farmers are ou the progrants and they offer suggestions as a resuit of their experience, which, o.ý tontimes, l evon more valuable than even the advice giv-er Sby experts. The SUN and INDEPENDENT were the oiily L:ke Couty papers to pay any particular attention to the re- cent Farmers' Institutes heid lu Lake county. Oui papers covered the four days' meetings in a comprehensive mii- mar as we always do ail important eve-nts-and we consider fariers' meetings of this sort very important to the wel- 1bre of the cemmunity. It la too bad that newspapers cannot say something -WbU ilc vi please ail the candidates ail the timo. It l is ard ~w~te please a f ew part. of the tino. And even thon, itor ian't sure whether ho bas pieased the. public be han sad isat lie has said. The. voodi are nov full of candidates, tise mon visose mlisae urelng tisem te sacrifice themselves and enter ~pqImpa g~ip.Is't la too bad that 80 many froads arm * ~o I Iiatcerainmon sacrifice theniselves? Tisé tpau0dt sur*ar an accomodtug lot te thoir friands. - ~~Pense Wl» ho aved- If ail wbho ~ EARTIt ROADS AT THAT TIME CAN! terested tu havtdk petitIlo 0relat- 13E IMPROVIED UETTER TItAN ed anid vota tialco,. wIII b.mon* that LATER IN SEASON. »Il eteln; have been talion ln accoi- dance vdtii the law. Instancb. are con- ARE GCIVEN AUTHORIY 8V, THE 1 tantly arleing wbere through a mie- $ TATE TO HAVE THE ROAO^$s té)> et one point or other t)la *boit PUT IN ÇONITIoN. lroceeding la made invalid, oatusIng - deiey and expeose. Anyone wvfeing At tiB time of year much ltereat, information- concernIng the tOWnOhIPP s aroused voncerntng road Improve- ,bard rond law of the state of Illinoisn ifunt.Ae ea 4cnfotrdout iy x.;can get the phamplet here mentioued pcnrente, ranch work cmi le doncetu free of charge on ppplicatlon te thet earth roade eariy in the season. In tact Illinois Highway Commission. Spring- duriug the Winter and Spring wbe ield, Il. they soten. If ihey are syteimetics.lly; C ragged there tg no equal amount or Graham Wlns Big Honlors ,v.aik that can be done with et gond A telegran frôm Jay Glraham, -*hor c3oct at any otber trne of the year. ite ln Kanalu Cty, attendlng the West- 'The iaw permIts tbe bighway crm- ern lHandicap whlch national uieminers ta mahie con'tracte witb per-. ahootera bave taken part.,atts tha ons living alongside a road to do tbi, le carried off three big honeori ln dlgging. To facAitate this work, the, big contest, as followes: State iiway ComnIfein ias just rlie won the Western handicap. t lestied blank uortract forme which i-e won the iret prize en target1 may lie us-id hy commissioners ln mk-! shoting. ing their cctracts. Titese biank forme 1-e won tiret prize on live birds. are bound vii ttuhe attacbed Ilke an lie coutl not have won mach more ordinary checki book and are very con- an.d, ln vinniusg titis.. linors. he han ventent. Tiiey will bu fnrnisbed free eetabliahed £a record wblch Wfll ho of charge ta any highway commission- bard to béat. cr wiio wIll appiy for tbeni ta the Mr. Grebaun le a brother of Super. Stae. ighway Commiseion, Sprlng- visor Thoma Graham and lives et field .111. Long Lai.. To- The Republican Voters of Lake County Having been reqtiested by a gUreat many votera of Boone and McHenry Counties as wefl as by my friends, and acquaintances ù) Lake Coui-ity, to beconie a candidate for the Bepublican nomination for State Senator, I hereby asic your assistance and vote in the Primary Election te be held Tuesday, April 9th. An old custom prevails that the State Senator fiiour. district shall net aspiré te a second successive terni, and that the henor be given in order te the tbree counties Lake CoUzty istUle largest in population; the Mest im- portant in manufactunng snd shipping- Boone County ef- fers no candidate, and the Republican organisation of tlat County, as well as many of the votera ef XcHenry Oounty, which bas had the Senator daring the past four years, recognimse the claim of Lake County anid have pledged me their unanimous support. My vrhole business and political career bas been spent in Lake County. Wbatever success I have attained in busi- néess, bas been with the co-oiperation of the' farmiug and in- dustrial intereUtsof this Coanty. 1 know something of the needs of the farmer, the workir1g man, the business ma.n, the professonal man and fraternal societies. I pledge you, if nominated and elected, to -wýork for the interests of ail, so that the people of the County and Dis- trict wiil be protected in their rights and the legitimate pursuit of their calling. To the political organisations of the district, I promise te adhere to and work for the Espub- lican principles which have caused us to occupy the posi- tion of "The Banner Republican County of Illinois." Lake Qounty is entitled te, the Senator, but your amis- tance is needed. 1 have flot the means iior the inclination to make a "Money Spending Campaign," which would in any way violate the laws of the State or offend the voters of this District, but feel confident that your support, coupled wlth the work being done by my friends throughout the distric~t, now actively engaged in promoting oui interests, will give your County the next member in the State Senate. id&-lt PAUL MAC GUFFIN. BROKEN RING, BROKEN WATCHESh lu fact we fix overythiu.g inu oeaectioa wth thejeweiry busineses, .ucept hrokeu engagennue. We Cannt ant man«tet de duat, but a git of me.of pur oupeb diautads would h. a venat selp to you ia mch au nsergency. t la wortla the trial. Our New Procesa of deaning AUI kadz of JOW04ry tak.. h look& Là. uaw. Lmt us msow yFm wha w. cas.cgne. A.HUSS Jeweler LIBERTYVILL, il 1 -u -, ~ 1 -- Mercerized Foulards, we have soute pretty new styles ini these, all apear- aTICOOfsil !sand tbey wa@h very nicely per yd. irlshttir ROk-V. L . MCGIIEfII Wbas iklad of a rq.uiation- de you n rA~8,l1 ~ dilito.,ir4 w.aS? You eaug# tg Jutt ;Work for tb&at otl;f t rufdI t tif tho boý*a Eduaton . oenaay t mte.. t. 1hawithioiour Wmah. . nd plaad a klavnot. ef de Study tht pgobie.. lwilipay. R.VO th. boat standard for ou ppeif rm1rq and piataedm, Pjea.dedf Erervtody eau '. d. a wi;..andccunt., 00oett*. &bout th#. other f.Iiow. Yc>u 1-p04 M*folio WO» Maine then wa ittichta vu loft look aftt,. orif. Liablittm. ..... . ........ ~ S il..~~~~ ..uet i.vle tti.rîtd' dant.aygndrono . Awlete .... .......... -.21211,10 i. ..u T u eoîg l..... .. h riia i. 4ar.f" gond uhIui 1 a Net gain fur lthe year, .din4 fil sin IL ilolizIit)ý o e luiitl!1 lt iiay.1 .h. 1, 1912 ........... 5 7508S puy. 'ia Is.; w bat the md is rtr su Pluk nt for what Y>U nm..d ui C.¶.rn htth oufvbshi neyr l.ltut ii,]t.,lean Nv.5 tot ra bot tSi yoIII wdm nniy vpmetie dixy dnq gbuaipe. froin I<îîw iuMefl thîùngm. ýO-,ig , Isitru in tbink happy titt)tàrliip.. Iou i Nvpmbal' 1. 1911, w. edwre thât- tint no ('11. e). Im kown ie &% inéc a, tiîotighte ao. 1ko. le.. on a tree, Ou-y tnowhpwe Maa u g ainago of Il. propor- storefuiE of t1inlge t;l .- n î wà în. . ton ll ,.whaî .ilfwf4 %%e .h..long 11001ho foutid that eUrilqaual il. od (aun fot beIp htlt WMre that th* Do flot I k.ePp bilu.y Map.hinto anîd inoIn w.... grent' atcmkholders oiyulre.tban .atmfled. st.idy.inir ti.. iroleî.îeofl tire. Yi*dllideh lbecaunOey i ý i e. prmtîie.ii A .livlde'î of 7 percnt remeuner tand 1firwet. Jeuýt ,, iîour Tiiey id hard îîrohîîîwe > r b. *.e. ediu M.eu1, 1912, anad r.~uîerubeurug tlîv .ivtdt liue.No hu-eyahh u. nor botr@ th t edaY of thooutýIod how,8o hve otiIVA 1912. Lit@ il% a probieni yma .nait olyti, fthon).î bâjdiiutdiî,hite. of r <ltii. fmi. it.iRiu.n afford. tii« r"ot..t Jily of J.E. mutgniTit, hahi. Itlead tornny a"! 1peP. E..Ovicltos.î h..teh iduLo,.ay ..l...s AIie ,11f.. Tqu lhâve a reItifflum notUre. ruti. ilr.ctors. tiie dluni. uebl;. Thi. &Su,ivM leudu. eu Vat* itwiti. . nouu.h <ar.. un yen do Att.t. 3.J. E Muu--"-.Pre. failure in Iif..'e .e i k. youar faouity ta tbiok. C. W. $"t4 , be .-M IENDOWMENT INSURANCE3 I WIIAT 15 iT The Old Michigan- Mutual Lffe Isrne Co. DETIHOIT, MICHIGAN Organized A 'TWENTY YEAR ENOWMENT POLICY in the MICHIGAN MU- TtTAL LFE je an inuurance cootraet betwen the C2ompany anud the inxared in which the Comupany rame the pre-u- ixuî are paid fur a period of Twenty Yearit to pay to th>e inured in cash the amouant uoieuuoaed in thse p.ulcy - «Bd huuld, the insured die during, uho twenty yèar toem- iua payîng peroid, thse Company aloo agi-et tb pay the feunîly or bei.ctuiiary uamed in thse policy tbhe full amount of thse insurance @îpecifieol therein h i bu,. becomei& an in- vemtment if h. i'.., for twenty y-.arg, sud )i us, u -i..uî il "e - t * .1 Ilu, isie prut ,, , i Lliâ finuîti ftuns vut. 'Tcis e mof lifoj jueuralîce u, is loisuedin a 'len, Fifteen, 'rwenty-sve year or longer peroid. 'iheae polieie i. cout.airi valuable provi.iieus aliowing theoinîuunreti the option (afler three yi-are) of ubtaining aea du. -sues or toans on tihe î-are-or thi (2ueupauîy wyl pay thse ash value of the pcicy et thse end of the third or any suboequîeuî poiey >ear. Alzn, after the, paymentot f thr..e Annuel premîume seuiil .kfaultlie muade liauy encceeding jîrun anI thse iuuured has. net ap;îhied for À p1aid tup polivy, the insurred s-lit heave th- anouit ut tii. pi t v autom.îtically exteuded auîd uarrieîî as Term 1nenranee with- - 1867 ont f artiser psyment of premimà sfor a pecified nnmher of years and days, whieh ta .tated and guarauteed on the polioy and .henid the. deatis of the iusured oticur withmu sach p.rîod the i al amotiut of the. poiicy wiii i.. paid to *al Beaefiary- Faxtàer, after premiinas have b« paid for thre or more fuitlyoars and default be made in payaient of anyacoeedinq premauna, should the. îaaared prefor aud send a written reqaest to th&& effect to the Company within uae mouth after suuh defauit, the potioTyl become a elaim agaiust the Compauy as paud- up for au arnount in proportion to thse umaber of proeniune paid unît nid arnoant viilbe paît tu. tise beaeicuiary ai thiseusred'o death or bu pai to the inuared if living astithe end of orignsal eadooue.ut period. Ait policiex of thse* MICHIIGAN MUTUAL LIFE ooatàýu a provision for Change of Bvieficarytaoiditioai- sas foiiows. IF AT TIIE TIMWOF MAKING APPLI- CAI',.N for lumuxance the insured reserve tiie rigbt, tue beneiiary mmy b. nisaugrd at auy tinje by saud iusurred giving ,iattea notice te the Company sud the. endorsmient of such eh inge made upon thse policy by thse Comspany. l'ise MC NllI'TUAI, LIFE iwanes these p)olic -s on the non -parti cipati ng or Stock pitiî et nuci lus-ci rates of premium than offered by 1'artièipating companies. ANY OTHER BUSINESS CAN BETTER ÂFFORD TO WAIT. Write to your Michigan Mutual Life Agent to-day. Life Insurance ws the only thing thse public gets at cost. Thse ime to act is flow.. To-morrow may be everlastingly to late. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE, DISMrICT MANAGER. Some Items 0f Special Interest For 1 iTne Lenten Season. *1~~ Our Line of Dress Ginghams should i.nterest you now. It's a good time to make up the wash things for warm weather. -The, New Egyptian Tissues are. as handsome a lot as you ever saw. We have them ini plain coor this year as weil'as in checks, stripes, etc., and the3f are ail fast colors, you can't beat them for color. Plice 25c a yd.' Wt've a very pretty showing of Toile lin wooleu dress goods too we have 26 Inch Messalihie a nice range du Nords' also. ail styles Per soine exelletît values to show youj, of shadeê beautif ni finish 7. saine old rel !able quality at QIvj 1iook them over. 1 per yard. .. . . . . ... Ç Linen finished Flaxons, in plalpn. barred and cord effecte O poer yard--------------_.__2,0ç Tablelinen, bandsome patterns in good durable makeB from per yard - . -. . 5 Oc and Up) M ndisn and Cow boy play suit, for the youngsters d Lat etch. $1 rnid Oui' special prices on inuelin underwear,. isiery etc., continuede We bave sons rare bargains lu,'themeline'«. ýr J.!. CARMLL&oIS1 LibertyviUe. . . . fllinoi .1 - e - - s.- - = __________________________________________________ i - . - y 0 1

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