Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Mar 1912, p. 4

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I NDEP ,E NDÉ.NTf OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY. Offie Tele, hoiie No 1. Ctý ditors IRsidence Telephone No. 145-L. Lbeî ty%ile Exchange. ,Abtered ti'!j, f,,,qifce Mnt.'bertyille. Ill., as Second Clas Mail Idatter. Isued WRad rc~ t B, ~Made Rno\vn on Applicatiorn. SUBSC,F«t..A PIiCE. ~ tPERt YCRSTRICTLV IN AOVANCE. W. J. SMITH .... ............................. ................ Editor F. G. SMITH .......................... ......... .............. Manager PAY L HUSSARD..... ...... .... ..... .......... City Editor IT'S OLSON OR SIIHJRTLEIF. In announcing ini these columns that it is our belief thUat State Senator Albert J. Oison of Woodstock is en- î 1Wsd te a returu to the Senate, we do it with'a full realîza- tdon of the. fact that some persons will become "peeved" ôver our decision to, support Mdr. Oison as against the man whom a number cf local men saw fit te bring inute race lo be backed by an florganization" consisting of some Lake County. men and the Shurtiefff crowd cf McHe2iry County. W. realize that some criticism May ' cone te us frein :,ý rt.ain seîu'ces because we bave zýeen 13-tr tr support a. XcHenry County man for Senator against a Lal7e Coaty mun. But, vs ask tuis question in ail fairness: Who is the OPe aéte decide whether we shall support the McHENRit OOUNTY M" FOR SENATOR .AND THE LARE COUNTY *-N FOR STATE REPRESENATIVE-or- IIM cRENRY COUNTY MAX< FOR REPRE8l.;!TA. TIEA"DTHE LAKE 030. MAN FOR ýSENATOR? Ilvwu up te us, it in Up te you, te decide. The.crowd in L1ke Oouty whlch proposes teoppose mr. oison,5 doeî 'At *ttI 6pro-arranaed areemopt 16 support iu Lake Qoun. tjý, hà rewUnir. 8hrlf f Meornry Oounty for Repre- ~"l~iv~Tun, the situation lu our minda vau Ibis: de. wh~~idch we prefer most, OISON or BHURTLEFFP. i4 & ftout a monment'a hesitation, vs picked Oison. Thue, tbe Lake Oouty men who have made the. agre.- X* t o be aspinal th . Lake Oounty candidates for Repre- .0 ai favor SJhurtief, p lace themselves iu the saine as those who faoer Oison of MoHenry for BousIer 14a. o Mty men for represeutatives, ouly inuoee Ils Omoer, aud lu the oCher it's representative.1 We ave no ilnkind vords te say a~inst the Lake candidate for State Senator-we ual believe ,1fr. mtitled.te a returu tte .enate y ail odda, firot Wof bis excelle*nt record 1here and -eco *l bacause r austarted a niumber of things which cudntb en lu oue term and vhich, if given th. chance, 'he wiI l Ids second tenu. We believe lie is entitled foe a re- because lie bas earned lt-neyer has a Senator goue 4mafrom Ibis district wbo bus made a. cleaner and more àurberecord than tbis man, A. J. Oison. eéver bas a non-Lake Couuly Senator or Representa- elv.doue no mucli and tried te do so much for Lake County M S BoIr Oison. Nobody,- net even Shurtieff and bis f0ddeny this. The auti-Olsen crowd lu Lake Couuty " maorbined with Shurtisf te try and beat Oison by eleet-i a lake Oounty man Senator. The Shurtieff fellows in Mny Oounty are a clever buncli of politicians sud they * l teir game when they helped arrange thiz plan of ac- -1hey. thouglit of Lake County once. andspf Shurtleif an làs sat twice or thino.. They made the Lake fellows tbM»k a Lake man couid defeat Oison and proniised Shurt- log%~!" aid, askiug, howeveir, lu return, a conc.rted effort te M uing Lake Oouty fer hlm (Shurtleif).. The voters are ýxbîek a&ly fooled. They see Ibrough the. pre-arranged plan Anfd tbey wili adt accerdiugiy., Oison bas beaten Shurtleff and his crowd repeatediy ini c kcenry County and il is said frem McHenry thbat the writlg on the wall indicated that Oison mig4t 1"get"l Shurtisf this year hence the Shurtleff forces cornbined wthb Lake and have made il appear that they were mag- eanimous eiougli te hand Lake County the Seuatorship.. 'The only reason they did se, vas te try and make Shunt- Jeffs set i thehoue seureand, if possible, try te )eat 1liurtleff's Imodo, Mr. Oison. Il therefore was't becauge thie Shurtlef feilows loved Lake Ceanty most, and thub proniised te join lu helping elect a Lake County man Sena- t-or, but because they wanted heip te save Shj.rtleff . Didn't Shurtieff himself atüfrat think of runaiir r~ Benater? Didnl't he get eut hie priaary petitiens? Of Scourse lie did-did that show sûunere LOVE FOR N SCOUNTY and its prospect:"v'e Serator caadidate? WAS N OT BD FLIRTING WITH- THE SENATORSHIP I- SELF? Wasn't he waiting te see which way the vind Mlev? And, when h. f elIt the sudden gust that was caused vben it becaine kiiown that his Senator petition vas ont as ý- --veU as th.ene for thIle house, his friends hurried te explain V that it vas a mistake, that lie didn't know the Senatorship Spetion bad been slarted. Any time he didn't! No, Lake Couny, Shurtleif neyer has dene anything, P OR X&AKE COUNTY <W. dare him te u3roduce evidence i'tlmîh li as), and lis willingness te tie up now, and help t.defsat oison isaIt because lie loves Lake County, but b.- 4 cause HMS FONDEST HOPE I8 TO DEFEAT OLBOIN i iid save bis ovu job as representative. Were he sure te- ~'day thatlie coui be eiected Senator himseif, he would stbrow Lake Çounty and is arrangement se high in the air c.*at il vouldn 't corne dova until afler primary day. A few pjoliticlans may b. fooled, but peepie can't be, Nov that1 f LiberlyvMhba entened te make il $«r Staf4'& Aftorney, lie vise eues Mr~ do" eu . COUNTY Tô The Republican Votera of Lake, County Ha'~ig b.»reqesedby a .Ireatjmayvtise Boone ad M m Cuties as aeisbymy friud u acqaitace l LkeCounty,,te be oeacandiat fi -=h,6 Rpbianmnation for BaIZ Snao, hrey é you assistance and vote lu the. Prlmary Election tbo helid Tueoday, April 9tb. I -1_' An old eustoni prevails that the State Senator ln oui district shall net aspire te a second successive tenu, and Ibat th. houer be given lu order to the Ibre. countiez Lake County ia the largest lu population; the meal im- portant lu mauufacturîg ad ahi piug. Boone Oouuty of- fers ne candidate, aud the RepubUcan orgaiation, ef that Couuty, as veil as mauy ef -the votera oft cHery Oounty, wbthlh bas ad thao aonator during the past four yuare, recognise the'edaim of Lake County and bave piedged me] their unanimous support. My wboie business and political career has been spont' in Lake Oounty. Wbatever succes1 have attained in busi- ness, las been vilt th co-eperatien oethte farm ing and in-c dustrial luterests ofthiis County., I know zî.hing cf thet needs oethle farmer, the workig man, the business mani, the prefessional man and fraterual societies. I piedge you, if uomnated and elected, te wrh- or the interests of ail, se that the people ofthle County and Dis- trict wil be pretected lu their iglits and tue legitimatej pursuit of their callng. Te tue pelitical e anzatioas of the district, 1 promise te adhere te and wonk for th. Repub- lican prluclples which have caused us to ocoupy the posi- tion oft11Tii. Banner Republican oeunty et hlinois. 1 Lake County 18 eulitled te the Senator, but your assis - tance is needed. I *have not the means non the inclination te inake a "?Iioeey Spending Campaig," which vouid mu any way violate the iaws efthîe State or offend the votera of this District, but feel confident liat your support, coupied M'th 1h. work being done by my friends tlroughout tue distrih', now 'actively engaged lu pronietiag our interestà, viii give youn Ccunty lie next member la lie State Senate. d&w- t PAUL YLAC GUFFI?!i. - NSome Items 0Of Special Interest For i X,% The Lenten Season, BROKEN RING, BROKEN' WATCHES, ln facs we fix overythins lu conne-t.o, wih thcjewelry business, except brok.n1 engagemensts. W. cSqý%ot guarantee te do that, but a git of oh. of our uperb' diamends would h.oa greai h*lp t e eu in sncb an emergency. 15 is worth th. tra. Our New Process of cl.aning alic'nda of J.w.lvy makes iL look i1k new. Let us show yen what w. cau Uun. A. HUSS Jeweler LIMERTY VLLE Z IL Our Line of Dress Ginghamws hould interest you now. It'saa good tixne to nuake up the wash thinigs for warm weather. The New. Egyptian Tissues are as haudsome a lot as you ever saw. We havé them in plain colors this year asweil as in checks, étripes, etc., and they are ail fait colors, yDu can't beat them for color. Price 25c a yd. Wt've a very pretty ehowiiegt Tsàlt< in Nordw' aise ail st.% es > siarnesuld reliabltqiîality .at 12.___ ini woolen dreF32 goods too we have some exelleut valueà to show you, look them over. 26 inch Messaline a nice et shades beautif ni finilsh per yard .. . ...... .. range 7=~ç Lixsti, fiîished Flaxons. ilu plain I'I ablelinen. hanidsome patterns in Indian and Cowbciy play t4uits for" barred' and cord effc-ts 2 good durable makesI the yoting8tera $and .Il per yard. ;. . . . . ...........romlper y'r . . .Z.Mandup ateaen. d 15 I.W., CAIOLL i-SOISClIN!m T'WO STORES M.trcerized PFoulardm, we have S.-Me p retty ni-W styles iii theme, ail1'apear. alive (if slIk and they wash very nleely per yd. LmibertyviUe, . . Tllinois Our special prices on ninalin underwear, hoeiery etc., --coutiâued. ' We have some rare Nx -.4 r' { wiIl Aý WVtebc enra safeig fura a r-WITDNIG N RS-0 Oii a AtlstRosvl hVO4n'tifNi niteas t1 ewaî ic iE ehing andte ida~e tes pt msatiohr oia Iet way. YocnG ian. ifYoug erMo cr. Aeond the atmn oe a Vew e thj jut penow Bt lgosdutahad îî ispArndeniml fdi o cofibi ne mlte ho god amanliemayhav ben, he a~l hatrebke roxi Beho C Anleron."Coscio.ees l Say but lo bi of theUnite Stats. -EU 'dag oiýwMbring sihe rProtestai ntoEthes"op"al cercter, i lý.e rntepbie sugeedam n froesevet wMuià.typ nharatr tspk etra rona h h i mierThere aabuie en who sis vaied duels tyle ouantratioof Peidenltinel on. N ^.La «ieah oTtgld e,'BihoThIernoimea t'> h n he obal eHrnedvobe f orcomiagats fi l ldju tate a v,,ý ht ligr a cll grind- And TerEon 18 N wo baXCbSEnFeRc "id,îanîropb a nt pî i t ort ond!c tha cairnso! brdge wist, inne xcuses _____________ ,iAVestur fhiesqset'n4 g tou kenews hcow téi e pa te hngllernt ofutoitmn aes lu ned NBdY NEGmLtE CTI dmNdG on eIR nosvbh.(nh p aadeS1 haveiuscon aedenc lad bis d a s t hemn osaeiDevotn. i dge ahiesWete. nla, Blond ha sl vriseti tgond a -y t* o r-o.f-ws ' thNow y tat h ia sokten a . lu tii. rcenRIoseeit we - . - - il senim nt il swepthelad fom endteeudai d eso, and______socialamusments_______onscience______________ 1m&rg at as ali ma e rpans oo rsdnlyThc ntinring h o aebe em ta fthi e bYu'alil f og r teonet mat om oreina te blg chain utnw WasUitgo sdtnbbr li od f' ma i Ater ail, oodrlmng t aybyebe h thgeneriofeelngntf nros opLD rBU sienc iiSSyPOPOSITON!!! throsugout1h. cuatrmand doemandtht Roevediht eteo mahe cit seems adjforate 9U-l lbin o wllcao peraboie n seema. hi l caYofmovec ofi pro-e]ý »n C w obl te~tin tethe cuntr, tht h. ail od>cl et b a aniU f a youn g ma h r i shopIlnoure im e ta k of awa y h ,.pn nwhc ei date. Wtoihcion s sthyaeth i ontrandad nesnud, "wIaseuep p to a pope and upsa.'Y,"Hr s omine cfl he rn tatt stand 1k.Roseventlt'dsQgevi d utlg i next four yofngbrangeowhistve aned hadIhe ived. fil-of the oney tha'hmewoul vasand hispuar; recors hs l » ca e peoplested. hav e eaned ay e ived brmot bat, a is saed to his014 stat.. n -l t h-f4ut e TVoney is one of the greatest thinga in the world after ail. ut buys the neces- sities as wel as the luxuries of life. If yea take out a policy and pay fori t while your shoulders are broad, you aTe doing somnething for the oid man who will corne crippling ini after a while. If you will flot need tbe maney twenity yer from- now. you rmay take a trip ta Eyrope or Californie, if you wilI need the mhoney. st wili buy just as mnany of the necesaities of if e as any other money. No man knows -what the future ha. in store. k i. a sealed book that only tirne cari open, Have you provided for your farnily and loved one, ehould you be taken away ? Uniess hli s a naturai born saver, no, young man can avi anything without being forced. absolutely cornpelled, ta systernicaliy Iay aside at definitely staed intervals a certain amount of bis incarne. Money in the bank ie -ta "get-at-"-l The sbop windows are dressed too attxactively and there are so many ways ini whith at rnay be separated frorn hirn. A laie insurance poiicy will teach him to save, and'if lie is taught ta eave, it is wortb :niore to him than ail he, ba$ ever learbed in school. It bas been said that the young man wil1 get hi. money back, witb Oie antereet on it, if hc tcikes Enc!owiicnt and livcs, at a period in life when he will n ,learned the full value of a dollar. The rime to Act is Now 111 "LiUjJf Insurance wa.s born of that love of kind which drew the I f irat portrait and created the beginning of art. It is the product of an instinct in hwnanity which ha* camred man from a cave in >J4 the earth over adark and blooly path, upto a palace." ' LIFE INSURANCE: ANY OTHER BUSINESS CAN BETTER AFFORD TO WAIT.. WRITE TO YOUR MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE AGENT TO-DAY. Yours truiy, JOHN HODGE, DISrRICT MANAGER. WATCH THIS SPACE 'NEXT WEEK--MORE FORTHCOMING.

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