ETYVIL £nddiiy c~i etbetter wlwe. If yoru want. Gi'oceries you ebould deal with us. Try aur cann 9"god, Soups, Vegetables, Meats, Fruits, etc. .They are the best that mnoney wilI buy. »We make a speciaity of 17W AND COMME and wil guarantee every pleafe you. pomid you buy here wiil J. 1311 T*ri.ggs MreYou in 'the Sw-im mor.dfor YOUR Eator. suit? - .. -500for yotg i.~&~LmLo.t um bave ýLXIlr!T-'SA1VA CTI NU PHONE 14 J. B. M E & CO. MVER.TH1MG FOR MEN LibQrtyvilIe. .- mlines immun" Shur-on EYEGLASSES Arè Cor.cty Fitt.d by ABeswick We use no Drugs to* miake an examination. Z ..~ dwe guarantee &H of ~ <~ ~ Ž--'! PECACLESAND * ~ ~ EYEMAUSWORK. k RADUATE$ C. A. Beswick, OPTIÇA N LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS WIIAT A RIEELIEF 1It is to be able to look out and see the ground and know you will soon bç getting it ready ta work. We Enjoy ft --- Don't You? Think over you seed proposition and Corne ln and see us, only Reliable Seeds and you can depend on It. Libg-rtyville Lumber Co. F~I 1' foini."a 1 NS1RAI ANDOPl ýNA. I te Instr. publcation in the. Ind*pen' dent. Copy muet b. in lhe office no laterM ýtiiAn TuisdaY of encii wee.. Adv.- tiserse *pecially, are askod to tae particular notice to this effect. Oeo. Wehrenberg haé aeceptécd a pas tion et the Wm. Walrond graeery. AI.L i'cifield wa a Chcago tusineR8 caller on Tuesday. Arthar Koon lef t Weduenday fur a wook'e buoes trip to 1qloisaa. Village Clerk E. H. Crlett war, a Chicago bueiness visitor NMonday. George Herrick from Làake 'Foreet, trmn.ected bueineeé la aur Cty Tuesday. A. LaX&adrilut ma week moved frow W mukegan to hie faim uair ockcleller. dloward W. Beac froua Chl&a malwedon f riecisdne la ity satinrday. Mrs. P. J. Wrlghi fa vlelilg frieude ln 2adute, Wl., tbis wcek.. une. william Wollo W&e a Chcago vWetor Tnseday. Tb@ N. 8. B. club vii nive a bail At the Armory, Waukegau, Sb. Patrlck's E' ., Moitch16. Mlisesliande Whtney visited rlatives lu Chicago rota Friday until danday of lut week. Mis. George A. Fredericke entertalaed A, C. Triggi and wile fromn Elgia a fe wi days th. Iatter part o01lbut week. Charte Treptow 1a week mov.d hie1 "aIly tram hie faim esoath 01 the City ta hie Day home on Mllwankee avntw.- Mi.e Burke of Chicago, wan a bueinece vilior in aur ctjy Tneedy. Hie Utile e»a Jofia ccmpsuled hi.. The [Mdie.'Aid soclipy vwlIl old a tes lotu ehower st the. nezuregular meeting in April. Mme J. J. Porteouesu»d famy vislied at tii. home of Mr. ad Mme John porteome weei ai RockelII.vSanda". 1Jame.G.ald bId Thaveday for Park chi y, Moaagoiag vi iiitiheLe car of boneehold goals Mr. EH1. Wifle vW*std a kvw dale tbs latter paniof les d iii. fore par of tiileweSk vth ber eau Word.« ma hmb t atI4z eorge Aima movel lent veskI rm the. aId Ayen faim omtb iHR ai m7ta iii. B. W. VolItte faim on Souh Milwaukee avenue. Lest veei Tiiaueday Bay Moee maved onta thc Charles Trepiov farm eonth ai Mhe city, vbihlch ha d previaasly lcsed fr a tara' of years. 44, 'i 41Mr. and Idre. B. H. Cole entertalaed a IIbrother, J. R. Cole, f roum Redtleld. S. D.ý LE~IIF sI over Thureday nlght of lest week.Mr Cole taeimanager of a large >tpartmnent store at Redfield and wae enrrute bone WENTION fou THE ýWEEI< Dr. J1. L. Taylor and J. El. Tri ggs ar( enîaying a couple of weeke' vacatiou traiun their strenîns business mrutinE Fîank Maoou vlslted finin Chicago and are sçreoding the>-saame with Mr. and Sunday. Mie. Williamn Warren at dan Bento Mr, and &fre. WUliam Brunir» virited Texas. ils Racne Sntuîday sud >urilay. J. E. Meedith ac,-onipanied his fatber Mr. and lire. ClarPnre Flaiczanadi B. F. Meredith, to Atou, Ill.. onan children #rom MUlvauktu. vrerited the foie pleaeure trip laot Sui)day. Filty-si: part oi the wek wltb Mis. J. B. <rai'. yeare &go the senir tMr. Meredith buill Mr. and MpL Frank i--ei rom a bouses at Aton, or» hie tiret and ouIj Chicago, speut.ThnrsdaY N, tl> Mr. and visit veatountil the îrement(one. Mn@. Joseph Reur. 1. A. Johnson tUe wPek rrrved hil W. Wrt Wrfsbt (rom Eaýr 8St Louis, family trom the l'egelow brins-e o visited a couple of days Idet week with Stewart avenue to Elgin, wher>- thej hi@ parente, IMr. and tMr@. C. F. Wright, erneci ce maice theirftuture home. T43~ on South Mliwaukee avenue, have.made mauy friands during theii The Dure iprte %Ins. C. F. Wright readente in aur clty who regret thi- rpeoverlng romtiii efiect@oa! er reeent depertOre. accident. Mr. Wright io aaiea rapidly China wlll b. the aubjeet of Bev. W.L recovaring rom hie asvere attack ot WhIpgbW@ Illlustrated lecture F ridai rbeumatiosm. eveuagnoftue waeek. TheIllntrationi The LadbWe~ h Club wae enteriain- arm ofuthelOuet type and vil h. greatIl ed at the home, of Mie. G. A. Freilrlke eIjOled bY the andieuce. Leture boe Toesday aftiroàon. Mr@. Jùhn Dollen. aiS 8ock lin th M. E. chureh. mater carrled off ihe prize for the higheet Dame Ruirbas Il thai one 0 score. Libertyville'e moet proinut ctisene liegular meting of the MysiliWaikers eenlely ctempletIDlglncluga Bel Tuesday nlght. MIairh 12. Musie and indut! wlubln Our limite, a @aW mil] lunch. liemiiere especially urged ta tne He Iniende placing- on the market no present and helP nmtee > meeting a aly theeolid praduci of the mill, boamu muecese. and pl&nke. but aisoe i.dnet made trou Jean Ray rtursed Tueaday tâ ght rom worklng the loge up tutu, nuaber. li s% îwo moùthe'Tisit wjth relati,--s and tact. be cleigas there ilb v far areete, friende at Ban Benito, Texas He aisa profit la marketing the duet than ther, visited xaany pointe of lu teret in (Bd la ln the ginlehed matcriel. and Newbifexico. J. E. Meredth, président of the lier The aider o! lestera Star will hold dith fiower and Vegetable Co. gavè their iaetmldo of offies Thuredey veîy secial banquet ta Ifourteen 01f k evenlng. Mart' l4th. ai m:30, Statad f riend. liatarday nlght ai Rotai Ne' meetng a710.Uech e e le pr- Caii..A'v.ry aine uPflaAOf chicie miiied to bring orne gueei. and the @ide dises wonr patakeai0 Tb$. Lmdlee'à» eoety of the M. E. .tbarcbebsis ezo pne.ea hearty voie of us»a. to Ieo Mn'e Club and aiea ta the. eomoftiOln charge af the capper girea Wmlgion'e binuhday. W. IL awvle m led Sanday ta ith. bMdaldo blé brôther John, at iWllng. ton, e vbu hauhemvery iii for eau. Ieo.. it a deided he shoald h. rumoved taglie Ormea-Am.rlem bospla h EOagu for treatmant. A St Fa lmË'.der celbration vill h. Kivmuaiie.t tW s" Hall, Mndes Bren. lue, Match 1*4*8vbichanltntsrmesn progam v1#* for uth enefit af St. -J .pe*u~ Ticiste vin b. Duc'i foMte ta mes Ll. Tîlpp hilare Aboalitly tii. beb on the marke- Mm a" eanr 50e per heur. Phoge 134L. p241 PaF r a = u t0 a etury Cam nphell' Varisi als bve csaaed 1 oa. kets:-=*u eveuvheorks 1 onhinu~ii Mue. E. F. Rnbbard, accomraanlad by cure. nom mm oostao.noasiheni Dorothy. Tara, Florence and Dean Original. Ineist upon gettinu *Campu Potiitoue lait Mandai for Harvard, bei'e." PF. B. LoVZLL Ca. carnies a Iue l.. vhsre they vill rleit relatives, of aSU colore. Mim, H. D. Wehresberg and Mr%. C. JI. W.Rafeman aud family tbus wsek Fisher vieited lest Thuraday with Mr. rei4end tram Whltcfieh Bey, Wls.. andMm hares elienbrgai Trevor, where Mn. Hafeman buse heen cmplayed Win Mr.&ane&ehebrga*uperintendont ot a large etock faim, i'is*asd tout passession ai hi@ residence an Dean Bennett tus es ek moved bis FlIt= isacptdapeta ouehold effects frnain the Colby eeulsera te Yare 4ros. bottliug butngalov on Nevberry avenue te the acoybr. fiet aven the C. & M. siectii depot. fctrhe. The W. C. T. U. ailmeet ali>tIre. Tic luigb echl -i in:lstral Show vilil be Menthe. Whitney. Tuesday attei'nooni, given at the Town Hall, Friday and Metci 12. ai 2:30. Topte.. Whese Smturday evenirigm, March l5tb and Danghiars?" lfith. Tickets mii lis plaoed ou cale llery ose lat uesay ar heTnesdy, Mrl ist.h1 1t. Fornriday even- JuiHenBy oinsluft Meiaaforhere u gogeltickets at L.ovelle ding store. Judih Bainin ontna,îmer au bisFonrlaturda v cvcîing get tickets ai eixperte ta rfmein for th.e imronbmDocker & BandaH drtig &tore. 1,athen'p tarm. FaterE W.Gavn a thlmmcnlte Mn. and Mr-- Ilermun Meyer weîe FaterE W.Gavn Q thlmmenitecallil dta Chrrago lmet Sundey by the Conception chunc l mii ssalî on Local deati a of M ir. motheâ, at>ieh Option, Tuemday', Mardi 12, nt s p. m. -ocure at ti>.. irre otber daughier, in the Armaisy, Wauksgau. iOrchestre Mms Minnie Bpl)linw, 1144 So. Haunan mui :30 to . avenue. TI.e r. naine s e s hipped to Put h in the power e fyouî fanily ta PIum tiroe' tlîeY were interred ru My sh.t in.te .waefare of lii. vOU won- the iernilv lot. von ihese somot wile ynu livcd eand lost them pienty wben you died. s EsE SNBu.R N Ditrict Manager OMi C.oay Lfe las-wec 1 office tu asOffice CompMny S@ecPoile, tii. iîctionar, lielora listing salas. c-20 t! Far Tax Collectar 1 wish ta anunre luSrandidacv (or the office of ta'.. allectan for tic towa ai Litsnty'>îlle sub;..ct ta thce pproval af the epublican %virere ai the cnineta be lîeld ai heLb. rfertyville tassa hall. p-21-hPwraa BO<K to ail custQtlem a hkeli strict conform[ity ta the Best Banking Pracici*,is the high standérd of this Bankt. We invitéyu attentio' t-and investigatii af the xn<..ihodi an ' çliutiu f &ou-üiggkSn and on their î,ihStandal4 ><J ym ict yourcouuitioüîd busiess. 3.. I1S A'~O <UC ADCRIIAE e! 1~- e :) py p. r er ay 'e ay ne te ew iu. nt r sud ail dld Justice ta tii. occasion. Alier luacheon and a friendly emokre foaricea very lntereeilg addreu ver. Cives. relative ta iii. pragrees of iii.Merdih Flower -and Vegtable Co. aamI us mmugliceai suc..whlch h.v . bave etatiled audmare seof *@ i.faiure buehlu lseghi. allerwhlchtheveYolou vu mepet lu .try ilg 4s u i Mevellh Ploer sud VegtabW . ores among the bet industie% UberbyvWe Bariloii Mottime Picvu boin la fioleta, Oermmnp on lane 2, 1887, and died ai bis huorn mth af Ubeay. rifle on Tbuaday Februari 29, 1919. '0n Aprill19. 1863, houUnitedla1 nîarlmgsta Um Mary liatUbld &hbrlgbi, comlng miiihbie fam? l to Américain lu 1872 ai eeilngIn Illinois, Tatbule afn ers borr fiuteenceufdrsn, They aie:Uli. VanNopper and Mme Hertmm oi Niles. Mlch.; lies. Wood ai Carl and William ai Waukcgan, and Hermau of leva. Betdce tht, chldren he le murvived by hi@ vldow, oue brother and on.elMater. The (unerai vas h.Id tram the f amly home lu Llbertyvllle Match 8, 1912. inteiment helug in Libantyville cemetc.xy, Gard of Thmnks We vleh ta tisai the many friende and nelghbora for the kinduss, help and sympathy shovn during the dsath of my beloved humbad and aur father. Mms. B. M. FicK Â-ne FÂseLY. K. X.Church Services. 10:00 a. u. C&a@e Meeting. 1ev. J. B. Maeotuffla. 10:30 a. mn. Prearblur; lier. W. I, Whippleý Subjeet, "The Patient Chrit." 12 m. Bible Snliaal. 6:45 p. m. Epwortli t-aguo. 7:30 p. mu. Preaening. lie., W. L. Whipple. Sebj. "Christ -Put O." Mauday. 7:301, Teachers Training Cas.. Wednesda .,:30 lraver serviee. Servcesai the Episcopal nhurtlî very 8unday as follows Clurch services et 2:401). i. and Sundar oeholi at 3:40. 1ev. A. C. Richards. Retor_ Singer machine abliî opposite tavu hall. Neellesfors ail machine2îi-ite dot. and ail other ..npp.liee acerdingly. Parts and supplies for ail nake(i ma- chine,. RIelibli' repair man. Prie" right. Jà%IEs 1. G1tiY. Il>hîînc18111. c 20-tf For Tax Collector 1 wisli ta aunaur. e niy caadidnucy for the affle of ta'x collectai for tamu ai Liberteville salj,-eit tothe approral af l1epîullîlicaur roter, etthie caucus te lie hpld at the Libertyv.iii>- town hall. c-20-ti E. D. HUDnÂso A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX.ý Is a Necessity--Not a Luxury More than 200 business men, pro- fessional men, farmera, laborers, wuclows and working women find our boxes useful for storing willb, cleeds, abstracts, contracta, mort- Sages, insurance policies, bonds notes, stock certif cates and other valuable papers, the losa of whicb by ýffre and tJheft would be annoying and costly for the owners. The cost ia only &bout 4 cents a week-- su,ýdy a s«»al amount when the, service asconsidered. Lake County National' Bank M M Whnyou waut coffee that ho that. fine wmooth f lavor buy OH.&8iI &a.- àIBoUp or Corlet:and Froderîcks h 60 ~x.oesiM Proupuly mmd vUhosi Ut cil-bis ~ a galop laei e sur o.- pan ais sure tuf a prsq -le-t. We repremeni oml.y n$hhl wblcb have. mals ugmUtS Isadege mol anqapsilanel i SohnaebeIe & Wheeler1 SLuce Building [I.., 7- Tools you will Soon-need Chatham Fanming Miii. Van Brunt andi Hoosiet, SD-ril6s and Seeders . Deere and Janesyile'Plowal Bud long Disc. Harrows SCUAN Demoratic Caucus I- . Tisres aIibo a raucus of i)emocratlc voter. of Lltetyville Tlownship la the Towni Hll ai Lihortyville an Saturday. -À ore lai6.l nom:0 1inio:th yj<o,@, Merplci 1. i no0.mina or epepes Presbyterian BSvoe oflb S .cucu One Supervisor One Town Clark i.The Seen Words on tic Crasse" îli Tho-e yl e aeacuus o!fRepé Oue Assegsar h@le s ubject for ihe dormons hetveen voiere of Uleityvllla Tir aiua*le Oueal'eax ('llector Mrci lOti and Enster Sauday. The Towni Rail ab Lîbettyville, an Sair Olune .1utice of tlhe Poe@e 1ai wonds of a dylug pesqon are a1wa.s I-ch li6, au 2:30 P. m. fon tbe pr 'lue 'omnissiaaen oi Higlimaye ireaoured. hov lunch ihon ougit te lu Inuom lnatiin: central dietrur-tI lasiworduoai ur Saviaur havalucd i5 OUne Buperisor Oue@itcboîl Trustee (souili distrieil Hie chýureli. One Tw Clemk And tir trausaci any ather blisîese liornlng eervi(* 10:80; subjeci, '-The on.eai Cairta tliat may came beflaites usco. iret Word." Onejustice ofthte Pene COMMITTEk-. Evcning -erice: subjeci, -The Sécoud One Camnaiuesier of l Word.' (CentraI district) -NEGRO!1 W O Sahbath ec)oal immedlately &Mer the One Scîuoni Trustes. (ouub Who Uid N ? mornig eeelce.AclameforGVtyody. 'Agd t t inmnim P: wt ed nuý$btmicoe b.le ewa@m XL3~B 1: L l'OhpI.rb e.poiant ~iijh Sc~OOl, ~III O@IiooI at urel ie asereseel. S4 oB ~sb. E.b E~Ii! , A. T~umAS D» lma 11 LZ: owmq- làýw