G~W ýfôboum sud 9.10- d bar lies 'klmiq %bv iwater I~*~.OO~unalaof med 6"d OiabihtsnDJLorrn, rte- POWftgI1..Pnuom u i be Seab:ek if t niV-ous. s aboo10.1 ît ------------- 871111.111. R i. BOX 28. aUv tm.W ueDTlt arrlèe bon».o, <h. Mr d 100 bo. 15, U do vBvllli. iet87. pS& J 80drie eogle or double. For Dowmoem V«ie.u tB ttcana lntelow CAPTMn I~~-NdÙAy novardem Station, iIllii. b B~Pi bou neS .i.c241i PS.Motby payments W élrd. ______e____il___ pA uite . e 441op@ pýmOF 00 au omoWANrTUD-IJIRcuir, lot êerir I. ALIMe ~ IWOI~.Addremê. WgnaS. Lat& oooîp a vSup houslot 50x2'TS. u d & t um W.. <Iihtur,'la. p.U-l l.Av@. WIi u onu o ums.--mt fof Duo. 8. Box», Uberiville, WANTED-Ta buy mml tarior 1 e-23 ifron tosv& in I. ad 00 buboisN,&I laoeadont oea. 4t1 eniseskeaIl ent sai iL,8o*lslsr DL o"* A*fL-ods~ieodduB fim__&"Wm ea..iA A...Ott V5Ifa 1*4 3. .J. Poi A-lihthihoP4 <.0bloo o~promim. Semebr tbe bil leI lourbord. Lib#rtyV Ila Slock Pror..a. J. pou. ommoau. . E. OrAnTM. Phono 9784WL c-lO-* -OR SALI-t rooa'u-Mus, -aliodhf luprov.u.t..aui lo. luquire W. . Urwmc, Fies msresi betveee Broa'. »md iloribett Coàiri.Phono 181 FOR ALE R ENT-4Cns, b omi, mcO. aiàsd. cikken fam vîit% 14 eovssudnilaide-tmbce-. Rit-b'lui ,.extra for trucklug. lItii& et f= P-imy ta-ma& Wil dîrlda. Osa. F. Rom»u, lejli, li. c4234 To lb. a PaYors et Warren. 1 IHl be t Brachr'. store on WtinesdaY lis Gsrcee. sud Hulm sstore. -Waukegas, on Saurday ta collect tales. E. F. RAY. 3t vkly. ROSt COME IRHODE-ISLAND REDS gcags for lanebina tro ain vansor" tahem at uls u aime ia coieri, tbrtstist. lorsudls h eau.. ,ani<r u"RAxTgEI pILon TR IGGiion Cauâ Osa sec Illinisul WADITUn.TPMonT- i or myse noeu b nomtaylesivt moe .oveusai. bir, NZM §rat. tWr voi u aly ar bo ui.hu vo*, by b. yesar. ;Cml or Udmus + NSOLLAMEUS PIr luurêcoboum rot. Cdilc- Cloua, log" bn neted t'a AD Ti jXc <ANGE-1O- n>u'qrubaud"4 ~aig .4, lu rend V.,u~olmO Pl am,OOU I dClo. rWan*to tt »MrYor aifr. En eoilsr*1t1~.~~rv~'gisî.eudon .ilaif~pI¶~AnYoue iedllsg hlm or be.. notify Farvaimos utulienos, Phono 43, or Marobal 1.1w- boir>. c-SA-I FLORID ftWEE K'-SNED FOR NORTH-ERN HOMES- Wbo r eait ititis for a Frêet OSer? 4 viii "caihall a doseta prate itai. 01 stadeso anjone wlîo setsa odafm0 1cr postage-tht iRoyal Petau. and gorgeoup, âmowy plant ,0I lIr> ted. flowerp; lbe Palieito Plm aieei. olib ils beau tifui broad deep eut 1-ares. and ei cf the malalmphur Trot. aleo of the norel plant caltiedJob@ Tests sud Sweet iMignsonnette sud caet of lb. sontheris Cotton; enougb Ifor you and jouraighbior, istîdivite.i Cotton benr e rr large creatuy while Iowers. Po-un llowed hy au equali iulsreigCotcon boîta, a decidet addi- tien te bouse plantn. With the mild ilîl corne generai directionm for culture As the' essieu advaume, shoisit any oue not be en%, lb wll lie hecause thes are e.li gene; anoîber sort equally as nies viI h. ser-t la ltdplace, angvay,a yois viii gel six varisîlea of seed. ALICE WARNER, Jacksooille, hornt F+44 old 1 Single Buggy s single EHarneas boy ettese bave oi bai te stop db. van" for aessshaq ropalu lmobmd sbodhave«» $p bul te Inout on tii joinqi r NSut lime amae a long trIN, bu.tr bdhtg j machine ta our gavaiMIMloi l lokIt ilver h-.- po.elbje lailmisu SWatmIi cau*e a brsAllqn.. iàalon la btterthae& cur%," yen il "od bai ole*W upa u u m14. Several rockitig chairs A quantity of table ware 1 Lawlp Mower 1 Rdfrgerator t Wheelbarrow 2 fulBedroom -Sets «À quantity of shovels, 1 Singer Sewing Machine forks, garden toole, etci. 1 (jenuine Baffalo Cook etove,, good repafr Robe, fine cônd1t1oD i »bas-urner coul ilHorse Blaket heater, uearly flOw. ahn ahu i amal Hetb~g tove Tçtbs, Kettisu, Tinware iDihng tible BUI! (11812 f"d s'reral othet;srMlu 1 Cuiter table too numerouo to moition. t CASS We're Off A-,o Irom mn? TO lTUE AT TMe LIBERJY VILLE 10 musàic S . ., tblr i wt:7 u* 41vo!em tu bis credît. iri ËI R DAY MPUSXA Pîu~1681Hollseun iad, fist&w bail fonglit a Ug"Lct iTOWm I Xsbard I., sg4 id becatsse or thte.1.uK DBATHS 1.(AL$JNù FOli CORÔ. At n SATupA SBROSJGNT OUT A varioz s thf i bsred against %lu- i* NER'S INQUStS OCCURlRaUo bers of FAIR SIZED VOTC. 0in the V taw laithte c ot..f lbis office, as re- WITHIN FOUR DAVI. eeng MAVOU SDIDINGElq ENTEAIU INTO 9arda foe, .-à4 VD ic ettie wlth tht TI4K FIGH-MUTW SET oounty îresu M 1 ear, etc.,lb van F O 0F TlE INQU£8TI Pt i. o $IOLLOTEIN LAT£ IN DAY. rol ht o dh efae.Hw- HELO wiTIiIN SHMORT PUR- , a ount evet. whill geueraiiy felt about IOD 0F TWO DAY&. ri koe tht polila0 , l latein la ntht' 01911PILICAN TOWN TICKET. race, up a làtheternoonQ~f, to- iI twe iteritary zj ad éburybefer For Assiseant supervisr- varda h t h a hn h 5,teewr ir ln et heçfo loba U. Cadmore .... wr qlb. ooac teda1he b.2, tbe e oevilntim n otil wlre n "mon, sve oibgaisto alîpear a'. Wth rittitng Inquegita In thticinilty sent tihe Wt EO. auo the p0fl& ft i 1.1fait hat tlsey voie o! Waukegaat than ai any other pes'lod A meE james <. Welcbpugigfr " F Mutaw la a brotb-. of th ea durai !on In the history of lia thet or-lft.law of8OPerntdndent CGeorge Waukegan. Between te dates Muau. -oclc Theeoro . Muer. ofto!el. vlog illa and while Beis tloisud Coroner John IL. Taylor o' LÀb i T d Fer Town Clorh- vW-!noaI e pnlt h u.ertyvilieva obligeti to presîde at six Gore Huteblunon. W ie110o t- pe I tecamp ar Fer Asseuoi-. ti, i Wb t hy politiciens îthat -Inquetaa"Itd Is tht Conrad and Hart Pruer, B. à. DuM&sh. d #5u A .vctrk tovards Ibtuh e rtnking ro0 nltthi ity Thîs RbI R ItorI U*av niHOIlsii@W 1vo ygears ago fer the On February 21, j. et. Brice, a towerI have del For ~WO Tibe.-nomuiittoa is close rac e., mass ai Laite fýlhîff waz etrssck andi ai- jus, foui Frhl rebu . There, vraiiunM ontest for te other amont lutantly killed by a fait Nort h-et ti 34*mdqIwùIIng.ýtown 00ç" eqni foe show» tq thetitckt- vestiru, train. Ht wras walking aiong est, b Fai- Mona Krlitn"es. - et aoe.tht tract on hi, ay 10 work at 4 readjuati »«SM- enuç* Mo Tiket o ok In the afterisoon. The bila. Fer Tm. Cesmito-. It la rofpe tuat the Demgocratm ian vblcb vas ruglng at thetlImne £Pbwete O ~*<i lanpulla plusptie louis ticket pevnte hlm'from »seins: or bearing WANTi 11. IL,.Installe. lu thtefid fh041p nieclion whlic wvlli.the apptoachng train. D. a. Clarju. laite place o ~R t2d. They have! On' ebruary 22, .4his Kelley *of EII W. . nstbmot yet callel t9elir prnary. NYorth Chicago, died frogn exposue af-. ATTC _______________Thebait lejiî out of doors beigide a The big surprie la téRffubîcan er.145sdhva,,it .i nht. Mr. eilev atone township primarien Batnrday val thte AAM ilrme ve thse richetttjunaisInNorth ATTORI dorect of IL J. Doglas for assesmor Ciiao tlt it fttIorc-. TERI by B. A. Dunra. i an uWvo enlernd tise 1iom of Afl e or Distren tôrs. lbe principal tockholder and race but lots I'riglay attarnoon. Whou At MtM President of the North Chcago fo»-~ A pet! ,cappoarsefohe .tovu commit- ÂteaSnttm dry.Hew a Drmntdt. aogt tee ai 8 'GukTria eei*, r d flot B JsKetchail or Joaepb Kanrov am 0lat555 t.bhaliaiW jussia short »Içgiddd etthmA ti al a the naval bar. oi ~~lme~Io beoe ece i.iamou1 chool on rtbrtsmry 23, follovlag a Wbieî 'enter tise contat. Ha ifierefore bai à .It a natural de-lre for hcxing instruction vitis William Wa1.Of-cme Maie noe aispalga for votes and tu leIo ÉIU petite or mitomah titis cf thse station. Au auiopmy show- et4 Win out by a good majrit, of!il 3 diti a4i.. llr.lfaad icai.oindi gestlon e. titthnoblid i e o lond 0.4cois u vew0f Votes.. canaud a surprise genoraliy Ila qm W M ettg l habit bid~tbsbi ee tbe 'clty.. [luisoit 631 votes andi conseilby.inIes roov" dnla apro. AbOi vil Douglas 418. .,laF.t oui eat but vbat vious boxag match. Tht ri la i152 per-ons votai aet the fod.*" 1 ý$ 1. or thae 8at us Theodor TlssdcrOlf va ia-'fwid1, tb. m M ~itimalus. 1Y1~pIàIP ~s~tesUs ar e.eplant of the Corn Prodiscite ;y Wor Io Mayor BidIngar la creditai viit haoy eiafe tIng coMpoui on February 23 vhon a MdanÉIn lu MchtodowihDu l eec is.Ts . i ~ltaI witî caisse o cr under vbcb efivwustaintg, imgmuc 10do iti[sius lecen.trouble ab"out , ored stomgacbie a ud". one of tejurnie stter M".1 lb fil. 'tok off i caat"' aMd wvclei d iy o*dlg ontract serlouiagasI iaio dcldorst he Ob [bard ail daY for [un,even, standinag pmdd es lrougb dieregard c 1 l orftUndvsre MI es ou tht corner mee Wm olsa d hai. on. f bé, héo i.opInion the seoir tollanoed vbn tDri5yU Z;1 vle whig auffa1r ogrIffh sporiIbmdo ,h Ing est DutWokn.caris. réquestlng hm W rg Lhebdrvl u fttsupelggre gave ApsU x <rom an b dorngernt, Usd1- vay tbrotgh baving hesa veakened a". bqdtuVufrte94.V«- er tinn. orWbtber acute or b ryrt.Gaday 11i4e 4beCé cf lte Mager in the uroi toli "bIDyaMpepsTabets. b rdryrot ad» aue esesurprIse evemI i tbh di ' fowiruandinizthat vs Jobhn Jenatrous and vif e ve, ouni tiual. ~ ~ viil fnude ,aeffly ti ithout question ma Inlisbioen February 26 aftns' Usey aogtepltoisfrit In the or formelwe-, tàfCS reefnsoalîl'-use ofparn 1hd be da irri A firit. tine. a' cît , ýutIve has been tlsla usdielu., ubey are mot periectly aprnl ii enda vrl A sesis ount tetm lo u anactive ef t-mis&> ti vte rasilits. e recom. days. There wu& overy Indication that fort tbop laed'moine friemi In a ritendi bew te, «#custmerr et-ca-y dey. deatit bai resulted fromg poison, but Fronk tovncic.. hqsary ap tu tise ressort eau Gave 7je6Tu 11,o!aiyon uotht question an ta vheihet It veaa Weil' N thtsayr etprê Itq bisscrp uthbas mot bos.,>eotud by tîseiii. W@ double suicide or vhttber comr th &yr em ih ouffstly beilipi.tison to be without euite thrsu to MUiT l- . ý» eucb seali broupls,forbj tht stateaaent eqoni. Thej' , ltt, very paonpt relief. defdteOhradte ild ia fron lrionz.s Vp . 'i~~S- uu-e idié na t im Sit 4e gaminue julces, soif, viii nover be anered. .aii atreqMWuç heb eoi*eo-gans. tri régn-Frn lai more than far!rtngDuan, hiasmmW" le 1. oweis andithus to pa-oUaote utl rosoase, olng that Douglas va, out perfec;nutriXon .] eradiviate llii Ths oneLEsentilVioet. 'about ec worklng agWasnt hbiE~-hen lie tan for unb"althy ag»lin s.r The permanent Itittrest of tvery knovsn Mayor 1InutSiring. We or" yo700to 127 a 25e.bWxof mnlu. neyer 10 be In a taise positIon. ut3iton * i alit Dy.epriti Taisio. whieh g1vep'ai At an>' rate, no malter visat te" 15 das s" tapatinent. At liýn-cd of b ut tu have the velisht of natsure t Mmot? eause, Dunu von out hnndily deapîte t luit ti;ne.p , oriaroey viiite returitti bock hlm lia ail lbe does.-Erner»noirtê the tact ltai ho enterai the race lie tiri) f i on tnt bot entiFllrd. of Ix aid vise ong, generalfy ,believeticoursoie hi uiecaeof h-nrth or tregit-.umg Douglas voul havea a mkavay. imeut'vrfle.. Fore neb ca,..- e tthcertain ltu re casa, which sa-Il for 50* 1thesu MIr. [uncs heldtht office of toue col- and $1,0>0. 1Reuember yoia can obtaîn VVLgcon i 5 10 tâth lector la 1891 and heu4 for tvo or Itexali ilamedie lit thin e0mmunity ,îrîlv sy thiet years. -Ht van almo clty collec. at oitr*-Tht Reyali Store. t-is-ta osn tor, durlug Mayor Buck's teri. n.dsit Bois,. Libertyvilie, Ii. and Tank Company*& cert also for a timne durlng Miyor EnIl-duclt t locits. He vas ltetiral dally news- Very Ltkeiy. ~a eIi ar paper edîtor la Miankegag, ftav-lng Cousin Sluas Besln>"tayn IS tave .tht Ohy A started thb. oh Waukegan Reglter "bi bore papr hât a lia kin jumpj Be t on T e Ma k t h eve$bc I a t e ea a-y n n e t t s. H o l s a prom . 2,000 th its l i % nn le g th ' U n cle f L . l a ab ort Icent G. A. . member. ecl-"Titats 1ababiy uisy we neyer I hr Mutow Dofeatm Holaston. bonerof a Olea gezting run over b>' s Robert Mutav. toua coliector fattor Mca P eeting ii Nai PUB ICs A.LE - thet MRS. JAMESGRAYgqitl Resideâce Second Street betweeo Park Avenue andI lurlbutt Court. W. S. MAWTdORNE rOn SATURDAY ATTRNOON pSAT 2 O'CLOCK ======G EN T=r= EX h,1*Long Distance Phoetvlti n March -9th, 91 Lieryierty- liii 9osRLiv , 1 1 ; lamera Phçpec-Grayalake. --- 30 ets . I PROTECTIVE ASS' weli aitended meeting of main-m fLakte Canip No. 17, M. W. A.,, Woodm@an bal] here Wednemday 9a report was recelved frorn mittee ont the organization of ty associatlon. The üonumittee W that a county assocition, t> en as the Lake Coustty Wood- Protectlve aa,%ociatios. hal rmed anid that Lake Camp il i led to six delegates te repre- tcamp in raid association. eedng of delegates will be held W.,odman hall, Waukegan, at k, March 21. lelegaten chosen from tbis are C. T. Hevieciter. WVin. L. 'J. H. lReynolds, Win. ioban,1 look sud Conradi Holîntein. Abbot jet Elgia. vho vauto iyvered ai gdirme t the meet- hid It I ftpWlo to bu pros- uch Interest 19 belng manl- by mnembere la ' te nubient of mtzent ofrates. IN CIRCULATitD. AfS0#4G roNNEVI TODAY SIGNSSO SV TH4E MAJORITY. tEVI NOT oDIRECTL)f'I$ tESTED ARE ASSIS8TINS; THOSE RUNNING, tIton la belng clrcislated teaa tht meznbers of the Latke Co. sociatiln d hhe iignea ctichlly etre ?member of the Qaêtlng Circuit Judge Charles l teî continue thse March ta ate the.middle of April. e i ii 4ue preseantei to the Jus tue lotte obs aiternoon an& ln thte zonerai reqsat I10lebp. tbat the court yull accede tu emmox glven. bY the attorueys ans ce thélaSem a ftta les «eardirect. ilr#ly'114Otagl olition muet sport tht*OmWe pcv te de. sit utOadin thy ho O*velstaMl.Stea iie ameai -eb6 ie ai et W7 OMMe, aq0v, ti Jury vlslob vini W e xunt Iand ma" «et lti dotitas a a TO DAI«i çoiwB r. Fowir ad William Hall. May Have n Publie Detatun lT. PovIer and William Hello. )t thlnk they knou mometh*ngq Oins,' Initact eaob thika ha. mlore tisaisthe other. Now the >n ln: vba DDOO xow the- vwo ivelI huv own en fedia- their relatives admiration for bree4o ln cattie yesterday in, IN calce andit wvasmuggemed te bave a Joint debat. SMb md. They uach badIden, oja klnds of cv, iothe question for the dehalevau. Ofllved se ilollnteln Cév la a Botter, citmal for Dairy Purpm Thau art Hornu." Mr. Fovie' be in Holletein cowm, tMr. HalloweIl t-hotus, na they viii argue for fvorites before nme farmiera tgwbenever thoir service, are mCold Causes Kidney Dison» ly by drlviiîg bioo tram 1thé sud gougesting thteltiâa.yéwant by sbrowlisa ton mnub worit bou. Folsy Kidneir Pille atreep.- Skldues, pi,,. tot 1 ie url.sary -andi rutsor e .normal action adder. Tht., are sunie l A ction5 nrmstit. Try thom. For male b lagiste. e. 2l. i R. tue"v. r.L 5" ibbe & Laugho 'ERIENCED AUCTINE Stock and**aià Sale$ a Sp.clsIty. rimetNce CONKE01mA»S lRm~ We're OUf la ONW tu orlml f«,o' im wm001e> N~pieUhuodbuhep bo Wiay dova lb. ulgi oof ibie Oçcsiawhlhosý *o Wé noears. -Uf-S"lt 09 *bu oePoUfmi i bs-lene ethel pe ua osr on.bl.p IL . onte>-Tit , *masohit Tempi.. IC . aneg, Julia P. Morgam uaid î"yaw 1-lelen V. D. BeUboune, lut 4, bipu H-ighlansd Park. W. fe 0 . C A.. Traite andmiii ve 1 Wimlnglon, igIa 4, 5. and 6,.ià tons, 2pd suit. RoundL Hitghland Park Building gg4 t0 Barbar-n istDonald, part lt tg 16, ilghland Park. W. 1). *le A. W. Haunab and vife tla1 L-auren, part lot 70, RavisS W».p. Mary Naulioffer anditumbM G. A. Perry. 40 acres la "etw Ont-fourth section 32. Warrnuý#j alp. W. D.$3,.800. Allert Chiunanditivile loG. H. asti, part lot 26, asssors omb« mi la istt-west oan.tourta i.* 21, Waukegan. Q. C .126.- 1BD11 car" oamsiiwIIS té Auder.onlot il, hlock 3, LioItV, ilighvcod. W. D.fi. 0 Virgini. R. Ives andi bus aàd nsa. L. Oîjustrcrn veat 2i fait. 50 teet lot 1. blockt 40. litAliudI ,W. D. 81.000.- mary Patten, tu P. j. Palten, tp" liaw la seetionas29, 82.samât, b, touashi,>. Q. C. 1i P. 3. Patten tkm7- Pallia. o! land lu seilon20 ansd 3Z XI& phi,>. Q.C,é.si. Bitn. A. Dean le loba WmPOq vite #-cl cf laid lu, sgqliaa Mdt -211, Fremnont liruai» mamý olfill a d-» . r. nes fo u ù to L8, wt4 b abG. I W'c.m, é$1 t i lot 5 . fI. 81. 'oo . W C.A.. elsh mli JrIa f ~Iocb Jota lot 1. WU*2 Iciy S hmk , lot 5, Ad . Ili W40»=unPark, Iirtb QCàbleSq4 $00. ,..; 0. . Clevoom d it* é W,'* tordpttract f "dlatil s4i Aitcch tcvnablp. Q. C. $1. J. B. Mesuy ad vIte to J. WJ lota 1210 Ii, block 30, W*ntmhbeà Nortb Chlcill;CL Ç»Q .l:' ticCanna )MaiLututhik4 10 Jerry Heauq joti 31 p40 S,j 3. Orvis mb. Wipýltuo..9