Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Mar 1912, p. 12

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The Doorway To Big Savi nqs y I. s - Saturday, Mon., Tues., March 16 18 1-9 ALTRRATIONS GUARAXÇTED Our alteratiofl.5are ail made by our ex- pert help guaraite.- ing you a correct fit. HAND BAGS. Velvet Raid Bagai Brasa and duil finiSh, 1.50 and 2.00 Baga, Challenge 69 price...... 9 TA TICOAT1 This la a hoavy dura- ble linon petticoat vlth a green trinuned flounce 1.75 value, at Challenge 98 price ........9 C CRÂvENETTE COATS CHILDIENS SWEATERIS and Slip-Ons. Our seleetion is large About six dosen left, Look at tho yoi. owi on nedoe as the p rev put on them. We sold veathrfrcatdfr ihdmont thgem -ail *inter for $2.00 aid- $SJO is plenty of rain AO Challenge 59C Challenge prie ..........9871 price ................... WHY I5 OUR BUSIN ESS WGROWING?' BIRAUS WETREAT ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS WELL-AND WE TRIÂT TENAMiL ALIKE. Magnificent Showing of SwelI Skirts~ ]Panamas in aîl colore, also cheeked aid striped effects. Ail plain tail- ored skirts. Skirts that vili stand pleîty of rough usage and 1 9 stil look good. A $3.00 skirt at Challenge price............. 49 Fancy Serge voratedsanad Panama Skirts-plain and trimmred models. Aloou choice of many mixture skirts, former price 2.4 vas 950 aid $400. Challenge price ...........24 At $3.98 vo have a largo assortment of skirts in ail ises that vil please any lady. $5.00 and $6.00 values. Corne iand look them over. oalleuge puice ..... . ........................ 3.98 meghclams ikirtsau mchi asbroadclotha, French serges aid fancy iovelty mIxtures. Skirts havo ail been reduced. Regular price.vas -- $( 7.00 and $8.00. Challenge prie ........ Hosiery Childrei's and Ladies' fast black hose in ail the. sises. Ail 25e aid 35c values durixig the sale 19C LADIES, BILK HOSE -o! extra quality. Oui km0u8 regular 75c aid $1 MlIk MEL hiose at this. 9 sale ........ 9 Sale o! Ykid Gloves in the. nov Spring styles at 25% reduction. Tvo- clasp real kid street glovos in light velght, ail colore, $1.50 gloves. ... 9 UNDERWEAR. Ail our 75e and $1 rib- bed Union Suitadi"es' and cblidrens, made by oie of the beut houme in conty .....49c Evcry Wornan Who«Talkes Pride lenlier Appearance Should See the New Spring Garments wc 1have on. Display Oilidreus' Goa#* and Dresse» CHILDREN'S COATS-In ises up Vo 6 yoars i faney serges aid other materials. Tii. assortmn il complote as o colona aid designs. Evory oie vorth $3.00 1.98& or more. Challenge prie ................... OR=IRENS COATS-Those coats are difforent than tho ordinary. That ouch o! artiatie designi l 29 !ound in every oie. Reg. $5 coat. Challenge price.29 CIL&DEENS DRESSES-Mado of chocked, striped and plain percales, gingham aid galatea vitii plaited skirt. ises 6 o 14 years. Regalar price.of these drosses is $1.50. Challenge price...............9& THE STORE OF QUALITY. peuloosua BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS-The Saunce. l finlshod vitu fine tuekmanad stltched 09 bands. The. quality, stylo aid vorkmau- <)yc ship are unusual i petticoats at this prie IMITATION HEATHEEBLOOM PETTICOATS -lu black vrith plalted liounne, smre wlth colored bordea aid al vith vory deep flounees. Every one o! the petticoats worth 79c $1.5. Cllffenge price........... 5111K PETTICOATS-Messalne .11k petticoats 1i ail the different late shades aid black. Complt range o! ises aid at j1,9 8 Challenge price.. $3.50 petticoat at ... B3ILK PETTlCOATS-Taffeta aid Mossaline 811k Pottiotticoats, extra quality silk. XIaIl plain col- ors aid iplain colona vith !ancy bordera. 2.'98 aid knife plalted flonne., $5 pettlcoats..6 71 APRONB-Hundreds o! good *mgham, aprons. Different styles. Every on o rthfû 35e or more. Challenge prices...... _Lec b 14e Thon studv out and conalder amvii ueis to uhousands o! famMles l u 9g.!. to buy rlght at home for leu mroney thmi you cman fl o , beside s-YA!I railroad frs LINGE BSALE PRCS. Ny Challene&le Prices v me:a auW!«!!!ý o 15,00 quae fot o!f loor space devoted ecullyto the dlspUayof 01ID o T h k ik 0 1 ft -r . etc., of beauty and distinction, aloChldreî'a vear, rauked tS mw f fl TRIS STORE WAS NE VER BETTER PREPARED TO BERVEC YOU THA" NOW. ROUS£MDUSS- Bought for spot eash 500 nov $1.00 houai dresses no low that vo ca . offer . them . at Challenge 6)c price........c ~Ial velmade. Lu@e trlmmed corset cover and ombroider- ed flounce pottcoat, Chalàprie39c An extra. good Potti- coat wlth a deep embroldered ffounce, regular price $1.00 phalice ....39ci GINGHAM DRESSES. Prtygighamn vashdresses for Spln ear. About tvo dosen prýetty styles, vorth $3.00 and $3.50. Challenge prica .1 COMEkWHTHER You ARE FCARPA RB-El t Fm UNDEBD. to out of tovu custo- mors on jurchases of $500 or more. A SQUAlE DUAL value 103 I8 THE rOi: ,CORSET COVER. Lace trimmed Coregt covers that are really vorth 25 and 50 cents, durlng sale, Challenge i Oc price .................... WB CONBIDER QUALITY ABOVE' EVERYTHING lISE HZlE-THE QUALITYMUST GO IN BEPORE OUR NAME GOIS ON. AUl iround Serviceable Spring Coats Full iength new Serge Coats Un Ladies' and Misses' sizes, this s a rernarkable value, the fine serge being ail wool and the workrnanship of the best. Sorne fancy trlmmed, others Un plinl taliored effects. Tan, black, navy and gray are a few of the colors represented. They are coats that you would naturally'expect to pay $10, $12 and $15 for. Challenge Sale Prîce Coats that Look and Wear Good We have thorn n i large quantities at $10.00. Blue serges,, novolty mixture coastascorn coloa, blacks and a varlety of other novelty and plain colora. eve;rble and not reversiblo with Sailor, Shawl and Mltary collars. Theee are sss and Lmadies' ases and if you cannot get one to) exactly fit you, we vili alter it to fit or get you a nov one and guarantee satisfaction. Every one in a $15.00 or $18.00 Coat. Cllffenge Baie Prie. Visit the Ulair Dressing and Beauty Parlors Corne Un and learn '"Wha Neow Sprlng Si tures. Jacket in 26 inches long, mcmdIlf throughout. New empire model akIrta and small women. ChlefBa r plain tallored and fancy nuits made it serges, whipcords and novelty xtr In »isses and Ladies aises. Every o $2500 arment. Challenge Bale price.. HIGH GRADE WOOLTEX SUIT- ica as well as the. boat looklug ready-to coutry-and that moans thc wgrld.I weaves o! blue serge, in hauJiesrp and numerous other nov UitlfgWrE per cent more than t wj plty ta;7e S have as laan idcomlete Ladies and Cbjîdrens' Outfiters Store as ours in Waukegan; SECOND to b. able no and here at ebfinR of the. BPRING SE ASON to be able to buy your Spring _ erchandise at CHAI- vh. oequal our price« for the mre quahtyof goods. , rg mappy, Nev Sprlng Styles of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suite, Dresses, Scirts, Waists, Shoes, Wh &0c thei mre to everypody. ýTO BUT OR NOT STORE YOU'LL ENJOY SEEING THE NICE THINGS-WE'LL ENJOY BHOWING THEM NOT SATISFACTORY Can bo oxchanged or made so by bringing along sales' clip. 1 DRESSING SACQUES Heavy flannel & per- cale dressing sacques, are worth 75e eisily, at Challenge 29c price ....... NUIND NIGHT GOWNS. They'r. vhatyou vill need soon and the price vo ask for them cannot be boat. $1.00 values at, Challenge Prie;...........35C MUBLIN DRAWERS. Cosed and umbrella kind, 50c values. Lace trimmed and ail aises Challenge ...5 BRASSIERES. Fer full fig'ures. Hight grade muslln, xieIl kflown makes, 50 and 75 cent val- tes, Challenge pr11e ................19 THE CREAX 0F BARGAINS AWAIT YOU HERE-TELL YOUR FRIENDS AD COME EARLY YOUIWELF. Elegant New Spring Coats If you wili corne and sce the high ciass long Coats$ we are seiling at $15.00Oyou will see that they don't look like any other $15.00 coat you have ever seen.- If you will try themn on you will see that, they fit better than any other $15.00 coat you have ever seen. If you il buy and wear one,you will Iearpi posltively that there are no other coats like the ones we seUl at $1500 anywhere else in the coun- try. Ihey should seli at $25.00 Challenge Sale Price $15,0OO Iligh Grade Wooltex Coats Among these superb garinents you will fiud exact copies of styles created in Paris by Poiset, brecoil, Pacquin, Worth, Callot. Some are original and exclu- sive Wooltez creations and by the way, the Wooltex style staff includes mev- oral of the. best designers in America. You will find many new materiala rep- resented, but serge stuli holdo its place in favor. There are several nov colora, but blues, grays and browus seem to be the favored colors again this soasu. They are vcrth 35 per cent more. Challenge Price $250OO Alil Popular Music On Sale et 10c ýWhat" in Spring Styles Hfandeome tailored Suite made of ail wool plain serge and novelty mix- Ing style. Strictly man -'tallored -es to fit both large 8.75 0ufM~ $15.00 we are ofr ng a wide range of e latest modele. The materials are iàned wlth satin or peau de cygne. is a$2000, $2250 r 15.00 le fi.nest tailored garments in Amer- rr Suite for women mnade in this yare made in several difforent 1 gr and black, i diagonal worste à ey~ nit is worth 3 ~g.S~p35ce25.00 WOOLTŽEXSTYLES-" PETTICOATS NoV a more servicable petticoat made. The verybust gingham is to befound in them. Challenge 25 Pr,,e25 Saturday, Mon,, Tusq March 16I.-8, 1 BARRETTES Tou noed them and mlght as veil buy thom hile thoy are eheap. 50c values at Challenge 19 price ........19 COMBS Fancy combs in xnany colore and dosigis, a SOc value, special, at Challenge 19C MTOME OPI on Saturiaay and day everiîgs on] Vil 9:30. PRINCESS SLIPS HOUSE DRESSES. An extra quality. Alli thet Mue- All made in tuis season's beeê lin. It's extra fine material. Very f fine Ginghams, Percale fancy Corset Covers, $3.50 ad Chambra, $150 ad $200 1: $4.50 values, 1.9& Challenge Challenge price ......... price ............. WIY DOES TH-IS 5101 KEEP ITS OLD FRI EN D BECAUSE Wl BELL ONLY WHAT I5 RIGHT IN STYLE A] NOT MISREPRESENT AS TO QUALITY. Fascinating Styles In Ladies' Sh Ail go at Challenge Sale prices. 1V is a oiderful sale-the br bggest shoe event of the entire past year. Every shoe in ourE included at Oie PrieVo ail. Ladies High grade button and lace shos in patent leather, tan a motl, al strictly hand made shoes, vorth $3.50 o $4.00e at Challenge sale .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .à A special lot of ladiesà $2.50 ad $3.00 Shoos, during thia Challenge sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children 's high grade shos, button aid lace, in patent lea'tàer aid gui metal, worth $2.00 and $2.50, very special duning sale. . A special lot of smail children's shoes, button ad lace, worth $1.50 aid $2.00 at. ...85C d Well we had lots of them and vosold lots of Vhem-but there are many good sots, single, muifs aid single scarfa left. 227 We're noV going Vo them away or lot you 1pay your ovi price for et\hem-but they're go- Sing Vo be sold mighty- mighty cheap aid at the. same price Vo everybody W. invite you Vo ex- amine our splendid as- sortment of the Hènder- son aid La Princesse Corsets, also the. R. & G. Ail 50c aid 75e corsets to be sold at this sale at Challenge .......33e Ail $1.50 and $2.00 cor- sets Vo b. sold at this sale at Challenge prie.... 79c Ail $2.50 aid $3.00 cor- sets Vo b. aold at this sale at Chal - t lenge price.... l4 Pin Your Faith to, This Store and Our Goods, and We'l Sec to It 1 ~You wiil neyer have cause to regret having donc so. Shirt Waïsts of flgured design with attached Laun- dered Collars and cuifs. Bizes 24-36- 38 aid 40. A servicable every day waist. $1.00 value at Challenge price .....39 Maniaih tailored shirt waists. Lingerie waists, plai shirt waists and other waists in fanc stri ed materials. All our $1.50 9 and 2. 00WIaists at, Chailoenge price.... SiIk Waists, taff eta aid messaline in black, browi, white, blue, gray and many other color, $3.00 and $3.50 Waiste. 19 Challenge price....................9 Bea.utiful lingerie, marquisette and silk waists. We haveî't sp ace Vo descrîbe them, but invite you Vo corne and look them over. Ail our $400 $.0 ad$6.00 Waists at 2*98 W. invite you Vo corne, look around a bit aid a, our able corps of mlliers are creating in the vay for this Spring aid Suxnmer and vhat vill ho w( year. You will surely enjoy a f ev moments spent department.» You wil noV b. expected Vo buy uube is something you want-but vo hope you viii rej us when you get ready Vo buy before buying else* WHERE FASHION RINS. At th e Big SLorg Vry Fas blonabla New spriu Dresses WHITE BERGE DRESSES-The only thing ve eau say about them is that thoy are al the Igo this spring aid there is no vonder sither. They certainly' have the rlght touch to them to make them pretty. Trirnred vith buttons, pipod in- differont colora, etc. E9vey oie ve off or lu vorth $15 10000 or more. Challenge price.. GORGEOUS BIX AND CLiOTH DRESSES -These are sploîdid afternoon dresses. The. materials are striped mosualino and striped, checked, plain aid figured serge and chiffons, all excellent styles. They are trimmod vith daity laces, buttons, etc. Ai l'miesi the as- sortrnont and overy oie a perfect model. Reg- ýlr$1800, $20.00 and 49 $22M5 values at Challenge,.... 9 price ................. Extraordlnary Values In New Sprlng Dgresses AIL WOOL SERGE DRESSES--A very good dresa for street wear. Made of fine all wool, storin serges, all one piece styles. Trixn- med vith sati, brafàs, etc. High neck or Dutch neck, three quarter sleeves. $8 and $9 values. Challenge price ..7.98 ANOTHER SERGE DRES8-Your choice of black, navy, brovi, tan, qýray and champagne, etc., women's and misses sizes. A dress that vould soul regularly the country f over for $9, $10 and $12. Your e choice at Challenge price ...... SILX ANDJ SERà~E DRESSES-These dres- ses are in a clasa by themselves. Why? Because they p ossess that artistie finish not found in every dress. Every stitch in them vas placed where it belongs and we cannot begin to de- scribe to you what these dresses ail possess in the way of distinctiveneas. They are marked 25 per cent less than what they are vorth. Challenge price. $10 ý 1 C=1-12 ý.jbàl- d-ýG- ÎF.ý-

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