CLIP Scr From th% ai %ëq e*le f - u 141 o A Rlght Up to-the-mlnu t e L abo r Savlnù, fl'ouse Cleanil g M achine LUE, fio You, cannot get the dust and dirt out of your ca r- pets and your home with - ou t the aid of a Vacuum Cleaner. .It takes as long to dust as it does to sweep Do flot sweep the du t in thç 41'r and ail over every- thlngi in the roo m. Use the NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER and get ail the dust iln the can. G UARANTF3E: lmît lu S1I5 We guarantee this va- cuum cleaner to be free from mechanical defects and will replace wlthout charge any part proving defective iln material or workmanship for a perlod of one year from date of pu rchase. Gempoé vil! be fiéioà Ng 3 offl wiIIIuf.i mpage 3 Weight only 43, peundB, and can be oper- ated with either right or left hand. Hau patented flexible nozie. Held at any height it works satisfact.orily. Has a stronger suction than other Clean- ers and geM nfot only the SURPÂCIIdfrt, but also the dirt that is IN and BENEATH the floor coveing.. Think how the wear and tear of your fur- niture, and curtains wlU b. sàved by neot hav- i *1 ing dust in your carpe. Use this Cleaner and have a sanitary home. It takes only ONIZ person to handie this machine, and it is easier to operate than any other Oleaner. . child can opera*te it. Removes ail disease germa fromn the car- pets that are brought into the house on the sho.. Abiolute cleanlines if you use this Vacu- The L~eVut nê~dn b*, eèd Dep'mn LIKErTYVI >LLt, ILLINOIS You Can OnIy Obtain The NATIONAL CLEANER through THE INDEPENDENT ~ia~ <I o B p o g 14 t, E 8 14 c E t i R t 4. -9