LAXE OQU~TY 1NDEP~N~Z~TI. PRIDÂT. )~AI~CU 15~ 1912. ST WARD Theft fi tu i =a)unot*;Wb tlbo 4aa.e Ob- .- 236 North Guse9t. Marion S. tt t From thUPackgtDir.ot to, You-Ne ml~çemen- NoAgeAg" *4A R R'K fu. rl wJ VADOTING PLA~CE _N v terIblst j; RI? Natveot D»t ..Tc to se VOTINC PLACE TOT1N G M LC E FIRE STATION;Ntv ef twGl 2917 GIDEON AVE. BLACKSM1TI4 SHOP 1 Niative SirloluStek S 'olca Nambeoe Steak U 9 CARM EL T&guo, 10 . .......... ai4 1 a go much bas been aaid about the new rediatricting Of Zion CitY whereby Voliva was said to have been gerrymandered so h. wMl be able to ba ave or4pnu*s *0h teGenuiel vup4ç i coqucil, that t 't wih leasure today, for the first timnein the city, a map showing the lunes as the Independento drew them when they chanoaim 'am ]L: suad olclally cive dittricta. Previously the. city did flot have wards but voted at one polling place.Volivar'0le to fight the. eaou oot,.0 to, rr.gular to warrant a court holding them legal and flot recognazin g the fact that there was a purpose in iChe placing of lines. The Independentascias liva will ........ 10 unable to change thefr offcial action. The coming Spring election will see voting by wards for the firat time. tdb .. .111 ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ Lamb cSpsw.......1 dtiggrlao er na, itod arrierusflI1Ah1WEST P P S ta blarne for the many cases of ty. hardeitlp for the cblldren to get aiong plan will -b. revlved nov. U ~~0N ORGANIZThe wiobe !threrstiIP ISreiminhels-io! eye nd thlaet eler waa Bourkn wabt wl er uIteagdwW.1 l eabeti ttor fte .-ty titat sucit a seule ha eed t. be an effort te combat thse boure but this la answered by the re- Rat ee"IebLawyai a W M I CITI ~teneffective. N T D IKA Y disease which bas made Itiroads inlply tttlit l better for tterntO e', Ru OOta -bet »"0leha» @W contract typhold by drienking con. tu hlmn that aL Certain Sa. àob« totie re-eniit Urne no plan has 1 d laIs. water. ment w«. the reaui of aofleut.1 TU 109CA RIRSFO ME LCA a suppls ot lire drinkng water At onrne titere wag a plan ad- asclalmedr oe nselialibtom il he taken b.%. i hol board aetlit furneî pupile witb pure drInklng va- the greund and expeet to pick up t? DICte DICGOUNS AND ALL MEN 1APl ecFe. ae a h8THIS 18 DONE IN CITY'SCHOOLSnext 5055101n ter or at louat; lth fltered or etorl- ad* EMPLOVEO 1IN *EWER OR IN te sa>' of omruea ei IN EFFORT TO CUT DOWN dent vito wiIl be remembcred ymn AMOUNT 0F TYPHOID. BUILDING WORK INCLUOED. iaccal people: --Ira. AMargaretta L. Perce was bur- cd ln the bakeoide Cernetery last TAKES EFFECT ON APRIL 1 . 'lbursday at neon. br nSOHOOL BOARU) MAY ACT J Record PraIrie du Chien, IVis. November 14. 1840; and waa mnarried to HanniahIlY ra igS e SIMILAR BRANCHE&I 0F UNION 1). Plerve at Waukegan. lit. At thte BELIEVED SCHOOL BOARD MAV INSTALEO W NENLV loueetftthe war titey rnovM .t» CitI AOOPT PLAN OF PROVIDING ALL. NORTH SHONS CITIES. cage tili after thte big Ore. 1871. 'theyt PURE DRINKING WATER ofl arrivedi n .Jupter lu Seîtebber of ______________ the foliewlng year and moved te Lakse WVortb ln October, 1813. Secul ' laet ltod carrleirs. 4iteh 4iggers aan&Il un Hypoluxo l ei~,tty l 3. C. Upa tieOivie .o! ît ilia there a vile Liter they lved ati*C.FleOivrl.Tonîsntl otiter Iindaetrlibers employéd ln one or more 54te U. S. Lita Savingieuperntendent et sciseels, I bas re-7 - -S .WA C3 IL . ( aeier or construction work, neclud- at the U. S. Lire SavIog atatlori gne8ted thse Principassln the- varieus l NOTI13 _b f,T.'NTUgAN LL lng nearly the. wbole clasa or laborera hr at lrc a bro h îboal iect tead.sse tel RPNOOCC-i. 4OCKFCOt It net already afftllatsd vîit nme orn e s t chlld, bille, now Fred PFrad L,_ scitoal children te drink a,. litle liSIe Q .att n c n m gani vithin 1,the ej4cad beglis ocan bluff, being thse tiret white girl cornmueîcated to te Ittilli ester-, nievitt prî 1,tI. llca banctbore in wbat le new Palmi Beach aay. together witb iMilar branches lneve- cuet,'. It is gene-ally bettes cd tha t tia ne- Pr et .iae adbvhenu rb] O ery City and tOISa betvee e vanstoe Thte famlly ultimately made their quesit on thse part et the lits îItsaIcIan. uektl wee adIl0topi rbl and Waukegan, vilI b9Sne *ffilllt.t resîdence on Etypoluxo Island. Witb las made in an effort to dec sease thse Fancy littie "round dresse7" Log of Laamb ......................... Oc vlth the Hod CarMtiranad Blldlng the death of Mr. Pierre. In August numiser ef typoid cases in theCtyj o~e' p<a ihrd utle ona........3 Laboren' Union, No. 11lS ft liEfatolf. 1898, slite made ber hoee vti ber Dr. Foley hs maintained thast tihe lm- olysSeilRg-rd utie ons............X Organîzera Of the union bave beels daugitten, Mni. Vous, at Hypoluxo,________________ rnalg a cavasa of Wauloegan and wbere ber deatit eccurred FberuaryïRF PORK. twis weeka vîit the resut lit la declar- Bealdea ber daugitter. Mrs. Viesa,.. ed tbat practically every lahorer ne ah. haves iter ion, Captaîn Charles Boneless Butcher's o ot..... 10e Ëoic xost..8................. lop the clama mentlonel. have taisen eut W. Perce, potnaster at Boynton. and BefTnroin ........ .. .15c okSoUe ...........O thé acale of vages 111 fixeS b>' the 5here are alao tbree grandhblîdren Fa cy Native Steer Bib Rouat 10e to 8c Poik Ts.4sloln ............10 union. Cu ta ...........9 b.Sii Contractera or thte City' are undecld- Clb tek e Mi.Sp Il ba, shortout .... .se e'jut vitat effect the organisation of IODONGS e Woit Cut Porter Houa. steak.. 12V2c Pork Sausage................. f theUev brancit o! labor re WAIXIegan ...pia'.aaé.esa. oahon Cut Round Steak ... lc ho Oc li'u Bd. Pork .............. 1 0 vill mean. but titey sa>' that lit la I VFW.sw R- H m urrSea ...........8 p ha .......... 0 pretty auila ta rala. tte ~c bud. Ea'brge .......'c li conalderable as contnictpra ISIII Tie Drajnatltt clubof St. 'Patrîcka Bpueless Rump CornBeef ......9o :01 v .t................. erwae pbhla y aé eu churcit. Wadavortit, la planning a bg Vative Steer Pot Bouat &h e Py5d.................6c celving ln the paat. estetainiment for Bueday evenlsig, Beef Tongues ...........1ek S ork .. thla borera theMaoNqq are jubl. 2Mlcb 1. A rowe *1bail ionln a ***AN ant at thte proapecte"d111 ay that lie fonowed b>' supper, and, ati iniaglt, .X WAS glBning vitb 4=niI Z.tbIé' vili liedancing wlll h. leorder AChicago S O E ET.YNacy Legs Canulam u u... .. rtanoBe tli t<i 8sat titeir troupe et layera wlll aid thte local I 12'/r B.uthdM Lfflb .. 1c ta haye flot been taieMt. loluding roeor AO'Connor. ama OàY hat heugar Cured Breakfast Bacon hm LIed e ya>'ta ite>'Dall>and. OToole, vblin, harts and -m~oorSuho ~a baebeau 8 accept alrneat piano. tg Pig PincIams....8c m .......... an>' vages tbe -bdôntractors were viii- Thte Dratie club la vorkin>' bard Snle-aa ........ .. 015 Lm Chops .......... lng tu gîve the.m and could bie di- le Its effort te maIs. the affair a bigonla aa1e L b e vd ithout the, alightest provo- auoceaand it promises te b.e th. big rzk t ............ 9c VI"L c2one WIla&I Mm a* of tbem ln.m»cil event ofthtie >a aNewport.Poa Suse cEtaIay ti ~ ~ ~ st aytatte'vi oon>b.l StPaticka cburcb i'lauig cen- ItPr aoge8 rd@ ats aptips1 ge4litr treatrnent. but P[eton, the nev furniture la ordered . Iorted 8 qR~ag........15e 1, E tQho. ...... ln addition .vifls . eilean increse anmdà vien lit arrflveh from Ch c0. a* FOR THEÏLEISIILATURE. il#sageV. s es p.........i le vageu. tt ui n3,Q e»wrti t frisgl - forlgeaS ......... Va ito get a an ii aRe ihie local la- ifc sl iisthe cburcb wnout beau- à deaire te announce my candldacy Suareu' rsd D0. Vs!Sw........ on' te joie tl.-ý 9 À'4. and Mr. GergeM ,D t eocal nmntinfr ie Sugar CUred k aon ......12/2c Veal Kldney Roait............ lle li e ted gftoq t@ietfflo te pIac. . -Ion oet8h. e necôratlc voter$ ot tt les f - iiith sén atorial district . . . . . '. 32 ~ x.~ - 5 g%5. UN- - thie OU '~3ugar Cfrod i th. 3ugar Oured Bacon, choice choleb ah ... lI* to 5c - .mafl Pig, viiole, 70 lb. ....... el/c to 9c I, c e, smaiI, vrou RHam a. ---M Small Pork Rosat 8c and 9o ýRegulax Sm.!! Spare Ribs 8c ,short8areRiba....5 Oholce SatPork..... o Sugar Oured RLb Bacon 13e, Sugar Cured Baek Bacon-14 No. 3 r?6ils Home X*ndin-" ý deLard; 5cin bulk. . Ue2 Select Leaf Lard ....100 Select Box Dalnhy Bau-- Home Xacl 'r4lat Homo Madae O1o4u Zgei dPork Bau- ags.... ...... lep 1*bam aoe m au aTh a .. .... carry your mete .u ~gNa paisyour door. k,. --i .. 9 e t i L 1234 North GW Marion 84d TWENTY TRIRir1 ÀIÉTH 4, -mi