-P Is u "DOt-l trst." Seattered throup'h .pacc atre..tcr2î- merabie stars that gîve forth very it. tie lght or lie-t. Ie they were never, et any lierlio of their hletory. brtght sud glowing Iike the rtyrtad stars that make the inîidniaht sky se beautittil, or in île co uras of cotint le». ages the hoat îlîey once posuesatd bas r.tdlated un-ny from t teitl; ito lte depth of crac., and uow tbey are, u8 their naine describes thuin. *danh stars." 15egin ta 6ou itTodSy. Maukind i alwayo hbemder for hav- Ing homo happy. So that If you make tluem happy now, you moite Ibei hap- py twenty years bt-uce. b), the uamorg of Il -Sidney Smt'i. and Tank Company's ýStave , Sio's Oest on Ithe MDi et Distance Phon- làbertyille 25 k s- 's Plouc Grsye5ke. 14sautoBSud, nepsring or otbiervi..IL etnt it nasour his... ont tq aÀ uLlin l ob "isevlg «rban..&.. f~* our, urrk« oçky vaiJi 7cr - *»t e jIl.a saaCase wlerc Or. Bouton ne- fusei l "have hunur f Lnust upan bim' l la qut. an unusual ting far the trimed-ta cIi-elate petîtions puinq meu tito a race willanit thetu havin; tnome Ituosîctge outhîe plana Lut ln Mha 058e. Dr. Boutont dedliare. e bncw ahsoiutely uothing about Itianti sonîm Dot atand for tLe honi-.' 1 Thie Ploasant Prairie explsion accur- i ted a ymar ago I.t Satnrdîy night, M*mncit Bh. lit N recalleti that lte j setter tinas coiuared f0 nos sat vagti different. The ronds seru gond. s1g as gia gens-raI fayot anti Ilaumers were even plosIng. Nelîber tý'heas conditions exIste thls yesr. j ýid-te prospecta are rather alim for ïâfasMetilale change ludgfug trou> the Aintlt ou0f tuow on the ground. ýU4" 1, uthe Ccii Oie Osys. - fS -IU l a shole lttof dîffereuce ID jbO'prloèocf quîni,"t nus sud 50 ýears Thon Il mu I for $5 ant isi- »Dgmore an ounce Nos l eau bo pi , tat cuoe-tenut lftat amenI. n8qinine sas takauflb sirup, 811 ~e, lppary elut ckua"hlng I 54f &aulicaret up the iti astipart th «W»es ti the .Md5stI WGe,.fir2ubeliever8 ilu owru1 SAWBILL. t~f~ I~ bi.t ic N~e£ DR. iTAV. LA AN* ~~VPAN INTERS 1( lelA RACE 1909 b SI~4UT CLERK M [us e SA Nyày'sDally. t Saturay smllhaimt day an slbeh *.~. AT1MSYlU *l - psliUos1 for :W&rApril petmare couli Ied11 * 1Ppta 3 c'clock thua IMDICMP4TS sftesom o saies liedtissae s. . ~ ' A4ED; . Addsd toib.-the . .ttôrey William. Weioe 10a ammse te lb.liaIet rio 1't eladéatieMr.* of statos St-. 1 4$M,- bru la by - tuera. IL b* -~bffl concended anl tes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h in . i.ta ~ slosr regdaeg 5fI~q4h uthe raeâi am Iet hon 01 =n ta N~ developed sIen e.TaeDr. float4à Itews, 5te ition for lb. ïï I__ m o M ffiee erstt CnneY Taylor, 11he .1 ,l . ncuubse lg bbOnue ppanent. téoebt of'w t hein VobWU P5*5 i fthe candidate bsisdhme asboist- lt hav ayé tit Voltiolns for the diV. Ov-à-. ppin- talwea ÀMgWI"p2RalPh J. [lady, +o~~ka 18. The Circuit VMiWkt- 1f5l 0 Brockway, PAJRM IF Y sm f a". JOhIn A. 4 e. 'Ih, d.M ouie r r'îJaCtes Anderson, ,rtarSS£51f r0 Gai-dto M otimer R 0esW.H. Stuber, ton »A>«19Md £il 4"b Wi r&- Charles aRufe*i ta *0 acre U84ail 055 ~aI V~pdIeboia Coroer; - I1!yo IL 9 DtO88, 55*- 1'Wl ývllIa et- Satu ea job4.' ammîfeema Gurusa. D If A e htOMM Scare cmitemn ______________________ ~ éiveft4e .~ b~1Fred ScIiet. 11111Ulgllaad Park. 1 OR RENT----room bous. e b arsD aoIl ta y rounger. OnItohe P".tdon ticket,. f. l actent lani iqulefhouslitas $ tha<le 0110=a prOfiiers vas IRîchai-dsa d g ~r>'fgton bas filcd Llbetyrîie, ii. ~.g.l a m lim MO At*nY C<IR>l ThesehLia Petîtida u tr tbsO.ffce of circuiit ~~~ u<~~~~~1VA, 8*140,nd tiselve 70515orI*geo et r .i.Buo o i' fis 1 rO RET-Fie on,!. jeIbe&.b iiio5 4Vithb ei-alarn Sni larcuny.lrD.W fý;Otnfrteofc building. ses tieoeem . L iaS-usk A4114011101Bou Parmaiesas appoint- of coroner and p. K. 11111e of Gîtrn,,e P-3tf gLulAniir laSlm&ttcg - ( 1té sWnd Nicelas Carter sho fia foi- the offlee otcoaal>- urveNvor. cbarëMd siit hbarts; stolen a Lor3e. (Charles A. Lareon of Highland A" 19v110 W"asfpehended aIai D es?-Park fleti apftcmfrîL fi i FOR ENTHniem o &hioiaIr-et t <'~1îe o Fersî7 ~State senatorlal eommltteumnan on the ut1 ' in îtuir fFU de ris, Lhertyv die, ittlrey Parmalo iet prvlus1y, Socialistîticket. ~ ale, charget i th bnrglary. + Attorney .Smith sas appouteAI S +_* M W.ZTE+ta tent!dPuIikett, Ihe tellow invoîr SY IMATONWS FILEI) WANTED-25 tunebele buh-.Ggoasîî lthe Im tealling af clothas at the na- WIUITfl O E BsiausLhot~Ul. ii I val î~2 trainiAngusaitnà. i CO' E- Puns 272 Pl. c-Y.t 111110%,Moaions belas matie by Ibm OR. BOUTON BiNII HE IS CORO- WANTD-Ownei-e of tairn bas-gins Fvetat att&eruys'ta qpah lte ru. NER CANDI*ATE DESPITE a&nyshere hetweeu Chicago sud MUn-'I5petlve Jidlnt, ,futge Whitney 11% POETITION. n aued'sxt Mond a s. fheatime shen 1wanl.ee te 1sf saute siitt me, 1 . unie.motjionss*Ill bel aiueti. get peu results if yuii ieally sautte10 luaIbmecaae;pf m)OL naîd Chai-les ai- DEVELOPS TIAT REESE MOODY sen., sea, the hall -sas ilied ai $200 each SOUGHT T* PuT TTHE DOCTOR R. B. Dixon. Gunee, Ili., 61-tf. p&'y. la i Ils case tIhe Uta brotbera the INTO RACE ANVWAY. hall sas fixai t 8500 ach anti upon aintion hy lb. tate's attorethebm Dr W. C. ÉOton of Waukegan la !WANTE-To buy aisi] ar as> Otf rgo.-mou sure relleaseti upon their -froni 30 lu 50 acres, sîlI lm one-balt eso seognîtzauce. Plunkett sas plac- net a candlilate for coroner un the -cash. Mlstbc gonoi]l. ~.dresC. ail sadr bond of $500 eacb on twa lu- Prohibition ticket despite the fart tht A. M. ludupenîtent office. 4t1 Idictimel whlch .vetor turned blè ,piains sas -lied wiîl ('uunly __________ aainst hlm. Carer a bond sas fixaiClrt tde atu y.Th is WATDTlRo-txor es t $1.060. The bonds of Moititand CekHne aud'h ia WnostDt.. ENT-tix f7nRolhweeu imed aI $500 aech. The bnoaletigethue doctor bd hat lthr sas roombonnt eetralY lcate, fth 1bontds of F%-aietgan sd Shaffar aiseo a regular candidate so far as the p.. indri itprnv-eitt, t'y lard OârsI. t er ed at 81,000 mach. William IlMien sent 55e vLan le re.îd It la UeI o sdrr., is I'itPENtCtifOfIce. yleand Auabm'se Beautilu tgainat Stra oSN - 20-tf whom lte, grand jury 414 uant eturu ln Ioc nuoi0 ieS - a vo7t-e discb*i-;ed.i toceiqie f h U jWAN'TE--ýGuod expeMionerd fai-t aud to sark ou dairfatan bfje, li The subevisa-a'this moauin; >nasa l. aplimnétithat b. sas narnet as a surit Lv the year. Cal enaddtit,h mei>' votedta 10raine-the psai tJaui- candieate shen Lo had crrulatcd ne Isiirsuti ~ -i>.iftoi. Chartes Thayar cfi té putybutnd- Putiion, knmw notbfu; of any lady mIse Juelmn 7 e$100 Rnnb fet .ln buesbàft lt.cfirct lilfat hlm and certainly BU~fSCEl1LANEOUS 'f"t. Thayer cadidaeaJr caonrio fo Fire iusurace, bouse- rentitîg, caîIclme year.i andi bos proved: a Iany other polilical office. tasli, aitunegoate.d y DeNioxu & WfLfUifuemploe, Livng ta ~I ueThe SUN called Çent ende isite Aisis.c.22.t oahts.Sui-s >9ant i ult"ys UoT:Dr. Bouton sat em'Ibo phone anti ____________ 10«a ie Srt.lu t 0 tanmale hmasassieti detailla bout lte petîtion. If TO ECHANE-It acr iîeld, 4 by »orne Ibat even now, wltrthe-lBJse, wasteus-nut that Recs.. Moody hi' y-ai-as odit. m t.taud tValley, Coînirado. lhe eboulti have an assistant 'Ml. filet! tLe pétitioun ramInoDr. Bouton Vaiue 45,0001, enîl tI-s. Wâut t»tttt Thaier bas nt nceiveias auuch Puy 'as a capiddate, Ibere leung ten o'li îrouerty trouaIt farin.-lieu EI>V. as achoot Janlore -alîbnglithlb. sait ilcCuiaicK. ehmytilII. -24-4 la much harder here natonue .sembmrrr4- lmers of the hourd olupottet the pellîlons ai "Wel_, i kuos t.thiug aboaut if anti LOST-WI'ifete.-olî Terrier. weariug catinty offces Ibal ha he given a iaise. am nta andidini" -1I haîl denand ()!Jlar patne. SAiWoreuzrad i bienthat my usme t fbn ff tLe lisI.'- nlr pae I-me tdu hmt' 'salé Dr. Bouton. Aod he lcff for the is-mtelitiff *VPIuLLIKItTREitEW Lit.et-t I *Il - ; clerk's Office fa tee tisaf it sas doue. ,Ille, aul meive lierai reiaanl. A.*5#l CI ;su îI 9 ., p 918. ouff S*p.L5 £Soutfelr, Ili. e4-tf POU SA-VFol blonded and regl.tered ?al~4Ohlaaoweand gilii. tiet of tu l ie n. N.R.G r lLK T to 4 reat e lieu,- rf. Villa Stock Faim,. E.31 MOR SALIr- iolsten huile fulblnd, ou r0 wkde t lareb prien. in. f etin d bred tireg n.id Some rdl "iS omre Youug.tera o aret promisý e.Iuenber thebuil lml ' all oehOVL5 illl ta M -k Farta- -H- ~LB*fotetu&i. N. E, 'OR SALI.-9 rr 3lonoaloder;; liproveinent., sud las. lequlre*W. J.ý W got ue. Vlr.tstreel bet wèe.n Broadway sud HuriblitÉ ourt. Piton.1831R. c-Ut -tf FOR $AL£ OURENT-414eb or.h:,., 36 &«M delrs s&d ehicitmntaro inltb 14-covrs and large toute. -Rkb laud, curXa for trueblua. Station e a mi. gu-vtermn. WIliIdivide. GontF. ftisLibwrtyrvîlie. 111. e-23-tl FOR SALg-41,od bon*. Irqire nf Pas» oaueos'r, bertyrillt, filI. '15- 2 FOR ALE-iee 4-rr-old' <rir, .well irokn double sud iîàW andsune. 8-yr- nid, bath ont oi Lady ll ansd 1mw Oet«sud somp e hoire ati' potat.s-; *pSingle Coinh tirnn Lemoru t-gge L.for setting. 75c for 15 i-ggs. lytou wsed ilay al ud eme nwor write Ic. J. FOR 8AL&-Rslt&gond Afilck Larg- s1han corizPemiasd Irdiati thume.r tlritiop. $1 ec duMa. L V. . I-k.K, FOR 8ALE-l3ood 7-teon,,,Loutw and lot wîtu bâbenient. ýlelsric liali; iînî .I.. '"Id barü 24%.36, 2 lots, oni..u- Fi&I.Lt.Zuri, 111. -24-tl u~EEE~ê~ toi . u . IN ERAJAH'S (Z i rtate Transters . _tie *tesl dy o EavIcE. .~.....Lt'rmhdî.esoake rtiî>ty Title & -1r C OiD t.) fuitrt. oi2uh Il 9 EDII'iUDTROUSOALE Abtractso tTitîs.. Titis-e ioiuaau,-d e tr thist fo- t litw n M~~~aeoule Templet lil.lg. Na1)ksgân, hI. in Trio ou tt fatl- R D - b tip r t b >' u pr e s se A llée . L G U IN E . i t eil s t h> li e sis a 1 * .1 , ' A -ho mse stwute tho- Marrce 8 i9l2 coubervativs tfoee Witil Thi atY wst t'I M bydu 111all Aler& MC&rll sudIlParty. The con»te*,bely! ftSItaiwo aa d --lya nt AbraMCari ubandà ta Ille tbOi .ethat have bot lhhmn wo hs m-wu ld lu thé C. &hId.Eiectrlc nallway compati lbinra eslak mieS mivicelu Inds. W.wers lttln art guthea t n-ouetb section 29,bateapt ndsudes-as e1 tu he-oingmmofà ine b Ie WUk$ twnhi. Q C nn. the nîatonalc>tts 0 lshMOMkQuluaroNew Yor we Wulsa Opel.Q.C 16. twe.ýn t-hiolesdlng wpbk UouthmpBuslsd sw Yok: Kato W- GOOdwlu t0 Dorù Blftukiin-date irlet ti. îrssidiey. =110 peOPle of India are the meut but&, lOt 58 and 59, VairColis tub. tteîato, iuwhtf8 Maiili, the, eemive iita sIl thelb.muet meren lLake Zurich. w,'.. iveta~ nudida>-for InUd t e ie ngled'lu sstare- Idée VOPeo 09 cithe world. Au Indien vIl *-I. A-. Cumulu usud site ta M. A. whilehie ca»iBmPal.# ,li . &«et 0 osub.wlbes ta destruy ultI Jo11100, lot 113 CUMlnga & Co.& North ipttacular ort, ha has fihe lact fitti!l*l attention white e oAm. dd tu Wtuksgaen, W. D., $300. larme sud euttu@4umlaU folgtS b mbau4l tekIll i hm. ne slways P.L. BaHnde.a Sd vite t MaryC, eampigu Appq ael>toe wâb tu 1110 SI"dp-tbst in. shen he tibaiel'. lot 3U .g gUh bail O lot seurnin st lupeset uda- - kil11111 wlth 0110e10. But It la wlth Poison 20, Bllock 7, GlkslW D. $1. ment. Ho bas noet ils tliaI 1u4b>a. do thmir muet artlstie mur- G. T.' fflto n& V. qtahleSsI 46 eudoràeenutt 0f1fte Ihoosuvet M deictu WOcgk. 1bey4nave studled the fret Souh 10 MMloiS, biock fB LaPollette republirane ofnImp »e a ts. sctfl d plo" twai Tti-aebis caîîdidac, bas fes arntiya0 pol-is poa perfumea, poison .~ hyhv Northt West addition ta Waukegan. uiendid tee Goveruor Johawso.. fleoe .But the strangeat ot fIt mW. . $1.00. Pineblot aud oths.rs o1natmoaireme POMb umbau he=gTbey w5111 fý Walter White and site ta D. V. lia bue i;tiiiawgaueatur jlsgts been flttJig eh.e trle e m",U> pueg dma craulapoison fi h.o s.Walt. 40 acres the- soutthwedt guar, cl ioea JI u ibd -sllsuîvo~téri abeolo n eimocueh otlt that bis very tr e ctin'5,Grnt fw@0bp, wh uaire s u0 o Oliwamýus.b oaqa ,fotB1. nduto one unuseo, »., $.0..wr u oa o enpoudlisA výiat« 1bb poisolé petaun zle saturnîed Charles Bumark ta Johnt Griffith. hotiesltliaveranmu. Bis eprinelputfý * b.part of lot 327,Lakit se, W. D., bas belalu bg»t bis lmesses ego-31 1 ba a nrrowescpe font estîilople, bélieviîî. tat if glveS a là bad mia nrimitaIjetrom dweutb;1oo. .,etring. hi.cnuld coniînce tîheis of first went oui- tIare as a youngstler andiA.T antbeeP.Jfi ganertadalcy lied no kleu ut tfie secret dangers ta acres lu the northwest quarter of sec- Ta th;owé wl.sî an' nppnoad lt e stç Ciilloi Is'iats.,( imote iii orsiio bc lwuuttus. That iîî >vlîh n ldigo n f io-19,. idat Antioeb township, W. lu the Uiîit..d ' ;t.- tefénaI.ud u'bp.î MOU Ijelomut o Is a woman. Any nu. D., $8,500. - uppos..d ta L Y. 1lhermai, botause oÊli ropenu Who utteutis the tllgbtes±tla- A. Pantilla and wie tn Oskar Kallîs vote firt .et-iieia i.'lîi i l a DÀlllnflty wlth one of theinislallnI-aud sIte, lot 7, block 1, Cilimloga- e reactionary attitude,. s4îatnrtie U minent danger of bis lite. If thuY Co.'. add ta Waukegan, W'. D., $2,700. &p e ieamteman of hie prînc-leb#4 would givu a fellon- a chance If A. B. Bahuppen a nd mife te.A. D. msiuu undit ltogretsivt. Badhitbcaudw would't b.. qulle sa terrible, but tbey Jackrnas piu lot 1,* eub of lot 5o0, uvrtrfaut. tlie ar out time impreseti waot. He la elthcrmumrdered lu the LieWre~W . .81.00. 1t1 lit bittm abtolutply hoînewc and sînemi damit or poLsoned. OttberVarell apd sîf e ta A.'('. -)irîîl)dy Teegraph ë-2541 I sas Jugt twenty 7ars uld sjen 1:i Haveu-,uIn du outbastone fourth Ianded lu Calcutta ftt tae Ipoition lu ectlop 19,. Shialds t05l abip. CURW 1) PgDIS a Bitmtish bousea ing a luopium and P.00' . .aCdUsIte 10 Niabel le the goods of tbe cuuntmy. Later 1ws A .1iivy n iet lblF acut,&ito fue nteior a ~<-'i U4J..-W. oIgSknoteb 87 fet est a iI f1&7il0a*-EBgW4-f two ut ns belug sent together for foet .* Sii4gck 5, trayalake. W. DeuitBcotuhs wrora.ies".m-t. greater safety. Bob Britton. flot t>mt u O - CDU rofsths. r -lae ~.b eider tLan myttelf. n-as mny companlon. AU.e aI ansd.site to Alexander lePluakett charged with iex lu une ot thé townis we Leard of a 1Marie .acres luinDortu-eait one- pesd Dot gnllty. Nicit Cartel44~ raja wboe baillr orsaie a l ý »,plead Bot gulltthe ibm rage o ï raju wbitu roter o mone ther toullb. lantion 9, Newport towuship, l un orSatalg relative bat di ebldesa. andth îe %W.D .0>.&hi en hrevtal raJah Led luberlted bis effects. Not - ralolgitand 8ilaffa, pleNt ut carlng to kuep duplicates. ho 1usd offer- E. . Rfley, truatee, ta David Wil- ty, ailla Clyde Mi af ailit- ed ta self many articles. Bob titti mgr, 119.8U acren-e uosa an-haitsec- there are two tudîctusoutýL. called on lmn. sud Le exhîbited isie In '16, tuba township. Q. C. $12,- Welles. treating us at the saune tirnelo00. Truth Abootun 5fA~,~e royshly. Wh~ite se sere hargainlagi Fred Dobbratz sud site ta Zulia Hardy's scr-et, Il aeous,.l hl4 bu fOs.ted us lu thIbm ool cupieti by i'Dudek lots 20 and 21, block 14, Drey-'o cb cardion.Bath are lalà Il tbe wommu. whlcb sas a grsât bonoe u' u h osi2,sd3 lct9.asoulî fî.fmns Utifortunntely toi- Bob andi me se1 Northeuhiagdoti12.anW . bD. $1,00 amb i.oth otie li-1SI drank toe mach stuc. MniWb n iet L'e éuO &yhml n i Belng permîtteti ta i-ansawheffi seMuoWb i iet .i.L-tiso nn ubea plusseti. we devoted ourselve each to,! Wln, 40 acres lu 'north-wst onaurth m rn0i11 'onien. Llterary bior~j pretty Indlau. girt. prusontj' Inate- Isection 32, Newport towship. Mr.. b lstory; mpew.s aits xý-3 ed Bob. Heansd the girl bcu@s stb -1$4 100 script- bad strpîîsd atiay lato a sot of lu- Ï. ii. Dortier sudnite 10 Ca . C. closed Stemmler gairdon. 1 luvited my1 hnttata i il on stTHiSE~ MAY WIU it compamnt»1 go off lu the samne say. oîeefonrth section 28, Avà ousip taffmy tL. Brosa, Chicago.. but dise ~ve.me a lok that ws@as it .D 1.4Vi twsi.Abtline E A1sasau. the wsrnlng I1 neetied. 1 coxtented My- W. Rse,8Cic00 self 'withlt rinlina wit the Ot - . - MAxch . ran oe Ciao----- Bob nad the girl he. sas wthcr.a Robert Thotet a"iu wta 1Mary LilattiWllte,. 10 t4 malned svay tron> the remt ofusfori itnand huablutilot 1, .11-at .d Ane Rmre lIme. '%Vhen ho rctnrned Le sp- 1,lion la Washlngton Park, Waultegan. Leona H. Peterson. (tubage . pearéti'ta ho quite prond ot blmftlt,! W. D. $2.100. Hars R. IHamilton........ though the gIrlsa face soi-e a frîghI- Rattie A. China andi buabauti ta .1.Lillian Raiusler, dame. ened loa5, As gnon as ire sere ulone ~~CIîfWord C. Shauk, inaii. $..-' bu toIdo me thut he Lad taken the V hlim> wst 5$ féeetlut 74, eouu<y Balte C.Alais; ,GigiIke . swemeest.kis heoud l0ver insted,1 derkts euh. lu village of Antioch. W. Fred Krueger, Souti>Mî askud hîtS if ho was sure Le sas un- D.82,200. RIit Ladwig, sains------ observed. sud: % Raid hg as wne oune -Anguat Uthelein ta0l?. CI Muelbot. ,4onard Lanfeitberg; âMllW*auIÙ*,j about, but whoe his lipàd touchai Ibme part lots 7 and 9. block 31, original die all, liine-------- girlasie Md adttefma a, uppresastWauegan. Q. C. $2. Fred IHawins, Atutocb. sceman. tt sua lmlttedistcly ftîer thîs R. R. Yeoman to L. J. Yeoman lots .fenle M. Slbley, asie -..-.-.. e4 thal Ibm 150e retarée-.23 andi 24, block 2. Yeoman & [long- Arthur W. LaBelle, MStCIy J- Whou wjs rel9t*ied lte rajah bu x.tas'.tub Waukegan. W. D. $1. Jessie B. 5icharff. saute----------. presoed a hoile thaf su Lall eujoyed ourallives. Ile sas very effusive lu Peter Debasimti andti sIe ta Williamtf J. Walsh; lllgb*ood , bis offerts of ilnsptallîy ani friendablp. Franit Setmkar, lot 14, blockt 13, Wash- rFlot-enzOe Marquito. Chicago . He azkai un how se sure pleased i t.homor sprlugs. Wankegan. W. D. $1. Otta Chrîrtensea, Racine ..... * Margaret Lafave, Bire, EkI> ..* the ladies, anti shen se expreutetI 800. Itîilaut I-tesei-t, Chicago .... . ourselves deligLîtd Le sali thal se XW. H. Shanka andti sfe ta Ur. 0.îe..t.ieWhttmtrs. saee....... bâtd niet cn the inotit'betientul. Hie Sithî. 20 acres ln sectIons 4 andi 5, (Ir V. WÎlleu, Duluth, ....... clappet isi banda, adtervant appeareti. prenamnt township. W. D. $1.600. be gave an ai-der ln ntangue se did Anna flouse ta Etnua E. floute, a not . ndersls.nd, tLe servant wltlmdies.tract of ]and lu section. 9 and -dO . lh- and in a tes minute unrtst led lus erty'ville townsuhip sa ntilaSection 25, mIat anotbstr rool here were assein- Fi-amont township, Q. C., $10. bled several of the Lisndsotmtt Indian A. G. Normagisun and i ste ta C. N. sornen I have ever peeu. The rajah Thiomas, lot 8. blockt 6., Biuor ad tntrodut-ed us. then left ns. saylng Highland Park. W. D., $2.600. thal Le woltld take n nail. J. P. Carlson ta Chri Peterson. loi Onu of the women. aPParently wlth 9, tub of 'loci3. ltxuoor add. High-. lte consent ofth tlu aers, tankklBob un- land P'ark, W. D., $100. der er spetaicare anthe ta% mA.C. Pi-cet sud site ta A. G. Nor- dur er mpelalcame auothr tnk ardoxn, eaaerîy Uls teet. of the noe.t me, sud il wasn't long hefore. undet halt of lot 144 RavlanlS. W. D., $900. - pretense et shosîg n s orne cf the G. W. Mahei- sud sife ta S. IL Bingf, rajah,@ muet valuable cmus. ntbey led haut, lot 1, .Vabots euh ai part of, ml nt m a suit ot ruoma 011.4 sfith Blocit3414b lalsd Park. W. D., $10. eouogh rare articles ta stock a museO- R. F. Chamu ta B- D. Butter, part Qt unm. Bob anti I @oon got loto suparatto lot 40- Hlgitslîd, ý1. (C-, $1. i-coma. My* cumpanion sud 1Iasseatd M . . Wols ad tfe ta P.' J. Boser-. ourtelvus on a divan aud sere chat- 80 acres In 'section 27, Girat town.,~ tlng about Ibm Curios shen 1 nOtlceti sh4p. W. D. $6.000l that ah.e bâtdbeen nusaitgdmre struge plrtume. 8h. grndually tires near ta me.,sud I notteed a deathly miel- Haw Ci-tti Causes Kidney Disease nos cousia over me. AatuInsit et f Partky hb dtiing blond trino ti @alf Pnrot fou, I suppuosé, ole nete uilea &bd cougieeting tse ut éine ilst upail -m tbe divan. MY nU ido ipari t y ît ir tua much soW a taefind Bah. I sftagg«Oed luteto-an- hn. Pale>' Kidue, Plila stfog. kbi ,glvotoneto tbssslaas otueroam. Thera sW" Bah sftiiMe orgent sud resteasthe nornum etts T IWO t gu ti blIe. ar the girl ho wu i iteblodtir. Tritear..an.e.l......a suSb. Sesalnme. %bh,11tiSSOUEIberhWquiel tla resrait. Tryfilleul. ]For saie b arme traus about hlm. aud hlfie l10ta oil Drsgglots. l uii- tua seoir. i sent ta lins, bout ower _________ for the i 1 ,0 c-*# é hlm sud lues Ihat b. sas d&4.54. emir o Tiare sas a dotSoeaur Y eçsslng - NOTICE mIstea gardon. I manlged th set te iB -l 0 e hebý i ia aMi psssed ont.The retairA&relved 'To tb. tzx PaYeta f «Warrea.1 s v tb, i se ý qpkw or *e bueS > tel, and, rembdu ngthe 5180811et fsuy ho aI Brachera atsaitu onWe"d" aieg e ci - foai irau lue a 4ai' anyshe te fill -ead10% ak». fiMI8"cMo h bv # ,,,My troalte horrible death Ibad l una u tla~qW ue yII I~çiî1edb b g liaW'-Me& i.ou Saturdiy 10to ieçt'taze tbte m y rmtb 1 r4turs.d, ,te Calcutta asd tl-id mi B . rV RAT, 55Mmd reuouslh eza e til 9»9410 Atoily. "i<otulat cW Ib. o fl-la 1tue lSj saiy_ ""ie "m B te os i OSewm -~er S l sttbq pptiaey ilit. coileeto,.r sus ~~~~rt - hi« epmih~~ ab 1 ~ isgn. d>ete1g tA) çumb Whost aklI. lia emoe th tIe it ROSE COMB RHOD ISLAND REDS IL 3. T41GGS Sur"LECOm MLACK LRRèOP-IN'GT ON S lme. g5àndmt 'MPusgmeefouI ms i. ALLEXÂ borStoI.. uuwuww