Ibabees climong jWaêtticinailthé, Cok. enmty votes betweeu tbm. thaiVo bmi, ou tiie Qui"et 5m- wis= M oth lft. 'ujivi É6wtetit.dateibn viii-de-' vote tii. balance or the ceanpoigata tii inetrepeoitataa paevem Moiretias., lir. Caidwellmade several speeches 4cr1ug the. veel. P)eoglzlg th&t be venU dnet be a caudldatw for re-elso- dona. aud tkat b. would have, no use Séa à political macliIne. "1 Iilo t 'ven try ta organie one," h. add. fTia Idea brought out loud applaue as the. princIpai duty ci Repub»lCauL Govaiaaors las b... tpbufll op a ina-1 MWs et th* litm ant iota tse " it etii* yetea- hb Hi*1 8 la, àmwicth, Fm dylîs, *Md i 11sfber I. e. Caatl% b"laI;dre hLÀ «Yti .cM tu É.or 0f fe Wli IN omvin a,. go mie- tor ,a r' Barm7 ka MMs. Tho, gria ithe 'pOaierof bêbr oam pu lu 1t" m enl her i te tic. itOtol. mu sMmd not W'*Me. ait>G ;p Uillffl wm àr ulb» t, i tai %r 01eké4z *ob Suubt «ut l 00- buminee = '~ Mes auiii .p Rhi oaf.......... makic........1¼ é**7 0000 elu th* mauOintiUg W judkea tK. -tiw * W . o VgOptjM m«% votes I*r é ouny ta thO 'o laculer-ln oer *. at" Mr. OaIdvoUvii qy .rlOI54 b!W Coob. il teg vusce« te DenmWCrt.uMd Be<mgk*t * al -eli fiii betb. ie ç5êteam ds tiioau.det cf lie0mraua ta jon ihi aMyW-4oe tbs t Watt viite ys -above oerftyotb.roi nolderatiMn ..tb)4mpftw UT*to Win" la Oglul pamso,- u4 tanVIn cbàAo.%BJiat6a Given two Vr thres or four wayu of reachlug a reult and thotem a pronenesa tc evolve the bedtroute by examlning tii. price ticket. AbsoILtely a wrong inethod -because it takes no acconot of quality. ,~4c i- :ktIs'nt AIraido AMyKiudDf0'mparetive Test. Ils any condition; its yleld of tke Mmlînuï -if f romtheMbhn Sth A~ of lta Cordr1-tese feat «"te - Foika who think EIn** Lfrhi is a luxury le a luxury- 1ÈWÇ&CO 't Th a noe* aei bcorne con aff.rd ELECTPJC SERVICE in the Horn -Aie If.simple uE luXPOnlve matter to WIRE flOUSES, for lt. W.édotde aw* a cm& Adtwn - dad.& pqWinb.24 MONTHL Y INSTAUMENTS, WuWute. Pric es SMÀSKED, to Pece onau'. ~ ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Pork',. ...................l Pork T@,adsorloIiL.............. 2 7lbw> Uiaoi u......S2 Po~kii~ge............. K.tt UEdw.dLp,......... plgi ......................4 lAmb, Ghm...i7.............. l VIAL ?ÈMW ig.o ore Grdwu Hi......o.............. 1 Vqm Uimp..............i V«IaSow............. velXIayla............i AiLe**st wair, r eVatuis O,/ored =jo thiaoa,.em o1t flat mn ~. #n i vc r tliow flius., - k and bt outrimateuls o tmelf YoaiWïll flad tiee t 4s, phice a tuait 'c4 . e'màg coU.clom ýÏuset styles; apleiddly madieci lgnnch surgea ta savy, brwn, $îsn and black, trimmed ivititbraid aaWd satin, «ceepina1 values ut P.'95. C~arta~Spt4 ~essfor $15 00 MI xtsftsve coufetios01 ai j "hvrnng st'les ut titis price. BeauttfuUly ci aU vook a l 01Ftenc" Mrge dradcuts oicotitrasting calot. At the pe*wU~ssaçal~b i-btot duplicate thetu, SM5 Atilowlng of m.*.kIatltisa le rangfor se1leion. white, crunddclored. au, 0es fte~ ohand i .1k pn he im- lim haimaieM ofulae'an la inu ha.-onizing i~uas, $25.- No womau Who la counr- ed in hor appearuce can afford to neglect the dreaa of her hair for it, one of her greteet Charms. We can au e> you wth the noea u oveltieo in any color deired. Our, hair goods are the very bot' g r ade -'imported from France and' Germany, thoroughly sanituryand of iioft, gloesy, lustronis quali- ty. arit ~m..4u. WIth cab puéuu Alaruge Ifccion of women 's gowns great- ly underpriced for to- pnerrow. ,Beautifui styles in V, higli neck and slip-o'vers, cie-* gantly trinuned with lace and d O others vwith embroidery. -" KIMON" 1, women-13 lo iog s. maime ef ser"untIaecroeslai iid- *me amutaui canyon- ~ions1pasteWiI.sti,»n or .1med.. .... 69 Smart Spring styles for chl- dren up to.14 years, orne in percales and grngharns, ef- feetfve rt3izumd u lngir p,-etty l rlo. rcle sibshame of efoflant qaIS. Su t....... ...... & Suit.% for .Cà,b mi Of course, yon want th ii wg en tqi<rhis bout on Confirmation Sunid*Y asudfor Eagev.Duybis suit at the Globe andyotr a"esueMfm t his being coirrectly attired. Our *llu re 1.118 ate the klnd that Rive liOUStigma*jisfcn; they an tallored just as careullyiaý)à.lgh elm' men's garnents and of qnialitibe Mt* willI cause you to ever remeniber the Globe. Two and three button styles ,with peg.top kuickerbocler troums; age 3tol17. Pd'kes $S95 te 9O par............. O: ++*~c+ *+++* Cia mebmnbusbeen brougit, ow.I1twqyw oltan«uy ùàr; i 4«t ouI NOIW~~4 ~ borne rmtb* ho#WtaL sBb u woah5il bre, mtai aur ~a t'en luse, brosk, -*Mt 8* +tie. boubiti-fori. epaaf séeral ~~a>wi ontffyug~~iu w*bv « h fe re.uit o'oaim ogerutios ...........t +for ap@U>cdlol. Meh.Win.a*OUfnov UiOc er,;bàri oaiZrn ja4r;1i aM f tovejing bei'reng»th j br'o«I 5w 5biei ra.uw~~ot Johanem uiio peat Tueoda; ia chi- 8st ii oiape hl qatr q q0OS on tbels. IL I.L ennlag *puat Tnumaies la a»&wt en l;iht « Chten o b»im. orachicei; 6 bu eau , bd uélmir 'pamyer; I mii %lie Dohovin le'a Chcao u baaneharassa; 1 liantgoWetilut kopew;h __________on______ %haraae; 1 two -borsc rate. i uuevr,jstrid4. Tb*. hlot 010 hulo baket hbol AICTION SALi. vdonm vit. pavel butu; a MMiff a.the £11tea t«tiis co- ,Hevlng dtle"1',ltiy am hm;,lhV!a;*01 i. ieTc~ be ~fboys Fraçâsticet 4f knovn as thé e. ")m . ereu 48 iti a-ak; i foti baror; 1, "ds muCta"wbtiroplarba,vMitt bei , th Ibe *1 ututIo, .aoi<t 1W. m Ubi ctub M~t 'týs afler-ll at publie 40atu au Tbawstag»v Wlli i 5 8Uipworo eo. auui. SU -ti )brM Wuum lte. MA"toh ut»U1 *45bOf*gSeecr4lbe bq. awo 1 Mdt suit oo. i90 thel oir it euar mbatbly *ebortg, ,>fpttý Wbe.i« <50 uBi~i mti 8*0 lii* tu « gela; '*n duMiaot P in a Su4ylky; I Nhaa' om 6n '-t,- ,~t-.44W PRUEI SPEC iJ COUNT MOLE A I met Bal wbere b to requ provide on whlr show thi the Uni Rooaevé anteed acliarat Motio <ierl ali tri whie desires ide cleýr requeýt. the mec ed as a IDi rodiat vards Wher, Cam psiM Statesaa Wheri this %ta of alil< the 'ni and, MWher, vote of Wller, -an teed pense o lilon at helli!Ap Wler, of UtcetE ty. tutui best tnt to have ic noir U7nited Thera that thf Lew A. to suhrn to he h, dental that ti lot on t -trot Kt Dames ( te" toaa remal an oppo any oth 1 n fa cil 'k E balot bilo,ý 1t: 4t be E tee. Pract the. onl preaidei the bal and Ro bethie names flot be PLAN Jaaty'Street Bats, $4o5 t A special colle<cion of at- tractive Spring bats, specially prcdfor Saturday's seling. Teanthe latent product of our work-room and esci model is a distinetive creation, pos- ses8ing a- wealth of style and beauty. New Roling brim shapes in black and natural co)lored stmawsy trinuned with velvet ribbop and fancy stick-up feathers. The'price- i de- .cidedly low 1695 RADIOi WHI r iuugtse sr~ fluai- "c-t. t uaAta' A iau hbrousb ads or faim tg tioni a Institut countri the ail aniforu of the. tbiousi coustry The. by Rot : 1 a me IW*d the sa Il