ýeaethe snin a cou. sdtake E~ui~Jady.it w*il ulve Wyo a*.ughflash and De ss.ta get scorrs-. deaàthse Stcudavd maia, da boa. ÂI.X DatiOGNTS 11-19 Wiofto Expel the Inmirgente ~OCK ILAND, Iii Mrcb 14-It va noancéd togey tbat thé exécutIve gouacil iQI tbé ModéI2e Woodméa qf Amérima, in session fiers, would také ,no action looking to thé expulsion of mérn- bars of théeaclty uho.are oppoeing la- àoeçsd linmoraneetes. A pttion viii be r"elei aking thé boaS camp ta holil amothr session to considér lasurante- i ~JMA5 CITY, Maneb 14.-Repre- ' ~Mnatleeof lithé 152 campa of the - MoSda eWilodmen o! AmrérinlaKansas1 ta msocde fraie thé parent organ- Mdp si form au Indepeadent onîler1 a ~ ueIn tamua iasty. an., ta- IUb.rment lnîl'eaeliinsuraicé vas wuthé cause An excutive corn- i Mom sca ose f oas mémber frous 'd rssomal district, will forma- *0 plaifor te Dow o eitlon. surprleéd, hlm qtudey'evsnlng, thé a<scé.lon bolug bis fouartesu*ll hlrtbday. MisuEiabethBwer" ,*terSo thé IThé heture, whlch wua to bave he ghnet lias chmrh lest riSay svenitg. *»e poutponadon eaunot f.thé stru but wlil hé given Fldey, Mar. 29. Thie FrISI' éening will hé thé lecture for tb. ebftdrén. 13..Zoshir of Waukega, la violtlag bhis am aiddaughter bore. %Uh.Dorcaes sclst.yol thé Proebyterlan tbÏreh gav a New Ruand dlmnr àt thé houe o!fP. fi. àMeyr Thnruday ovée. a number of Déérfieid people attended Sb@. flows« show, et thé Art Institut. Mmre,8 'P.' Ratchiuso,, spénta ew dojo darlng thé wesk ln Waakegan. Evidience Ilbertyville Read- ors will ppreciate Doan'a Kidney Pisehavé donés plen- did work in this loceity'. Havé mrérted thé unstintéd pralsé théy havé rftoved. Rere's évidence of f.héir vaine that nousécau doubt. It'e téstimony from ibis locaiity, twice.toid and i aél conllrrnéd. Sncb éndî,rséne are unique in thé annals of mediciné. .Shouid convice thé most ékeptipal Ubértyvilis réaden. P. C. Beedt. 711 W. Minnié St., Harvard, fil., oays: "Ion ray continué to, pnlisbthé statemént 1 gavé in pralse of D)oan'a. Kidnéy Plile ln 1907. For seterel yeara1 w"affalicted witb kidney trouble. 1 had dissi @pellesuanS lisré zeere Intensepains throaghont my body. I olten» halldifficalty in bending and I féit weak and misérablé. Decling to, 'try Doae'e Kidnéy Pille, 1 began théir use. 1 lnanoved from the tiret and béfors lnathé pins and other diffigni- tis dlapa . Off and on during thé r s tltwa Jears, 1 bave taken Doan'e dàney ]Ille and they have a]iway e bad e bousficlal effect. " For sais hy ail] dalers.Prire 50cents. àFostér-Milhrn Co., Buffalo, New York soie agents for thé Vniltéd Statés. Iteuembér thé narne-Dean's-and také ne othér. 26.2 aîtheogi Sof a tat -foiîows: ~1O.2 to $,OOO.~~13; te, We are offering tp you for yon immediate accep- ÉX.S omuefrom the new issue vpt.ed on February 27tb, J. A.,i #4)OO ýdollare worth of our 7 per'cent. bearing pre-. Ed'Da, ,Wred stock whloh bam proved to be far greater than s. Hu m expected-showing a gain of over 52 per cent. c--'ng Our statement isoued February 28rd, shows you. Thé f Pbonyt LIBIITES$16, 186.76 hear on( ASSETS.2L,211.79 duce the GAI .$5,06..8that c] scence( Thé inereese being made to bud enother large plant-. adnot "odru and ap-to-date An insI W. have modre orders théii we eaufill-Let your money ethadn( ia &Il it's worth-Earu 7 par cent., or more not considcring the and gén aeaed valné of your stock-W. appréciaté thé émal as wé]l théeaxe eeX large-For fanther information, see any of the foilowing itrd i*uco~.machiné J. E. MEREDITH ta casic WM. NEWTON . thé arn R. P. SCHNAEBELE Aun, WM. B. (JARR Baplist L. R. CLA1JSEN Meredith FIower and Vegetable Co. The p. m Order 1'our Baster suitI 0NOW We have mest recoived a nov Une of samples of Nxw Sisant AND> SUMR Sumi from an up-to-date and firet-cias Chicago ('iothing lions.. On Baturday/ March 2rd, vo wi4auve a mian here t show Une and takè\ ordere for ready and tailor made suite. A.u Omnois PBOYusLY FILLE!>. L. A. Murrie m a , IliInois- ( 7P~WJ~V1EW~'~ I. A, gmo1g waé a Cisicego visito Iurday. wlth her lwothsr, Tain, ad famIy. ,lira. John Roder If <Ibio,, la apaud. flus thebe mwth ber mother, lim, Wiliam guiseé& Otto Kinghmbalconea eposition with thé B. J. s *lroed et Rnodout, noms- ms0Uelg*5Weék., lits.I. A. DEllouand tiwo éblldré Soit Toeedy for a viit villa ber dliter amurLittle River, Keas. WIi rasen or Va»Peca, Wis.. Vas la toue Sounde~. Ris fptber, 0. Dremos acompeelied hlm whén he rétarcéS. ViiiRay 1" Sfaaaly apoat Bandai vlth relative$aet Prairie Vs. Jonny. anS Edue Lied have takén the Tyler cottage on Morris Ave. and ara éxpérlsncing thé joie of honsékeeping. Matuél and Véra Rudolpb spentSundey with théir parents et Rivérview. Ir. anS tirs. George Fualler of Round Lake, vére callére et thé BlIaf.V home thé tiret of thé wéek. J. L. Irving réturmédSaStnrday irom bhme nst Waeworth. Hé spent thé wéek hère ln préparation for thé séasons work. Hé viii begin as soon ai the ethén permits of Pernent work. wéelk of lbe 4ephk e!ber sd"t., lir&- J"M ssDix,&* Lui àugwe, . litMM partw4e s;W a U 'èIrdd. ëb Mol évshag'ahéc vii h: "ElIjeh's- ThoYousg ULodies'eesing Club met9 Modvqvuulg of this wék wltblma Glut i kapké.Àvory pisams ansd p"otable evuehu vwpent. W~laruori4o avethat lre. L. 9. Paye.la éaauquille 'slck. Rer cani. ticétn eéeetaes thé attendencé o! fi tralnsd aurce. Quito a numbér from hère attendédi thé et. Patnlct's énitértanrnnt Lihétivillé aid enjoyed it greatiy. A bubrof iriendes urpriseS tirs. J.l. Aynsley et ber homne Rtardai evenlng and énjoyéd n very pleaient événingat cachée. spraying ia a profitable inivesiment. Get lime and suiphîîr solution anS bordeaux mixture at l>EcKEII & Bo!q'c, Lbrti ville. c-2(;.1 - - I ZWIZIZJ A ZURICH IR l@ coming'. Eastér postais at Emil Frank's. t. Patrick's baill t thé Lakesidé Wiliam Bnecblra*s recaiied to the on Mondai evening« was quite Grand Jury in Waukegan Tutesday. Sattendéd aitbongb the badl Mr. and lirs. Chas. Spip of Palatine, io of the roade no doubi kept a and tirs. Williamsof Racine, visited înber from conîing forain the over Tuésday et J. D. Finkéo. oring towns. Bowevér with the Fred Bale eégala ttending tu bis iwbich were soid préviouaiy bailsé aftér hbio récent accident. recéiptu wili total noer thé $100 Fred Seip made. a business trip to Chicago Tuésday. townsghlp prim"res beid et théetMr. and tire.. B l;er and tirs. M. bhail lest Satarday from 2 to 5 Wiké attended thé tunerai of a niécé of ip. m. proved rather ;xcitîng tMr- Hélfr'a et Leliton Wednesday. igh oniy 171 votes weré tast out Théré wss a large turn-ont at the otai of 315. Thé reit was as onpmaiu l@Strdy24vte 8:For supervisai, Ç. W. Brooks toingpriasr és uprdo: A. F24votr bwn clerk. A. L. )Powérs.145; 1heié!G ct ForsuperviownrkA. Fte r, C. E. Wbéeioel 88, . E.1f .O ml,7.Tw ir:Ag 74;eolecorCho. owil 4,Froelck, 209. Asessor: Fred b. Hanimonil 46, Jus, 8.Béas 48;: Thies. 200. Tai coilector, B. F. Miller, 13' commissionér district No. 8; 0 chmcer 4;NckPt 3one 27 B.b. ranhan ~86, J .oh.n *.owé, 108. Bighway coin- ýýv 72, Wm. Whitman 8. C. E.msinr .Lwsc.8,W mln padcaefor asésor and Js stock. 146v Fnl Foiléth, )#. Cotabie: aia&frclt Jos. estnd reGu. Steinberg, 88; Ueo. (Gross, 791; Fred s u ton colictonndrtadar .émpker, 116. Sehool trusteé: J. C. Up Of pétiion.Whitney, 205. Theré wîii opposition et laeét thing out in Musical élection for coliéctor ns Niek Pott bas menta la thé néw Borniése Sym- entered thé race hy.petition. taling machinéeand ta sée andl_________ me le to want ai)@. Théy reprà. A TI le baman voice to sncb perfection ...- îée net mséeing thé machin@ woaid Thé spring opénoing of thé Palatine ly héliévé it wa@ a talking machine m iilinéry store érillXaké place tiarch 24. t a person singing or talklng. A. H.liartlet. Who bai conoducted a. strumént of this bigb quaiity Dot bé honght anywbere fur lés@ saloon hère the pat six monthés bas' 125, but El. E. Maiman our ciothier returned tealDundee. aérai furnisher tbrougb securing Msa. Walter Torgler vlsitéd ber mother xclusive egency for tbem and to 1n Chicago oser Sunday. irce a weil known disc talilng Mrs. H. F. Battern é ntertainéed ttn iné record l@ going to present tbém of ber lady friende Tuesday eroeing. olkersi making cash pourchases to W. H. Brockway wai ceiléd t0 Albany, nounit of $85. Wia., Wédnsday oit account of thé etertaîarnént ie to hé gîven et the sérions ilinsas of hls lather. et charcb Satarday évening, Mar. Mr@5. A. S. Olm;. and daagbtér, Mr@. loé prograrn having béén arrangeil R. M. Putnaun bave rétnrnéd from Elgin occsuion, lncludinu readings and wbére hoth underwént an opération. SI naînhers. A hîtchen o>rcestre, Thétetéa of Char"ésHainan tonk thé ,thé direction of lire. R. C. Kent, notiomi tbey had stond in thé street long rder spécial sélections, wbicb eOnoagb witbout any dinner and withont wili hé wortb the pries of admis- a driveritarted for home. No damage A rose dill wiii hé given by sever. wai dons. ing ladies andl thé progrern wilir.: C. A. Starck wai unconsCioug Ld wltb e déhate On WOmsn neeriy six hoars Taesday afternoon and ige by B. C. Kent for the affirma- événing, théeresalt-ef heing thrown f rom, id 8. L. Carr for thé négative. hi@ cutter. Whiie going north on Piurn program, wîii hein et 8 o'dloek Grave Avé., two doge ian ap to bis Admission: Adaits, 20c,, bldrén bomeé wbich frighténed It and ln turnlng Ai most cordial invitation extend. the cutter struck a corner atone, thé ail. doctor viént over thé dasb board and »h orase bruire logs. Fortanately no lckache Aimost Unheerable serions inijuies resalted. aaImait certain resailt of hidneyRB. G. Colline, Postumater. Barnegat, o. D. Toomsy. 808 S. Oliver St. N. J.. was troubled with a Sesvre myee IL~ : "isuDbed la igrippe s cougi. Réesmye: "I wauid hé eJàpeina lanmy hldp»gcompistelly ezbaistsd aftsr sab fit of wers aleoat uum bb. 1 gave- violsat coughiug. 1bogNt a bolideof ,Klde Pille a good trial and tbsg, Folés'H omey and tar upoud aad rodmu f1« me Todsi 1e» do a&helor I baS talion lie ail tIe o ot oy Wort aMd motbdtheeUwse" spoliebaS eetiolry essé.-It eaut ha Jhy il »ugies.be*t," For sel. bytoaillopa ugs.r M. .,-.IL s. i.. -rriap. Preuldent. VIC4 Preaidesut. Irving E. Payne, Osehier. THE ~C1FIZEINS9 BANk Progrmdsve5- - Couvenient We invite yourpatroisago for our Nutual De»Mt., ». L. Ts'lpp. PARTNRSU ANO DIRECTORS: irvis ILE.Payf rumm *iINa "d. a&UMe. job. à lit. am< Mu.m J. &. . Vasn vistéS relatlvue h (ll Na ua MadMUn-. lire Chaa. tuna énteràio alady bacines et plusd r.Vakeue, and littie %W égvlqtof wlab ira 4.Ohlhrt Lacs iaal.Omifi eccompiflled ber coun.aby Moites, to ber home la Chéoberkwa fév dayo 'lait lest veét. -11Ms. III A. R&Y and edrîn of Rotber, sMtlatsuday Megt and 808467 withhoerperrets, Urlin.ed ira. U. *. Baier. Uào.*d Uasthérenténtalned bis frienil, Art Meyer o! Lihértyvilié, a féw dojo lait waél. lira.Fred Toweér, Jr.. asdisnElle Townsr of Dlamond Lake, vlaited tise Tottnér's parents, Mr. and Mis. J. A. MasoÎnlest weeklVéW'dnesday. Ur. and tira. Wmi. Ede of rentrai Illinois, are visiting wlth théir parenté, tir. aid tUrs. SIE. Loomnis for a few weeUs. e'hév are enrorîté to their new home la ýhCiÈigan. Mira. Herman Aibrecht visitéS witb ber Parents la Chicago gaturday and Sun- 1 ay ofl aat week. ______ Mr«. Emma KTuPRer and daught..r Aima, visited relative@ and friendé in Chicago Monday and Tneeday. Misa Mars, Amanu ti'ok tirnt p rze $3.00, for the hésteomeav ohTabrrulio. Mips Aima KrupULwansawardéd seond priée $2.00. The priés beinog nwarded by the Lake County Tuberetalosie Inatitate. Mr. and Mr@. Paul Pegeiow and mon spent Sunday at Libertyvilie. Mr@. Fred Priess and Uaughtër Einore, were Chicago vieitors over Sunday. On Saturdas night at NEcAlister hospital occurred the death of Edna Heifer. daugbter of Mr. and lire. Henry Helfe.r of Leithton. The fauîily have the sympathy of tbeur many friends hbe. C1IILDREN INJUIIED Ordinary Cathartics and Pille and Harsh Physic Clause Distresing Complaints Yen cannot hé over-car,.ful in thé slection o! medicine for clildren. Uniy tihe very gesttle>t lowéi medir'ine shnuld even ne givea. exrept in éliergené> Cases. Ordinary pille, ctau rntie ana purgatives are apito do more herxîî f ban gond. Théycy > ensé gripinîr. nasea and other istresialuger.ffleeté thaf are fréquéntly healrh destroying. Wé peo .e ally recommènd anud guar- ant.ée Rexait. Orderlien a@ the cati-t anS most depéndabié remeriy, whirl w,' knaw, for constipation and a#ssuciai bowel Sisondéra. Wr. havé sncb abeointée faiith la thé virtuaeof f hie remedy t bat wé oeil it an Our guarantée of mîoise% back un eveni liatanue whené itf feue t;) give entireesatisfaction and w, urge ail ini neS !f snoir mgdicine tu try it at our Rexali Ordérlies aréeéaten jutif lite eandy, are particulani>' prompt and agré,-able in actilun, ira>' hétalion ai au>' rime, day ur nigit; do not t-anse diarrhoea, nause. rping, éxr'eséilze Iaséenest, or othér unoeira'ble effectes Trrey bavé a ver>' mlilS butpositive action apon thé orgae swufh whieh îhey cîsmn la Contact, appareutiv acting as a regulatîve tauic apon the relaxed muKcular coat ai tihe bowei, rhum river. eoming weekfless, and eiding tu restore thé bo wsîs ta mon. vigorous anS healthy activity. RexaII OrSénilu Cemniani>'compléréiy reléeve constipation, except of course whén n! e urgieloélara-tér. Tbev also ternd tu ovéorne thé neceésty of Ctn- stently teklog laxatives f0 kep tB b)ouclailanormâaleodiîlon. Tbree izés 0f packas. 10 cfa, 2Il a ad SOcts. Rememberyounocn get thém in Liberty- vie ou atoan tore.-Thé Réxeil tote. Dzmca & BOND., Libétyvilié, 111. Edward Laieey, latothér o! Biter Mles L[améy or Barrngton, Slnd et Oregon. Wls.. Match 9tté. Hé was bore In Barrington le 1864. He leavés e wiScu s»S kv. clldr'e. Tusie Mîppened In Bouton., Rabbi Wb$é, uh e évistéS RB». ton for théet lidm, vas undéid et whet bot.! ta stop. As héovandsa, et up flamme, street tIm the fouNa station hé determined a taniréfor a gond botéL BoloeamcpteS a See ap., 'pearlnmua, vié wù daming loward blm, onfkident that flue, sueNt a cii- un hé. vwîSle ue mtaget thé very bout a dvlc..ag o bis cholcé o! a stop- ~plat plactoe "«tvasaiS hé a good ;Placé te stop a4r hé tasinied -of thé strangér. "Xuit belote ycan each-the '#t.» vas the dimconoektng reply,-Ces- m i n. aMim tA"èesusi iu Adjidialn Notite. 5s~~qqemeo ema mi 'eceagi ---'M - TO' tihenepmgallesu.Voter.etthé I béréby sa&tance 'Syagtif &u a»au- didate for' Itépnemttve lu the Go>n- é-a Asemblyr, aubjeot ta, thé actioneait thé ROpubiicau Primary dClé t e ha hé held April 9. 1912. -Prelons ta otr eatsago theé Ré- publicana f oo! ac Cqnty for moret then ttaY Yeamns. bhon rept.nt- éd la thé e ts e tltr 4~is field. Dnrleg thé, laet féou yershou.q éver. Bcoe oné Ca han, la sbdno 1eab lican, éltheren lethé sonaeéof Housé et Representatlvéa. At the prnt t finie ttcHenry Coanty hba if'thé Re.e- Pulilcen menibera, the Besiator as wéii as bath membérso o théelioneof, Represéntatives. Z(ee thaf théy aréeut ltled fo rejînésén- OA UFI O tatuon, anîd béing assuréd by rneny W MNSFRQ O voiers hihof h0fleke ad McHenry TO AJ>PEAR ON BALLOT colnnUes, that, ibère was agein a dis- position ta give Booné Caunt y e Re. COUNTV CLERK Fi£tNOEl DOES preséntetîve, I conééîîted té-bécotne a NOT FAVOR THE IOtEA 0F candidate. 1 ami thé only candidate PROMINÈNT SUFFRAQETTE. Tibi 'llc3ne caunt y, but on accalînt aof Our émal populatJIon.Ifwlil hé neinýs- Thé bigggest sein léa thé suffrage sary for me ta receivé subéfantlalgul- cempelgu was final today when ('aller- par2 freini bth 1..ake and lIcHér.îy Ie Waugh MeÇulloch, cheirman of couîîtlea, If f am ftu e naminefled. D)o thé suffrage referendum cemmttfe in Ynu think lIoi fair that hifclfnrv cuia- (Chicago, tarwardèd pétitions fa loi ty witb oniy two.sevéntb of thé vote ceunfles la Illinois Ineiudlng Lake of the district shQid have thé wbcuie coun, asl.Ing thé saine piviiege as thing? Don't von think la lo about Ithat granted hy Judgé Owens of Cook tinie the Lake and flooné rcpresentlng counny. flve-seveuf ha of thé vote o! thé district -Wé want thé uhale staié of IllinDois are entitied ta eornetblng fa vaé antié quetion Aprili S," saiS Having héén raised an a tarmand id ra .leC Ililb. sf111 being intérested la- agnlcultuïé This wlill éLxtend thé scolie of thé oui dairying. 1 arn Ibérefore sonie- canpaign to thée tet e. wbat farillar wih theé neede of the At tint It vas latéîîded ta confine fermer lu the way o! leglélafion, and thse carujiln to C'ook canal y burt willa.. s'hall favor 011W snch iaws fer regu- the Irivîlege of the suffrage référea- iating flie dairy Induistry as are lumt dum at thé presldentli primerles ex- and rair le flie prod.ncere of mllk. tended over 102 coanties, thé anffraee f arn unaltérabiy apposed foin hè campalgn wIliitaké an iîîcreased acti- corruîrt use of money ta cesuirol pri- ,vity. mariés and élections. This le an écul Coanty Clerk Léw A. Héadée todey Which atrikés et the rery foundation déclareS ihat ibère wilii héno voté uf our govérament and institutilons, allen thé question ln aeoccunty on and le a customi whlch bas alreatly hé- April 9. Hé aald that hé diSd ot thfek corne foo prévalent. The people vin- that ea rmary élection was thé place Dot éîpect hanest public Officiais, i, for straw elots of thé hieS ta hé oui> théy are electéd by tbe corrupt use.i )f mtéS tao a voté. Hé saiS thet thé bel. rnuev. Ccrfeinly a persan cannoi lot wlll hé tao long au If la wlthoat a.l'ord ta gîvé bais urne te an office anrd îaking np thé judge'e urne hy attend- ireéldes speud four or filue fîmes thé 1lng fo the séparate Issue. arnauit of!lbis saiary la campalgn eX., With regard ta thé preféreutlal voté tense,. I 1béllièee e éfuoiid ha',ea for président béing takén hère, ho eorrillit practiré aci. making h ln- salîd that héie s debafing thé mnalter cumlir'ît on éveryc candidate to reportI and thet hae lias nôt yet décided to ai- ln détail undèr eatb thé amount o! bis 10W ibis fa appear on thé ballot. Hé campaigu expérrées and thé source lo inclined ta tbluk that a vote of this tram wblch1 it came, and if élécted klnd n'ght causé confueion. I sha# favor e a m" ofthit qIar. sOe., 1 héléve inthéeleo s cf b lnZ~41 otatés seutors *r d*fg .fwf m piw& and ISfi éjectSi d ' heey pIedge miaoute voté £or thé candidte for ilalt4 otttesator., Wbo Shail réctirdé ehihst mambér of votes et thé primuties. I seeS tetéma le the lésia., turc fnom 1904 ta 1908 &d mASai nova te Mtaot he votera-ct»whédistrict byr népuitoe" If Dot permmuy. If ion tiiki my record la such that I amn éntitlad 'te anotér torm, l @hall ap- Préet.Icyuar support, a"S If ééctéd saal éndeavor as i awlva abavé hare- tatane, tu réptéset you banestiy, con- eciénclouely, enS ialthfully. ReapectfulIy Yonra. IPRAI'JCR. ('OVEY. 67-1 t The "Walls of These Silos Are double and Independerit Ieaving ail iuterriîpted conîtinuonîs air space ail the way arotînd troin top, to bottom, thus affording perfect f rott roteetion. 1 would like to, havP intereetttd persouas ali and let me demonurtrate, and provo to yoiî the superiority tof constraqctioii of theuie silos. This ie thé only silo that iiidn't froeze this winter. Now la the tirne to place your order. >O-N'T D)ELAY. a JUIL!1. A, NIAT-IO'»fAL *A 41C Unitd States D Fe~r Po"j Srsi FunEds CÀ ego bit PMr Sbac oh«c IWS Wan. mont .Thq f DR o o o o o o o i o y' o, o o o z s c i I. ~ '-.5