Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Mar 1912, p. 4

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LAECOUNTYltbX I f O NY NEIýD d in lAe oreî tb abIea5in 1I- 0o~oLailsTradcks$goo NI vne Oiao UU h fus wat bUv. ini La» Tt dev4lope tht Dick McMahoî#, the Natbmiel CbitfEifSOl 2 QP(FýU N îL Y I NF LA ECO NTY. For e e t Chi0 c J. fa xlyago.n ote hv4g jorUstraîer, bai taittn fle5OOu t* Addle meCauley, smmo........... th n rgh nw a ueg -an. obeteLibrtyvilie trttiflg tack for the sea-George E. france. ao1or5.,2 than ight n Wauega i. Wnan4itndieattofllare tualt thetrack nuia M ..Jo, sme .............i OcaTaepion No 1 Ciy dîtraResdece elphoe o. 45k yl the b.binaitlit 0ttrottor-i StaphenBrugnen. Chicagoa. 29 D&c TeephneNo.1. ityFdtors Peadene Tlopioe N. 1&USenator oison disploayed oo*dOtiCO, ostiaaction ntd POrfO cOntOeOnOe atth"ratiis yr e its itory. Hore Blunnlione."Me..............20 Lbertyvllle Exchange. when hors Monday. lNa doaf't s6am tO 1>8 w ir>IR higO l.lIseutor the a. là wwIat àChcago papers portinq Vrd e. geiaier, MlwaukeeU.-SI ~ ttePotfieLtLbyIil, second Cans Mail Katter. ato0taalltu8tlmfl. Th* Onty tI" il> liadoan't hlo b sth&t the. OPPOSIIAiNAa't'wraaIdl Sday- Mary BIODk, mm-........ -,»Dt«Mai thePýwtoflce etLibertvillefighting hard .nofigh--he tîkeba.a geod .tAff a*0a@ fnd hhuIS8a 8r*8aii M*r m&QuU "hcago viii betiheMacca 01 a otEdward E.,B1mw, HighwoOd ...3 Jmna WeeiY.Advetiaflg a~~ Mmd ~0%tooaslo er hi-4hP'I*ate tI a et. okaof trotting boise, peope tua is o'Ing.AnaL StLertidan ... 1 joyaed WeeklY int@rostlng. Shlirtleff le trylng ta atir U0 thbuugabut lI$Wt mal<AIg mu" Prse due to t. at tâtDAck MôMaLboI. john B. BlOU& .Miwauk«... 2 aUSSCRipTION pRICE,$1.50 PER VEAR STRICTi.Y IN ADVANCE. rosa. £d us hie bande fufl ooklngatrhe -ijbjio . otma- iaa. n rc t M." g.l"u. I . f i g u e i t . = W m r L o i n e T o r t .a . D . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isue Anth hie ontrs aplgf tIhh OIOIt ar ioga ia Uor ï thv e as a t g w ibed oe Ci0 Miik~ . W. l. WIT ........................_1.............___ otroltens nd paoers tb bave the inafliJames gastriChieal ........2 W.J MIH.................................anager for pruawlthr ni. owui. î@akt j» Gra___ ___ o ... p..SII...................................... ....»Uke,. *~,%Uréof -amY«, l. en osfrgortOl ftig oaatk oaGsai hcN .~ orPa a t*vMacrseao~ . . O- WiVD5'el. *S .... ~~ PAY L. UU......... .. ..Ciatyb sar *cei Geera snu. ac ........... ................a..... madimrpdy tLt LI the *MMaicflbd"UniI.. - a. .-M0 aos «tt "uile. for a succaisul c al m tg . Hery Bafunan, Ciago .........21 The U IB O E b l sud ho ilv*au l Aed thetraYc .1 T hea stab le viii coma hr, froiD Me In- cle u msaa i c qIu a o .......... e18 b om n O O W H Ob'a bV ~ tm p il, probab li tii. latter P rt O Nf ty at. dp my cow fru e kiekin g. orf 70 h tlo b e M C K e fli W O o s ei v il o u r « $u i t L ig h t. M a , r a tu h i e m a e a n M & 0 0i o ti? MW IM t rou C iorma. viiere they bave «De th t7m ste bul bu .C o ept-Ol d 81 beau vtntered." der a ,oa tim Al. Cao t,. ut n ai » 01l4 'p t5 iV aht 't Suit anomo teminuta. For sais t, *a Camls Fa ia tas chancesost.ii awt.l ddte stil 50. Trygoa ta ak eI Chatham FaO »n n" KRIDAY. MÂRCH 22, 1912.DO __________________________ tic=-D s' Taiquhi.giibolong wuanfor, bo- Tha va ou iy somo" ,interview on the Senatorieil ore campaigna ore_____________ whio iO Judp Obarlu Wbltui vo 'wirto n' o am us.istryn ecraes lW4odyeveig., Judge Whltfloy la no no oe et poli.? go and hoePo"some interview- r."rted ta'Ohowabice O1o A It would bave beon ard 10 boat that interview and i*0 for e oison struck tisere, VaU 1?aMilvertyboWs mut take our bats off to the judge irbon we rod tbe to hie wM. àtor Oison arrivid; airthse tyrranical banM ese ir cargot. help but thik of what tise judge vas Shutieff wuassWaying, h. JuIsta.rtfd o«t te 'show th.e Q Ikigof vWhou ho wussaylng what heovas quoted ast es ui ei hnabesides Bd-and tb "i id no doubt wanderOd back tb the Urnes irien vosnadbeev. tbis.lake CoWim on iriswo are uow 11011e for a Lake Who. s newepaper prints an mrticia tating that the Govarnor af-thi the vory oflo. stte la ln town and avengal5 aatonevlwimdquehl<a «4. tney> for Chwdut ,Jud and were out wrkingo said govrnor lont withln hundrode of miles of the City, why 1t'a "steppial 7i 0t lutl a NON-LAXE U1NTY man to tihe ene . anme"! 1It causes on. ta wonder If sale paper reaily knows personaiiy the oti Xe soe i on diferent loot noir and while th1e judge or equeliy prominent candidates for offices whose candldacies it may be advc -K4â natue t'n .n rn.àncaIfite er doesn't know Governor Deneen weli anouol -o reannj u and rallier docie, it uinan to raally know whether ho was ln town, how cat I t kncw a candidat* liI to oforget those thinga. Forgivenesa is easiy bandod out, State' Atorney Wayman weii enough-to advacate hle candidacy? il aurai but forgettlug la another thing-and Judge Whitney ai- wasQOING SOME-that Gazette IntervieWwth Dinean Saturday whan th imsys had a mernory which few questloned as to remember- governor wasn"t anywhers neuir the clty. And, If the man they took to bc hi lniu s aes gefvgs lmec excelhny aven iocked like the governor, there woiiid have been sorne excusi fada faesune, fvor, *but the fact le, the man thoy beiiaved to b. the Governor EVEN WEAR Thi a uroly vu AN interview 1the Grayslako paper WHISKERSI bâd wlhour esteemed judgel DO the»CuG hurteiffcampaignors think la iras o dope for the n? Bo ong as the Libertyvilloe parent backs up thse prlnc god opfo hemdo pal for irhipping hie son, there is nothing chargeabs -SM, DOssy dot against the principal. Possibly the. parent knows tisat th BUT, DOTHEYyouçtrne>edd irat ho gol and as8 relieved when Il Ton ieOwardly poitlOn wlio threat- principal rembived froni lm thi e euslly of giving il t a e ae l.the djury Intaréts If Sans- bis son, bInef. It lsn't natural W expect 1the boy bimme ter 018maeneretrned 10 Springfield 10 endors. 1h. rici laaction., What boy ever endorse ès *iW t'olA ne friand of thé fermer* and evenisfatheeni9 leldinIg of ho rd? So, noir 11mb athi efIêUie tAoor ola on efrand- Havon bhs put bie "O.K.'" on that trouncmng, Princip eOm'tln. taaoe1 an radPugh îsn'blo be crticised. The. one danger latuaIt *0 prii 1 DO BE EVIin home gvrnmet of roadi. el uo by so manyparnt tobelp thm ou tst1 *8 h viet ou ~v0 Pr¶tedIn . nerappor ofmay b. overtazed or have to gir. up Ie job in Libertyvil 'yM ucibUatSn a S1GN 0F TRI TuaEs. -Jý ýTBaW UCU A BILL NVR ThIbatindcation tisaI Spring trade lsabares BILL OF 15ns ,ASIT PÂ8BED -~ tise control of roada IN TUEPlgNDENT. Tise latter, our 1 wek1y, edition, in its ci 0tts superviaors and road commissionors AB- e issue, carried =iten pg6ofnis n ads" rb shows the, dewsid is dvrtlahig columns. I Shmol1Er Siurbef Wb' dn'tyouget Tise Dail SUN bu Ilately beon carrying a geneo BIGU BIL AD PINTIT.assortmont of advertisemoflta of local stores and th1esit We heai s iot about the waterwsy aon seem ornabebiheigu-gneal nabs ln th hrteff orgn. Justcoempreway, for, irben. merchaits advetse adi thecot o dggng hewatrwy lthweilbusiness is good, morchanta advertise. (Tfediî thecot o blmtisn n&rîh tal &JW wýitten Thuraday afternoon. Siasco thon,t hasben elg o u Srlgfiidgn ieather-f WeU it in bound to clear up soon.) which*the tax-payers have 10 psy and ___________ we can raadily seu how much Shurt- afiand hi. orowd hava thetatxpayr THE DRYS AND WETS et hein, We might asso figura ln the TietobewhDR anWEme lata cot of the Lorimar jack-pot scan- TetobewhDR an E meting i ha dal. DRYS attend the DRY meetings and bise TS aW i - the. WZIPmetings. Noirthe ruai- situation is Ibis: If po Dospito.Dorts te"ciqt in" on SenatorOlsoxi, bisoppo- would awitch oCl and the DRYS attend th1e WET meetim iuenté are finding tise votera bave read, bave. thought and and vice versa, a botter understindiio f such questi MI THINKING. Tisat fine -ootised comb whmci bis op- would be p revalent. But, isoi are you goisig 10 brln pcet aebeon irearig out, bus faied to produce any about? Thf~aci that the VWBTS are initerested in!ý ui b ng in his record irbicis cen be laid up agalnstbhim more tban in DRY and the DRYS are intoresbed in Dý -oàd-4-tbatts visat's ifl'tiflthIf. more than WET. W;.eDRYS geltegeher and frentici applaud sacis otiser irisn onoeniaies a statement about Ve, Oison vted for 81ii 175. Why advatagos of DRY tomas; the WETSg et togol4ser not lot the tate pay for torne of the Yeul againat thse DRYS. In bo ts cases, thrs is ap>pl axpans of building good rosds? Shurt- ad gveryyaresiith tho ones offerin, suggestiI ieff voted againt It. 'Tise trouble isinébody la thorewuio WÀIiTS 10 disag The an wth t bi aughis aood ello. NoodyIt's lbheirrong bunckhiciisattends. rgto o Th a wt ie i aui aa o loi. obdy îs like areachor scolding bis congraiofr dontes il. But, at Sprigfild ire noeo a man who cau smfle tedn.a'i wheutheoccsiondemndaand DO THIWGS mien they don't need scolding for theyIre thore. Ib's tise onos are to be done. Oison has demonstrated bis abllity 10 are absent that neo thse scoVdig, but the preacher cai muie and DO THIWGS FOR UTRS DISTRICT-and ho0 reacis hem. Bo wuts Ibis DRY and WET problew. RAS NOT FORGOTTEN TRÂT LAKE COIJWTY 18I -------4 - TUÂT DISTRICT. ROAD MÂKING IN ILLINOIS. Yas, Shurtisif voted for Blih 540. 01- Tise cure of country roals is tIIuiL ro son kilied' it. Good for Oison, aven Roadmaking i hil111 or mountanous countrY bu its Prob Shurtieff givas him crodit. for that. lems, but neobles hasi tise road i of 0w sof2lpaIrie A Carpenler's Union membor nidon theb.repoi$rgo.Icnoblftbiaujrd n , sthen a lia t~o Uionisa deide 10raise 1110 sca?' sprng o xperimental metbods now prevailing, bise c ksa orko th0 cen n hrfroicsid il irast true a osld nany bands. «lwUjd d an gofod 60cprid t las l igiburbad b t usines.naturel conservation of farnng districts hbu de- won telau iIiit * btruer uinaresto. layed a ful re&UMuahoiSOf iriat good roadanme"n not oiily UI*wdtola r ta tinttueotecretrtotise pooket but t10 he oppoZtunity for sca lsue io ebrth-it surely irod hurSP8 business in Theaul.omobule i'aM819thée standard rafldly, iwwever usIt wre true. Waukegaii bas seen tise off ects of such andtho good-r«da propagande, noir as vidt As tise natin, >large raiseinh ie past. la atimulatlng Ittere0t nd concentratig On teau- TisaI YoaOiso votd fo Bii 174 Whyover 5&0 delegates froni Ilinola and Iowaa 3one came 10 y@ot ra balcedrt a01*1 r 74.Obicagofor a conferelice Shows great progreisin Ibis pnWeraotUa te k.ep sanitar and moveme'st. ahuwe ate agins ItIn Illinobis e faûlts Of Our sYsteni f lb cOu » cslled P.sydtem, ae plaimn, lsud the o"f the absepce o! f id * '<liva May dacar ho ls Eijah Ill.-Weili,what oetlit? .He'$ et perfae n~adsIeist4@U1ho. 1egjsatloni la PTOPOId1 *lbo a e doa .. safar as we know, nobody aime sooka the honor just now- b"i *0 -flutserodsIrprovOMMb. vt 's *ffl lra le110- At tast tiiay'havent $sal go. But. f Vlilva makesasegoed " .we. eabl 'ovseutl ,~~~~ h&datatO lbu inla thers ha ha pnnad, ho@ going le aurprbos 5tq dX The art of mraking watches ]SRD beeil marchtng abeadl teadiiy for years. Watteea have umurebra I and @klli puttutu tbeirmakifngto day Chan ever. A d stili tbev are Nebtinoe ceapr &li the wbile-Wvhieli te ratherstrange. if you wni oul ci u era juat bow far thle wateb makiflg art ba@ ad- vanced. tuis te the. place ta coiDe tu. Il youu w" bto, iud out bo w chesP a really reliabie watcb eau be muid visit Ibis store. Ont watcb stock coutains ,tAL tIai the art ut wetcbh makirug bas tu offer. And wa willingly place our time iC your dispoel. A. -HUSS JEWELER Lib.rtyvmfe, - Ifies Van Brumt and H If e Dr&ll and Seeders Deere and Janesvýile Plows Budlong Disc Harrows FR1M CHANCK BRose __JY - w An Open Letter Dear Sir;- If you are ini the market for lif. Insurancê,I have a propratiQfl which I shall be more than pieased to submit at aome convenlnt time. There la ne tapie appeaiifg more intimately ta the publié than that cf life irsurance. Il. la a matter of concerfl ta the Individual, ta the famiiy, and ta the state. Bocause hif. ineurance i-l what it ie, the iihstltu- tien that moat intimately concerne yopi and your dependelite, theo moneys variously entimated ta compr'ise the larger part cf the estîtes af ail who leave anything behirid them, the writer commende thie system cf providiflg for the future ta ail. The business man of to-day has learned and la leîrn- lng the value of protectifl8 hie business through-life Inhurance an those supplyiflg capital or braman- ta the enterprise. Why ehould flot the fermer or country marchant insul'e hie life becauso ho often times supplies bath-capital and bramne to make the businless go. He la the bread winner and 9hould carry the ineurance. More intereeting, beeaufle more hemely are the in- veatment features cf lite ineuriflce. Through palicies of this kind the young min and young woman ichieve practically an sate upon paymert of the firat. presium. It is theirs te wîll mn event of their death during the Investment period cf the cantract; it la theire ta recesvemn cash In event of their survivifg thisa period. The businesS of an aid lino companyis conducted, and super(vleed by law, in such a way that the ebrnpany cmn refuse business, pull down th. shutters and go an, set.tliflg every account, b. it adeath claim or a matured poliicy and there wauld be jus% enough money ta Bsettie with each aecarding ta hie poliey cantraiot. Henee there la no danger cf lbs. te the insured. For further informationi writ e me. Anticipeting the pheasure cf meeting yau soon, when we may go inta the matter more Tfulhy, and suggeatiiig that you defer buying ineuritice until yau have seen me as I have the bogt. lineo0f policeesto offer, I amn Yours tsuly, JOHN HOO][GEg DISrRICr MANAGER. WatcI' Ibis space next as wteedlflg ieek. A ive message very 1150e.> 't y: ions- non- Whso innot

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