4W S I V SRSMr Le*.'x ftendèe..oat lè At a meeting of tliQ Judlary on>x-ui$ Vaae ULaO.) ai~ita<tbtq fBoard ',eer mqun misreu, ta ue vise4 uOloe etof a = vw it696 tom; t; se oiithps e el FviiW and actinlg "ItmqOA u ZW et 6t tet; tucace norup getos loi' cangea i n nel J4Gv*W.<lthe PoM *0,ga lm vo«uaa, webt XI*.let; t, i4aetc., the zsatteÇ 4 qi t» jWOne- amiisay And- Me ~ ~ aculi l dome u rîMe.D mont or the Iaw rr«mdlflg nbmfd<ie *#U' mý**W" olO>% W tom; .oe Barth 12 dogmes, nleut o wlvee mand huldi âBnau thi e ut »1 Watl* r imstV18 qiD 1; ihflcanon a b oes, necessity of more atriîngeiiî kwe 5d t i. bett5* oiilO tate kf9 l~~bue*k" oret egîns, con- a more strict en forcieent of sate W Va8 PW MU#ilhn*wheea -- the Ma l It *Ml? aea more or les. brougbt before the inoting, fadlni A*d qudX84 siinl teol Ut u 1>more pmtculmrly order that a law dealingtt uflh bs ottes aMS4a to meUr the -penaty luterne- matter might be pa-,cd, the Commit- a6dtf« tble PttOiif,ad- 0UE aipoint A as biera- tee adopteit the encoGerd rese&Uofle whitiBu, -uc bo 04ml.rected i- t ~I4~~tiG;thomc.noth i'à andt dlrected the clerk - te torwand tIte UM tMilbhf>to aiOfthO MIli1ll. »L tt apot Masucopies of smre tbeaeb Coînity derk i.t ouly IWIS 14tspurpose, bat 1w it eut wth tii, request thnt hepre.ejit "me tbe ii~eitrtier tbau(i al, tn.thmae ,iI&t>d&masout tthe next rmetlng o aJ& hsta paetI hepste>O ie OMn oard.____poi,_ the. pruagit h Bd returtIUU8 famies lago en if affli law l1MF 4 on D»»vtdim itg . t, maNyIn tie otuom ib.li ma t bt L", fMUff1itfl goatmiah~ - ~ -~ NT< .1 que4» 4Vww Wh rmoioçaOC wte s t dm may iprup- MWdbSdIet the. fi~,j~ub1Icada ' ate Ëiir- PMim~~ la u~ ~ttI~e Nbt a Paséjv, M~h "dton ai il ý I -cMm- nrrrlwuirmmî. h,, * Wit I l Ppr ovei a qisarte of a cn< W0 he El th tenO~III t 4deq ji Urwpt t4e the,- iamà g'ttI6 F~#~ ttnton of cach couànty havhj m-thtgeneai a ssetnbly, allow ti~ ber. TtSn osiplas név'r 1 'hild, "",ohttbealn, o eth thietc ounties for two sýeçmfv teims. MHdýnry bas had ber share. LAk sent:tled to the Senatorship . i. h te rIgW i t.oh.d absili' he )iaIi 8 ihog mm~ ~ IfIN h Lako Gouutys 1:-