Mir ti ltfdair 04), TIm4 ~umi Thuty-mlx (34)., lan EUbe', blab J~ shpPoty.elz (4f). Norti. le atW. Cis+ei d i 10> Emat o! tuh.ii ~ ~s.Llod JtWbte.tio (1) la qgouabip U .ty W'i.1411 .L 'yMj, Noebth aeNim 4lk) -» aa aronaoBtai. IM P..,M8d Ssctlo iOn Coun4 febldR fange Nia. (9) llll1di«e tih bo" im e th e POet M f 4, lu (he Const tr o aIWI Oum or no ersr «Du &W tb. papmomai of ubke ih to ta bd kUMMaM thl % liimaie, un bisioIkVlI" ý* VOii bwi$vs«W *RwOmbilw Pt the Saim . 4me *Ma-mb7 V1tei7- perioiPt 10 lb. tiRa du nv i fb. e m l*d- th* asove bnd la t4Il, the above boeîdei. Cail rtm'bu*dd banail the WiTrmuuuret et 4. miiiCocatr la aulitho t Md manser ore:- Wlg.or te be pooscrbed iiilaw. - bmb. allait bauccoeded in ,M. r1 uruid«r and doiver over do lb sUco in.O4Joffice aul booka.ý ugonlea.BMd ptberijlln tiW toaidL Connte. sud apier- l*0lagte bilaa" lfieetaid til.. the bObobondte e votd. otberwta.te, immola ll 11force. Carl P. Wee.rO.d. (Sud.) Uhmunel Slmwarts. (Beal.) I)vloT.. Webb. (8ma.) William B. Bmitb. (Ille1.) J e I L u e t 4 q 8MIM flewarts. (Bal.) Uanuel Sebarta. <8ma.) !)ld T. Webb. <Beal.> MRoYtL Dutnln. (Seat &bii-wmum. (ls.> LeIeomBlabop.(geail.) Bute slbos Lh oai. . I. 110081.%Uboa4l. Nta Pub. ne~, la ndfor said CcuntY la the. tite ifor.eah do bereby certif y tuat 4Çrl P Wueirld, William B. Sultii, Tboê IL Du«, 011. .Farier, John C. fo", Sotuel sciiwartz. Itnuefl SebWAtl, Daid T. Wbb. Robet M. 11085w, Insti K. Orvis. Fred W. 4~oChal. MAexander F. Beaubleu, Lle1y .3. Wb4%oý Henry J. Dunnm am a s vubserbed the f orSOg lamimet, appeared before me this dy lu potion and aeknowl.dgod Ibe ihlrind, eled and dllvrd the. mou igetromet u their troc.and vol- isto.? set for the uBa d"Il rPooAâ tbhu»Mit forte. 01v.. under *Y oNd aMd *Otailal umai this 4th day of (OeiL) Hlarold K Martin, Notaiy Publie. f ite et Ilois, COunty of Lake.s. i 4. um e.a w gr that 1 wilIIsup-i ~ot: 09 htu of the.Unted ,«M Contituionof the, lily dlab he i.duties Of the Of' ,O oS T8kSrer oftheb County et M I gooriAUte the bot o! MY UuIerl0d a qro . tve me tii 1 u f i, e. 11»2on law A 7N,4s.c4tftt Clert. _.SlevorEger myd that thel Dondb. r terrm thelbCommttue 0on Ttouror. Motion .CrriOd. vi M lke movef - - Ithoeta$ eiisBoard in eèuoté l ~imèoLrd Oohbes for adNb vote bein& ciiled for. lUeos motion waa cirried vote: or lim 4e aSuporvlmors, Flotrdkice,HoreubÇrget, ~,No ame, Bupervi sors Dqo.t, Eger. Ferry. erdlir. inoved thît the Oehoeben lié rater. theg eoroe " Frrhbed "Br- éf i. a i0 a oct lm- o 1!aa.svvto.,4 i a Oiaston, bundredgl lti <bat thé. iortIos e o! tic Grant Antioel ast Anuns County. Illinois, ,emaalag'Id organisation etmsalilàu, in tain more 1h05 ahIifti qes &Bd nometuas tuo &nads votea. James Kar. Jams.AtuiLi Heery Potter. Fniak M. aslna. Timomai J, VOMI. SinyBarstmble. -Arthur W. Wlhloa. Ruiélpb Wufiland. Deru. io.per. Miarabail Daysan. Jobn . M.MlIp. william L.st Oben. John J. loai. Henry 'Beelam. Lois eglber. H. W. minlet. M. O. lHawkins. Wll1l alsGdesa. George BSeL~ Bont D. Genre. William Oiyder. Word Cnit G. P. Masser. WIlI&M IL Milet. B. J. Naisn. William1. Sabord. Egdgar'S. £mei. John IL Curi-b Lineola N. Rndlag. Willim 0. Hocker. chat. b. Jaura.- Thomas Ouals. Isaac DL Bouglas. James Klag. iarnasWIU. John J. moohim. George Deaum. carl A. 114042. George Kierr. Jr. John Wauwe. Carl Mille. J. M. Mortoni. Nojinai Dornett. Prai Crtib.' Chia.; B. Eomua. P.' a. Avery. Cîsyton 1. Crafi. C. Edgar 14illmtoen. Max C. Deyuls Engoue A. wlion. Péter M. laid. Chane W. Talliott. M. D. Wa. Walker. Ruai Diuen.RHam.' Raymonhnd -H. Oberuood. V'cyP. Milller. JO»pfeeter. (X) igil Clarence W Wilkins. VnbrSpool. Mil t Ra (Bvnu=- aitten. (perR.obe. Robert ltt. WIlm& J. *M., IMethow .Nloqut j LénaroNGâsmie - W. a. Milleu. Bort 0e#90r. Learoy Daimn. Ilbld Oi Sîbeler. NelsSugot. i 5~~~jmeoPns. el =- : 'It Wlnton. Foe !e i (2 bismMrk 'W' Jeux» 1an ton. mme. =i phOi er,r 25)bm« ait055 .01 P31ry.ml ~rnB. C agis. -L sMOWN-ly. W. ILPlImian. el. oM iomT Caer. ,en -(Il) L.. Bamstmble. %Wrm Itemi 0. Atueil. le tm ;Qn laie. if4 Moros Ilubbard Wiooler. cw-mia Gorga IF, mges. S.ice à. Nixo50n. Mir * oeeuC. liathews. ~OFi Penclvai l7lbbk Iao. . l"b. lieX , Fredsbroer. Setw Amii *ua swaii..ce r (M mWater A$uell. -1 PibStil K.T, Noeo, 0 JIM P. Themù Mrpiî. « $W S a P.si. 1.wry. se 90(11. re 'W. AtueliL coera it (George W. Clark. t le "T"a5 (* r . A.amilla. , il1o111- Jacobi C. chrl.tens.n. ru** ter- Peter LAiss. D'Im lasiJ .* . %O Hor r Fs al NU. Lem aili Ual carillon. lu.0f Chariot L. Caudil. = Iorme.Colvet. M" u. rcsi<IHSk. "0 gamm AFrontpue . à1boat Mier. SonuyD. Cable. Fui Witt. Obrile. B. iebs. w'lmm J.L auhie. W *. oulor j. 0«4« Fe5 B. jaus. sorommo. M-7 yQnedmi. q Wllue ia eCsrthy. Pat A. Ormdy. L. 1. TWeed. Cai. Ia», per C. B. Hoake. V. IL.iltraame Brbbot L. Wold. Oea. if. linmel William Weber. Ifiermi ook Sr"d BothL RusseollA.'Dougias. Adew Aandesn WMM Pteum. BPiaIabM hrtolonew. joë, inet. Wlam M. Bornie. Aifled l Oefdu Herbert Sheobos W_ a" nocub1. acrilet Osuah Alfad . Bu"s. eUmciMO. Viaak.ý4teic. cosreit a 'modevllle. Wu. u0ommb. Flid Rbiso. wilDam 1r*t., A. Visie. oradoeasm Linfoni C.Uev(hml. A MCuwe. Dwt H. Larmes.. Oie'ou g eil. Hoffacoe B.LToue,. WillIam Mcftddon. mark hy H. a. DR= W. 0. lOInm. H. A. Ombrmns. TboMls B. Smitb. o3rmk Ucyt. MiC.lfler. olsLCondlsl. BS@oivlii cou"l moff ai h1tiib CIiaa*ia hepoInt. a Caaalttae me t»« r 1. insostigand oi £,'the-pr4p. or notices roqilirmi by lau. 'Motion carrief. 11%e Chaimmas appoîntei'a ssb Comniittee, Supervisors Meyer, Cas. rad-*"d Welh. lguperîntendont Chiarles A. Appley of'-tue Connty Farni stbuiffltte i, l loulng report wbibbvu roevelmuil the County Pari Alluitg Couiea. Report of C. AÀ. $40", aspeuiltnd. ent of Lake Ootlty Foler Frm: ^mou aRecetelvm 1911. De. on J.~fd~ns boardi..3 806 Dec. 21-Fred Convenu. 11.for cou ................. 45.00 Jan. 20-J. Lindstecin. for alf...................00 Jan. 31-J. W. Mller for 6 ptge............ &06 Feb. 2-C. LIAS. 'f-_1oIr ait <dicou ......... 17.900 lice. 5~~'¶.*i~............. Jan. 60-wrn. Saliman, O#pplaaerlw........4)a 70 Jan, Blic~ht, 1 gu an fd Jan,. 9-C .00c IriOa>.carpenter Jan ....I. 32.00 faJ N ir -1 p , nwnter 41 J.................n1.00 Jo............... 9.00 ..........ee11l40 Jan. 17- uersorr is l e, c............ 0 Jan. 2 n 1Sugar. eoap ban. sfae 1 U- Ver lht toe lulld F. b tee ~.. ..... 3.00 i'b. 1 -. swe.e34.50 pflb. I onBacc &I. .e .............t. 1 .00 ilS S 2 110141 eut . .... 37.25 biolirc ll ............ 1.165 Pbal. . . C A..ppe.. 14.7 »Massfr. emtee fork. Mollo1.0 99Lerrud....13.5 TIRD DAV* Waukls, Illnois, March R4,i 1911. Bod aruant t0 adoursmnent uli Ommvia rhan preafldlng And tue foi5oulaggimnimsprenant: Super- vIporm»fr_çlak. Doanc«. Denoc helW& a = , er, Fche, Ferry Ora' bana lo.p.rer. King, Icnien. Moyer, Ma.tuer, Prior, Simone, Welcb, Absent, Ouperviaurs Conrad, ChItten. des ai~~ Mianlo, dmiPueeeding meeting rsad. îdêalil AOUn of Supervisor Slinon.- The foIlo*lng patilions wue romea and refeared 0tIste Conmilttee os Urroo6e iAssemenis. tite of illibOis, Ceunty cf Laiksn.' To tie lioorble Board cf Oupervi. sors ot 1*1. County: Tour petoner. .loBeph Hertel, o! the. Toua ef Preinont. ILake Conty, ilInots.OmP$Ctfully represeets Io yoiir hbsrble bd that halilsted uli tue assemmo la the yean 1911 personal PrOP.rtY Imnldlng moneys, stock. toola ai al ]lueo! personal prop. or>' blb teaaionnt of $2700.00, that tue undoruiaued now learns tiiut the BOsi-d Oet Releuo! said Labo Coun' t>' naisedthie msessment un lie par- nals)proprntY of the unden.tgnod ta 17200.00 aiuklg an incresseotc 145ft00; 4114the undaremie recelv. od soao»n tlom n01te sai Bnoad o! Revisu WsnIi increase siait!mesoo. mont anidbai no opporunity of aaly bind te rler belore said Boird; tbal the uuieslMned did nat eue or bave on Ar= t,19U. personal proporty t0 th.. moetof!$11800.00; hhat tbe under. inselà»hold bis personal property ix taIb thé t«collector o! the. Town Of FrIRDOZ14 l the bais of the. valus et PUSê*liitoli dpermnîl peoper- ty' amt(a1 110 according ta tins t» Y»eopt fOued hereili; that the nandevaigsod lit ullling tu pay the ti« ou tueaune, but t1e underslgned believU . lileequlty and Justice he raheuld b. rebaled ibe lai on the. ex-. 'esa cf $4000.00, to-uit, $3200.00-, that »ei-sasi Property accordieg la sai t«i receipt la taxed ut about sixty- tht. cents on the $100.00 andthbat the, toi en saud encens o! $3»0.0 ai tthe i* o« alxty-tre. Cets pet $10).% ~ iib. $2016 and tbat laid uleant oUM 1.1 bould b. refusided tW he Mdsiiegned. t*ig ibis bonorubli boiy pauara.- lutios refundlng the saui Stae and Count>' tax on saiexcesa 0f $3200.00 ad recommend ta the. oliar taclng badineatbat they refond lhe rod, acbool. toue and bridge tax on aul $3200.00. Joseph Hertel. State cf Illinois, Coaty ef Lakeoes.. Josephi Hertel belng duly lucre gays tuaI the abova petition b>' un tub. crlbed ls true and correct. JIoseph Hertel. Oubscnhhed and sucre ta hefore ne this 2Zbd day of Matmch, A. D. 1912. (SeaM) Lyell H. Morris, Notary Public. Wanlcegan, Ili., March 6tb, 1912. Te tue Honorable Board o! Supervi- sora o! Lake Connty: Tour petitioner. L, H. Kruegor, cf lho pwe ! Venoe.respectfuîly rep- #sgsIa that .ellled' slth tue assor 'If.mli Toun bis pgeosal property nibdoe listing Vgugerty ta the nat o! $3021, of '5'leh 12201 uis 1mOWnen band. That the Board of Rtovew le addition ta Ibis assessnent ed Mr». Lt.. l. ieger on 1800 o! praperly, sud as LU H. Krue-1 IU laeclad.d le bis sciiedule the. pI'»ity o1 Uri. IUH. lruger te the ,**Utnof $MI0. b. uha heen doubly C sedfor Ibis auafi*s( Refrther ne ptemue ttat be bas pfli taxas for 1911 os iotb o! hhese afflments. and miubsits the tax re- colpts herewlth, and would petitIoný .leu te refund ta un 'tue State Tax of '«132 and the (county Ta o! 13.45 sa arroneonaly pald by bi e a double = eant o! 12000 tuli value and 15 aisessed value, and tilit yen l récoanond the variont taxlng boies ta reupd ta hlm $2.88 Tu« Tax, $4.it Rondad dBridge Tex andi $6.39Dis- trIct School Tax $103. RespectfuUiy uhmltted, L.H. Knueger. uiirtyvle. 111. To the Board of Supervisons o! Lake Coti. Ilîlinos. Tour petiticeor. Ch... N. stopiiens, respe.lIy represeatstibal bhoblaa rasudoit o! the T«Yua. o! LIiertyvîlle I& Wud Cunety -;tb.* h>»IaW i utu the auscw is prca~.pr*Detty ched- MierUt aw ga.uead rai f 'bhouever 08u ratue Ito!fa«l ii lb., t",; ti p v t 1 ~Amt. cllotei *Naine. For what. and alloui. VC. A- APPIOY. et al. t ervices.......................970 Dr. 0. P. Butterflid. ,Mterinary evca............140 1 W. canm l ons <Co. nue......................72.72 Cett & Fraderickg. grocerles...... I................. 'U.91 A, 1. Dorfier. trocart es.... ..................1.7 Docker & Bond dn......................... 49.40 M. 13.Figer, »M~e Lumber Co-7 tlm almaber. 1l lg......................20 Ll1?r............. r78.16 1uaber ......................80M." tO. UtfLuce & Co. fuulture.....................8$0.07 J. . Morne & 2. eioiblng ...1..... ... 2.28 M. Ponter & Son. p@int............................ s» bvwr.................... 11t.8 1W. C. TriEga. 811600........................... 9. J. 8711 Trlggs. fleur ........................... 170.10 Mi DlTriqa.ý meit.......................... u-di J. LTaylor. l.services .......... .............87.60 Treptow & Taylor, plant..............31 North Soe(a i. Amt. clamai Name. For whl .....and.a>lone llght & pw.r................. 144.7$ Wn have exanlned iereh rt f C. A. Appley. Superinte ~t :; the Coiinty Farin. ani fni he saine correct, and thal fluere la due C. A. AlplIeY thiesn o .... Il«. Il AIllof whlcb la respactfUlly submnit- ted. fH. W. Ferry, Chalrminas tE. .Sinmon&. D 3. Horen berger. s Supervîsor Msether moved that thi* oreport be accepted and adopted. Mo. tion carrled. Thie folloWlng reMnstranCe, With- drawala and affidavitz more Ouled lu*%t- ference to, the Organisation Of th* Town of Labo Villa: Remonstranco No. 1. To the Honorable Board of Supmrvl. f sors of Lake CouctY, llinois: 01The undersigned, legal votera of the 1portions of the Towna !At4ci 1Grant and Aven adught tbe lfor. a 1Into a new town to be called b.Jý Villa. reapectfully protent Égallwt tbe formation, of aucli aneW tOWU and requeat your Honorable Board to deny the prayer of the petillon W11101 han been clrculated for the formation tbe- sald new towfl. J. A. lîcCredle, reBhdifl at theio wD of Avon. Chas. Sheldon. resldlng at tii. town of Avon. Wm. Wilmlngton, resldlng aithtei town of Avon. Norman Burnett, resldlng lot the town of Avon. Shieridan Burn.tt. rosldtng aithe,1 town of Avon. Fred *luclOt, rosldins at the to*nt of AvOq. J., 0. Hueker. resld.ing at the town nof Avon. M*ret P1.", rçaîdin: St tii. t*Vu S .AWO. L -O J.oph llmaatn. lodlug alt b. taus of Aou. ru,ýiïgad a iii liii. proportion of taxes on au aasessed valuation cf Reapeetfully snbuiuted. C. N. Otepiena. Highland Park. Ill., Ma4rcb itb. 1912. Te the Honorable Board et Oupervi. sors cf Lake Couuty. A miatake bas beau made by cor lo- cal assessor, Mr. Jams.Dmffy. n lu w personal tax for thi. imr 1011. 1 heW recelpt for 8111.82, beins ithemie amount au par exte5ios cauaespmd value. Iam i ow pros"utaýql*h 4 a4ditJonal bill for the. PMU"oia l aMonstlng ta 178.46. i 5t v dently bas been aile blii eàiàm o th1e hiount cf sali sciiedule e«d abw> on the. amount au shown bi .peocW. gueient. As the. aonnt ci aoolo statement ws carrled forWard aeM laïouded lD the. anount as ubown hi amimsora acbedule there bus buoisa double aso.oment on the amovnt ao calrled forvard. Tb. Pa oson ale tu the clusti (llq*'* o can readlly remred te andi wlFlexplaîn the errer complaIs ad et. I tlieirfore, o.k tiiothe bm nint id 478-461, brroeoimlv mesa.dl, b. cancelled. and tbat the colleçtor b. stracted te inake eintry upon bie t- corda accoeublgly. orsVon Truly, D. M. brine. Onpervlaorselmionus,Chalzmas on Colmlitttee oauJ.ldi.1u, rsibitted the following oct Otate cf Milnois, Lebe Countly. s. boorL of flupervloors. Marck Torni, 1912. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemnsof the. Board of Supmrvlui>z: .1 YTrCOMulties on LIcensete uhoni the petitiono ofD avlà Kelly. F.rullqandPries&, Zinmet ilrotheus and Michiael Wafser. for DrioSbqp -Mlese«. were referred, bog An. tà report-thatwe bave examlpmd. PODl tltiona and fmd tbat e=hbc file.li 1Woldtbretope recowmnasd mm tDrOM. %bar 4IMensée ho graco te WBden 'Mly iai! DAY, FmOdlsad Pilesei. of 1'volrteýVw. lmiger Bus., of1 lIsTe am 08105101 Wmer 0e RuopotUully anbmltted, J. G. Beairet. Superviser Fiche noved Iliat tibm14o, port lie accepted and adopted. Motion carrled. Supervisor Ferry, Chalninan Fora Auditlns Comitîte, uubmltted -the fol- lowlsg report: state of Illinois, lia"e couity, au. Board of superviser. Mai01 Te7'. Match 6th, x1li Mr. Lbarman and Qemet 0fthe Board of OnpbtVlaora Tour conmlttee on Coenty Foam claisewould lieffleave 1te rgPort:thai 3they bave exsined ail clilmopriment' - a before thea. and recoind the 'payment of the. followtsg. kad Otia lite clark b. ollrected te lune ondera tfor the several tinoita te thie umieral 1Claiisants. to-ult: '11e U 1ivslIi.. eal voter. 0f lith WU çovtO~is0f bét of pAntioeii. Grant ubo aafÂgie'sohit d h.formed hâte a tu YOQI neou toua te b. ciUdLaLke Vili. ru-bib Bp*Ctfnlltt test .amaaist 111e forme. Vith%' tion of gnii eu "toel tnd! reqllsat u( ont Honoma e0. d tdeny thé etio pr Oe t tih*petir.p u ba s f* saab. elreulatei for lbthe oration of îîîiiirmal cl toua. nci im John A. Strn, felilng aithlb tows c! tue Jobs A. Thals, reoiding ai the toue AVOIR- o! Antioch. 08f James Galîaaber. resile It the toua the tel of Atlocc. .A, L Scoît J. Levoy, reuhding at the toue Aveu., cf Aeêlocb. Fr. Witt Rellly ,resigiet t1hie tlo fo!AIC Antioeb. J. E. Caddoçk# reslgeItihetou e Toth, fAntioch. ors, Huma.. Clark. reslding ai the toue q cAntiorb. *townI Ameble Webib, realdlng it lb. tous Wo h of Atoch. .tea NU Warren Hock, reaile ilt the evoa eil of Antlocb. VLI&a. Peter trang, resldlsg aitheb. ouIs of dram Antioc. lo Robert Mclbugali. reeuding et the tlue qet Auttcb. Tbmou . ) Kd, reslding at tb. toula ot A110tLeeh - i1 Oaser, P. N1'J.sn, res;Idlu« Iet taon l e At*Qb Ath WllI*ei cCarthy, realilagetithe Wouatertoar recI I ttet of llai Filme.r esdi" Muthle ewl 'c. A. GUO. resiis AtaIlb.toiu et 41fiolb.- 0- P. A. Sehaler ,ruidli elb.hetoua J or Aullocài. J. Chistensen, reeilus aithtetoua, of Amteohb.. Ibido A. Phelpa, rmeldlnm et telb. 1- tous ef t lOb. Tiiosia.MoCai s, edins et the _Wb tous et Autleeb.M ML S.Dous, reodlnu thle loua alub, Obeebas, vemdlug at the touaCI ~Jla-~sllreullng ai the toua, 09 Aullesi, Bielard Drilga re.hdlalaa tb. toura - of Aullom.. OfAt Porler' Dibllo real sin the toue of W.c Antloch. 0! Ai .V. M. Strang, reilag le the tous of H. à AntlSa. . o!fA Harry Diblile, resldleg In the toun Ro of Asatioc. o! îî BIner iHock. rosldlng in the loue o x of Antlocb.etA loroy Puirman, reatding le lhe toue 3d o! Aluch. o«e Chrit Cook, residnln tle 11e oue of Auli N. 0. Lovoy. resldlng in.tlb. livf.it a! Aetlccb.orA Urnost A. Wells, resing le the wa, tous of Autlocii. Frank OfcCartby. rosiding la te111. 1015n of Auliocu. Il. A. Behrens, reslding le the toue GS oAellocb. 0f -An RO»brt Bulthuiz, reslding ln t le R. tous o! Astiocli.te c Banett Birnes, resldlîg le the toue " of Antioci. e v J. H. Smith, resiing la tii, toun ji o! Antioci. H. H. Sheruood, rasling in th tous toue of Aven. .Cu Henry D. Cible. reeldlng ln the El.AM tounet0fAven,.o! An Elner Stlekels, reslding ln the tern Oses of An loch. boe aeger, resileng lanlthe toue of tous Aven. chu Charles B. Cable, resldleg la the toua toue o! Avon. rend George B. Cable, resiig lae *b. 0 toue o! Avon. V ArnoldiMHossereelding tu tbe toua or ut o! Antioci. M" Sidney Dhhble. resting le lhe tlou eto! d a! Astiftcb Wal Weltot Dible, reBlding ln lh. tous o! Ait cf Astloch. A.P A. pedersen, resileng ltulthé toue Anier of Autiob. George Clark, realdlng ln th. toue Otite of Atloçi 'Chat W. 0. ilcoulr., resldlsg.latbe touilswsura o! Avon. w-ta Wis. M. Donner. rasidil n tuhi. pettii louIs. cof Avon..Bor J. 0 Donner, renilinla lthe touai sud t 'I' ioïn. ; .,- e .1mp ýl FdCribb, reakinla theIbo lou0f1 Autioch,1 irival oR io a"mu~w0 al tbe~aM iI~ mIttion endor a-.Im rett. .Nievfa tuaj of Avo. u. Ross. e, Miat la lb o. im sota - ifoai-o - VU 7,1OMlu Nw. 0i lai§r. alm laU Sà Boena, re4s méei Wenllasal os Avou. o. et Avos. iark, we' Il $ H.y Sibbre.ig ut» alte M.ille, veadisla h PèdSiersa, resdg n bj ..is S. Ciebla$Mhdwg*M- Cnalps*, rBdisoM" .ol leden eligl li il orii.* ette r 4»bl,rellg1 b MtOob F Pité til - -«--i, ... - -- 1 rr r Remonsiranço 14o. 2. J1dWAM 1- &*5.0,- oM*' Te the Honorable Boardof 8<pre,1 tOWpI ;,of vn. ' sors of L.ake County, ilîlnolu: Wtbi ilN.1 The undreslgned, legal voter, of the To the %HonçoB oard «, portions of the Towns of Antlopb, vsera of LaLke Couvut. flhli, Grant and Avon, seuglit to b. formeàd Thel undenalgnci lfgil votereai loto a new town te lie caiella ekIe towns ', 1 Aitt4mol (eut Villa, respectfully protest againat lb. who h4Vé beretofora s@%ce' formation of sucb new town and r. to youi, Honorable Dccii feu qeat Your Honorable Btoard te deny motion %pf 4acu o 'the prayer of the petitlon whicli bas Laboe ViLla. o, i liesu clrculated for the formation of utUdrasel R hiramc the aucb new lowe. pettos, and h ery 4 Jobn Scb.r. residlng ln the town of naînas. and s ne Avon. drawal, tbéy até', Auirew Wolff, reciding ln the town suehi Peti.Monsudmi of Avoni. son of th,*SsMét a w h R. G. Hook, rentding ln the town of Norman , urnett, Avon. town of AvtiXi. gL Bartbolomew, reldlng ln 1the Shieridan eunett, kkIuba toua of Avon. toun of Avol., (boug e Bck, renldlng in the, toue Fred Hflck çr, restdlng lua05êiI etAVe.. of Avni. àatone Bock, resldisg lIntthe toun of J. O. Hucktw. r.mhdg la til6# Avus. -of Avon. Vincent Diets, Ylding in tbe town Evoraît P!sb,ý reldlng la tW,, of Aveu. o! Avon. ftmodfteeN. .William Fi, resiing la býl Tho H onorable Usor4 of Bupervi- cf Avon. The underlined. local voera oftie T h == ýj w Portions of M ( * $ « 0< J0194T leHoorb II'ado GrmO and AvS gflb teb , viscra of Lb ~1,PiU &W" The.underslmaed, ýa1 'e, Iwo0 a Bestetoeb.b. 0"4 Lake ~Gum~.SI~ Villa. ruimctfnlly pgabe" ilu lb. ub" no bv ereocr, e~ quiet rour Ro.emb*IMt te. . deai bolorabio the proer of tenoatwo.kbwio- beau clreulated for ithe formation et0< , l .s tr~ sncb neW town s,4et dor Nicholu. Morrla, rezMIlng et t. et"ullansd doei towuet fGrant. dalmi tiu»'tt (%> CharIes McNell, residins etthle tg"5 peuflbcaon, ier aisa ofGrant. lonbinWals..reading t the ton t, ve au l ecg ofGrant S. o Wolf,rOdigl 5fe A. L. Reeso, resldlng at the toue of Avosn Avon. IR Barttoï n.roi dlhm7 L E. T. Nelson. restdilng at-tii.ow touatwù Ou Ae. Goustock. reuIdIllO lsret.8 endervllle. reiding a itetr.iu. l rtbé te»nof Avon. oAhiuon *k . o .sl T'rank Nleesn,,r«edng ait thetownofAn.1-1 ,» tf I. «-OflNo. 4. To the - M~ ul~