Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Mar 1912, p. 2

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vin Woodrnd a supea lug 4M ma Wuhttof club luet Tuanda. Une, Cue" la go the luI bel t lfiaem aI 50 ari trouble. om Ulerul Slioolâhm. IL et tourt moo iml wus blM Ig KNIOaiPlua good trlulMmd y put gFurnitue ,,lnYour.H-oàeo,, Is like', putting mUoney in the tavifgl ba.nk; it, i. !î ý âMband pc Wtive 9my of ad4dli'g tQ your worlêlypý ý_ It makes you fçol better &bout 'your home, and it makes you happier and more coxfortable ln it. *But this applies only to good furniture for . thereis ne economy in the purchase of artices there be any pride of possession wbere lack oi dnrablllty inakes contned use Impossible. That le the. reason why we maintain such a hlgh standard in ail our furniture and we miust know before we offer it to you that every, piec es of te higiteat quality bothin l maberiai and wôrkmansbip. Whether yon are fiurnishlng a whole hous or, unrely ln need of a single article we Invite pour Inspection of oarHune for we think we man suit the Most exactlng. Yo Y<il in d It vortitýw hile to eall and look OVe.rOur -stock and let us quote prices. Ray Furniture r .ifStore ile, Slilinois. tace from otherngoissuvoted on February 27th, , zeWeehoigagi f o ovedia2teracep-t .Au.rrnTm $16 186.76 Asarm ..... 2t:211.79 Tht mntaes. bolng made to bud another leplat_ idena md up-to-date. W. lhae more ordues Ibsavo caafil-Let your money w»& a lts ortb-Eara 7 per oent or mornot ol lsidttmg lte, ««»ucd value of jour stock-We appreciate thte «»U as vofl i * 1ag-]or futhor information, sme amy of tht follovlng. J. IL MERKDITHý WM. NEWTUN R. P. SCHNARELE WM. B O.&RR L. R. CLAITSK1< heMetdith Flower andVeealGo lieu d= foram, Huf dobfUeM I4I.y where b. Ose. euuua4 hfor etatt'. Deerfidmm grberttworMonday. le oW eoulpged wltb a msw Uscobt La n'ettls ffr bu bom-t~g h - luudquitea mbro -u*Wang reltila S Itu. r Euelo etUtalue r. Lo B quare, Snnda.. à bias MWurcd baie thuma Wt la (Càie« .wfthber amlr WAUC014DA U Toaxloctleu will be JiokLmext Tues- day, Tneeday, April 2ad_ at the village. hall. There le no opposition te the regular ticket. Ont teed mii cehanged bauds Imt O Frida'. lin. Held ef Palatine bavin>' purthased ihfroru lir. Wells. lir, aud M lre. BeId vîll more te towu at onçe UN arlu> rented the Ford ruldon IloDposîto the Oakland hotel mnd plans on Ilmakin>' Wanconda their future home. Mr. li.eld *nd hie cou, vho f. nov vork. westere rai vu>' coupan>', wll i the old mîli np as voîl as possible mmd ren fi unatil pri gopoe n p vheu tht>'plan on securing ete location and vili put gip a fdue new mill large eneugh te tate care of ail the foe rndia>' i tb. om- moult>' and as soon as the ralltoad ls complcied te Waueoada Ii put up a fieed and grain elevater auie lumber and toal yards. This le srhat ont village heedsanmd vs are glaE te velconue Mr. Hoeld as a buiuess man of Wouconam. H. E. Malman transacted business la Chicago Wedneday. N C. B. Relier ot Chlcago vas teninez Ilpianos fot M. E. Mamautt6 irst eofithe UrBal Btoughtou, vho bac boom serions- yf 1'il ot the mensis le reported on the O republican ral>' te te be bld lu ont village nat atuida>'. Match 30. Paul liseftffia. Lake eonuty's candIdate fer Sltate Iloator and E.B. D Iketleff <of IlMarmgo(cmudldate for rse ao te the flBato Lagisiature wW addres. the meelting.1 't mi- mbote s bw bbl mq bu JLR. Omttbwan ont trom C(ieb $A . borde bat bho liaso runio Ibatb~ l t o b Srecu ~ ~ t aDnbfrn.but thies omado 19. P. BoumSuad lph went to Paritî Ro!idge 8anday iD vist the ferr'. Frank Rhaddle end dauubter Blanche, spout Snnday with relative at Rarens. The mamy friende eT ESua 2ýereu, Who ha@ been i91 lot coma time. are very glade to e eher out agatu. - i A flue ins of candj', Eaeter egge suad Ester rabltse t Emil Frank»'., E. A. Fiche and Wm. Wetvetazen made a trip to Waikegan wédnesday. GeoeBecer atteuded the fnnetal o! Carl Seffion at'Pagatlne Manda>'. Town elcetion nuit Tuemda>'. A gang oft men are puttin>' np the water tank foie village water wothe. Wm. -Bctuamseuad 1famil>' were Palatine istore Sanda>'. Bort Selp,who violted relative. la LibertyvlUe a tew days retureed home Monda>'. Paul MacGalffa, candidate for Senator wili spcak bore thet laet part cf the vesk. Hient>' Hffman shlppod a carload of cattle touteCicageimarket Weduoeday #J>. Format, J. D. lut mmd 3. Bill. Mau voeeChicago vîietors Wodnseday. Ang. Sebverman of Gilmer, attouded the town anditore meeting Tuseda>'. Jolies lodgluck reiturced to- South Bond. lad., tub vueeS, vhere b. viii te. @amse bis -dutie vitb the foc conupan>'. ACONàfÉIE-fiATEEET Evidenco Lilertyville Eeaîd- ors will ppreciate Mdiss AunaSBco, Who hbeon attend- Doan's Kîdue> Pille ha;. doue eplen- lu99 vaukeg" Mcme dld vetk lu thc localt>' bul e ek ageaud vas taiton slat Have mertted lte uuatlatod praise toit Mele. Pueumonla novwbas alec tht>' bave reccived. oet la u md th la in a ver>' serIons con. Bre, evideace et Iheir valne that dtion. A tralhed nurce fromn Chiefflel noue cam doabi. t"ens car.of ber. It's icutlmon>' trom tbf. lecalit>', lvletold nad veiliconflrmed. Rev. T. J. Mur pb>'"vasa ChicaglO Sncb endorsements are unique lu the vietor thetifret 0et tht eek. annais f oSuiinle. Mrs. WIII Laiphtre outertan al . Sltold couvic. the moet cheptipal goodi>' aumher 0f ber Monude st ob pLlbrivlle reedor. nut>'aIber bouse Stuirdav 6,evi* . . Beuidt, 711 -W, Mienaie8t., ,Sag a>rapet r&gé vas>tbu tentures Datif arvard, IIL, la>.: 'qT"iaycontinrue 10:8 asnMre Strotoer vue te publlsh th staitemeut 1Igave lu prale glven icfor hving theUic arce hll etfDoan'u Kidue>'Pleleaf.1907. For A aqmptuoDe lunch vas theà setved In noverai yeure Ivas affieWed vtb tidue>' lluefaig ram md ilvasnearn>'trouble. 1 bad dficqsplumm hr Bonula>' vhpanthe party>'rire up .11 vere intense painstbrouigloutlmy bdy bop4_4 'Mes., Lamphore vonld woon nS lotétn bad difficilly Ila bDdieg and 1 another crpet toi S sIvek Sud miuesble. Dmcldlng tu r>' Domn'@ RIda.>'Pill, 1 bogan thein A surpriesepavtv, la -a hlisard vasue. I lmbrovcd [ote elbtiret and *batioccu.rrod Wcdaeedar ovouin>' vhtu hfore lcng the pains and other dffilcal. ivcnty lrÈnde cvooped dowu on Mr. fies disappeared. Off and en durin>' the ond.Mre. Irout7at the r pimuat boue, past ivo yoans; L. bave takren Dean,@ boISais sre no oue wepld ventures ontilCdaey ' Pis mmad tht>' have alwa>'. had un uucb a, algbt the couple loood Ibefr a boneoiclal affect."1 parlor nd mmscteul heumIevee for a For sale b>' .11dealer. Pi5es 5 cui. quiet evunin>'. Wboa lotItla iecvouec te, Foéeoi'-lbura Co., Buffalo, New York a kaot at he door, . bm louM iéinda cois agente fer thteTUnited Statue. sab ladm itubbaxiesnamd battets Romëer the auW-one-n pseparod lort a Éood tUse us veli au taire ne ether. . 26-2 au. Progressvoe tba'. vauthe oui th leacis, n v'aem'arn' 'IL 0~. Colline, Postamter, Bnarega, Sud tirsar Pspuuheecca ~N. J., vue t o wM îlua severe ville y. w gKiibll t la grippe eOff]L Be >'4Ivould be cet'rseaMd b elgomdpi compli 'ewt hagiue tuberssc %Stof at a lt. hm rdla *shaaaw i~Toli efltcfihi«., I aboule eto sen,ed w vll N apeisesVI> alties dhciîun t se Io eos1 â am oe boules ,u te be uai18." For î e'tb 8.1... Trlpp, Preeldent. Ri. F. uRus Vksice Dculdut. lrclng g, Payi*, Omeliler. »a kuweVose. &w,wt aMiar. end U. C e om po t. 'lut cI onsixament of books for thue sebiutool llbrary wue roecived tIule wek. Thf. mas. &bont fort>' ew volumes luaIL. Win. Z.uueti and'famiti speuttheicwook phd wtb relatives ln Palatine. Fida>' e4ning two *1.1gb Io"deof Sounag people drove ouit Wthe J. J. Bouse borneWet of town and speia very pîesat eveniug. If one were to udge b>', the unoiese the>' made comin.g horne there muet bave beau corne crowd. The yo ung ladies' eewinx club met Mond.v eveninkwith Mrs. Hull. (3uscif town vioitpo'were Mr@. Frank Keru anad Ilabal Rudolph of Llbert..vvlle. Mr. and Mr@. W. E. Dunu were Chicago callers Monda>' of thie wook. Naît uda>' mornalz ev. Cai4r wuf A~~~ Chokzg 4ipill , 1u We Invite youw o~~ u>r i utual EMif0t. L.fNII 1 IUOOS 8.4. Trpp. . f.>' fieue. Juh~ PaIC m SA TURDÉAV ,A PRIL Osue eRt Sewiog e Il q out Coit. .:.b. *. In order to demônotrate 00be uperiority of this rémarkable sewing machine with' its eight', ets of bail bearlngs, aotoocillo nhovument and ltâs many bther labor navlng devices-lin order to prove how mach better It la titan anyiotlher.high-' grade sewiflg machine, we have decided te spend a part of our advertiOlng appropriation in .11*0 Sentiiig Borne woMau in thi» vicinity with one of these spendid machinest. 8orne one will get this oewlng machine itb§olutely wîthout coA' and! fý'whoever that may bd, wi Il have the best sewing manufactured-it i s s recognlzed by-thls ading experts.of the country, one of whom wilI be here to dembnstiate it the day of the awarding. What o Do to Participate Every woman. whether she i a customer of this etore or utot Io invited to participate iii this awarding whieh will take place, Saturday, April 27. IEvery onie ham au eqîîal opportunity. Aboolutoly no parchaaie will be required and no nonuy consideration a ilbai acuceîted. Coupons have beom ciitributed to every every house in Lîbertyville and viciu)ity. Kill ont your coupon at once ýand brinig it to our sewing machine de,partnient. If you have not received one. cati and get one it will cost yon nothing. The Ray Furniture and Paint' Store Libertgville, - i = Illinois ~O=O=O==@~' ise Mattie Hodgkinlu, aaChicago vitor Monda>'. L. Ej Buer wam a Waukègau vieit. or e ohfîs f at weak. Little Erma Kapp-f bas boeuuiate se-_ food>' ick with MR *t4ack of tonsflitls, but le btter ot preceut writiug. lire. E. M. Umhach and littie eau Bob.. hie, accompanled b>' Mise Pearl Hebu, epoîit the fore part of the week lu Chicago. li. Harvey' Coon oent thetifret part of the week wlth ber cpu Wnî. and tamil>' et Waukegau. The ttleeeTill and Blanche Mitceill vislted relative.sudfinonunChicago lent woot. Mir. and Ier. Chas. Stahl entertained their asctor and twu neices on uanda>'. Roger Fritcb of Highland Park, v ho ha just retnrned tram abruad, Rpeni Monda>' and Tueedui>with hie aont. Mrà hi. W. Knedler. a. Boltje and son Frank were Wmnke- gan visitera liaturday. Mr. and Mms.A. C. Ilîcards vielted thoir daughter Myrtie and their aimter, Mre Fred Conrad and famil>' lu C kidago Tueda>' &WdWedueeiaky. Mir. and lire J. P. Ritzenthaler enter- tained 1fr. and tirs. R. A. Smith 91 Roctteller, Sunat.. lire. Peter Ste n and con George spent Therida>' ad Frida>' Af ass week wltb relativesela luicago. Harry Kuedier spent lentSunday witb hie parentS bore. ,-Tbe Lad4 Aid cociet>' will bold -9 bazuran md sunp pot lucouueetiou nt Herebborgere hall FrIia>'afriernou and evecng, Marcb 29. 8upe, dulte 2&, cldrea 15c. Beides tWm br wili b. palmistory and candy bootha.ý The Prairie. Vlew orchestra WU i"igv covreral »eptiouàs doring the eveulii. Don't torgt the date. lir. &ArMmre Peter Steen eutertalued their neloh. Is. Battlotoue of Chicago, part of lent weeh., She wmaaompaîîled b ,. alamons prloinuing Englimb setter dog,",Dik Deade'". wbicb h Il De ezhbibted at the coming show lu Chlg. The do>' le owaed b>' Dr. L. L Dais) Chcago, a brotbor-in-law of Mr. dteon. "AriErenin>' $tory, and Song" wltb Famu> Crosby, the blind poste"e, alîl be the féatiire 0f noît Sunday'c evoninà service at the Grace chureh. Corne and enjo>' Uicebouaing vlth us. Edea Matilda Reier was bore Jaui. 5, 1897, "md dlod Marcb 6, 19)12, agcd 0 df>teon ybars, two months hud -eleven days. Atgmlie .of hep death ebe vas et the Joue Nlileterbhouptal lu Wan- koga,I, where sehehd been a patient sumfer for wocke. $bc vas the oldeet danghter et Henri' and Auna Relit. Theef wbo meure ber early departure are fatlier, mother, oue brosher Harry', a Master Ada and a large circle of frlends. Card Of Thanks W@ visi to express Onr appreciatiot of the man>' kladueqeeu that vore ehovu us b>' mmm> friands lu connection wîth the scelusmmd alter the death et oui daughter. RCR £rRADFiiy Misosre. Frank and Arthur Bebu and Ed. WafuZrrmade a huslase trip go Cbkfl aiedaylait eet. %mes.Emma a oeAelaýui Chlcago veao thegfumetof Mir. and ÎHt. Bd. I/&guer over mudé'., Adam sold a valnablo hors. faut veut. Doro0hj'Behu etrtelmeo a trlmad tram Wauhugau smentl>. Imm Pie W»aaguetmet the Wlrts > ude foq. -Kot ulm p"Mt t est o t aIil- These Silos Are double and Independent leaving an interrnpted conîtinuons air space ail the way- around trom. top to b ,ttom, thus affording perfect f rU~t protection. 1 would tl kai to have i ntere8ted persons caiT and et me demonstrate, and prove te yen the supelniority of eonitructpn -of these silos. This is the only silo that dldn 't freeze thie vinter. Now la the timi- b place your* order. JJON'T DELAY. e.,'., e,. t- 'A- '3 dis The -WaIIs Of- r te Jbe l 'w NC e o o o o o o o o i 'y' i i o o i o o e 4 f il 111,

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