Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Mar 1912, p. 4

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1AKE COUNTY INDEPENDENTi O-.FCIAL PAPErP CCr LAKE COUNTV. Office No. (Xîý C.t ,'v Rvýidenüe Telephone No. 145-L. Entered aet th( 'ostoillce et lbrl I l.,11 as Second ClaBssMail Matter. Iwaied W eekiy. Ad. ertising Rates Made Known on Applcation, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $150 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. W. J. SMITH ...................... ............................. Editor P. G. SMITHI..........-...................Manager "AY L HUBBARD ............................ ................ City Editor FRIDAY,. MARCU 29, 1912.ý WHÂT DOECS RE PLAN TO DO? votera et I*ke Couaty beieag.rly wthu for Shurtief or W maagero of lt.eNOOGUSUcpia (orVu hi #) ,&_a aîoti#ng t. ludit. 3ut~wa Mr. [&aufh âýý to4oMrh. pois h4Wi. c a NUh. m)mtU to e . Itd. feyveM- d ~ ho 1.People offl rted regtsaud th. logitimâte pirsuit o01h." Pte g,"etc.ý Se uayu h. kaova sm1orneetthé needsof th.ef .r th. vorklng mau, iho business mn, th. profeasional man and fprnai "Oumtte ?WbtAME u6me of those needs which ho expects te lmprre upon? Ras hoe mentic-aed thern? Ho refera to ladividual classes, thereby hoping te make each thitnk hie plans working for hits particular thig. BUT, what DOES ýk-Ul doing for them? e says le knows the needs ofeu ~h. Thereforea he must have some plan, something definite for each clama in mind. . Wliy fot. go int detail and teil what lie expeots to do. For ages politicians have menticned ini their campa.ign ItWrature, that 11 stand for the poople's.rights; 1 know their needs and will be the Moses to loadcttem int the proised land." But the time bas passed wlien sucli '<bunk" lias any effect on the voters-they want factoa, de- tails, etc.,-AiND THEY ARE E±NTITLED TO KNOW TREM. If MÎr. MacGfflin plans doing so m-tc, in the wày ~'Of benefiting the people over what they have liad. in the wliy doesn 't lie or Shurtieff, his sponsor, tell what benefits MJ&Y BE. Be specifie. ,Don!t generalize so mucli. M tr. Oison bas stated again and again what lie ztands 1«, *wliat ho believes in and what lie bas tried to do and bbIea te do if re-elecled. Hli as been plain, straiglil-for- -and bonest. only campaign -argument which promoters of the jýN!âeffincumpagn bave advanced is: Re is at Lake 94i mn and ' %et Olson's Goal. " Tlîey promnise noth- bî h lm, they state notbing hie las in mind for execu- ,eftey do flot- it hlm anywliere in particular excepting ho 18e ac:anXdte. oreFOR TE LEGIBLATURE. a SoeLake County men are urglng the election of a ýLseOounty man for the State Senate, but those men are eaYina word about a Lake Oounty man for tie Housen M 8prlgfeld. Theii.fglt for tie Senate lias caused the Y~WIl&tT. ouer te becorne secondary, yet it is a most in- ~Iaiitblngafter ail. mak e County lias two aspirants for the legisiative ~ ~ilaaton;D. H. Jackson andl Jos. Anderson, boath ef Od»Forte. These men are opposed by a number of can- p dldsteinl McHeûry and Boone Oounties, among wiom i. oflrif of ticHenry, sponsor for MacGufin in the Sena- t IrIB contest, placed Iliere flot because Sliurtleff loved i làke county, but because lie loped to stir up a contest by wblch lie miglit make Oison trouble. The deal was that f Bhurtleff 'a friends were to support MacQuffin for Senator, I COvey of Boone for tic House and in return MacGuffin aud lii.coliorts were to deW4~er Lake Counly 10 Shurtiefi and l Covey. Covey and is rowd- would hand over Boone c CoMty to Shurtleff and MacGuffm. Tiat was the deal, made secretly but -afterwatds disclosed by men who dld flot s'iallow il placidly. The ¶ew men fixed the thing up for the tire. counties. But, while Lake Oounty volers, by a large majority, as wiil b. seen, favor Olson's return to the Senate because of its record, because of the important things he bas to do which conceru Lake <ounty, Lake County ipeople do flot relioi the thouglits that Shurtleif may again go back to the Houa. le continue lits r.eglect of Lake Ooi.nty whi&'i had'always been a part of his district allhough lie nor.a-n-7 of bts friends can show wiere lie lias dlone a SINGLil TIING for Lake County in al th. lime lio lias been ct Springfield. Lake Oounty lias a strong candidate for the Houa2-, Mir. Jackson. He was a candidate two jears ago, certain combination of political leaders resullin.g ini lis de- feat by. a amali vote. Tliieyearhle bas tie assurance«o Mqany men who were flot for him beffore, tiaI lliey will vote for bïmmand do ail lliey can te bave hifm elected. Tliey Seo in him a strong, lionest, unassuming candidate,, one wio bau pa.ddled his own canoe in a straight-forward nianiier, wlUîout he backing of politicalb osses and a man who lias 'drvn BUurrising support t lits standard in tie past and Ibisyear 'ZoUd do even botter because of lita exiDerience and thie additional friends h.olias imade. He was chairman Ooiu ro h. north shre,-liewould gain 1.ethl.ere that b. that others oould flot get. paxgn- and oou ulie a rume iup. Mir. Jackson tau uaware thalt ùeW paper l'a oday oen- dorslng lits candidacy, our voluntary endei'sment comlng after careful Ihouglit and conaîderation of the wbol situa- tien lu the district,.tMr. Jackson i. alIledwllh ne lnterests; ne other political candidate and seeks th. otkie purely and eimply beause lie teeliehoceuld vell r. rosent the dlstrict Bt prnfid and because lie believe , càatm9mgood. We lso-Meve lie wMflmore 9am-inake goo4 w. beleve ho vill prov, a mosÎ effcient and capab9,leeicai ad4 prove biniseif ortliy oft1h. support et Lke Oo7t,Mo. and Boone oouty votomEra. . K ba bd eeeutlveepet ence, bavl nmay ofetLake ]for*# 6 number etoff du etw h h. provred a moot eàWmt ntsd up-to.dt ma&u -R. busallways vokedbard inlb.*0intees«ta o l friendu wlun Caled u n d vtr aen itk lnmupporrug a "t11 u '4a t . r M. 11 mIli <>t.. rgepoeple te giw lbr. Vickers, 1hte M Sm&cndidate for Iho I.g.aUWMlreM, Dow ovnaIla ,tpsvlie p e ~zanes nan tiugabutpeople ugutley forglvo It looks as If l Y tason il! surely b. nemlnated as Oongreanxan-atLargo lin iluo. oSe v w lamn d popular throug io t tee, ilote and it doesnt appear au If any candidate-lias the chance tliat lhe liabecause et his acnaintance and aclmevl.dged abillty. Superviser Thomas 0tsiam, candidaté for the minor. ity mInatIon f«r 1h.e gW&msl a ' malaln, aclua, quie but efféctive esapan sd not o ekocla board Agai4a have te but sud sothat. hey vii have a lbardlmedolmg te Iwo auj ow fhem wkicajas.o on mal rotera $1,. m u«d go%,jour money bock. Cm b. pu oaad dla a mint.For .mie aetils.CoustYý W ét #i.8ê~Tr or*ai wo. ê- wm n aa - m a m 11511ic E >squangau IW hé bIem mi«e, but v. ddm "t rm7s ab.-atifte Mir. Jackson or Mir. Olmn d aa a vI1.that 0* Pa- or would advocate Mir. Jaebwo=.auddc. doIl in hlm, becanie ve k. hlm and bec&use ve'lbel he viii make a good man ah Sprngeld. Nov tbAlb County Treasurer Westerffold'a bonct bas been accepted by the supervisera, tho old board -can con- aider itse f done withitis vork sud net liable te be Saled back agalu. Tho acceptance efthle bond vas about tliç cul thing th. board could do f or il not only vas austu[a, but was signed by Waukegan'sstngt businesspieu. Its siabmlty could net have been quslned conslstently. But, at that, it lu veil tht the matter vas finally disposed, et wiliont a conflict wiicli lookod possible fer a turne. Tii. board accepted it withoul discussion tollowing tie cern- rnttee's report.___________ THE IIHON."1 THOS. GRAHAM. Superviser Thomas Graham le lunlts minorily logis-! lative race i arneal aand il looka as if Lake County la again te have the minorily representation in tic state Ieg- siature. Mir. Graham i. the strongest Domocrat lu Lake Seunty and lis vido acquaintanco in ollier counties efthe istrict malcea iim a strong man -in those'sections efthe district viere lie seeka votes. One lhing about Tom, lio has always been open and above board, loyai te bts friebds, square as a di. and a man et good judgmonl. .A tarner ail bts lite, lie knows 1h.e needs eft he farm- ing interesta; a sportsman and champion gun siol, ho would b. a ielp incidentally te lieue Interens as vo!!. Il would be qulte a tblng te aay tiaI oeeoe the fanieus Gra- ham,«brothers, world-beatersat gun-club meets, la a repre-, setative at Springfield. And il looks as if Tom viii aoon affix lie "Hon" befere is name, judging from what one hears Ibrouglieul the district. His Lsake Oounty opponent, Dents Gibbons, is a good mnf, but lie tact in, le entered the race very laIe, after Grahamu had made lis canvasa ef the district and obtained assurances et Democratic support frein ail sections. On. lling about Ii. istat D. H. Jackson, candidate for Reprosontalivo trom Lake Counly, basalways een a Re- publican, lias. vorkod bard for th. an sd ldividual ca"ddates in lie Couuty and i. a man eoperionco, liavý !or 1h. mln rit psted t SentrOsne c The art of, making watches Bas. been marching abead et»Aflii' for years. Watceeabave more brains and kilil put Into ther making to.d..y tban ever. And estîli the, are gettin echeaper aIl thewhie-whjcb ia rather strange. il you v'ouid like te learn just bow far thse watch makinë art ha@ adi. vanced, thie te thse place ta come to. Il yon wieh tea Sud ont ho* etieap a remliy reliable wateh ca o b. oiS viait tisa tore. Our watch etocis centaine ALLI th:t the art of ,ateh makin beau ta And we wiliingiy place our time at your dipomai. A. HUSS JEWELER y, 1< TOWN 0F LIBEERTYVILLE ANNUAL TOWNSIP EET T-UESDAY, APRIL cIORepublican Ticket cODemocratic Ticket« For Supervisor Fur snpervieor H. B. EGER W. E MIL.LER For Tw ir For Town Cierk in WILL DECKEREJ.ATR'PO- For Anueaor FRA14K NICHOLÂS For Colketor PETER BOCK For (lommusioner of Bigbwaye E. L. DAVIS For Trutie or chool C. F. WRIGH-T For juijoof nithe Peace (To nu seay EJ. E. MvLAUGHLIN For c-owieotwr of Higbwaie E O w .MORAN For Tru,.t,' of tchooi J. H. BR~ADLEY Fo .eI-o! the Peace (Tu M I saenoy) 2,1912 TOWN CLERK. OINDEPENDENT' TICKET For Sprio For Towa Clart Ftor Aaefflor n - For Cilector ÎFor mmiâsioner of Bighwaya E H. P. EN13LE]IERY Eo r s e o f Sehool For Justioe of the'pseS (To au vaoy> ( 10-A

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