siePt, effcted a toy-li1oe station, (wu V M À i iatforius sud a ticket booth at Lia- eaenue. hWhen the village officera a. ~ woke he trougit train service ho.- ~*4Y~ tween the Joop and the sbr ied SE AilInuvain the cpponets Or the -"L" A LL EOT road In Wlmette swore vengeance and threatened court proceedings. The _______________ new station la bullit on owned by the raiiroad and thie right ci vay wtern el4vated raiiroad ser- o'er which thie tracks am, laid bas t,1fl tram tie Chilcago lbac heen ieased from the St. Pui raiirosii. tOWimette opened Tuesday Accordlnglato tyle rallroad th.e ppo- la ajite of opposition fromntinl idimereiy factional and a Me- at Wlruette, and, ln tart. jarity Of thie people vant thie service. thir knowledge. During thie The whole question ls nov consid- workingmen of the North- ered more or legseof a Jolie - wlth sîvaedgippe<j Into the vi-tRe aught on the council and opposi-. ,Mdwhie nie town and counicil tion to the rWIlroM 'lias dwlndled to a minimum. * A Statement, 1To the Republican Voters of thls Senatorial District.- 5111y &tories that 1 have promised my vote and influ- enci n the State Senate to any interest or Interests, faction or factions, are absolute falsehoods. 1 arn un- der no pledge or promise to any intercst or faction. A. 1. OLSON. Primery liection, AprIl 99h, 1912, Palils Open From 6 a. m. ta 3 p. m. VOTE FOR [IJ. Genre Soelsober Candidate feru the Uspublikan Noamnation fer Member Stale Doard Tsnth C.sgrssi..i District Yeue Vote and Support WIII be Appreclated TO THE REPUBLICANS 0F ILLINOIS: T'h. renommnation of President Taft in certain. Re nov bas tuan hall the number of delegetes required to nominate. Tii.. delets either imstructed or pledged to the President, hW o f whomt vere elected under primary lave provided by itatssý bave been selected in New York, Iowa, Indians, Michi- Missouri, Clolorado, Ne>Mexieo and the. Bouthern States. T1h President la" to carry Pennsylvsnia, New Jersey, the 149Id Sttes Ohi, th Muntain States, snd the. Pacifie 77.90viii ]aVe a majority Of the delegates front Minnesota, Da*kota, -Iowa, Wet Virginia, Kansan sd Nebraka. 'lIme sttes viii give him min y more thon snough votes to hlmt on tiie first ballot in te nationa convention. n» vi.« 0f this fa4, continued opposition to the renommnatiofl the PrWudet la cnly giving &id and comiort to the. common 01 al Bepublicansà-tbe Deunorats. SPrusidet Taft la tii. ouly Republican vbo enu carry New N@v Jersey, Nev England and the. so-caled doubtful states eCOL. Roosevet vau defeeted in the. Nev York primaries this by a popular vote of thre to one, resultin i the selection of 404 ta the ti national convention for Taift to 7 for Roosevelt. COL Roosevet lot Nev York ln 1910, but the Republican won back the state legieW ituevthout bis leadership in 1911. The injection of bis personality into the campaign in Masse- lotConnectecnt New York, and Indianaini 1910 resulted iu rOn f ail the"e stateu, indicating that hie cannot hope ta carry Easter Salie JUSI ONE DAY LEFT TO'PUCHASE THAT EASTER SUIT, Ilere is the place to get it as our prices are the lowest and our garments the best. Ali alteratloisdone free and per- fect by 14 experlenced tallors. Women's The most complete and best made stock in the city,_whe ther it be plain or elaborate we can satlisfy you they are priced from $8050 to Your Easter Coats We have just what you want in ail weaves andpatterns, some with the laté style lace collars, sure to please in style and price f rom $5 to $30 Latest in MiIIinery The Iatest W M ats to be had here In Derby and plain shapes, trim. rned most beauti2.0t 1 Oms- h e ti.Republican members ni Uimei,,. cu la Nev England, Nev Jersey, New York aud Pennsyl-, pié, ail of vhich oppose a third terni for any President. Tii. administration of Fresident Tait la merked by practical mpss«Ive achievements and reforma. The Republicans of the country la the National convention il ebdorse the. record of the Tait administration. To act otherwise la te repudiate the. platform of 1908, vhich Ë beegifithfully carried out by Preident Taft. No party cau apologize and vin. The. Taft administration haa been endorsed by eveiy RepubW- econvention since 1908 aud by non. vas it indorsed more ogy than by the Republican convntion of Nev York in 1910 Srtoga, vhich vag dominated counpletely by Theodore licose- The. achievement8 cf Preaident Tait's administration, as they tact the. velfare ai the whole people, f ar overshadow eny act "ci may have met etiier vith individual disapproval or the dis- MMova1 of some clasa or section. 1This fact la strikingly proved by the recent reaultg of prima- a and eaucuses in agrieultural Iova, vhere six congre8saonal dis- ftswhose representatives la Congres voted against Canadien Mprodet have either selected delegates instructed for renami- Immu-of the President or pledged tlîeir support. % ri f President Tait on the peace treaties, scientific revision of the Wif conservation and other things vherein h. conscientiously *9d for the good ai the greatest numnier of bisi countrymen. 1AÏ to Canadian reciprocity, President Taft sud Colonel Roose- Ot ar in the. sane boa.t. Colonel Roosevet endorsed it la four isCiies Theodore Roosevet, et the. end of his first terin as Preaident, msnded an endorsement la thé shape of a renomination. President Tait in entitled te the saine SQUARE DEAU REPUBLICÂNS cfIllinois: The. issue la not one of expedi- w7 or of personality. But: shalltthe administration ai President Tait, vhich la tthe aid cf the. Bepubhicn party, be endorsed? IWNOIS EADQUARERS, ATIONAL TAFT BUREAU Easter Shoe Off er1ing Buy shoes for wear as well as style; that's: the reason to buy -them here. We have the high top white buck, tan and black, all newest models priced from 3.00 to 5.00 Silk Petticoats AMOUR-lu" A grand display of messalines and taffe- tas ln plaid colors with- color deçigns plain or plait. 2A-0 ed, special at .040 Ail sprinq models in the -long and short style. See our expert corsetiere. She will fit you with a corset f rom 50C 10 5.00 Waukegan's OnIy Ladies' Stq'e i 's Suits!l la g e e v .5 e b ru Easter Gloves The Sllk end kid gloves, ail colors and sizes, regular 1.50 values, prlccd speclal at A 78C STYLISH EASTER DRESSES Serge dresses ln white, blue, brown, neat. Iy trimmed in lace and moire, the season's most popular styles and models .9 7.50 values. special at .....«....39 FOULARD DRESSES lans and blues, trimmed in dark colors and laces. 10.50 value, very79 special at ...................79 Corsets p t' Il £ c i il e a v b s t 'i I s One Price Te ALL 1