Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 8

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AISUT vduce the Ph- eOf BSugr ta, abu %cents*'Pound An sgrup«: <fl8ADflIPA«~flBSli~# 0 ,îîýo@,000 ammsy t* i JIJuaBU PÀS~UDwhuei oraf tbtnation. "0 eîIÈ - aIOf 53,000,000 revonue annSulifront KUCQUNTY'S CONGRESSMAN sugar dUtl IU vib. Offset. undeW *1. WA C OIJrcOUS av iS plani by the Pr~OPad tax on IROcOMI fflENCE AT VOTING, over $6,00 a r. ý - -. The bill vus fcnght tubbomly 17 *'~T MIGIT IAVE UUVW t. 110stSldiIt Rlblioaiu4 m ith TD HASA VEBI. U IRVÇT <1ouad tit the c i5W0A1ift t tW vould BUTn tic iet ugar tudstj CARRIED FINALLY. Bu tat h e , 'ts one dnt"' - -- bet ua Praducc% i li ee (sgremmn Ion la selMng fr bermed. but thai.o Wcota: ri oithc peope et the sugar trust w *l e dÎ t.9an- isum hlp but vouder viy jection amae It a polit ta ta Mt After siowlng hoy the Illiois comm *kstilaa viW*are gresamsen yoted, the Tribune *Inde te peomi o oplits lst as fohovs: b09 ustry ta e"t ocoauoa- Represetatlvé, O.lisuhs, votsd mokpIe. VUWO UfIàOug --preeent, Ibeng Wpal a favor of thse t5Wb$&B th* fffl SU M Mbil. snd thefoiiowing vois abset: ie41h onat, a Copley, Màooew*mot la abon F.Stadli. et FileW1lscn B. C. 15THOMAS E. GRAHIAM. Êmorsdlia-ti. outr- la thse only PARUM candidate for isy tbu kbue oietesn-thse eglature froua tts dIstriec:Hia OVe-13g by a vuilsof 198 record of tourteOfl yers on tib ard ot supervisors of Lake county, la Proct, ta th e Mees of th. of is alslilty and lntegrity. lic v*lu g.if t Secomes à ;àw, vl! re- apprecate your vote and support. v 2t Tools you will soon need Chatham Fanning Mina Van Brunt and HoosierI Drils and Seeders Deere and Janesviile Plows -Buüd long isc Harrows SCIANU-K BROSI * 4-'. SmaBKsuaukéé thedowatate a itto or ohe IUPbia SislIs orgoveruca la a practical fumr ad businessip Ntu a-andate asalat soven avie-snadtla botter qt&lIflcd te rspre- WM th, e gricltural and busIness interia c f the state tia s MW ~ sac- 4MZtise aDominaton for govomor. Ollier statss bave elti fimues 60S WMUMs men for goveruor vbose administrations bave proves auMsl- »0"eB*asadilIua ratorY sud more businesla thse govern@ ons.ReOur 1*00 qzmmbava paactcally ioubied Ln lia pâltcshl 7«sg ni. & IM$s ternY goveruor. WbY ual tri a buoiness admnistraion for t» *u~ ~ ur lM v.MY# thepeople froua tua p-est burdén of Ireasai Ian les. maIle a sef-mae mana acmutomed ho iard vok. Hes .In l. à'i fl 1.«ontia faim and kmgovs tbe neeof thelimm a ons.te HSi a MM oet -e 0imon People snd stands for the vorkinguans intorslaasd vVais. Esgola ai minded. tUberai sud far s»4 a mm nwbom tsa e lien famer km" aiItue prmary lectea vas Mtl bu' Me* lSai et- inu.y asera-or te. co at lhe busiest season of tueYsesr an li. isiok o *Wtc. verts ees",ga tic poils WiII mt eve7 ru' haMsM k aesfit- b WAprll9 tao ote Ibm Pois and vote for th.ftars 4ShiIto sfront-Kalseommtyt "li -ma ma amta tih e pbllaapsr yfor laSosunos *od ~i ua, obpsS 4 ts peuple A tbe polà. Imm Ls E~P ife ia m, bui e mUhV GEORGE W. PAULLN, ONtIC 11 LEfADER FmR FimSv MAXIM rTýUST QuINm-wIwl low la "cAuis a artite lad In dieUe ler ùm1 UomutbU, uosousà&1tis e Sth, district ePU bis "tiam aI3lai .1<1 Wl" a tacisupon COurenan Georga mimd Pam Kv l'uRin epois1111at Avenue bouse. Uvaasoa. ~Tvo yearsano Mr. Vasa Mt on neiy 17 elilier obeylng tic dictaIs Cannon sud prrne tu tic bousi aubmttlng tu outei40 de Ifluisbdl csal t sn honet revilos et tise th davuvard la acordance villa lie publc» plattOsua. Me basneyert oan an advanced positiaon 0the tr question. nor bea ba ever expie liluaeif, except lu a ver>' sophOis vay, on sny cfthie great quesi vhlch nov contrent th American1 ple. Mr. Pose la not familiar villa an3 thse great questions hli c oul Chicago or concern the tate of noie. He kuove notiing of sanit*t snd lesu about iarior requireme] Cals for Publicit>'. "lu a campalgu two Years ago., POes sald: 1 1 fayot the puilicity canipaigu contributions befcre, and ter tlie election.' Taktng hlm at own word. 1 vaut to kno- "Will he disciose tise sOUrr tram vhicis b. bas recelved moi ey for caxuPalgn pur)oeoa' WilIlie linciude th. àr an salieof appolulmonts to e Point and Annapolis for 'thePU pose of aecuring support iu cortl localitles? WilIlie Include an otimate 01 the amount of postage ot1 vbloh tise goverament bas tai cheated by tue abuse of the. frai .ng prlvî by vhlch ise là been sendlng frec campalgn tonial tbrougout tis, district? Recalse Naval Station Scandal *'One achlevement oflMr. FOaS vlçlh ho tas., bis dlaim for ren, nation la thse naval trainig st&OI Lake Bluff, We are nov Inm a resuit of a quarre!lioetWsen89 tar>' Meyer and Ccngreeelni1 tuat thîs station cost about $110« more tisan il sould bave that1 paon>' bult of a qnalitY o! brick ed vti aikali, a defect vhlch cm b. remedled. Tisat tise brickc frouaBanville snd 4htis the aki the atelisa atory *vici eau b. iý understood by those 'Who knov to 1read ign.' FOSS "DUCKIS" COMUNMICA' gen:, j f3 * ots.a Vi ordu TUMUlY Wtbmbimae1 cn1173 W s U . Iry T:a rre thetivW" ME CONSPleOPO*ID Acr Tk TNA1 L, 4~ bmg*MAtuks onfISAVÔR mud wIsesnd miyvrs malle te Pt a 40M l tTUNO L"111îê*4; UftyWAPIS 5V eNG o C KY.otxo $L tue 11n 1 l. w thse* lShOW S0 NY A pdui ta thse UN frousi Sts UU!ITnRDEne iS *~d'sdUs5MF SSIi !SSSU aV etfeXI> iit teUw4 1>. Shrt sewMet 0 10@wYýa b e e Disoe t.*li as tés veekMubsol vis te =_o1* bu botesti iuas 1wrg 'oté, é ,bu> er btt 4Iboo M fer hDme iapaim toiw, et 9Mact. Wiy vas hoabsent. wài bue ifuRaojgil aGd 00 ho vrlait -VIt 14uRpuN p dWtbB tich ute.aUet aiare 4gtM Maïs lt ,*polt t 1t réet t. b*IP aIst' I.looknggW* 6 ti ses Il? Ii a me questions volSb sapl beslnols. làithse e v t is 4. oo«M it th*no n i db*d disitio t b.t dm.Ho 41 Bt 009- u lafaally to the buadreis etffl3 *or Loot Jo.par"M"lcaupulgu etf"mer ais V0prda e isa thse statea buillis vaOlnSllàeLà» hat igr e vo atOb arlifAer *,* 5 e It the caPitaL. luat saaRu viit £501 la tbir "Ms e - IiefacI liaI Oison vws prsenan d sas tey bopsitr.1tspue"*g--a iaw tek- aborth« wuvas ent means muqià i. ,»* m mbred unibutate . B... trust It shows ticcalibre of the om, ~ I luetftiu. Apybody i o use t e":0> lie fliuae MMd sboya tiscr oyalty to their ostia of OFel ittc icg rbfO0VWA ULT U mrle offce, au ooopausd le personaiagran- @Md enderdate of Mrch i h .i w- WilI not bo puuuled vem.,long. Tisesare njusI efew simple mies tu Pea- poiton «. Wahingtona. D, C.. Mardi 9.-The j fiov. vblch viii enable, ayone tu lutelllgoeiat slve thé probisu. Oison mlsjt bave been maklng a few private pension 'biU he attack ou Thse linst important le the nomber of bust unit# you boy wltb every y of votés lu tiose day. lie lasebeen *pend- whlcli boit the bouse ln.sesson late * <liuaryflu pend. Cone ta Our office or teI..phnue sud vo mli conlince front lng at Springfield, but h. forgot ail1fast ulit, vas Paased vithout am yoatisat ouasyau are burung ORCA orba nt r , 111- &bout MIa c"apgn when hi. official anaendmeut Ioda>' by a vote of 2141 U OLyu etui@at Lîon diJep called himà ta Springfild visen tu, 36. It vas on. of the. reguiar week- stn o o )eboe. lens, tic goveruor isaaed a speclal ati]y omnibus priva. pension bille Wibichs M.mous t0overY. legisiartôr appea In Ibis Instance csrried 290 pensions *W Mthere. and Increases af pensions for perso.. à ai- taon making a few votes durîng the law. - Il bis past fev dys, uhîle Oison vas eti AI] the IllInols membèe voted for Springfield, dong bis duty ans tate Ithe bihvll ith th exception of the foi- OIlnh n l I ces 8euiatr. lbtheend thse voera viii iovlng absents- li er fl, ni on- abow tbeir appreclation of a men vho Buchansa. Cannon. Copie!, 'rff08 conOîdert bis' personal nfair secon. Fuller,.Grahsamn, Mcflertt, mcKeni i dary te performiug an officiei duty %ie. Sabath, Stack Wilson. et vben leinl called to arme as senstor - ti- oison bas -os in Notice Oof Announcement la bereby made tisat seu thse, colora of the Primar>' Ballots ta bas ta used at a Prliary Electlon ta ta - eid ln Lako connty, Iliinos on the ý nintis day of April, A. D. 1912, by thse iL respective parties viii ta as loliova: * v Republican Party-Wbite. j ~ natDemocrattc Party-Green. ~'A . ed u Prohibition Party-Blue. j- - 3o- Saclalist Party-Pink.. , --19 f Irn Dated tie tvntleth day ofMarcis.,'t IlaA. D. 1912. .j tk fil!- LEW A. HEN E,\.~.' ,,-# - ant Count lr ,' ; J > calas Wky liar 2f-p 5 t 'e4 esall r lov ____________________________ MION1 CHICAGO TRIBUNE IN TELEGRAM d FRON WASH4INGTON COM- MENT* ON F000' STAND. IMPbRTANT DEVEI.OPMENT MADE(O U I IN MESSAGE-FROM WASHING- TON EEGARDING . E. F0OU. to Move? TIse Chicago Tribune ou Monda>' prnted tuls article, vritten by one o! lis edtoril irters: Remember tan slecting a bouse,, Washington, D. C., Marcb 31.-4ev on. of the mot nom s ary precau.' oral Republcat, cougreesmen froulnIii nola vIe are candidates for renommna- taons 10 takeie 15 10eo that il sb tian are being urged by large numbers wired for eleaîicity. of thbir constituante tu deciare their et&"d on the question of tise presi-, If il is, not vired, Y«. ea't have dential nominatlin. heo ly 'absolutely iade ligit; paur Representativo Vlaa.of tue Tenti vif. caa't, aetlbh cOst of a feu' Chicago district, la reported 10 ihave conta, h. entirely relî.vod froua the recelî.vYd a communcation faige iaImeomanc te edl ,So00Remblemmvotera lu bls dstit aige. tseimng ache cie an' askIjg&bim viotuer hbela for theu. in& iigofth eigmcn;obca' nomination -of Preidont Taft or for iron la tho modem -,v»y that con-. tue nomination of Theodore Ilooae- fines ail lie bhat to thc iron and voit. evsteamoheofterm Mrv. Vasa bas not declared hie aesth lm pee f h ro lerenceofo presldeutal candidates, ai- coufortabie and aaniary; she can't tiougli repeated efforts have beeu do thse wsbing vftiiout tiing ber- made b>' ie coutitueuts ta learu bis oel out vhen lihore le no laiudresa, opinion on Iis question. He bas ai-. 10hobad. vays ben regardod as an ardent sup- porter of President Taft, but hoe neyer bu comIttoiluasolf ln iavor of A littie elIectro ourrent Bis attitude lu thia respect lias mt 1 OBS a 1011< *&Y toW&Ids surprised tue poiticans bsore, for t1IihtSniUg the dommstioload. it knova tuaIt ho la taciaS a bard SM. tht the houalqainWfrOd figlit for renominatlcnansd tuere lnaa tromendouely large amount off ROBsé voit sentiment lu the Teati dlatric Mr. Posa pretera not to declare bina- self ln thts paiticular as ho vanta tue votes o$Taft sud Iloosevetsuppora Pous Ia agent. Go fer as n o a ie 01tand. OF. Ns 39i Poses b ade lna reply 1tii.hecoma- muntoation signed lay'bIs cOtitp"9 but soon sitar ruoelvlng It bho1.M for Cbicago, vbere ho viii lveper- , sonal attention tu bie cuavade hie- mm m atida Nesbtt Vies 11»i, icatia f Ua. M&aY . NoubittI : -vtdecoff )r. a.EL T. Noiiti, of SOI ffltte aveu oecurred ut il: 46 iii ber buaan * thele w-' viffl by c» brothbr, q ILCrse5a, W vii tic loiSfrn. tie bouse at 2 o'elock Monday ata afeno. lit. Çrmu tat todai tiat the. romains viii be piacci ta tbce 4apei bure for sbont tiirt Se gitermet to ta ln, thc Craser pfl t 5Bra. U U Ituesto o1 Gooi Etoads&$ ~ ,Mle sifis r ossla t u~ei Mna«metW bard rondmae c ,aeoodt« t tbeloiàs am . tel a*ir f~S4eUi5t t ILook for the Name of The Cable Company on the Piano ;~ *1 LAI Mmt Co tbat ~ftr tWO ysau fuit Lt Il m c tire padI by t year vote TI a= e You Buy- When gogo see the name of THE CABLE CO. on the frootbaard ol a piano, gjou cao 6e sure that it is the kind of an instrument gjou want. The Câble Comnpan le one of the old establlshed institu- tloni in the piano business, and Las buit Its reputation on the merits of its produétiona. it gives its written guarantee wlth every ou@ of its pianos, thus aeeuring buyers of absolnte satisfaction. Tho productions of the Company are lu use in every coin- munity in the United States, and are- praised by the moet prominent muiiicti ansad muisical colloges. The Câble Complaq lia a responsible institution. Itliiia position to fulfilil Is guarantees, and always has for its aim the satisfaction of the buyer-facts proved by more than tblrty years of making and s.lling pianos. Ask your banker abodt this company. These and maDy other reaoous maire it to your 'advaîtage ta purchase an instrument on whlch The Câble Cooapaoîs name appears. You eau se. theopianos at II~GALvsEwLRv STOr W>tJKt<E.AN W.g have rs» than 7o dilgno, wooM'and Ijitbes for yoii to chuofe from in the Cos~erCalle, q KWMWr1ý, Weftlogton, ipoli ~ y»W o bire,taolemO diject tune a«ba4 regutlso ahIt over.I1,mIata~my .ttI~Lqsveyotrorst tt ieaddrsui beve. T. P. - . - a Il a' la -p n 15 ti la s a a a a t' a i tJ il t Il

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