Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Apr 1912, p. 1

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~AKE slý f VOL. 20.-NO. 29. COUNTY INDEPENDENT ONE TO EIGHT $1.,50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE 1~ a I .:1 FREED FR01 JAIL SATU RDAY n h - es rtdnoeta and for a t rne thireatlciid te Mille out a large, portion or t he rellitirice dis- SERVED 90 LAYS FOR THREAT- 1 trý:jilrî1!IIvi( il cf orGaiston ave- ENING TO WILL FATHER AND OTHER RELATIVE PInîl wl f1'lins caflung ont of the e f,lî'î.riiiîiç,yithe retcul' rit -- Inn' l n Ifttht-e oiiqe.andi IPr..e, Jn,1 fini îîln e cntIthe. ire depart- YýdI«I. ý1%.., t i, la. i ,î II th i.,. in r î f f ldetlto. nei %".aIllaii n11l".l and t',, ;"k byi..,ît'loii i.i nlue a 1 il-,. ,l il u.'iii;iIg vitil -a s.1îl aîd ,nai h. .. niarni -ftr ..i. ln tnîd t lie- s m d fl îcî c ~ i lfit. \Vh. n f s'1'1"' 1,,'ifftgptire et' irainîs a.iu: il1-' gnage lot iia. 1 IïlII lit a/flîcd un filli 'l tilt' lllcIa. i h-l ig t ilà 1bîtwcen Ilis 1n,.' diin- ua-. i lw îneI ii i i. fî.i,, ue .sintil f ooltg mîail haed - t. ando l. iiîher cti;Iîren tllcheli o\i and ,1Ii' bcd off 011;' tiigger t'yf1 llIiitg dî..sed 111 cli',.'.attire. The% niialn, of iacuriiiin rod. ltioneiet.iî nII JIIIi il alli jlîî .. t *-tai eul. " i ii !r.'sf i ai ail PI 1. i il ' cr1ilm %s l ouîîd cii t he-cenelin' tie -i. î .,rî 2 . i àIl i c.l Il i li asilîisel t ile» tniiiliîîig ' 1f;l, Ioi'h" tact i il f ile tfie fiie 12:..'îca ol i lenii> tc*kiîi , a gIif'v'î ,re n lîua , a~ lie"îrîi. li#- jr rielelitor. Il,-kiiaI waVi lllillg wiaMe ocîl (he»ln' lelîîi"îient. Ill iifiildieui ifer t ruiI ll Ii t u ihe reer ci the Li-i vi tte> ir re,îidenîc. s iuii lisiret gaw naraizi i 1tii,' ..'rrinîi.Tho' tots l)lllgi2ii a 'vngtI fili a Iiilof cf ,!<icîi 10!!le Iiîtin ai(] pcr.oil ropeM-in on the 1-1i.. liei' .unniî,îi'lis. Iî'hl.i auilinîi itoVuer lit, I i i ilill fltiftiîIl,lîI- III 'crllier' r i l sf11 tonne of .th" tir, tnilaI. the S'r. tiîca,,idt .lieii.ctire'(,filet atiji e lInff sait: 1 w as Thic va,'<dislnx'î Mai. îiit.i tiigC' i < ;il 1tM ~' ilim' t1 Vnl itiforin- Ilie 4te1ict\y ail S..iiîiîiay, v, re le hall i t ' Ia6.ii 1,ildliriîg wa îs c'.rapjînd ln t-itda ýlida' II-tieCiim.' i lI, ei -o ' thl ii fi'tini as suilM1 Threc nîcins ag liehina.s airesf ildeîn 'J i- f 'ireuas of a nI. elerleas fIpln i IIîaaiiîilit rai t îs M110a! t. iii 10 . to iiak ail an. estiga fli lleInîltint ehîn iid thtie iî,-d to IIIII.11 de, hhi, fai ti.' 'lTh- e 0itîig un a.. dc-- 111io iaf tîîed ithe chairgetaliîlwl't to jai I 10w-, leg Itngeance. Iii mtilehr tas tise W ID onl> reativt.elîl, t ook iL .stand aiut TD O VOTE BALLOTS the ria infilepolce ourt i __Of U LPIRTIES «Mý l Iîîd, lt.ý. 1 arrn so??3'to blie - îelcd to tek tvs Jîdge ilîn .îd peu' 10 J.11, fbut I nit b10t'I)te prlt 'MANY VOTERS TOOAY BECAME nI> fail salli the î,îoîlîcr dur- PEEVED WHEN ASKED WHAT ieg tilt.ttiai. PARTY THEY BELONGED TO. Eleter DII>teyr. brother of tht.e ctas'd ton] tillatstor'y (Ifthle tii. FAtL TO RECALL THAT IN PAST "rarik iîtiian.pct'. liy brither. %vasi VEARS PARTIES HELD PRI- di 7îî aigî'il front îthe juil Saturday. lie oî,nîîaîîi f utroui ieadal'cr, xt Att ES ON SEPA RATE OAYS and îltollii, Iliat Il(- tsîrc'd he wa4;, ta ferlng froi iiit y jîbid fei'. Laite tiînU i(iln'rPe niîcri ,Social tt or Saturdaîy nigh c,îl e nt iii i)r t'. t trC lllli ltiit'î MIlîeio gae birnm îedîciîîc xx O\l i .,îaed arouied home Sieda>. lie se1 ill'- h-fII11ntl7%a i:d nt flnStiîidaY nil I leii'lî î 'iîle h'~.~î f1,1 iiep atIl, and aroe ia. i -I a t t os (04uni. loiil l-fii he atfned for fils troiiri lug. tlc kfi tic bouîise elînritaiv a' Utt.o,: l ii eole 1tîl'i lie, hencit dire, t il lsctt-cn j scixai'lii î to the nid bome.1'iff iîhome short-' .:fti' i 7 for woili~, in %%,lienî i et, h -' o il. a hîîîtiiî f îftlis haiaczer. ci i' ld home,. 1 saw a large roi;d andlin mo1re ' haîî e.,ii,iance'today 'l:liing le frontof!etl ace. 'ii 5 'i.. dge Ie, llion tas the îe<ip ta ldie uît.iii> irothrret'4-lien et! t l lent cor cfa rnif if', ofil dî'nioraf î,î îg lia- cf ais beal i thl a siiol gîte :toc' .1 doî luitbelieve Franfk n us weîf i liX lit >'ar'î a 111lic 'wetnlaroiiîd IlhC, fitn îoine Noter a-keî fo r )isibllot Iliînck'i' a!t lie Ir iiill and %wat t icif. lie at ' olîfd tfit, inlst sîeri one IllI)cfîîd niie wîeefý. 1 t ilum hei - cu iI' îonî i ci', f I Minti al the biis hie uie. lie basîtinlt been '11, -Iflaon,îic j s ciii _lîsi_ n oii anI for the. pasi feu'Inontfs Il i,1 r,1ataflae vt. tion;ilie lbas heen lot-hie tii ouec S Inm . i ll iiiIanai ldni peopl 1. xsi v tîoie wa 111,'canis.. Ttîcre ' T ten titn'i Vifi infM'andîlth e iOe i.. ni,îî lbte inthat assertiot. Fiaîîtt ter t-il Oh1, f thtIll'.,theî'Mai lliU neer draiîk to excelle» ý iltîcI ti.utilh miî, mea Pr'ciiti Fi;lui, -. Detmneîert he etiiestIcon etf1fr.and lIrs. h'J. I)', S r.,faltot.' týii. licn ln xx'tukegatî thîriy-otie , Jilust h oe 0ein the, olfer cor- yenugo. At thle ge ot 16 lie tar' I net' of the rooîtî hoited, "C7ee, 1 cd bis trad& In is tathersq shoti.. later iguî's th.a. felue.; t ashauied of bis lie jrocured work lit tht. sire Mill pi t. pltant, a here lh e tlitJiry tfglt ypars lat. ago. Since thai lime lie bat workedj Three North side boters nalsed at o'td jolis and earning a lvelihooîi comjîfainta earfî Ithîs merning when b> ..heoilig and tt'appiiig. 1 tîey did îlot recels e the jresîdential Tht e tuelt wifl be hetd. et the p,îîary ballot. They flled their ob- C'onrad & liart establishment at 7, ocloclt Monda> eeein Jtctions with jiastengers on a Benti At the reqîet of lias aged meiher, heni street car- P'rank Dietmeyer was releaselt front Dady was tht. favorite ie the Coîînty Jail last Saturday. Hie i akgn sentence diii net terminae until te thugli akg. day. The sheriff and poice efficer Bets with odds at 6 te 1 were pliez who grantedl Mrs. Dietmeyers plea, ed. A local basrber waged a $30 suit did netasme any responalbility. of clthes againgt a $5 pair of ahoes Mrs. Dietmneyer begged that ber son be alowed te est i Eater ditiner at that Dady would wIn. A local justice home, of the peace teok the wager. A saloon keeper bet $150 againhi EIOPE; WIN FORGIVENESS $75 that Dady weuld beat BoIkdeý Wiltarn G. Roblerte, a tarmer lIVing10Vols ýý Klkilsliiii vmtAilA ehn tel Brockway waa, a favorite ln the. bel Waukegaiis vthisMi Della HardY, a daughtem of William Hardy, a farmer oft Union Grav. Wl. Athougb tht. bride had p eglt.ted to take hem par-- »ets Into ber econidence, tht.y etend- /~ed totgveuleis hen tht. youngcOOuple announced h. Marriage. Roherts Fwoued himself unable ic geL ai mat-nage liceese In Kenomba Ovintg ta tht. pt-- tlsg on citcuit clemk. Ht. vas thb choie. le two tht-eet t ont. bets.. Oson stood, tour ta ont. ln Wau kegaam today. At Hlgbvood hets ti 10 ta 1 vert.w ' geti on afldy. Tht cartpenters and ailreati mec vert.foi Daiti>. CHARLES NEELEY DEAD visions of tht. Wsconmin law eruir- Word vas mtcelved bers today cl Ieg public netiot.. tht. deatb ln ChicageotfChant.>' Ne& ley. a former eident oe WINO DAMAGES MOTOR DOATS Waukegan. Ht. ived bers msny yea Motorboats at Pistalee. Bay ovned and is death vîlI be a «bock to hbu hy Chcagoais vert. daimage4 to the min>' frentis. Ht. Is a brtother-ba-la-i extet o! thousanda o! dollatrs ln h fJh. oc hl mlydl h toriado o!Batut-dai>'aftLenoaquj The.a onJyewol mlyt et lsh vlcd drove thetelotrom theae, Watrous har'dvare store. sud cusbt.d evemal bouses vise>'.thse, The.body vîli be bronglit to Wau bot* ad beu toefor Ote We kantOromovon the.11:41 trai A onnUbouse wned b IL X aid viii =e talai at once tu St. Maryi -02 iIndt.oeaun -boulevird, Ohlcaom uil aime *40 detmm>'Lmeey o;bri SOL8I9RSU DYPLIEA INTOXtCATED SOLO IERS REFUSE TO GET OFF STREET CAR WHEN OROERED TO FREE-FOR-ALI FIGHT RESULT clght atter a chauethrug ff Park by detectiveu Col ad MeGin cli cIm tht. Lake str:et stationAI 9[OFRSH[I a >e terda '. Monroe utpeat, ubo bai. amioffice atgu h.s~, OBR FIR[ ;bc, soidiers obbt.d bluuiihic, s-jB ~LL i. littie ! 12 agold Wlrch anud a dias- charges of disorderi>' confumu t aingct B TE RPIIFRIT ERIANCU8ED ALO-AN iEL nîfitt-l ING UP BENEPACTOR. . . . LL. N.OWN.mAGNATE CM 4' '4"+4'44'44"4'4' PLETES TWO) DAY tNSPEC- ONE OF PRISONERS ENGAGED TO' J TION 0F ROAD BE MARRIED TO) A LtBEPTy- VILLE GIRL THIS 'aEEt'. FROST TO BE MANAGER? ~nnn.n u-t 1WO FAMILIES ESCAPE DEATI4 BY LEAPING TO GROUND FROM WINDOWS LOSESTIMATED AT ýS8,ôOO MEN EJECTEO AT HIGHLANDI 1 REPORT THAT FPOST iS TO BE ". .nîin i' - ItMf1CGTF5 'S WT PARK AND ONE IS SI i . i I. anlais ff'o.î;ANDO RAC'f.,Di NG TO) PARK AND ONE S SHOT TRY- HEAD HERALOED WITH GLEE ln 1 l cn n tNG TO ESCAPE OFFICER EY EMfrPLOYES Ot' GO. i'i .n ' ~' ,î ~ L'JW WATER P'fESSUIRE ln i î ..'nil t * i cîî'i v î n l ni; ' , î-.rîrî uf i I l ;i. ,n (aitn'- il minit fî, îît iui n - i ',dCnt' i ,îtlini tr a nî In lc II'i, oIjýl '. tii t'i .'l ngiL liieli nîL dlii iiii Kta 1 'n. L.I nand a e- 0 a Si -i î i-i a ii'.a.~o îîîîîî îî ~, I. I.iî i"F 1i'Ollt n we an Pour Men Inurrî d. uta41ige t irjii.,l.. C oli'lin , ail %.1 Ilis as reait f noant inl a\t lu ,,' sfi cnounrt l- l,, ' .1 ld îg fînnis ieere ee .1 M Elt Si 1 fLIXAAN. attltl, r i la1 " lsl I Not'.,rg '01_11I1 - ,fmll, üer'dee S. S ria. ibli inroivnani ci,i ii,,iifl aind 1,'-, . luI riltliflil , n -. ciîii.i Ii iN n t,. W to D n W t aîf.iOfficiai,.or Ille deluii c iilfnlalîî L r-a d Mr. ts [e WNI il SfIIAf, rt o-n mmm ait i- DR. JOHN L. TAYLOR. 4 niainl, ii. mu itithe lnIiiiilil and famity E suc1il Onulf .IIt -rtnnied ihlm îîes Dr. Taylor who ns a cane,-~ tripi. Dressed un Pull Uniiforn.Mn. and Mrs. Audam Lepinski i imîîieîr Iîîn - ~ . date for retetectiorn t o neoaf- tl l l. 1i ias c -Itra, in - 1 an,.f e".uît-atd * - afamnilt>. Xi~~f c o.ft iu n n ii , m n lî ni t corone r cf L in e cou ri . I tîîaîîî ii iii 1 ' . iniad oei a ir e , J e nie î ii g i nîi îf fiî tei fn i i l - o li oh .e ou ner .r e ul a\r ic Ielil(ýifi t sixca olrîftiîl ouesmee nieç -ie -roouler 18lIe Olt tceti e i.ul t 1if. M xa n î.inlî nn lrniiJeffî'rsioe l',n;,1, ofile gîouîid, fogether wil.h a vacant CEtORhiin lf.Sîî\, Sý0ait'înt 1, ' s flot worrying abei i t,- e-4'Frost as Manager. d-t-ctîefileeî mt '.IcGaîimiE. Xitefi innio oetnts ulhadîîgncx edthasClin SAIrtro îîîîuî'r GInoýinnjiirl<-s . suit of theleection. tFie s an-* If file Ieal Ionibe torcliase o \analifitit iilc.izd a u .inft lit-î ot e, thi'h tdîced ftrent cMa 1 Board Car ait Evanstoit. 4+ pposed for the. ottit and ..dei-fna cerilalli nconiîtet.dit l .1urai> it-înhîer atîd l'ocifleld %,.satln i iitiii..- fi eien. <roughla eoî 'Vireua-thereeXXîifiaîi ir i ci 'an',of taises things vey easy tnday.4 hfebnci tlc-li.ti<ei e i c hil îfî'T:ie tili 't iff-n ei 'd tftet' o mpeedare Cord'tn 'he nlini ii n cr i Efin Y. îra-tineinlint ihe n otiparry twifflin'î li 11 l'ifii'-len ni"lu-nc ha ctt wttprice dstue tin ai 10 i,! .-,k Saînrca, iglit moî. 'Dr. Tayor has fied the office t lled utaiii.igeroffcI îfine. crtutieretýaonTe c httewtrpesrew ditini so .1 cri, startil-nia rF lo lntlia itea thoroughty effinielnt an. IT'Iil. l.i u.teîre ht i-. le . - ,k. tr .w s a iaied by the fimenen.fos- the mati% t fî-ingsrs ol fîîw cir ni,n 'cr and in demervîng cf the 4 n-l zrin'c l ile edti.ohbr.afag aIoàtt aae iiî- i li-,'f nl.iî iI it' îf .~*confidence. that la ne -std n ~i ii r go nmagii lL-ance n tioliî i.g and -1n.met \'ait ie--ni i .dio] nllonI t: .1 t 'fit esmere anas eito -agh t th il-er bsI'0fa zil 'lt'o l ii% h ea 10iimi Il hlicai i'eigieea ci ev iý 7x1V- tui i a flest'nmostILbarebaeded. Wiltl W" tbrhe c iiooir., 4_ + unutstasin*~î.~bt -rntn n1 , Iîa.iîi ir e aitie flinitlci i -o I.,wSonlrouons aand pieces off rage Wsh" htber ,IIe ejpjo,-,of ire oade, )r-lsiinryblid uP tiiey ,.seughî t tobegt,:ou" - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Tro îemo'Tfruiei f t>tht. iît.tcim-ciî aiid cnîcos t-ngt 'fnî e.iiî iytht.litanies. Tht. chemalcais aise « fia' , th ry cf the to'nIliutii'-nntonle CIDSDAn RNSGRE.Ieefilî, isLsu e i ad tite reporttta o1 uLbpt-r lu ilici ised te a certain estent but did WC car. CHLsuifHBINSGRE. îeLI ulcoiinfc-ed a deai honrh.j SysTe eatOth avail lunch against the gresait od. ('onductor Smith requestcîi the sol- Vl'.t'tAmen, tht. daugtit< r flIlibard luarhaneet th rca. strng wnd tht wa bio IL Tisse dlers te leln.~ptlteaai',of the Irflot leaoenlliiS antintecu&etlPlt. aiîd Mr feprs te ain. rcIltht. meeotmnti l ae Ai.A and Mfl.die ofmii'Profand irs ,Thtet.mniliaIII o, wlen "They tatked tla.e tleaueut inenii sthg ias tt ftian o of tht. t' &. Pt. tE."one. of tht. odicrsilatter N'ednt.cdav ltî:cAn pril 3, en s cngani ht deelneît rtu tdben olir Icosltd ôflh'tlOte .d eas iof thewl hes;pout lis l'aîd tefIna ii c-j lied, f i 6 ocîck alter a brie! Ilit- -ofet t'- cf Samuel îtin.atfrtrila buseinesstritn t-m om t146%es Snmith galli' np man h%,Ilie cl. îîfold feet' t-terytbîeg tn ii înînan in Europe. A.i'.Frost %sIas a isiîurofe rueetirettand tl let mî iisIijliifetre- Tt. episil apî e wDeh lar and thei ibuiinessi ;s stititoataveîîalitîlued oomotnitoelifoAf..'i wiîîîiîîuie ignit. Arflit-nutht. tirec the rteed.ta acap es dPadhdata, aimen - îîckled ln." atint,ii but the virutence cf tint' dîeadbuiesvstrt h fn- Sareaming ai the itfp cf tieit cosii:et.i. îàats î roved te be tee sîrouug for file It is gt.meralfy blIelced fi aile,' ul entend my hoe- Sergeant Vanî througb a miracle. Tbey wefre ~p i1the ut lo e ic near ruche-etforeu bPfeai teto itbstaed. uoi tht- port liist'oh tht.road titIlibel drI ta reoiser out of bicsjecket atnt lng ln tht. opper part 0f the hou. front exît.i Var-a tas borenlin nin 'go, Fet,. 23,cuîîîîeted i b îthe trttday of Xfll3 - 1ti-îtell t if t n bt-ad, sa> lng bhe hen the. tirestattet inlethe kitehm Mlcirrtieîi 11.*l elbtoff file1- I tjO4 Wben stle m :-st n , lInsult Weil Knowuu ..Idcut,111-nie uI .'1 î ted d they keew eothtng about theuS petver and ru-sied Iothe liaid of theF tears olu ber mother t-as naiffed tole Is Sieit.t t-uItlias licen rîglttîy ilaîi u .UltCtitri. srtn if] they aneme awakened by the frais îindiîciir. ie rt.-cclsd a black et-CI trauat leyotd. 'T'u.n hia-, ibal d st. cd - tht.eîeîîefi ectifeking'. Ht.,aIt myîaiualles te fhlm. Coontifd tic tounidin on their dooi and the for hîs troule MWIien 1wfii -td the Ieaie mto tIv-110)onnbailet 'ni citSe eoetthe tirgen.t sttckhlodera n le iftd Ont a 'blly' ted also threavetî crie.s 0f a macan ho bappened to b-s, soîdiers tee"enisteis' îo treisiu-, Eeie" and -1 ar. îul'wth theC EdliI Ofiii e a tny.r dcaie. t gaiefiaeî îîat t bail --passing tht. honne at thet Ure and .aw. toift n subile bhrotîght the fîms hmst a ic Isie.Fonofcaeia i ed h aeaae h. ciutlcler ixti ilatirou. Men \-erc crOi t f hem ste bl e c'- n -toii f.-d rotoff\% Leu rau het ws t. 'ontiunutit-atian v.îtb arîîy offieialit At itst nhen tbey rt-alized their ds1- philo vacli econd ililithem site 1 nerad ni.tifrttSieridai roîghcuort'heofact fletueytealu;etburttMasr rsapeIttedume îniîgcalfiteriit iti-nlis iitii d voter! fail v-i j.lnd nolh4t' aud xVaul.egan afew weks go athat the a otSuidnboîltettt aigr<e ab h îerecp h~ Fa-lien iatVi ee n oofed eee_ h onsar asoto taîder XI '5Iboi etr. i, le ndhee meu iii filir matde flus NIscet- \- iiikgii plaftlof tht. Cern Pl'eutsta auR, ~idCetidtes~tien,-adownttatt'5 was out etntht. qu T1'hnc r N4r ho% ifiott Fedvisita 10 lierlii r cii) ofhbappiness Relltîîng c-ciI,îny htd be ae1tangielt a iniltan attair ai tht. hur toadtl.'smreddt a-. na a uthInn îrî'n ifa> tiani cii fwafuti. ted îiit nliard to teltlahîclio.. market, ilt-as nain1 ihum î racks cinc, neeksago. They promu don- sclapteut> epiheironigthecoW Iltghiaiid Pak fet ht.Iret. lîn. uiltionate heart Ihmiîtîantd lilis a.tkeis acie 1fanniuîgi, f)l ntrepsctioofheIg XXht.ii Iltorman liiýFlifî oveti most. f ic tostul diposition ctflae îîarnbacîehf ileît. ufîer bouse."ett idl i.lroelt:l hieig IiiilafnIit l'art,. ie seniit )tfiu cr Ifain td saeet ainn it, iie spilritemaide 'l'lie plaî tn t la libc ai setted iiie Men. I ire Deparme nt Responded. %.% ing tle Gr'efen 1dm> tîif rlc oar-lit such a pfearniîî- foii'ber. tbat ilie nîîrfni c rt1155t .fýcriral i nl, 1____________iNorth l'hIitageLbas a volatser fill t'est ihe sldiens. 1il ladclutfulif 'niseenrbldaa ataloint lta nîtd wcafd fuît m- cletirtieîlu aed I teok Boute litt&. XX bo itnutg and .1a lsrd un le dii ýthat wat rt ifiîe.pI o> nent for apIlirc ii ii it I2. i I PRESENTS FINE PLAN '111e Io Kt.t aIl ot thle ir«en nea t is ficei rea1cfictl the. arceelici ,> it ýiL- S eldom lisa ,i i int-id huIa fa.,orlits Tire t.hiragco &>11waieLci ristrenc off tbe lire. Thenit was foue Fil bllilimen huitdagiiî liOi i mîi i' sts 'n, nfXltai totNitl TO PVE ILiwÀ tlle whtaMtien preisure was delilcient -- jtuet. 'îidty merniiigni lis e ta> atep inleituifrouet nus rîrcýnî io1,aDTht coenlith tmen id twas about. -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tbî,.insu.lsit.-tiii~ ler beaîmtlfibln.-o (f 'attet-files and Iaiiinai, t. f,1908. '-' enditioen'ofbire nde;t ad fo tse i-Pr arrt-" hente-et iiig* n l'un col- notes ber itîls fîiliîtit, eFil be-ur- Third Rail Attactments. i SIXTEEN CENTS AA CR S E obiaclcn1 ei Itmaelifre a forit us db-i S, ieg ber otîn ftuilif lînlites gathered T "r,-e- îîîîîîhn igo il in ofnlnrCh lilR i N irlintoFshtielr adlt itfif u' e if.iril a ni,'t ii a-onî bre TIRiEnin'.anOwtl taOFrt- e \lln-Iiken tt iun tîn hTIE CST0FralNlALier, atnettitliarr.iig o 'md ba lithi cIliî-rn iiiiIied innIlisur li't fui eyes JadIe fiel fi f.nn-nîf. lit d it lîn înlcaforn isc cui tit, efevnt ROADS IN TOWNSHIP. rîa i, ieui 0 b. ie aiu trilnidtcî i ilise ranîn o il ia nrie h.,ieiliI ,ro shoued s(èrm iiii, for The funerait 'ein ne wuslt ieetfront e- iil iiifoud unnl'e iiil, t h luth men îcl snuien.-u alil î I,-înifiexv the-homec Frudi nii,.,Frno, the pas- ih'iiie iisi. iIlel'fi' nu-i1, n I1. oue à o ueue i ,oih lt t\]e anfr offltic- 'ut înlili>i chutrh sîteah-ng rnuîadlfuiuiniiiniaiti.d urI s the ONIE PIPTH OP THE ENTIRE SUIN îc 10t inlitt- llatrtilfrtietan oveîli use. iii r hil n beantifulints nacf tht- charivier of chf limcgo i fiii,- tccii i 11 TO BE PAIE) DV FARMERS 0F hctuîeii- I' ectveîaood s Tm-he d lie shot buttonce. Theebtul fitoulîtht. the. littIe girh n. lioniuîn ery cte foîad incrie out lIme -uîcfholnttrî eittirefeTHE TOWNSHIP. ils. dented tuiat tht- sttire tewt.r part rt-volver bronghî James Sui!ti t-îîîcsowell-. iaft eoînlîaty. If lie gains fpossessin(fteII a ipid nfinrs tht- grouilnot.Tînt. hall 11h' nîglit Tht. renînn. nctinîaneedby tîîe of thne iC, Xh -. .nnfro.d cd it nifli e tihebueîasrltednlne trietl tferng thelboîtes- ilsccrn- family sind n.large a' ri> of symipatl- iabele muertfnronnglitranspiortatiin Sî'netî vent-i an ert- la nl tifut- One Man Smetted Stoke. plIanitn sî ifrit-nds erîev oovyed tby aht-oi Chicagoî teXilnaîkeî'. 'U. ;Loingle rt osi îeell t-lilvin I", Sainle Iitlefine bt-fort. tht. ire va Sulivan was pltaceil nonai lîntrestieciai can to tti'fnt f.lier atîd thene XVlen uflic nens ifiat ihie cid guir-rît ncd ufi tht- i sqtuare iiin if i.îo f 1,( nmiiiiui ani enitîhed as a mmd- ctr tnd lirouiît te the- Jane liAalisier b>' carniages toii f iiloe, they A. t'. F-t-i na-u10c)e ls iOinîll taidsuiflltownsciihip, an ci u'îv ng ilnil,- i Inn tht' Northliciago fouetiu tiospitat. G3eot'ge- lasoe. biscoruillon- wt.rt ptacei b în-lnîflefmuf>lot. beside emanager ci the- fot dt.fiiirt ca-ii ot.uiniit ore thlie i-d,%atlsnilalinom in.IlleuicPSiuse atidlihsoughmt bl -Ion s'as tht- os-n ba ctil ileflie jailitht.departed nîoilisr. reailieut Hliheotisudalî lier tîcrîimeta dl clib, nlhi liuiiii.iig II il., e tutfd tO As. X5he did net se., li atHtghlanîd Park. aliore Ipints, î.aîîdtiieniunii t-l!tflt-d lIuOoclticuî. nlinufre tlt. lboughf I iba e mustt h. Dr. P C. Kntghh t fW'atfiinc ýiiwsutîreme. Tue entei flicttedefnect lelng ccfrnitited it llitheanues- uinaluien ted t-tet honte. Ille had suinmoned to takre rtre ofhttetijur- AliED RESII)ENT IDIES reîniany have trtyt-it for st-arn that lion, "Whlna il golnig toe c.i'?* teb ( I1îneIf tgotte-illi lied betore bc beani sod. their otd sut-îerIntendent n-outl even- conîrnttit. lits îîueîused an exhaiist- ta,, te whmtte andt looking out et, At tht. bosîîtltSunday afttt-ntoon, AT LAKE RWEST itaatty direct Iheir ciosements. use oraleument. itutierthan u t,'liendot' naw the skieslitghted by - Sengeant li#omes Sullivan tel d this RprSud____al. eitto rv sil trthsu [t stor>': RpotSfiniesoats e, ictachlu e ii stce doat aet i es i oncfetirnese.lte 'I do net emember wtt-at bappeneti MRS. J. V. FARWELL SUCCUMBS Mur. Frost is afto a pritne favorite ln ttltt lbdcd- od I t L.hsio eitehut ik I aeette hicao Ft-t, AT .,AE POESTRESIENC XXatmlegan and Ihere at-e bîîîdreds oece, as then'orale bt-ans the- groater I ccupiee. Tht- vacant bousfe eext door on1 th a.Iwn eCiaoFi TLK OETRSDN here t-be woitd wtlrome the change pait et theît- ensue. It ta estimateti Waicl Mas aIt- oeemîîeteîv destroyei5 day nigbt witb Mason. 1 hall $287 BUJILT IN THE "SIXTIES."1 Tht. report that bc ls te be bead of titat tht. total mast will lie $145,000. hbelonge to te.FN. romlnson. Pm filent e10 b ave sometbing like 87- tht. rotd wllt o down aîtd tiislfnds The one-thirdi plan et valuation iWleotewed tht. bouse whJeohIhe ocen- ;t cents. I canirot rememortber wbat hap- Ht-s.'et Cooley Farwell widoan supîport te tht. persistent report that gives an asSessaiett bustaeto $2.- pied. Il 1n bellevedth iat tht. le«sIo ,y pened. Yes I mot drtink-dead dt-unk. of John V.. Fana -lt. ploneer Mercbaat such is te lie tht. case. That tht. cars 839, 802 n the township, divideti as the. houses ted tht. fureitte.wuaisfufly 1 did net Intend ta insuit aey one-..of Chicago, dîed Satnnday at ber nesi- of tht. Chicago & Milwauakee. etectrie foiîOwls: Lands. $567.540. Town, cevered by insurance. Tht. bouses are I have served eearly twe years IP dence ln LaketFont-st. She ha been ton nwilrne etr tht. tracks et tht. iots, S91,940; pet-tonal propet-ty, ttmo>ig the, eldest le North Ciclo tthe. army ed arn 21 yeuer of agt.." ln poor bealth for a year sjid bad boisa etevtted compane>' tth -e heaint et $786,935. raîtroads. tt.legraph. etc.. Le Trfes Ruse to Eampe. cofted te ber resiodence for two Chcage le pracîlcalty asureil and t $538.387. TO MEET AT YORKVILLE "My hack le sot-e- got buttorne menthe. Sitemwtt 87 years old. ta reasenable t oattirihute this te theT. lhis incidentes tht. farmqr-s wiI ankers of Kans, Cook. Kendagl u- ime ago IWrfftlita.' !Sullivan told Het- five chttdrt.n. John V. Jr,. Frn-ac- at that '.%Ir. lutail cf the. elevated pty aboutt one-fifth, tht. corpera- Wieg, wbe bad i hl n charge. Genest cilsC.,ted Arthur L. atvel. fMit-s. system inls te extenet tht. service oh tions two*fitts and tise remaindr Lake, Gucdy. DuPsge. Wiit and lt -bts asistamt-heing sorne distaince Henry>'N. Tuttie. ted PMns. Âddil Fer- tht. elevated so <bat It wlI takre le the. divded hetweteelet owemaand pet-. McHecmy couratim's, cosmrslng Ooap Le ahead witb Mason. y, were at home wlien eh@ died. vmoit. norih shot-e. Tht. terminal le sonal propet-ty. Tht. payements are 4 o! tht. State Daiekens' agetchuoe t-r Wleg offemed tht. older tht. support Her Brother Flunded Busines. Chicago, it ta sald, wili he tht. old scateti oser a period oft ive yeams. yl belli their annuai meeting ut b is shoulden. Sullvan then put Mmrs. Farweil wtasasiter of F-mm- Wells t-et-t deplet. Yorkriile tn Jutie. on a date te I» a Jiu jitsu trlckle te exeoston, ait the . -. ooey on o Cio' _alyM__ AMS M_____ E aMetine trkig foin Ht. estaiblished tht. HAUL FOR HOSPITALS. Niro. JamMMATERSON, gd6 or-E A me at Wfeetlng imself fret., Sullivan fled. St-m tram vhlch John V. Fat-veli &- r.Jaefistrooaei62o- At tht. ]ast meeting oftbtie group Wieg. ecovemlng. sbouted a comt- Cmayhîrale.WsigoArl4Psmuesnel fLk oetd tbrhm of maind ta hat ted flred tve ablotelen eea> a eutd uahntn pi -otmaesmryo aeVra lt i e oethere vert. about 250 bankerslint- Le. tht. air. Tht. third aboi, brougbt eulli- Ttst Fat-etll famity home hais been have heen authorized by Postmaaten on Lexngton street. ('hicago, fllaiy van ta tht. ground, hie rlghit ankie ocateti le Lake Forest sieon. 1866. Tht. General Htchicock te send undeliver- morfel frntr apoplexy. Mms. Masiter- tendance andt It Is expecteti that ' tkils ' sf hattereti. bouse whlch she bas been oecepylng alhie mattet- sucb as pîctume cards, -s0n leaves ta meurea ber deatb eght mainri ilvitt Yorkvilt.4>n this t.ip rd At s. ptlmeary hteaig lth1High. vas origleail>' but le 1869. At intr- newapapers. magazines." te municipal chiltiten. ail of Chicago and om tils- casion. Thia meeting wais secur.d ?W s laind Park before Justice GeorglE .. vals efrice tilat turne alteratioaus have anthorities for distribution among bos- ter Mm. Thomas Dwyen of thle clty. Yorkville thmougb the efforts aet13U'.e Lw Phbllulpe, yeterday, Maison vais held heen madie tnd addIttons eOestructed pliais, asyluma or eformatory Insti- The. fucemal willilse helli at Lake Ltnmm, meteler of tue exeUti" 0e eOs -I le Usthesum of $250 for trial BI Fmi- entîl nov It an o!ofthe. filithomes tutiont. Foreit. mte fteascalo n s day, asdd h heat-leg of Sullivan vili on tht. nortb short..Tescn ags pieogufl i avaislmrecovery. For yt.ars Mmi,. Farirvel vas a leader Homer Dabringer. son et Mn. and tht. vorld la beiaig oected in Volivais cf the . orkville National b.ak. n s- Two Aeeusmdof ftobbery. amona the. exclusive familles ilu Cii m.H.W. Deht-lnger of Waukegai tbernale at ZMon Oity. bT@. - ga"'nb"usiesmeeting viii be PO >e3 0,- le Two other soidiers orf 8ort.Ohld Cago. Sinoeth ie death ot Mr. !avi vsualmouily eleoted Captain of tht.NMo[mon temple le meoe.g:ilsed « Vnngsda :3 'ls tss ~ -SegeaatIlim>'Vo Red ad moo la198, he asspet moto! ertht.Ilihnos Universty for tht. yeastht. largtl fnh ord wu .vito! w BMt dovu te «bsp~ V et- Frank Oooffeid of Tmoop r, »¶f- ime ln Lake Foret, In olln>pay vîti 1912-13, at a frttent meeting of the ereCtlig the organl= ht aeral teesth Cavalîy, ver6 fmitied lut her chllren. atetes of tht. etate Insittiton. o ai heing rueheti for-m-aser aeve. the Isterla Star Wvs. MONO0 RISIDINC[I MYRON GOWOY RESIDENCE AT LAKE BLUFF, ILL, DESTROV- E0D BYPIRE. BUILDING WAS ENWRAPPED IN PLAMES; DEPARYMENT WAS SUMMONED TO SCENE. ire of a mysterjous origin last WAUKEGAN WEEKL Y SUN TWELVER PAGES LII3ERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FMIAYAPRIL 12, 1912. SHOOTS SELF F. J. DIETMEYER, JRI., BLOWS OUT BRAINS MONDAY M<'DN- INO WITN 8140T GUN 4- . z - à 1 1 1 - - - - --- -- - - 1 IF

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