Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Apr 1912, p. 3

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Mir. and a.m Ew&rd Strant have P TM L rlred to ibsir- home In Tbiler-beati. Rab. Vamy e>' baullng tomber' for bis South Dakota. ' atw haro. lire. WIN Ejan ente, tmilocthe Ladie' M.adM .J rwrwr Beach tClub. Wdneday. 1 Mn. eanti lira eea. 1 lrwr er M. anULi. Rd Day moveti t)iotia etk -Miss iile MadeoGras'slak.visliiet on the um vacati b>' ch.- t&eaîdi- li-r aunt. Mn. Walter sy kea, the hIInrt of boye. te week. Winuitred Iicklnaîuruvisitsitd %In. aud brad e W FeudoIeIln lira. Euer>' la w. flaster Subila>' . antd t W.lira M anod rf cten FI. R'Alcack uil Milwaukee, vietled the bhome faîlka Eastsir. We ez pet ta bave <tun aId îautar, 1ev. E. -. itabi, with usntiext Sanda>'. Ail cama ot anti wlcoîue im. 1ev. 0. F. Jounea spent , aittir Bonda>' witb E. Bacoua@ famul>'., MimesMay' Garneti ejalteti aven Sundav aitliartin Oieonte. lin. an& lia. 0W. Wellsspent Sonda>' with thir sà.a, A. P. Wells. MisesBlanche fibepheril front Rhode hompîtal, Chicaga, batshbms pending a leur dam 'uh lier- .lat«, lira. Uarry Saverai rom bere attnded tbs9fanera et oobSimpson Monda,. fie w«s weil tkit.wnharald bigbii resp-etit The 1Ialihave the tucére ayntpatby ofai lthImnuIjY. lira. -WHIlBer-ies andchiltiren. 'eho bave lis itlitjag lir@. Eliot Bacon andi osre bore rotar-nd honi. Snda>' after-- Doorn. Trot Spnaying i arn now prepare t taspray ailj k iod o f trees. Leave arder at chie oiice. Fait )L. PKoINE. lir«. Barry Looak utIrayglàke. spent- laet Toureauttanad lridas' ai Look iBrun. lire. Cora WalmeleY le bonus &gain after apndlng at-9nta QQnewith ber brother andi laml>' st Llhertyville. M Themany Inondeof1lire. E. Ga10l n thia vit-uit>' 'i elî hsorr-y ta bean oI ber accident, Ibe elidowa the base- ment .ira cahing ber bonat(jliit.batil> and lidrlongbr bhp. Ber Batrsin- e Pattor, ent.ritng thO honte coon allier, fanait bar in a dased condition antisnm- monodlthe doctar. W ile beir condition la not neruto eab'll ha continedt o ber bai several weske. lire. Chas. Rauglil, lire-. oward »ud Mra. C. B. Tomeon went ta Wbake- gan Thareas'ta spanit the day 'euh tbeir,paretm, the occasion hlug ibeir fatheris, Mr. Rogr", blthita>- W. T. Batigett, Member Colman Poil No. 500 li. VernOn. Ili., @&Y@ b. 'ea lontg botbered 'euh hie kitinoys. *tTblr- ation w'e air-tglar santi eitimach dirce, wth a colletant do11 dragging pain i nty bat-k.. Ater taliing Foie>' K d ne, Pilla nMy kituicys bave been restant t normal nction andt be paina dueptlleti 1 recotunendtin totaMY> fntieand fi-loiw contraile." Fan ale lus airuggite. $1O.9on to $1,OOOoo We are oreritig to y un for yoîi imlflfl(lite aeccep- tance froîn the new iffu-ne te I on 1Fàruary 2îtlb 15,000 dollars worth of our 7 pt cent. bearing pre- furred utoc'k whuch hiais jroved to e b fuir grpater thatu we exl)ecte(-Bhowing a gaitu of .72 per cent. OJur statemenit iiteîed F'ebruary 2:I3r-1l, shows ypu. ' îAIAILjrES fit, 13t1 76 eAsI ij-* ... 2 L Al 1. 79 (; A IN >... ....12 Titi metad- lti-ittgmnaIt tauilti inothe-r lange plat- muoern anti u toi tite %Ve h Iave mit rert-es tan'e-cat i llj-Lut your money earn ail it'e worti-Harti j pcr -n-t. or î.îîn-ul onsiering the increaseil value of your itock-We apîjreciatet- îlîî- eriali as weli a tht- large-For further information, Peamui of tue lolIo'eing dîrect.rE. NVMu. NEWi TN Ht. 1'. SCIINAEiIi WM. B CARR L.I..1.tL ( USEN [T e eredith Flower &ftIand Ve, CI.E getable Co. Rainbow Mfg. Co. tud &uitative lit iferredi'Stock, ,e4t-iiret I il ass i. slandî, plant, bîiltrîgs adi mat btery tif tite.Compîany; aso by au ittîtrahtie j)tlic oin tii bitife fthe 'S t rot iry aidt Irt-aiu tif teCompaniy, payabtle tuta i,- îttjatîy ,tu u tiigi titie of the safttst. t t-i i ltantialandiiIcionserattît. cr-e ties it le possiblie foîr ;utin~j~v'tur t t plirchag-w Over two hundredper cent prFotection, andti attsstri.îi tonstn ittcratit. No better safe ..ard cuni olubctlrown around issue Lof stiît-k titan titis Compa~ny lias j iacedi un titis issue otf S$2,00 1re-ferred stock, atiti no bette, jtreî Rttiti t otld hi. taki.r t,-a tîkeil for by ait investor 'ebo seeke eafety iii thoeinatter of- lits tnvestmottt, -with good rettîrni on bis matity. Tithi s tou-k je îaw beiug offereti aIitar SI (jCIo jper sitare. as a lac-ai investinent (aitiiiitgh for sale to ali in- vestors). Wr- do not ex1ect suc-l an invi.stiett witb thei conditionts strrounijo tib iis ute, ,tjoîld be on tho mnarket Boy let-n4t of tutu-. First corne, first aerved, is aur Motta. Wt--kaow the- soliitut of this enterpriee, anîd recoin- mendt taOur ttvîsting fricotis and cijentte, the purchase of this stock. 'The~ plant ii rigbt bere in our mid@tc lias a national reputatioti andîîih-class business ratiag; je oon- servately manage I, and lias ait earniag capicity far in excese of its fixed t-arges, 'ehicli consist only of tii issue of preferr.Il stock. We tan satisfy the most ikeptinali itvestor of the safety of bis purchasti. We linvite ait tarly application for shar-es. They are gotng fast, anti we Lot-I aseurevi that. no investor cao purchace a seven per cet-t.itîvottacot with substantial a8sets, a live, grawing business.s weli as an 'insurance poiioy tovering the enire jeiss, of pneferred stock to proîect is investntent, witbout great diffit-ulty. This ie certainly a geinen Bon-Fide investînont in every parilculan,a borne indutry andi a chance tot invest your tands in a legiti- mate business- COME AND BE CONVINCED; Get befleath the Rainbo*L, View the biight rays of its fUture. Stock for sale whie it laste, at par S iP00 per sitare, t-t'en per cent. guaranteed. A. R. SCIINAEBELE & COMPANY UBERTYVILLE, ILL. DAY, ÂPRIL 12, 1912. I Domug adEyigsof Gaslake y.J. j?, m r1phone il o etsTaken for Job Wdrk Advertlisng Rate* On Application lMn. C. lAItue. wbo ita@ been etopplng witb hie @on, B. J. LaItus thia winter bas niovati bock ta bis home at Hfaine@- lira. Fred Kue.Lîkr and Mfisa Susie Whitebead were in Chjcago on busintess the frt oI the week. C. 0. Lougaljaugh o-f lChicago, $pent Suada>' witli hi@ parenta. Haroldi (riffin, Mise@ Louis Miltîmors anti Ann Eeiy aIl oI Wauke-gan. were gneata oi Mra. Wm. Brantiststtec anti ailier fricadés ber an 1iweek. Mines Marcha Wicelen citent Eater Bnnday anid Mtnday witb bier ein l Chicago. Mr. anti lra. Wm. Ellie wene ai Janes- ville, Racin, sud Oobkoeb un bucînees ibis week. Hanry Luok lias mot-tit hie blackpmitt toola intothe blamntti elap recentl>' occuplsd lis'Orin liarbîs. lit. Malies'je ontefront Obampaign cellege apending a ew paya with bis parente. - li. Henry Kueliker @pet Tneoday witb relatives at Wankegan. John Hook. Jr., Ia moving hi@ bouse ront the lot whieh lhe eold ta E. C. llook ta a lot lie purebaaeti on Ci-nier strect. Dr. Cale and fantil>' oI Chcago, 'et-ni ot ta tht-jr lartu laat 'eeek. Tht-y baie purchaseti tht- Bond lanosat Gagea Lake, lormu-nI> owned b>' W. F. IdacLavlilii Wnu Peoteî i. building ain addition oni the rear ofaibllat-kinti ti c p. A handsorne p"sc of Ir-idescent glatis- 'eBre giVen away Bt the- Itexall 1)'Utg Store. Corne lu and ask jn about it. Druoe Drug Ca., Graystakp, 1lIl Jameà Tueker of Wauk.-gan, vimited hi@ father and @iter bers Mtîaday. Mm. Maria Dykes, whîi lias beer %ponding the wlnter w1li lier .luîghter ait Coffeeville, Kan., ban retîtret .Prof. MacOeliand je visttiîtg relatives lu Springfield ibis week. Vis, L!Iite-ianti Editi )ari'v are @pouding the week with tii ir varents at Wilrnot, Wlî. Mies Nornie in Vîeitlng this 'est-k wîth relatives at Cryuisai Lake. Allen MacLachlan ie speîîding the week &t Gages Lake, dock titucing and ligittttg. 1). 6. Wbit vrais present-d witb a wild goooe by W.. Brewer faut Satur- day. This le the fourth one Mr. ifrower ba@ $bot thie ..amoo. Work on thbiemneent of E. (. loote ut-w meat and grncery store vî,)uîjeuceti this week. Wt' are pleaaed to snnoonne that on or about May lit, we a iii bave IL fuil line of Eaatoean'e kodaks and kotiak mupptîee, bavIlg ieured ttie agi-ni-v tor tut-se gooda wblcb art -orwîîîid-red the btet on the market. ilonit Itrget us il vitu are planning to buy a nevi koîiak The Riîzall Drng.Store-iru.v irug Co. (, rayolfike. Liîvd McMillen ofI lit etr .. i rtî j , s s eîîditurtht- week with i i t- tst E, C. Hoek tmuona,!t iti- -ini Mr. anud lire. W. 6. Thom, anti son Alex spent at-veral days witb the for- mere@ parents at Libertyt-jîle. Paul Giffiti o! Waukt-gat. s stayiniz witiî WI'. ilvlGireandi atteudîng te [latge echîttl. Ed. lintîve of tirayeluke, ransacteti businoess ht-rt- liiiîtay. Fred Stf-dtîtuu. Itainter and pï7 banger a ofrue, iii tmiaiitii vjcinity. Mfr. anti lis. Roîy llugbes ofCiiii-ago, epeit a tea- da>-e 'eth titeir rnotiter, lins. Id.Spafford. The maoy Iientitiof J . .jeuriau 'elîl lie gladtiut bear that lit- is ttnpraving ejuce being liane. Mn. iimd lie. A. K. Bain traîteacteci business in Waukegan Monda>'. Mir@. R. L. Stnang gave a dinner tii eesral yaung people o! tht- vit-toit>' rocentl>'. Nhiieionan>' stoti>'claose tttttient-- day witb lMns. tio. Jamison, lire. Josephine Mathewse s riait ing an aunt in Rtochiester, Mijul., Ion soins tile. Mise Jeemie Jamison @peut a few daye 'euh ber parents the past week. lire. Libbic P~dgtt and diangbter of Charleston, Iljii,ratunastihorne rida>' baving @peut sevenal 'eeka berne. Misa Helen Saffonti retannedti talit- ecboof dtites ai Weaian, Ili., Tuestia>. Len Strang oI Urbana, îIj., je horne ton a shont viit. Hieur> Edmonîle, 'eo bas bt-en openti- îug @e5erai inonthe in Coloradoi, bas rtrccnnstimur-b irtroi-ed in bealth. Earl White tof Maijisît, Wle.. epent Easten aith bis parents ber@. C. i-. toplc Ifor Alril 11, -.Iiîî'e(-att a- t-îirili ur ~ Led [ tti-ejpas- tîîn, kitv. A. W. Suffoiri.11 SPEC IA LCharlesBook me on théetk flot. Thomas E. Graham carnieS A lit île <augliter wae born to lir. the district by a majority of adMs. oEtt illiBokC.îA ob sbea 49 votes. îi.,uing bt-r siscer, Mrn@. Manti Widdl-. ____________________ combuie. RUSSELL Mvii. îttte ltntiap entertaintîti *9 Tithie lclub un Tbîîîsday. Tut-rt wae a î-ery gititi-ongr,!gatim T htie Warren C'-nitery Aioil5 Sutida v e-riîtg tii list.en t,iMriCti\ ail]i tnt-i îth lire Ellen Lamb, on wba gave- a tir>' iii tur-tetiîg îrntîî A 1Weilut-suay' .1 uni1I's. h oîr t prîîgr auîîîw as gtvei *; . I ,. an d i r . )itnlap ePent Suad &Y The Y. P. A. luit it ~hî ith Mcîlr. andf lIre Hawthorne. itoone on Motidu>Pe-nir itîîttai1 Saturiiay t-i-cing. Hainîes Wringht sthll .contiuuesC Vet Enocli Chasti entertaine d Y u g M rs W . F. lia is a b u th a e frieuti front Milwaukee Eastt-r Sunîjat-. sbuthla Myrtle Cornes and Caude Ne-lis 5itnt Lewis Milt-r 'eus in Chicago On 310e-. Sînday at tht-jrbornes bt-rt-. day. Wlll Melville gai the office tof riatl Mr. anti lins Chane Lanmb tranaact.d commissioner anti we expeit to bave busîne-s in Waokegàn Monda>'. corne gooti roatia as Wtll lias beguit L. IL- Militr sbitped a lvtad of itoek work. it tý hivagu tMîînday. M re. AlenDjixun eIo ue ait-k. lir. amiiNlin-t Juljujt Panzjer apent -A number Irom aronuti lit-ne utended Sîîtiav allt-IuL1otiti'oChic-ago aud john Benntt@ barn raisin« on [rida>' Nor'eoîut Prat. aiternoiîn. Titere as a larweli pari>' at tlb R. 83 Dixon of Gurnue, 'eaa in lown Odett home l'ritiay evening. AIl Preaanb lamt Fritia>. bati an enjoyable tinte. Mr. anti lre. Wili Melville 'esefflKenO- ina. Arthanr ilbqr arrieil Sonday @ha viitors on Saturday* They report front ber borne in Caijornia, corinx on Mrs. Melville getting alang nlv-ly. account aI the i;lncie aI bfer buab»a J. R Cona as n Cicao o Saan-mother wbo ia reporteti no better. dayR. Cri a nCiaoo au- Lalie Cannon andi Irienti aitended Jot- Anderson if Lake Faorest, epent atrsvi-etMlîr. Sonda>- niglît at Murrne Broie. Lois Blephard arnîvet borne Thure- UhalesPannt ailti n Mrneif front Wilnjette, wbcrc abs bail hein Chitarlsy. i ale nMureB ofo@nae tinte. ______________Tbe lutile u-ilti oI Mr.anti lra. Oso Martin bas bit-n ver>' ill. tDr. Tombangh. F VOLO leintandane. VOLO Mre. Anisaiu arb sjttnt Mooda>' la lire. F. lîîîîîîîil uand d titgier Iessie îaukgan 'et-cetht- gocet tif ?rit-liit, iîIi.îagt lasi wr-ek. are havilîtur a vaeatiottiis at-eh ChiciagotTuegdy ie uyHn-i gaii- , [ iii,..d ber ofu httU5ýi'i tIt l ttiiVNt.1ýJL ,A L A J Mr. anjlis llarry Smith etetrtatflcf Mr. EtiAdatue wjll it îth.- ite 5Mvisiteti ber brother Alex. the aast w'[cnt ais i twbtnls eoîîpan Irmn iîigtt uerICaten Clu TiYeady eenW.ViA. Itniîer %viiili avetanau atitoiîof town iTborsday. F, iday. tiiversiBros., oi Ruoejl, are NIr. ant i m v. I iA. j-tti, j isiti-titht-t j il try inii th laabb tle i ý,t igati h ebis c e c is -tiTe nhutrolitiatk ' - h buildin îg it. cari Lt-, aul ait> iirîce, tVtîiîtstler a thret- week's i11h--- î îoeIf h- e- iaV etngT-d hlet i of, Luy )uiiii iohiv ojn irba ad il wteinWaee dayVi tjsial> rcotitut tt * k Stii 'here ihe w iii vi-i t for 'lie h it~- .Jatadj tulmt f gan Monda>'. Lire .1. M4,Palmer iti visiti-tg hi r aitîlPoultry Powdt-r t-i. tk jue1 ___ morne____laile. F'Jet a«Iiit.widma.- W-ldo sli of rn aibsnih ilaijltier ut Prairie-(lu ihei and Tla- Litîllr The- iexaillDrug -e, t;raym-vlewe ntNuF dY Vdii s1mwl igi hsnih teea ltu I, hsep. lake, 11ani.lreWAKEHtsonsI-LtAed ld Martiti of %il liturti, was a viitor tEt- S. t Miltitit, t '1 le1wtitisd Mat-t-kHumoi8peLAKEd itorbloodth iis 'e-t-k Thrle w -i-- .\i--tcî ttîi-ri tit v sixat eaiit .t. t i ILAîeetay and iTiiursday in Ihitago. tast li-rt- Tuý,e hic lum4r iaittrs tcite Mi eýauket - &itt. PauliItib tt>ttvn - >1ni t-e icd ani Mrs. lItrt Gliier, l lizBa i f 1Mc Hëtrht-rw brpt-het- iret of the- at-tk. larirei.ceveret-et tl-. It t-h t dta vitatioî Ralpl i Rît.,. î' îoîiiilz iciteti ýlta3mhtkt, titiliuities. lattiFiî' niScvdy'l MtsJuie ta ujnelisoteoWarne wiimue tit itlit- uti iid of toit j abatî te tositioduring bits ai- tTiio ay rdo dStrdatîl a> -MPi@ier. , it Ra Ion ter ter Fault Wrre. as t-ath vîtt a it ite i of m",U i it Misei Soe V %bitebeat] i -i'it u- lsu oeer -iait -îîtiîtuer. Vase>luittînnei IrtîFaulknaur. vat tii ee votes for Tiit etik. .h- -oet ---,. i ut-r f Sritis eonserj il ht'htrtau- asbten1c s-c-rtvac.ation ( , Egi, II, ufeîe inricao Sitardicay- tdbsiestti 1Dil IWakgi.tied o un -itdav atcerîtomtiitpril 7th îîîoîtls, lteiug ireatittiforn bis eye. liiiwitii severe itatkacie, beadache s»d in briagi ttturlayMyrn otut. tstiiofi.1. Il. aîîî ..k_ ssttr Naottji accomparitet ilhiiborne,. kidri.'>trVille anti heega taklng tb Floyd Wlat te 1ending a t oupie oi Notice! tt'enIV four itars, ue tih* , ard--etîs iste rlaivs i Site iays andlîe iret b ttI aitie eucb 'et-lie'tilrelatives iii Ohita Mark tpht-ugo laFneaatb 1 lrr ithosat-t-k. earre i Neil. ttîklis lt-t B tt Criet Oln or about April 2oth.l1'i12, 1I ilireetieuce, 316i Porter stt-t, %N""111aukt-gau îrttwelz de ai*Theîtreet tt imde satebà ititîr lait 'e-tk auîd Arehie Nîtiore ùi tîpeti a veterintàny allili t ItîrdiStrt oitWedneedav nittrning. Rt. [erÜs>1. I Nrs. litft. Glauder andtilte ordetreti more ant i an ow entlreiy weI ilngtht- ;oeltin titis 'et-ik. 1ýhit',wt noaeta %1 a H tel, Grayblake, 111. Tl,. p tn,taire o iiittiwtî noei AîobFer tr.lifutChicago, s1wttTuestia>'ait 1and ieau httnfstly reetimmenti tham Sicelllînndy tth Eieoi c hose wirLtuas' reuin- lt t otetf a 1iliede cemeter>'. Will Hosoît«s. For sale bl ail Druggi*te. Servt-vsut-l Suna>' t cie Epscojal etertuiarian le respeecttuli>-.- e Mîi-itt, services bt-gin at 7;30. Subiet-t. -27.3 -trely. -- - t.Pt.nB..eratj.tttEveryone jnvited. i. H tîit,\-titai. -4m Et a Nlacet- ofiilou, ispenitii.-liait at-t-i iîtt it-t er, lins. J, Iliroui-um. Nrâ. ivanm Lawrenc-e r-trlhTute- fronta tew ijaymv vtîc ti ci lliaga It-i-k Cirvelan(l anti titde-are epWtiding r t[e at-tk watiî M r,. Frvui Tutker t Lily 'Jj. C. j aune s tptla ici>'tîîrtît and Lake. capet t be remo rno tu thr ie b )s rital 1 r ch.- iret aofut-lt 'e-cc ucount tif linece. lire tush ant(i ltdren eçîct Sattun- das at Lihetyvitll tarnît- Rýi-ebtffouhLbertyvilie, wasata Roud Laite vititur Sanda>'. (Crara Niolitior cuct a coulet-idda> 5 at ber lituttnt lieue recenti>'. Frank hile> vi-iet bis boitte nt Lib- Ed . Me( ' urmin-k ant iwttortflilt-rtY-- ville, spent thet iret aI tIti- at- t-ach an oncle. Newton Suliivait. Mn. antid lre Eti>giui I -.- citnt Suni. da w'i ea Vo,e aad îi lient 5lgg a-t huit lu ic lii-ugo avec Suaday. Eb Ha rs tt1 i dlitet otihi-i bcd The auniuai Eautii gg îuîtt will he heiM ai thue C. C A lttct- htune on Saturdas' atrnoan ta 's ittui ail titi- cltdreti are lavitati. lire d Harri" tuttifantil>' 'etnita Chit-mg, Frius>i. r n t i ttîtrelatives retunnlng Suitiai -itî Ilitis. Petter t amy sas a Chi,-alclititor lrs. (iauyo viit-l lielisetiset Zito Tuteda>'. City'tht- lait trf l. tc-k A giutti î-ruîd attu-dei lî-t ne eat E. E. Marei;Ltiu li ta tw autottbile. Aintlie halj M oiitday toit tt. - Mr. Leoutar i vl tiiiati itte e ourtî new pastîîr kt 'Ii ut l otut te us ii TAYLOR GROVE. srviv-ee Soriiulau iM. ne 1h1 Srvt-r suett lîitiy in 1t- elimea PauiîIl r- Mtitatttck Revttrl thvg.eher t-itie t'loinrîtlltgg titi laýt (icit Young alîcti liirn irtiiet ht-ne1Haines',% ri-ltuit tir- las tIh-eiliu MItit utt ni ut mi thecvI-u- ance. 1aar ni 1_ittt1-ti 0,- 1l n lue- iis TI).-Chitiagti Teleihr -l. t tsorit ta iset-k ant istintut i ti tiiii auuihittcn 1uo ut aa u akkgaut îîtrît lit ni a i utut htr Jiitil ogg ecir -i taiitif a nuni bt-r ofuis i tu ffuîntnr'e sgiitg ioutiit at't Moru- frit-nde la-t-t i ii uýveniuiirA grui iay. ýtiute 'ebe tit.I tIi --presen t. Lîglt cattle ani hog Sutila> iighi. Chartes antdRs li reicinr attiliril. te DANGER IN DELA.Y fontnul oh Charle-siJtihnt-ti ut A itttoit Sunda>'. Kidney Disucuses Ai-e Too Cituri->' Ltti bas niout-i l itstle- Dangerous for Liberty- phoneuitî-icuto ni-a Ittutome. I vile People to Negleet Ht-tDi ir>ltmispent Suday un lWtauke- gan The grèaut dtnit-e tif kitine>' troublesc Clarence Crtî'eort i je irking ait lathat titi-vZgît tîruitld lit-tanstht- Guroce. suiffet-nrtý-u glu,.- ttuent. leaitîtia p. Iýl hit-ti litas iis sale tprii 10, «t-ad uaiy tt urt u-l- lacktwhte, baving decitý it-t uit l arming. headat-he. r-t u letuîantneesî. esore- tenee0, luiiiuaL(i urîtiîry troubles, drtits>-, Farrti are tuisy 'eorking on h gravel tttiitrigiih digeaee. foîîîîw ronds wehicli are vt>' bail. in reeli t t,.'uu.Dont negit D. M. Yong f tir Dut ta Tuestia>' vour kitute s H-luthie kidtite«iith ta hv lc 'eh Ifan a- ifk olw i mn the relialule aird1t-tlt-rtruiîdy, Iirn w itb n a sot.iiiduey lills uî ti-Iltfias curet peoape r ght bt-ru-iii i qI(ii tiiitv. Nire J. F. KEntt-, - iiiRiver St.,Elgin, 11- i .ste -1j niasi'i iltr health for a g ti ngtîe a1 il trI iti i know 'ecIat aa the matter. I -ttift-,-tcontiei-ably tram RH EU M A TU bat-kai-hit-aritu1aitausIDy i&t>'-and 1 RHEMATnoeoteRaine tir attend tri nîy boumse- Dr. Whlteh*U's 'euukiTe I-ast ixention tinei nie andt ED ni matru-ugit tan -uiengy hifi .Ae I bai nue tatIaiii lîaîsKitin.-' Iille., RHE MAT O M E I 1finall>' iegan îiiient.I itati ,,,t Fer 15 y«ataea Standard Roieady for taken tht-tii luut-titere 1 tounti reliet mii forme of Rbumdo4laIubagJo, Ae, j cantirtut-titii.-sose ai ilrtui.I potsrsrnicli tf 0 or h eiatuy imîtnuverianti ai th. jrea- j linas. It quuckly rehisvethe sie finte is,1a i ijttitrgkrut-ibetten itealti,. =t t osnfroua tbe Systei 5 0 cents Pilla taotuber kiIr-kr nferer@. box ait d-991. Fuor sait- uv aililuafit-naPritý0-.-i tmî. lump fir 6 Au. *4,1BN Fomter-lliitiuCoi, lint.N,w-Ytrk elr. WbuIehsII MovismtioC».sols agentestfor tht- Unitedi States 98 fye5elut. @1111100011"R'1 11114L Rementher ýbe nants-Dîiàn's-and I tak no aher.281-2 Farrners Attention$' One percheron and two Suf[olk Punch Stallions are offered for service et the breeders option by Ilawlhorn farmi, Liberhjville, Ili. These horses have- proven themselves in everij way a choice draft horse sire. Mares sent to due, farm will be carefully taken care of and pasture free of chargea and If feed grain' a reasonable charge wilI be made. We wil. not be responsible for lo»s t accident. AUl who want to take advantage of this opportunitg to breed to the Great Champion and should t'isit us et once. We of fer for service Registered Suffolk Punch Stallion first prize winner and grane champion et the Inter Live Stock Show, Chicago 19 11.- Westsiee Chieitaie No. 315, !oaled Mayj 1906, Sire Ormond NIo. 235, Dam Mignonette No. 99. We offer for service Registered Percheron Stallion Ion No. 8.1402.' celer gray,5 Sire Bruie No. 63045, Dam Iroquois No. 61873« !oaled March 2. 1908. We et fer [or service Registered Suffolk Punch Stalion lmported Sept.' 1910. I1yperian No. 31630 in Vol XVII, foaled 1908. Sire Smith Sotian No. 2653, Dom Daisyj No. 4398. H AWTHORN FARM ANDREW FFING1ER, Supt. Prairie View, Illinois R.e F. De No. 1 20 tyvillý sunday. 7 1

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