licE LxUNTY INDEPENDEN T. WAUKE£GANQIWEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-N0. 28. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAY,APRIL 12, 1912. PFOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR INI ADVANCE.- "CLEAN-UP" DAY SEINQ ÀAITATED BY MANY PEOPLE PHYSICIANS ASSERT fl-AT MUON ICKNE88 CAM BE SAVED UV CLEANINQ UP ?40W. WINTER WAS A MARCO NE 1H15 PREVENTED THE PEOPLE 0F THE CITY PROM IEEPINO YARDS FREE 0F RUBUISH. Nov for a general "elean-up" day! SThatsa the slogan that la being heard on ail aides as a rasuit Of the Warin veather of thb.Ist few daqa. Au a teent of the unusually cold Winter, Md lthe. great amount of snow fali the rubbisb and garbage tht bas gaLber- ed &bout the cty la enormous and the Dfrat ime that there« bas b.n&aproptionn t1Im jorcen tag uP Yards and basamonu a"out Lhe City. Au long as the, cold veathhr vas tierse thora val no real neoil forAoing tbis, but vitii the aival of roai vsrm veather piiysicians assert tbat the grbas. that bias been alloved tO wacuanulata ile sure ta prOve un, beitiaful unl ies.inl cleaned up and eaital away. Thon,. 100. there la another ide ta the mater-4bat of appearances. The uoaeral appearance of some of the yards lutii, City la anl'tbing but pleaa- lng ta the aje. There are boxes.,Lin cana andl any numbar of other articles that heip ta litter up the yard and vhich vould Improve conditions much If tbey vere carted avay. Ilow severali joaratheplan of havlng ma siaial ean up dàv ban beea fol- w oed la Waukegan vlth splendid re- mits. Itbas been e»uni for the. major te appont a certain day or veek vbich la dS.lgnated at "iean-up day or v.eki' and during tbat time te people ail over the, City do their utmost toSse. that conditions about Lb. city are lm- proved. It bas been fbund tbat by ob- servlng a certain day or veek that mucb botter results cao ie aectired than by making a general request. The question as ta vbetber the dlean up pertid sbould last but one day or one v.ek ls one that bas ai- vaasboee debat.ed. Some bave held that by making tbe cleaning up per lo4 a veel long tat more vork could b. accomPllabed vblle othera bave r.- pliail that by concentrating efforts ln on day tat f ar better resulta can ha soecuIed. Tbey say that If the per- toi la made. a veek long that maDYss people vould put IL off tram day ta dl! and eventuallY right flot do lt îa r t ail. As soon as the mater la brougt ta tbe mayor or ta tlw commsioners It la fat that lie vii (or Ley vifll fali readily looine, in.vtbtb. IdesImd set asids a parlOd InDL.thea? fT uture On vblcb Waukegan can ramove tbe satin of a long and bard Winter and appear ln a brigbt and aining array for Spring andl Summer. BODY WAS T11AT 0F CHICAGOAN. Corps* Found in. WiImette ldenllfIed as Tht f Msolng Intake Keepei.. The. body cf a man found near Lb. lake at Lb. aoutb enid of Wlnette ,&te MMday ~ernooan waa artly Identified Tueday as that of Isidor De Clark. a caetakar athLe Lavrance avenue statIon.ý Chicago, vho disap- peared Decembez' 28. When the report finaL bacame knovn tIsat Ltie body cr an aged ma-tbai beaua funil at WUliettO, it vas rePrt0d ta b. that of William Strong of Waake gan vbo dîsappeareil six veka ao Waukegan realdenta vho vI= el a corpseetalled La ldentify It as taf Lb. missAng Waukegalt,. SEfforts ta racover lie body of Lb. misalng Waukeganite otram L.y va. bers of Lake-Mchîgan viii b renev- edai atOnce. Thse work of canvaasilng the vote o ntba primary electAcO vaBs tRteil by Couaty Clerk L. A. Rende. andl bis assstants at 2 o'clcck thia aftarnoon. M(r. HIneeeaexpecta ho complet. thse caels mths evenl«i. LAND MARK TO S1IURTLEFF 'WON; -BE RAZED SOON - ANDERSON AND Pâlatiai Resîdence WilI Decoratth Meade Site nt Corner of Drive en IKE SA E L S The "aid'" Meade' residenceone of. theoldlad Mr" f aukgam 1INTERESTINO PART OF THE LEG. whichfor ver ortyISLATiVE FIGHT SEEN IN SEMI cupiail lhe nortbvest corer fieri- OFFICIAI..FIGURES dan jroad Ollette avenue, là to ba _______ razeil ta make rom for a tennis court. Morton E. Meade. ovner of tbe JACKSON CARRIES LAKE CO. building, bas erecteil a 110,000 roi -________ aence building on thse lot. Tb. old building. vbicb ls o b. razed at once, BUT FALS TO COME UP IN THE waà u9ed for educational punmoes OTHER COUNTIE,-ANDERSON gorne torty-five years ago. MAltES REMARKASLE RUN. The figbt for Lthe legislature assum TWO A TOMOBLES d ayy interesting phase for Itliook- TWO AUTO OBIL S ed -for a long ime as Il Shurtleff T118d been defeated by Anderson and IN COL ISION BOTH Vlckera. li te firlIl figures as ahown 1 nîbe hree counties, Ltsbowed that Sburtleff vas 11gb man and Ander- OFTHEIADÂfdà ED son and Vickers rutnni«g close for sec_ 0F TIEM DAMAII3 j on pcke. laosecond man and thua la THE CHRIS JENSEN AUTOMOBILE nominated, providing the Lvo unheard --RI.LM"TO DR. NESBITTS MA- tram dstr5ta of Nllenry county do CHINE ON C9UNTV STREET. flt change thingz. The precincts aore amail, bowever, and itl is nat 1e- ledat 3:30 that they wiii change ACCIDENT WAS UNAVOIDABILE th e suia! o Shurtleff and Vckers for lelov are Lthe complete figures, ey- DR. NESBITT SACKED CAR ACROOSS cepting Lwo smali precincts ilu McIlein- STREET AND JENSEN COULE ry county. ae3Ir on oa NOT STOP MACHINE. Shurtleff...3224 5763 I115 10142 __________ Jackson ...7183l 552 183 791 The occuants of Lwo automobiles A nderson ...6459 i5Il 1330 9300 14ovey ....995. I563 33910 5948 vere badlY shaken up and Lbe two ma- Vickera§.. 1398 5907 2212l 51 chines vere more or less damaged viien bey colllded on North County street at :30 oclock Tueaday -O- ing. The collision ook place bo- Lveen Dr. Nebitt's new automnoille I P and Ltheamachine ovned and driven, Tblahrs .enen,sonecf terar oe Tobaesn. Lboet ane vase ara ait sRevised figures Thuroday niorning -Whsite Woh front tirs andl one of lndicate that Andermeon defosted Vlck- the lampa vas smaabed on Lb. Jeu- DM cr.ors for lthe sstaelegisiaturs, soeur- Jensen vfltb orne of is trienda vas lng 9700 vote& te Vickera 9,5t7 Iný driving the car borne from a carniage __________________________ the .district. (Centlaued on Pae 1.) M H0W THE SUN flOT TUE NE WSFOR GREAT MUONS 0f MNim HUNOREOS 0F PERSONS REMAIN- EO AT SUN OFFICE UNTIL LATE IN THE MORNING WEO. REPORTS CAME lit GOO' EXCITEMENT WAS INTENSE BE- 1 CAUS:E 80 MANY CONTESTS WERE SEEN ALL THROUGH. That Waukegan's record breaking priruary waa as bittrciy ,Itested as the Wet-dry election of Tuesday Aî,ril 2, waa shown by the throngs that packed the SUN office and in front of the office from 5 o'clc>k Tuesclay ar ternoon until 3:10 a. In ý'edriesdayl morn ling. The SUN made good, a, usuai' The SUN demonstrated tas abillty to obtain election news FIRST. Three young womeu worked f rom 5 o'clock until 1 o'clock answering the elcinqueries on,,tbe telephones, Three memberB of th1e SUN force, n"burned eiectricity" obtaining newa (Contiflued on Page Four) Semi»Official Returns on Primai PRECINCT. Benton 1 ........... Benton 2........... Benton 3 ........... Newport ............ Antioch 1..... Antiocl 2 ........... Grant ............. Avon ............. ilii 106 15 31 34 12 80 Warren ............ 1 Waukegan 1......... 33 Waukegan 2......... 23 Waukegan 3......... . 33 Waukegan 4.........3M Waukegan 5......... 43 Waukegan 6 ..........20 Waukegan 7......... 32 Waukegan 8 ..........24 Waukegan 9 ..........13 Waukegan 10........ 31 Shields 1............. 24 Shields 2 ..............8 Shields 3............ 15 Shields 4............. 29 Libertyville 1 .........36 Libertyvile 2 .........35 Fremoit ..............7 Wauconda ............12 Cuba ................10 Ela ................. 30 Vernon....... I West Deerfield: ..... Deerfild 1 ............0 Deerfield 2 ............29 Deerfield 3 . .. . . 14 'Totais .............980 ore 1 9 2 2 4 1 0 4 3 3 1 4 4 3 10 1 6 3 0 2 6 4 2 0 1 3 7 1 4, 4 2 9 108 62 250 99 81 58 47 102 133 150 118 176 93 136 79 168 90 47 87 80 78 71 119 188 141 82 62 39 56, 39 61 178 104 102 t 17 26 31 41 58 61 '26 78 51 106 87 116 76 83 46 134 71 43 58 80 12 53 102 70 58 42 28 14 38 35 42 47 99 17 53~ 30 26 9 181 22:3 156 88 87 73 102 71 56 39 46 158 111 1'23 77 143 146- 127 124 163 173 90 103 115 150 7,1 75 182 156 14.5 62 57 43 93 127 79 98 37 61 57 89 117 122 77 225 68 182 56 75 44 65 16 55 74 76 54 43 79 32 154 92 121 103 105 126 31 153 57 31 775 526 30 621 478 154 104 163 147 159 130 94 94 176 70 58 65 92 146 340 89 203 217 118 254 3:3 123 158 261 151 363 336 87 145 80 186 290 174 80 1201 95 198 351 231 63 114 265 63 80 71 140 205 113 20 352 220 25 128 129 68 232 65 60 371 345 149 285 317 176 152 255 72 129 111 97 45 91 85 25 73 86 68 105 54 104 94 45 132 118 122 293 244 116 183 269 95 283 206 4 9.) 39 21 44 131 24 43 50 88 83 89 44 34 116 12 4 28 18 38 41 35 53 15 53 1 10 44 28' 23 ATrM avww WINNERS AND THE. Most Exciting Primary in I-istery of the District is over-FightBetweefl LOSERS' STATE- Reardon and Brockway Undecided M1ENTS ON OUTCOME Until Last Vote Was in-Same was _______Truc of State's Attorney Fight-e,. TESUN OBTAINS OPINIONS 0FD stit' CADIATS NINTERE8IrING Oison Swept the Ditic y ssug LOCAL FIGHTS. MajorLty Over MitcGuffn-Rear- WINER HAPY LOER??don Led In Waukegan While Brock- WINERSHAPYLOSRS way Came up in theConnty. ALL LOOK AT THE OUTCOME 0F THE PRI MARY IN HAPPV FRAME THE NOMMNES IN TUESDÂY'S PRIMARIEB. -NONE ARE 'SORE' For State Benator-A. J. Oison, Woodatock, McHeMr __________ County. The SUN today asked the vctora For State Representative, Republican- (in doubt) ani the losers lu the local primary For S3tate ]Represenitative, Republican-E9. D. Ohurt- flght for brief statementa on the out- leif and Jas. Viekée of XcHeMr; Democrats, in doubt. coule of the contest snd they make For State'.s Attorney-R. J. Dady. interejsting rea<ting, as followa: For Circuit Clerk-ewis O. Brockwav. CIRCUIT COURT. CLERKC. For County Surveyor-Charles Russell. 1,EWIS 0. BOLOKWAY, Winner-I VT NSAE NTR ar very grateful for the confidence VTEON LAkE MenATry oî oa repoýsed in nie by the people of Lake Lk e-er on oa county ln norinating nie for the O>l .t................ 3424 3165 1363 7952 fourtl termi. M'(1u 1 449) 1905 1133 6487 1shall try te conduct te office io that no one viii regret having given Tuesdays primary battis was one of their defoit or victory until the 1I814 me their aupport' the mout lntorosting ovor w»ged In WIihone exception the t5Odi5tgço JOHN REARION, oser-"The cam- thia district, tomeof~ the contesta be. dorad by the SUNt won, thé. ouly ams 1whom the SUN faied to pick bing paign la ended and I arn satitiled înlg vory close andi n doubt untîl lthe the, winner of th. Congreslall f11lat, with the resultt. I know that t have last precincte were hoard fromn. Nono CoigresermaIl George Edmund FeUs (Continued en Paae 4.) cf the candidates ver. very sure of winning out over George P. EIigslWkfd and George Paullin. Th. minnous an- dorsed by the. SUN are $mnater A. J. Oiaon 10 succoed himmisf es este mun. tor; Ralph J.. Dady tea uco.ed hînMef astâeato ttorney and Lewis 0. ries held A pri 9,1 12 rockway t succed himaeîf ne circuit cierk. 60 2 19,5 246LI 1(;9 2101 111 721 101 74* 96 56 72 14 166 1011 87 1171 166 1331 102 1381 211 1452 87 123 121 1501 52 104 110 2471 87 118 37 73 54 184 108 80 81 1f; 49 98 159 851 166 119 108 129 108 26 72 32 68 12 Il 8 75 18 95 V) 183 5-t 132 95 134 103 75) 208 175 131 98 93 66 192 1(;9 179 118 2114 89 12 52 120 66 99 54 99 60 69 163 91 73 96 53 48 88 62 89 169 93 143 16 132 6-4 50 1-1 52 28 107 1'23 114 112ý 146 91 '207 134 80 189 75 14 68 77 119 114 24 48 14 17 16 9 56 125 si 6 il1; 5 5 4 9 3 il 9 28 5 6 8'2 55 6 5 12 14 6 8 ou 45 185 168 88 83 87 60 119 40 68 75) 72 37 43 31 60 54 29 39 74 36 38 13(; 75 57 63 62 38 70 54 47 145 110 101 7 O 1 2 19 25 18e 13 17 9 8 15 14 115 3 145 59f 12 62 5 53 15 25 10 32 9 229 43 8 18 7 8 5 15 5 5 1 4 0 22' 3 4 0 11 141 10 138 10 36 9 14 28 2 22 10 il 9 53 3 14 0 14 2 23 4 30 254 '105 35 521- 32 7 14 9 139 110 174 119 144 73 169 102 50 80 127 56 65 140 58 29 15 13 13 19 7 72 82 92 3697 1844 3424 3449 3224 7183 6459 995 1398 3763 3225 3639 2981 492 156 2489 664 769 2589 oe ihing la very ovidant-the iml.,. ning canddates more fullY c~4»aft of the facltishaI they had bien Opplm md, thse races belng so close aetdWn~ ot limes tisaI lt woajd have benaIm- possible 10 pick a mînner. AIl of thse canddats put Up 111.11 very bire st fight, il of them havîfl s OhM. ber of thiar moricrs preaatiO§ 810011% of lb. procindta in tise ounty. Hun. dreds o? busses And carrnages aJW the ir way te and from the.polis agil dey long, esrrylng votera.Thus Ilit lams any Inducement for a voter to ride te the polila, hlieonabale te avail himmelf f any number o? chances. in Waukegan Lb. vote atarteil to cor n a qulte early tu the moraIng and up La noon Lb. larger part et thse vote bad been polled. It vas expeftel that late in Lb. afternoan a large num- ber of votera vouid aveu Lihetotal vote but thia falled ta materiaIlis. (Contlnued on Pmg 4.) NO CHANCE FOR INDEPENDENTS Under the Prlm&rY Lawe Candidates Are Pîaced ln Position'@ Where they Muet Abde Dy Resuts. If any talk la beard cf Ay cani. date runnlng lndependently, iinla ool isb and w=ftd. Non. f the candi. dats Wo tckpart n Tuesdara ec. ion bave Lb. izbt under the lav to bOoe ndependent candidates; fr- tbermae, noody Wo voted it he prlmates ao agn an independoflt'a petitioli. ence there iant a chasc fraarng man La geLio thle race. The. new primary lav coveaillit Luis very point and vhlle alwaY% &alle prîmanies, aueb talk la Ibeard, il la impossible under Lb. law Lo rua Ms the. stuaip witb any succeas. p 1 el ZY 1 1 State's AttorneY 1% Ir