Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Apr 1912, p. 11

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1* Waukegan'sBest ad EIBi StMore. We rcfund street car fare to ail out of town customers upon purchases of $5.00 or more. Wonderful Value hi Men's Suits. e U cto of Iiî1h $1500 buys a suit at this sale that we're'not afraid to haveyou compare with any garment offered elsewhere at $18.00 or $20.00. T7hey are not $15.00 suits by any means, for they were botight -with the intention of selhng at a higher price. Wcre determined to stir up a brisk business for this sale-aind conse- quently are obliged to give something very unusual in value. You've neyer seen as handsome a lot of suits be-fore- surelv the styles and patterns couidn 't be smarter, and thiey are ail band tailored in the most cxacting manner. Two and three button models in ail wool novelty materials. I We are exclusive in Waukegan for Ms-n'a Celebrated Bbrunk clothes. If yoîî're a man tlîat is bard te suit or fit, you 'il find this just the place te corne, fer there 's suehb % an immense variety of styles in this Ul collection -of garments that it 's an easy *jIhO matter te please your fancy, and just as* easy te secure a perfect fit, as we chave J ail sizes; choice ................ agents Katif- Pre- Nohby Shirts at $1. Our Special $2 Bat A. very special value in $2.00 buys a remiarkabiy fine nen 's negligee shirts; white bat during this sale; nobby Frounds with neat stripe cf- fet n sme with detaell soft bats in gray and tan, also blaek derbys in2 the smartest styles,..00 -J I colar to 10 ps' a Wise Mother Who lys Rer BoysSuit Here Boys' Suia$&95 - These suits are deeidedly smart ini style and show much care and pains in their making; two and three button modela ln durable novelty materials in iively patterns;-ages 3 to. 17, special g>~f values at ........... Boys' Outt at $5.95-lland- somfely tailored 7garineLnts; mannish i n style, made of serviceable all wool fabrics, full military shoulders, shipe retaining front; suits that cannot be equailed for the money, 595 1 sale price ........J7* Dainty New Wash Goods Sheer Dimnities at 131/2c -15 pieces of fine white dimities, neat stripes, pin checks and ii1 cross-bars; 15e and 18e grades at, yard ...M 2C .Madras Waistlngs and Oorded Piques3-Beau- tiful Jacquard desigus-in silk fiished madras waistings and a splendid assortment of white piqugs in fine and beavy eords; j8 2ead 29e qualities at, yard .........18 Costumne loth-40 inch Cotton width, bas the appear- cotton serges with sunce of pure linen and stripes of black, much w ears like it, white only, in demand for summer a regular 25c n wear; a 15e ma- fabylc at, yard..1 02C terial at, yard ....9 Ail Wool Tropical Suitinga-No material is more 1)puar tbis season for suits, dresses ad skirts than Tropical Suitiî'g. We 've placed on sale five different styies in an ail wool qu&lty-cream with s5tripes of blaek; 54 inebes in width and 129d an excellent $1.5 grade, special at, yard.. oe We wil make you a dresa Ëkirt for about on-tbird the pIce you 'd bave to pay a tiior, and we iil guaran- .tee It to fit you perfOet1y, too. Thse ocly provision Ia. you mut buy your uaterlal a the Globe. Ifit werelatee luth. e fffon you'dnee.tb. -usal Evrygariet ciis aan autheie 8pri u-lmterla 8tylel,ýquity And fIt am thé,thre Tuthlsh Towels Gooýd size Turkisb towels, heavy double, tbread, ringed, regular- ly gold at 12/c, () sale price, each... 7L. .Linen Crash Pure- lînen cashb, a gobd absorbent quail, bléached, red border, a- ways 10e, 10 yard limit, sale8c price, yard...& Dress Calices A standard qua1ity- of dresa calicos in blues, gays,, rcds and light clors, new. patterns, t yard3 1j1»it, yard .... ..3îc fipron Glngham Staple cbecked apron ggain, light and darx colors, fifteen different styles, 71/,c grade, 10 yard 'In, 5 yard .......... 2 Iached Shoots 72x90 inch full bleached sheets, made of depend- able grade of gheeting. new seam, regular 50e oykind, oniy two to a eus- tomer, meh.....35c. bnatioe ti nobby si an]d whlite serges lu *lo be% bard todi âhort of $15.00, There is a welth these dressesMd4 reaaonably too; n ail colors, triium white. ser$o and ft p 's. 1*. an *0 J fin Lx.. styIisbly made, large ollar sdIn revers, some trunmed ý,ith satin; aIse moats cf povelty mater-, - -4 tiais, matchiesa values at la'houable' Srhng m.*s fiiiwo Merges ,And attractve nnxtures' some 7eonmbination trinred, lare oel4r.afld -long, revers; these coats ' were bought to seil for. $15.00, special ocHer...... The excellent taloeng in these ooauq lu ene of their notable feaý,tres-t They tà$ beautifuily -made of extra lue. Preeb serges and novelty mlit18.00 others are plaintailored... ____ Girls' Ost-A sample lot of girls' coats, ages -up -t, 14 years, excellent 1 9 values ai .........£ Girls' Serge Osais-Âg es 6 to 14, attractivelytrnn, largecol, ed j f thro[tighout ..... Supply Your Spring furniture,. tui Heavy Iron Bed $395-Tbis cut ilustrates the bed we're placing on sale for $U,5. It's a new and very popular. design; large pots beavily enameled in blue and white, a splen- did bargain at the 43 095 price ........... Chfonier - o A Soiid 0,W4 Chi f fenier, strôngy.con- stiActed, has 5 large diraw- "Ispecial 3,o95 Bed Dafenport $14.95 -A large size, strongly con- structed davenport, heavy oak frame, upholstered in figured velour, conifortable and sightly in aP- 14*9 pearance, price . Parlor Suite-S piece parlor suite of beautiful design; cornes in birch niahog- any and is highly polished; upholstered in best grade of silk plush, has loose .>,uah- ions, sale249 Library Table$5.5-Attroetive library tablei of strong Ihni con- struction; made of Ameieia quartered oak and bigbly polish- cd; 26 by 40-inch top, hai large drawers; this table would be cheap at $7.50; offered for thift sale -5 & at ............ -Bandso~eNw~teish Don't think of b#yin'g that new rugisSruig ztil hesenou beautlful selition. Our showing eubraces practicallY, every dependable make in levery kind, quality and size. The patterns are of the choicest desigus and the colorings skillfully blended. Our prices wiPi interest you. 9 x 12 Atminstor£go* Best grade Axrinster rugs lu full reoxu size, badserne Orien- tal and floral patterns in nich çcol- orings, will give 1, hO . excellent servie,ý1 , sale price ..... e 9x1 2Wi tonVe1viitlui Room size'W.ihton elvet *rude iu a large variety ef handsopjue new Spring patterns, choicée slon- ings; ruga that will give. tbo* ough satisfactioýn in every res3pect, 4 i sàle price .... Specials in Go-4rts Go-Gants au!t $4. 9largesaieus bwy.,tui kilsr franie, odnbnI,1 inch.rub ber tire wbeels, uplolstered w igfr ýgradIe leatherette lora; e4ertk 1at 41 usually brixig $6.50 and $7.50, 'rie Wj Gio-cArtre $pS-Uilu age and roony, o-e motIon )rollapoble; eue S torwitbO lngs. 1* lànch vh.els, bavy rubber théi iireiee 7 frame, 110.00 carte ett............... ing back, bave foot býoard, large hood values te $12M .«5.............4 osassmn - Large sise ol- Id o.k dresser, -rialy -eo%., uuwete& bes, reaIsbon- ed 1 pate mir- rer or am7. drawers. wood-' en knobs. mal* ed itiea %o rd tua Ooich 8oiêoak frame' c"uh *th gmrnteed cep pest~,ncl up- 4-i b iet grade t ~'~7ak eooredpercale drtsingacques 50c'values at ........739c of bItte- chambrmy, reg- ulizeprie 25et Women's P.ttIooat brie, flniahed at boit yiîffle, comnioniy $OU prieed at........ Peiticeais atr0. large Selection of atti tive styles, soule e taned witb ifine wlde and others with ' embroidery flotw4 $1.50 sellers, yo&* ne vaiues ti oAwlERts AT Ibo -Ma4* of ln.e quai. lup dSiObl, sfiilb tt tIsa bolca vitI vue. Mm0e -,tFWWI pattlonas pli eryardý. ., *. 1i« ou ods coar- Coats anti Dresses '.w fl ', , ' - -'=- - p - --e butbigb firet Of tb"i season sueb prices are very un- y -Ql stYle and, beautifÙlly tailored of the nost pop- at obt>#rize or garnits. Ia Speçu Sf Offer, $9.85 ôt! 0$1,p Women'sa fid 'Misscs' modish 8prIng Moor. en siitm, elogantly tailored of ail wooil serg- jrî ~d(effe c g ein naVy ton and black, satin hinîng,ý sale price ........ le n ,back These art strictly man ta>l!ored gar- Prehk ments fasbloned after the vcry latest and Prneh models; nmade-'of novelty nixtAores and atho will al wool mannlsh serges, one, two 4hJie but- 9.95 ~ ~ 14*85 ,$12.50 eaîitÀI at $22.50 d begtlty toTîiùs lot eitl»uem Ëne but strictly bigb prifced very claNs Opmt8, tailored- ni a varicty of Le selges in eh rni ' Stles of whiipcords, serges e a"]arehne lob; and nv4th. e d e ace ne ik.0 Adt4l" wilhpeal~~i degesl .. ris' fl~h-gs2,to nicely ùlade of dark and I tt colored 3 e "eaes .......... ehs' Drmssa- 'AttracAý4 1 %0, made of -faut <olpi:od lg%»B,9al of good quahity tara- h a 9-ineh embrbidery e speciauy 349t MMa at 98-A coliec- a of damity gowns %t regula$ly selI for ,50 and $2.00, made of est nainzook in the p-over, V, aud bigli Ak stylés, ae ud eau- Didery 98e gm70C ~quaii y of muaslt,, V .....29c. 1 itIs a ,39C C H I L DR E N'$ DAAWERS 10e - Good q"ality muldin.~ hematl.tched bottom,. I.e Ilingege valas.spret- Ily trimnuo4, aie linon rmIt*~~aImade with d ana plain grouuds in id fierai- and colîxcu gc iquality at, 12'c b"0R PANELS - Samplos. 7£15ecrii, aightly 3soiled, ~al MatSoc 19C ....39c EtAfN AIT $3,95--Beautiful j~ÉIam and Cable net fiff leogth and widtb. mte ........3.98 momiù-der Aptou-I large ./zoe, made of gingams ad ilght.3 Pewteiot-made of a quality peau-de-cygne IZko ttein finisbed with tuqedfouîce 1.98 sé.......... WAUhI SelLER - No. 8 vasis bolier. hoavy block Uin with gopper ilm Mid sale -. xl- .........70M OAS LIGHT-The Ufldsay t Uprigbi Gas lighi viOs mai.eand opar globe. 81v«s a powerul 27 DOVtR EGQ IBEATERi-Speclal for Ulà sale at .. ............... . 6c - RgAD TOASTERS - Wili toast 4 milce» of breaiQ. et *Des, sale price ...8 NOXALL FURNITJRE CREAM - A 25c boule fo thse sale a . ....... .....19C * F000 CHOPPER- 01514 PANS -14 No.,llVniversal fodqurtbloe and vwhite chopper, chopa aIlII ar kIade of mCatt snd enamneled. b e a t VeÉe- grade- tables . ...9 C specia .. C WAI4 SOAP DISH nIcseIed on ileavy brase, SHAKERS-Sait sud pep- speolal - per shakers, monrust.abe si. ............ 15C glass top, S pair ................ 5Ç $UIIAR AND CREAMEft TUMBLERt-is.l haped -0*0*1di style, eloar tuipblers, extra line load crS'4t4 gliu, lire pclsabed.* blown, poliabed edgog, sale ......i. 15C prc ........19C Sluit. O0ses-24 in. steel framae, eovered witb rubber eloth and lined. leather handie and cor- ners,--sale *EwlI0O TAULE - Poids com- P&WtY, bas raled 'top, ileoly Ilihed. -sale 9 pries, . . . ... .. ..- Plan)Vth audhani's Soods -/Vaughan 's Seeds are ighly recoin- mneuded by epeined plauters, as poil resuits can.awasbe relied lipon. We carI-r a complete liue of Vaugban's in fiowcr, -grass and garden seeda. TEA AND COFFEE POTS -Amorted ies, beavy nickel pikted, $1.26 and $.0values c oalèprice...98C WideSheeinis Unbleaehed sheetings, heavy thiread, 8<)ft fiu- isht, free from dressing, 20c and 25e grades, 214 yards wide at, y ard 18VzÇ2, 2yards* 1 m ide at yard. 172c WaslaItlhs I Ieavy terrycloth m-ash cloths, whit'e with pink horders, fuxll size, spec- ial for this sale, 5 two for........ 5 Dress Percales 75 pieces of fine quality percale ini neat stripe effeets, mostly Iight col- orings, 36 inches wide, 15e quality at, yard ........... 10L flouse Presses Women's good quahity percale biouse dres ss square neck, 3/4 sieeu,I the dollar kind 69 on sale at ...... 9 PU1eo* Cases 14ae ~low cases, size, 42x36 inches, have neyer sold for less litan 10e, limit of 4 to custo- nier, sale priee, 8 eaeh....... CUPS A?ooý*Au C E RS Regai#t1 aise. white aeml-poceolan, attractive shaffl, pair ............... 7c of oneSlncr* bowl and 6 s auce 5. ,clear crystal 6 .,.,1~8 to'Saturd*Y, Aprîl 27 Ife ctqtpkto « fEtture in wblçb cr'isp new mnerchandise bas been priced at such a "new;s , , he your nee4s art pktntiful an-d buying is imperative. You :eWe4t ftcthit 1s imore thandoing their shiare in the way of bargain offering; ïhlng 'seedons. préseiut many rare bargain indu&mrents. It's a sale of countiess TOILET PAPtR - Hlgh TABLE TUMâSt.ER0-Full grade toilet paper. line tii size, nlceiy flnlafted. clear sue, perforated. l glane, saie priceR... . c tbree 6c rolls for...IOC six for...........~ CLOCK $HELF -Mission EGG CUpa-Wbite semi- inlshed ciock sheif, soaud porrelain. gold I quartered oak, ln f bad.eahdark and llght .... 57c CIIOPPING BOWLS -15 inch mapie chopping bowl for this sale 19C. at ...... CO)AT ,IANGERS- NIcely varnished. sale price, 5 tbree for ..... C tirie. ai CURTAIN RODS - ilaybras curtali ,od»' vith fancy knobs, extend ta 54 incIses. iOc sellerastai..7 GARDEN RAKE Malleabie Iran, long L hickory handle. 10 Il ........15C SPADING FORK-4 tUne oialieable Iron spading for k. D. han- 48 MANTLES- weave, for or invert& 1ie kUnd, two for.. PLATE RAC Inches long, -Double rupright ed iam,np ...21c CK - M Ç'mission 'r48c DINNER PLATES -Plain white, nice- ly binished. sale each .......... 6c MATTING Wash- able ('lber mattlng, very durable, 36 ln. wide, Ideal Sommer foor caver' Q Iug, yard .*.9 GARDEN SPADE- Bllue steel blade, D. sliaped . 48 New Patterns in Wall Paper As a usutal thing there is always a ivali or so that needs re-pap)cring ecd Spring. Why not make your selection of %vall paper at the Globe. Wc 're shoNving a handsoinc uine J' Of patterns in medium and inexpensive qualities-papcr suital)le for every room in the bouise, in patterns and color- ings that wiIl delight you, that won't grow tiresome to the eve. We think our prices are just a trifle huwer than you T4 vili have to pay elsewhere. Wall Paper Specal-A lot of wall paper, incîuding odds and ends in sîîfficient quantities for 3c situali rooms, values up to 15c, per rol.... Notîi BlAS TAPE - WbIte, 6 yards ln plece ........ 5C PEARL BUT. TONS--Card cf 1 dezen for.«. -2C PINS 2 packages for ..ý........ le COTTON TAPE -White and Colore. ln assort- ed wldths... le DARNING COT. TON- Black and white, spool .Ael TI-READ--Black and white, 200 yd. spool for ..... le HAIR PINS - 2 PackageA of wire bair pins for..e ?len's & Women's Sprýng Ox A Noteworthy Sale of the Latest ?lodels This sbee sale is geing te interest a vast nuimber of prudent men and wemen heeause it's net often sucb values as these are offcred. The lot is large and there are plenty of styles sud sizes for cverybody .................... Tho Men's Snappy hil h toc ox-,. fords, madle from a good quality of gun- metal eather in lace style. Tbey are abso- iutely solid tbrough- ont and wiil give sur- prising-ly-good w-ear, complete range of the pair.. 20 Boys' Shoes-A samiple lot of boys' shoos iii the famous Hlloland make, patent leathier, lace styles, $2.50 anid $3.00 values, fl sizes 9 to 514., pair ............. .00sV , Theo They c«. metai, p and but aise oe strap pi ored boç solid leal fui value sale prieq Children's Shoes -Special barj ren 's hutton and lace shoes, vie xvedge heel, sizes 1 te 8, sale price, pair ................ Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Handbagt Women's Hose - Plain cot- Gloves-Women's long lisle Rand Bags-A ton, hemmed top, spliced Kayser gloves, 16 button ehase, lateat a bcdl and toe, 15c JUC length, al .colors, $1 5 c seleahr values at, pair ............values, pair ...........9C' atratermou Women's Underwer-Rib- atatv o hed pants and vests, bigh Bi1k Glovea - In black and lar $1.50 values neck long sleeve vests,/um- white, 16 button length, $1 Neckwear7-Irie brella pants, 25e 5c sellers, sale 'bots and dainty vales t............price, pair ...........7 ows, 25e valuei WhyNot Save On Toj Headwear -for Sei Trimmed Hats ai $1.95- A large collectfijfl of street bats ..are offered for this sale atf$1.95. Tbey are all strikingly pretty styles in bonnet and sailor shapes, and fas]îioned after muci higher priced creations. Made of two-tone silks and fancy straw braids, someI trimmed with O flowers and q.- ribbon; your D m choice .......... Trimnxed Hats at $2.95- Another co .launty Spring styles in a large var< ionablc baud made shapes, elegant]i in various attractive Inanners, rare --alines at the price .............. Girls' Trirnred Rats-Fine chip strav natty shapes, effeetiveiy trinuned wit] ribhon and velvet ............... Embroideries and TORCHON LACE-Heavy Ger. man Torchon lact, 2 ta 6 InCIses lu wldtbsale price, 1 yard .................. 4 c HANOKEF - Women lawn baudl with ber edge. salý prîce, cach Swies FI Sinch fine Iing, al r ef excepi splendid quality a ZION LACIES- bne insertione 12 yard pleees, 10e ai, yard... CHIEFS HANOICENCHIEFS I n*s lin. Be-Pure lineS, hem- lkerchiefs s1titcbed. also bamrd lawn Sand colorai ity natltclxed borders, speclal val. *d 2c eaý Il.......... 5C Ie This is thefiru p 'bârgsnevent OU 0 '10 s~~u i~ tw maarve1ously 4 ites. àës ~ea~$ti~*1 o r*~ can gcarceIy.,enuwMe#aîe an ttem îtc' I --the dry goods depaftàïient'demands attebtion bcau<o tspsetIa ...-....... Nlamy Styles te Cheee hm 1¶sere ane bye distinct styles to choose from et $1 .00-ail tasbtonble modales. The $1.50 and $2.00 skrts b.- fmg of more elaborate designe. Tbse skrts are band talored - thse yos*tmanahip le the very beat. A good time to eect yeur materal 'in rlgbt now wile our sbowing cf, the aew weaves la complets.. Waukegan's «Bet andfllgout Store. *We make alterations on ail ready-to-wcar gar- ments frec of charge and guarantee a perfect fit. oumSpring Sale in-Our'Bg:Bargain Basement It's rime To Paint No doubt you 'vc discovered a nuin- ber ofspots about the bouse that necd a littie toucit of paint; perhaps the wood- wvork, a floor, a chair or goodness knows what cisv. Wc have a comltpatde pertment and handle .af.1 H. . e busehold pailts, bacr varnishee. Jap-a-Lac. Alabastine aud paint sundries ALABASTINE-The weli-known eanitary wall coating. A 6 round package ln any tint for...................... ..................4'5.c MOU SEHOLD PAINT - FLOOR VARNISH - A High grade quaiity. spec- baif gu can of high ilyprepared for the grade baor varnih.85 Glbaiicolors, 1.35 leprice .....5 gallon ...... 5 i , ý ïim ,C a qo, 111W iwff

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