Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Apr 1912, p. 13

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11, IÇIFotçd VesselWb,!cbh .,WntDfi AISRiiPTIR M'DER- MOTT, ORITIOALR.Y ILL. PILL WhhM REtURNING ZU ¶WO*K A'r T T 4%*It pD M411>mot4, bmober or ex-Ai- ~têa~MIiM il. Ssi h ï14 hiÉ b it*ao0iesbogie t Y*buail*yai4es A, b" ýâot r1o aul I~woeo1 ltxsla e rica ~1 4. li meos S-"U0SeP III b-loi e farny "Mot vilïb earouwer o ils hm»n 6 'th Plant eIti eAmerican steel .:wIr*nSmpm ar ulu ola oui- mia avre -drve?. W SoI la a fai%=tes 11eadewalk r"qvered snpclestly in a fev wWto to pmomed ierd. lHe p te urk Tuesdar ornng, to plae resugis 'ton today IRSI Tbesdsy -docltg uP',at J$iou *ie. domtr bas proounceil tmae as puayais QI 1the brain. ho' ilii la uffleri< f00 14 Iliveavlib'is mother, lia broth- ;»d bis lt«etatlie. MeDermotl WTOAY CAME AS SURPRISE (contuued Pmrom Page Ose. 1fvos a deided stback by the pren-j eot cool uealhçr. Sevoral vbo hait iattsded tu pianl aticles in their gar- dom yesterday refraisei f rom doRug ano as tbey feared tital migbl. sol ho clear sailtng. Those who already i1v. plated Ibir gardons are won- LsInif 1the cold veatber il have "eafect TIle change n 1the ucather vas very .Mreenl Iis morsing and loday. The Y ffing huteansu uit& gave place tp À%pâ asud overoala sud veu vltb '5eeon t vas bard tb keep out of _é lifing vlnd. Il sema thalWau- tjhgsu muet have boss fanned by 11e 4$ fa blizzard tat bas da.sage4 ýfbA st5heates Oe a conidereabie ex- *143EWATC$tmIU ~~<Clioed.rX01_Paue L) 4j ndo lbe businea ib*J1N cied yul and Ihat more 1ûliei.b. 04804 aI ooe artt. là tentar Me ni.If 1the prezt lasuslla sufficient opfut 5 o tet ante la the d- tustgdaUi ie!ntW Mb kIt Ira ~5tvtur»M dffl, IeeterdV a c@ IELMtIONS ARE Tbeo. P. Sinali, nolnetofo!th1e Po gesve ticket fer .lork. wui deSBr INELD IN COUM TY y Leroy Ksigge, IndePendent. byj - four vote,. (ConUlhoed Promn Pag% Ose). Theo. and Order candldQIesfor trustees, Lewis Bartholemew Mbd Cly Dou bas an alderman and thoere am to Dean, dîd fot ma"o.mach 0 a rua, live aldermgn ai large.,11.beyh*visg these mes vlnning: Fultterrn. BL., been *escted under the old Plian' <t Trlpp, . A. Devereanux, HerMm Zer- haviiate estîre City vonth f b e sn-,t0 fliivacaner: Harfer A.. Wat- alderasen. la addition 10 ,105 Othe sn sèvsout o ton aldermen lb. Inde- pendeng-lay ae tho mayor of the CitY, How Citie Volsi on Bologne. i. h N.81M. Te tatter ba s Thaple foovîng Illinois Illes voted'for avar for Mre lUme and the poutimi saloons uesday: la bisa helê bi Alderman Miller, ,Canton, Cleena Parkr. EMflgha!n, Ge- tbug the. Independens shave bY fM no, *Hercher, 'Mlerbr Ouvego, the osntrol of citY 520irB. Percd, Petersburg, Pl-nk"ville, Pis- The election yesterdaY vas PýrOs> no, Pocahmtai. Taylorfflte. 'Wloo, abtY the most quiet the city evqr bas Yorkvitt. asd Crystatl aie. exporienced. go fer as knovu 111mw voie no rights or rlots and the onlY 'setar beforo nainelindicatea towfl excitemeot carne. heu sevetaOf cbanged fr0 "d' t 10 "vol" the men ubo ame under Rtuctiaeat lThe foiowing 10sD voted agaînat a clçjk * 1 ba'int VoltailegSlt e4 saloons. thé lat it SdCty lectlon. are 34Z5 Ariigton. Barrlngtoir, canton, Et- edto:bave made au effort 10 vota but Wood. onvev .Gmnwbd, (lid. ge .prevteê train dong ao bit the ley. -,CsniaWo,. ÎçIn . tons, Oak- Iudses and' cWItteger Ostqet0ftlb.r«e»o»for 1the quiet sOda@u la bM$eved 10 have beeri Ibat 111. votldg Vau held ilu ve varie and there wui sot lie congestion that al- lvy e esut1odprevtouly. 1The etection va seasquiet that il vas fot bod o 0bave apecWatpoticemenj or dejiti eher me .9 11011714 cmiiCA.o I.ECTION The sidermanie electlos 11014 n Nq", hieCblgoyetoeday.developeil more titan the ezpected amountof ln- terout. lan11e trst 'tard t vas a8,91a~ cu vclory ýfor Jacobi J. Kuier vh= Wa, a canddte for reeleclon ove? Jacob 8arnoaki. In the second yard Peter (Iritensen won over John Kriptlau..0 eIncombent for lhe Po- sition n Iis yard did sot maie Ihe race for reetectioa. lIn1the third uaa'S lte laeunbent MRmer Atilsu. de& foasted Jerry 1). suiivan. TIe reuolta voie as folous la b tbree yards* ]MOhIT WAR-Jacob Kui*Oa ,14; Jacob Barnowaki, 18-Kukar'm lrl *Star befgre name ludicates towus changeS f ront l" 10 o"dry.' Aui~ia Buj oninssion. Auroralt.. April 16.-Wltb Just a. lr vote. ont 4¶irqrt turned dovu bommisslon fort 0forgovernient 10- day, 3,189 10 1,156. Advoot o! the commission mnade a strensu a caanplgn, 'ut coutd sot work, u».enthn#aan»L oiponnts argu- ed Rt unaeSary, expeflaive and non- representative. und er commision form th1e Aurora mayor wouldý gel $3.500 a year and four comrnatoneri-8,P. The maya!' now gts $01, 0%1te consil 1.'0u. WELL. I'NowmWAUKEGAN 1Nito DENT-SqC*#R'1.VWES IlêGli- CAGO, UtARLY TUESDAY. 4AP~ IS TOA GROOM .M LATE EXALIEO RULE& OU& Tilt ELKS; WAS MEMBiOt 0# SACHELORS. James N. Ad arn, nePheu 0f lira. George 1irk <of WaUkegan. ly wedded te lilas --ni o Chicago, . Tusdait morng. APMi The noaetê the marriage 4ad *ol reach WSkan until a la:e bout Tueadey muieng. At tha lime lMr. and M4. Adams veto speedpsg eçt- ward on their boneymoon trip 10 Nov Yorqk Pints. on thoir roera *fat "11 Soummqe>.Mt- sud lra.MArna *41i mÇka ltaéit horne n Waukegaa. Jaese Adams la a member of lb. lo- cal Chapiter of B. P. O. &.*ad a Isei- berot,f ite liobelor club. UntIl rocent *ty 1e 11.l4 0f esled ruer la the Hika. The liewus otthe aarrags cornes as a surprise ta i rnany tafend ap4 relatives in Waukotsn. »0 bas bem ernPtOYed Diy bis uncle, NewtonAdarna -a weaithY commission ligoker et 'lhe bride la one or Chlcrgo's yousq oclety vomen. Mr. Adams buai9"1 tinter living In Wankegu, bl. ,-iaçst "wa Adamia.of 4U0 Waler ulveet. Bic Ina tmnber or the lekqher4 et*' the l.Central achool. 1fr. Adams stole a mérviob o bis. SECOND WARDI-Jobn I(rit5ua,17 10i<JiclflOe.«,iatu5 bi -tête Of lte 0 f 1the tact 1tbat1e vas couffti tmoteet', Peter Chritensen, 117-'ChrlsleneW' a tU0"(busm. Campbiell. jMonit. plurally, li0.IUlolàbp C. P. êOdgr»A çonou 111he THIIID WARD-Jerry D. Suîttvauj EDIUOOPSI hurch SUUdsY rorIng te I;Imer Atklnson. 85; Atk on enrra a clansa. pluralti, 44. 13ffl, te Mr. and lirs.E4vard NQTED P#OF Q< The forebgong resuiteshaow Ibat 1the Clarko! Gursee, a son, flr. Clarte VI415-Go m city.council wIli be hui Citigon and a #104« o! H. J. Duning of Wauke- T IITD ,'ý haIt Republîcan. Atktnsaon, cLebmR.r .I and CrIstensaenare ltopublicana. " sud Plbeflen report liaI rnore perchDear rile !Wuea e Kukar, Kabaik, and Miroy are CitII.and larger il, aize tisubmovn la Drhcao, sos of iaouri Qrand~ Zens. Chrstonsen la 1the Osly new Years, are bel»& caugltaI prenant. On Chagoreesoen ofrm. bal 1115% SusbasaJuat matI sèd word t elluscelleg meniler o! the eotuncil. Sna mi otM1ei rn b professer Is Prague, <iermazy, las ote The election vasueeof the bottesl lske bhou 01104 .4111 Idn of<it ' lutg b vieil blmi n Ammt. and Mut closly çont«etd evor betd-Theo luitba boas Itiseoi b lte Po usheos !1er n the City and 10111 aides ver. con. tonna R'In IbiS City eo! Kueéi. PofSaloon- IOýoý e" I njoled professorsInhi Europe Who vPg rilest t11gt liai outi 11.5111.te, put keetierà In thstatrulpPty have ru&. itheir candidates over. Thre veçcelved l litrdbions te Iasr tlt e -' Gradea c i We.#Q-iali, 1482 votes çast of yrhioh 24Z .votod for iOOMiiOntOft o iqti- ascis M aIteut rague, bas aunmcibi -ise the Citizen's tiokot -and 240 for 1e close1the 4dom5ut Il o1cloOk short Ktl - f iilsg Isfomr ol"s~ Ilbi- bl ore ne iChicaio. l ie- Ie Repcan ticket.- This ebOit that icht '11 l i lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~hr tv alo aevr qall lv- Thsalroo n çunt or oms tinia 04 4. non. u au Item of more titan odl.. ded. i"i. reurnel -& verdiot oà guIty on trn eac fbspo' 4ARIGTNREMAINO "PRY againotl Hermai jCaglig et Fez edical iree n chicg R WeI Zlg 0~, 55 ohrgo ullj<uij0tiii ablili pl,1 0tVand Celebite 1bis v4 lbýam TbevilIhftetf Barrlzt4n partly la Thi l conidersd S'Osét victery frtiug masser. lat »etiy ta Coek eounty. ubleh, t Olea AttOrney 14q7. bas becs "dry" for the pat four y" UoMIssBertha OMMI, forori le saausvoteil "dry» Tutuiay, bloq l B&tfac, ose er t» pusaigof 1 lte STARRIN N'OME 510 m wiii continue "dry' for aut tount bw 09sted 4Titanju uuto Q trsdi *e ertw Iveiars. A atif Sfgbt ba@bos Mm .C4gord B ~ ~Ve'sIW. C.Parker hansol»,W er put up to bave the saloous put backistetA vite 0fet ges uîuJithe 1hWall te W. 8talrin itm*, fiý ë- inte lbusinesbut'the voter i 414not Nev Tarri mlonstre. db. vag en avenue. Il consiste o!f t 1f. $ t raytth 1e suggestion and the 1toua -4ho! vay bock trous Pauaviswir a" - 1f1OufllaO f 132 ftesnO i4 re romains "dry." Tino. villages offi- bli es tudyingimusSe for le. sd Porter treeét, d09b04 16 *'M mceis vere eiecled* îggH years. Ml. à rRnsst1UU vtsal5r >Truateei, John C lg e oam u Charles Buck. brother of tqr1er wvbrO aie vas wviesAi, t»AM &chvemm, Pduard T. Martin; léi M&W J7ed SBuck, iuleém4 su 0 {ded. Joseph D. Robertson.. tibma A hé111e 1.11er koiDýtal>à iei -____ el ROCKEFELLER REMAINS WET div vies b. balu the rl éi ackd, -ît a t5 A The village of Rockefeler, near 1.11- 1fte bead. tuoa beseattit be ýk11j.qw-kei~.IAr. «Yo 4 dta isormocampaelig ffbleoemo,. lbThe&a..oal afler hlm," said Evasaton'a chio to a SUN reporter. Suanson vas notifled by Poieemm Patrick Swanson. He la sadecibie whataction to take Rn the malter. nlesqt. Rn Enrapu. ~Tb# 411 W.t~ <~ 1anWode~5Iàl*-~ p' AS~ ?N~ '~' -. - ~o~huo ~DSé~ as litai ta 111e polytIaf os wliio~' aatiti!'cd ah ail IlSDlldt.Sd, I ELECTION, AT MIGHIA A: rather uarrn etection took tplocq Ot Ilgbuood Tuesday when three %. dermen, voe eelecee. Rn lu th tinet yard John KelIey uit defeated by William H. Sutéahoe Sheaben lu a nev mas n a the osnl in tke second yard Prank May. a motorman on lhe north aide car lmk Waukegan wui deteated by C. M. Johnson, who was a candidate for rS- etecti on. la lA, thIrd ward John Moyera, SOr won from James Retltey, the Incom-, bent, nuit C. P. Manabasi. la the Ost yard Barry Hanmoi vs.% defeated by Uduard P. Spetia Who vas re.elected te 511 a vacancy cauaed by7 the resaattpu of H. 41. 1qurke. He pref erraid to%rus for 1the mlpred terni than tarug for re-, eweolon for 1the complet. frrn tWo N OuF m Kvnw i t es e~jt tat C ~oueiess BfrcoI................................. .13f ... . .. . .. . . .. . .... ... . . . . . .. 'te ~u. .............. . .......... ot@~ .. . ..... .... '4 eut, . .... . ITcmalt car va& o4enilted and A! ~ taéa te L .R-sa& WauIoe ouag ladies litpe mAcmiwt ngRISN av EVANSTON a Kme crat"«ke. Twltog tot al OP*'BREARS OOWN WHEN po.Wi ot tý,eW baisge. 'C~~~-W4AS sIIS~S. ~ A ..w~a ir~ ai- ____________ ta ron oite. 10 ottta4 MaUine. fheo Sbey viollý%k $an, as 4 lisse l ieq t sema .qeile teala exer a. %l&tgmnt vh*beat soin tos t0 retur, 0tedOm" 4 .-ise ul*lto and moufer the It eVoles clef Qi Evassion b îleS làIIs fair proposition. ~ mvabtoa police daim. eogo4 Ma*ts~vsscaof lu 0 HeAuimIe X nto W*ukegaa. vis a»eatravelIng e ý%t ofg ~ stw p eed tbrousb 111.beaU. t itte City. e oAu Evanaton poltoornan $et out It WI a a motOicyclete, armeut the '"à~f Hia bam orccugb" 1e nbr lie raee uma aIlis boit. but'be teaf6 ~T<lsy 11.notilOed ChiofT y QI fotwIeur 1 the local police force 10 toit Saob T f tç 4m Rance. od nan e.,doeas ot corne. 1 «tlicouse 0 a u~ce t e.

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