Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Apr 1912, p. 5

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t, 4PflJL26, 1912. Gu-rden Seeds We have a large assortmnent of, the Rush Park Seed Co.'s un- rivaled qarden seeds. Mam= moth 5C9 Monogramn packets, 2 for 5c, aiso large çssortment of Rice's, f:erruo.s-ý -MRanitowoc and Northrup Kiung & Co.'s seeds in packages and bulk. j. EiTriggs A large cousignment of the famoîuc ARMOR PLATE IOSIERY for MEN. (ome ne ansd let us show V4)U hose IE cati bave VOL 1-2 -ou your hase. ('dd coate for eveny day wear, just whîat you have beeu look ing for. IRulmiier coat@, ruliber boutssund rulbbsrs fur filet).for IeiI fact a ]PU TB a nta carr', a full I rue IOSIR.Y Everything for M4en J, BMorse &Co, ----PH 0 N E 14 - /~Lib>ertyvile, - - -fliois. EYEGLASSES Are Correctly Fitted by We uge neo ru to* niae an examinatin- and we guarantee ail of our 8PEU1TÂCLEB ANI)* BYEGLA88 WORK. C. A. Beswick, PIA LiUYV Ë ILINI Mr. Farmer You Arc Going To Bc Very Busy Soon Look up what you want ln seeds right now, Owing te lllgh Prices, stocks te select f rom will be ight. Make your selection early. Get first choice. Only good seed carried. - 1 11 1 LOCAL AND PER8ONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEK ý To Insure publication in the Indepen-, Rumb Park Be.d Conpanv'm garden dont, copy mue b. in the office no a tor md, ackagca for 5'c. J. Ei, Tîmcpn. c.30-tf than Tuoaday of each week. Advor- G4. G. Cazler Baturdayv mov'd bisfamitZ tisera. especilily. are asked ta take froin Fire treet tu a tarin near Fice particular notice to Iis eff oct. Poein ts. lhead R. M. Tayior's Chat rnrr ad on A. J. Anustin took la the National another page. League bail game in Chicago Sunday. wsek to hue Prkelayiea hîtanlain The Ramblers cross bats with the Chucago ft reteint. ;3jili Are"a next, Bund&y aetIRockefeller. AChcgfo raiet good gamineleprorulsed. Plan to attend Mns. F. G. Bolet trou> Chi-agu, vi> ld Samul J Eadie mae aplpnroWednecday with lber daugh ter, Il ro. fRay triuelJ.lwakeye e ra peaue L. Hubliard. rtin b Silwaykee Surda eeung The Amrican Star@ of Equity gice a rcîuningBiiuay li<rnng.(lance in the town hall tonight tEriday.) Rumbu Park Seed Company'@ garden Goed munie and a gond tli.'aosured. seeds, 2 packafft for 5c. J. ELI TRUM.' c-30-tl Yon are invlted. The Lbertyvills Blamblcra bave re- Hereed a new rocipe for Bolîd comfort. orgaize an ar no aniou toA warmnoammer avening, a gentle orgaiue an ar nowanaous~<>breeze, a cozy poreb and onueof thome arrange a acheduis of gaine. ror the couify hickory or fibre rumb chair@ tram coming muaon. Any botebal team Raya@ Sound@ good doesn't it? well it dealring a gaun. may communicate with le juil as gond as fi soundm. c-31-1 W. Topel, Lîbectyvîlle. Rev. Dr. J. B. Robunson. vteran Il you are contemplatiug purchaeiug minuoter oi the Methodlat church, died an automobile this year dont fail to fie at hie home et 2020 Maple avenue, R. M. Taylor and let him explalu the E canston, lant Bunday. Dr. liobingon redseming features of the Chalmers. was a former pastor of the ME. chnreh Bey.Chales lexnderof hivao, a t Lihertyville. Fanerai servie were 11e. Carla Aexaderof hicgo, bheld at the home lu Evaustun, Tuesday. hen engeged as pastor oftbte Presby- Iturial ab Auront. Another Saint bas terlan cturth to mucceed Rev. Van der gun.' home. Heamaid lo iis te1(îcil witc, Uper, who preache8s ienat ermon next 'oorwIshah be I un n. Sunday niglit. The L.akeeide 'Ceîuetery Aosociatio There sa one tblng about hit>iîry that ""makes t eplcisliy adaptit ,.for p.rc-b will meet at the home nf Mcc. Lulu furniture and that la ite nla:irlat tîiîh_ Mattock. on le riday atternoon at 2:30. ue'e No matter wbat kiiiîl utmugli A full attendance us îlesired as there will us.age you give it yon cant li tînt and the, rraturaIllnish rend.r-r, iirîn lie elec>tionu tof firsroui îuarring. Ray can 'fi 's %in ou ,me l)uring the @torrîl ot Suiîday atternon, fie iieces at prîtes tluat ar- r git. Rd Hoffniiaiis houg' soruthait of thim -:l-1 ity was Ptrunîk <y ligbtning, denuuîltslu- The next regular d.fîîîaL ftIc ing the cliiuîuî'v and teariug a bol.' Citizen'u Baud will he Wi.f i. '.lay niglut, thnuuthe <I' , nuit oruuatply uiîue of MaY 3 Al regular andt ~ i. the iccupiants ut th*, lion" wore injured. meiobers are request.ed lt c lresent. At the aonuînrîîlaIouieii'tiîiu Saturday Ucreatter nothersta ia --if i,. lvi nifiluihe r..riri>g i'iioer,, oi the bouîardî be'allowed at rheaef .fitu of eduetiîîu. Il. Il. Mitler. presiitînt fu director in charge. NIre. E. SîWarrenu and %W.lC Sanb,îrn ami r F. 8 "K: j S. mremitiro of ti.'hu ard. Tihoîîre.sident tireathes there a ruanii, wasl eleeted tir ine yer>r and the other muicoulsudînî i That never to t1,11n--., two ientierm for three. year&: bath maît Geraid tî-hrerk bouglît at anctitnu îmt "Say' thi@ porch cocke. chut zi.ut at Ray'e cure im a frieud uorf:,.l.-hs su Satunilay that portion (if the SI. Lynch eiuzv out ber@ that 1 durit ,ii arc .'îlu.'r eltai.' en S'iuoul tre't kriowri as lot fi 1ever go tu lied or flot' and the eaet hllf nIlot 7, with a tîarri n1 itîuisrnauio wtîiît,îîhii.d er 24x24 feet. h cnierton )ig ea asr ud ou thora l ii-nd points $55o. in Indiana Sunds.v an iii, le anîd tvçn A balîy boy was Lbrr to, Mr. sud Mcc. OA. Newsonn We.uesday morulng. but wac inot d"etlneýd fic thi@ wurld anid passe] tcii ui great l*yîîîli.shoctiy atter its biryli. Mc. and Mcc. Newsom b ave the wvmpalhy ut a large vircle ot friende in tîjeir bereavemeut. (irandlath,.r'm hair le looking slîabiy. [t can> le hrigliciucd up and niade ii look llue uew bv apptyîng a moat ut Campbell's Varnisb Stain. Very eacv to aIjply ad il workc freely under the brumli and dria i'sv tluur>showiug lais.Try it, Mloey liack il nuit satîslled. F. Bl. L.ovell Co. eellc it. Mr. aud Mn,. Wm. C~oleman trou, Milwaukee, caille down Sunday tu ieit Mnm Colernmsciter, Mrs. S. Woultf at th. Newcastle hort. Mr. Coleman rturu-d Monday uîorning white Mrs Uol"rian reuuained toc a leur da s' vinsit. KThe Rtay Furr>ttire and Paint store le sbîîwiug thie'largeetst@ck ot hickoîry taud libre rush pîircb furniture ever serti nutâide uf a city store It ciiuulries a large variety ot articles and i- v.eti wu)rth guing to cee i-311t The lîîcal RebeLau and 0&1 Fettîiws rw ill hîîi iau anuiveregry iiieetiiîgirîi tîcîr hall uext Suuday alternoon. .ti 28, ai 2:30. AIl membii r ei1utsted tii attend i ud a cordial invitation extuendd ii aU. lsev. Carc of Ruc(Lefetter v.itlladiflriesm the meetingr. The. dcli roouand1 the .iemetecy rmay teach the neoîi of life insurance, but a liv. agent neyer solicils business the. S ANDO R N District Manager Old Colony Life lsumace Company Office in Oas Office -ousins of Nre J. 'fT. fu aun sd Ctaire Smnart o iii l ictv. 'i livtîed at Monocîn. lîîd.. acre tit.'d, fr. and Mrs. ltubert.on anîd childuen and 'dc. Sinart lett Mauuiay mning ic i ràlîccu. Tihe pwoctb ILe4gue wiu> ii indui-tn excursion on Fridaày cccniîug oft ttî week. Train ilîl leaveîîuue ct.tiou ai 7.30 andl arrive at Happiy Town at eiglit or betiin,'An»excursin lunch seuli e serveul ou> lwiard tlhe train sehen it reaches thii'M. E chnrîii. Tickets@selbe ioi sale. anv%% ber.' from now on, pricesOne Siiiile;'ronîîd trip, A Siu and a Handetiake. Nase that tie laseilt season bas opened, ses liar tain' îiscîsiug ceenlte of the league gaine-i. which bringe ta mind thai garne at rt1, fair grounde last Decocation day. tb,ý one between (the "fate" and the' ,aie. sitill have plsnty of leaus aid if the fats eau aucceed inluroundîng ufi enuugh recruils why ual have a gaine. on Dfcocatiou day this yar"Itî <mer, ye "phals" and gett:.. Yon are requemceO to jourianexcursionutu tzîatltîî 'li Train leace ti&v ît-tîuie station a t 7.30 p, ri). Singleticket. ni Rot lur>d tip ticke One Snitî utaa lanîîleake Eps' îru I l.iîgue Mi. El itîir t>lî actirs Also ann)uafnl tiroî>of îîfliceru,. Tree Spray>,,g 1 amn now pr5 pari iltii spray ail kinde of t-ees. Leave oirdl,.unt this office. VIIiI. ,'îîOTI'sc Notice Ai 1 amn tnt gciîrg tii Motana I arn pnepared tii do ail kiiids oft tearuing on aliort ntcer J E. lioxu, Libierty. ville, Ili. PLune 1.'\. -0t PHIONE 47 Libertyville Lumber Co. What Do Vou Meaa».? Dy layimg tée e Tu mhuobliFudreur usrIm? Charles 1), Proctor, Agent -'Or18s. WE PAY YOLJ TO SAVE-- 3 cents on every dollar. ever>. yean, payable semi-annually-and YaurSavingn WlLL BUILO YOU *AI'HOME 1 Did il ever occur 10 you tht lb ay9' Thtnk il over and corne in anxd talk wlth us. 6 1.00 Starî's a Savinga Acc't. SI.O00.00OStart's a Fln, Home W. can heip you. Call on us. TUE fI'NATINAL IJANK 0F LIBERTILLE UNITED STrATES OEPOSI<ORY POR POSTAL SAVINGS FUNOS 1~ fly a change lu the tine tab)le ofthtiie Chicago & Miwaukee Blecîrie Railroad whicb seent loto effect ou Sunday, the 21st, weat bound cars seacs Lihertyville 6:08 and 7.11 a. m. aud every hour at six minutes atter the. bouc Ifuin 8;06 a. mn. tu (i:06 p. mn. andl thereatter ai 7:10, M:41, 10.18 and 11:51 p. m. Going cant tl>e'.leavs L.ibectyville at 6:28 a- m. andl ecery bour au thirty-two minutes alter thi, hour tram 7.b2 a. ni tii 7:32 1). m nidmu therealter at 9.12 and 10:42 p. ni. andi 12,09 aim. Ws tîeg tii acknowledige an error lu the retunce unthe iliabLIican ciou- gcrestanal contest am pînbliéthrd lait week. The correct igure,. are, am foltos; Lake Cn. Cîook lCo. Total Fos............ 102w.) 13190f; Engelhard ...1M45 3.,4f1 :19 1 Pauulin ........80 3943 492:1 Case ............ 108 77M 98.6 Focsi'piucality aven A 05 Fois' çluraliîy over Paullin.....f907d3 Fos@' piucality over Case......13110) Foua' majority over ail ...........2 j90; Harry Puteam, for tweclve yearq traîner aI (irattan Fanislanase con- ducting a pubtie stable at the mile track. Mr. Putuain ia au expert trainer. wesl experieuced in ail departemeubs of the Dow bas iweive hanses at hi@ stable and le lu a position tauliandie about four mors. Il lu ueed of the services of auyaue In Ibis linsesee would recouinend yon write ta hon. c 41.2 A boy giving bi@ Damne as Rimer Abhott and hie horne ai 1543 Ottowa St., Chicago, seas picked np Monday lii the rrew of a north bound car an the C. & M. electric tsar Higiseoad. He aaid heoseas on hic way tu vil tanu ncle, Harry Almud, seho ices ou a farm uorthwssu of Libertycille. He seas exhausted ftrîîîwalking aud sbuwed signe ai ilînes. The enuductor placed bîru aboard ch.' Lîbertyvilîs <can at Lake Bluff sud rîîiiuedIlrmacil ibecry wbO mec huim at the depot and tookhiJu to the office ut a local ph.vaieian wboesa ceturative wasadminîisteced after whiclu a lic ery rig troi Ladîfe lîrery conceyed hlm) to ii ' destinationu. The full faîte regai ding tie i,.uitrr wm are unaile to lciitt. Lamt wî'ul..tii. ire> National Bauk iif 1.ibertyville bunungut suit agaluet Mre. Rot.îrt Ettis ini clii ' Iîury court at Wauk.'gau fuir n'riterery ut thîcty dollars. I t wae u-Jltiuýd liv ticece at tiheliani luat upua cecent datea eluployee of tlîat institution was cali,'d ulînto cash a uhemI Iorn Ire. Ellie and in su daing handeil ouit thirty dollars rmure thaîî the cheick called toc. A short c ime alter when eoufronted in ber homne 9by aitice9re oft he batik sud askcd to e turu the iiui)uy, Mns. Ellîs dcnied ihat t h e Lad ev,'r leeuîaiul nuore thauti he CIeheck called toc sud refuscd tW pay aver the ainuunt tIcanied )y thebelani eile oseed Ibein. As a ceenit, che' bunn nhaugit euit as rctat,.d abute. The jury sreturued a verdict iii tavor if Mrs. Ellis. It is cumored the' Imuk <titi appeal the Don't wait tîî uog to buy vour sced cocu. LDo it nuw. Sec LiuLîuTn<VILLE LIuîIncîu Cto. c3 Fresbyterian Services i Services in Ibis chiurcl i ull be belda usual. Morang service 10:30; subjeet, A Table Talk with Jetius3. Evening service 7:30; gubject, 'Always Abouuding." These servii-es aililibe couducted foiri.tu act tîme iy Mir. A. Van der Meer. Prayer meeting as umual %%educcday cveuing at 7.30 by Mc. t.1H. Alexander, sebu troin cii.,tiiîe 1tîîctlî a itbace icharge ut the 'wurL. snd «u.i.'recin. ruended ho tihe lira> rs aud tlie, gî îui ull of the Peupile. Mac the sdurit ot God tePst union Pastur aid ipuopte iii the i arne.4t ilayer iii Youns iin the Miisters smercii, A.V, i1> nME:Ii. Tlii s itiie. iar to u> li m lii e.Rt rer se.' Liiîgiîi') ii% iL.î<uti C. Thb 1tu. [i>c 1 uci ion ccc r utiered. c-30> 2 M. E. <Jhurch Services. 1(0.00 a. un. Ctaes Meeting. Hec. J. Bl. MsalGi un. 10:30 a. un. Preaihing t>'. W. L Whipple. Subj. H'Iie lteveranc. 12 ru. Bible <cboiut. 1645 p. ru, Eporuti Leagne. 7 -'0 p m.> Peeai.îung Hiec WV.L. %Vhîipple. bSubj, 'leTroubte ut the Ruler.' Monday. 7:3ltTeaclierd Training Clam. NVecite8dl'i. 7:30 l'inter servie. Epîscopal Services Services at tiire Epieupal churuu every Suiuday as toltuses: Chuccli services -kt 2:30 p. tu. aud Sunday c.ol St 3:30, 11ev. A. C. Richarde. Reitor. Card uf Thanka W.' sishlu ruexlirese our thankesuad appreciatlon ut the îîîauy klrîdnescem abhus eu in thehuuuc otoiirgreat<v by the lace at our dpar se andl mocher, csipecialiy as seiclu to thank the M. W. W. aud finead urdetocire beautitul llowers. FHIIKumLîrs P. LOCKE, IvAR IG. Lbeu. Lot Me Figure With You Nasw le tbhe tlue to gsit your lurnutuire epairing done and ecreens made %[iii alco ceady ru do any kiud of carpemter sean. HOWARD tiBoviis, Libertyville.IPhonie 164W. ecL2f 'cf <"ltîvate a personal tiride lu youn abllity to wrIte seaut aile THAT AC- COMPISH THINGS Since the organization of this bank it has beeu_ our constant endeavor to devote our time, skill and capital to pro- moting the welf are of the bank and its cus- toiers. *. * * cc Giye us your business. Capital, Surplus and Undivided profits $879000.00. LA KEIRCOU N T NATIONAIL BANK I... When you want coffee that lias that fine smooth flavor 'bwy CRASE~ & SÂNBORN'S SEÂALTBRAND OF IPhone 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS EVERY HORSIE MUST DIE 'Yours may be next The averageilMe of ahor» is 12 years. If you insure wlth the Natiogal Liv. Stock Innurance Company yen are always alled. We issue enly CLEAN TROMEPTLY LEAR I1[:: ONCISE AOLCIE ari mure hontes, mules, and cattle againat dbath from an>. cause. broken leg. or lois by thefl. Se. ua about thît to-day. A. R. 8NNRE8[ REAL., ESTATE ad INSURANCE h.R.8HNA[8[[3c .LIERTYVLLE, rIlL A Little Something For a Rainy Day Yuu'll be glad un have jt ton, one of ihese fine moruluge: One of Oir 45a1Trmbcellas. Matde with iirong twiled ôover aud time very nbbhjeet nese mission liaudesa, spcial at 95C. Somi> pretty nese embroideriea in 27 lu. flounco widthis came in iluis weu'k, they'ce exifelleut value for 4() Cent&. A uali lot. of Laies' Muclin Cotubinatione, good material aud very well made. Whiie theY laio at 38 c3ent.. -Mdill Types" of printeil wse goods, corne of ibis eason's vecy i)rsuciesut fabciie iiii 6 yul. leîîgths, ual a pieea Weorthi less thian e îr yd., wua have only 150 yde. ta sedI, lt 10 cents. Th'e new huie uofLadîies aud -Misises white cauvag ehoeo at aur Nocrth Store' are selliiug faut, 'ore ne uand pick ont ypure. And ccmeiuber we have Vaughan's Seedsata the "n:ithi Stare; W. W. CARROLL & SONS CO. TWO STORES a - High Grade Wire Fence AT MANUFACTURERS COST We are closing eut discon tinued styles. A firit class fence. Visit our factory, examine the fence, get our prices*and don't delay. .. .. .* LIBERTYV'ILLE, - - ILLJNOJS< B. -M ,1 i m Il +M kvk 1

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