Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Apr 1912, p. 6

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lm ton Of IEU iMis e OM- : It>4 liat bill ÂGith - -Iallegin tuaI Miss b' al obtalid P(C?*e 0" et Offl DEO .ISION 0F CIRCUIT t.thfari s RT Onde uiaQuenee ad 0SuC*friandsa lracqlntànes. luis lot- 1.8lu t JuD or 0w It~ W CM Ialeged furthler thal; Lordihavngfur- terahome lust betore, his depatrture lIe ,o ÇqtUtn to Waviýs- tuag, 0T F LAKtE CO. WHse ti ouloaioCH tefi ,Ih, te iosiortin orth trmwore ina £more cheerful strain as 111, ÙM"e med.bishome o 7VROWOWthat tiie faim aboutit b. turned bWe mId'iwould b bot a eshort titn e ~- gin 1.d hm t aa ir2g < au4 - e tahlm, andl alleging aiso that Mlse fl fIakNr n ILtul R.e. o. 11, wa lotRed ud ar bal cheedta 0!tfaire h. would ho home, again. Mta M h1k.wlae appoar oRtW 1w f va d o.811, u@ e eedan Lod ad chmedtedefat Whoiu friends heard of the fate that Ut Of'tfg who poriahed. Thi i 41kmt sid ect bock for new trial Lord of ber dower rnuls lu Lord'1 befeil tbê' S0teamer Ttanic thoîr braI are taminuw t ii aelvn e ted yetrday, but the dacisian property. The taklng of thse testimony fa a -a i lh aebo U..EI.tin 01,-mat court wa. .ev.raod -'th covereal a period of about two years. fep asger onhourd. bvey prntla IIaw Yo I N.l prl1~n.0 .t! *eligs tuaIthoeoW» no 0undue Master ln Chaecery Clarkte, before the Erypiti paw glçCyAi l_ M0.U t no onalrcy a otot dw-cas ws fre herddolde at lt ai f hie passengors w,. sccnued ta O Crnh, .8of pot Sheridan, a 'pAeeo-Indeed no cnspracyte oten do- oeeIf hie namne P aered but 1l was lier Uu.tialiéeenCtrpathI, han 01v- lafacti r*#htantd no reultlng trust ln fav. ftced bcd ozercîseil uîîdue Influence nunt-lh A"aorhing t-he prînt- eiii l ii i à. grphlo accotant of the 1 e ntat hibenreecue o8f theTretanlopassengerm.Mm .Mteiel ý) .« ir. Lord. upaliLard and ordered thie property ed niet of the thlrd-cabin 'passegers Cran. w. enroue from11Européen havée turfled back ta Mrs. Lord. 'l'he case o h 1-ae ot htheft o ons r asuatazice the decielan of the wcs then canied t-o the Circuit court ouate ilftd tta t hie fate ho- poIns.lorl epart bolds t-at. if a man bas an ef- botore the Honorable Jualge Whitney. Icae lefr nea fcemile Nut1y. OiULLESttioNorhCi «Il Ail lS 9.-lInobedinCatoca Beaut] andr baho dec4 ids taiilycaer Pot JdeWine fimdth eii west of Waukegan tour childien and toîe.aphle dt*pMhol from WaahlreN = 1ro ý:at e.nd t-at action. When the a atrb hneyClrsdathein mother are patlently awaltlng ton, D. C. thé.colora att1he. Naval la en Ilige etitige hlm, ho muet abîde by tihe decree was entered orderlng the trans- nestoi e or iytz ýwllTanigMtci os pof-&eapl in t,111 er' of the faim ta Mre. Lord. ieseW rnNe ok lythtwl qbt aflita tea. wre al-peaplelWho 1 .tbe coilebrated cale oft L<rd v'. Reefi and ber attorneys appealed the eltiier coufiran or deuy the report that! lestho tv« n1w..lthe Titanic diéaterta,.f0 IeiéU, wlcb bas been alltagated l aeta the Supreme cour t and Attor- thelr fatiier and husaad gave up lits Thl0 la tIso lIrM i me $Ince $gepfi. tnd I tkeClmtitcout o Lae Sntyforý ffelt-f lat nealy 800 womon and chl.- Ingocf t11w, u.smolthat the. floge are Tb tii CrcItcortaiLae oiity orneoyA. F. Beauhien argued tre case de ib .avdfo rwlgfletng ait hal, toast. Thoe mentage Trt,$ tho put evetcl yecre. was settled by before the Suprerne court on February de h eaedfo rw gf ram Wu. atn was rec.lved ot a £ ticsion hacded down by tbe Su-l 8wh112 en the. giganîla steamablp Titaniclc t*hala !MFiday aflarnoon. Major tentO! -pràe our yeteray.Thecas b sthour Yet r day the dsuponre- mollirlu mid-oS.n Sunday. Arehlteld SauIt, personal nid to Peqâikchurk linsbttorly catested, "epositians f erâlug thbe judgement ot the Circuit l an interview relayed ta the SUN dent William M,. Taft, loît hie tife..He upon 'ls n l the tate of New Yorn uIutadrmu>gVecs at reporteal by a. distance relative et & WPS wth PrOaIdent Taft nt theOpen-f ctiurt adrmadn hecs oc llcs, tuila et thenoval Mis.liRl store 'ffigo and iWakuegan, the mnnt te eCircuit- court for a-4oclon lu 0.411isateonMr.Biauy tton * lxvWpved belug vry large, to-wtth -e layoron a ieMis Reed. The Supreme aaid: "A fow weeksalago1 recelved a ' -- mutte 'gUe.!por the farm, aoutheast u ourf uisd ilnsl:communcation tram Jin tefllng me! New YorkeCity, ^prit 19, a P..- III, th *itiehworh abut ltûO.'There la not the slightest evidence tht ., 7 ohm eoe au.M _altet Ounlap, Elabuty Ras$- for th TbthatcMiesuRteecaee acesedicnyydedy. Apil 20th. I have not roSlv4d dehoe., Qurn, Ii.: Your brother. Wm. corne the taMtsnlueeh casorareairieftyundueword slnce that ime. He told me that'jamone £lab.ary, w.. on board theIi. . S. sible s olw:William F. Lord. waa s lec over 14r. Lord, at-ber than gelseraI tnaflc manager ofthlieW1s- ifuneho lntended ta brng -lits uleee, Mise Titanic whon ah. aallod froli Livar- ln wh cousin Cntrai Rllroad coinpany, wit-l thte influence usually exorclsed i elu eKnse.wt i.HrDm Oj Apt1.N a e mn h u -a* m !atýý chhdren. Ho became caesotthis kînal. urt-hermoane, there basDot e uey, lda n t h er nad ne ooapr b1. 4 temo8 . jualgoîI ýls-edt-ii i a thle itgbtest evdence-t-at Mise asu_41e1ls-e a -g hedAd__ psseaissreed -y th S.S.-Ci. ald "teg iedulelwth Ms edi i ly u*or those save bJ.4* avebonm tha? pnthla.-(SIn6d) Paa&songer Agenau.f _p Chicago, who for e tInte liveal li 1 led snd Ni. Lord coueplred ta de. l she declded to stay home et t-ble sfWhite ,Sur LIno. Ma famiîy. 'During t-se'ie yars fa1tes %rs. Lid ot 'ber dower rigilts, mnts ontRi~ ohp tbair acquaintauce, bie gave 'Miss Reed' tr e r otie opledt elh. dld not make the trip." At' a late bour Fridey aftennoon,.Ti sis aif aiîey aggreatiiig $14010 or that there la Do resuit-lng trust lu the ___ r.Wle ulp iiro the 'ou1 - Fncm the jepthh of theosea cones lt-e William James> Elsbîtry. fecelvedlIA Imal'ny ater Loaid ehoulal ubtalu a di- lngly, the declelon ofthte Circuit court the m.saag4é-"Jâs. Elabury la drown- a telegrcm tram t-be passeitger agent vort-e front bis wife. Thon lu the le neVersed anda the case reatanded 'od. ieSa Semhp"m year 1906 iLord gave Mis Reed,$5000. for dýsposIt-lon liu ac'oi dance vtîÎth the The5 message tram the very dptl., aI the Wit Sar taw ip-n- 'Which sumn îoa«ber witb otier nîoney law ufttiîs opinioni." >fthe. ocean came ln the form of à pany. Npw Yorke Citv, coofrmnitg'.the cIII cablegram addr.ssed ta Mr. Charles report of the deatil of her brother hi' thev be-hed lreviousli' given ber she used AtosyA F euiesd Mlar . Chcever, Waukegan, M. ~drowning- ta purcbîse lie Kerr- tarin, the trau!- les King and lienia"îilu Paritialte t'c1>- The measage rmade as followu: bo fer o!tis frabefg cdolu -b' reseuted '%liase eed uhile Cooni, Pope "JAMES ELSBI.RY 8AILED The telegrain was sent lu replY to croul. 0f ieslle. u atiegat.A &Pae aal oo MsC,îffn rlteset- FROM LIVERPOOL. ENGLANO, 5a queri' eonfirming the repart tram flot h 1an ON T14lE S. S. TITANIC, APRIL the Elebury homo.Etîne yeur Jater on a preto-nse of atteudhîîc cd Mns L.ort. As al resuit on ii T ENTH-EXPLANATORY LET- Thlemesage ls t-he 011YWord Mlr&. Pul" te> business for t-be railîrclLr et.uilno ieStrrn or,\l, \R FOLLOWS.', Elsbury hâe received fron tlic Owit- te New Yorlz, whero îF l, _dlf asl seceàl vlIattain theternain . t-S'9fld) JOHN ELSSURY.1e1 o Rellai. htle byae- then livingt anal d1ed in bier homefnetITRie case leimportatnt because It ý (HI* brother). orc h- ftnc.ýhtirte r The Ca' "gram sTias received uat a makiiig au effort to rescue troin thle ' beart- atlure. The wlte vas gent tonsett-ies the lau i a aman ofmii ate hou' 1tidaýý afiîci'ion. Tbe mes- delth o! t-be cea tbeonue thousuafd and took tbo body back t-o çC.cago. mii>, wbo uîtder iftatution0i for an, sage .as -crtiuonfýr-dgewater, Sa-odlpseerwodrnd.lnO VYon Lord's tfeat-b it vas foîual t-at afflnity gises ber tnoey canant ne- mersetshlre. Englacal. odpsegr h rwe.l lie loft $2800 ir t-ealt0iso, aI i' tcaver the saine. Mlr. tii*'>er feft \Vaîkegan thus aI- known. terreurf for (fît>'> ýes, II -'o caonr iti Mrs. Elaburyi l a uc-nous wreck. __________________1 te wfdow. Wben a SUN reporter callealat- the ê~>~< ~ At-a a het r Fridî" aernoon a Elshury bomne at- 6 o'clock Fidai' eve! lorreitait vas rt;,Pitil Ira-n Gunnee l lghowleitsa in oWU - Ithe o Ct iis miElsbîtry nn' vas - disi ta lewo *~ic inib ICi. MrqElsbury basnont lbe unable tet-a lk uith-i r.Eau t en wel! sin iî.r i hsbandas depar- Mm. Walt-er Dunlep, a siater of the St uic for f-î-ast laitEI. 1 man who dnownod vhen the Titan BULLETIN. i-i t' t>'-ts~-~ saai, vlunteeneil ta gisve soi Informa New York Ci ty, Apnil 19-James tion deebreal. tsIaburye rume doe mot appear onl Sie s-id Mrm. Elehuni' bailborne 11p tii.roIl cal> uftheii.745 aurvivors cf.wi nethsra otetrtfw the 'Titanic, I-.o were isndod ln Ibis ' vehiudthataien fili thoIteiew city stnpt y -le L thla. He ass u a ae I meitî tL'Awis rot acri f lhe mon liftld tram ,aft-en tho rcelpt of thbe telegrntn trouai 'wIl ie Czteu t eth the pasenger agent- ot tho Wblte-Stan AyoyMay Recov r Body. MI uni- corfirmed tie report- Ncw V Yrk City, April 19-Many of ed t-o tring a nu-mber ot- relative-'; t-, Ayiywb,, uses t-bi, lacal ta seIn tItaequtsDof în ai ,passengors who Jumpod mb to h l kna OF IWiAT FUEL TO BUY . ee Ifrocmthe White Star steamer hurl-' it-teState ith lm. ndlar'. Dsiled Vo0F 4 'I r non.îee r n.rafw ipe iltîi- - :,d itzif agaînst an Icebergtest Sun. Saidtw ehv nlarle~tie caf iii putîcl rr lluI. Tere re o.ta lw sili-le ~ -dsy were seen ta go down deapite the 'ou makiug t-he trip~ to t-le State. TieY n lo, hich wiill eiable aiyoii't n tiitii-ysii itpri>-. . presrversland lifo botat and dead have not recelvoal word tram F.ngit-nd Tlhe moftI importanti. the umberrci bat unt.le oiî Ihuy iî't .- ' bt-dies e-otn floating on tesur-,énlmgthreothate P- dolaryou-send Ilin t un ofic o iei-î ncd î'-on,>n4.'c a.latelite psts moved away'eofnngtsrert-btieîp- 1:19ibury's body ensi'hb.plcked up îy e ssalleal viii Mn. Eisbiry. yon t-bt lnies'. v. n e Iîruiug OUR COAL your hei uitmu are >a sresace siiip. William James Elsury came ta ______jouto uc ouy Latke cant-y vien a lad of but- 19 eOOingyootannîtutimi~eyBULLETIN. yeane. Ho nsideil et 'Orsislake a ISctl a0 UN.) number oI yeare, thon ho moveal ont-O 1-l ix e lu mr b e r C o N cfMisVorie CiAprl 19-TfhLondom e Hoas borniSept-. 3, 18653. dflmoes Anmaote K lngs othandn.atamthomlSwt-oGue. csu passenge'n.. Elsbury punchased He leave8 ta mauro itbs demise ils but ont- ticket %N'ben b. boardeal the lovlug wite; threo sous. Albert, Gen. -0 Làhertyville, MI. thr o1ctcen linor n nLiverpool. and Lloyd; 0one daugliter, emie; onoelait-er, Mrs. Waten Dtnlap, anal James Elsbury oI Waukegan la fdrowned.-lt-e gaye up ishite t or au- t ane nepbew William HockeY. The - t-ber, Hiiie Oite appearx among t-he Dame of the neice vbo iad platnoa of.1,fOt wha stcod aside anal aid- to make the Stat-ofs a visit- l Mises cd t-he o usen on t-be ill-fat-ed steamer L0arah KingelStto. uTtatic lu uîakiug their escape ftm rs dadMoYp'aie fiaikin- uessei n.Elr od t aîea 'N i.I H E I Ny Giod te aba aelter o Mr. Elbu. 1tthoe tiallietof fie soul înspîning hnli-ci ulna i-tîaî o, '.\n,-Naî"rr lv tfn>ta Thee. as nier m'y his anal lu 111V baet. vii-It in Éegltt lin r t-i >t-be <at-a plonge rnid 1e-eut-ion voe luiotlnbearui'i. /R d 1. rvfO tI. poee e rry uiicomfi,rtahie. Sooli alten I~~e~1 Ii'îii 'I'1~e c-~c--iir) of III., a, fot î&îes ybedrvuinael r0 îasîuîtliv. 9tartea t-o tuke FoieY Kbdney Pille bi tryIed hî Lverpool A hi bgau, oinuprove.util Dow 1 eni again The gant liter,'fIt-anl, %va, t-ot.rclheo yalt rit nstre lrmptl. 5' bit-c St-ar st-a't'ailliwîcî For sale nalDugss clrd Iront Li1 çntool on 1Ihat- dat-e. Mrs. EIi.l'ny Hopetîll. pructicei Domestlc Science, Ontt- ln t-be te villa ge. xf. Gurnee "Wbat ItatbIs dçmestit- stlenclto"lu- ait-le votitan lu prayitîg'0(dt-o Bave quineal lhe engaged girnLl."t consais bc- usianal. "J!ni s-as a îtrong ma. ot maktng basb out- of the left-over lemuât- bave sîtccecded lu oavlug hlm meat and troquettes M. t O tise let- self," the sarraw stnît-ken moth.l oer ofasia," explained ber more ex- tou chlldren le ciediteal wti bcvlngoe credont lu enguish. patn rmu ezd.00ttbUl'hî Pont. nIs. Elsitîr'. -It- Beems, le not satle. fial t-at hor Iuved oue la dead. Sbe laavoan of great hope. She willl never ho satiefied utIl t-he deal body ,-~aea iiIII ha boen etorucal ta ber. ~ ~ IIiI U Returnlng Wth Fortune. a e qMi t- James Elsiluri' vent t-o lllglaud t-a close hie tathers estat-o. ly the deth Chestuut Str>IIon, four ol bis parent lie vas t-a jet-ebve r a a. f'iata, 1 amall fortune. The estst-e, It a rtt8l i w as cioscal durlngbils tayin bu Egland dam Nutwood-0 Stande 16 -. -p -- 111011supeYlO11it A asd Elsburv le be'ic-odtoehave bal4 ~ adw1ba.2> b. a dlaft ton biesbeare oftheiiestat-e o a d u .d biu b- hie' rilbsPersoa vien ho dravxted. Anadad is rcognized anMooyWilI Be Saved. la Ltidar , o ud ~dregie- à over .the vorlu'If i cManey happen t-bat Elehnry's teîe abare ot-lie est-te was repnea.ntedby' Wil1 ma-ko t~i Asi tm adraftthe money wiii We savd for:t Ris *11dow anid tour clilidreill. It wuc barn at milé-te , i0ry te tise mewV eA4qfaq5 jn4'Aa.5.isae au surprised ttud Osncb a spien. ocatiob iq Waitbefflan sd 1-uni thau piuaaedý viti aTory- 1 inObei.," lho aald todaf'. "I te Waukegan people very much I andt everytiug bmn lago fat- toryiI hat bv« deôlded ta suahe lty mi' headquarters àltlaoügb 1 stores fil neyeraI tate.." Oyer la ln recellt, of a' large 1plece oempos.d AM -a y tom t rom one aô tb. boumes whicbh le puncha.. goodi. ThIs display la ilsa show wludoW. He. ausoe re.ed several iteiegraxu wholeoale ment-hauts w ho esx geod wl.hea. kwindow% af thie uew store are tcally deefrat.d as in aIme the in. > An uausually lange corps of te vas kept huay aIll dey waltlng i he' cuateluers who packed thea e. ,c Bc uatomer wu igîven a itloàn »Aiu torclrt furbeld te l atr aoo u44esaii. Ai te opealng auzuns 'y well les utco. f lb, th store. Mr. Oyer es ta Waukegan wItb thie béat pos- n ecommendatlons tram the cilles rilcilh lab kuown and At ou. ln te te troua t-he nîe tings that ame of hum, lie will prove a "live bat elaîlve o anmlng houae whtt-h hava determined te Anud SOM£ Fmar Rie ajvertbscd taday. Illinois tries Bunnilzan. Cînsylon, ii - ktows value of Fei.'s Hnuc3' andi Tar poui al.s a quick aud surë elop for jp. Be n-rit-es "IFMv îaî bul i, î>us erouli. The anedi(-ine "ic ld îelp hilunv, but l'y umirig P ovIey' ay anal Tar Cae.pounlh a ,z nîn thruugib. 'isae vsIcp mit utiag «Tbee* m ma a 1*&rd two-Ilobert Bulkîer 1dsesot- .4 L. G. MePliiron by SI. Warfl thrft-3. L. Tearl»& ....- e4. Do op«IOmLn Ward foue-43orge U. ftt ot 1* 4 rank. WaMre by the cl<oe vote of 104 te 106. ,.. C. BoRin wvu eiect. pouce mail. trate. On accôunt of iet bavlng Urne to travel1, ?ompel No. 3592. Mi Pure B3rod Bay Belglum Stallilon baving LicenseliNo. A6 845, wUl stand at my farrn every day during the seasonu of 1912. Thie ia as fine a draft horae as any ini the eoulity. ' If yoti want his service@, cali and make arrangemnts. Dan. Ilerscbbeeger PRAIRIE VIEW, lt-dg-ait-a bcoe u ofAmer- ica's funemnoat b r ands. Owucre who once utse HARR-IS OILS use t-boit alwayp. Tlaeee lubricant, meke oatîiied custômers nd natislied u-ustomers in- c-rouse t-rade and asld t-o profits. h le s awell-knowis fact t-bat t-be soot-deposit fonmiug elemeuts are elint- inaetlut-ho greatest pas- sible degnee. Tiierefore ILARRIS OILS an. honest lubricaitti safa t-o boy and safe to recom-ttnld. Gasoline Engine Cylinder Qils MADE IN 'R -IREE GRADES LIGHT ]KEDIUX HEAVY Ail one prièe per gallon ln quantities aR follows: BGît.- Malf Shîs. 2-6 Gai. ',. aGals. I aI 60 Gale. 3-36 Gais 'ts. in cae . 12 le. case 600. 65c. 70c. 75c. 800. BbIl. 10o lb. 12ô lb. Trans Compound "DÂRIK GRAD" 10Lbs. Oh. 25 Lbe. 90e lb. $1.50 $3.50 Trans Comnpound 5 Lis. 10 Lbs. 25 Lbs. 60 Lbs. 60 Lb.. 87.00- Gear and Transmission 011 Where aheavy bodied où is preferred to a éompoovnd Çbis. - lf able. 6 Gais. i Gal. 60 Gala 30-85 Gaia. in case 12 in.carne 45c - 50C 60C 65e Superlhested Steam Cylinder Oil Fgor Stan ley and Wbite Steamers Obla. Mail' bsAl. 2-5al. 5 Gala. I Gal. -50 Gais. 4-»04 GIs. in case in case 12 In ca,. 60 6q70o 15C soc Motor a.ud Graphite GreaaeS 1bRila. SLba. 10 Lbe.. 25 Lbes 60 Lba 12e lb. $1.00 $1.75 $83.75 -$7.00 H. tHall', Jr. - LocàaJoýbbW Librtyvi1eIiP ilLý Physican and Sutgeen Dl, C. L MoALLm" omAY uoun.-fom i1 0 a à d 6 tb 8 p. m PAUL AC GUPPI. ATICaIE AT LAW. DL GOLDING DIIUTIST sobre 8 60 12 &a. u.-15 p.M. J. £K T Bilin wltb Dr. J. L.Tlr-hae19 fit.e.Phoné 1092 Ubeitvwlése Illinots DL 2EL LSMITFL DENTIET. 3VZE LAIL W>UXTY cATIOIAL DAMU Oum-.s te:u a. M. a Ito, 5 p. DR. 1. L .TAYLOR. OFYNUE OTUE X. ria. Ta."OS3L 0 mnu:-? t10-a. M. 2 ta 4 sud a 10 8 P. M. . aw.dewae tm Broadway. oppouta Park. t.lo.r[3Tù a. .lao*. DR. Ce V. SMITHI - GENILRAL PRACTICE itour 8 10 10 a. m. 2 o 4tand 7 to 85P.m. at5rerove, "Y un.tore store. OI'ECIÀL ATTENTION1 TO TUE I£ LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MLARTIN C. DECICER officé Opp. l StS.Electile station Office Phone 84H-> lt.. phone 1360R NO>:T9 ('11 ICAGO. 1 LINOIS GATZERT & POILE AUCTIONEER Lia«RrvvitLE, - . LKOi j arm Slnes 8old ut onigurnent Saleu Soid ut - 2.. VWrite or Piion 278 W 1 STRADIVARIUS VIOLIN - 11 Egoleut tose ani in pewfea =~ tien. Couil s.unl ou trial Write to Alisa Bflthia W. bardis. Route No. fi, Roe»a, Kam W. H-. APPILEYl Auctioneer FARI SALES OS~E PER CENT Lîbertyville, Ili. PH-ONE 143. PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING cloeest attention pald to arrainuiig auction gaieii and be8t resute ina band]-' ing mo Alil kuds of hom, .wagon. tand À barnese lfor @ahv or exeIbange ut ail tintýe@. HENRY SINE Phone.~ 148 or 48 ZION CIY. ILL F. Grshhe. Tel. 261UL,2 h? ry.tahe . .sa Grabbe & LaughMr EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEEIRS Live Stoc k and Fa cm Sales a Specialty. F'OR REFERENCE CNE OUJT MD IIEAR US F. BAU RSTOW Marble -and Granite Monumeni s Ccmetery Work of Everyt Description Correppoudence -olited 1l6Geç3nesee st Wlukeitàu Ooniîn taik over asd me. our inadel éli1é. eoi ver. LaUYVLELinuzza N. Fol hap &Iw FON bW t lot 4 lake. ville. FOR lu i FOR 1800 1200 FOR W4om FOR moyen Inqit FOR POIS breed FOR and - outi o'gn 'OR InIprî FOR Mode 'SLflwr FOR tRie I FOR Germ - Ant ternu nuint const servi ao i N, uns ber 1 pendý lutr N. No real' gbus Lit*i BWaI )dey romd ViI II ou t wori '10f 01 à ,%.Il [il

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