~~AKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN &voU. XX.-NO. 30 PART TWO: LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRJDAY, APIIIL 26, 1912. TOUR PAGES $ 1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOE. " TI3RROR STRICKEN WOIEN'RUS1I FROM BlOXES;_EXPLOSION PARMERS NEAR PLEASANT PRAIR. IE BLAUT STUMPS WITII Dy- NAMITE, CAUSE PANIC. FEAR 0F A DISASTER POWDER COMPANY AT PLEASANT PRAIRIE WILL RESUME WORK ABOUT SEPT. FIRST. Terror strlcken. farmers reslding in the. aelghborhood 0f Pleasan-.-Prairie. Wlis., rushed frorn their homes about 8 oclock Tuegday evening wben the groU]d on whicb their hornes stood w&&s shaken as If b>' a giant powder, explosion. The-sbock of the ex ploision Wall to fit bY a few Waukegan resi- Inquliles b>' the SUN revae h tact that farmers residlng north of the village, which homes the worlds larg test powder ranufacturing plant. were lsatlng stumps witb dynamite. No damase han been reportdt date' Frons leasant Praiiecames the Word that the. Laflin Rand Miii. wili resume operations on or about Sept. 1. New factor>' buildinsbv been vrected. New pouder orge vaults have been bult In thse ground. The capacit>' of these powder vaultz a lnfoti as lamge as those ufed In tise past. A large number of reidenta of the village have placed their bornes ona Use, "for sale" nmarket. Tlsey fear a repri tition of thse explosion of 1911 lead to thia move. The shock of thse explosion Tueida>' nigt was fet by july 300 Waukeganý residenta. *'it's the powder mil-etuto tbe bouse. The riddle of tuse roasile tb.e me sale place,' was tise exclama.- tions beard by a SUN reporter. No powder bas boem manufactured ai th. Plessasit Prairie plant for over a yesr. Powder manufactuiing ma chinery la being shipped loto Pleagant Prairie thia week. $hoc"a Felt Hors. At ]eut three Waultegan familles laut nlgisi thougt that tise pouderi mllsa a Pleiant Prairie bad again been destroYed b>' an explosion as the>' sa>' that the>' felt two distinct ibocks and looklng toward thse north tbeY saw flashes <sf tire. Thse familles vbo report having heard the shockes nueile on Edwards street. Their namea are: Mr n. d Mrs. Frank Lainson. 202 Edwirdm treet. Mr. and Mn. Ftrank Zimmerman, 208 Edwarde îtreet. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Harilton, 206 Edwsrde itreet. Thme @bsocks are reported to bave been feut at about 8 oclock and 8:30 Isaar nght. The two shocltO 'vere about tue minutes apart. The>' sbook tbe three bouses andi rattled the dissee sd in»'tmre vays vure simllar te thos e frt bere about a year ago. It Io nov belleved tisat the>' must have been caused b>' the îtump blasting nean Pleasant Prairie, although ir oseeras strange that tise sioclc sioula have been no distinct. TWO PAIRS 0F TWINS ARE BORN Mr. and Mrs. Isa<ior De Meyers el Pive Points, are tise proud possessore cf twins, a boy o! eigit pounds asd a girl ueigbing nine pounds. Tise tvlîi vere bora tiIs Mc)rntng- This le the second time witin a tem days that Ivins have been bora Ir LaIt.. count>'. as it vas but a fev dai &go that Mrs. Kate OLear>' of Lakf Forest announced tise arrivai cf twinB I vas tise second Uime that Mne.. ( Lear>' iad made sucis announoement Tise Brnt vins 4d i ovver. DOG SUFFERIED HYDROPHOBiA Word vas received fnom the PsE leur Instituts, Chicago, toda>'te thl effect that tise dog klled b>' WlIllsi MoL2anne>' vas suffrlng from hyduc phobia. Thse dog bit several canine iefenet vas kllled. Commissions Atterber>' uarni dog ovners te ki their pets If lb.>' are bitten by tt dcg. s&hot b>' MOCane>'. Thee headc tise dot uig sent te tise Pateur l @t1tite fS examnation b>' Dr. Bmitî s k WOODMEN INCREASE IS BLOCKED IN STATE BY ACTION 0F LE6I1SLÀTURE WAUKEOAN PEOPLE ASK INVESTIGATION 0F LAKE STEAMERS WILL *vELCOME INQUIRY TO FIND AT SPRJNGFIELD WEDi. * .sJnrIawn __________MANY BMATS ARE ICROWDED NE'W %OVE M4ADE BY The House Passed Donahue Measure Wh!Ch 131 STEAMERS WîLL LOBE BU81. INSUJI IN ELECTRIC Provides Members of Fraternal Orders Must NESS1 UNLESS MORE PRE- be Gîven Prîvilege of Votung on Proposed CAUTIONS AR TAKEN LIGIIT HOLDINGS Increase of Rates-Affects Many Waukegan people are inlerested In spelalto be UNtro Sping gecyclasebuttha wl i ~ thte iithat la bcntnade fir Papejrs were fOed ln Spririneld on A 8peial t the UN fom SpIng- ency laus, butthat ill ot aninveeigatinIofTueidaeamesncreaslngay ntheai capitalaitol ftth flo aninistiatlti ! lke teaers fllilnois Northern ltiittlseaoenxpan1y feld toda>' shows that the flgt againet effect the bill. Thse onu>' speech lowîng the disaster lible feilither troua $1,000 to $20,000- The tee pald the increased Woodman rates has beemdeo this bill was by Mr. steams.hip Titanic. That the oaners to the state was $20,000. wnby the insurgent Woodmen ins- onhe who lntroduced thse fat u i prvids, hat beoresocetil, eners.Thebil wil pse he rot iake boats bave beeti crriess alth The Illinois Northurn was incorpora ina> Increaie their rates the>' must soenate withoui doubi. 'regard to lite-savIng faýi]hîjes la ai ted a few weeks ago hy Sainuel Insuli rst ask members te vote On ftte pro, If the senatu liasses the measuru 'known tact but because ua]l]ioats have I binethe psa cit ho tIl use i to con îîosed change. tIere lu what the tel,- as It now apîlears certain the>' Wîlî oeen smlarly neglîgentdt tiîlecauâe bn h illcttl o a sl grmBy:it means that the insurgent Woodmen .~ a CÀra<l , e<d a nunUser oif iies and towns ln tbe grmsy:have won titeir fight over the action eewsn eIresi o eae territor>' wcît ofthIat sert cd by the Springfield, 11th1.a cmplenicgo CT ng that a change be inadel, Wa1ke- Public Servii-e complan>' of Northern SUN:oftehacapiChcg.C . The ousethiemomig pane IIetdecl<er ofibtis city was a delegate gan peoplie were passisc, rut itow thb ý lîiuoýs. Jut abat properties are to the bill Introduced by Rep. D. D. 0 Sprintgfield, sent Ibere te lobby fol declare that unlen es uknc iîheoais takedcli t Donhu e Blomngonth ~ tbe bill. which bas now passed the more pains to protect Ultes o! stale, a.. negotiat Ions for sorte of titern Donahe of loomigtonthehps. vflof tcbeen completed. sage of which was urged b>' the house and whihb tends 1e prevent sud their itassengers that tlt,'îmatil refuse Another Insuil contpany, the Public Insurgeunt Modem Weodmen bf den inreases in fraternal societ>' raies 1 to paîronize boats. Servic-e of Nortbern lllinoî0, annottn Amorica <who had it introduced) Waukegan people ha'. îtravellcd on ces a new stock Issue. The directors w*ich prohibite fraternal orders WED WEDNESDAY MORNING scores of excursion toat. oit aicît te have aitborized the sale of an antotînt frmm Incressing iheir rates of ln- 1lIfesavlng facilities wcrc tery mea- of new 1referrcd stock eqîtal te 25 jet surance prier te Jan 1, 1915 and Miss Nelîte tDoyle and C'harles Br)eijger and on whicb it aniidbaNe buen cent o! the aititunt of commoît and ater that period the>' can sub- lof Wadbaortit sere untted in mar-limpossîle te save livsu it case of a îruferred now oîtstandIng. mit Ilt the question te a referme- Mage thîs ntorning at 9 oclock at the IdIsabter isimla&r te te oune hich be- This ahi make a total o! aboift $3, dum votcetftthe membars of the Wadsworth cburch, Rev. J. Bl. Foie>' tell the Titanic. Few otf thet' ulr- 500,000 tei be Put out. organization; the bill wass mend- ociating. F'fty friends and relatives ion steamers are etîp il a d ilh lite- It la îndcrslood tat the ncw issue cd so au te include in it provi. . acre prescri. Miss Doyle la the hboats and the numlîer of ifebelts la is te pa>' for ncw propeclic.a' and for sions eni>' organizations havlng a dautghter of Mr. and î. Michael ver>' limited. In maîn, insances the gencral comîtan>' ptrposes. membeeshlp ef 75,000 or r S. Ia> le. Mr. and Nrs. Byre will bu at lifebelts have been cxîroved to the It did nt paie wth the emer- home on the Graves farrn afttr May 1. elernenîs so long that thcî have bu- àbl*,, 111ri%-- 11"l WIIISTLES *OFFER 1, OOD "SIDE LINE" tTO LAUNDRY OWNER BOYS BRANDED AS BUROLARS BY JURY IN CIRCUIT COURT corne tboroughly rotten and would not sustain a person. These conditions steamer tbat bas put in le the lo"a barbon. Sorne o! the larger steamers on the lakes are more carefîtl, btut Il la' believed heru ibat none of tem have sodicient facilities 10 stuc ail the lives of the pasengers tai oten are carried. DELIVERV WAGONS AND AUTOIGORDON FRALEIGH AND LAW. TRUCKS AT HIGHLAND PARK RENCE SCHAFFAR GUILTV ON OLD RESIDENI ARE THE FIRE DEPT. IDEA IS A UNIQUE ONEI1SENTENCEDTOREFORMATORYI INTEREST1,NG EXPERIMENT le UNLESS NEW TRIAL 18 GRANTEO SEING TRIEO OUT WITH TH-E THIS WEEK THEV WILL BE BE8T 0F RE.SULTS. TAKEN TO PONTIAC. A pair of Highland Park business 1 Gordon Fraleight. agcd 19, and Law- men are rnaking the most unique Bideý rendu Schat!ar, aged 16 years, the two line te their business oni rbcord. boys arrested Februar>' 2, on charges The>' bave made the blowing of tise 0f enteriîtg the residence of Sarahs J. fins whistle a sort of by-product of a Whltcomb in the town of Lake Bluff, steain laundry. More than that, the>' vere branded as burgiars b>' a Jury ce have converted tiseir deiiver>' wagoui n tecici cut aInuaa> t and auto trucks Into combination fire r h ici or aeTedyee re engines and soon will bu the whale ig, and were sentencedi to an In- fg ine department of the noris shore su- definite term lutise state retormator>' It burb. at Pontiac, Il la The tovn offioens 1bought la fire Botb boys will bu iseld prisoners a6 capacit>'tisatise>' didn't have steam brated thein twent>-first birtitdays. enougb to blow as mucb as a twitter. The case vent to thse jury at 6:30 Tise>' put It on tise vater wonka boili Tueda>'. Immediatel>'te jurer8 adt jer. Tise works are ituated unden tise journed te the Hotel Wasbburn vitene bluffjked vhen tise vind blev arrose tbev tatI Itincheon. Tisu> returned te the lake, ne one could iear the tine tise court room about 8 oclock and aý orwiistle at ail. 13o thu>' gave tise bg 9:30 reported tbat tise>' ad reacbed ra bras, contrivance te the St. Peter a verdict. Odbrothers. wiso run a laundr>'. and visen Tise boys ditI not wilt wben tise> a ope la pulled Usre la a blast that huard thte verdict. Neev>' te the end can be huard frorn Waukugan 10 Wind. tise two boy burglars Bat vils smiles 'w son Park. on thir faces while tise clerk read lnBut ibis vas onl> tise beginning. tise verdict. Thu>' were 1usd fror thse Y" WheunSt. Peter equipped hie wagon& court ro b>' onu of tise baliffe. e vils cierical appanatus, be placed a Tisir attorney, Elmen V. Orvis, Biled 18 big brasa squire gun oin eaois ide of a petition for a new trial. Dthu veiicle and is aute trucks fairl>' Unlesas the new trial la granted thse t. bristle witis new fangled spray shoot- two boys wilI bu taken te Dentine uns. Wisen thene le a fie St. Peter Saturda>' morning. gels tise llet tip andt ien gratte tise cord of!his steam vbst.le. He bleus A once ton tise First yard. twlce fer tbe TRANSFERRED TO Ssecond and three times for tise Third. PITTSBIJRG, PA. and so non. Th drivers of tise van.ý ukou, wagons andI trucks constantl>' keep lie thein ears cocked. Eugene Thompson. isead chemnist for m Viben Use>' hear their maste's bIasaI vo years at the Waukegan plant of rO tse>' drop Use venk of collecting solit- the American Steel and I Vre corn- es est linen and race fer tise fire. ItsO pan>', tas been transferred te tise plant ler aIl out wtb tise fire ln a juffy. at Pittsburg, Ps., He vilil eave Wauke- [Il Tise other day thse laundr>' wagons gan on on about Ma>' 1. Mr. andI Mn. th beat a jul>' equipped Oire department Thc.mpson are wll-knovýn ln Vaulcu- ef on a run to Ravinla and anuffed out gan. On man>' occassions Mns. Thomp- In- ________________ son bas delightud Viaukegan musie Z.,- -i levers b>' ber singiiig. I1AS ASSED AWATý Auguste I.rclic. 7 0 ycars old, a ruai1- dent o! Watikcgaît for the last twenty- Oive yeara passed away ai his home early this morning.le leaves besides hie wife, one darîghter. Mlre. William Senft and one sistcr iiu the old coun- try. Hie long residence ln Waukegan bas made Nr. berche onu of the best known residents ot the cil>' andI bis dernise ls genurally regnetted. The ar- rangements for the funeral have flot yel been comîlcted. Tonigbt the Waukugan Maie Quar- lette are golng to assist ln a bençflt at the Barrison. to be given for the Titanic sufferurs. The>' will Ring at both shows. Nanager Tournier bas been requested to sing 'Good-Bye, My Love, Good-Bye," wrtten b>' Ernest Bail, as the sldes are ver>' beautiful te, tiis song, the>' wlll be used ln con- nectien. If you bave not already ru served youn seat you can do en b>' telepbonlng to 810 betveen 5 and 6 o'clock Ibis afiernoon. Tise musical numbers wiiili e given In addition to the regular performance. A number of Waukegan residunts received post cards Ioda>' !rom Frank H. Just. former editor o! tise Wauke- gan Dal>' Sun. FIND DAUGHTER; TAKE HER HOME Miss Kaiburine Schililing, 17 years[ old, 3142 Noth Kirniaîl avenue, Ci cago, vitosu disappearaulce Sunda>' eve ning alarmed ber parents, vas taken back b>' ber father lait nigist from Waukegan. wture site had spent Use last two days. Acconding ta Adolpis Scblllng, fathur of te girl, she came to Waukegan 10 searcb for vork. Yes- terda> site learned Ibrougis reading a nevspaper accounit o! tise anxiet> se had caused and sen.L a telegram 10 bher matiter. 1. The funural o! Gertrude De Vries of >the NMiwaukee noad, vas ield tii )morning at il o'clcck. at Use Hol>' eFamil>' cbtrcb at Norths Chicago. In terinent ln St. Mai78 OeMten>'. DKIVEN I1<UM DIS 1WORKBY FANATICS D. A. William s. 20 years aId., em- ployeýd as a shIfIlling clerk a, the Cleary-%White Construction contîany of Zion City, waïK drivun front Zioit Wed- neada>' mornlng, bu say , by a Itum- ber a!religlous fanai t o carged ,tim with baving corrupted morals o! ttec Ity by 'snmoking tobacco. The boy arrived in Wattkegan sh ortl>' after 9 o'clock. lie was wltb- oui1 board or bcd. lits parents are Zion residents. Accordlng 10 the story toldbIote SUN b>' Williamts, bu was seated in the office a tîhe ('lear>' Wh<bte factry smoking a pilîte aben a nitiner of fa- nattcs entered te place. They itlite- y told hlm 10 qutit the dt. Ie waur advisud by frienda 10 compi>' alîn the nrdi<r. At neon Ioda>' Williams was closet ed witb a Wautkegan attorney'. The at- torney advlsed hlm 1u return 10 bis home In Zion and promlsud to rupre sent hlm in court in case bu was ar rest4ed. The Waukegan attorney' ii anxions, Williams claimi, 10 make a test case andtisl anxious 10 have Wil liains aê defednant. The boy bas made Zion bis home since F'ebruary 1. WOODMEN RATE. t UP IN CAPITAL' SUtringOueld, Ill., ýspri1 23.-Ifutur- ences of Insurgent members of the 'Modern Woodrnen of Amerîca and INs IC.Aq mUm-TTIF ID à. 31 mum Sudden and Unezpected Climax to The Zion Illegal Voting Cases Today whea Attorneys "Get Togetherl" and Court is Asktd tb Fine Each Filteen Defend- ants $ 10 and Costs, or About $3 5 Éa-ch, and iismUSS Cases' A gains Sv enty-Five Others. Frais Wednesday'. Delly. According te an agreement cffectedgreateErt victories won b>' a represen- ioda>' betwee n the attornecys repre-Itativu of the puoplu ln years. The senting thé one hundred ninety-two cases aill bu settled outI of court writh- Zoon City people under indictrment forlo011 addilional cost tintthe taxpayers alieged illegal voting at 11* municipal of the count. Had the one hundred clection held Apri 18, 1911, and States r, and ninety-two Zionites. under Iiidict- Attorney Ralph Dady of Waukegan, ment, plead "mot gullty" tbe coet cf the cases will be scttlcd oui ef court, trial to the taxpayers of Lake count>' This la dons on thse condition that would havu been sornetbing enormous. ach efthte defendants pladu gutî tot The tapayers have Ralph J. Dedy. thse charge. About fitteen of thse de- state attorney' of Lake count>'. Pauli fendants will bc given a fine of $10 MacGluffn of Llbetyville, John D and cote or approximatel>' $35. Thse pope of Waukegan, and Attorney cases against the other acvcnty-five liarnes of Woodstock,111I., te tbausk for will bc disme d b>' the eiste. ln ail[te victor>' won today. Mr. Bannes in there wcre one hundred nincty.twe In. the legal representatlvu of Wlhbur dictmcnts but in man>' cases tiser. are Glenn Voliva, and it was through bis two charges agaînsi one man. persuasion that thu men under Indict- Mr. Dady* cxplained toda> thaitishe ment agreud te, sttie out of court. cases of allcged perjury and consp1r- Tht ruet rsne > aho acy will not be scitled in tisis mner hfour leading attorney,, before but will bc prosecuted by hlm. lttdgc Reckhow ln favor of an Imnie- Great Victer>' for Siate. POLICEMEN WAIT FOR A. PIINTOM IIERO 0F SPANISJI AMERICAN WAR WAS SALOON BUREiJAR CRITICALLY INJURED FLASH 0F LIGHT AND DRILL LIKE LAWRENCE F. MUNROE, OF FORT SOUND CAUSED THREE POLICE SHERIDAN, FELL OR TMROWN MEN TO SEEK ROBBER. OFF KEN08HA CAR. WAS MERELY BEER PUMP 1 tELPED TO "BOTTLE" FLEET THIS FACT WAS NOT EXPLAINEO UNTIL POLICEMEN HAD WAIT- ED ABOUT 30 MINUTES. l'broc Waukegan police aiiost catîght a burgiar red-handed last nigitt. Tisat Is. tite> wotîld bave caugbt a burglar if there badl been one. The>' were on the job alright and l would have buen ratber tough for a ruaI bîîrglar If te bad put ln an appear- ance. I..aat nigbt about midnight, Police nman William Davis passud the Tirno- th>' Keile>' saloon on Madison sireet. A peculiar sound greeted bis trained' ear.< It sounded ike a steel drill being nsud. As bu iooked a small ligbt flashud up lu the rear o! thse saloon but il vas Impossible ta sue tho ln terior because of the curtains. head officers wure airud betoru the He steppud close t0 thu vlndow. A bouse this aft ernoon. The bouse, aitlfew moments later te light Inside ting as a committee of the vitole, lis- vent out asud IthrilIing ndlse oeased. mnIs b>' members af the order for andI against the Donahue bil) prevent. Ing the rate incresse announced b>'te1 Woodmen trom bucomîng effective un- tif' Jan. 1, 1915. APPOINT MILK INSPECTOR. Cammiasioner Cari Atterber>' and Cil>' Plysician J. C. FoIe>' met te civil service commission at night andI it vas agreedtl t appoint Alex Cramond as milk inspector. Il vilI bu Mr. Cnammond's dutyto 0Inspect al daines and tarma viticis turniais milk 10 Waultugan. Botb Commisioner Attenitury andI and hurrying 10 the police station a few test ava>- Informed Desk Sur- geant Frank Tyron taI burglars vers tIrilling the safe in the Kelie>' saloon Policeman Albert Nelson vas suin- monud and stationed at the ruar et te saloon while the otiser two police officurs, reolvers dravn, took a stand befonee i-Iont door. The>' vaited for nearl>' thirI>' minutes but tisere vas no turîher noise on light from tise Inside. An attumpt Was made to gel Mîr. Keiley on the teluphono but the effort was flot successftîl. At last the mattur vas explained to tise offil- cers andI the>' gave up Usir vigil The tacts In tisa case vere explain- Dr. Foley Impres's upon the people el fuli>' toda>'. Mr. Kelle>' bas just the need of a general dlean-up and Ilnstallad a new automnatlc air purnp the people are lb be given Ibis weuk visich ia used ln pumping compreasefi 10 do it volunlarily. People are re- air int barrels of beer. Titis ls used quesled 10 bumn tp papers Instuad ot, inatead cf Use oltI compressed air' dumping ibeni into te ravine 10 bu tanks viticis are used ln tise majorit>' [blown about. Thse cIl>' also inîendg 10 a! saloons. sue tisaI no organic malter ls dumpedj lnto tise ravine. 1 (COntinued on Page 3.) WAS ONE 0F THE MEN SELECTED 9V HOSSON AT TIME THE MER- RIMAC WAS SUNK. L.awrensce F,. tlunroe. o! Fort Sheni- dan, III., said to bave been one of tise brave men, who vas witis Commander Hobsan at the tImu the old ccii mse, Nerrlmac, vas sunli in the môuth or Santiago barbor, during tise Spanisis- American var, witb a view of botillng up the Spajissi fluet, met wh serions injuries ln Kenosha last night, and la nov In thte Kenosba hespital bovering buîtween ife and deatb. esuffering Irons a fracture St the base o! bis skull ansd severe InternaiIinjuries. .Nlnroe, who ls ernployed as a civil engineer b>' Unole Sam and ststioned at Fort Sheridan, teli or waa tlsroun from a street car at tise corner of Msarket and Asbiand avenues, K6ssosbL lie struck the curb stone vîtis great violence and while bu va, confcions for some lime after he bad hemes ik- ed up b>' membera ofthtie car crew te afterwarda lapsed into unconacloe- nesa and did flot regain bis senim u- tl laie Inlte night. Munrce hld been In Kuenoaba on business and issd plan- ned to return te Fort Sheridan on au' ulectric car leaving the C. & N. W. station-just after 10 o'clock. He got on a weet bound car cf thse Kenosisa Electric RIaila> compan>' ai Market square and visen tise car reacb- ed tise corner of Ashjand avenue It swung round to make thse trip on Grand avenue. Maunrevas standing on tise platform and evidénti>' notlcing bis mîstake bui made an effort te «el off the car 1n catch the car MDUnnln we8t on Mlarket sîreut. Just as the car swung round thse Ce. fier he jumpud off and vas thr6W against the curt. An ambulance vWU called and hc was rernoved te tis eK. nosta bospital and pn. OGegIL Ttompson was called tc attend is. icontinued on Paue L) (ï 't iCantinuied on Page n.) (ComUnued on Pue 3.) This, without question, ls one of the BURGLARY CHARGES. "Il ! A fLAI à %/