Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 May 1912, p. 9

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i. UOIJ N-TY INDEPENDENTr j WAUKEGAN WEEKLYIIý SUN VOL. XX. -NO. 32. PART TWO. LIBERTeVJLE, IL., FRJDÂY, MAY 3, 1912. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA&-N-Lt Rlable Inormant Dedanrs Tilt Vos Loasse Dosa Not Proýent ths itai etf 4 Tobace PROHIBITS MANUFACTURE AND SALE, TRAT IS ALL IfSuci Is Ti Casu, Ail This Molliet About Smoklnias latsSein Mre Bunk. HaaltUbs i"hollerng" for 0o mauy y.ars about smoking n ZMon City been mer. "bunir Did DowIe and Volîva mereiy -put It ovef" the publie Whio carsd ta.nuicke ln th. oity? Thatthhcy made goosi hta àlarge .xtent ls ahowu bythe. tact the a lSIy monl haiIng butine«a ln Mon seer $Ince t wu@ astablioh*d have cravsd .amokes and oraved them until they ament faluted but ln mot cases they adlssred to the suppossd unbreakabl. lac. Lsaae Doesnt Provîde. The SUN cas today Iniarmesi hy a mua forxnety onnectes!dii thsele. ga.i hpotuseut 0ofZMan tint t bas T m h.. al huncore, tisaItisere a i.nati- lut ta lb, 1100 year lana, sib" for- bIde smoking n tise cty OfZMons. Tisera s suanrdînsuce. ch w cs drawu n caxpliance cit thesup- poeed km», . hic s asys ana dare Dot sissoke. But, tise choi ssue ha aicays hiagas! on tise provisian supposes! ta ba fausd la tise benne, prohibitlng amncking ln tise citY- Now, t-le Informant of the SUN aays thie» leas meraiy farbis! tue MANU- FACTURE AND SALE of tishaco au luid«Umasesi under the. 1100 year plan but ha deciarea k asys nothing about USE 0OPI'OBACCO ON THAT LANDj Samsuel W. Packard, ana ai tse i branait iacyers ln dslcago, cas Dr. Docte'. att>mey a&siho la saidi ta 'bave refusas! to embody the NON- USE of tobao n tiheoese because. hoetotktUil, luke sainse otiers of Docles iMens, cousis!not bo hld con- ittutlo»sL Tieretore, lio pravented tise sale aud manutactureaoftotaacco but @aiS nothini ofthtie use oait lu the loess, chichh asbeeu t-e eture of Zon's lite. Thus, If tise lease Us nucoasirital lu thiss tattar. tsasthe ordiluance ta not bases un Lie Jeune na.boasalcsys beau auppuases. The edaim le tisaI Ducle sprung tisa bluff tsat tue ieae cuveres lihe ue of tabacco sud t-ba bUs luff aicayatod because tise cases cere never orriesi ta t-Ue iigse courts. To Decîde TI.m. Tiser. are nue t-ca cnoenn circut caurt ans it la snid tiat Lt ls plaues te ruas tiem ta triai ansitier. the leeeees ciiiha siocn ta provotiser. la nothitng agaînt tha use oftotbac. ca on =yg leases! landilu ZMon. It la saIs!that Packarsi taid Dada tbat a man could nsot b. restriatesi aet t chat- le Mudon hi, ocu landsansud sien tisat a cty ordnneo could not b. made legal chiais sought ta prevent- him ding certain thins on ie socn land chieh is isdt âbormmotisera Tise dlacoSure, made. above are lu- fereetiug andi rather eenetional be. cause tise 55oný@5oie feature bosal-i cays been exploites as tise big fest-sre of the les«ansd o Dale's tacu, SOHOOL CLOSES TERM Theis. Rac scsua, near ZMon City, clusesi Munday ct a peutcecisicli cas baUd ln tise ,saoi roa. Foiioc- lng a prograni ani Arbor day exa,' clams a mbner of tres ere pisutesi hy thea pupls. We are sarry to hear tisat Miss M, DeLany cii ll ot be cithi us anther year--Contributed. MILK ýPRICE DROPPED TO SEVEN CENTS, TODAY, BUT SCARCITY MAY FORCE IT HuilER, DEALERS STATE Thus the Joy that Accompaoied the Drop Today May beShort Lived-Bowman Plant atG(ur. nee Whlch U ses Five Hundred Cans of MlIk DaIIy Is Blamed Partly. Wkth the price of meat soar an aimost unheard of zenith the news wau couveyed ta Wsi bouewivea today tbat the Vr one necesslty has beeu lessen., cal miii dealers today annout drap ot ami cent a quart for mi price naw heing 7 cents,. however. are very optlmlstlc au my that (here la nu telling wh price rnay -be booted haci' tea mer scale and perbape even hi Mllk Ue SCarce. One mli dealer lu expiainù situation taday deciared that t a great scircty of miii at tiý eut Umne. This, he says. ia due tact that the coid weather ha the grau. trom growiug, andInlu aiiowing their herds te go out ture, dairymen have beau ohl kep the cows lu the hern aa them on dry grain. ln uthera there bas been a superebunda mil at this Urne. The miii producers. howevg together and lowered the price loal dealers and they in turu the priceone cent per quart, WOODRE9 TAKE STEFS TOR AISE I TO F1UT RA LAKE COUNTV WOODMEII VARIOUS CAMPS ON $EU AT GRAVSLAKE TUESM PLEOGE INSURGENTS DELEGATES DECLARE SEEMe SATUSFUED Wll THE NEW RATE SCMI Woadusen tram variaus1 Laie couuty and smre troni sin tocns, gatheresi lu t Woadmsu hal Tuesday che heard C. T. Heydecier of W explaln tise insurgent Woodi situation. heard hlm urge1 "stick te tise order" and nfot.q absoluteiy driven out hy the Tihen,,tcomnbcof thei snAs tisat tise deiegaies agreed their lasiges to taie 10 cents1 ber out of tis e spective tonds ut Laie county camps, the fundi chicis the Insurgea, wili neesi lu igistlug thîs save the order and isoat the ficers. Ties tate sonate Is expeci. tise bi111 reguiating fraterusi aI le next- session, but, tie jost then startesi, accurdinx Heydecier. He says tisea have te keetpiiigglug acy1 ly untîl tise next boead camp1 and tisen tise Insurgents cil loIninlutise movament ta s2 salves. Tise delegates so entbosiasm aver Mr. He statements andi rom reporte county camps tfelthiIt the plan la nat satlsfactory. A quiet feeling prevails tI passes, C. T. Heydecier, anc tan lu the isoad camp of sisoulsi be soved aheasi hy County Waodraft as a lai date for tise pusit-ian agil Lanybody macs sunytilg ab craftise duses and, ctis af ah ane lime savesi tise 0 lromn. He seems a lugical rtise place and couisi raliy ring to tom that aiways prevalis at tbis tirne PLUBERS'AND TiIUIR EMPLOYERS ARE IN A LOCK-OUT TMREE YEAR AGREEMENT EX- P'RED TUESDAY NIGHT AND 18 NOT RENEWED. AIL OUT BUT ONE SHOP, EMPLOYES READY TO GRANT A RAISE ASKED BUT KICK ON OT=RDEMANDS. Ail piambers, ezceîting those em- pioye,1 by Arihur lÀui>on, are flot workimg today. lu tact there is a tie- T IIORSE TIIIEF IS BOUND OVER AFTER ADMITTIN6 TUEFTS WAS APPREMENDED 'IN RACINE TMURSDAV BEFORE TMEFT HAD BEEN REPORTED Sheriff Green and Deputies Order- Zion Police Not 'to Intertere Wlth Voliva's Crusaders and Police are. Withdrawn to Permit Volivaltes-té Pass to Meeting, Place-*Voliva Scores Two Important Points. le joyful Of year. ul, of plumbing wark in, the city as as uiegan Shortage In Chicago. reauit uf falre of an agreemntbe- SCORE TWO FOR OVERSEER VOLIVAI rIce Of lle erxlained that thler la a grue- lng rgached betwef the iaumfbers The..much-denouncsd, mucli worshiped, muoh-Ioved, much-h«ta4,MUCWi edt- 10- Ing shortage 'ot mik iu Chica-go and and tiser employez. MADEÇOMPLETE CONFESSION vdiified, much-praIsed overseer of Zion City marked down two hom.-rùme nced a adds that unies. this lIo satislied -acoun Te woriSem rpioyed by Lee Mce-_________ hi@ score sheet today. ili, the thaet Chicago dealers wIii begIn taofut Donougix, james Sarnuon, Fd Lyosss The. Indepsndents, on the other bond, chalk*ddown two put-4uts, bot Deaers, fer faucy prices for miii' which wii and George LOUt am takilig a day off MAN WHO MAS BEEN KNOWN AS game Usaflot yet flnished. In base-ball partance, t lwilU b. an eleven IninUs oi~ Lnd they proveta tempting for Lake couunty ani the day men a b. raonged cons l d- NUCK CARTER SAYS AEIR -ttand may have*ta bc calied off on account of the darinesa. . rhu the miliii roducers ta resuit and the resuit alîy, providfiug the. meeting heid late RICHARD COTTERELL. Mers are developmcnts of today, ts for- il beo tha local mik dealers wiii lie taday doe net bring ote sort of ________ FIRST: Sheriff Elmer Green and Deputies Clînton Green and ILE... lgher. unabie ta get epougix miii to suPPly anunuden'tsndlflg. Griffu went te Zion Ctya«t daybreak today and the. outeome of thoîr vs-~ their customers. lu this eiigeflcy Wsges Net the Issue. Richard Cottereil (ailias Mci Car- ihat the sheriff plainîy toid Mayor Miller and Chlst of Police Hoover 10 2 _ iung the the local dealers williho beoilged ta Tihe denand of lncreaaed wages ter) was given a preliinary hearing draw their deputies from the Northwosteru raiîroad truck.s aded lU.W-the there ta zet milii' ft an>- source passible and [rom $5.50 a day te $6 la not whit laliefore Justice Wiliam Weiss ibis Voliva crusaders te march clown the streeta te theîr lot soros rom ,tiw4aek te pres- by paylng fanci' prices wilil be obtLged t ielng matters op, TIhe employuers conu- mornlflg on a charge uf horne steel- Electrical plant and permit them te hold thoîr roligous meeting unusoltesi lakp Jtha the tacarem re. tmiim i-cede this Incxeae because tiaey know lng. lie entered a plea of guilty and SECOND: Judge Charles Whitney thîs morusîng refuéed the. ftqu.stf*W s tead a cam wanthe uruiueofmtla adhde tbey wcliinlurtom nake the ipublie y cas bound over ta the grand jury ln an injunction made by Attorney William Fabry of ZUon ln protee aginet 1Un' - ised fcmeso l rolmtia ndd-for it But, tiere are aither features bonde of $2,000. signg-boards whîch Volvalias béen temting about MIon City. tle ta u- henscagders dma hw aiio the ieutthe now contract whicb tihe employ- Cotterel or Carter as ho Io more Thus with tite day, developments, attorneys relative as tea rt seo- Luit ond Cunty roduers.e are objectlng te and it is their un- familiari> inowu. gtole three herses the Volivta fliowers wer. mont jubi- they Should taire n thse iatifor. nd ee Cont puduer. illilgneas ta aigu the agreement frein the Wakefield tarin and une tram lanit chereas the Independent faction Thresten.d te Arrest Poli... seassns Blames Big Oairy. w'hich -hm braught the tie-ul, and lu1- the McCuiiougb farm ju8t ceai ut Our- cas ratber "dowu lu t1ie mouth'" Accordlng to Independenta.s, IeSiE lance of The new $250,000 bottiing works aility ta get am agreemenat signed. ne. He was arregted lu Racine Yes- However, the ludependents have no0tiGe, enhinomdte ay whie th Etwma Botlig wrks lu ail. ton sbaps thse affected as the terday and cas brought baci' ta Wxall- by itny insane given up their battUe and Chief Hoover that th" woul ver, got have erected at Gurnee and which local agreement cavers al ot Lake kegan hy Sheriff Green yesterday. le because It 19 admittexi that theY, i have te permit VolivWs people &~ !e ta the uses ive bundred cans of mli dalY, ourty. cas caught lu Racine when haeat- soeul e es, believe thse sheriff inter. ta their meeting pace ssnmolestur . - reduced The employersud plumobersa have lempted ta dipose ut the animais. fernd with thse police departrnent and th cs Cotlud n ag S) beeu con.rriug for the pant tco The an-est was made abaut 10 tisey were today lu consutlatlon witis <coticod nus s aâ ). - -_______________________wee but idamemsthat there are saine ocloci' Tuesday. Captain Bert George TO very objectionable clauses lu the pro- of the Racine police department re- ITUi5WA<'t<'poseit agreemnt aeoording ta emploY- celved a telephone message traml the P UKIHSifl S LOT TO rs whso have refuse<,to signu îa. Tat local police asking hlm ta ieep a look- WHITE ST AR LIME 1B1G ST'L IIK c Mr. anyn eidetlysigned teOtfor the fluet chohalsoete FIJND lBE IJSED AS SITE agreement ls evideuxoed bythte tact N Tbornes.,. LE Y SL CA thatbismonwereet orktoda as CapainGeorge cas writing ducu O I BL OU . LE V SL- ÀTES FORi AUTO GARA Eln other:shopsceoreoen heir jobs Thse tbief when a telephonc message a WM. J. ELSBURY AFTER M IN T ~ i ___________conférencoe thîs afternoon -may devel- tclvd ram the ïFini' & Wilson harns op sarneting Important, but the out- lu Racine, stnting that a stranger was i4 FROM L. W. LEWIS PURCHASES PART OF ployers cere luciined ta believe tuat athr wthto oseanabuy PASSENGERS HAVE TC) SUGN CON- JAMES CORRIGAN CLMRA PO 181ON THE LEE M'DONOUGH LOT ON proiunged tieup ut cor' wouid ieadwsmin a fott ips TRACT DISCLAUMUNG COMPEN - UUMTlaNO >AY MADISON STREET. thse reenuit ot the mlsunderstandlug o! the praperty. BATION BEFORE DEPARTURE BEUNG MIRE AI.L WINTU$. as tisose cixo retused ta sîgo are llrm The police officiai hurrled lu theà. in sei reoiuios t bae crtanbarn and arrested the man who ad- AID 15 TO BUILO ATn cir esltin chaaerange mitted that 13e hadl stoien the humses Are the acuers of the Titanic lia- PeiootntrgstIueaV. __________________ near Gîrnee and the buggy tram an- hie for damges foor the fle ot WilliamrlascerotrmWiiga uther farm tln the same vlclnity. He James Eisbury, lust Witth the shlp? lgcerdfonWneahril NONE SITE BROUGH'V *5,500 AND 18 LUT. FORMAL OPENING 0F vald ho had bistched une ut the horses Are ibey fiable for darnges for hisi1 today tor Duluths for a Saso ecf*ý TM TE OER NETIRD0F RUG- ~ L5ACIRJ~g~~j ah buggy and driven nortix. persanai îîroperty? for Laie Eri.. MEH UNALE ONEID R ILOT. ILr .JUI.F1.FU1 OON tI1 Liing the louis utf Racine lie said Tisese are a tew Ofthtie questions Thxe Corrgan boasWintre la ' lie declded ta stop and maie an et- neariy every'body ha. been askilg thîs Western Ouf and Dock " "' Tise tact thaet thse sonaitu ha. heeu tort ta dispose of the pruperty. -The weei', andi nu clear answer bas beenW1 i Waui'egan le ta have a new auta- lclplc eesmwa upie ieatog alu ayr aesi n akgna otm v, Parts Ot mobile garage. ratixer backward bas prevented the wlocalhpolic iere ole at srred g11110g4vroslayr hv lp u akeasasapr nh~,- Wlaon Le MDouug tdaysod trt- ormsai opeuing ut the Wauiegan Golf ente Rce polenore advancell conflicting opiniaxns. added Impetus thereby. as ln thse iUnis but LeeiM beiiuve4 tisai tlt soclii tliem that the thiet hall a buggy and luaithe frst place. It fl; luterestlng ta vessa owners have iseen slowo oa Grayiaie eight test ut bis lot, corner Sheridan is biep laeltie ddiat i isl harxxess aise as the thefttut these arti- note that the steamslxlp compacy dis-tehusta Wuignlt U ere tie uand Madisons St., tu L. W. Lewin, mth pa e tingout themide coutry isas hall net been reîiorted. The tc claime ail liability for damages tu pas- ser bsotfor Wtis eMas ftaiti e t - auiegan frel manager ofthtie Peeie.' cu le ta be hedisinext Saturday et berses anld rlg are valxxed at consider- songera or their effecte, andi their dis- hrofLkMiignleuMamà [men rate Maret, sud M. Loe wi l erect a whlch plans for thse openlug wclii 13 abiy @ver $300. claîmer le printesi on ailt tseir tliket.s s toeaiLaie forchean s op ' et them ta two tory bick garage on the site at discussesi. I is admitted thai the ut passage. Au acean ticket le terot-- no asf o ielm Pc ýquit outil once, etartuisg prabably neat weed< pe i ii heé rai ber pretensive but edt' m by the cumpany a coutraci. and the busta. sheod ot- He Us baviug thse plana dracu and wcli openînhg corat wlii 13eIbas VOIIVA IWINS Dis White Star in, tickets cantate' thîs Late ltstfal the Western ou. rash cari clt.hail speesi. ntytb-udcdeluoclause: and Dock cornpauy oonvinoed the te tlng wa The, site purcisssed Us fantY-elgitt ytbe eidi pn A E I IU A 'eithuer tise ehtp ucuer, agent nom Siciais ofthe tie ntler Stearnhlp odU. i ta. Urge tet on Madisan atreet andi ruebaci The interest lu golf tbis yesr Pram- CA E IN WYYiILCU A passage braker ashait13e ilable ta any innY, oweers, of tuaeCorigasi, t-ha e gerai-liee ut eastaI tise Huftt$550 nd filonme heren the Coutry anubta e a'Mpasseuger carried under titis contract Wauiegau ibarbor cas sud la a st er meern-le lngus fth ute lckmt mme foradtaeaCoutyclssuiaealonk-U WA S U lT for foas,, damage, or delay ta the pas- place teiay up for tise WInter B,te go tao > Ig orar aSa csf ul b h Id d'W S.. U T songer or hi. baggage arlslng tram a. big and valuable a slsip a.t; _1 ut leaders Mr. Mct)anough bias eiglity-Sive fee mensofthe memers have payed cof___puli______eransnte_____et »td4 X hattie ta lefton Madison ets'eet. H paisi $10,- ueariy al cinter, but the majorlty at tG-dWpblcenmes ru r etsCupitli. exptine«n coad et diI s hasiai-00 <o th coietrat te yersdo net belng pay otil thse formai OVERSEER WN DECUSUON UN A or restreints of princes, rulersu e-CPSnHso s ar ttb i a e geo- .00foste w It raosen' . as w Yom apenlng of tie seasun. Tise course CHICAGO COURT UN CASE NEED. pie, ime, coliison, strandlng, partis of sistence of tise Inurauce ooma - qghie I al MAMo asvidtise seas, rivera or ut navigation of cisO uataraily viecesi t-hae.u Led te poa od ealIn theamio e 'ie emtion t >ea al bte haetonI A SATDVS I. any iind, accidents ram machinfimy, tue Corrlp*n'sa ouencunso»at. i societies of tise garage mares Use ctys soeoosd bas been ln a long lime. _________ boliers, Bteam. latent defecta. even ahiy Un tise face oai*9 i."miar ilWi le fightlaaus garage - tisa Griffin garage an isougis exlstlng e1tbe begiuntng of cnrr.sst as te tise hm" OM as.. sg te Mr Sheridan tihe cit3s @laixet WINDOWS 0F VQLIVA ATTORNEY LOSES AIL CLAIN tise voyage, or tramn causes of suy ibigha cinss that prevll-bere l l antis vifsud finit Mr. MeDassangis pus'<h555d ilnd heyond tise oarrier's contrai, Wlster mnthe±is. ~ incessant. landsi ram rani Kendall a tac yesff OM EBARR FL.5. even though the Ios, damge, or deiay Tise big slp cau )Md op M4-t» la lected a" andtise choie tract cas ouce CASE WAS ONE WHEREfiN ABI may have beau ouixsei or cotrIbuted long Wlter pasaed cithoqit-b« «i Iha e aadered for a ct-y hall sud asenfur SUM WAS ýSOUGMT FOR AL- ta hy the neglect or defauit aitishe periencing a partielle of troubla.-Cill ave tixem atinme for thse Y. M. C. Acrlgt terxr -btiu-LEE EVCSsip uwner's servants or of any per- tain Hossein nid t~d tM- w le wed usucis tI io iy vrse ibrsou for chose sois ha coulsiutiser- satlsfied citis tbe . Wliea expcedans lyekrsGlenn Voliva la takiig nu chances on vise 13e responsîble, sud chether oc- and basi as smokIy op hm ol$ teyc l 44 TAKE OUT helng surpmised lu bis ocu home. It Overseer Vlilva ut Zion scored tise curriug ou buard this or any other any port on thesa kes. i- nec ate LICE SESinU sald tisat ho bas coltinit double shut- thérd victory ot the day taday in Cisi- vessei on ciicitise passenger rnay ho Mm. Beom d ani ngus U new rte LCENSE . TO AY tes taha plced n bishomeand ag nfa chen Master ln Çhancery Jemi- torcarded under tilts conhract. Al Doratuy, spent- t-hèaltitécae lb bat as tin>. ta4u'icitîscused heavy sisades ta bc put ut, ase on turneidacu fleat the suit aud bill questians arlslug under Ibis para- cUtis the Captain audthtantau "A" Up t 'loktl atrw 9rty-mselisat a lilgisiseidam or neyerUsasenau ofAttorneyLesllie Needhamn hi ch graph ashait he decîdeti accordlng to mumy friandesobrs. docu a ha I acoena dleuer., iu iessiai entse ra ieotîe ho soughtî tascoiiect $12,500 frome Vol- Englis lac citis reference hoacisichis ng t-letmie jossrny lhu ati5 Woame. u~This Usaiteenles, tissu tue Tiis, report saYs, Us because h. se- lys for ailegesi services rendered as ut Us made." t-bey cl ~relur ou ertf giosi -adi- 1h la beilevesi hacever tisat a toc more he made upon bis lite ansi ise isises bionerypInt and cuund up the tisi-thaltishe company, despit t iedprue0 ieCq sin, fr, 1< c1ii taie out lcenses betore tise a ta prevent this If possiblie by baricasi- decîsion by dlsrnlsslng the bill tur'the ,contract" clth passangers, zsi loeibycitie ai bout~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n Wah-i vr ii lima ia prx-igiime in lubis "castle". cant of equity aud ceusures tise cum- clearly fiable for damages, If negli- ocmpausy sud tise fcs fec atisers rnateiy tan saloon ieepers clii refuse During the prugres uofthtie Hoiy plainant qulte sevoeey. gence la praven. But, t appeame ta laie front and tise cate o w o*# Order <Tam te taile out liseuses tii year. Saine car t Ih sait!tisa. VotUve, bas rved Iu dlsmlssing tise case heoasessed 13e very daubttui that sucis prouis clu Ille quota ta tisheseaia l man for ai tise saloon keepers cisc ln tise ipotnttiste Zion City Hospice no that he tise cents ut the action against Neesi- ha iortiscornng-the sort of prottont h otb 1muci s uP- have gut breceies tea agu thielr bauds acays la surroundesi by scores Outbaem, sud, as ti se cas a.been long wciciscarllescelgist Una acourt of tnoes! cistle nd - <or tisei are havng sainie dfftcuty lau <ieuds. taugît ,tise coutçe a. couadai e las dembl aI o ota-o asl a settlng loal boutismus. (CoUxlued enPagu t ti t b f t il

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