w lcOieUwiiL smte#xuWods li lstWh lmad ses4t -à -pb A# »«a* VAUCDNDA MI: LMd m u ~ba dor ai usd iktOe tva vitrip ta eul aa ne eand lUri. W.. (mrk bave retired 6*om;enn ille and cnovd Io our vile lm I ô. bavint rentea a part of te Pont remidence on Main atrset. Xr. Rad, on, Div miller,,bus loeed 1.gonin ?b saklthe ov e st lia ptmo. A. IL Kiruman ia lmpravlng the partb «*b building où Main séreet. K. W. Brooks transated business iu hbe tty v.edsmay. Lants Ivuncheon, Ir., vas sumumonedd to Vaukegan -Wednesday as a vitunes 5a aiavsnlt hetween J. P. Ronéy ,and *.Ibst Rater. inbs etais aiofiing the ilà«agÊ .e b is faoon sand thlnk the lmfea Wh an»od eue. Let@ jet together and do i it mrly j osto get the beneit ai the f dSt quenhers the entité seabson. Theé tot will be ony5or6(lea ronong fonte ans«e.aidsae of thé stréet and- viii not1 'aaly ksep dlown thé dut but wvii makea Ciii road bed harder and better. f Tii. vWlg board héld their regular uadg athbe village hall Wédnesday A Postal Gard WiII Sring You a free sanipls copy of tour dfférent .I' mstfn off«r. ddress To-Dà'. EâoMwu, Canton, 0. P.-8 -Rob. W.a nd ci imdeldren send j9eoai lugide,aliat one ah visi viti tboir doster, Mrs. tut W"ek wlIlmDorotby Sebmn édma Mati LaigisMdMr. and !Ilsanm b. or Cbloo.ipet yM wltu$glatter*a parut.,Mr. naaeFredmeti 'noaget Snnday wvbhbhr le, josad faml>'. VIII Rug"et andl éblidrén of me aretlng ber Parents, Mir. 000Oe. Trant. ah l3sa bad Ivo Boistein beliers dtmlg thébe beu"al taru Mon- Mkolir wuas ahn ta a Mlvwan-, - twsatunday., *bulle I hvlng emet vali Y> D"steasd lady frisnd attendial mtlý t serSuzay nlgt. Btt a pok et tnus bsn Job* - . lnkl Iaia oae li lidevalk.»M an iettoit Tu uila-o ou= eeabu PMI ]Patten la lming hie onrasst Qiesukido a gowtd bis stoeobile- 'i'he vicuage atod et oulay ciiu odle itqn rOa . ctot0 M etreOtto Pthe oandbohil and MWim bMaieat Skeyevémtor be z Panhi PioW«nee. tjnhore bis cn.t ten laJon vtaterains tus v'ee ose »Mcao sto ppiqffl obotols MnWbor »g&Otto Frank sdlahysdMs Maefmitocesoyrer laiforeshopid Mon*seouât o euvinythe o ip la Cmdtob star Cv veatd . ot oramesii vlagdeoC Me iaeefflst a Masr of.la" Fesmtiand . boto r 1kr. owe reasreron lmvin rs gnid on ceoun Ols tnut.lagenlu Wlin.rlum bQ ie trtyetmi otig fbon' roiute ong lime auntry. mniosys Adorsté" ilgeosib- fobr m o Laie on act 0d1i.rtheern Geneh alvey. totre ouabuilese on-j do.eok, buyug £ atr aki f m leyo Van. Pillembeale lbsry StMorris &Da: I av ee lo wng ee wlh pileu."tls;»lueby shiDruest. aisl anDid e i ej iz.uestinv as Iposibl for e t sep o acHen laitee ain. vhlmlm lvau ltIoe n beis Iondi an.ve Rair, alleorntakSatural,- Mida is yhslh1.fll és.e air.ad MbirhnsnPlatCicae, avea nlgbt y theM-Baokrer i a ors- pîtion ai Dver, . Hé ,et es a aaii suAm denaur treua a mbis lais. P&r -lvedtram CailUain Sk atrd@r, eMay t. Miur. u s. Pleaî st ! bicagobae Jmohnet b thé abock résence er. MValleodknut la @peug bis v aca- tio un D,"outrClaa tpredt.r pth 0mvh ed hé nion latock. Yard. Jm outahPpulaGrve rcnty Mte aille Chiato. pn fvd Ofltherry le, rethé past veek. thé aie Ch ro, 8h ic la hé Avai, be®rt, hmou fuérae. rn eroa lIrMa. M andFoikz etî a réurnat Paslat 0ne tonetr ubme and "sp.din nar..sud@cliraBoin e orhaiftéir trueitandJ. L.pee atdu bromy, lir. Cas.Rayéme, 681tendalepuvem, Peoil rlabasmufero rmnroaé L. Tntfpp, R. F. Routge Irving E. Payne, Tt1J CI~W 0S'BANK à, oeaokng Account Witt Four gonie Bank adver. Iss ts IndIvIualtlo*0 snBAU d the Oommunlty i beina Frosplwouas md Progremtv W. Invite your.patronaglfor Our Nutual Beno1it. PARTNERS. AN4D DIRECTORS: L~ L Trlpp. R. F. Rloute. Irving E. Payne. ami H.. Mller. 4 ,. L. Talor. J. a. Gaidis>'. Pant t « epenaîbhlhty Appnoxmtoly 5100,000.00. #GREAT Free Soap. - Offer For a period of tblrtyldays VO will give abooliitely -hmre: UOban, of§Palm liv opirth..100 bans o emaanla$4.250. 10Obanbo PaXm olive vith50 bmns 0<~,vaic at $t.25. 6 ban of Palm Olive wIthb o -0Mva»at i - -150 and one bar Palm Olive vi " ýsb 5 cent purcilaseof [Galvaule aoap. 4Mlvamlt 18 the. beet laundry and hou8ehold uoap lon héuàket to-day and Palm Olive Je the toilet soaj Ae luxe. Xi pcinlnaDneanimal <ils and no iree aikail. - ~hIsh suropp)riuely to effeot a savlug lu I~A.RAY lira E O.Wou *aut Smday viti bier gm ilnlt i t Iv Spebt voe e go YW7184Mlat L*uis KnfleMmd fsmully ciImest$- ville VIsit ité r&l Kaige&i R. Y. R«»iaelia. oldà>lii hkOéUW tu, RichardVotver vbo t 1 000188nn- lmn May' lit.e R., F. Rause loft gonda>' evenhég for Charlis Çity. le-, ta pracui' a à-aiz or choie catAi.-for bis Indebore. \ '. :Jý iKab4me Fitagualu ld 9094 Donald . «Ansd1ord I sIY fl kk Camo ytirb li&>'have been épedlp thb. wInter. 8. J. Croplo>' etertained bis cousin, 'Tom Payne af Cimcago Smnday.t Lat Thursda>' evesiiug a numuberc fi-u o e attesidéd a Mtrthdxy par*t se thme homue -et BoetSwau at Ubon ' tyvîlleà 0. A. King bai tMagned l&i posation1 viti the E., J .& E railiioad et Rond-1 out andl baé been enugeoilte operate the niotor dellvery wagon for J. EHit Tiggs atLUbertyville. I 1William Rader and vie of Palatined épent Sunciay wlth théý formeé hk.hori J. L. Rader.1 Mri. sumd A. J. B. 'rurubullofat Wauconda are vùdleg titis week et1 the borne of W. A. Shaw. Ralph itause weut to Waupaca, Wls, this week ou business. Mr. aud lMre. George Blotsud their1 stmail dauFbter and ilMis Oriel Harm-j lug of ,Muxaumgo apent Sund&Y et1 the. Ayresley houme. A numbor of friendalsuxpriseu Mns. D. A. -Ayreiley at ber home Salua- day eveuing andl apent s vory enjoy- able oveniug Lt emmolre. Miss Dorttea Halcomb anmd frienti. Misea«Uda Camupbel. camne omut tram Ilvanston fPriay e veng for W, short viait vtth the formuer',parents.,lit. and Mts. J. B. licloomb. Robert M. Wright andl Noel E. Du. renid of Lihertyville wote pleasant vlsitors Inlur mm-faitIamet ffiday ove-1 ing, Ssturday ovonIng, Simmday at- ernoomi andl evenhua. A fev fInonda et Mt sundi-M. S J. (tapie>' aut[eVed at théir bome on Tuenda>' evevnug MaMal Ieéthftbe clébra. thé third anniversar>' ai Misa Dartimea Hilcoenb anal frienul, Uda Campbiiell, came ow tfi-ou Evans. ton flday eveulng for s short viéi vilithe thformuei-'sparente. Mr. andi mod .e. mth a d«hAas 1 'l gguC gu mita asutc beéu.es.gi stndglat tue con> * t~ the MM wuvit a loak ai tWff doteaàmtlktio anda *Mdln>UMAOà nmop bWoÏdiii #-vY thé tiireialel eloué. Ce . ai Iice Itl ookel Impe- lésé imt peveeverance sud liii uMW ali' a, sOIRa a brutlifl utoseoMUn "Zaam e it fase enSevhMato> aidead thllie borne baya rau Up tir bla %M a et he19 ta 2 saur. 1ni. two aitu téaiui' ffor t 19 v6ote tt thimebre lads vasrit thes ti tthe bat and seoumul>'hi- cause lb. Rsmbiemabave net Yul bît t.hdir OW e. They vote aléO mii> thae af thiér star PlaYes, sand, u.t kicklngthe. aubé, Yau cau't oxPOtt alésa that bas nover pisyed toietbét ta vark ike c0the aid muéteine. Wo wUl bave anotho ane vlth the' Raimblers lu a feýv look ont fer a haz-d baffl4.= day ami the. home grounds tte Aris" i pilay tb.Waukegane wlth Ferry lu lthe bax. Hé will hé rememubereal as' the nman vo bad ta go sofute ta boat 3 tao 0aetLibertydîlle last year. Tii. scre: Area. R H P A E Hapke, 3b ............ 2 1- 1 4 2 iJDoriea,ées .......... 2 1 2 1 0 Kulgge, lb........3 1 10 1O 0. Klug, cf..........132 20 0 H. Rouae,If .........000()0 R Rouse p.........10 02 0 L*King 2b........... 35 2 11 Seller If.............21 10 0 T.Doir, c ...»..... 1 2 9 3 0 R Doriler, p.......... 2 2 0 O 0 Total............... 19 1527 12 3 Ram blen R H P ARE Davi, 2b ............. 0 0 2 3 2 T Mcvn, ri,c....O0 1 O 0 O Tolel, Cf.............0))0 00 Johneon,c. ...........0 0 920 iJMorais, s-P........i1 1 12 Bennett, p-it .......... 1 O 2 O t Molloy, 3b ............ 0 2 2 3 2 Dogia.lb............01 60 0 Hofer,l....... -..... 0 00 0 ô Boyse, p-lb ...1.......O0O02 1 1 mgPuS. - cm~ UuI Wlls d Tr~tipp t &PJSmed b.mim S rietr ~ WU i Mlolnetom f djawod. -uL.W. ibn k..- lo ily da ni Il gâ ne Hf th da la am ta hi se F vi eu Mir. J. E. moicam. Total ................. 2 5 24 10 7 RoitM. Wight and Nael &Du. Ae ..._5 3 00 02 9 0--19u i-anal ar Ltborty-vlll vote plosnt Ramier 0 1 0 0 O O 0 O 1-2 a avisiton ln oui-fairi b5mlet.Homnei-un, T. Dardier; 3bbiha, R. Glenn igge vent b ilarinla Park Derdier, atolén bases, U King, 4; Priai>' eveasing ta vitm thé play, StilOn, O. Ring ,I.Mpke, H. Rouge. S.e "Wiist Happoneal to Jamoé." givon b Mocan, Mello>'; alm-ukot b>' Darder,1 lige alumni of the D. T. H. 8. 7; Remise, 2; Bayée, 2.. Bennett, 6. Thé Obm-n tai-m.ali-esti>unona Note. 3 te bémut>' aPahé of Orammi muat>', L. King vas lthe chiot bitter Sun- bas heen funther hoamitifleal lie put day wvhb vi aie oms. vIreekhW' th. addition ai a chiea.lot Cordier pitcheil s., vnetty ggne and .09 ehrubboty sut out b>' nurynaun retireul lu lh. eigit te let Rsuée lim- .8tailta. ber up.t 1WIII Knlggo ta mnaklag numeomm Heiule Boy«seaoted as afflii sore *Utlttoeltiitancm hm Summu-e MU . epitufr li0eaigummMd nahtw et owmuid laie. Tw>.o.. ae 4 limrome m. tos buli at- Oort bas entaie. hf'a Mr- g,g 1> IY Imfrveut lavolumedue, na dauhl,,8 eti <2blcad»and viii hoopinae à OMto )még dsac CSiuIISOnli s e b.improvemenls are oornpheàutMotant i-midi. mader the aM*et0fthe "poviri'Po" 'Dora-itguIbl i nueime MD Roue." ef the. séason lii the soventh uliqi -Oaing oa on tai 00 b."hapolel oe eet Beifsetab"mont u 1 duBe ey. George T. MeColum w«asun- liii. blo la b. vlth unm imm eu Tho eograWubll tutu, Jud 511h, jemdermornIng Bey. Érr wi sk kI, mimd Chri. Halke, lied a buS>'deyà sO$W "O ofOLits;" Hi. oving mmb Slubdaylmndling ltme large odOvlim jou it vii h. 'Revelatlon ai the I. MOot Huit' Ton dut el ébat "ogrm. Fran Cadwel wet t Chiagoen bioei"-vtiy litItude, sud longitudes, Pliay tealay eil eut t h cgoof ommse, c lte. wP e o».a * ahje, - m Thee viiho olmather jet of ei è»ehoe @«» élOrnaoms. 1, lamng ha-l bue lin»eien nla>' nd iii.W. Nevccfih ebumal Tned a esscae diii. aremml eviauglimmn hNsui an extd buemni p la " vii holn#talo. mant andl himnit Cana. R",liWb> chWpatops vers ut 2New Torkandl T. ouneli PSoonding tenta. Tii he t3.tyeàgbth fuam eaelim A teepmoe bsein i*wnst ti u of lte huad OCet usten etori* vlag thme yaiO MM m as>'ome vià*àu AmeKtailm se hall UMo&tS>', mu tO @t ROY. wr cepde a.ohv esllme , 1912. Tbe buldingfor tdu Mle %cmi- Devereun, W«11%, TiZGcoeseeiIi, votait>' priesla vwonIella o-tb1ot Bmmail Waleo..Ab*utmm*on. ton- Tb.evii-au ail 'mufmiut *4 Mécuté. a prl"enmnesting vere lime ulIdes. CRIID *r &Me uSu tar>. rffl Msd appglesvlo n . OC eto00 It la eetait. 1» nouly $Wor oeu.avlIe, mai Dimiein Og-CF ettuh ta Jne"Md iii «61V 'Tbebond of W. 1D. Pefseus vas Anoble, timoforce eO etoms, enaandl apm>va o modç tion of-- The Dlaoad Lais tMW àe Mâvii o . unMd TiMp mut wItblire. VIII ouse IliuMs>' DwmeranzWeau Mi q-PlW vet sttsaao lii 1. ,voe Oks aicu. aàpolnta s it om »M ecunit. - ~ ~ tô tehrnaticoiQca.tltr Ze- $or e m e enaomy" beoe "0Sb eats u atimitem h> 40àII1' ad enta imomie duthe *&a e5. ,Mdi Zowt I mm lblii nul USaisIl bogn alu iut g Zn£«sD. G*MaWOlgr d" t, imii> amonn Munes' AgscIted &slM ue~p' nto gag mamstm4ag asy h *q paj iOn o r i 4w - â* Iýmt a .u.ear tMawo& ~ 8I~:05 - h*ri Il - - - Il ILw. Kaw4Wes- utTed caled aon Jime... Eldiars»sdam A. C. Rich-. arda vire binssvilsitera atI Bie Ilandl laft veet. Mt,. and lira. ('ba-lés flil au" tain y latitd villi lihe iatter'a fathor andl lcer Gmuday. sue.'ad Hi-a. B. M. t7mbach sud xise Pearl Helin entertiued Rev. hameuatelter of NePetvli* aver Sun- day. l Iierman l4oItJe bas >imrased al M* tix cyhinder Mitchell tourina car. ?kiéos Myctie Richai-ds aDent flday Laght andl Satlaidy withbeor parents, Mr. aind W.r. A. C. RiébaPdO, Rov.,'sud Mns. E. I Umbauh snd fnihly are nov cosil>' lottied ln Ith 0vw pursanage On April 25 0cuTed the Marri- age of Ma-s. Buiiy lIed> sud (Charles Herseherberger. COougrtuistions. Ni-. enud Hi-. Fraunk Stabi attended tie play', "What Happenedti t Joues." given by thme Deetleld Hlgh échool alumni at Ravinia Park theate-r, Fr- day n.igbr. Mit IÀLa aSp-agmie haîtber home paluteti a pure white wbicb looké fine la coutrant ta thoe vid grecen of lawn and tre. Mm-s. m. W. Kuodler hie heedi cou- inoalt taer homek viti a éevero st- ick of muciia- nhomiglm for t-o N.%ext Flday ovenlng there vili bo ervices ait Gmue chuuich. Preidlmg ler P. F. Jordan vill Pm-emch atter rithh ii ho thé quai-li contée- euce Sunda>' eveuing hiiere vii le communion ,erices, cauductel by Rev. Jordan. Everyoue. Is coa-dialY tOlcome. DEHRFIELD Mr-. snd Mrt. WiII Autos wvhavie just returneal from Thompsonvllle; Pl&,, were Doerfteld cillesadiring the weec. Mi-. Juani Waadi1nsp suid famllyvwere visitera aIt the Todd home SundaY. Mir sud Mté George Aduaesud Ihidren wvote igueits oai,.irs. Ad- amu Sunday. Louis Tatz af Chicago vas a Deer- fienli aler Saturday. .- Mair. Lord sud culai-en spont mev- ci-al dasa during thé viii 'vith C. W. PoIl and taauhy. Mrs. Ohenter WeYnipreth vi the auet et Miss GiIlowýy durlng tue )&ma 'ihom-sn in very iiiat xs-e9ent wrliung. Thie Modem Waadnmen vili give a lances t Agdamua bail, 8aturday emmaIu&M a> il, mulie tumnim.d hy the, Deerfill orchestra Ma-. snd.'lira. R.B. Chasm ver. the. gents m e i.Galiovm- an undar made a flylag tip throu«hDetil Motels>' igbt, omling an hie relatve bitau dloft Tuesua>'mi-mlng. pulBee t Pomoit <lienvs Denlied cailar EndY -atOna 'liai Doexsoooev of thie Prnby- égalas churob lait Sthb Mae Of Mr-. Geor-ge Talus, lamiada> Viii. pbanas ona i-atitnl IWOys cli>' bals, Sunday rei MU «tDoep viaw« l'owriid. servicesuDte bll Wilneday mura lng ut liai Hol> cross churdi. Inter moint Ift.Ma.ry's cemee>' Mr. BiEr«and, bis non, Uhisen. blt TtmgIar iigkt for Broavuvillo, Texas. vbers liey WvIlstar for tva veeka. daugWbter sio LIS*emd OBs lotàiwell of Là%ievill, Id., vers recent visitor at thé w. BON*~ borne. J. Vaurm and Isidore ebmn have hein umishng great I. rovements on hei plauesunhiput vee L bafte diertns a vote af thanke mIn répailng tii. cbnrvb .ldgtwalk. The vonk ein eappreiatud. T'h. Mystie Voriren are go repeat thé play. vbeb théy #ait bers about four wees à»g~, et Rund lmeSaurd&Z The*s vas a lr eatsmadmmn aIthe @Mol i b e parsous Mmal oe.nl "lhJh btii. éirtaming véuther kept hom.eà. = t . Tavii isthe. pnJ4 e vaqiwpheeaa*eeug. L sT euWIylia281 etvot bayot vel bis 5.,'-. I e j iêi~ L 't *11 Lt bliaoalolTemple Sld. W DLga II Apaîl 27, 1012. Kent. C. Quiulan ta R.W. Hawins. Pt lot 26 (a. ai Ravina), Ravinia; B. a. <Liiand vile ta P. W. Çoaib l01 3, bih 4à, labe BSuf; v. 4.#1.0 Phoenix MOUtid ID&Inace taFP. Bantan,,lots 6> 7. 8 Md P t lots, P*9, bi 79, Highland Park; 8. W. D. 12.- 700. H. C. Baai-s- andalfitaJames Wigbtmn 8. 52 ft E 125 fI lot 7, blk 5, Gr-ays lake;, W. D. $140. Fred Wilson sud vite ta F M. West, lots 7, 8, simd 9, hit 1, Bard du 'Ibe Bluffs, North Chicago, W. D. $1500. - April 29, 1912. Chéries Béidier ta H. P, Cmspn, lot 38, Highvaod. Q. C. $:5.' Mary R. Lan, and hushiend ta Louis Fiai, lot 7, Lino's Stanton Point éuh. W. D). $475. W. 8 Caook snd vite. ta C. A. New- cousb, lots 22 a.nd 25. bloék 112, Northm Càicaaa. Q. C. $20. M. H. Hussey and vite ta (Charles Di-ubuic, eeast 50 foot lots 15 sand 16, block 15, Wauhburu Spinlgs, Wauko- &an W. D. $1600. RIMle Goodman ea l vit 1Adolpb Staraamovicz, lot 17, block 14, Dreyrs sub.. North Chicago. W. D. $700. April 30. .1912. .Mar-the E. Weymouttb et ai anal Bot nardt Kriétian, oulu flfty féet lot 9, Block 8, . IcKsys second addition ta 'Waukegan. W. D. Il. Miranne Piorce, to Bernard ii-e- (an, lots 7 and t, hiorit 9, Me a' second addition to Witukegin. W. D. $1. Vai-tu E. Weymnou±b, ta, Bernard Kistan, nom-lb 125 feot esst farty fout lot 6, blockit . McKay's second addi- tion, Waukégan. W. D. $1. William A. Rasing andl vite et ai ta Houi-y Janssen, lots 18, 26 ta 30, hiaci 2. Rosina Brothers' euh., Gramys. laite. W. D. .1 W . Pé ter1sud vife ta Bumil Jabuke, lot 21, Hoaii Heigbts, Foi Lakte, W. D. $3.100. May' 2, 1912. Auguat Bougon and vife ta F 0(. Shavos et ai,. sQuth 100 feet nom-lb 375 f eet lot 2, Hamilton,& aditiom tn Hf gh landl Park. W. D. $2500. James MeCliernan and vite ta U P. MuCfleruan, part lot 1, bioci 29, Highlaund Park.! W. D. $1. Estate .4tfAnasRectftvaid. decis* ed, to John Rectenvalal. Ove actés lu noithoast One.tourlh section 34, Dei«. field lovnoip. Deed $1.. )"Y 31 1912. A. M. Gummiasd vilete laýf&ry C. Wald»mr lots 1u0d 2 block 14, Laie Bluf. UQ. C. $150. 4 gomnor>'. oqth5seftest(eeoept. Wvst 100 test) lot 1. -bledk 14, Hlgbimd Parik. W. D. $14«. %1 Blelli W. O-lleé> andI hiabmulta Robert Dady, 40 acre. lu nom-t vwet ane-ota »setion 6, Shieldselatow shiiý W. D. $1. -Oustai Malmnstim t e Henry' Carl- sou anmd vi t 'ltiasd notm- me-hall lot 7, Maoch 6, Lasma nhlivilon Wau. it«=a. W. D. $900. 1". B. Coallansd vit laCaillot- ilu, Hayes, lo& 6. <rAan sd H*Ul- val'o second cul>, Waukigan. W. C. $2.0»0., P. J. Wwxki rd alto êta Almrii Ergenab, lot 4. auner', mb of lot 135 et'-. Lake Poreal. W MC. $10. P. H. Nev-ombh ad vite ta T B. Pnrid. lot M,3 Block 4. Laie Bluff. W. D. 8500. 11, William Soxtoan sd viete uE Rovgton, oet ciee iaitlot 9, block a bmmt-in,omiii lu nom-lb esm aI&e fo>,v5J section 9, (liant tavndup. W. D. i. ('. P. Ingalia ana lfit laF.,18. DCo- 11111e, lot 6. <>ri.d Y as d tlIal' weouil sub In<Wlnkegam. "Q. C. il. Mita'4, 1912, pe«rm o aAnna s holaab. lot' 16, bloc i,5.cummmw g&6 mempays addiio. Wmni*ae. W. p. $1,400. Ava LU Abmu and mt baidutot Volmame a O aimc lote 18. 19 ý Ç and 21. biock 33, Lui. Bluff. W. »>. vidriIck Nethandusifslete Mary' P. Lanatý... éu aitrbatmg. touteotheos é e "ui Sal m cWdaup Wý . 1). 20. Tmlgacurry sud itésidlto e 1 01" y.qu B, a é34 tom 90 W tel&lèt .e Sen-2 al addton.Wdlup.,W. f). 0. , *84 toDnoMes"anMd te d. - 15e n ~ 4" *44,It go,0 m a g lat OOAM 0064m* »OMM lecéha88,Nov- ills *0 w0»# psopie. or s«le 07 AU Drnggletu LSoe dl.vSWthe Scshs Oums are Righ at It.ad Bon ).awrence iamported la Dam'Ne. W. U li IS A DRAFIr HORSE Wegt2132 'lbs.' Hes viiistmnd for é.rst« stRodas [Fua, oaa sud ose-haf itmli.. west of Lmbutyvilee I. i 1500te usre a iving f caL Mis sire ;MghWediZ400 l..end hi- dam vs a teon a. Fer au aii.rcad horse mthe Perceron as -srocale R. B. Swift Lihbertyle, - -Illinois Wisconsin Silo and Tànk Compasîy's Stave SiIo's Best On The Market L IU ra v8 , - Illinois , - ILong Dlistance Phono- I . Libertyvilîs 15 R 2. GRAND DANCE, 0F THE SEASON llertel's 'Park SàWreay Night MY u, ï-i-l Ti' t s .y M 75c> Clse- i he eund Ma fortsv bot im nloe -e 1 kia trip to misa pari> dayv et Mdr.; -go Chiu el - 1 - 1