Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 May 1912, p. 4

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Office Teephon 1.Na i CtY Edtorà a a.eondeTêe-eboi.NO. 1-l. lýibrtvîHle Eaehange nAored at the Poý,tottieýe at Libertyville. lit., aseSecnd Cuse Mail Matter I1umd Wel-Adertisi g Rate@ Nad"e LnowD on Apidln O UI.SCRLPTION PRICE. S1-60 PER VEAR StRICTLy IN ADVAN'CE W.J. SM ITH - .... ............... ..... .....................Editor a FG. SMITH ......... ................ ................... Manager t flAY L. HUBBARD .............. ........................................... Cty Editor - ,FRIDAY, MY11). 1912.t One cannot blame Voliva for cherishing the memory of May 1, 1912. Èe made three base hits and the other teamc received nothing but put-outs. MiIk has dropped to 7 cents. At that price it's prettyt 8ateep when one considers how it used to be sold. Seven cent-milk makes it almost a delicacy instead of a daily ne- efflty. Wonder how long the Volivaiteswill keep up the prayer meetins acrose from the Cook plant providing the ook people still continue to turn up their noses at them as1 thyPau. Which will tire firet? The Zion City exciternent 18 flow quieting down until it hardhly occupies the front pa e of local or metropolitani '-Woets. - And, consequently, Yo0v is losing hundreds of! 4o0ftar' worth of free advertieing daily. Jlm Elabury would, prove the hero, of Lake County in caf t la found that, after all, he, was fiot a yiétim of the TUitnlo.Al Lake County hopes the indeffinite report ththe may be in a hospital in New York ilà true. Shail Waukegaa have a Waukegan Day this year? Sue, et's have it by ail muanît If Frank T. Fowler would accept -the chairmaashlp, he would make a good one. And, we have an idea he could b. persuaded to take hold of such a celbration. The Mion war has again given the doubtful and skepti- cal gou peruon grounds for saying: "If that'a relig- .~torn, ldon' want much of lt." The fact la, it ion'It religion, U. ~ juat mere factional strife for supremacy, wth religion elhov.d far up on the sheif. ]Perbaps the thieveo who broke into the library were ,, ,.,ooktng forinformation. Perhaps thqy got it, thon left and ~ why nothing o! value' has been missed from the. ~ There's mo much information there that a smal ¼$orionwheh thieves might take wouldn't be niissed. 'Ihere is about as much show of the street car coin- vtcqy gottlng a fifty-year franchise ini return for what they 01$W as there la that Genesee street bridge (the new one) ýàV *wMb. open inalde of a week. And, at that, the voters eý bve the -final say in the matter anyway-, not the commis- KÎ1,j If you had found $25,000.W) and the loser gave you $1 Wý I5watrd; what would you say, how would you f eel? Would juhave been taught a lesson that houesty is the best ol- ii~3ut ofcourse it is. MORAL: If you find $25,O0 Iirnert a POUND AD in the SUN and we'll guarantee you wI» get More than one dollar reward. A co-operative del* rysysbeni among merchants ulght work out Wel her 1 but lb migut also have the result mo! malng-the customer Ibos satisfled-especially the now- :Mvçred cutomer whose every request la granbed with *upoed b y a catering mercliant. Ib may work in Elgin but * .would not anticipaI. much auccess here. It appears as if the to'wn board la satisifted wlth tue * own commissioner recorda; it alzo appears that many who ugned tue petition asking for a audit either loat intereat or changed Iheir minds,f or, with but two pelitioners ap- pearing bef ore tue board when the. audit matter was Up, il dii flot present a very formidable dema.nd for investiga- tion. It appears that Mrs. Lord is peeved because lier hua- band lefI a $20,000 farin to hie alleged affinity, therefore she hias sought te get even with her by suing on an aliena- tien charge. Well, who can Mms. Lord-show us the. woman who finds her husband lias left an "affiniy"l $20,000 who would not b. more than peeved, who wouldn't b. real angry! __ ______ Sheriff Green declares tue British subjecta lanZMon won't have to get aid o! the Britishi consul. H. says he can look after tueir welfare and is firmly decided te do so. Hia ire h up and h. will "go after" eîher faction which re- *qufres attention. Imagine a British man-o'-war steaming up opposite Zion City with guns trained on Voliva's ad- ministration. Oh horrors! Mrs. Dowie la 10 try to prevent Voliva using Do ie's p1i*la inhia circulars and Voliva lasistlih. will kee'; On P04t. Dowie used hia own to boom hie own 'uM gest thal Overseer Voliva wiIl "niake himoàelf" - b$.r if e usee hieo-w-n inztead of Dowie's. Voliva is a g0d'Iooklng mai and tue use o! hiei picture intad o! owe's may brlng him converta. A local paper, still smarting over the victory o! Sens- bor Oison, aegks st t try te work up feeling againat tue 004nator. WonIdnt they 1k. te encourag entment su!- Loluit to det!s&hlm at election if they thouèht they could? T4aSU wuOR Mr. Oison, but, had he not been nomi- -e.d, wouldbavà,"cc.ptdIa opponeit's victory wlth #Yà pà.ad wffhbv»dons.wbat wo could te help elect vIçTIMg Or SO0" 5* le Il la not without Intereats lt o'N aVM Iva.f lowers la Zion City bave esttblisthu.d t*zlgt t pray for the Improvement o! feflow cltïtisiài ub ee1 and conspitu- oualy, even if fellow citizens.obje ' K Thq aléo hv en recognlzed by law lu their right tom=W4 Lh signa scoldlng and abuaing and pleading wth ho u2lwqgeerate. Inciden- taly it la necessary to have titi, toà the land on whlch tue pangand posting are doue, but, such being tue condi- toteLake county authorities hold ib te b. permissible to eall public attention to lapses fro0 Pae. Imninty from such evangellutic efforts, however Pbe foprtctb a mifo en d frpblil.W are flt s r h o r a o e rlti te p etai n o e o p l n M o n it y m g t b e r o tr y e t e c h a1 c e r o!hs e fo0 h ebnau e f o r uc ted a n l- o e i t . T iue.& t e M nl BOOSTING OUR OOUMMITY. Unkind and ungenerous tbings said of a communty euremore efforts to counteract than kInd words said of t i an commun.ty would help if It in expended with the same amount o! effort. Thierefore, the way to help Wakegn or any other communlty la to say good thingiof! laiaway suad, when nece&éary to say unkind thingi, breah thein softly, put on the soft pedal and' try flot to let any more people hear thom than isabsolutely necess8.ry. hv rour sion of the goodness of a cornmunty than to hiave too strong an impression (wronfgfuily>sau to t#e shorteominga o! the same place. It is sasier to correct an erroneous In- pression when a place has been heralded as too good than to correct a wrong impression that, a place la worse than It really la once that it gets crculated generally. Too. much good-natured boosn g can not hurt any conirunlty; a littie unjuatilled and unpolitic condema- tion hurt ini a ýway t.hat is oftentlmes irreparable. Accord- ingly, if everybody ls careful of condemning and cwreful to help7 thunga along, in the end everybody benefits, the town benelits and the individual as well. Change of Remîdence. The misters wlfe wha tesatîfleS lu I ror thshe ha. d 30 homes ln elght 1 XI 9=l1 l 40w ýitY e» JInhIa2nt boMM..tley Are ot d te opDIniothat tioO' Ipv. cactnred il tbe flre ftend who caused a reiu t terrfor aome lUttie lIme pat le E mien who gave tlr ilsnea8m Peter i Berco and, Caucareill, w.ere &>. reated by the Hlgh'eood polio. adî were placed under bonde oai'$1,000t each by Justice Gall. . Tbey paers bound *ver ta the grand jury. Ceu-r carelli succeeded lu g.ttUgMail, butj Set-ca hae hemn broueht to Waulcegn snd placed lu the county Jal. The offense for whlAi they were bouud , ovm- vaa the burulng Of switchtau'a shanty. One of the nm la alleged to have É-0clared that 1h. other covered hlm wlth a gun and threatened ta shaot lmî unie«, be poured a caui of ail ln the anan sd then applled a match. There have beau meveral myaterloiu, tirreslu Highwaood of late and the Po- lice hope the tw a arts ale eput on end to the matter. That elualve boardlug bouse wilceh rou have determined ltefinS SOMU DAY mai' b. advertlaed todsy. The art Of makngwatchew- Hms beau march ing ahead .tadly for yeane. watee hbave mors bretua and skili put ly~ thoîr makiny to day th"n aver AndStmliithey are gottîiaesmpor &Il thawbfle-whicb ilerather strange. Il S-ou wouldlika b leern just how fer the watt-b making art ha@ aS- vanced, tbis i; th@ place ta coins to. If you wish to llnd out how cbeaPl p, ffalir reliable watt-ii eau lie soiS visit tIis 'store. Our watt-h ctock contalîta .ALL that t-he art of watt rumakiug bas ta uff rr. yeera la competent ta sympathize wth Ad ew iii..--.. lee n u ie et ltat preqçher's daughter aho usaS ta IU ' L y~our diolp<taa tell her friands that ahe was harn ail - e M L E 1M aogteSouthi Shore.-nattoii Tran- A. ULSS Il _______________ ~JEWELER CJ =rhpo,,o ..r 1' Libertyville IlMinois xoUc, .Itbfflt C O amus-b ChnicgoA dnc ueki Cemont otN . i~S oNu . f'.m. 3 Beh osC m re t - lt latawDnt. QT P T «the best <thàt can bemade" That's The B3rand We Handie Coucrete feuce poiss may lie madle for>] 2c a piece. Leave your name with us for f re. xutrucive bocUet. HOME LUMBEB CO., Uhetyvil, II CHAS. HARBAUGiH LUMBER CO. D. T. WEEBa, Waukegaa, III. NORTH4 CHICAGO LUMBER & COAL CO, l4qrth Chicago. The FI ainieCow Hobbleeguarantead ta stop auy cow front ikicklg. or you tajy return the saieansd get yotir inoney bai-k. Can be put on end off in a mnitte. For sale- st the CoDaI> Farna at $150. Try one for a waek. c-28-tl Wateh Our Show Window We are the only store in town that carries the celebrated Klosed Krotch Union Suits 'White Cat Brand The New Id aj ~ ~ tPer camfort from.,,a. UU $1.G0rment5 We are agents for the Royal and Inter- national made-to-meai3ure clothing. Over 1000 samples to select frotn. Fit Guaranteed. A fullilune of men's hosiery. (E0 wo fl¶eIIbfis$ SCHANCK M.LOCK LIBERTYVILLEF, ILL- IP We Have a Stockof Fifty .*... to Selecti »rum. .... Cali in and Talk it Over. SCUANCK BR.s l'f E TO AC* IS NOW!! As a preacher of the life-instirance gospel the agent must live by it, which differenciates thé- agent froum the men engaged iii other callingé; wbo at the desk,-4n the pulpit or on the platforin to advoeate life insuranc'e for the beniefit of their hearers. 'fypieal of this class was the lamented Max O'RelI, who neyer lectuired botter than when lie said: -'l don't (:are lîow smali the income of a man is, he should never spend tlhe wliole of it, especially if lie lats à wife and chidren. He ehould at least save enough to pay every year the premiuim on a good life policy. No man is worthy of the naine who does not do this at least at the price of whatever privations lie bias to submit to. Soute pleasurea may be derived f rom high living, but certainly no happiness. 1 will go farther and say that while there inay be pleas;ure in self -indulgeitee, ploasure for a few minutes, there le invÉriabl.y happines-s in self -abnegatiou, torethought and devotion to others and lastlIng happiness, too. And what should inake a mani always prefer happines to pleasure is that its lasts ever so mucli longer" An¶j other Business cao Better Afford to Wait. Write to Your Michigan Mutual Life Agent To-dag. * OUR 1912 POLICUES More Nearly Approach Perfection Than Any Life Insurance Contracta. We have Ever Seen. Write for Descriptive Foldero. AGENTrs WANiTED Local Agents, whole or peft time men wbo have good connections; it la Dot necessary te have had experience. This offer holdo good only in unaccupied territory. Two good men wanted at once for important special work. 1 Yours truly CiaoAddremw 431 .Dearboru St. (W&toh tIb gps ~eneztand âucodlngl JOHN HODGE, DISMRTMANAGER. Rockefeller,llinois- weeku. Â live 0a0~h etatSae qé 4>i ..ou 0yle* iW- ay. 'es ake ouaI pezent a t ia oI s aloon sTant iw am ou iuane ~ & MWa n etUu e 4a duringt the North Chicago aide are cotuder. ta noah o ApIl On w~olierably worrled over hi. d1safflparafteà Caldwell of Oreyalake anid tIbmhW waa ?MudCribla of ZMon CttY. -. two tisa. mo. InquireAat hO M loon Caldwell won oemmltted, te the £axi- 1h1aiternoon brougbt out the intor- lma on Pabiary 1111h last for havilng motion that hoalid loft myaterloualY hbreettened the Ilive of several Peu#1 et Orayalete. Maud Crels w.ois M ld that no one knoywm 'hat ha em lie rî10aShe trtted on Jtaly 14, 1 ffl. The fomoor bomo r ~hlm. 4 STEME BTRAIGHT to Wm. Layaock & Co. il son bave ans auto meed, repalring or ôtherwme. W. t-latimta know our buelneus and teAta- - tend to lt-a dette made good by every job lesving our bande. Even Il Yeu don t jued our servit-eu today, drop la en7bow. Welene! Wm. Laycock Co. Ases".Fuer ~ MOLINÈ MOTOR -CARS pHoNES-Reidd IS12&Sb" 4»14 IST AVER BUGGIESj ARE GrOOD BUGGIES i 1 riz 1 livil

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