Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 May 1912, p. 5

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L4" 001JNTI INDEM>NT FRJDÂY, MAY 10, 1912. Garden Secs We have a large o.ssortment of the Rush Park Seed Co.'s un- rivated qarden seeds. Mam- moth 5c. Monogram packets, 2 for' 5c, aiso large assortment of Rice's, feer's, Manitowoc adNorthrup King & Co.'s seeds in packages. and bulk. je ElTriggs, DO YOU, KNOW that this os exclusivelp a men's store? BU that we mean that our line of merchandise is exclusivetlj men's, luraishiongs. But! Whiie it is a men's store. Stili! We alwais are glad to have the ladies cati. We aim to carirq at ail times a fllt and up-to-date stock ni EVERYTHING FOR MEN J, B, Morse & Coo ý-PHO0N E 14 LibertyvMle, - - -]Illinois. v EYEGLASSES Are Correctly Fitted by We use ne Drugs e t miake an examination andimwe guarantee ail of '- our SPECTACLES AND EYEGLÂS WORK. OPTICAN * * LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS + If You Contemplate Building A BARN, HOUSE, CRIB, POULTRY SHEDS, PORCHES, SLEEPING PORCHES OR SCREENING YOUR HOUSE AN!) PORCHES. CALL ON US WE CAN HELP YOU TO REDUCE THE COST.......... PHiONE 47 Libertyville Lu»mber Co. DOWN BY THE OW. DEPOT ILIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI LOCAL AND PERSONALtMENTION FOR THE WEEK Te insure publication in the Indepen- W. B. Smilth from WVaukegan. was a dent, copy muet b. In the office no later business visiter In our cty Nlunday. than Tuesday of each weak. Adver- If Yeu ane contecnplating purehaeIug tak an automobile tiI year dont [ail ru e"o tiser$, e peclally. are asked te l ite M. T1aylor and let Iii»i.l)aiu the particular notice ta this effect. redeeming laatures of tt1w(Chalnern. - ---1The 'Earneet Workers' -lass of the Mfr. and Mrs, G@o. Cbard and cbjîdren, M. E. tunda -c1o01 wil itreer at the froru Austin, visiteti relative here Bunda, . un !M .H. la. Fî. ik 15. C. S. Foulds bam purchaiseia new tive You can gave &ll yuur Iti'e tht.> h8 v PaeegerO>vrland touring t-ar. iteedîng lRed 00mb, ah i etz..sud uuly by 1LI1E)CTYVILLF. Lt .îiýtt Iov-:33 Rootiig repaire o! ail kindat Lietr. VIL LE LîÎIDEn (k). e-33-~2 Sir. and lire. F. i. ýclak [rom Edward Ilrixeu le the prouti pos-,oer CitauPalgu, Il)..- were Il- .- Sun'IAY lu là anew ludiait ibutor 'cl.attend the uerai of Ilir. CarL'. motier, M. 0. Jolinon train liivereide. Wash.,Ms lcaCak wu in Lihertyvi lie onbuicsMna. Thomas P. Durkin, sepetilrjreF@uta- Roolngrepireo!ailkin9atLiEle.. iv futthe Omble Plant Company,1 VILLE Lrsýitat ou.c-3.3-2 ('hDcafo. ives abusineom tiitur lu unr1 Lw Flagg maved hie tailyiy to the iy Tueeday.f bouée rfecntlY Purchased of C. S. IDurand The W. C. T. il. will buAll tc regulari on East Park aveuue Monday. meeting with Mr@.. Iranctc Tripe on i Mie Amber Colby le the prouti Tuesday, May 14. Toit.i-,. Soin..Thinlgi poaseser ai newaaddleboraepremeuîed Aeconplshed." to ber lagt week bY ber father. Samuel J. Eardley took in the Cub@- Bush Park Soed Cocmpânv@ garden Pirates bail game lu Chieagt, Sunday -ed, 2 package@ for à_ J. EL! THî>.>s. and wituemsed the defeat of hiâ pet liant, c.:îo ti Pltburg, tetthe ue ofiiO to 2ý hà(F.G ' IeveMl&nd liai beu confifleti t» Lat week Tbnreday everttnuc a deal bsb ttpu f6w uia,ye with a eevere waë conïnoeald C.F. Bruale, k of lunjago. Jr.,'pnrcbased of C. H. Avenu isi bouse Catch basin atone rover. sud I itatnsd lots on Newb.rry avenue the con- LmE19TYV-IJLE Lua liER Co. Cheaper sideration belnq 8,00.o than cernent anti better. ic 33.1 Nûw la the ie to Iay fil jour W"Iby ospital, Cbicago, laet Suntiay sinter fnel. Loir prit... tlprtng Mav ait marning. Obituary udxt week. LiaRani VILLz LtrmDEit Co. c 33.3 Cak C. Wright front St. Louis, Mo.,Uri. F. 0. Cleveand entt.rtained hier apent Sundtay with bis parents, Mr. and mather, lira. Arlin frotît iavenswood lire. C. F. Wright un south M1diltukeeanilr.BlenetoCît-oaw avenue. days tbe latter part of li»t anti the fore àMonday a shipruent of eigbt horsts part o! this week. W84 received iat thteruile truck truru Mm. F. G. Ceveland entertatned about Arlie Frost tut Arzuna. They wseulli twenty meuihere o! the. Lkidtee Sewcing trainéd luire rts suruter, Cires of the 0. 1. A., an a rt\tiltary ut the Air au lie. ien Clvelni lCi- trotberhood of Lcootoiu E .ltgiitre spenta feIsetiyselaer art >fCii < o! Chiraga, ai ber home t>,'t..aberry wieek andtii tfeuc part tf thîs with raen at ensav relatives ber... Tht lilrary conrntt.- t week Do not let any lîttie clik die. fur iant 1 ogi tit.ihtuî îee of proper ration, Red Ctuuulu uex ail thet tgetther with the twelv>e C1. k, ttunateti work. Sulti tuuy bl'yLiBMNtuIT,îLL.E Ib->Mr. Maxharu makes Il roui f iftY 1t.1 liEu titi.o, v33-i. tiddi ed ittilothe tAte- Lest t e we cliroiiclî th ie birth ut a tirs. Electa Clark, ftor r-. enYy .ars a baby boy tu Mr. anti Mn>. d. F. tiu.ît. , reeident ot this place. titel rerlber homes We were tri erriu~ nit itelit tu inake a1 at Ccerro lait Friday 0t-r. and was correctiton. The .arrival was eaIitîtie b)uried brr..undayaft-rr..,,,t ttltuary lady. , 1ne-il week. Barker.u ltcmedy thale the rtaiiîe 1 The se-ted anuual Ihal it, iw,-eu Cuie-vit tdlre> entet. .Nthtrtg île il tti>,c '*ats"* anti icaut>- . ,. ,lt-îc cutugte, cuide, cttarrb and rrteutuattin tte argund utiealrn i Guurarrreeti tnd for sale ai jtur drug lt t-efairoumit>OnythMat 10ierug-,no .nlr antI NIs. Elseanhrd rx..itittvet meute bave been ma&dauanthie ta,> rbursdav lut.Lake Zurich ahere lire. tuaino are nose busy a atntug up tutti linixeît ttil b,. ii charge utfte ewitch getting into shaîui. t,r tle lbtg gaene. buard anmi ECrilltîlebe ctluted at A. B. Titus la-t Tlrr-tj"I.e v >otplertd trotuble rtan . 'w tel them u tccee@. an e ght inch tululter , cil at lbhe Ft.uldmt Mites(,ertrade Smart ttt Artlicý,-Ir. sea. the guet rof Ir.Jauteu IL Ste tel>a t ottple utIdase it e wcuantdiattendri thte Atblci Nlay Party un Tliarsday ert-ning. Splýiidt' % I l sWortth l).tmtnrtv'le te a ni t naI verti cr uf i.> e n ltotns- k. -îer tt it, io but'avs îteil ' ttNrnrteh Staur.for tadi> m g titi vaertillitrp, a ttîttsork. clair'e,î. Ea.,tisapplied. liriem hlard. Oaisei I- .Lvl Co. -11ii i The several i tjtte, appirttments matie t..>the pre.terttofut thtvtillage botarti at titeir regular riýirer g 'ltntay ceiing art asefoliow e Ernttlttl rualer, Faulknter, ut.-tr Streel- Boîe, Triggs, Clevelandi. Frre anti %u ater-Faulkner, iItyt-., Elswîrth. License-Cleveland. i'>thernatcr. Fanlk. ner. Batltlinganti Park I itlr.tttruent.- Ellsworth, Boyeim. Trîggse Heatb, Sanitnr 'v andti tueer-Trigg-., itttieunaier anti Clevelandt. Little children show by theze dress and belsavior the care they receive ai bomne. Little erphans show by their condition whetlier or fot their parents bad the wwor n ure. S EEBfU S Y District Manager Old Colon7 14fe lniurance Comnpany Ofice ln a Ofie k I I. 't,- a - Whdt -ý.Do YOU Mean? By IJlaylog te haie Y.ëÈ Uhuseld Formiure Iuured? S MEW Charles D. Proctor, Agent L!~TVIL~,ILL. Ples eM..~4 Millisg Cus planit. trtkrng trater ata depth ut 172 '.ut lbeyt uuw bate.. n liteualluwing tt,Ia art Ibo tuîîîîd ans- whure, the cal..erv îet2g etghty gallous per minute thitugit a fourrluth pipe. About ta cutytI ri.- couple attentiet tht dancing Party gtteu tu the toan hall lait Friday t - rtgI.>the pupile ut the high sehuol. 'îli- ,e-atu useti hI tht Arnici club th,- pet tuieeenirig ace aigu useti ou ti.. eu anti ail in al tht party waý a vr pretty anti enjuy- able event. Biý. ,t rcletra furnîsheti music. Dit somlebcudy ayeî .had a bail teant Weil, I gueese -, rt..Y wautttu hlucie- [chler Suntiay ait- . reseti hate siti the,. Areaà goingr dut. t, ta defeat, the final score heing-hltiIt eay it'-Ies' iel Inen welIl purt t 1lru 2. But that wae the tiret garnea..t. te easun andth ie bosprumie .t.,do h, lter hereafter. As tht reguit of ae ,tnpetitlveem.atlna- tion iu plyut rre tli t tî,e Utnivert t Chicago, Frttlrtîv, \pttil Ith, Mark Eilsworth t! itr nyî, a erudenit at Deerfielt Towit-ittît High Schoul ai Highland pari,, atrr the tîrize entrante ecboiarIhip> a'r.-dLutht auccestnl competitur. rrTh hi sgoti fur a free tuitionri ftr tte quarters o! tht alool year 1912-13. NMr. Ellewurth wae une of rttterty candidates for tht sebolarahilî ant ime u>.bu congratulateti upon hie success. Yon tu antee t0il ytui littît cbiets by teeding lied Ct>nrî,.aIl sizes. Bl unly hy LîitTYvr.iitLunEa Cou.c-33 3 WIIICII WAY IS YOURS? There lenon question about thse ansseer ofthiose Who know thse superior seciirity afforded by Our Bank and wbo underuiand tat ,moeeey deposited witb ne. a pay. 4ble on demi if nesded, mnd «rue interest ai ibre. per cent, if leit with us six monthe. We sollici your businessa. THE FiIRST NATIONÀL #ANK 0F LIBEMIULE UNITIED STATES DPOSITORY FOR POSTAL SAVINGs FUNDS Now le tîhe tirue lu tay lu yaur Petroleuru coke. The finestetaimer and wlnter fuel. Low prife. during àMay at LiBEERTYviLLE LuiMBma Co. c83-8 Rush Park Seed Comupany'@ arden seed,, 2 packiages tor 5c. J. ELit ons. C-30-tt MILE. Churcoh Service&. 10:00 a. ru. Claie Meeting. 1ev. J. B. 10:30 a. mu. Preacbing. Rey. W. L. Whipple. Subj, "Hie Holinees." 12 mu. Bible 8chool. H. B. Fike, Supt. oh . The Sermon on the Mout .!' 6:45 p. ni. Epvrorth League. Anul- vermary Day. 7:30 1). niP Peaelting. lier W. L. Whipple. Subj. i ieans. Wevduedav, 7:30 l'raverbpryiee. Fresbyterian Services %othece ltav will I.e ol,>rvd in the churefu and Stînday >tu) Ntrnicg tervi,-e 10):30 a. ru. Sulject, Motîter. Bible sechu<ul11:45. Ereniug terve.. 7:30 p). ru. Subject, Friende uf Je.,ne. Wednesday 7:30 p. in Prayfr meeting. C. K. i0,xauder. Mînîster Notice Ast1 amnnot g> mng tu nioce tuNMontana 1 amu prepared tu lu ail kiindm of teantiug on short noti>tm. J. E. lio, .Lberty. Notice Duinping as.h, er riill,i.>tlitnthe etreetteor alîts s i. oilut >tedl lttordin. truce, ail offendiri ut this urdjrtnt-e are eubjeet tlu a fiue. E. H. Vîllago.(l'k Vilage ut Libertyville. c-:3.-1 Notice Notic~e je hereby giveti that ait Iterson@ thut have the eanitary eeaer iii front tif îtruierty anti are riitnmn.reewprage thrungita ttoria mater drain> ituelm cttntevt aititthe eaiiary te wath lit tty it dm egrotin lai> E. 1-itui Vi.. llag~e (lerk. Village iof ibeltr1tIill> r 4Notice For tccr> î neoi tt>r [rienite we haveamut> zedJ. E.'tiredith, & Co., %Viii. Stttàltti)ru t.. receice eube-rtpttous ut @tt-k tttr ihe NMeredithlt Fwear & Vege- Titt, ltti ir>> F i t't & V't o. J FE. MEHEDtLîtra-ret. Let Me Figure With You Nuowis lIpte t>ruget tour lurniture aie,> ready t,> dou trîtikit.oftarjtenter wiirk. Htu'vAutt It it eF. Lrbert tiIlle. Phone if; 1 W. r24>tg PERFeCTION FEATII!R BROODERS and IIOVERS Perfection Feather Haver Thete Bmoudersi andi Hoveu re tht nîtrctiaticati la exitence. Neyer ail to rear cbic(ks to rnaturlty. Tht htîverai are tht neareet thlng tb rutai lite iutes ever invented.i SEND FOR CATALOGUE MUNDE! & PROCTOR AGENTS 138 R-Pbans-154 L LAbertyvMle, m flhiawi The VanStockCou. in playing at the Lyric theatre ail thie ýweek giving a change ot bil nightly anti trawinig good crowd». On Thurpdaynight they weil present tht chitIre's aero battecact by re- queqt. They wiil give a ruatiate Satur- daY ai 2:30 p. ru. Admission fur clîild. reD at, adulte 10c. Aduision for the nîght sItuas 101 antd l7îc Algo change o! picturus nigitl. 8te Nîcho>,.> Ntrhtlby at the Lyrie theatre Saturday rrgltr. Spertal two reel ubjeet. Mondat Marelîrell Limiberry reeeiveti a letter [roui the.. uffakît tiief tof police etating that one C artueitPreitt, t>xteu reare olti, had leftis tt îtrrttuitntthat r-tIr about tfor weelis a&go>ii that thrvt. weeks agît lie trote lux lparetit4 f rut» this place. The letter al.o tteed t1it Prefets brother, Jos.eph t'ie.t, %vtt-.c route to Lîhuýrtyville anti tu autist hlm utnlot-ating tte boy.1 pi.;tt invettgatiug it wax ftuaritthat ittu ad tetu etôying at ttie Huren farnt eau.C ut bore sehere be waa employei, ibut thit. tbe praprietor of the [arum bati tounutit necessary to let hlm go andi ho badlet for Chicago. The brother, upo)n iearn- ing this, irumediately left for CbcaCro wluere he v il] continue tht searb. Episcopal Services Services at tht Eplecopal chnrch every Suuday ai follows: Chureb services at 2:30 p. nm. and Sunday echouo at 3:30. Baptisnmal service. 1ev. A. C. Richards. tieetor. Jlu E. EL CORLErr C.. ýFREDER1CKS Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and Groceries Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLI EVERY HORS£ MUST DE Yours may be next. The average lUfe of a horme is 12 years. If you inaure with the National Liv. Stock Insurance Company yon are alwayu aftlad. We issue only jLEAN T'ROMPTLY *LEAR ~I ~ONCISE LIIP anddinaure horses, mules, and cottle agaînst death from any catses, broken log, or lois by theft. Ses us about this to-day. ft.R. SATENMW [[LUOA, CHILDRENS' SHOES Some Very -Sj>cial Values Olur warrn weather lino of littie folks' footirear je very coîn1îletu and wu have stucked with '(quality goods" irbose Nwear and fit can bu reliud Irpot. l'le iropular novelties in a&H materials are represeni.ed. -White (anvas, Patent, Ganetal 'and Tan Loat>uur, etv. Bring in the youngeters. T1able linen mhoulti interegt you abot 00nw. We'ye eoîîîe iandsoie tîtîngs irn this lino to show you, very iooderately prmed to. 1, New ireslPerc.ales irt patterns tltat are neat antd colore that wifl wablh andu wash fine. rheu goods are tull standard in width andI w ave. The linen inisete Flaxorte are more thatr ever in demnand this epriug. Thee pretty crisp eloths corne in a wide variety of paturts ail wîî it t lilli that -dot!snt wash off."ý Sheets, l'illow Cases andi Sprea>le, mariy styles and prives, ail l>:rgaifle. W. W. CARROLL & SONS CO, TWO STORES Hi-gh Grade Wire. Fence AT MANUFACTURERS COST We are closing eut discontinued styles. A first class fence. Viait our factery, examine the. fence, get our pricea and doa't delay. .. .. . LIBERTYVILLE, 4 - 't-a '4 1 'l -,- - . - MmtL am VI' Since the organization of this bank it hae been our constant endeavor to devote our tiieç skill and capital to pro- moting the welf are of the bank and itâ eus- toniers. .. . .». :**. Give us your business. Capital, Surplus and Undivided profits $879000O.00. N.I'ONALBANK

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