4 4- TEITS~mAN UFACTURERS ?bu"wik tt'8'bue LOYESI IlOREASE IN CITY )k«EPLýltMle glv -q- ~. Buletin Issued by the Bureau of Meust Radifiel « ti hé iind Ever ato WMsaONERS AGREE THAT TWENTYFIVK UNÏON'tEAM$TEPS Oe8s Show auksga, Nosr . ÀyMUST- PAY MUCH WALK OUT ON A BQiWgRAL Mead of the List\ . .l MORE FOR PRIVILEGE. 8-TRitI IMER£ TOOAY. Ti.seal - u'otit Teséilbulletincean suufact- Hpôyr o i4notrial vo1ZrsCapable THIS6 MEETING CITY OFFI. ures lu tiie tatbe mt led by Lb. say tl.y eauflot lI4rpret thé, l. vule ~O&SWIL I'4 JSTWMT UNION MEN INSIS! 014 AN IN. departuent o1 comnerce a»d labor, in 8ou fflaaêUt!it aset, P8-t at' O 111E PEO INEDSIRL A CREASE 0F $2.00 PER WEEI< bureau et the. cenns aat Waahignec Lb. rveiuth gererai assenu. -NO TROUBLE TOPAY. under the directin of E. Dans aIl. bly. The. nev iav became effective fl~ is li m ue sinice the iatter* rand, dtrector of the. ceneuâ, shows MAY 1 MR& 0 lsloubnougit up for a dscussion Tweuity-five unienLite"rs uL aWankegai bha advanced vith ,ot in recaz5L yeara bas lter. OË beaa i th Chceno &Milaîieeont ounice for bhlr\ vages la great bounode sce Lthe lant rensus of been an set ai Lb. statut. books of ~Sqerie raiîroadlest Satin-day atter- WVauicegan t 6 o'ulocic tiis miirniiig. manufacturie atken u 1904. Tiie thls at-e wviuubas ctented as- vidO r 2ïon las a eoiference with MIay-r Bld- Emloyers veto comliled. te don bulletin Includes meteiy the year 1909 a diverslty of oiniion, or vblch han Mrà 4gir5 and Couiulàouer Dletmneyer the overails asti do the, ciore. Tiie but tiie growth f ront th e àt 1899 been the cause ai more spécula- thi. i$ iIoed ,lilnsesetomee te ctyuni~on teins1ters li Waîicegam bave Issiio'ota bee litte short ef muram-tienLio iéLsP0s'tble.,,pPltcatiOu. b*4 n3 tii vs-y and made the. finit offer as recetved $1300 per week for âervIcea ijous. lt Indicates titat as a .miapîfact- The workisna compensation Rot llOiged iOstiy in iiratura for a reudered for mai! years. They have uring . ety Waukegan ranica wth the aperîfical>y atatesatirt If an elle- ers for ~!i er raeis.Thet offer au etrick for an increase of $200 pet l.adiig cileso of thse étaie. pi»byer de« nt accept IL lie toes Lhe Waukeg &titrdy lte give the rit> $27.500 week. or -_ weeklY salati' af $15.00. ini 1909 Waniiegamn iad ftçty-nine defense of contrhbutory neglgesios, l hetia e cmh for tls valuable privilege imployern WaukegaInseut 'tiat maiufactuning estabýlshments, near- OXcept ith&tiiei negligence may b.i A fa îà tiie> asic. tiiey caunot meet the. demwnsd For j' doublie wiiat it bad in 1899. Tii. coplded by the jury ln fixing Lb., rentd: 2 ML.. tise ieguler meeting of oLb. t ee mos bu part Lel tasocev the staun-dropo- couni» thia mornsilathie Commis- iug wabigons today. imera g aerrs lis-ah am un fCreIadallit UOd Jae. i.enpa eat l - veWebb, a oversix imez tii aiisîto!cpitle"il pft ls ii« 'epwthLi.th ete«en && ift te Matear st con- ae iec nveetâd bas ncrnmsedove.- tveitY- lo .Oe oiewtiti Otepu jel.1ngti. Aul vere sgreed tbatWaiegau. la drivng bis <5w'flteSti. Loimea. tbe s-maint or vages pald tary 0f stait lbnteau or labor satis- bustdhii toff.red liy the Iraliroed (uiiar-ea'stov of the. liii or! <1.to lalarets bas hIncreaed neanlY Lias, aid lfier lftig suni notice heb. Fat eouvpmiy vas net ssmfficeit. Mlayor ~& ~ ~~~~ twelve tîies. tihecost t4mtras eu i.deeieo ssmsiio M mfg Md Cmstemsoers Diver as ~betore 9 O'cloCc11114 morniing., bas Incieased about fortY-two Limes, TiBit of f<0110«Mervan u ntitui.few dI2 tggtperer ver. oetiihe opinion that gloting undI lntiiation i viiintiihe value of producte bas- lnereased ot>yisnéglic. lha be tbo (mvany siauid pay Lthe cL>$25- naik, tue teemoter' trike.1 twenty-aevcis timesanad tue vaine ffl- Wlsen the. employer accepta the Tiéivit! O~li adiio L pyig ue$51- 0 Fer Lbe mest pax t tii._»2ivia mn Who naslnti e t the oempoye tga ise preumned attemit jt sdiLliiOvesnLthe nity for the. vent ont on trike s-t 6 o'clock tuis nealy'flfteen tnies. ta bave . acted L u . u i,<r '~*e~ubetitsvig.'Tbiawlul iorniig vii ll.deavor taes-&ru Liir t le osdoubtiuliIf aur otuer City in a noie t i.contmrrwitbln Lirty er Crsd ~~is $29,00l>. Comznls ne b ld Zii>bread snd butter at anotiser vo- the sat-e can ashov sudii a olid daye aftet b. Ie employed. Hoveî;,r, fThur hÀ*eeyieIG Liiat $47.000 la Cationi. Tbey esl tai Lie> bave ceaedaming Lthe sane period of Lb. employer vaald îa. eine of-bia ta He - temmd tale sLd tlist -Inbeen udnpald for y«ýeandthat a a ime. And oven thoen, tIer. ar <ar- ights If tiie ,emp)ol>, ould ltg": tbé ep onontjfr city. eiiould g ew Lb il e av en u-tain paces wvise t t ooicsas If th,. sncb action. to iung bebind ln theit extpeuims e.<r etmtamd i ui o.Clause la Quoed. - M u.reiitoftiisenfr.c. esm. Ti olal figur'es Show jfi,. Bete là the.clause ln e aet N ,-yoe Bldnger vrote Lb. affislaeoW at incoml0e1bubengrowth o! 1,,gfaetur«es iu Waukesgan vih lsof mOtliterest to Lb. em- *à offlna turning dayn theit of- pitdadajoint metngofth betveen Lb. yars 1899 and 1901: ployer: 1- ~ et$2.50 a-yu tatIfI l teteatuters s-id tue team ovuers wili Amont of Compensation ta ieB. OP or$2,00 ayig fbOlate Ti hl 0ie aLtesrtuo ngued Number of Estbiaiente. pald ln every cameofdestii:0 'bat tbey eaved tay moe liteMu t The aEne, t bate creaed e NaetXie. in la1904-4. If employe leaves a wtdov.chl us4*9àé te aeahootisb e as ehvetirasdte N.'salghet n 944 or cildren or parente or otuet lin- Tii.1 "F4 t<i. cha ost ~ ~ ~ eargés for teamast frram$585 " a$6 No. establisments lis 189"-2. eîhi, orLmmteaerage an Off Air -1 .dminier asr goîns z la peeday- 'huibec-mue effective Ms-y 'Total Number EmipIoyed. nai esi, rnîgso tueepoa" 0u the es- cmpai> Me 1. Total number employed n 99 legs tLusn $1.500 ot more than $3,500. totalnl ,,b eere a opn.H ad men esigaged In the. geitetal tes-u- 3,773. -If employéeslouve roiateral heurs 84 wvi b.1ir ai i obtalned lntiis ing husnesa dCI" tie> vii Il t"w v Toal anniber empiq>'ed ln 1904- oi.sc percentage as tbe coutri- aguiuIe mole utue eponge" sni quit business h 11,000. bntions wblch ,loeeased made ta sun 31ii- *itô Bwdiiser sasitiaIn bis- Waiicegun. Tbey dlaim tluey cs-mot Propietorsan8ud F~irm Mimbers. boîrs bore ta iieantngs. Il The tie eL ua ii b a al breic.k even" paying $15 per weeic Proprtetots and Si-lm meuhers tu If employe leavea unc heîra cf an Iliin las mtosling and g«L ai expression for drIvers. l<r-1 46. icta, $160 fot bu-hIa experuses. secondi di epea ajust vIsaituy Tbe teeru owners vito bave been ef. .cretr'adfr.mmesl 1bPnýto eleP lipgk«te iMbter. All Lb. commis- fre yl.erk r ereB-r Poretn i i br u Cmesto alepthe.n lv- licTe 0«»ot; t b.> vIlld u stfce yteatieaeGog Be-10-4talîmenta equai ta oneiif tise au - nu- d atov & Co., D. T. Webb, Williamn Ton- Thse, Saiaried Empluys. erage earnings sud paddauthtie saine Tii. wlbte have dione tu an .KkrsuHtFoie. - Sala-led enlloyes i 1909-537. Intervals &as vs. were patd Or ln blOctti l question of, ising Tiie drivers of neunly ail th. lunu- Salanieci eumli]yes l, '1904-141. weekîy Ps-ymeuts. -The -Iscung aisueanstea sil lte ber rnd ecro.iwagons ieserted tuelt -BSiuared eunployes ln 1899-41. AohrTluehete rta hs lvn and Il t le probable h Posethiui ornlng. Avenage Numnben Wage Earnueru First nid, modical on surgirai s-ndil 'laltg beln aess? viutule. tie D T. Weibb, the Pioneer coul mer- , verage numiber wage -parnern ubo-spital asees snd al$o medicinfe "t a. oomiMmre duamll On.ablricant cf Waukeguu. hatulei I4 loa<S ntewaite esrnnm lui au-d osîutal service for a periodc '1' deod "tlgbefore arien ioday. One l b aus Ct-aâ 0-8Aeag25. rwg, ali l otlonger tissu elgbt weeks and nual jappa v'igars m he tret i. -en ta Fourteenti street. Northi-s ý182.t' exceet,200 simd uReeea! e 1ieated 111 ,wibds nttk n gal. Average' nimher wuge earners lu of a lhysidun or suirgeon dîîrlng lue Whi ho ip,:snta IIIr- '1eu-loy tLus work. t would 1lIcee 8199--4f,5. . cidre pr.riod o! dlsabliîty.i-n vii uL b ansderd.Thediluta isgon for on.e monli. If Primary Honse Power. Ht avues leginning on ti, el:bltli a $5,0 bac aboyna a sore 3-11 "long bas gel in e o -teInned te deatb. P'or es rvrl ?fý2,duyo îstivtu e ettsi$ ont et uu£Ylng tIisas.esmeni 1 yl waft a day or %o lnthe iha ad e ecrdg.cî or44,- 104au or nfore than $12 a week. 4M hr adslo ned npaut i f a settlemî,uî betweentu ninad orcodgve oI ai194ad Rcr,3.onabLre cnp,satiou lu n -v e ! JOdsrdý epn otise teau n era tuen 1 yl emev18Yen'r1 -ri"'---l c7ir:r :Abt talpd O6 adtonm wgn.rleml Capital cf Concre.ofshe!iclard: or fr'c.tX ooiu >Ilig a part of bth ot c oefis t.'er.Tley have beei ps-id1 4È ltoex Thé. l.oftet made b> Lis.1$1450 a weekfr > -ote, al aLaie Otrit uîoo '. .fsd b. îîbitlna]'i0i udurte - et reeut oui y ore of tise teasi owners today 0.. e- -ton r ti ,anuto o _1mfer the .valus-hie frainisle (han______Ca:pital cf concerînu !i 1904-$4.14l 1 :entonordt. comupany -aitoxi oves thse citv. 10A. Causes Mut"Oftcly ____________IRA WO)RSFOLO GOES WE ST -apital of concerns lu 1899 $7-41 'rTh, above pirrtu o!l'1 nase il' -~MARRIAGE LICENSES ira Won3jold, tise ckty's eîiy arcisIooo. Ilaî -, 1g tIiemlye r n le - ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~,ten, lata leave lie ity tu brute lnhi Salary a! Employés. Sieli i llilyhtyn . t ...ltiu...............21Crvalîts, Ore. Hie bouaeiseld good.; Salarîi 'if ellnloyes for 1909- taisissti FoîVtise legislattirc figure" * Ct-jkvskl Lae Foet.21ar-e packed mud uliL Park avene borne'r$8.0.tir a jsiet ]e.Awî gr&.o> enwbigaae.Tefml 94 o sa, as-me ........1l nvbcgvurtd i. sii Salaries cf eilîrloye3 for 10A-c siisatsfaction lias svept overthie ,Fattlg, Milwvaukee-.... I lîî.llleave as eoon as tbetr gonds are $13s,000. eut.lre state sud tise open preiiicLioii * CoR,> . same............... 25 eatd aalso mlysfr19 la that the Iakw ylnot boi,. a'd tlat P.Mautynai, .Norftis <liscaoo..28 'siarted liSalaire cf emrIila res for. ?Otmilc, smm..............2, Mr. Wcrsfold -.haa beau tire ctYs -aiL$4re0.Ittuti ie!cgbtunillt- b, Graaii, dlvaice . 7Outy architteet for nm6.Y'Ypa-rýuud, el Wages o aorr.Itflergl'ird the -tibig <rrpor:' 3' 1'Idls-.as-e---------29 a n P-an sfor'smof !tue 111,0t Xtreofabrefi-90$,1 1 ouevis Iv titousande o! dollars fi! Il . avlî Mliwakee. wlý t builigLn utue Cty- -Ile000.cie vekyomosiyrait¶l iowu W haf et. Milwauke. 24dewtselaafor eSouthli ,de - W'age, cf laboreni for 9446,ietmi.rqursetbtde' Scnie, sti .21 de teP'l [s o, ,bu tesalmantfact'r- MSiideK. Weiîcic, salie ...........0 fln, sta nd hiaidbs..-qais',ail tise oo. sk bo lraoft tbe auia okr ripli Mieli, Miliwaukree----------2t plans for tiie nov lin, o! factoriel at W'ages fel lifflayes for 1899=$1 '.-eaieplero nutliwokr H8IdâAn s-mne-----------..2 Nertb Chilcago. Mr. Wortli declde-d A-(,j.lo probab]y i>,as two otreign.li 4 a ngrlM. li.seMlake.. 4t aetecac. nlcto 1 h oto aeil.salaried ten visa isnet lroli- -lleery MBiteser, liiwmitee - - 24 e inice ti, cianee.in ocatin ci tiseIaCnlvcfMs-teais.more skhu amoretiss tbey tt .ccn 11aàeP. (trcett. Itacine-.....22 belle! tbae tiie Proserta iuOregon t Cost 'of -ateriahe for 11-14, -jolin K Ungan, Chi., .12; Norma E. are better fur - itîthinis14tthi sec dusQ0.tiad ht.tIztha Il iyote aIl bu.T 1»li-iBarrlngton, 22. ien, - Ço-rt if miîerals ferrk in 1300. u te i nertsat Ithvi e el' 'Pm iliv., 22; Elieanor Keller, Mt. Worsfoid te a brotLierof! Mrp. ('at orinatertals for 104$.98, ark uythise tthé ieta efthLi eall a"»s. 21. 1George H. Breen nof Park avenue ani fjf,1 gmanalo lunektg b te motîthetle -Gordon1U. _lArkey, Northi Lakne, ts tolipng vithis usiser ieow pend- i Value o Prodmota. .1ii iel uakt etts e WIs 4- ari Woaeek ta., 4. ng bc diutrtire.Vaine et proitiets for 1909-W81924.-ltureineîîtEqsud yl therefore bave ts 't.' ;Mre oae, an 4 igbsdeat .guve Up bisebusiness. tilûl dta ôRalï aRtès.. Nalofprodunts for 1904-$3.962.- Several local employeriu'nove b.eîu N'allie 0f troitiOts for 1899-$733,- notiledtitsendmtyElagi 1 tLbst.tiieir Insurauice rates now5i W YN TB YA001 rentsa a rdd ylib. talge te t WHY NO B Y ~Value Added iiy Manufacture, $1.25 a buudred b.eilng lMa> 1. O _n L N'~~~~~~~~~aine ndded by manufacture tn 1909 TeIerneérpalsel h e $5,820,00. art sts-ing lu rculrt tus-t lte psyment o n e - P e e i.i OValue added by manufacture'lu 1904 e -.P ie c s il 00 _S1,04,00.o!suama uer the Compensationsatt 0. slue added b> manuf&rtnmf in 1899 yull noceestate a hume0r rate 0f ln- 0 _$96,00.aurauce and beavler polirles. -$80 00.The insuranre companies urge that le______________the employer$ camne mierL-the Cam- T Any a .ize desircd, set up complete, 0 peusation art, sfstlng tisati t la Lhier 1 eI 0 . AI 2Su<jNN preferenune. Why the. Insurauce comn- above foundation, and use the uew lb" ' 'panies are talting sueb a Stand ou tise c improved door framte that is not an * M&IJA.schémamate itu5554lka neet. 4 elmultaneouz me l e rvîeed. o infringement on the Harder patent e M arbleaomd (Ire it . ttii s m nMi lai l agn ___________________the ps-ymer~ ai levy saina to Der- O Mnnssan.nic nomainjurea d u a*m - 6e' <tuas.o Sklllei. Lb.e eplayers haire is1lied a 'O sciieme b> vOilait hiey boise L, in a TWILL PAY YOU TO FIGURE WITH *41[by oek o Iv.q ieaur. oerIL hé ouer < -J h* OAamlt ixé, apilouta v*l mcoitumm tbw, *eux-ad .îh be taken m>,Y.al a00ffetlir's . 14 woek a w Ï4" MhoMs1sP On erer eWl* M iop4 IWbo, Art toni~ o bhoa#A.bitt wii sam iet dotîg A rseonaible. days ANéfL tcuci4m ,pflftE'Ic fflé 0F fOKlEI., THAtiER, IIRAVR T*41 CITY. àkel- tiier la iciefwood, 111. rysterioesly dlae- re.itlai and Chiiet amno m *serb Dr ber lai.amnuel Schiiwrts of <an. ta viiotu su.le llideld.d D m f $200. fe omtb.s-&go lira.Ksioli trav I . Mn.Siwwas't,-bewdl# gmvoad. 8sue lnfqmdbte u~RuTvLITLEMIL.D93D HaeV ri S*CRéRCIPINT Or COST. LVWATCM FOR Mlitlu. RECUE AO! MANW140 FFtI. IN A bSTt 00I COMA ON UEO. Ta b. tesmued tram ie-JVs-tIY Of DeAth by a fuire halred littl., lady magna Os metlng bt tles-t aone WaIS- iceffite. Neariy .tva weelt.isgo pr.ttY Ulte 1,ldred Heydcces-, iasgis<et 0fMr. Roy Heyd«er, s-Yd ber usuel.', lite oàd as a Lok.L t peciation the reauéd missu spéessnted lisr vith as beauliful Uitile gOMd vah. one day. neexi tva veks ago, lit- 'a. Mlldred suds- ps-tr t fgirl fiands word' ajylnàg s-relier skating partY theLb eeeumnt sidevaicm an North er ini thi.building. AI UO UttleAYUUES. me. Mor. Sctitz ruioéoledth», - "'. us-stop li a an rra.m afe ' esff t L thster ncO -Mr. Lon Eddy," W&d'Ml$s rtuai expenses. Tihe proprio- Milêd. 9,uaPPORredtrOis the. village 1, Tbe memberu 0f the Party conent- lyes &g and aincetii. iiD&Ilng .1.so M90 d t a%&thi ead u bem seen mer ho*rd tram ber. . pd 0 ii. veauidaof Lb Eam Mliam. arobaI bas mm" .,ve. oaedt h vrnaofteEd ýt8 to locate ber. Sowes Mr.. Schwartz fully 82 il" tvaOor three tim*& 8Sh. ML Tbate are a utumber of ;e rag tU'door bell . .8111 no rIpoIi- editors le -mighiWboa. .- s arsday n.lgbt Mr'. Bh*Warts wsuut Sswood and foréei0ed and taak "1 gue"ab, e l ot at boe eh@i v9tot of th« iUlIMg. He dent.s muid, na the. party of fair balr.d lit- port-tUut bhovilljobisthe. long is. ode el. i.t Lij5e 1Uiec. ouity tiiegter mngers. Othtbor retura f rom &.-trip ta Lthe EV HLL V! AIricu north. limite of the City Misa Klldred 04»»1thtey maire uuother stop st - Lithe dy home. OSITJON TO ISSUt 16M000 BbQ rang the. 4007 bell twics. At ONDS WIN& UV MAJOstiTY tbat bnouat the ouly occupan~t of the. OF THIRTV.ONE VOTES, home opened a bed roam Vinda,. - "PhId the, key I* tiie door Corne equestion of bonding the, village1 tu; 1'm sfic, vere the, worde of greet- tloci for $5.000 for Sthe purpose ing the uidren r.cived. Lerection of a ew ow "LI Bettled at thie polis Tuestiay. Tii.%UnsMiss ilds.d omplted 'Wi ber number of vo<tes eont vas 138; inede's rsqsiest. Ruaiilag itu.te seup. 're In--favor. wiili. 53 vere, *airs b.d raom st>. faumd ber unele ilt, thus the, measure carrled by i laying tii a state of coma en the, b.d elo4, viereon the. uew baillla to îIom>- iloor. <Cas fumes fiuied ie tlit vas purciiased froin pellSa. Ir oom. 8h.lmxnediatelY sumnm.-d a o ait l i'ted on Mai% street. 1 physician vlso .dminlstered restara- ad lot soutii of the News' of. tives. eplans are nov on flie wjth the, But for the girlsa visti th tie Eddy ei clerk, home the. uncee ould certainly have ebuilding la ta b. of concrets died of aapiiyxiatlan. cand brick consetruction, 25160i The token af appreciation menus o torie 'ii anda asment. Li1 upper story viii be don, off for mre to '.llss )Iildred thuai ail tiie grooms in wiciithe. village nuar- Carnegie moduls Lbat have been Lg suppros-d t- 1- o','.The swarcq'ýd ,n th i..pt turpp ,ur" and suffic,!ent room for thie tire VRHAF ND3C TCOS .ratuis. The basement viilbe Ut-4 iii for the village :aIl. 'l WA-tlHN(lTON, May 6--A 3-cent lie Antlocb bas adopte! Liietond piece and a 2,j-cent coin. were provided for a village bail it I recalled1for ln a 1»III Passerl today by the. Libertyvilie recentiy voted owvi1 ,00 bond Issue for a village Iml.1 lause. MAKe- YOU'R ~IR~IAMRoMII3910ND RlY[WAS OII and mudleas with TÂRVIA. Now is the 'time to t.ake this tcatiject up and arrange to bave the work done asoon au weather permits. Âlso coin- position and rÉI*dy roofing and roofing repaira. REFERENCES FIJRNISÎIED. ADDRESS. P ET E R B AK ER PHONE 458 J. Lake forest. Illinois Jans Vaudeville Co. ATTHEATE LY RIC -ATHTEjýT tl E 1 1 fU NNKY Il10Wi IMINDAýNCING, COMEDIESI »MIkssIQmFQi it iS WEEK ONLY l'oc,&' Ise 'Physiciend Surgssn ,D'nes ovu osekr od lu wpcalatstion ta 9". Mar, on m&" Thfoat -GLUM PQ.PRYFITTED DR, C. L GALLWAY, 071109OrneULOYELLa DameO DfOUU. gou-mro1to a Md 6to8 P.rm Ubortreli. Moitos. PAUL MAC GuFRN. U.berhîyvle, IMios Psu ais/ DIL GOLDING DENTIST Hotrea61012 ..rn-1 to a . SEflTrls Bumling wItb Dr J. L. Tuyior.-Pbone 19 " fr. Phone 1092 Llbertyvilie. llat DL EL H. SMITH. DBNTIOT. 1 3VIX LA&& 0CUNT T NAMNiOA MU.4 ouus-o'tc 2'a&. madi 1 SàP. a. DAIL?. l LbertyvlleI. lilols DM.1. L. TAYLOL OFMM UOYEU J. EU. ?U!qos BLVO. *oumu.-7 to 10 Ob. m. 2 tg 4 sd 6 SP. rM. flécldenas -in Broadway. oppogt. Park Liourt> rit,. auli.. DR. IL V. 5SMITII GENERAL PRAOTI% BoumrmtI 5 10 a.M. 2 t 4 and o 0M 'e ove, Rayr Yomtue store, SPItCIAIL A1TENTIo! TO THE £W LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN C. DECKR f f eo )li. iist ', 1't., Elý-tH< station titie phoîje 84X l114. .Phone 136011f Nd:tTlI CHII'AIJO. ILLINOISOATZERT & POILE AUCTIONEER Farta Sale@ SoInd st . J conpigument Salpe Sold at - -2. W'rite or Phone 27?4 W1 STRADIVARIUS VIOLIN F,- Miss Bertha W. Msrd4j, PprelNo. 5. Ibosedals, Kanas. PUBLIC AUCTIONEEItING Cio.sLatentonpaid tii arrainiring ancto sale. u eîdlst reulta n iiiindi- Alil kinda (>f bormees.wagons and batrpss fur fCalor Pe.ehange. ut ail times. HENRY SINE Pho..s 148 or 48 ZION CITY, iii. F. Crsube, Tel. 26t-L2 K- Lssî5hery, fil. 58 Grabbe & Laughery EXPERIENCED AULCT1ONE1ERS Live Stock and Farm Sales a Specialty. fOR R11FERENGE CONS OUT AND IIEAR uis On accounIt of urot having Urnme to travel, Pompsi No. à592. My, Pure .Bred Bay Belgium Stallion having License No. A6845. iil stand at my farrn1 every day dnring the season of 19 12. This is. as fine a draft humse as any, In the county. If yon want) hie servime, call and mnike arranlgemnents. Dan. trsehbr&er - ett A. P. par pro L. bqss bavaq Lum beau FOR 0~ F0R 260 sbat FOR FOR "sver Lin loqu FOR inodt depo Libi. FOR divis tue FOR Gemu FOR FOR a fe plan] vact erat jgan FOR aiso hant FOR ville, FOF huver,