[o?1.~ 'j 44 0.s4e JouO amefloa Cblngo, @peit miss ,4ýtin vlsited friande me-, ML P~ 2S24 tég w nweanfrolCbumg. se. 01B SDeMins II bus. b.d for -airoth@eJ.gW. safltiai. f alqt of;Mx miCbl mat lb.nird.lgrom b bbos.,kinut . als.t epruct bad. m Tha a4i~dtatwfsoe ai' O(ET "~ iéoia Nieholby, a @Peel&, two reel and th*eelothes whlbtes!. Lrge patkaget âre go sWalltb at vien = Z; +4s"NT4s)-sI,4sLas++ él vn * ok *oluCO55IU R++-nquredrta e the Lyrlc8aturduy niubt. seii for 2o sants. buINI tWiOeCt thin M-S FR iLU4M Zllar ldbi ri tThe' IAsssdih Flower and Vagetable P~ies 4W per bond. SH tFLonta n& PoUb rm1s -3- ir i re bisPosont liera... 11hc-88-2 -~.....~.l*ewe..es... tba.4oebhs.lun bakery and acoeted a Co. ie tbe huatindutry ln Liberty ville 160. AOngs-Cboke pinture on Die s itàati. nt Sheldon achelln. &d thelr bIg tasseoaimen are an the FOR SALE-Bado, mftMniture ouid jù rm, mo barbh si. SilitaeIla bute with orders pilad severai veeks on rqgi. iequre ai IIuI ofice e83 1vffiiot se I $10 pe r eek. A usT&I, &4@ Som.ski ba.s seepted a position abeati. Tla.y VIII esip to -vrrY state la ------ 1Cmime. Ubertyvi * R. D. No. 1, as bria driver- at tbe Gardînier botal, tie union in the. coming inottthaton- FOR SAIR.-Mmesiemil qIahy 1. CIPlIU Pam 272 R1.î C-384 Graplake. aanda of plAnts us.d ln makiîg theyards 260 u.iebaor, 1I aloLpbroodu _______________ 4xolouy z boode, &"Pto" ver .FO fENT-W. bave 70 a1rsgod Iwlll payr rbates on speei a mwsl beautlfol. Their 0slowubona,%have ar bJCsur. Evserie a ba: pottria for stock, govtr ~m . s.5. 6. 7,.ad 8. se ny offices lerived and tbej' an breakiug the ground na90L4 c44f 5y APPtLEt. P-8-S = . 1141.any evenlng between 7 for thaîr ereetion. Wheu compieteti »l8o'elock. Libertyriile ean bouet oI the tlîîest plant A. R &IIWAZOBLE, Villagle Tressures- 'n A SAPAIN-In poslts-yfaening for a FOR RENT-il-rooin bouse. barn aid lunortiiorn, lilno. and every itiz-n siiorsitiu»s Oly, 18 vis-es,48 lcha rea lan.iàqulreoIRLOiERLT Ei.t<S, watytwo Motorcycllsta fT M Vbica. wvho bua a 1evbonj.e j e olr hlgb,8 encb sa Soc0erero .20 virus. lb'rtyvilIe, 111. < go tf naftsck Libertyville6uneday at about 10 lavent. should invest iu the, enterprise 59 lneuble b, 6 l..b tay Sale par sod. ' inratteatoc.To urne ec asit for obsabargaIu. uscs zMCANWRE FORRENT-Farm bousesand several twelveo<'lock and took dnemtti tODt.Te urnes-v-n pr cnt ftssCo., lAbrtyville. e.13-tf faers. Of round 2% mlles sauth af eweAsile botel. FsouiberslheY %vent and a labat, lla tbe earnitgq of Ille ___________________- Warrse 'on. Inquire of ai es. F. 8TOï.Z- tbWaUkegau relus-ing ta Chcago via, plant vblh i il e large and thera le C FOR SALE-Lake cOuaty farine, land MAXi, Wakegan, il. R. f). 2' Phone Labo Shore drive. taotaasnfer prop in BI llilnois today. k-lu llontuiaua es aud 2Floride. 267~ -0t Dywowin & Ara. c-82-tf ?tow la tht' tina. ta lay in vaur There are peuple la thim triain ct-t FRSALE-New niodern. vp-t ul da<ý:Sehool treet; ga* and cectrit' habit. vinear fuel. Low orLzea durng %fay at althougb '"r oud t t erwîse éliaolu Ave. boutssluton5eas78.ermeAppiyt taJ..L. Plut:E. c 82-1! LtuEaTrau.LE LuuaEu aCo. _,a.t_:3 expose thelr cblîdren or.tltt'ý,e.lves ta inn L vin o A v . Xb ose i l ot 50x278 i. ou$ e danger. et a cold ittu!- tl-,d m ay FOR ut ( of . 8. BOND, Lbertyvville,i FOR ORREN ro rIkcttag o APt-legar e.Tein teatvuiller ade,,tink ute ntagetis utri t-nid üi <23-tf 'l bave a fewverygon fain for bicaru Moady nigb t. lennis Limberrv branchitis or pueulu)naîs1 -.Feley i. i o 0ace o reappointed village marshal and f9oney and TaerCon.pounc tt î.tly for FOR SALE-$ room lhanne anti lot ail rent for 1912 runluzfioz 7 tare W arba5fo h,îe sgvar l tops couglis qumkîs an,ilurc noids. modern improvements, lot 100x150, On ta 300 acres antd ail close toi stations. lr arhlfrt'enui.i-s. ientaine no opateé and It, itu- fe r Miaaksaeue tP, lctl ~n B. DIXON, H. W. Smith hlas bpea hired Lv the childrenf. For sale by aill 'r tt'tlttts. WO Lierty vIllue o . cOs-NEti Ounea, DL. # 5-tf. D&W village tai oflelate at tht' pumping E i etvle.c8-lstation. illing ttes-aalet-vaueed bi- tha FOR8A..-Los u aLs-n u-~RRN-ielc.u the' Sehansek r -sgnation oi E. C. Young. Obituary. MANa division on ililwaukep avelne et'ai building Ses thyma. Aohr Fiert,ý r the Elsets-it'deot. Watsr aud Sver. e28tf ELIZÂAETHI LaiC . W. Yuoung oI Philadelphiea.,ale m taspier tlt.grt utaîns laid. R .-stoiEInelvll. atoavutappiiig'et te NPW Casîe kl a ritylauSns-daf ai ,!oi le. W. C-32-tf FOR RENT-Haulie an ttebo(I tf*et RoteI Halan h'relu the ine i oftheBliy sdetu ht.î rat- F Inquire aiflPAUL liACtFIrrX, Libertvville, ' lIyear, Pa.4s uniaa t !I tomle lu a ta FOR SAL-Hard »priit _j- ee,~-Il-tf ' ...,eow H. oa oesîsting .,otlî Mr. Af Vat-aville, Cal., atter an in,--.ofsix a pal GesmaumilItaeed. 'Çofoulwwed. oeW. ------R. cbnaebleanl . E.Roberts in dii- wes h uesa aae- 'r-hl r Bgaogaa, Lberiyiile.Viîînt'.utJFOR RENT-tii.e ol nali homîce dandpsng Of the stoc-k' This trio 'liav-ever- vare neîd at the lisesid.i',resîay, tii tc2>.i grde~tn $700 lt- ,î,i onth 5W. R. APPLEi-, taltlY made- a big eucens lu the' sale 0'at t.ibreyvlie.c-32ti saelso fr. Te aviterbas un ey A. .Cosa of th-e 1i5,tist ehurcit Or FOR SALE-Brown mare, b-Ies sud at -2t toko er n rie a se tckofcat n tei >lo nhi bugy tl.Mut esîl t ar husard i+ MlE) + iubscnptioîs ftram maxiy towus ln the c îgLe i itri. te tzutOhi bL 4 - L IdS Lites-y, Lbetoy boar WA. vlciity sncb townrs as Wankagan, Laket' eîeterv.pr b Livery, Libert --30-tf WANTEO-Ownera ot farta basgains1 Forest, Eîerett and Rocke-feller. basides tee o atv ok T _____________d ___ nîiirebetlen i1 - udl il' jthis they bave plaired conpicierable stock I"sd vas eiîrouey eart-iir..ge. He FOR BALEOklubr ncludieg vsnketa flot sane vîtit me. 1 can hers iu Lîbertsvilie. Tht-v hope to camne t hs tt1n0'2ttina a few tbonsaud foin' of 18 ft bridge i et yon rasaîts If you real]Y vant tu1 laethe allotient or stock avhicb bas llrat în aiining lu tht' u-îgheeorhOod aif piank. sud a lot of binder t<itgiies, oeilI. ein set asîde in be Pold ta the' public je Duteh FIat. lu 186ie iw.. ir ted in wagon tangues anti reacear-4so Bar R. B. l)iace. Gurnea. fil., 61-tf. D&. a very short turp nead îudgieg from, tht' marriage ta Mr@. Barbera Stereus and oral loala1f ,twd.st, Phono Wauke- I - tlboy cves- thse graued ianMr.in the iollowing ear the -.tple moi-ad' 'h gan 923-y-. 9-t wAtrED)-Voutg ladies wth i Wnome Schnitbeie's uav Ford auto they vil ta Salant' connty, settliniz a Tramant, B7 . E FLOO. tu i 11. I. ducation tu tel phoneo porators at Veebyeaidutllswe FOR SALE-Bus-ses f<iail purpose@; tea ChiaI O0pratoir,'Lake Connty Tels-!îr Bllaiurhse -tat aIt aiea twa second banîd btîggtes and saine phone Co-. Lbertyville. [Il. c-27-il Ptairie township end re-nied tbeîe hamnea. Ltiv'e Lîvaav. Liberty ville, + LOST and ]FOU»D Obituary. vu tié iq b is aly. Tins renatticd tht' e-32-tf 1faunivul oeutil 1903. wheu-u r and II -----LOST-Froin my ftainnear Hall Da. - Jobne ilieu vas boru fiiiIr.land MaS rwttnikit'y aine tt.,Vacaville, <a iiir- lit FORSAL-Seîra reistredBoiheII hackanti white pointe dog. very 1-)î 1837 andti dt tthe' hoe-ofIlis bssnestad FulR t'ai-4e al ta tremaHolsteid. havly tit-ktd. black Leati A lit-alra e- bsé-- eodd $85 aniveu .N. E. tourzEîTu-t - y.ard yl ua pali for big re.ture. W. M. daughter, Ms-. iW. J. .SGavit-k, on Fis-t Beides the widaw Lt- i4survljedtie FO5Saii E-yAr.ui colbor avil WHaînT, BAL DAY. t'3-tt treet Mondy mrig. c3-t_________ et'citrn:tr. p.e I 1urrl tl. ville. W 1. ens 27-Wi.la the' ys&. 1855 ie clmet t thîs vita, . B. Bulkley of Luxoiî. Mr». H. M + IC IIA E U country locateg lu Kenusha counny, JE. Bay of Suistn. W. %Y Biul.ly aI trade for au alier hors. eitable tor the' Fine in&uratnca. hange renitung. t-Ollt' Wiconsie, where hie livetiountil about Dsuves-len aud Brm . LL. Watson , liVtry. SMIsTH'@ LIVîns-, LbrtVviîk'.tiens. boans negoiated Ly DYIlIOt' & seveu yearii ago when lbe came ta Liber- Olida.George ,itev en8 of Dixon, ij a il. c-32-tl AUT-aIN. c-d2-tf tyville where he Las iece resided istaptan. - Bi vas mars-led to Mi@s Mary Brogan The aboe s talien fratîî the' Vacaville, mm M i. MILLER. Attorey. MAKE NOVEL PLANS lu 1861, andtoi them wieeLorn elevîn Cal., Reporter of Stacth 15, Ms. Bulkley - totlce in Aitachment FOR MEMORIAL OAY cbldree. nines utvhom, tour sans and vwu a brother ot W. W., C. A., C. C., aTATIE 0F tirs -be ulagtermsurave. C. IL.. sudiHorace- iulkiey.tIdra. E. LAxE Coracrr j Old Vterans to Rido in Long Buste* Funeral services vert' beldlu i St. ]Pas-base anti trs. E. W. Duseeberry of le tha Couuiy Constof Lake Couuiy, Bessing Signale Indlcating Joseph'a Catbollc chus-ch Wednesday thus cliy; B. H. ot Kanmas sd Bts. B. John, L.»tyor vs1. rtJ.hels Thir ^gos#tuatniug, Rt',. W. J. Kinsetla coeductieg A . territt oI Massachustts. Ms-. leatoh an t. ary J- volt'tseing bih ise t 5 t9:30 'clack. Balkleo, vasthe t' t-tideat of a family Publience l e <la-ien to pou, Wankegsu vili bave a ftting obses- ltram bord the romaine vers taken ta 01 eleve ebihldr*en, W. W. the attisai thé.rasid a r!J. Siser that a Wittofi aanc. of Mesuoral day On BeY 30 Miii Osssiicmetery tenar Rosecrans for blog slghty-flve and Hos-ace the Aicp beaui sop ithe amic 11 0 Plpn Nls iuiude »v"5lu- boula, faher Paley of Wadowortb,anid bouségss, beeg sixty-o» ure u-siage. o'.c s cd k t tue Vouaiy 17Court 0f tesetitt< and nuav tur. To ar-Father Relier ai Bristol, Wls... asistlug Onebrother. Albert, uai youuger than sticonty oi Leke ne the suit of the tcular teatais-swbich, viliiadd inter- %niJohn f,, Taylor'asuaalusi thé S 0tIi.theparade le the Plan tlobsva 1Fathebam îeilsa t the grava. R. B.. died inleCaliiornia tbres yaars ago. ettofynthie -i _ ,. J . tb ol hend veterais sid. lu long b- foas- nu-avs aniwes, bmideulteess, titretti to thes SInssufof mliConnuy ta axecute, wvhh aliWui asa.ua rstursiad 117 salShedhf oecutetih ieytg o 0.3 la hb" 2 of r. V. = =bktsusbdivlion oI pri of tin nostI hall01f etion twsnlg.one la townsip «northb.rauge11 east ofthe Tbird Prinipal Mrl4lantu Laoir Couty. Illnos and vhléb vu-le basaloc beeunrrturnéd 'sId delmdant ottfônsî luase! Conty.", Nov, uniess o, lb.sai Barry J. sar saoli ersonally b. sid appear belon lb. Contr court Of «M dConnty aon1e fOnt dav If bs nai ei Ueroo ta ha hlden eaiman ami luàUflConY on ibe 2nd 1Mondaylla b eon- a Ju. ia. give apselal bail aidimai ti agaims ou le tatou- of111e soliPlain >'i and theuap-pery attaclimi 8014t atwsy the nm in.vth cot. Lw A. HREý;. r.a Isk. Waukt'gs. Illnos, ila 9, 1912. Bas B. MLLr.srPWaltIt'P Atoms*Y Public Notice lae SboeY iveus cha as secw Imeeting of t4 siockhle eft te M. Alobules- Ca,. WllI b. Iild aetfi. office oft*Mad Comupany at Wou- inagau, UIllos ou the. lt dii cet.AUIs, A. D. 1912, et the bous- of 2 O'clook P. M. for tien pupageoet coueing <'Xý1ad votng uxion the pro-oas te t Il «"ease .captl tOsock cf idMou, poatnfs-oui ii suieof $26.000 te 411e s"M of 1100,000 Md for tb...lras. aclion otfqusncb er b«MOM mas mai praporly coins belore .a4meig M.ÂLHTR - DAMON T. ALAURUL.. CLAREUNCE 9. ALMIMM4 sdon top of the varions ues.. sae wilnted signa lndiceting the ages of the, seau vii.are vithin. For Instance, a tact of Iutteet la tuât there are if giteen memhsas o thse local Post a'io are oves- 75 yeoss otd. 'Mei. agu hich wyul be placeti on top cf the. bues carryng them vi read: "75-yess-s anti up." Thi ecoend bum viii contan Mon betveesi 70 and 75 yeurs of age. Tii. thîdbueos vil carry (tie <Younbe' mien, -home beween 65 anti 70.* The Idea làa snev ou. and vili ere. a. mach ltarest. Bond 5and .Rscrults ln Parade- Thursday Gensg .R p, B. A. Desen, Frank Greenteai Rn. M. lu gallo, tihe latter reproenetlug tisa Sçuenla-Ammetau Wa eo, the.otiier the. G. A. R. Tiiy ver.mnsie r*- ifotmy receîved i b Comtmsandant TatI loin, who kindly ofrèred 10 bave tii. stutions lasg bonud s a OUMeOU au mb o a psred from t tii. sa io paistioipate l5u s. parade. This vii prove ia big teature (o tihe prds6t Comaundaft Fulsie shoveti mucl Inl- teest in the aunusl Meoa'la day and prointd te do ail lu bis paver etu e bi ng a, Iroper obervase.. R. M. Ingailis bas.ep placed l# 1Chamgeeo r mlulg testusafert tii parade andi le u.v tryiug te gelset Plot obrises-ooldien s a a taire6j Ps-avMi" a ooeycen be salesd fu tthseis- trsspoetatslot la feuîtIhsy viNà b. Persitted te Ite bpart. Isst lu di. paradse viio oun.5tbe 0. A. R. seauters lu busse, tbmi tbe naval bonsd sud rsuteit bon Ut, C. tdieu pojmsbly te(lieteMSutuu en IL K.fe P. aMd to h em aii pu*ê Awe ma cear -Vets. The. î» .degektuieut viiin« e bplir'ded fori"' ati. hl Yser- la te ima"et soley a uiuisu- dispky, bhoue eithe.K. or P. m«a »X lie lnvteu to tUie pert. The. ural w f tis day bus net Ic bWcs seleetel. - Cltva, .ssaa un qMl oe WAUKMM$ OUS ELEVENTU PPUCE CITY RANK$ BHIHIN SAk.ARIES 0F INSTRUCTORS, ACCORDING TO STATISTIOS, STATISTiCS SHOW PROSLEM 0F KEEPING BOYS IN BCHOOL - REMAINS UNSOLVED. Âonodâliug (o Johnt19. Reuadon, cei-z if the. Wsnkegan Tovnship HigIS mSalol, anti Supertaideut Blair of tise state scboals, Wankegau ileelev. eun* In the paynieu of salarie. te iilgh elool teadiars. Tue total soie Peiti sontily for e&uoators st tue blgb $cop" baouta te $17.050. It le ex aneti hy Eveton, Peoo1a, Elgin, "u rou%, iWooburg, Rock Ilbd, Dessalas, Vast St Louis, Quny and Bloouing- ton. Ton yens atii. othe s"y payroll «t tih. Wa'nless litaIs sebbmSint ad to spps'oxiuately $480. Statlstles Am e lvsa. Tte follcv(ug 1leas Mt e ofuem o Uhé leadini cilea elowins the. sii paid for biaissehool t1om durni' tbe &tetn yer. .........---1.0. POosia............. 18,400 Bula .............*12,W8 Anrloa.............4.M0 CiçsbUMrg........... 11,720 Rocktisland ........ 9,125 Dectur ............. 18,6? 1MaI St.Louis... 8880 Quime............. 7.125 SBluooiub .......8,385l W.kegn.......... 4a ..... .... 24844 24.750 22,676 19,056 19,874 10,674 194"5 uvl............ 6,765 13,800 Betvlo........... 6,200 8.100 Girls Lead Gradustes. The problem of keeping tii boy lu te ii. iigi chool has neotbeau solv.d,' aceoeding to thbe stattide. The high sebools of the state last y«n gre. ateG 1,600 more girls titan boys. Tont yens @»D,1,600 mare girls thait boy$ gradcalid, ehowtng the. ratio la proi. tleny the. same. lwtUetrou tGble dom. Mt O, rem- t"i boys dropplog out tsto the. rst 700r lu greater numberesthan the Iglits. &bout the same perosstage of boyn w.o enter the blzh wco1 con- tiu the. course to graduation. In the. brut yar Cdalls. of 1911, I t..- were 12,842 girls ad 15,262 boys; ln thea second yer, 7,472 boys 1397 boys and 6.985 girls; ln liii fourth, yu,3,488 boys and 6,113 eulrk ..Calumet..n Ch6stunt StaIHoD, 'four years old, by (Grattan, 2:18; dam Nutwood. Stands 16 biande and weigha 1200 Ibo. la standard bred and zeffis- tered. Will make the unison et My barn at'mile track, Liberty. ffll at$25.00toinaur. mare w:foal. P1ione 12W LtboetYVW^ , UL FIE8TPliOURU 0F JAMU RELBBURY, THE w 8 "TEA= TTANIC rie <pietulu is oune w hieh '\ie..I li v ad takeli wIile on11 a visit in Eng-land aud Wil wl lq t t slt tît his relatives ilmtil after tule aei,ît appened. ILS NN AE AT Thurs.ay aftenoon. The t' l a " ilo'ed a" a painter. lie asked a FELLOW-WORtKldN structural iron worlter to abandon --is work so hc could paint sanie Iran ffKMEN AT NEW GA$ PLANT aurk. The' iron1 worker refusEd ta :GAGE IN * FREE FOR ALL do so, and an argumentý fol lowed. The FIGHT THURSOAY P. M. iron worker. k le alleged struclt the N WHO TUREW HANO AXE IS Greek over the head with a 2-by4 ELLED BV BLOW O-VER THE luhercupon the Greek hurled a band HEAD WITH "BIG STICK." Il e'ax, inflîictlng a deep gash ln the trait -le vabo o h edwt worlzer'B kg. The inJured man was liedby ablo on he ead tthrusbed ta the .tane NicAlister hospital wa-by-four, a Greek emîîloyed as where bis injuries were dressed. 4-te ainter hy one of the stîÙ -otra- later v.as reinoved to a Chicago boa- of the' new Nantli Shore' Cas corn- 1t4tal for treatinent. The SUN was unable ta aecure the naines of the iyupant east of the Chicago and i e who parttcipeted la tIse fgbW. -tiwe'tern rallroad tract-s jumped. TPhe police of seven north shore las feet, burled a sharp band axe cIl les hae&jeen enlisted ln the aearch lae assailant and then escaped for for the Greek. He eacaped during thse ta unknown. turne worltmen avare at avarI confort- 'le fIgbt took place at a late houring the injured man. Fine Pia'nos at Moderate Prices The words above fairly describe our KINÇSBURY pianos. These instruments have made their reputation on the actual service they have given to thousands of, buyers. There is hardly .a community iu t.he United States wbere you caunot find King$borlg pianos In daily use, giving the Muost complete satisfaction to their owneril. Irbree dillerent styles in various weods end gihîlhes euable' geu 10 chonse te ativantage en Instrument that wiII please gou. you can Bee the Kingsbnrg and get information about prices at RA'S FPURNITUR! STORE. LIBERTY ILLE KEULMAMWS IEWELRY STORE. ANTIOCII INGALLS JEWELRY STORE. WAUKÉGAN If you want to make sure of getting a piano whlch will give you yesrs of service and not cost yon a large sai of money, you wili serve tour Interesa well*by chooslng a Kimgburg. Burgian rleine à to Orak Saf&-Seun*Ùo in Cah. A boid but unesueseuî ttjw -r mnade W.dnMsay igLIt' sait' af th"' Citizen%' Bank Kt B0 aUaIewJ Tht' hurgiars performeti their voek mcg skllflily as tiothing vas keove cf effort uutil it wes di@ecvered b> he people stîtug ta theti lret ilectrle Àas at 6i:15. Thetirse dour and tva steel plite immu th'burgies- proal doar ai the uogay chest bat beau lavu iIres but dsthe p--~ plate and boîte helti intact. Tue is _ sMon vas sinotereti anti protectea#,I',ý blaekets laken tram ualgbboiug 1bu"-, aid hy sar.asofibran laken train B. u TrIppa elevatos-. These vert' en skillttly packed that the glass in the wndoir BRaaisvbhcb tbey stoad vas nol evî cracketi. The contant of thea upper part of! ibe ake wblcb vas batily satokati and dusted- -:ý wasunumolestei l th tihe eaception et-- tLe sis-es- ehaniher cautaieiug oves- $100 wbich vas taken. This @maial item vee covered la tht' banks insusanc. polcy sm le ail cash carriedi $800 s-.ward le, aits-red Ly the Insus-anc-e Co. anthîe' Bankerse Asscciatiou foir tht' captnrp -of thiae. Sheriff Green vas immediately uotiffl_ as vais also the' detective departinsti ud tht' iusuranc-e empany andt tq B tla ç Association. Tht' thieves, le makieg their seecp appropiateid a horst' anti buggy bélung- lng ta Ray Kuigge. Jnsî as ve go q presd e e earu that tht' horst' ami buxiap-ý, vas recovered Kt Highland Park. but 90 trace of tht' burgiars ha@ be gaeci The Lac- vas epeffed and eL.ing w nesas useal Lt 8:15 Tbuîaday mOrufu-ýIrn Lad mas-rs colaudanicoughed imD The nedlchee prieibeti isiie t e this cougbing 5gotMr. Sbaike took t maties- jeta bis ov LaidsessMda boul ofa aLtts Foie', Bonr T ar ampond iand a r a tae 4 they veut 1t slep aid lept tbws the n ghi wiiut cougbin*5" For by al Dugita ~POULTRY ROSE couSp - MMOE I3.AND Bti, fer tatebusfrnaiWsukmae' ben. third cet Ras c leie 1mm thlrd p eit. mou aand 1hAUse. * F ERTIL ~TenaMi ms-sa» B. 13. TEIOGS 0 R--1 iNG T.0 N' ne, puse*.q R m *a " Ue a r l. L. IlL 5. Libertyvil., -i S. C. Wh" eorpinglo. lui Wyandotte mssfs-eu m . v WyUsaiouui PianoIS to Rent-If yon are ual qeite ready la bay, you eau seut s good instrument frain ns. If yoa pus-chase vithin e a year, vtsat yon have paid in rental viii b. applied on the price. Expert Tuning-If yoss nov have a piano, let our expert RID SA DRE tuner sud regulat oIoak it oves-. He in iu tova nearly every 0<Un es u . attu month. Leave yogr os-des-aetishe adds-eme above. 14Y retdaas-e eanilsa, hred Wos 1 roduction ams vol s show bid. CHICAGO TP. DURKJN, Specimi Rupr.swatatlv. LEgge, 81-60, 02 50 b d » e.g Pisa. Place Veuwt, lerbffl JNO. DQM No. Bay ing any rant~ il il im 1