Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 May 1912, p. 10

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- .------,--- J -- The Board of Kevlew. in appointing Messin. faes and Wightman to the Board of Revlew whlch b.glnu this ycai's worlc ncxt month, we can appreciate the positieon of Judge Persoas himseif a Waukeganlte, in placing men from towns other than Wau-i k.gan ln these Important positions, but when we conlder that heretofere Wauko>fmn has always had one member and wth one or two exceptions the cle n, alao, and that Avon and cUler large towna have neyer beefl represented on the Board, ln al candor, we belleve the jutige used excellent judgmeit ln his selection. This gves the county ane and with Chairman Clarke of IHigh- land Park, the Lake Shore towns, twa membera, which la fair to the cauntyý g.nersîly. The men selected are gooti, honest, reputable men, men who viIll set with- out fear and f avec and will look after the interesta of the taxpayers as a whole in a stsactory manner. RIN RimOW TO BE- S11N SKMTNG TOI TIE3IR OFFICES EXAMPLE 0F CHILOREN FOLLOW- ED m>' ADUL.TS WHO FINO ROLLER SKATING "0. K." ET KM ligCIIQUICKER FIND THAT, BV USE 0F SKATES, T14EY HAVE MUCH MOPE TIME HOME AND GET EXERCISE. It Jueat badttecorne! Rlier skatIng Se, anti from officas bY mten; by grown men! Y", they have stafteti It lu Wau- kpâçl Foar -iny months thc practice of Mro skating for funs anti for apeeti vh. golng on cntantis, ha@been fol- @vIOhy tIldren et the <itiutil It la Isapeceile te valt a itlock viLli- Out pasing eue or twe youtng"ter On reie6r abUtes. TIàep cMate en oee Skt, anti on two; t4ey borrow skates -.fbr MV9 Pennies and get tbem; heY work for term andti ier get tbt R citi vway they ca Aut, nOW the adults bave prefiteti by the succese ot the i oungter anti tbey are Inaugurating thte plan of skating te anti from werk via Uic skate metheti. Sevet-al men whe bave Ôffices down towu anti vitelive fat- nt from te business section have ktely been se-n 'blldng" along the cernment walkrs t n fait clip and It is sali tbey gel about four tîntes as much tinte at berne noon heurs and at supper tban wben titey hadj te walk. hIlemdes, tbey gel a good leu or lfteeen minutes' exerclse. fer, rolier sokating ls curely gooti exercice. Now that a hat dozep er more men have adoptedth ie 'stunt" as a regular mneaus of -propulsion, It may be ex- peciedthta many others wIll folles theit- example. escrI'Ueglous Cnt. TM eChinese wvend of pbladelphis ta sarching for a large àtaltcseoMt vhloh hed tbe temertyte other daY toe tea a£ nlee chieken whih hs6 been placed beforo te sacred loea There vis aimSta i otvhon te guaréian etfte'Ions diiScveredti th lbus, but tii turue t i uma lateu' Wb" te tus wuf vsecraiwlins g e. t" roof stiinînthé Joasa fôuae wlth, a gooti portion oet chaleken ln ber mentis. There vas a chose, but thse ot 'atoo'éfmbl& Nov "th. jas Unsstlsfylng Cofait. atter my death," "ndt (consolînigli -,,Weil, I wouid't worry. TouIl b. buyond inM pthoeejvatre. Çl«t O# e4ikCQUPOC.I i *Coupons of Consecutive Dates5' will entitle youto. one of the I WIWSL AOI!4OLANEES advertioed iniprovious imouee IRRLCARmRs 1,0 GET MORE forelgu euntries at a mucth <ost than te bis own citizens, lower1 2'MarriageIàcenses. (D frank Gare, clty ........ 35 Marie <'rntk, anme .......27 Relie 1. F'erguson, Chicagoe....30 Teresa G. Dononsaime......... 23 Artbur Rititeru, Oak Park......21 Lidi an Botiey. came ............19 Roi ýM. Jolnston, Chicago ...38 55111e Jones, came............. 33 ORGANIZE BASE BALL TEAM. Th'e employes et the National Eu- veloge company bave erganîsed a a ll teain anti are tadi te mneet any fac- tery team lu thia citt or couti 'Ther bave an epen diate fer naiS Saturtiar alternoon. Iu the near future thery wl ho eqnlp- pet vîthi new uniernxs anti pai un- dier th name efthlie N. ]L C. Colts. MORE RUSSFRIS SOLD LAST WIN- TE R TItAN IN ANeY OTHER PRE- VIOUS ONE HERE. E4RGIVES REAÇffNý DECLARES THAT THE PRICE OF RUI39ÉRS MAS DOUBL£O 'IN- 81D01OF LAST FEW VEARS. 'Tte ast brlght sunusy dais mal, te lone ofthSie record brealdng Win- ter for the oversboe nmai," aid a local slioe dealer today. .1 mean tisat henvy anove et thjia Wlter drove thse pedestrian jute the aboe stoires ilu asms ant ismny vhe never vere rubberain Wiutesor lu Suntaer apperel. witb the chc ginves' on thclr feet "An average of three persius lu evcry Oive enter a sitoe store te buyr a pair ef rubbiers, ebject te tie prie whlch ha$ gene up from eixty-ilve con t« te $110 a lir for the came grade ef ubbers sînce 190f6. Se saiesmen dlaim titat te rubliers are a superlor qunflIty, andi ther naleAmeu On anti ater Juy 1, eft titi yeur ev- ery rural carrier lu thse Unitet etatq wll begin the.dellvery of uma# im.rble beretofore exempted train tili+er,y, nter a n»v pircela >peet- ruling, wbich hmas ut been madie by tii. peatrnacterîgcaer1l. 1At present thte parcels post wll al- feteon euhte rural routes, but should lte experimeut prove a cuccem 'lu the country routec the. cti rouese wil) be added laer. Under the. rres- eut systein «il fourth-rlas m'atter weghing less thon il pounde wll ho dellvetieti on thea rut-ai routes, Tbe maxmum coat for the deliv- er of au il peunfi panlcege vilbç tweuty-five cents. 'Phere la ne differ- ence madie lun te dieanee which a package ls a ce-ted by te gevernovent andt lu this ver Lb.erate chargeti hi the express compaulles viii ho inucl lu mani cases tËan the ret ef 'naiuug. Accortiig te thea mIes boglnniug lune 30, 1914, the postmester aitlite etartlng peint efthLie rural route shail recelve anti deliver te thte car- riers en rural routes aIl packages net prohbIiet Inluthe nmails anti carriers shall pick up along thte reot" snob Packages ais sall <'cne untier this mile. Postage ahall be pfflt at te rate of ene ceént for ~ahi two ounea or lacs, twe centa for more than twe ounces. The sele la gruolutateti for packages welghing more titan four ounces. Tlhe maxilmumn <barge undor tite graduate seule feor any liarcel ever the parce] pest rente will be 25 cents, muni lewer tban the rate@ cliargeti by te express compaules. Under present cenditions IbrIle Sam carrlec Pet-cela throu«h the malse for Genti ail r00uests for hail gamea te or tisapproval of Ut, rate increase. Jobn Plantz, Mgr., 736 Cumminga Ave- Thte rate inoreaae shall become etect- nue, Waukegau. Ive fer aid usenters next .lanuary ________________ lot, as ortiereti iy the socleti unleca aumjority vote of the total membe-. Raclly Anuwoe'ed. sp, vblcb numubersmore than 1,"000,- Wfe-"The dotor bus edvlsl Me00 hJ ot ýJs te 4 souiL or amoufl'Pl Te compontScle ceusidet-et - oteo th d ' -rt&er ltte advantage of the officeae tbe Wooedtun, as it yl ho a difficult VT$ ~12. 5000, inMbers. 'be SI&te lni.tne (Centinueti Prom Page Oe). trou aup=tIteien4t tq' tte aup4"teu--a» demi of public IWttcios sd 'lte g*way at the Jâe e llter hospital tate trecaurer ar-e <tetttituted as 1Baet 68 éo'tek Tuaday att-teon cforty- beard te which dIsatldt ulmbmrphelti fever. et vhich -ho hati been inay Étppealifi they fOc) the effittèra uffcrlug three weeks. He leavesas f~o fot' conduot the retereulum lW0cl- brother lu Ontarle, Canada, wbo bais Orly. 'iteen appriseti of bis deati andi tuner, nani .It Uafesred, Tqeeday nlchtttM a&à r-pnmete vii net b. mode um- dîng thebehmwet* kilt aIl bis beeause tii Word l a recelveti frein hlm. Hernie 'Sb cf the baid feeling wblch extatesi. wérked at lte aucat-r efiery. tlaa C. T. Bsyd.cker, attorney sent f ron Nuaham Korkorlan Dssd. riar Wauke ani anti Lske county te loblir Nusham Kerkorian. 18 ieat-s lt, lier lu thé itresta cf lte Denahue bill died at the lent celeny yeaterdsY. T'Pli 'a wilh returii te WankeRan elter to- funeral viii ho helti next Sund4y aftt. lar nght of surlyir 'iuraday mernig. erneon at the Cenradi & Hart tinder- the j 'J aI Ing ¶'ooum. erkoehn cMe O ef m Turkey about elghteen montha Me bas ne relitives herp. WIDOW la GIVEN RIGHT. <Contînuei Prom Page One. me of the place. She salti the wed-,, r took plce n 1l0e"' Me aid th t och dceu b rm r ge certificate, once ttr their I.1 ge, but that sbori,4y atter th"atimre rhusband had lent il. Mr, Doyle 4Questlomdt preciatently but de ed tint she could net reinember Bplace wbere ase vas born. You C&n Bu~y A $224O$M- Coat NOW' E.&O* W._propose to put a stfinýulantinto'our suit and coat busi- ness. W. 'have seleted severel of our bt ulIn ues and reduced the primesom materially ibat the savlng w ill bcwonththeattention Of cvery woman who intends buying a new sprtng garment. The Siuus Arc madéI tiveiif t tcharmiug manner et fine Prench sergeq andi novelty mixtures. Thera arc plain tailgred styles anti ethers witb ide -effect anti trimmxng. You canuot duplicate thece garmeuta for a cent lae than $22.60, touerres $1676 Alteratiomu made free of hrel ' hite Voile Dresses Beau- wear, trinâiined at bdo tm with abandof wide shadow lace, yoke of Itje Crpcbet Lacç. aa4jhie 9 k tit-kel mtn l TheCoat Are fachtably talloredofte nevewt uovelty mixtue and ' werkmauaiftil la et the very leiit sort. Nohtèy two andti tree button- aide affects wlth large ruttsanad ceihar anti long revers. trilmm5d with contrastiug maierli $2250i rusai t ....................$15.75 flfl SSfor Jue~ne Serge Dmses.-A splendid varldty of niodels, mnade of good quality, ln ail desired colons, effectlvély trimmed in combination colora, spec. lUy priced 6.98 at. .... ... .& 9 Imw Si4cdi4 tM4Merir Qffçr» W. have ;ust completed plans for a big mdilner sale to- morrow. Just made up a. large collection of jaunty hats w hiçl1 we shall offer at $3.75 and $495. It's needless to to cali ,thei special values for each model speaks for ItseU!--- the egtra value is plaiiily evident. The styles art much dMf- fèrenit4' y*nIu ordiarily sce at thee prkts --- tley arc dis- tlýèthve and .iia .... .... .... ~ ê GIRLS' DRESSES-Low anti itigi neck styleo, effecttvely matie ot ginghams anti pet-- cales, fait colora, icely trim- mcd, ages 6 te 14, 1.48 at ................ GIRLS' MATS--A collection of girls' straw itaa pla<d on sî"- Clal sale un our mitli iian ticpartmettt; droîtî,ng shapes wltb rlbtn band and ti t-amera ..7L VgT &EAUY FOR lu~t NovetSm.4r 1 50-OF THE FINEST TRAINED ANIMALS le T19 R'r~ O -s,. i.. - ~frmLv tSu -9$75 The samIIes Poules.. The Finesi Deu sad The Mont Commcai MmoyR DON'T FORGET TRE DATE Our Fansous miUitawy Bdam. NLa rted tHqffDPs h PdItIe» *103SI. ~SKb~$~7V1II& $1* c SkirZ , ~bhoe OYE? Two PeouimmooDhiI Rai. or Oi..' SPME Von'~m m a a Par&e Two. Ernisoteli t& Say that the h1gh prîce la due te a abortage of rubber. Thle truth cf the mater la that the rubber usetiln the production of oversloeen hasa aêvanei 100 per cent Intce pant six remr. "in 1900te price of rubliers Was Blxty cents per pounti. By leaps andi hounda It adianct teeveutY-file rounte. then seventy-elgbt cents a.nd up tu $1.20 per pouud. A short timne age. the sic. dealers were notifleti that there voulti b. a reductIon Ilu th ,rince but hbe» the looked-for r.duet- ioli cerne If vwu funti t e esuut te leca Aliaxu e cent per pair. «'It la estinated that of the 16,0001 people living In Wiukegaun, at least 8,000 ewn a pair of rubberc. Some et themý buy a cheap graide thaï seil fer nlnety cents. This maltes t.e cnt of rnbbers for te 8,000 people aveu'- age 8100 a pair or 88.000 as tÊe total amount of! mener Inveateti lu rubbcrs by the people ef the city. As th.ea- evage perion vears twe pairs cf mb- bers a year, If tbey wear any ett il., it takes $16.000 a rear te supply the people of Waukegan with gum chocs. liew people vfluezie bow lmvotant the sale of oee seul article la lu a clty the se of Waukegan. "IWOODMEN SAVED." flontinued Prom Page One. 77,777 . 1 1= - dftd@ULL om

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