Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 May 1912, p. 9

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LAKECOIJNTY IDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Y VOL. XX, NO. 34. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRmDAY, MY 17, 1912. POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVMWET. - merm RbrtDysaeMslylits president. lIe forxnerly was eaB EXMAYOR THOIJGHT COMMIlTTEES FOR CasWeoNra oer yl, Mrs L.fF.y JUD(lE In the wholesale mernhantile basIness U T R IL ChrlsWoak.MsLF THvc, E COUNTY UM.Je. T E FIL MEl)-R ES E r F. A. StoeSud Mise Katr' Cra. n (Chicago and 10 one of the village% HAÏE CHANCEEXFrmr aor ail.Buk uSANE FOURTII ARE îeÀ: NÀMDED D. O: Mr WI atfn 1 calmmf th. PASSE ÀIY 0 F A restedayfro bis .a S INE U IS esocpidpatIal l o h RPNEUR IA TUES. thought that he bai been and lin a evening se that little eise mwas otie. ___________nfown lni and about Grayslalte, ln tact case ett< In ia]amutt Varlous matters w.ere taken op and sa wideiy known throughout the counc TO LOCATE 8orty ater behail arrlved home COMMITTEES WERE FILLED OUT diseussed but no definýte action wa MESSRS. BOESS, LAKE BLUFF ANDa ET :EIN RCLY O f rom a spin, one of i friends called tkn Another meeting witt tic held Nir. C'larke la a Repubiloan and ia. AHDU NIECL O0 III dctermedMET INa L N O n etTedy gtndI inr- WIGHTMAN, GRAVSLAKE, THE on the boar-d throiigh being chairman SLIGHT INJURY TO FOOT RE- pfl*pay a practical Joke upon hlm. CIL ROOMS LAST NIGHT. lin It ls deslred that ech committee MEMBERS WITH CLARKE. ke uIesmnadwl aa EVDLSNO MBR UIJ _____Polcema________theoir shall have held a meeting to decide__________ good chairman of the reviewors- Iad. 'l underatand that you wereuonheretdofWr I SC Oroad a lttle whJle aga and of course GUSPLANS DISCUSSED .The question as tawJsy hefi,,:TO BEGIN WORK NEXT M:NTH aego nsbrtietemnslc-FRED CONOLLY 1: OEAD German Rot ormei Church Con- You know we are now enforclng the works shahl be shown was brougtt eti are eut, gond business men The 29th ta Docido J aIl around at the police station tbis MORE COMPLETE PLANS WULL BE 5flyofl5 'as ln faver 0f having the FURS TM INHTOY FTEty B TERFR S"0ool Site tipd. OECIOEO UPON AT MEETING sons are.tjren for thia.onlatt BOARD THAT WAUKEGAN MAS. Judge Persona' decigion tb have the A ETCLN:TOaM Iýsa han ive mnute late r ti more accessible and motherq <tnu board this year made up entirely or TTN OON;TOOH Bk Les cstha Iedmintes latfof Por. TO BE HELD TUESDAV tietei hlrnhom uuel astr NOT BEEN REPRESENTEO country, or n-nWaukeBgan nien, tg ER DEATMS UN CITY. AS A GODO LOCTeONeebhsd ben arree tdefot teedlng &u LO O K TOW AR O W A U KEGA N Tire Att rbery. H o in orm ed lm that afterwarila than If they ad o soekary t îs y a nd J eIeo 1 h A A OI OA aslted what the minimum fine wn in ItepreBentatives of the Federation In bas been practlcally decided te Tuesday Cotinty .ludge Percv L. Per- Thatl aigaymn theoev tryn' MthwJ utrilporeo a case of this klndý He was told tIsat of Womnens clubs of tihe city met hold the pienic aI Electric Park, ai- Fýns appointed the board of revici> for Tihe mon aelected une men wbo will of the Wankegail Stesm Bolier woeks, i q.a $140. with tise mayor and commigsioners in tbougis the malter bas neot p-t been ILako Couinty for the cnsulng Slyrings art falrly and wiil make op a good died at his home et 210 Grand aveue Conernc Crns or a R Afew minutes later Mr. Buck railt- bc ounciliclmniberi3 last evenlng for iseof twiseth tes sai hbei work, as foilows:bad suit of Effort of Local Mini- od up Police Magistrale Taylor and Tisee bothrd under ihe iaw mubs inT ucon which f oio n iieof sevral $ie at era ougli0t make arrangemnents for the te îurîuowe of announcing the rom- charge'o! the ladies will tbc the rest itEPUIII(A.\ Jotis G Teborfloutesa mofcn hc oloeda llesof»a lse atYaai tim wnh i.tIltol te lc.niîesliala ee eete n ro n oopital lent. ithier and '. vý", fene on or before the third Mvonday Ime whenbis tril wouldtake plce. mIteeR t[a bae BluffeloShieand a- townsnh1 .e lufJnSielororwnanip lnlon andr mugntzaoithand due menth, euelyi e ttl, I b.iniesied. M ilwaukee If waa flt untîl gome litle lime latter more complte plane wili he taken __________ that hie leanaed thse whole fnattor wagSOteb liiln sgne wbih il net heen upl) ater. Democrat- Charles J. Wighitman of have ils work doue ha Sept. 1i te an accident whlch hoe ustained aIN DosWqea atlctdwt-a practical jokeo aîuîontcd:_________ rayoiake, Avon township. Fl.Hadst oe saaokt 1)0e WaIsean vnt ocaod wth- _____________bis many friends la the clty. In it borders or nearba', the M~ission Thse commitiecs as declded upon Thse ihird member of the board la * Whtie worklng aI hi@ plaMtlaut lieusee ('elege aud Seminary of thse 6'Df TO TÀVE last evenîng are: "UJ<IIIfEN CAYV fl the cliasirsan of the suenvIsors, the WIDOW IS IiIYLP October, Mr. Butterfield atraig i German Reformned churcb, now Jooat- PUBLICIT-Ço'(mmisoioner Dietmey-cara hsya iigT ,Clre otbdywhl ktn ev ic e on eboanse Ichance 10 ,w;W J mih . ýSof Highland Park. Deerfield townsiîp. RG T TO S ARof machlnery and tht. resulted la an Itwd l na hve abo han ceis I tdohow SCIIOOL CENSUS; era-as .J mt AYS IIEYDECKER; He la a Rcîîubîîcai. I sO H R fecmtioolh eon. bla st how hadly It dtareg theInstitutions T E Ei' 2 White, Mrs. David ('arman and 'Irs. BLL lAS PAThI e ledb antdbassstantbzrk a IU B NDSES A e oera mon h ohe wm kn tu cM lwue l»"slsmeets on T <1V E$20 J. B.Skene.BLL B S_____________4bor_ raes nd H SB NDSES AT i@d e fo rth S pecajasfible vu0W May 29 ln the Germais Refornsed ----- RUo-<miso re stise jxdge bas nothing to do witb nani- dossfor ane<t bWgs t nageOU. c5îrc o Wa1siee, auegn.WELL-KNOWN DEMOCRATIC PO- chairnian; D). E. Clarke, W. B. SIJSTITUTE MEASURE 0F DONA-inthg. FAMOUS DOYLE CASE HA$ BEEN thelas eemed ta diagnase bis aliment vresided over by Rer. H. C. Nott of LITICAN ELECTED BV SCMOOL Smithi, E. E. lines, Mm. Hoban, MUE BULL PASSED SENATE The saiary of the board members SETTLED WUTH DISMSSAL 0F <nrreclly. Aboet a week ago he cou., tise Firt Rfocined charicis of Mlwau- BOARD TO TAKE CENSUS Niis Dunutakin and Mrs. Baade. WEDNESOAY MORNING. la $5 a day, aiso for the clorI, white BROTHER'S PETUTION. tractedl pneumonts, kee. At that convention the question -_______ PROGRAM-Attorney C'harles Kinsg, tbe assistant cierk gels $3.60 a day. Buterlld çwaa bffli". e of monlng [ho Institution freun le, chair-aan; Judgo Persons; E. hl cIetnwiht0 ont-ETT AUDhT$50oad Olms aetauWln kega preaent site, wlich le in a farmlng WILL HAVE ASSISTANCE Clarke, %Ira John Towneend, Mrs. POIIN O EEENDUM mnts, lb la noticeablo that, for tise ________ _elghb yoars ago. He wiaweon kt*u d i s t r ic t , w i l b e n p a d R e v . P . iP . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L y m a n W e s t a d M r s . M lto n S m JÜ L m t t e s î c i e h u d o f r v e e 0 a n a e f - e d e a i . l a e FrankO, the local pastor. bas hopes FiiNA&NCE--Commisaiosieg 5>tlrbery. 1,00(,000 WOODMEN WILL HAVE law hecme seffetieboaukf en wBROTHER DECLARED UN PETITUON bers n a d lh eldfrteday fiol. te WILL BE ASSISTIED 5V TMREE lTHAT MRS.ecive DOYLan asE AOniOM-tehrai f ti e oelday ate C. Ilsat Waukegan wIl maire an effort NATIVES 0F FOREIGN GQJN- chairman; Williamn Wiyte, Jobs PRINILEGE 0F VOTING ON THE ne momber on the hoard. Iiowevor E R$.ERE N D WEDDE. tceptihonthe 'clac.'ieqbady wthl te lad th Insituton fr boe FutonW. T Stuey, harlston, RW. ITRESt MEpeREI ('harles OT aitE RATE IN t 9REASE. TMEbodSURE lu andth intittin fr o s TRES-CENISUS IN JUNE ao,91s .J uliMs .Jtise judge reacbed tisis decision afhnli aent hieavI h a achool wth four distinct branches, ________._._________CJthn e aentoChea va h an acadessy, a college. a tiseologicai Just, Mi-,. Quai Larson, Mfrs Wil-.dite deliberation, bis decision belng Northwestern and by carrnage. wU gominai-y and a business colliege. Daiel <Jiaily, polittetan and litami Lindberg, Mm .Chailes Wiibnc. Springfield, HLI, May t5,-Banabui r roarbetinfter consldering tise tact tisat <Oe of tise met tntereoing cases thon betaken te Forest Hom.e'e Tiser are always about 150 suaent, Mrs. A. i. Miltimore, Mrs. Josephs bill passied senale--Wooliiten saved.tiie board ta a county affair and tisat erer tried ln the couta' court bore tory. and twelre profeseors are einployed. butches', ias becu emiAoyed by- use Parker. Mrs. F. L Gosirlea'. Mml (Sign.eili A. J. Oison, nator, C. T. sote of tise townships have nover bad was decided Losiaa'wisesstise ietîtîon Mrs. Buttes'field la voi-y praninuat Wierever lthe scIool la locatcd. It pubic echool board of Waukcgais, te Frank Bliclcmer, Mra. William L.y- Heydecker, delegate I represeulaton on Il. asking tbal NIra. Mary Doyle of Laike aupr e Mc esier ng tis y meaaue an expeudilure of about $300,- iake tise aciool census for thse yeur on, aîr,. James Berry', Mrs. Jacob speecmadre h M 00,hnebcueteofiesBastiais, Mrs. Ben Thaciter. Miss For instance, Aron bas nover b, Forest ho denicd tise privilege of par- Manahees of thse World. It la «eljet- 00ofirslike 1912. lu returis for hia services Mi-. BleDonnella', aud 'Mi-. Janmes Rater tsan permtîltise defeat 0f i atcptn nhrhaads$500e htalrembrwl tu Waukegan because o! il, proimity teooebi eaeatog Chiicago and itiser college îow-ns, il Gi-ad>- wttl recive $250 Merchant, Anua Jenseon, Margaret tbe Donabue bill, pevlting tise rate Btefedlae ote i t.on liq fet tIsaI thscity bas a chance 10 %Ir. Gi-ail>-wll hc oastaedlun bis lIada', MIel Sutherland, Jonnie and WncenpoAmeisa, theIsuMoen m o mmerc isea importn toaic blen lie c areItie bm ie hrll aI e ies is itteose land it proving sometising IDliste work iay tsi-ocnativee o! foreign Mary Palmakier, l'bsis commiîtee Wtbe fAeîa ieisretfrmacmeca n narlu-be eal-mcid1 lw s , ister, Mrs. Frankt Bsck of Cleveland. wa f ousI ffrdM.Frnecountriee, who will work (ho southeru aneets Tisursday eventing ai 7:30 lu faction, of whicb C. T, Heydecker of ai atandpoinb. miaaed and Mrs. Doyle wili get berOho way of a bone is affermdMi-. Fi-anIs widow'a dower. Fred Coflolly OU. lm te tase tise malter up wis lise Io- section of Waukffi. tise councul roms. dWauega subla a pmeere,day II) ttis aycar Watikegan bas ai- Tise laIe John D)oyle of Lake Forest cal tudustrial ai;socialiosu. Mana' oli- ach additlonal child found is Wau- PARADE-iaJor A. V. Smiths, chair- uassed tise senate at an eai-ly hour an s ba aho cr sblpever ime b o c e le am p190tinbis in outa' olck 0hsthe tet erci ues are rying isard te land tise kegan over sud abore lsoso i-soi-led mais; Cishs'IcaLyons, Dr. Hanter, At- Wednesday inoruing. adxbsc iltho clerkswlce. Who imeasal- ce lced aa iin lnth iountydo- ttetutcln he onBLC Reh-ool, ieuce If Waukegan desices it n the acisool cousus o! 1910. JO wortb ore' lujmn atuie.D. h ,totlt0n ornce o thic. Wola olato ur wn ed&anv e thd er tctowea M' oaI Il DOejai ara- b-Thai-ntuebllws rsntdln wgintee o woes.a Mr.189 adm7hedM tMistI loge nl ime. $1.00 te the scisool board. Mach adl- Hol m, r. Mai-y Sedge irI, Mi-.the gente 'r'esday evening sud ad-l bfortiser ar e dtarhola nt appli- la wedetba oglas , her hav heen hl be-or nWeg lnhi Bf. 6H9an tMd dîtorii csil Qnuestionsesciooltai Johnson, Mi-. Kayor, Mr8. Char- vanoei te a tiird ieadlu.g. The DouL rcanis. severaibereaaînghion tise neatter, tis Anter uetiheP exîend of $l1.0 'les King and Mm. I. E. Scisutz. hue blil, already pasead by tise bouse, svrlhalg ntemtetebohrRbr eCnlyo 8 A second Important mater wblcls Tise sciool cenavis by vlrtue of tise hedbanthdamo erlfiloebigbadysrËa tishe kx*acouferenre wil secido ipfiu wsf ~IREQK-obrlis ,,wih eotdadesl h e-Norths Sheridan niai. and Lewis Conol mais;A.aI MîofmorheA.S. aite mulnts ncecomm-lbeeiw,.aideseverai yeara, Samuel Biacker heiug At tise iearinge Mrg. Doyle made a <(bcg.Ts uea ilh w il bcetlise onaalidatiou of lise iead mnso Jm.a. ial' ups n .1-»Ixý,A .BonateIsrnecmite a ie ] fCiao h uea ilb oftise c-ures witi tise Prosisyterian mn o ue r rd uei- James flarrw sud Gua'Miltimore. 1Iracked. lise last froni that township, albisough tise rather aatoniaing statement that hield Fidaya ttornoon St tise homeiot of hhad h wodnmn tiosten ded tlie wos-k oftakisg thse cenaush uneetir ofhesbttueI a n fth eylags n on heddnt nwl tise vct Ms oer oUytec t rtn - cloela' ut ~ two yeara agit, and ta acqueinbed tea ~DECORATONS-J. H. Upissu, chair- "temiffaîteofbs htiue uat i Inte cny iga l pint aiseor ftknow un whailcounta, Citar.RhrbCn oIenet Gu arhno-ch isal h0iwdenoumîn a boun;bl, asis tesea Wednesday 0 autonl h ont'sdlo o on l a enmrre.Bs and celmelera' luChicago for Inter- are no, aliid, 5 giet extent wilh tise ani-I m is;Wlliam Dobson, Haira' Wlg- miDn aapriso o eee-waa- s enitled te repiesenlalbon. said t was un the state of Michiganme In lug île tie'ho assatembyJatatie oIr. o .En s is Emma ohni Meberg aai bou fouta mle, roorSta uesBirle Ue pianisci ta mergeteitityyia naune of ginsGeorge Mead, Mis . Gettman 1 dum ha'wtich members o! tise Wood- The Mseitis.nd bout ftisailaesdid om Sk.nJe-t.e ure e mi2~aeara01«. eae undaySico oveto. Finlsud, a native of Plaînd, an a n M is G rcEa resumma es mnsodge ma' express [heur approval Mi-. Booutla a menuiser ofttise vthe-_____________27________________ Besides tise conference o! tise chu-ch ArmenJais. Vu yvaeFrdMr>,By (Oonttnued on P&ge3.> lage hoard of Lake Bluff and a for- (CCBtliittd on PageIL) (Cocrtinued on Pâm IL). a Buuday school convention will ho Fox, Stanley' Shaner, George Ber-Vi iseld at the sanie tume ln Waukegsu MILK INSPECTOR VISUTS WAUKE- mais, andi Mr. Oyer. sud about seventa'five delegates are GAN. expecled to' attend via spectai cris - MJSC-.Charhes Cawthoine, cdiair- froua Miwaukee. Mana' delegates are Tis ate mutk Inspectora deoeniei mais- Mi-, Clarence Smith, Mra . F eapocted fi-m ail parts of tiese atae. upois Waukegan thia W 'k te the B Dilleishoci, Ma',. Dr. Brown, Mm-. HOME: A place -where we go to change our Rev. Fiauk htoailbuwork liard a suprise of sevoral ilmutdeahers wiso clowheWosoi nsee, Ao K. Bowes year &go at Mllwankee te bring the has thir wagons stoppe. while gazua. Newton iin, John Ryde andi Lavil- cohs5 ut osmwce conforence here anislblaoOf 9soewIst pies of mutk were tatou. The înape- la Wthhur, nationalIimportance wltis big quei-toi- was aecompaasiei ha'AIea cFs RECEPTUON-Fi-ed W. Bock, chair- lion, up for cousideration, and Iflta mond, Waukegan health inspecter. man; Juige Whitney', Elvis Giiffin, T e e a e a F w P i c p e h c a rouiug welcome sud tisus add 1teInown sud wlll notbeh until tise gara- P. Hanna, J ,L. Bwayer, Rort eon- tise cita"s prestige as a convention ies taIses have been sent te Spring- nella', J.W. Beslea', Geolrge Cas-hurt. e lC o h s M st A w y o s s isowever. tint much f l ho b Charles Ingalle, Cale Wtos The Very Best Fabrlcs D sg i 0000000 400000fouisi wlth the talit tIsat la being di&- ML.Smth, Niebolu Res-don, 0. 0 REAL ETATE TRNSFE" 0Peised bore, al' a reault of t 'i' F. Goodssow, Chles Marigbon, Ae 0taTra' -oes hotng enfosrced ha' tit Ia. Hein, Dr. M.J. Kalowska', JohnIts al, P,< ti îaî 0 0 -0000 *OL, M. Eckstrand, James Hirrow-P re t alrn May 14, 1912, Tise latesb doveiopment ln te lise Chasonce E. Sith, C0. J. JToes and Authoritative Styles J~Henry' Janssen and wl!e te joseph of mergers of pubilic tiliep of Norths- Tl5eoore Durat Daislota 26 aud 27. Roslssg Brthei ruensIlnois, part of wlsch sciseme hm . .. _Ila. W 1 i d eu n FP

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