Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1912, p. 9

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CIJNTY INDEPENDEN*Ti WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN I YOL. XX.-NO. 35. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, FRJDAYM2, 1912. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT AT 111111 SCJIOOL' TO BE MADE AS COMPLETE AS AT ýBUSINESS COLLEGEÉ Radical Changes That WIlI be Made in Import- ant Course of Instruction at High School WIII be Means of Keeplng llundreds in School and Saving Money. AUt ogli the achool board biesta ken no defllte tepa as yet te put the plan lta affect. it la adsutted that risesithe lorai11gh achool openi neat yil that It wll be a<uiî,ped rlth oua of the hat commercial departruentâ of any igh sehool in the country. It wIl ha su tboroghly aqulpped that the delpartineut îli cempare most favorably wth Uthe same depart- mient ad taugbtIlu a bwrilness col- legs. Stili there are aoma who îrofer a buisiness collage bacause a more on- ijiete training la given. Thia argu- ment cannot ha advancad next yaar, becausa t0helgh scshool wiLlbe prEra îîared to Leach the business course luit ai effclently ai8 a business col- lege. Thera are tre renions why the seboul board lteuds to make thhs change-eue la that hy intallua such a course ILli h e possible to get more children te enter hlgh school, where they cati get the sierior bene- nft by tsking nli> some of thse other VIOLENT DEATII '1A ON INVADES FÀ141LY IU TIIRICE IN YEARiB 01O SUDDEN DEATUl 0F MR. PATRICK!Ulh SCHIEL FROM HEART TROUBLE RECALLS TRAGEDY. DIED AT LAKE FOREST IK DO S SON COMMITTED SUICIDE A VEARý AGO AND BROTHER DIO THE SAME LAST FALL For the tbird tima nithin a iierodi of one yaar suddan death invaded thaîDUE TO SHALLOW HARBOR Schieî fnmiy of Lake Foreet.Tuesdayi artienicon at 2 o'ciuck rhen Pairick: fichieL 60 yeaas nid, dropled dead Company Is two Months Behlnd of iesrt disease risile eruployerl ln~ timo in Getting Coai Boats ta builtding the Donueiiy hume at Lake' oreHosmi ea1 Forest. o eHr ThsSa n Hie son, William Schiei, a scsool boy, commitîed sîuicidea mt about a year ago sud is brother, Thom - Titat tae situation luit tîuîlegan Schi-el, aisu a carieuter, commitd suIs reference to thSe ltallua -ordi sicide last Fait. Fate Iras beau the lion of thse harbor la t-suming an Nom4e5ii of 1his family for &orne lime au eeîî more serlous aasiet 1titithe hast Paiclk Scîîiel ras oue of the utusî SUN articles have lndlcaîtis oine hlgiriy reiiiected rubazna of Lake For-ot ytie i)errt ud.i>tts Phone 1352 M. 11 llGcnesee St. lttera, paperi, etc. from Wnrkeganp peolda urgng hlm, to get bus9y and sýee if he cannot do sornetisîg a1 once to get thse harbor work started, Jutt now tîme la moet preelîo for, withi each days' delay, the prospect of pet- ting boats here are delayed l ust Ihat mnucb longer. PUTS 3 FINEiERS IN THE BREAD; LE T TWO TIIERE FIRST CLASS BAKER AT THE NA.ý VAL TRAINING WrATI0N MAS TWO FINGERS CHOPPEO OFF LEFT IN DOUGH MACHINE CHARLES BISHOP, A SPARRING PARTNER 0F BILLY WALTERS, SUFFERS PAINFUL INJURY. C'harles Bishop. a sall<rin the em- ploy of lindle Saut a finI 'clais baker b> raol.had ta, tlngers on bis right lîand cholrped off iin a dough machine ai thse It.S. Naval Training Station, Nortb Chicago, Tuesday evenlng. T*e pro"i"""'fl nagetaurtin,1branches 0f study 1n addition tu the ast. For ers lha had aufferad Of 1Western tuai Dock, for thù irst tîne ishop qanacngaged In the act of about ai the reouit of the big demand business course - the other la that heart trouble but nt in an acure form s inc ts esablishment1tl bs cixil>uhfo ra he h c that ban beau made ln Waakegan for there are iuany young people rho I-as long ago as twantyfive yeara i(twmixlug dough for breadaahen tueos jmst snch a course. Many youug pao- cannut afford te psy thse tultion as lia sas refusedl inanrancealu tise îov- taîeynaao hs' oudu rident happened. lic oiened the ma- pe who "Iesîate get luto business charged Yabsns collage aud thev ai Arsant oroi account of tIse seak lIARD) NOIZ SOFI' COAI, out drxk.ý ieadtrs he igr;Is dontetrwll net gai the sanie training free, conditiorn of is heart Thîis la due te tise damniaiffl fr coal' lut sai oon ai possible done enerteturu s lever a len the machine1 higlu àchool at tIhe ehxpiration of tieir Thse Intaliation of thSe more comn Tues-day he appeared lu 1bc lu as duriiotie severe Winter m~i 10 the satdsdel.lelf w ig common achool education-prefarriug llete busineasscourse wnu raquire good ielth as usuai aud is death fact that, nltb two months etl uc ship lsntd s delî îled ist t ronr te o e bsinsscolee wer teynuch more equiî,ment altbough the camne v.thout naruiug. With fseveral pn a oe h ,nýyh Inside shen l1 jre bsamfo îo o o bsanea olag wer teyprNent qulpment la mncb botter 0otier carîlentera 1e vsworkiug onî u eso oats c.i Oibstheli. ,an i tonce fit theaneelves wth a husi- t han that iually found lu a 11gb1the uer bounse-,rhan suddenly lha stop.- beau unable to gat ba bolrlng, h duh Iels t a a nais training. This they have heen Schoel. In addition it wll menu that aeil aid îLslîled is baud ta hîs heart. coai hare because the (li îiî Of th The 'dnuog' necus.uss a unale e d e th hlh chol le-another lutructar rîlliehanaddtae'Ive got teoiut down," ha mnrmred, Iarbor la not aufficleut toaow bott hon ma waalknsgeincan. ga cas fteIcmitcus. assist pýrof». I1,t.Rogers, Wmora lnow nsu 'aling action 1te n ords sank ornera 10 cotract ta coma ie ra. hrhabsviedfeetywt cand. of ths uoP ore hata ie departmaent. 1lurno a tsttiug Posture, A moment latIhr i bsvstdfrqetywt As thse demand tierselia grown thet The pMposed change wilîl 11a ra- er lie led over. A physîcrian rai Tise coriiiny has a fes tous of ti3illy Waltera, the pinde of th1e figlt aclinl board from tîme teodîime bai comed hy al, at la Io sure 1ta of lu- summoneKi haatily, but t rast fouud acreenings on dock, bu, iaien One fans of the uavy. Iishoîr bag sarvedl lmprovad upountae course untîl t the estimable benefit te huddrads of pu, thnt dets had beau pratlcally lu- thînks that tIrera bunt saî,ournd of nue of Walters opailng partuers praent Uima itls a aplendid course. plis§lu tIra cty. stautaneous. bard or soft coni obtainable there, Just about a year ago L-aka Forait riereas ordlnarlly %t titis lime of the 1 for tiSepat six weealt. wss ssddeued by the self-lnflictedl year s number e oaths haie býeen, aspreiseri Into use wllh the Prac- death uf liltie Willlle Sci lei. His untoaded it la sean boa sierloîui stue B D E Of LLtrciafluerauca that It would pick upt parents belleve tahade gone situation laU OM BLE.N nuDIES 0F ALLthehbodesTisa fafld tub:ietihe case te sehool until tey haard a revolver Seea ftesîairlrois a INrO SIOE U RB VICTIMS 0f LAK E ed that theahottom urofeFox ake bas they:fouud hlm, fuly dreeeed, lying wpI> thpmnd on tis 1, - ITO TO E rR by . T ,a%'edkVr5gbiUmbe esoe sfn sIfwt nteforweele a ainaiepyte -tolýi(ýhrfr , - -or -aga or .-otItlte 1d1-k-laa-te i MIW ICtUJY filetootis couub. 'h, bllet that the BODY 0F SEVENTH ViCTIM AT FOX LAKtE RECOVERED ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. INQUESI WILL BE HELD CORONER TAYLOR 18 GETTING WITNESSES TOGETHER PRE. PARATORY TO HIS INQUIRY. The waterascof Fox Lake have at last gîven up ail of the bodies of the aeveu people nho nient down on Nlay 8. The lat tro bodies tu ha found rare thoea of Harmnan Ituhu rhich ras ou Mouday afterncon and Louis Trssaschke mIo rai found floutUug ou tise surf sua Tueiday alternoou at il oclocic The conuplte lilt of the victime, ail of whom have beau recoverad. fol- los:- aI l Mreu. Mabel Hiansen. 25 years, Chicago. TPhoma Potricli, 28 years oid Chiscago. lBarman Huhn, lu years oid, lu- gleside. George Itusseili 35 yaars old, Iigla- aide. Jacoh Hoafer. 25 yesrs old, Des- Plaines. Mricha.el Kionder 24 yeara old, Chicago. Louis Truschkie. 26 years old. Chfi- cagrI. ) sTha body o! Mrs. Haunsen ras tisa frit ho riss,1tisah surfade ou tise morulug ater tise fati.lIty. It ras sev- erai dayo before thea other victime fnaliy carne up, daspte tire fao1 that neariy everythltrg ras doua to malte them riase totire surface. As soon aItlb ai s oru that tise boat had gone dowm the peuple flu the vlolnty mot ont lu ntor boat@ am- eà mit i s'pping irooi sud begau ta, dsag tise lsko. Ailer a for delà" of bitrutoom soroi. a largo e senet currant mlght aie crrred tise bodies mbt NIM>prslnk lake carsed ti Iakeý ru ha dpaggedt also, but rithout re- suit. Diepita that aIl efforts seemad to r be unavaillug, tIse search rai not glv enu tpnsd had ltse bodies net arisais lu thesuarface whan they dld, dyne- mite rouid have beau axpiodad. This ras put off ai a last resort because Il rould hava klled so, mauy fiS. C'oroner Taylor ba bean luformed of the dentha sud tise lnquest nu hab held at once. Tise jury wss Impan- nelled several dnya ago aud aufficlant evideuce takan 10 Identlfy the bodias tha1 lsad beau recoverad np o that lima The coroner nmur nu maka an Inquisition into the accident sud rbiîe It wil ha Impossible in attach biainsa for the accident to anyona as tise Orn- er sud engimeer of tise launch ras ai- au drorned, It la bellavad that the coroner wlllsnggest that btter lte- savlug taclitiai be lnstalled on ail plearîire hwmats on ie uralisceg o! the county. As nIll ha recalied tIsa sevan po pie sarted ot f rom LippIncots istel1 on the shore of Fox lae ons tise nlghtý of May 8. Thay planed to attend a dance that rai to ha givan on tIra other ide of the lake. TIsebhast lu rhIcI they set out rai ovrcrorded, carrying double rIrat itcoould rlth safaty. Tise boat had nt gone very far before peope on sora huard tiser srreama fer help. Boats rare sentt ouat o rescue tisose lu distrais bute thee 111e bhast and Uns party had sunkt from slght.ITthta sppnoed tisat the boast capsized frcm Its heavy ioad and I belng muade of stieel, sunk at once,t leaving mo support for tihe victimes. Tise tragedy rwi tise orit tisat ever ioccurrad on a l.k0 luntae county and la a grim start for tae pleainre ses. son aI tIse aie resarti. Jacob Shwartz, eldet son af Mr. and Mrs. iamuel Schwartz graduates fram Harvard uiverslty ou muae 17. Mr. and Mns. Schwartz and son, Min- dy, ril! attend tisa graduation exorcis- es. Mr. Schwsartz finied the course Sith Ilr.years shooting himacîf ln tise head ritis a revolver. TIsa stili smoking guu rai lylng ou the fluor besîde. A hasitly peuuad note explaiued haoisad bac! difflcilty lu cîtool sud that ho fear- ed h-e rouldbha nuatale tu pastise examination ahich nofflidbave beau neeesry for hlm lu attain a hlgber grade lu the public achools I.sst Fail, bar-arn sIx irnilLcs ago, a aecond desth oocurred ln tesanme family wben Thomas Schiel a irtb or of P-atrick. killed himsalf, Thomnas iad beau living with bis brother anîl for seine tima had &ufferad of au af- faction ofte opine, from rhlcIr hal feared ha oiiiud neyer racovar. Taking a shot gun rith hlm ha strollad ho a nearhy rcod risere hai Bat domn. placed the muzzla ufth11e gun againat his haad and pullad the trlgger ritb bis cane. Hia dead body ras found s uitIle later by soute boya rho rare pasing. Het also laft a note lu rhlcishao md that thse pain front hia back and the fear that ha neyer te commilt the deed. Coroner Taylor Tuasay avaulng prasided St te coroners lnuquM alh lnvestlgated tise tacts lu cou- Schlel. Tisa verdict ras that ha had comae u ihis death by hemrt fallure Tisa1taheatrire on tae Chicago neapapera la causirrg the rural car- riers considerable troubleanad extra tripe over thiser routes, ras stated ta- day by AI Borurgo, assistant Postmas- tr. Mr Borsrrgu declareo tisat susse cf tise rur al routa carriers have pureha- ed Chicago papers and taken thesu on thair mornlmg trips ta avold a second jorrey. Many of thse Cicago papers do Dot ranch isre util afteruon, riîcisneceisitatesasnaddItions) viaIt aver tise mormiflg routa. Tise cjty car- riers have beau lîkeriae haudlrsaPped. aithougli mot ta suolian extent.--Jo- iet News. Thse clty ichool board recelved $101-5o fronitishe Du Pont irorder mills a Pleant Prairie for thre break- age af rindows cauised by the big ex. îplilaon tisare. Thsis Item la cositain- ed lu the report of tise scirOo boad.,1 log tbe- sud tue> lias e li sbip it lu FPrank Weast and liii fsthc'r, Char-1 by cars from CcI and cIýserbere. les W'est, figuredinslieacdt Reasos Fo It.shortly aflter noon today rhan a Ford Resaus Fo lb~ runabout whlch they wera' drlvlug Thera are tro ,iel casonls for he ra. intu the curb on North Sheridan failure of coal boI'-ts 1 arrive thia r<xiciasd 10oko snd bout tiSa front ax- seansoli 50 far, a curdiug 10 a man et The accident liaîpened mast north familiar nitis the iov'.l situation: o 10 onsret FIRST-Becasistite exact depth of- T he machine had just beau driven the hrhorIs unnowr 16uj)the tua Iaytou street h llon iow SECOND-If ith, hiannel la but 1s aieed. As thay rouindad tIse corner feat dep, It lis irai îcaliy blocked gothie driver of the machine did flot far as oal hoasogo for uwuera llltisor taemachina luto higi siread not charter to talt cargues Into bar- at once. In sortie wvy tIse sterlug ai) hors of that deîîîh, eiglteen feet h- aratus rafuiad to work properîy aud Iug uecessary ru ucuomodata theni the car isad darted lotoand climbad sud their 10,004 )Il 12,000 tons of car- over tIsa conerete curh befora It could go Wrig ado Fs. b h ought to a stop, The fac1 tIrat Workng Hrd O FOR te nmacbine was going slowly pre- TO BUILD FLAT AND STORE BLOCK WARM DAY MAKES AIL FEEL HAPPY ON NORTH'a day. ALFRED TAYLOR LETS CONTRACT FOR $12,000 BUILDING TO AN. DREW RYCKMAN. WILL START WORK AT ONCE In front 0f the SUJN office at lit o'clock wlth thse awnlng dowm, the. thersuometer alowed 88 degreoe. about the warmest day of tlie eamon The change froni the nartheaat wmd of thse past fer days ras a weicome one for people generally, especlalIy gardeners, farinera and Ice cream mmn 1 - -- " --- - -""' - Sununer Unea. BUILDING WILL ORNAMENT VA- CANT LOT AT CORMER 0F ASH AND THIRD STREETS. ISU BLNCE 0F A mammotis brick fiai, and store block ai ero long decorate the va- cant lot at the corner of Thîrd and Aab streets. This morulng Alfred Taylor, pro- lîrletor of thse grof5ery store at the corner of Aah aud Fourth streeti, awarded a $12.000 contract te Mr. Andrer Ryckmüu. The uer business block wlll 11e lire pro0-f structure of the Iateat designs. G round wil ha broken for the uer building on Monday Nlay 27. Mr. Taylor la oneo f Wsukegans mosI jîrogressîve marchants. Ha au- tered tIsa grocery busines st n coin îarltlvely young age aud by hisOwnu perqonal efforte bai eetabliahed a won- derful trade. The contract for the uer $l600Qý achool to be erected ou EightI street by the Lithuanlan churehh as beau awarded toe(Contracter Ryckroah. The work on this building null start naxt weOI. THE PÀRTY FOR, YOUNG FOLKS WAS À BIGi SUCCESS OVER 200 CHILOREN ATTEND THE AFFAIR GIVEN BY BOYS CLUB N THE PARISH HOUSE. Two huudred young Peole and chul dren attanded tIra Party given lunlthe l'arlah bouse, Tueiday ýby tIse Boye' club of the church. Tihe gueste lncluded the Girls' club, the choir sud a nunaber of outsiders. The evening ras speut lu dancing sud varions gamnes rare playad ait- e which tee creanm sud cake rai ser- ved in the dlulug roomn by mambers of the ladies Aid. Mu8ic for the aveuing rai furuis3h- ad by Miss Fanule l'armer and Lec Farmar. The affair provad oua of tise biggeat for rbldren avar iseld lu the, cily sud also provad ona of the nrost anjoyabla posathle. Engineer and Mrs.(harles F- Shmiths of D)es Plaines, rail kuowu here. are Reportsaroaielt ('oiîgressman Foss venled tise men from beiug Iulured. enjuyiug an Eastern trip to 'Washing- bai beau delugcd witIr telegrams,1 The car rai remavadtoa arge tou, New York aud other points. 1 IS 6JIfASTLY FINU FISHERMEN FIND WOMAN'S HAlA AND "'RAT" IN NETS; ALSO A DEAD CARRIER PIGEON. 10E LITZ MAKES DISCOVERY HAIR RESCUED FROM LAKE ON ENDO0F SIXTEEN FOOT POLE ON TUESDAY. A wonn'a hair rlth back comb sud ins stili attached wai the find of fiaherman John LIta lu rnId lake Tuesday mornIng. A hair 'rat" waa found attacied. '*(,e, »olas roman liai been mur- dered and tbrowu overbard by thàe haîr," was the stuatement of one fluber. man ai John Litz ptailed the liair on board tbe hIos at theen0d et- a aixteen foot pike paie- Another member of the. crerw wa Incllned to diabeileve, the statemmt of bis associats Oh. a female Just bad lier top place 'biowed' off by tlie wind.' sald ha. The hat ras brouglit taeashore a«d laid ont on the dock to dry. In the same aha net thie owneu' found a dead carrier pigeon. Thse pigeon carrlad a band Derilng th11 inscription, '"M 7849." riThe civil service commission ham cailed an examînation te be Oîeld an. June 5th, at 226 Washington etreet for the purpose of obtaining &Wpl- cants to the position af third eugi- fneer at the rater works la canrpliance wlth the councls a àtep of es.tablisIiiag thse elght hour work day tliere. whieb necessakates the hl"ing of a tird nuai The job pays $80 a month. Malden Rock, Wis., Mray 21.-Efeedi corn la sellîng at $5.50 ta $6.50 a buell. 1 a d lud s carca at that. . Many tarxn aora, unabla te get .eed corun wllplant -othar cropa. A large acreage of rail- let and fiax nu li e sown. F. C. Seidel & Co. The House of Better Clothes p LAKE J-, Firsi Time Sinco Erection of Western Cou DckTha I Has Been Cloarvd À good, hard days work wiII put feathers ln any old bcd. Better Clothes and Nothinig Ese- That's the reason you should look over our Splendid uine-of Better Clothes before buylng that new suit. Ail the snappy styles, full of ginger, ful of smart, new effects, and the materlal and workman- ship that keep them so. This represents the Seidel Standard of Better Clothes $10.00 u p to $25.00 Think It over ý 1 ï 1 Il

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