Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 May 1912, p. 1

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AKE COUNT1Y INIDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. 20.-NO. 36. TWECLVE PÂGBS LIBERTYVILL, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, KRIDAY MAY 31, 1912. ONE TO BIGHT $1.530 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE. MIIorPEST MEYER NEUPIELD fNTERESTINO CAPITALISTS IN NEWT GIGAIITIC SCHEME BRING WERALTHY EN HERU INFORMS FORMER MAYOR BUCK THAT BIG PLAN IS ABOUT TO BE REALIZED An Atlantic Cty of tace West, calI- ing tor tue nvesîment of several mil- lions of dollars, sth ie gigaliudPlan s-whucb Meyer Ncuficid af Chiscago ls mid<rlg to trlergt akaee osmtY. He ba& been worklng an t-be pan for tise test tisa or thue years, butsin a visit ta Waukegan tis week be stat, ed ta former Mayor Fred W. Buck whom be s seekîng 10 interest in lbe undertakung that tbe statuc aifaffaira aitishe presenit lime are suci t-at ne le confident tbat be oi l e able ta swing the giganitîc desî witbîn a shortI time. The demi slao0stuPc ridoua Ibat ilusealmost beyond compr&hensian. J NIr. Nelrlillu îotani it h ses i oral Chitcago ctilutaltst-s. 0001iii Wau- Itegan Ilse.t3xly pat o f Ilis se-k, aut togerils- si tonrmer IAyor Iî<k un- i,1ýied tIeIimmensee tract cof lanut Just norih of 11e vity wa l tie s 1 llanuei to ivîrte fle ite 1ventare..A thouisunu airscoutlad arc e eIcslfoto lntîs andt"asciuon as lie receises assurance> tisat the eclente 0111 go Ibrougl Mvr k etiiclut alli ru,e su option onî the Wbat the Plan le. Thee pala nul exai-tin o ueonau ltre as un ,Netijeld il Itîlsesîlalaeil It lu cotslueralln detail uîîîou bustire-- viaus sfait la thie rt-The fart o! lu-rîcet at thl- tInte is tIratItil as ual tuesn drolupeut andl Ilat %Ir. Neullelu is monoecconfident t-lin cicr that lie osil l ie a 'le tW sa îîg the iteaiý A Second lIanticCity oaneal, I lanîl, !-steîle aune vilenie ln a nrut ailelI. ruicre ooaudtbe ait enormouis botet on saultariani eitis luindresiof lt- lie cottages naliojîlItlnl neat utlile nous s '.0pouttinl searcli of reccveaîloiî cuilil pass a ruek, s mont-b on cocu the obole Itutnter here. Big Bat-ing Beach, A sîîieudld bat-Ing beach isculut bc consîructeut au tht tise batbîng af- fovutesi ouluebas fiacas t-bal affora- cd a? eliber o? t-le large Eastenune. son-s. TIbla Inlzett, voulut stail the expendItune aofIliaucanda o! dol- lars. Anot-ber sipsnisve Isature, voulut le - ~ tlie big pion Ihat voulut le erecte Trlu- ta Ilie lakte. TMis voulut lie made lange enough andt long enougiston tise s teamers lu deposît- thir cargae. A lonrgs part-Io o? tise pier voulut e rouvert-eut lto a dancing pav-ilion se tlist dsnoera could enjor t-le pasîlme lu a place ohere t-bey voulut liet- neut by t-le cool ireetes Iroin tise lske Amuement Foue&rs There voulut le amusement- fealures lu pleuty. 'T'hîa teature vouid te mars complete tison es-en thbe large -amusement- parka lu Chicago. Esen conoels-able Ides u lnte vsy ai eçt-er- talumieut voulutlie pros-ideut. A lit- lie pris-mie street car sysin voulut carry reslostens to eveny part of lb. resers-.. AIl t-be streesa oulut le of macadam or aspisaît. At fieat glanre It vaulut sermt tat the pan la top glgant-Ir t-a malce Il a payng propoaLtlon b@e but tise Ides ofthtie promo tnft todepeaut up- onu lie peuple of tise vlclnily eutlnely. Tl la expert-eu thebt-suris s resorl voulut dsaw people frosu Cicago aud tise Wet juil as Ooney Salaud sud Atantc City drav peope mtraNew SYork aut t-lie Ihal. Jý TransportatIon. it ia poInt-edut tisaIt toreaihs ny o? t-le bilgparka la Chicago hlaittes tronlt a u bous la nesrty an boum sud to gel on a train or Uls'et car saut coule bere v.Id not- tae 4 use longer. 'l5en 100, If the dning pov' er wvers as great ltoIevdotlY vouli ';eî be, arrangements could liena vilS teé railroS-disto gel specW ir«« ai a1zo spooW tliainis cctld h. pilsft01n. The 011o11111pletilonor thbe weatowblh WY -bfosa . cago tule mUwuç» voe~~iaa 4 .m o. te WElM À LU I y duty te wrt te you, thanklng yfou I plflf life. Round and round the field i usual cusîomfor the kinines you have sliown Ma IeIUY ribîeed, cmie tracstp. and t st- oigoe. the usuelhîiokr n ofs:s J L b i;g Sthroughout our short ac:u:int:nce. No h l lIn a nearby field bad wHfesl ~the H B~ 1 1 f possible of Our employas te enjoy the HI T IU* T dobitthe oter MM le gea e,,Taken ta tie PorFerm. banfis f eIdas.*forlk prise to you, hovever, 1 hope it wiIllLI U f Th, mules %vere uinhitclied as te J fTI (IO l yssterdlay (Thursdayî itbeing MamoriallIÔ D UR be welicome. 1 thougbi I would drop 1" " ""resatig almest over bispro-1 I sE IIF Day, and conseqtuently publish a day you a few linos, before 1 go, and tell S~IJth.,t his inljurIe-, were very serions. NORTlHI VIVIU lote this wook. o the partleular cause of this let- i 'ls-l' t h osia t the line. Pleasure steamers aise, ARDER *PHIL" CARLSON COM- ter, as lum af,*aId that we may neyer LAKE COUNTV MAN WHO DISAP- -,luiiî: iiinored. Ir Icakled asa would make excursions ta th~e r, sec each other &gain, but. neve rthe. A Iniiii, would lie fatal. Irt Oas HIGHLAND PARK AND LAKE FOR- MITTED SUICIDE SATUROAY leas, Phil IwilI neyer forget you as PEAREO TWENTV VEARS AGO ., n.îhvr,,veaic hi:; ]dentiti ta EST HOMES ARE VISITED BY sort T ',î,liotf ftie institution i Upon leavlng Mr. Neufieid stated MORNINO long as Ilvo..1 wili fo explain ho. RETURNS l T ,,iîT to Illufalao Oe ROBBERS. filiat Ilie uld reluira here wthin a it ail bappen.d. ; îr U,île etter ,as short time and make gill furtherT air-gS h rekatT î.'iiT Ir ri.adtî rneetan ad4togttrai- table my father spoke ta me aboutLAl i UM<11Ii1 T-Tdq of hies sster. I t ol epossible to get the schme SON uOFYY1EALHllIFARIER yau. aisi eaktjnnd o qustons ou uE IViN Up AS D Dla i o-,aT, .tail sliereabouts GENS PAND P[ATE STOLEN udrwybefore long. and he si thet ho heard you werc - Velq- IS, 'a ater ail bis not a Cathole. I aid 'no: ohat of;T i ' ,1.I ,ill uot l'e eîiîaîta MAKE OiNASTLY DISC6VEIRY WAS EMPLOYFD AS FARM HANO11 lit And I praised you ta the higbest. T REVEALS IDENTITV, RETURNS Il'e tIao .1 f Iigdovnin luany onADRAN HLAL UFA BY JOHN DARROW 0F and that gaI ltreawfully argry and TO CLAIM SMALL FORTUNE ploce-ndaulhai T, itiafteri luoe ý LOER 0FAN OY ANO DIA.ER COR PS E FOUNO HIDN IN A. he said that we Muet go home ta. ,v ada r)1 LS OFMNYAD I. SWAMP TWO MILES NORTH BEACH1 morr w aFrday) just su 1 donst get a LF YPRNStic MOND STAR.iilInStfe a 0F VILLAGE 0F GURNEE. ___ chance to sec you agaIn. Mua. -Wülter - nîii l wI TTIlIi d REMAINS WERE LAID AT REST IN Jilted by the girl of bis love, r tean ht ad u ndlelee Th ei fand'- ht o tmfliacîî hir lT hrecorlrinviiia needy me, I wlll gîve hier a piecc of my mindi ty years bar, surroundied the where- POTTERS' FIELD AT DICTA. morseful because of a si of logT before I leave Paris whîcu she vvili uboits of Mchaet Welter, a ,Lake M1hi.a- rain caii-sed iirest in nortli TION 0F CORONER TAYLOR. yj rs standing, Arder ("PhiT") CarliInever forget. county man, vho atscore of eas goY BE shlbuviictei.. Ad, ILne rpeoama asoa,,nee rmhm anthi Phîl you have no idea how 1I eel. ropped from sigat as completely as I -- ainote of EI ie n Rotlcialid et and 1 Ighas well go hmeas ohat If ni aiba t ast be n d w- S U1 I l ici IPark 'eas entered Tdesday roiundilhldden lua a artili on a farm, o fawelh'ihia are, pleasure vwauld there bt four me if 1Iio a tls enlfe n ebsS I I E l nih li iîiuierware 10 the value of tiso ruiles nuîtt.i fGurnee at 4 oclock commiîtcd suicide lat the borne faI do atay as tth arai fotuIt,1 a tl 1riday atternoon, by PrIa hietcaif, a Jh arw ecII Saturodoay beya Il will net allaisme ta Ihat bas bee i held ia trust for T-II GRSIOLliiNGE Jon aro, ech Il, d 'lsec you any more. But. neveu mind, dace the estates of hiri fatlter and m~Go- GIWO ANGROF farme 1evWaukegan milli dealer andj bis aebe etid wsnt HILSEMOTThe hrer la the Rothischild Ihome Irilîit-on.monîgby cutting bus throat with aPiIeear erdp a core friti beho as Injured sa severel y that APPEARED SUNDAY NIGHT iaruledatogileslp The orîîae bail decaýtd bliid ail raa.both of us. W. muet trust In Gud for he believed he was Oyîag that Weiter iit'r}ii vîitt h 0 br 522 a ii atray oeDrthe future as it was Hus eifthat os revealed bie identity and asked that Mser urans h cmloegieil vliasuloctedwiîîas oenvas Lir o h L. Tyîa irnîtooneroALae t imet and if it la for aur CTIat e ta lie- communication lie secured with bie disappearance Sunday nîgbî of Geor ai the frontal 'cro. Pr~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ .oi .TîllaoraIIaerw lronr fJonDro, ascm betrrenHevpvîerelatives in Lake county. r1wbroherof ohnDarowwaEcomebeter riedsHe ,lipoide At t'. Iii usentCilîle \N'elte, le îîcig Grswell, aged about 25, wbo ast The esîtîre ower toor of the home cowily, wras vulue :îeî th le vlaeTawakenied from bis sleep by Carlson, tbe way. reîlfortii l îthe-' eoLîin lBriothers- Thuraday carne ta Waukegan wbere he vea- ransacked, bit volhing of val" it 5 octork-Aller a birrled invsti-1 wba iay cbaking te death in an adoi- 'Oh, how 1 do vWîsb tha' i cuoid cee JIloslîlta inîî( liii ago atter h-li ioavn oiionl n1t aebu las laken Ilanlfy rocini exceat thbe galoncr Ie îîroiacin tvnta~ a Jînnglid.i you just ONCE MORE, Phnl before 1 tali-ad a Iiiieclelg, two telrible S'il edtîîiîîg rim.Here ail the siIverwasm, gai ]on of the0surroridiii teuer-srvfan oîhcînîîaîa.mal. for the Hill Steamboat companly. kaIes, forks u.nd vîooansd severa lîquËiîst was ud. Te ue ise, 005 N e leaped from lied just in lime te i cave, but il wIll be -puossible. 11cT liii iriof filetine uad fohr ain- 1eThe questionwoarrying afcrwfteleusa i îaerere stolea b,îricîl la rte Ipoiers' ield, ln Warren calîde vitilItire man oho Oas suifer- told Frank a:ilabout il thTso rouinq îllrestI'd vdiTs T te. le uIlraturn a ic mpany Js: Dîd Orisweîl comte s obr velo es ceîeer u iT lgitofHi tas 1n ing from tbe pain consequent te, the, and heoai twouldlie liest for me Ilits atid borne, iitalo iroveLake rotin, cde ou dîd be accidentaily fat; Intor lii a draiser of the liuffet-lu the day niîght. I ajdertaker Sçliler lied vidsa bîir meant i% Immediate ta write and tell you. i hope pou woh ' ty, aller lie'lia recorueîl ron itls tbe barlior? ining raom oas un quanily of Jewelry cliarge af the hurili deatb. udrtn bs hl n vudsInljuriens and monev, abliit $1.500 In ail. This deaadiis hl n 1wudt1HI& Disappearance. Thec la, Tt tli i, ialeiloiîoe key îoras aerlook-ed lix-the robliers. No lette,, that wotîld assistthIle po- tCarlson plunged beadlong ta the yumrbtIwudnvugtfns ivaîV -Iroslarl Ir ItîL dîtîtier paIl oas etit ltthe osue-lOn the same nigit ltbe Highland lire lu :dentif) tac the remains 'erre flor. 1led, but Frank knowsit aIl. sa eca Il on'îci a i ii.tlio îae and liîîcîl ihee Thansecatnd tualie lefI ia sord 1a bis'unre borne aofEowen Soiamacher1 faîi inl the îlIîIIl'glie bady had' John Oarrow entered tbe room et bim Sunday and h. wî:I tell pou eveuv- Ii) 10ta ncnlî îears aga sîlen lie my-1 uiilesiîiaîstu aeuîgan otinrnovlliofcsaIhPrt decomiîii-îd ta suc1h ain ctnt thatith at moment. thîng, but I have tld pou the mosî t ru ivnsI *lv lil-îiîeared. Saule lie hpeb dtatlevrglanîliîblock, was entered anddalîver- iCoroner Ta% lor ruas unalile ta fl a 5iy , W bat'g wrang ," asked J ohn of Joe.i partcular cause f iis affar. at1tiie rait r ot ht b I f wbrot he re tel neH îîit o tic ?ailfliro mati iho d il 00' s ara e nEl r a ntie w al tue , Thot the mafeu huhite ssamiage." foei1lo was 1 laIgu ay10 last xirsenIRl b Ivopee clng tdheenedrear doockoi ieo aietteh.erboor o e.h -lia fathe, dled a short tlmeatr1.ýradalremoi fJwlyIl Coroner Tai tir. Ibroat-run and bring a lanteru." wicbing yau ail th. good luck in theb. icbueluî disapîîearance and thie At aay rate, lie la mioslng and ne the ripper tractus remailler! untoUob.d. "The lbody tad bec n t-the swempl By lbe aid of lb. dire keroseneliIght world, I bel; 10 remnaîn ancof your te al éstate Oas larttiaurd off adl ue ta bis 'eheriealiois la abtainaîle Monday nîght l eresîdeee o? Char. fur ait least six week.' said a resîdent tbe twao meni saw Ibeir companlon In, f rinds. Isoid, the breirs relelo lng theIr eliare. hierce il lsabaloutl dc-ided amang Hill lies 1, Harder of at cret a » of Gtirtue oo vewed thecarlîso pre- baIlle fer "the daily of lite y- (biatd>pEeEN"lelii hal'bchare saslilatdelabhetbantî ruiaIi reir tituo frlpllaceetatli iith'eoiostered sud a diamond pin ltiken Tbe (Siged)icoint trasu) i trIstforhin lapin uas lyiîg In thse roorniocettuplm ilous ta the hurl. Ing face downward n a pool of bîaod. I Said H. Stale From Brther. la-e lie eer shoiîid rottîra Seî en i.Of he liarlior. hi- r. Harder and altiough other kw- Fai taeIdentify, An aid rusty razar clutcbed in ies tvc slnred. valutuaiuotî T<ars ago, hi-, naotler, w'ebit)iita lier Came Here Tbursdsy. edry oas near by, no <aller valssabl.g Altliaugli efforts bave been mote. right hand tetd Ihe *tory 0f lb. mourn. Darrow, one eveain g 1 ut 'sec I du ng day hal lira, cd Shats ole nilimi'i rane bere tram Chirago %were talien. The pin was valuedj et nfo ,ne lias been able ta ideutlfv the fui eent. took money tromni mu ýru ller ant lIcîtsuce ler son lielore she dted. Ilassed aitiotiîgh big homes la nuIdiana. He Ilot bail, o? the man nd Il Is probahleai a<. A liortion aoflier estate aise 01 i taiina i'Coacbman SesThe Robb.,w. bad th maa aned' l ee a k rtowbablieJohn Darra'e ruglrd ta a telelîbanel homelires veau, ai, îua'ed'n trlt'eorposhaelonnds nE-t man at the Far Monday es-coIng the eisola. Iht no tne wprlevlin owllewtbatt-e T ani surrim-oted i)r Belmeyer, of Zioni Dont te o u,r iomîbtes: Yti lgeier tbe tno lprtions modlea niid . dck anti iirked Thursdai.. Frîday minn l;th~e mploye afC. B. Trostle,-' was.lity and Dr. W. qS illows af Waiike- ill11lie belter offiutno >-te knoinu Oin esti litte foruane. ani SatuunuiaY nights. He ruas veen et revesig on peerissîl avenue. L»aIe nasa ht l al on to taefatpan tscehevlu araFor tears atîd Yans large suais of heOareluouîsc Sîîaday niglit aut dis-IFrs.srr8dtomnI.teao man had tain dwn tahadlleceaapspedt la theeceetsrt urlîrîaout lrisoInetheinnt-liefor 1itiasiiac a e ie-id «IsnhdIýn nlnhl mney a be lotIl h efrtafralding the bara. Tbev bau! takenl Thoiaastther wateaotnrosed ovetrisbisadtii-nyianducoyifor t. get sonne trace oa i hm.luat ail li 1a harnevu off Ia bookandt lad placed b the Yoiunairlad 'eau deaut long before J the past tîreliv fourlv iays. Thie ane aoi,[e never relinded to any of wenManager Guy, Freemian arrls-ed fIt rione ofthtle borses drawneuj hlm aithongli le mLglit-have thev recels-rd theamessage. The 5îîark 1apprentsia of hT lîfe geemout ta tîme autvertîsomcntv tbat wrevelaceut ai tbe dock îîîîan bis retaru trom }gc. The coacliman oas rnarmeu!. The dieut of beart dîsease. Tise mani a oflîfe tbtsfori-lireyearv hau t.nblieeating aut hîs sonl sud heart. He la the lialers ail over the country atTd aasia, I)etrocen 7aiI0lc<h ales ern l pnts 0 descrlied as being abouît thlrty years!nn n iefre flnd sr7iîfaîut(ro ansd 8Oclc ilIobed. Hecauig iolpen oheuliera ui,d reugllablit 16(0 poundse, lig! [ilt ed fire the irsawiag pain of guilt compladnled Mona'v of befiog ill. aud îîned fbis rrsa ht r a) funiGiwelgneadnoticed l tlv i tH e uta corne fteed bU abot iv tet ln lchs.lae isukhad barueu t Iîtn tise alisenreof the oas sent ta Pr Blcloissfor mediclu, enditlîin îtar a rev hî iekîddntr bîjeb.lienibîulthai trcevs tle rnroashdbu abuttvefe. tntrces Sriet inktsuo men tramnttbe raamon.Dr.Bella's, oui oeil su perallan for aira that aur trace of îhlm Oaave lte mahaut gane111; tassa sud 'ould A few mont-bs ago the north shore ot a a ampasis Hîs rosI o Hiden nlutise leddlug Mr. Danvar a vericous sciti. Suare tbat bour Cari- vuredt and theru iloas tlrough a tl-t vetai i soan so thotughlitutIleatone of iras terrorizeil by a vandal wbo en, of a cheap materlal. Hie cent was ly-ter Ibat hall licen veut ta a famlly fr atheume oe e ih Ing isesides bis body obîcli vauld la- dîscovereu a liuge ps-uiug knlfe Thie son von-led cansidcrally. bBtthe ro li l Ibtter, ruent boute and expert- e_ acnIole ons Ifih commîtlsuicide. 10 la lii oltbblout. Tise Youn an ul 'as 24 .years ordntBuffaloIbelcrboivhe sEurts crita se-c Griswseilit ur u pfor osorItlandt Park. Lake Forestland Ravini If o blleedCarlson first attempt. age, sud fananeuthî1e anenisslng 1mb tvil le, III. This ioid ai an accident -MOiîdoy iglit, has-îug no reasau lu ille, nay the police, that t-he lait comi uiid.ed ta eut hie t-limaI vwltlite pruulng ot' apy NMuskegan, 511db, fautnilt ha1d iefalicu 'Welter and expircss- knauv le 'eas net ibere later Suuday relaherle were perpetrateut br knif, rsorIng a ue o therazr Iy.cdthie liellef that lieg-au living. alglil. Haisever, the Young minuhas mentberg oftheiseacine gang. kuI S I XInte ,r es rlAg pusst therazo? 117.a h ve be n -T heo letler oas rec oeleu i by Mrs. nul been hbard fro ndut ac crordng l QIJITS 5411K ater. oIn Darais. poil anI, lelles ut to ave .Ncholas fBlock, hie5rfliee 1'rentvihalareorbd 1hbe ýBUSINESS Te. mJnutes lefore lie bearut Cari- oritten by bis mtîher, elsof the son lime be disappearcut was but a entaitoMnagers cr Il lan oirpoea IobisPION EER wihAtrey C. T. 1-iydeckr o? t-Is Mr. Freentan at-at-es fiblet,<uring the« WOMAN WHIO GAINED MUCU AT ball been sleeping on s louage ln tis on. Cad ro Hme. aer d htbeivstgt teP TENTION Ti1ROUGH 1B1G DAIRV dlulg a irboneard bIsa get out-o adFo oemre.btngtGiwl a enI h SWITCHES WITH MEEKER. lid. Mr. Darrow tben vent ta t-be "Mn. Arder C'arlson, Found In Poor Hause. hbit o? galug out and sleepinug on the MR8. GEORGE H. WILIBUR OF barn 10 makle tise lagt Inspection of? "Racine, WVtv. Mn Heydecker snd Mr. Block at dock hetiseen the osIer sud Ilie vars- G R ANGE HALL DIOTRICT LIVIED MEEKER BELS ALL MI BLOODED he night efore aitreng'ecaterteYthe pourY:bouse waItEut-hehousebouTiser dr bsuse.ThnoqulutonlietiserheHERE ALL 0F OF ERRLIFF. MEEERSELU LLMISBLODE tsenîgt etos etrln. krdrTuIliavIlswilrdss-llle aud there for tise firsItfinie, lie veut ont bitisre la faie a uap sud. STOCK IN ORDER TO TAKE H. is su!mt entereut t-hoback door "Iaert-ainly got<osur t'ard. In ut-oent1 IYea, s50 thie mlsslng man 'whitelee o laIto the ater. Anat-ler Pioneer reaident o? Lsk. WORK MRS. DURAND QUITS. vben lis hard Carlson flu. reaily yen? Wec ualiardiy t-hînk ti. Hie Injuries vere vory severe and l," oasleaepbot rallcdeai o lbelieve,' le salut,"t-at Carlson If 70euaiily basa baw gisut v.are ta bout been ouiy by tise merest pros-i. That may lie thesoluion of the prali- cth71y O0sofberladlis-sut boer.aiayc There bas been a suduten soit-ch ot stteinpted t-o cut bis Ibroat vIls lbe hear froam yau. Where have you been? dence flt libe bout ourapeut deabli. lent. Tisursdsy svenlag a 8 oick aItlu positions between th, rivaleIsntaxirs-pruulng knlte, but tounut It lou dufl," We are ail oel noru agalu. Arn vork- andter ona aetain e alietrebriainar.rgeHl Ge'- tocratîr farmlng lu Lakes Forest. sait! John Darrois t-oa SUN reporter. lngln ton. Noru, Arder, please came ('hicago abore he ruas placeu th tle ORACOE THI OYERLGCIN0F knooH. eire ifarofineof tWang.* Art-hon Meeker lian solu ail bis prize Ilasmucis as tis el i soete ore home. We vont te ses you. Ansosu bospîtal. RCSTI ERLC F konrtrdfrese ar As saon as he caau le mos-rd heowlîl ENTRIES IS REASON. township, aliccumbeut afler anuIliums breedlag rat-tle, t-bat- rosI hlm s for-saSturaited thllbood, Iboge wo u er. me; thon4 t 'euh write yon a letter.ite taiten ta bIs aid liane. Do? e tlihree mnîis, ber deit-h occurring tune, ln arder that lho may give al of present olien David tQ Hart, of tb. More laove front us aIl ta yOu" th fart that lie lad nat seen In Aliandoument af t-be stock chsse -abelianntelut-nort- olGangehatIo bis tInte sud effort lu t-le Production lirai of Conad & Hart, removed tlie Posl Card Prom Rcse. ascore 0f Yeats. le at ouce recugaiz- raet adRi mit10atnc ofda he, A, racs al of rertîfied mlk for thse nortis shoro. body froint the tenir, vers o? tise ianie "Mr. Plili Cantson. cd 'Mr. Hletdecker.PtEgntoe RA ,24 a ai. Mr. cot urnd wo asbenbele. Der rInd-Te-ls of Wanderlnge. thi ecision of thie dlrector, o! Chirc-, tirs. \Viliur la survivedi y berbu.. Mrs Scît urnut.vis lis b.» ell?. Dea FreudWelter islaletucluneujta tel veryi a Mtor cluIbFrlday aflornoon, . a bad utt-o clhdrenA. O. WllbU', recegulzeut as hii eue comluet-tor in Carlson bout ourkeut fan John Dar- "I rer'd Faur wocome letter. Have utucli about bis long absence. He.I looiug the returu ai the ranteat com-.wo b as been living on tise tarntfcr thbe raaUy pastime of farmlug for re- row elure tise llth of April. He for- blon ulookung for that ane yOU ex- gises no rosson for lis disaptiean- outtee oîthotut a single entny aftern aoetinte; and Mrs. Et-lie Bro-de», saie lu rallier lisaprofit, liussold meriy vurked lu uartbern IWiscou- pecteu tetagel front lame everydsy. once. He savv tliat le woae ans let- J twoseku' effort. Tise ontevt board vidais o! George Broguten Of Lterty- ail oflier prize milk cava ta order sin. Wben It contes I 1 w1 vend Il iglil ter lame auýt tat rereîs-lng n nsa in a meeting Tbursday aflernoon r n e- e "V«sOn.esier, Miss, oser lualbflie decided tht if bihie k,,,,endedi the change obicis vas Charlotte Smithliof GIs» Rock avenue, ta tai. ap t-be prlze stock ireeding The boy's li<e ite ,!l' dparture avait. Noo don't forgel our addrei, did not rare tu wrIte t-a bu thtiat tbeyl foratalî adapted. Tis e eut IthgsWaukegau. business. froisahme, t-lres i cars ago, la cleos-vibis lest wlvhcv. dlut nat nesu ta huais olene lie as. inl vscep aasîut the course ouly Fanerai tram tise bousee t il ock Tlie surtîon cale of M. Meekor's Iy braugisî out nl unîmloer o? pont (Sîgnedi ?sINNt-E." He did nt not uw a? thelie utîlo! îsvcre day lInrua separate sente, toI - Suuday sud st 1 o'clork fromtht-e bluxe bloodeut stock, Frlday Iternoou, cardaaut lot-fera 011db vers frounut in Chier af Police Thomas l'"I to-parents until Intanmeut of the fact îy ng asdautofernoon of Satîîrday, Aiu- tapel Street risurci, Waul<egai. In attacedtheatenio ofevryod lis ocet da wre te plie f r. Heydecker. guet 24. tonnent lu Oakvaod. attrrbet l. atenton ? evryiodyhîspackt. ay iredIhepolue u oskegon, -Atter leasing liants-lie eys leo wa I Falare lta scure ontrIes sifectualls- Born lICounty. Iatenested lan suaisstock aloug lb. Pathello Notes Prom Sweethesrt. MIish., teadatsIse bis parente of bis demeut ail aven the country, oorklngstoppedt ail dchance c ofhlinîg t-heto sa It laan unusual tbiag fan a ler9oa nanîli shore frotu Chicago 10 Milvau. *My boy, rca. homie' 0*0 e"May deeJt. His parents resîde at Whte- swhite uIn neplace and tIen Ilua, day nliassis es-eut-g. Wbat sui loe t-le 0Ilve the entire alloîd periato It-b. kee. Samet-bnlug1k. $60,000 Worths o? God Issa ru and tai. car. cof you." liall, Midi., ses-su miles norlis ofMua- othen. He never vas s-eny long lu resait olth only eue day of raclng la lu t-le bordera o? bIs saine roîîaly. Guennsey aud broon Sviss catlle0 * e ~"Wby dont Yeu conehome?" kegon. une place.dblushe tislatie dare f r ns.W'Br. vent-milnder tisebammer ai pricesa t wer. s 1ev extracta trom ilettemo as Tise song foanut ln bis oserails Pok Ou a olmer cf t-bi elie 1usd oua itRufors lie e en pnthen telginSem1 0 ithadse waugblra? Or aIII B brougist joy 10 tise bearta of bargaln laIton by s SUN reporter, et la raptloneut: St. ILouis. He vas piaceut on a disearares ooulu t o eliseu. Attempts te mlle of isr late hoate lse alv<lys huniters. -A tetter wntt-en by a yotmg lady "Oe. But Its Great- t-oMeet- EL brrovleind s rallier lls-eîy lest secrensstock car sut-ries proved futile.,bau!ils-sut lunt-be vsiuuity o! ranl Mrs. Durand's manager wua0»ofo revealeu thtletact t-bat ho bail ho.» Firiend From Tour Home Tovn." Theut mamles. A committee vas sent ta Detroit tva Hall sxrspsug tisetai-wlue yesrs tibqjl He rncieuthtie fielut anas, ail iglit- oeke ago t-o ask Imanufacturers to realideut la WaukegaTu t-be fil'lt men t-a appoar ont tise hi.. Jlted In love. Relgious dtemerno chorus cf tise song follovu: but an tise second trip arounut, t-se mette nominations. but ret-urned vitb- "Si might have cône aoirs *Yselfbrqpgt- on Ibis &et.<Go, but lt's great taeinout s friand mules began ta ru» avay. Welter out asisngle vend et encouagement. Tisuee Waukegau sula parties iv«f ouiy 1 vasnlcertain It J 1VouM l The lettater m thseyonng lady M. - frolu your homue town, lung on. Suddeuly the lisrrow bit- stuck lu tle mud lelweon Qrsy>sk. ho psetsn.aly recelivei. inb I M ov:- Wbat dIff'rence dom lmale if ho a stump aut tise Imupact-hurler! hlm DWotIneId With flhmk& aut Waukegan Soinday aftitt lith Dumd nidaing I4h. lellIIIIIIIII, se "Mr. PhîlCarlsoon, froorn0»;tramhis seab. directlY In front af tise ~ h alaadi»pu ?ni.M.Ggat la up or down; h~ieavy Irau discs obit In lanot-ber Mo- ThDkofW ln&z obitàadw puofan..M.OÇate i tooeaha viltis ithéu beulmeIlv R. P. DMNe. 7, Box êS, Whout he shakos Yevu hy t-ho bnd ment voulut have eut bis lbody it tal~for e anyUbing bisaINapolocu bal edRobertIFI.machine fum- fUrgée 1 1 rn taitng op tbe buipsea tiat Kw. Union core, Wisotoggel7%l'sa feeling yau can't under rilibans. IsIIIIId.applIeu t 10David, the. aristai bo ik t -islty. CoMrnMIMWli t, . hlgeksr s loavlg,0 toî-oê ,ari, wio. taatIn t-be brie? second ho bissu, th it aItb-l ainted NaDleW$ portrvait.vo s ns la i ea lSmo t aifIlIî , wife »and cl~ts * Pu - i. ~ ~~~ ufe? u i death- on Woll BelvleDavid.."t) «M filII fiad rd Yirhoe ow. Wll&I tat«vd uire. técai o ooe - --& -~n -- îe

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