t t v ta ~'n' fIMSTT'KIWPV Tù~~ ~1~~1~Tf Il ED1TS A ~ '11 AV Ol 101'> Page TWO. 5~PJXLJ ~ &Li~VEA f ~ ~ tLa *L~4~U NOTE-The naines of vettrans Who died Aur- Ing past yemr appear ln black type.d 0 * WAUKEGAN 0 Oakwcad Cernetsry. E. J. Dake. H. a. Gail. T. 9. Hutchinson. James Rippey. Joe Palmer. Lemuel House. Wllilam Burns. Henry Nanti. Chartes M. Case. AWbrose Brow'n. William AX IQarUing. .5<1 Âchessbracb. IL W. Costraadea-. -Peter Smnth. Seophe -West. Lis eBweoin. W. W. Chambalrlaln. John P. Mancester. H. P. Gleason. Pellr B.ungger. ýJohn waters. M. Hageha. , Charges Wilson. - A.Ruabliaker. J. IL Bochiman. ..uLMelaey. LevI jaukua>. otaries Neq. B. U ..plsgg. Edw»ari McArtitur. John Tidymmo. Fayette Theenpaon. AL . 13 ntit. Cha. ackus. 9. 0 UJain. 1. Buttarfielti. W. H. L-eiter. Fred Kircbner. Jas. Bodenctein. A. Wood. N. F.,fflrfield. J. Mï. Taft. William H. Littie. WÉIlam Paters. ]Uyard Biexandar. V. iL..Reid. Warrengherman. G. W. Ucyjton. C. A. Montomery. Jaune Susin. Siuoso ame. WrU4rai- corser. G.'f ay'. T. F. Clarkson. I. 4 cla. WIliaà Ldd. Williamlemsinlg. WiDMu ager WUIh. . Reli. lhethr ari'. John Millet. WIlllem m-ver. James Trobridgs. Alex. Benjan"n. Vifa orford. D . Gnn. Roaerrosn. W. EL Thcmpme. Oren Hoe.. A. T. Meon. Daniel 1%1111a. C. A. hzde D. W.PSk. R. Âldân., goumr W. Bell. William EL Nills. Oliver Browns. Jerry Brown. X. T. Brwn. B. G. Igovae.' Chartes Morstadt. Clsrles flua. G. IL Bartiatt. D. T. CeIl. J. Y. Winters. John Unbaqetty. Bd. i. mball. Walter Os'axo. R. D. Sb&--awessey. John Predeticks. John tos. JaniseToinpen. P À WaLoh. George H. Brown. - H. IL Battiaos. .%wbere Ibccorateb zburebap t!. mv W. A.. Ornes. C. J. KevIeli. D. 11111. G. W. Bic. N. Ftlanders. J. H. Clark. J. H.. Black. George P. Shateveli: James Orr. Wm. Mitchell. Oscar E6. Whltcomh. Spanlsh War. Ban Jouas. Huait A. Kennedy. Perey Amet. Cathclic Coetery. 18U2-11145. Peter flyrne. Thomas Byrne. tlom11iek Park. Mark flaraIt. Joeph Ciiechrougit. FIloînas Drigge. Michael Curtis. T. D. Dmur. Uury>'Dietmeyar. Daniel DImnneilly. Mant Effinger. Peter Flaayo. william Wllon. D, H. FIPtsuatrik. JamesGou-lt>'. Matt Cornaa. Joseph Qoayo. Mat Kefla>. John Keho. Blti. Melons. Juansea Sly. »teubes i Mc4liter. Jo4a m4wAiater. P. )LëNeany. 4.Jelnv Mlta>. chartesMufligan. M. T. . Moao. John Polmnd. J. A.-P.etiord. Geor*eeStrobar. Rlehagd tikelle>'. Peter Spelimn. Joseph Bchwenia. ThomansWhita. r Martin Ly«ch. John J. Mua-Pby. War of 1812. John Fay. E. T. Ainet las= Oriawold. Johin Yatas. John M. Day. Henry' Mlter. P. Dar>'. Phip Yage-. Rufua RBoula. B. Speboër. John Rice. Lentai Jones. ('alfin Tiffaay. D)avld SpaultiDE. G. Il. Slack. Ira Itoldritiga. Sandi Lake Cernetery. Chas. A. Woodward. 0 WAOSWORTHO Ed. F. MIx. James Balfour. Edsard Mta. D. E. Prench. 0 BENTON 0 0 0 000000000000 War cf 1812. JaoiBDates. Ell Stafford. Lyman Fields. 1861 tc 1865. J. M. Simnpeen. John Stevens. James If.Iloward. Peter 10w-n. William Toorna. U IL85h10>', Arthur Ukues. James. emramai. Allen Bright. J. K. PaddOci. John Nçlddl. George Eanks. 1,est Hanka. David Hirdinger. J. W. Stevens. O MILUURN D. B. Taylor. Frank l3ackus. James McCredia. Charles GillaVi. WillIam EfuIer. Rbnert Mardkn LoisiaTwing. George D. Dotige. G. U...stawmrt. J. K.Pollock. IJNIDENTIFIED MAN FOUNO. mat nudar bits eyeé. Ile e lfIl; i bat' upon hie e at. (ConUinued on Page 5). Thiis ccouspliabed heA pWaqmtlY' ralsai s etct raminte ground, alloir- 4t ff C'ea onhat day tat ha tati takan IDg VIhe noose le tigitten about hie titroat. Wlth Vihe position of hie body> Ued Ciathestine. sueit that his teet eanît>'cou tait tiib Tlh, man unrd a place 0? lotteailine te grounti It must bave requla-ed utn- toepevuetraWte hsdt. Ttbetrea ha usual narre for te telles' Vo complais ateotai w-s. sousoal>' six Inches ln dia te acV.' Whan ha lost conaciouumns l" e fis teo vÎientty reahbis lhmp bod>' Bank aven low-ei'andi «p- btb imho ouldandtiedoreha strangled ta deatit. IM ef the rope about te trea. TheTahrie mains'as failt>' 'aItdresat 161UT e et» iePlaoet about bis neda tanti titi notappear VOelie a laborer. Md kutted t.moeli. Ha prohahi>' The tact tIsathic bat cama from Itai>' 4.itna rnSb* topwl oem C con- szd ahat hb. ituellf indt titt appoa-- .q ' %UK h l'9 ' t a,%ne> muieen sce haislad taete blleft Viat h. la ban. lieho i a mhaIhiwIf - as- hsals. -bîmwaf. 111v .-itt ilspoket sail tiel t over bMa faco, cigiteot cue te bis kienit>'. Q SPAULDING'B O CORNERS. Q Titomas Bacon. Elsha liaggart. Parti Beldan. William linytier. M. 0. Marsh. Mr. eartuan. William Mitchell. o ROSECRAMS John Haniosi. Wm .Hogan. Mathew Hogen. Xavier Henkie. Patricka Foz Jasuli Huilier. william Confard. Q MOUNT REST 0. V. Young. J. y. Lavia. John Fur'. Alvin A»9s.. Jlob Ames. Cbauncey NellIs. jothané A2ise Charles litron. John Dizan. William Cellina. War or 1812. -John DIfon. william collina. O WARREN S War cr 18IL John'B@&rbI.a' George Chandler. E. J. of'mowl. Naharn Làmb. Na Vase. Mlarelus 1.5mb. LeamaYA. K*Uog. J. O. Jepklna. Auguart9w-m. LacS>' Ciandier. Htenry, (luter. Williamt D. .Wfltmore. George Oatlp 10. O. Bt Jama. Idaw-ou. THE DAVIS PLANT. <ContinîtatiFron PageOse). lion ln s'hich aventminu>'Wankagain anti Northt Chicago man weuld ha ont nucit mone>' because the. building Io, y-aIl aloug anti thair moea>. not iVhs Davis peopia's, bas lia(n put lut the structure. The association ns>' Caii a meeting tbls usai te take fornaJ action sud V'tr tietermine mat wehtt te business agent for the pluDibeM' wanti. It le atittis b>' soute pîuilr erg titaltiha nexplainibie stand ni hÇ âgant bia ni met generallfa-vol iaong plombera, esie tIlt- ttiey *40 not mnew anyting-a4aouft te spriak. li11g e u emlua ,* deredt tedo no, Instail bbe systeni. valI 'ï frmedGuari Fpyr Grand,# Thte Menierial day celabration ln( WavIregan Tbnaday s'as probably theil hast he city ha eavec bail, due large-a 1>' to the. tact that urlusual InterestE waa *iown ln the event titis ye*i'.C Mueb ocedit for tuic due the Spa-t 1 Ich War Veterans wbo md oMarge ofÉ the, arrangements, andte the naval I recruts ant i bad fa-cm the North C2M- cage. Naval -gtation. The sturtiy youcg1 mnen In theft s-Oite unilforme mati, a( fine, slowLg as they marciiet along( landl certainl>' it lithat a hbter band 1 neyer before bas beau beard hers.t Captain Fullarn, commandant of the1 station, deearves unmeacumble praice1 for alos'ing te recruits te take partE In the parade. lufortunatel> Il s'as9 Dot poSsible for the band to reatIn (andj taire part ln the program Wshich folios'ed te parade. Waukegan as a wbolela I mmenseiy pleaietiat te preeence of the naval scheol boys snd lhopes ithey s'liilibe aiios'ed to bake part In future observances iseme. For perbapai the irait time lu the histtry of te day lu Waukegau, net a ingle olti seseran or members of the. W. R. C. was oblîgeti te marcit Large busces had been îrovided for te occasion anti thoce whe remalned rode ln automnobîleais iticit hatibean kindly donated for te occasion. Mach1 year ltae cmall grouit of Grand Army veterals e hemes more $eehle andi IV lai certain tiiot had con veulencec Dot beau provitiedti at mac>' soutd have beau unable to parttciîrnte in 'the long march whlcii for suan>', undonittedly s'lll lie tbhair ast. Thea parade titis Yaar s'as marked b>' anothar nes' feture-for te fIret lime ln th stm-v oft he. utsvher, Asir, l, TMe lltlmif PRigvEB.' morousns vaeesaMndbruises no oua cruletw«fmu n-rd (Contlud Train Page One. Voilve Farcee Jubilant. 1 I Mu~.,jamsThe Voliva forces, however, woe r of f ôii rvRsc followers. Voliva BdVae l50 t tJubilant over wiiat ws receved &s a everybody ln the tnwni refuse t0 teed divine act. Tbay inaiuted thai. no Stha visitois andi refuse tu talc or lilt- greater proof of thie danger of the IKM,1Y *4'pteraps on te them. le id that they wera comlng of the. evangellîs could bava invadiiiittii heoiset it ly andi had Do bean founti than ln the. accident. rgt tiee. He eduiel oiinouialy that _________ Grand Army of the Repuhl. "R. uc harm iwould corna cf the visit. MARRIAGE LICENCES-,. member tiien," ha caid, 'flot as tii.>' Tt a.weaffl 1 the fsltiiful Vo holnWilliam H. Jackaon, VIlIIca, la..-.23 are now-a blD>' band cf gray hala-ad r«uuon of diei.tat*menltit Rseat aChcg .....2 men who have witiiatood fifty yassgra te îtîihveeior thi e A. WetiaCcgo 2 of 1f'. b.tties sinca he war---but U 1 clty when the evangellsts oPenedà thieir EwnJ uooMiaka.. tite> marched forth, the moat mîlei- meetilg, A lîlgi Wind W" a howling AnaîatSho, <ago .............. 24 did h et titatGod Almighity eveP sentthbrotîgittheii. ra«l sthil- uît Y eria Kofu, sage.............22 was cundelt4 Michael Neiniasu, Mlwaukee..27 Mr. Parma]ees addres was a glas' torm Wr«ka* Tant. Margaret Krauao, smre.......... 29 lng tribute, not eniy o th, membera Dr. C. A. Ronnr, ti'*4»ntin lE ibIs'r. Oartiay, ity .............30 of the, G. A. R., but to the members the Indeplenêtents liet ttalt iinlshed aut'atherineKoepp, Miw'aukee... 24 of te W. R. C. and the. Spaui War addreeas of s's.leoiue wb@aII îîew &O 9 5 Lelie D. 2tearno, Higiicod .... 49 Voterons. He piotsired te tany bat.- rouiof tbuaer s«e lOIte ml r~uck Roeea Wallilng. Highland Park.. 42 ties through whleb te aid seldiers 1the ln. 1'hen tlièea s'a nr1lug Jos. Turcineckls. citY ..............21 hati pasceti and exPlalned itos fiting of cauvas and tlt, conter polos crash- Josepfitine Kamaras'okalt. caml.p.21 It le that the present generaticit ed i ln pthelb.woritpirs. to bo foi- Orr@n VS. peabo)dy, Rvauton ...:16 shiould offer thorm ave!>' possible con- inweuî a moment later by the tout IV Alice f, Parîlamont. Hilghland Park 26 sideration. ln tact bis witole ispeech self. ocicar Kakkonen, ritY ........... 29 s'as a fflea for more natriollam ln the hearte of te preaient gs'neration antd Women anti chîltiren sereq.uid and 1.ytla.T.aktl came............. . ? those that are Vo carne. 0ctruggied to escape tram tite wreck- Mari B., mIns, Chicago..........'2 8 Thealine-up of tihe parade s'as as aea.le the iito f thoîr struggies Elile Dehm, came ......... ....... 20 follosc: a tre6 s'as toItS up b> the rectsansd Boni. Jerome, Milwaukee,........ .2 Ftrst Section. biOs'u over on lte trugglng manu Hartha Calles, sane............ 21 John W SwaiibroughL-marsaal o of humanIt>'. Chas Weprenski. cit>'.......... 7 the day. After a fes' minutes cevera.l men es, Auna Gerigatis. came.... ....... .- Waukegan police department. caied from te maio of roue and eau.- ltrerrt Ç- Angeter. CiticagO . '.13 Wauegn oa GandAry t hevas and began cuttlng s'omeu and Btauch BVoth, camne.. Reptublic. children outthrough openings iiln t Wamen'c Relief Corpsi. Veut. lt an hour lterteverybody Boa-n ho Mr. andi Mr@. Edward Tco MarinaBntd. sas fr-ee. With the exception of nu- uin, a son. Bugle Corps from IL. S. Naval Tra.in. ___ Ing station. Battailon of apprentice meamen- lu charge of ('hWe Botss'ain 0111f. Ben L. Joues ('amp Ulnited Stuanîcla WVar Veterans. Spieakersi' carniage. Second Section. liattery C.-toumanded b>' Majer A. V. Smilit. Drill team, Waukegan Camp M. W. 1- - -1-Y- - UY ue' Wauiegan Pire Depadtment. the meniera ofthVie Grand Arrny s-are Dot luacativa charge--sie>' iad glati- Lina of March. ly lloedtheSpula Wa Vterns The ta rade formed on Scntii VO ir"lief them of the iturden. The na- Seia od(ot fWsigo val racruks madie a fine guard of bon- 8promîti>and ate tr. m . Rat or forVite lti ves.' Oarcisetinortit on Shteridan rond -The s'on of tiecoratlng te graves Vto Franklu inmatret,'est on Frasukîl of'the dseeased veterans s'as tterform ait-et o Genesee, South on Ganesfea ed ln the morulng at 9 o'Ciocl, ai tû Washington, West on Washington ceulmittea havlng iteen detalled Vo do teitica, nortit on ('t-ca Vo Clayton, titis. Usually Josepht Paluer hais ta- enIo Catnste-V1(on>'sre keu charge of tils work anti ha was amer>'. o srett CutySret cadi>' tnlsmd titis year. lmmediatelv after arniving at the AI 1:30 o'clOcILathea memiters cf the armor>' lte ollos'îng program wa G. A. R. and W. R. C. wentt itte rendaa-ed: soldiers' monument ln te court honte Prayer-Rev. Clendeniug. square. Titis waa decorateti and a Duet-Rutit Nolan and Mmc. Dr. short service hald. 'lhe rture ofthLie Gourie>'. oid veterans andl thiar sives wn.s hs flag Drll-6-chool ebildren. signai for te parade Vo start. In Introduction of preidicg officer. te first 'bus rode veterans s-base Rectatlon-Mls Marion West. aiges s'ere frein 64 o 7IO-l te Dent Orders and i UncoinsB Gettysburg Ad-1 bus thon. w-ho w-e-e 70 te 75 sud ln dresse-..AdJutant. tiie next thos. uho wera 75 or ovea-. Adtiren-,Charles King. ,Attorneys Charles King and Beaja- Ciioiu-&liolnre.. min Parnialfie w-re tbe tee speakers Address-Ben>amin Parnalea. of te day. Witout question the>' Roll Call--Atiutnt. w-r, ltae youniest speak0a-cs'ho ever Gong ("America")-ýAutiienCe. have cerveti the G. A. R. ever sînce De055557. te>' s'ae aid enongi toremember, ______________ marcbnir n th Daraes wth Cm, îelpingthem te Ldecoata te gaves >f their deail anti attentiing thair -cainires' etiththem. Therefore'Il s'as (itte ttIng Abat titey ehould have beau selected Iote dliver tl;e Nieanrial day aiidres.es. Waukegan bas heard vider anti nom. experIenoed oaoie, aut iVtla d*vmitfuliý f bettir Or.,nMore aloquent ones have been iteaxd--man s'o un- derstood their cubjeta bittter or pre- sentedti hei n a more scitolar>' mani- Ber. Man>' Vîimes while te ts'e mec w-are speaing meunhars cf te G. A. R. anti W. R. C. s'ere aeen Vo s'ipe gllstening tears tram, thalr eyec. NMr. King tieciared ýthat te efforts of certain men ta stir Up dissension' lu favor of popular vote cfrte ueo-' pIe, the recall of Ictigas sud dodus- long, referendum. inOlUjtVe andl recali sitoutti ot ha considerei. Ha nild sàues efforts are Opposed Vo te under' lYIng principias of tbe constitution of' the UniVtd States. Ha daclaradthI tts la te lime for people ho s'ake upi anti ahalue off tisirit et unrest ani desîre for change titat laontenaclcg te nation. 'I donit cares whetiter Il' Io te Republican part>'. the Dama-t cratic part>', dia Prohuhition part>' or tihe Progressive psart>'," ha salid, "i It aupoonees au infrIngement on Lb. constitution, Ib's wrong. Wa'va Sot' the let tom eto govarnanent t~d> 'and IV le hecause our a-tbhpr didn't' blleve lu mob ruIe." lHe titan dacla-, eti that mule of the, masses las noee tain andi finale anti net Vo ha trnitei boa inueit anti hoapi'çdlotei a s»aifate, In store for Engîsoti s-hn te Seat- eallist members ofAbt bouse of larde, and te bouse of cumnons, gain te 1contraI cf affairi. Mr. Parmmi@*'@ Talc. "Let us oonsecMtbS itie day." salIý M. Parnyaieeý Ipp the insnery Bft r £hpsew-ho fougMt.,and bled and id in ordar thtt titlc pation msgt v.." 1a7e eeougbtthe rsng genex-tio to mever. the gmy. bg. O efi. .,A*ý l.and! Vo talÈle t ns son ln patmlollmma. lMe afi1ea ~ite 1boys beSoute citm avothy t>' t"i Opens June 3 And there le no botter trne o the yemr to hegin aà complote course, or Uic. a short course ln sither ShorthUnd Or Boolekesping. The EXCEEDINGLY LOW RATE of tuition for these two monthe ought to Induce you to take up the work. Waukegaui l boorning-f4ew foc- tories are being located horse nd lni two yedi-m Wou- kegaa will have 25,=0 people. Are gaca going ta, b. resdy to accept morne ofChe» good positions that wiII be opening? $tort now-gat a practical BUSINESS EOUCATION andi be ready. Are yau having trouble with your arlthrnetic or any of the ENGI8H BRANCHES. Would yau Ilce te lIeprove, ycur hanti writing, if so attend our Sum- mer S.chool. Parents, give your children a Practical Education. It te the best INIIERITANCE you can lcave thon,- botter fer thon eonsy. Gaill.W"te or phene 636 or 1551-M for full particuiasc andi b. on hanti the firat day, Juuis Srd. WauRegau ilvusiness erce Fancy Veal Leg................. .~12e Boneleas Sirloin Roat ................................. 14e aud 121/2c BEEF .. Pancy-Native Steer Rib Roast il c--9c -Olub, Steak----------------1 ,shôrt- tnt' Porter House Steak-..15e "Y a btk g e r ek . . xoimi Seeak...............Oc ji; . r .................... s7e Beef Tongues. ............ 15c tOxgD IKEATS. Sugar Cure#tIlams.............. 13o lOoO......m.............. Me -KAtt1PîPlnle Hama ...........1!Oc 'Oüar Clired Boù1es ain ..12Vc ........s............... Oc Llver Sanuape............. l'mEo lft Smmer Saus¶e .......la Eo*,na5~mae ............ se tij?Çuéd'rt rakf;stBac" ..... 5 = 00 auae .. 0 Pork Shouldor. ...... ..... l 7 lbs. 8pr Riba, short eut------..25c PÔl!k...................... Pork Loin .................... 13C ô ttG Eendored Lard---------... 2c o;" aipiS Ipork Roast---------...121/2c Pork Teuderloin ......... .... WC Swwt Ploklid Pork ........ 2%c, hIg. Spareribi ...................goc LAM Fancy Hind.QuarUiiCanadian 'mutton.....................1gcý FÔ*ê'Qfllrter Southdown Lamb..8c, ~1n Qurte......... . ... * Qor Oarter...............te ýVu*IIW ...............12vi M1dey oaat-------------1.2eb . .. . . .. . . . . . . t'.Siuc romo idaWegr at Wholeule PritcL '-'g, 1 1 -ru_ - - rrq__ MýýýJ