Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Jun 1912, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY I NDEPENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEEKL1-.Y SUN f. VOL. 20.-NO. $7. 1' YJ ONIR TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEÂR iN ÂDVANGX. - A I NABBED TH4OMAS VENIS WITNIN AN HOUR APTER ROSSINO MOUSE IN WAUKEGAN YIOLATEDon PAROLE AT JOUET CLEW POINTS TO HlM AS ROB- BER 0F LNDBERG STORE LAST WEEI( robbal wu fouad under a plank ln hWIoell ubete t apietred b. had tulgd tn bide It. The fant that the label Wleb l1e" beea sewed on, bail mt VgoeinO off *awed that the shirt lb"i itbçenwaabed. The brand la the uume &S osone arled by Mr. Undberg. ZMON YOUTII SHOOTS SELF CHATWUN STAINSBY 20 VEAR OLO) NEPU4EW 0F B. C. HARRISON [B VICTIM OF BULLET THEORUES ARE CONFLIINO IN ZUON WITH MAJORUTY OEOLAR- ING T AN $CCIQENT MIon City, Ili., Jue 4.-.%ybtery surrounde Cftc ashootlng this mornfl NO, LLNOIS INDUSTRUAL ASS'N WULL EXTENCY TRACK TO 1. TENTI4 ST., WAUI(EGAN INCREASE STOCK TO $100,000 WILI. BUY ADOUTIONAL SITES. ELECT DIRECTORS, TRANS- ACT OTHER BUSINESS Asitant Chiot of Police Thomas 1brî le rakato hîl Achlevemcente ut the members ot J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hrl theNorhrn breaiskfastt lIofso Tyrrelî made One of the lest catches Stalnsby, a boy of about 20 yearsh ot hi* career fast Ssturday afternoon at the home of hie oncele, Bah Harri- clotion aI their annual meeting held when ho arrcsted Thomas Venlo, 27 son. 2804 Elizabeth avenue, tbis City. ln the. council chambers Friday nieiht. years old, a Wauksgan young man WtiO The victîm la ln MeAlster hosala, - tetelcesthicatl la wanted by the authorities of the Jo-%Waikegan, ln a very crîtîcai conditionStc rm$,00t$1,0. liet state penitintlary for havlng via-.B iteo mjrt oeen ated hie parole and who aloo face. the as a reanît af a revolver eh<et whlch p2..-By vhirubofardmfairt ortem charge of havlng broken lnto the home took effect ln hI. body at a polntr e- poerdherord td.ecust of George Hagen of Tenth street bo.. Ieen thc Ilver sud sîomach. nt$000i eesr hsya twee 3 nd 4o'cockfastSatrda, Th sioetng ocured ust t ie 1 e etend their tracks from Twenty- trom a second *tory window ater ho, hha ldf ar as Tenth striet, Waulcegsn. had been caught red hsnded. The po-j al hr ehdtle n chatted 3.Agreed ta give the perpetual lice hope toelbe able tg conneO-t Venlosj with relatîtes. Ile- weut lu bis roomi franchise presented the association hy with the rollier>. of the William Lina-1 and lmmediarely aiterwards a ebol' the city oi North Chicago te the Chi- berg store fait week, as ho had ln hie was heard. aud, rusbiug te the boys",cago 1 Northwestrn raîlroad, upon possession when arreste-d. sanw s hI_rro.hib toncle aud hlm tyiug' condition liat snid railroacl compan>. of?)s brand carried by Mr. Lndberg. Oun eIoor lu s Pool of blooti, uncon- wOuld pa>. the cost Of the extension Vents denles the latter crime but se scious. Dr. Beuever waa iummoued of the switch rck north as fatr as mite the other. Although a young sud the- octtm was îîtaced luau auto Waukegan. man, Venlo han caused th. cit>. no end aud rusbed te SlcAlister ba-spîtal, lu 4.-Agreed bu invest more mone>. ln of trouble ttsrougt he man>. crimes hoe Waukegau, wbere h.e ts stilI nucon factory sites ln the vicinlty of Tenth ha@ comm ttsd. scions wltb but about one chance Ilu treel, Waukegan. Convicted Morse Thief. 100 la recover. 5--Elected dîreclors for the ensuing Tva years ago Veule vas convict- Liver le Torm. year. ed of buslug stolen a !torse- at Grays- A bîx le was tom lu bts llverj 8-Listened te a remarkable ad- laIte.l.e sas arrested white attesupt- aud Ibat orgau e10 l njured that te! dresa on ,City Building" b>. Prof. lug te SelI the animal at Northi Chi- vlctim bas lîtle chance of even re-1 Sheldon, founder o? Amerloas. Great- C'eo.le was siven an Indetcrmluate Iclug 19bis Seuses before pa8salug st SclMOol for Businesa men. sentence of tram tbree te tourteen aa>. 7Z-utllned a campalgn for s tirent- yars.. 88lle reports spreait lu Zion 4btar e'sdbîgger Waukegan for 1913. Twa mouths ago, tbroiugb the ef- thte Young mau bari tricil ta commit Slucb of interest ta coery propertt- forts of the Salvation Army of Chîca- suicide-, Dr. Belmeyer and eaie werl sk-a1 dNrb(bc go, Veule vas gîven a parole sud ap- lnifthle Uic otlng wa-4 the resuit ai: go was sccoutîîlîshod by the-aunual1 îîareutly t once. tarted out agalu an accideut. fitSosenete youug man meeting o? the NorthornIlîlinois lu- upan a raree-r ut crinme. lie adiitltee always bas beon fond off lrearma sud dust rial association be-Id lu the couru- bruike bis parole and bas not madIe auy naurtatly Is carleass lu bandllug Cbe-m. cili chambers at %aîîke-gaît Frlday ev'- report, sud thîs tact alerte ta suffi- He bail sfSn be-en cautloued about nlng. cient ta (muse hlm te be returueiltaeiteiug caredaI sbeu baudllug aeapoli8 The members ut the associatiou vo- the penetentary. but Seemeil confident or is.abiltryi ted ta lucreas. the-ir capital stock Rallier>. ast Saturday. Io avoid burtlug hîmeeli Becatuse, ta $100,000. Siuce- the-touudlug of George liagan wito resides over a Of these taota andl because Itlel claim-1 the awsoelatlau the- capital stock bas saloon on Tentb treet, bail be-eu lu ed ho bariluo reasous taeud bis lite' rernalueil at $50,000). Chicago Friday ulgbt sud on Salurday the theary la advsanceil Ibt the shoot- A large nuruber o? the members of vas very tîreil aud lsy dovu t iae a Iug vas cutlrely' the association were lu ia',oc Of lu. uaop. White ho vas asleep Venls page- Stalusby worked lu the lace works, creassîg the Stock te $200.04)0. j ed through te saloon aud entereiltUicbbtd a gond Position sud seemeil cou- The- otcnlug a? western Waulsegan Hagau homelie eutcred tic room teuted ithbbis lot. to husiuesesud commercial enterpris. where Hagan was sleeping aud began Ater beng taken te th. hospîtal, es in 1913 bas beeu asaured by vîrtuej ta go tbrough hie clolblug . Dr. BelmeYer sud Dr. Foley operated, OfaRua Ct ofthte members ofttits se- lie taunit s sum af mauey lu one stopping the bemorrhages sud causlng sociatlon. The member-s vete-d Frlday pocket endl vas looklug about for hîtiltet reSt au elly as possible. Re- ulght un extend theîr swltcb truck mare whcu Hagan avoke. Venta made porte8 are flltlY denier] that a love af- trom Tweuty-secoud Street, North Chit a break for lberty and ammbeed a fair lousPîrd the Young Man te eek cage uorth as far as Teutb street, s ludow lu the room. Hie leepeil open la take hieIllfe, but s la nature.] lu Waukegan. 'Me board of dîrectors a little shedt that exteudeil tram te Zion. ail kinrds of rumors and reporte VU e mpowered tot brlng about tisis Te wîudow sud fromt thîs leapeil t0 the are current. Thse vlodtg a pepisiar suit 'Mse board mlembers hfpe W lho grarsnd, uiaklng hi. escape sud cosu- Young man aruong bie scqualntances able te luduce tb. officsls of the Cii Iug to Wasskegau. sud noue v-ho kuew hlm vîl] thînk cago & Northvesteru raîlroad te bulid Reslated Arrest. for a minute lthat le Irleil t end bis and maîutain thîs exteusion lu returu Assistant Chef Tycreil had beeu 1fe. ffor tb.elerpetual franchise, lhe glft tîppeil off te the ma' preeence lu Mad No Words. of North Chicago te the associationi. Uic City snd fourni lm near the Gene- Reporte aao had lit that the. boy Already the members of the board se.e treet bridge. Veulo put op a bsd hait Vorde wlth relatives at break- ef dîrectons have appleilte the Lake bard figbt but fiually vas landed in faut. that he lftI the table sudderly oouuîy huard tf supervisor@ for a per- the police buggy, He dîd netot esansd tbhtie abat followe.Ill.esr-e.mît te lay sncb truck$ as tbey niay biestsruggles for a moment, Port la ftftly denled by relatives vlso deviii'. n ground te wblob tbey boid As the buggy reacled tIre corner of say ha left the table ln gond spirite tîtle. Madlo sud Geese. sîreeta hg madie aud vtb no suggesftion of anythilng The board members hope te bave a lesp for freedomt andj mîglt have 1k. a sboodng te follow. the extension truck laid by Scptem» gtten avay haitnet thre 'comealouga" Ail circolnetauces nldîate lb. about. ber 1. on his vrlat held hlm. NIr. Tyrrel Ing vas accidentaI, accordlug toes'ela. The assocation toit] luve6t more aays Venle vas one o? lb. toughest tlvee sud others. mouey In tactory sites inuheUicvcinity customers. ho axer arrestet. 'The revolver v'blch h. had beld ln of Tenth Street, Waukcgau.'Te fac. Commîtteit Many Crimes, bis baud vas found ou Uic floor besîte tory sites nov avallabte ln sonthern Venle, accorlag te lb. police bas bI& unconsclous body. Northi Chicago are no' of B"sinu comuitteti many crimes lu the City lu number te PrOtect the warl;g ln adition tu liurgarlalng and borse stcal SOME FAST MORSES AT TRACK tereats of the associatier. lng. Hie bas been gulty of sbealîng Durlug the first Y@r-erte associa, bieycles eud Imveral tîmes vas con- rlgbteent hOrses, eiOMPrslug thtiselins 1fe four valuab2e factarlas ver. vlcteti o? chickena teallng, stable of R, J. MKeuzle of Wlnl. localed lu Waukegan and Northt Chi. Ou hie nids,, Mn. John Sosonovski, peg, Man., arrived St lbertyvllelu at cage. At that the asEoeinilon pald a vIte of a man vho le serviug a geau-veek. The stable va Wtered at 6 per ceut dîvldeud. tellce lu Joliet penotentlar>. for mur- PlesauitOn, Cal., and Cameblirougl The land preicnted the assocatiou ~a der, la soit te have-been hie almos by fat express. by Northi Chicago le equal lu aise ta eonstnt cmpaloas. on tise. du A grat teal o? lulereet cnters lu tveuty-sevu Cty lots, daIma Mr. 12n Mre. Souov.kl. accordlug to the PO<. thîs stable, nDo 11Y Ou accotat of the derwood, botder o? ton abares lu thc lice, alred heself la men* clothlu. popularlty of lis dvuer, but from theass.aocatiou. Recently Mitr. Sosuovekl vas chased tact that t la oue of the bout *at ulîl The ir-t meeting of tbe board o? fr-cm the City. asun uidamble char., race. on thse Granud Circuit tbus jmau. drectors vas held aI telimcleo!flthe noter. Before leavlug CalIforula JO# e ll. business meeting frits>. nlgbt. Hunt Nid Hsaring. aunH. vor-ket ln 2.10%,. Beit Key Dire«Ors for Ensulng e air. Veul s m nt yet beesl giesa heulula2:14% andi May Ma u S I. '%eoore H. Durit. hna but vilI ha vitila Ww e. "a'1%.Otisêre Meb$oe Cftisa stabie ae MbIcelH. Hnsey. 'lieu hope to letîu mor-e abe«:ut th Us es ira~m i«an (3:il > ia Jpremton Arthur. eEelx ffr if pouub ietet- U« e04 (I123% )Maffry Widov (à.q%> Smai el Scbt. t , ~ - , < - trhv < MOd%) iad~t u. colatIL .Osyer. 5f~ J C. Sqmsog2<137) lieUale IJ04 letvina 'iset 8:fl1Ws~Il 1wtIoJa'esT. Es>.. John RMUsM. The vote for dltectors: T. H. Durit, 208; M. H. Hueby, liii'; J. P. Arthur, 2»4; S. Sehwah'tS, 14, ('. F.Sayler. 197; John Shervin, 19.3: James T. Hayes, 144; John Reesman, 163; Da- vld Clarkce, 194; D. T .lshie,48; P'. Lodesky, 15; George (;omiuow, 14; D. T. Webb, 2; Wiiiitttt Satisman, 15; Joe gloemer, 25, W B. SmIth, Treusurer'. Report for Liablîties- Cafltal stock.... Due Contractor Brow n Flec. trîcal plant ... Due Contractor GOelitz ttroth ers' plant ...... Due Conractor in,11 Mlachilery Co,.....> Profit and Ios... Balauce cash ... Total ............ As sets- Stock ln treasury. Tract of real estate Citbson Brothers c, Brown Elevator Co.,c'r. -700l1tzBrothers- Cano \'r) coutract .... Davis MIlk Machine ( tract............. Vea r. 7,443.67 014.8 2.1881 12500 i 500 (10 S2~ 50 t Q '1(1(1 (10 12.0(10 0(1 2< (100 1<0 Total f........... PICKS JAIL LOCK WITII PEN KNIFE JAMES SHORT, FORMER WAUKEB GAN RESIDENT, BREAKS JAIL AT H-IGHLAND PARK TODAY SHORT WAS ARRESTED ON DISOR. DERLV CONDUCT CHARGE 0F A C. & M. E. CONDUCTOR. James Short, former r of M' i au- hegan, suce-e-de- i lu ci ong hIe free- dom frou te Iliglghiitt Park bastllIs early Fniday mioruiug, a heu ho plckedj FOR WELPAR 0F CHILREN W. M. MURRAY, RUSSELL, SENDS LETTERB TO EVERY C0. SU PT. 0F SCHOOL.4 N STATE OFFERS MANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD HAVE CHILOREN RIDE TO SCHOOL AND STUDY IN MORE SANITARY BUILDING Wliam Mi.lurr emîloyed as a telegrajrh otrerator at Russell. Ill., a tnan Wsho bas aiways shos n anunti usuaI Interest in tîte nulfare ut chlld. ren lui getierai. has îrîst coutpiete-d the- %vock ut sürtiiîuot leiters to the courttx içtieritendettîs of scîtuda af everY count, îtt the state, in wblcb he bas made suîgestiorts. wbtu-h b says be feeis isili work out ftu, the- better- ment of the ,cltool s.,ste-uta lu the s tare antd int tiis %a or <0:ter the t hild- The letter, s cupi ot whicb bas iteeu recers cd bore. floua "The fuo oc tg anguage m'as caliedi forth trom rune by the- conditions pre- vailinin tchoal distritsreand refers ta preseur aurtilessanad unsanitary ltuildiugs and sîîrroundiugs, lucludlng equitute-ii of sam--altbni,',bslrong lauguage, a bore chitdrert are coutcru- ed. 1 icel iitsttlled inu tintg it laex- lresos utyseiî. The peuple are wealthy euough uow tu abtaudon old juuk aud arranue for bolIer care ut thelr cbild- ren, altbugh mauy great men bave arîsen trom humble aurroundings. Those days bave Passed, tbe woodeu battleablp bai goue. the ox te-sm and the blodlug by hand. but the same aId Fchool buildings are sîtilou the jobi the jal tock. u blhurga nd p-areén ts. Ibe-li'rsI ShotocI as arcre-d Tlîursday alto r- Settle-rs, learuod titeir A. B. C.a anil noon by a couducr tion te <hîcaga reere .a celic 8 hy aIl. But ucter- & Miwauee Eecýi, rilrid. horýIbelesas orse Iban use-le-ai excetît as & SiIwakee Elcrialia, l Sortdestroyers ot the- lîves af cbîldren, bail rofused t10 an his caîr tare so the- Isame af ahicit le-ave- a magnlllcent couduclor tund lira , ont-rluthe citil borne sud walk Dia mlles la onc of auliorirtlesma 1r!is unext ,tatban. Seve-r these Pile-s utdegeuersîed lunk tet ai ome ei> o th arwhe Shrtnourîsi tîe-Ir rindeanad est their ai vorenen si-otîtdcrwe hc lunch ai noan, ail driukiug like- aul- th taeud t ilraîc thbe cauductor mais tror the- amre traugh. sud motarman lMy Idesai a rcmedy la 1 ae He was titroii lto s ce-l luinte-Ithe stare board ot educallon ral a Hilghland Parktil. He- vas ro have meeting af att county supcriuteudeuts recelveil a beairinc before te polir. lu vacation lime ta me-el ai Sîring- magistrat0 aIi 9oc ock Frlday morts. lieId, Ill., ta confer sud tormulate- a lng, plan far the- ceutrallostion uf rural Wheu tb.e iîl keeper v-eut la the achoals, sarnerbiug about as foltows: bsbatlle at auneerv bour Frlday murn- "Se-l aIl rural school property rom- lng be- fouibs une aud auly 'prison- ipiete. bulil une or mare as cîrrum- er bail gaiued iis liberty b>. pîcklng I tances dernud oi Ivo roomsu chool thse lock. Au aid rusly peu kulfe was bouses lu eacb township. The sale of fouud au the fluor near tie steel door. pressai property wuuld alrnost buîld Tbepolce i liglau Pak slîct-the new rcbools sud purchase the cd 1he services ut the police of the1 land, the savlng ut maintenance ai the Dorh shore mîies lu the aearch for ncw buildings and the salar>. ai ouly Short, le vas trsckcd as far as Wau* bhsfth Ie umber of teachers vouîd kegas, but he- sas uot locatet bere. psy for rouveyances te0 brîug the Hee bSs relatives lu Ibis cît>.. That chlldreu toansd trom ichools. lu Ibis be le belug secre-te-ilb>. relatives lu manuer clilîdren fair avay, even crlp- Waukegan la the bellet ofettiiHgh- ples voulil have tbe samne chance as land Park police- . those living usar the echool bouse. Short vas employed for years3 as a tiIs wyul also gîve te greatesl pro- policeman by the City of Chicago. Hie tection. brather John Short la a member od! "The driver vould take chiltiren the Chicago police- department at Ibi, tram thelr homes sund be ndter bis lime, protection unlîl delivered to the cari Shorts a bter p.todleîj milkIn luWau- of the teachers sud take tbcm lu the kegau fer years. eveulug tram the teachece' care ta the sheiter of thelr homes. Just thînk CLOS ESAPEFR01DE of athe ge value af euch su arrange-, EMPLOVE 0F ELECTRIIC MAS A CLOSE CALL WHEN CURRENT HITS A ROD. RESULT 0F GETTINO A HEAVY CHARGE IN SYSTEM WULL LAY HlM UP TWO WEEKS. WIllIam lie-ltlman, employet as s repar mn u y te Chicago & MjIl vaukee Eleotrlc RAIIati conspauy, 1narros 1>. escapeil beig electrocutei at bis vark NManda>. morniug v-heu a ibrake rail viicb b. vas holding came elu contarct wlth a Ilve vIre. i Mr. Hellman fe-l luto the repair- pit efrorn wvici he- vas reý-cued by tellow vorkmen. Hie vas unconsclous nerly tva houri. Althougit the Injure s uataluetiby Mir. Hellman are flot reairdelas crI- tdCal, ityul b. day. betose -hlm pby- siclan yl Permit hlm -te return la hae wo t athe ccar bar-us nearM. 1gb. vood. Mr. 110ellmAu's s«cape fr-cendeath la rqemrdeti asa milwacloui oue b>. cold, starma, iroat, mod sud enow bauke. No worry toc parents or lbe te-arber, proîeccledit al l imes, lbe avoldauce of sîcknen ansd Revers atrain o? watkîug tour miles daîly lu aIl kînds of veather. A gond eanltary schoal bouse, better teachecsansd munit bette-r pupils. Show te cbîîdreu you are up tu date aunl are- at least mîniltul aset their weifat'c Yeu would net treal caIlle or even yaur chîckeus as Ibese teuder chîldren are belug treateil at preseut. Please do net ssy wbst your bail ta do lu gel au educallou. do not force yoor chlldccn to, undergo v.bal you dili. It looks 1k. cevenglng your past difficulîles upon your cblldren. ,Do ibis wock nov flot years tram nov but ai once. Appoint yourself a commîttea of one. W go forth sud fight sud fight mafuolly that the future men sud vomesi of Amerîca vho vll have 10 laIte your place nome day yl nol have ta saay 'My parente gave me no proper chance 10, get au etucatlon.' "Wben, you bave doue thus you thon will avaenuecesaary prit. in youri cblidren that they Wffli tudy bard, flot unly their lesions. hut thëir comport- ment aud generai appearanc, and the happy childlsh shouts ot eutbuslasîic jov of healthy chlldbood ln healtttul surrounding wiltl bring to yotc that peaee which cornes trom a work well doue. I. M. ItRRAY THE MAY WEATUIERI OFFICIAL RECORD SHOWS1 MONTH WAS ABU4T UP THE AVERAGE MAY. OFFICIAL PROGNOSTICATOR AND WEATHER RECORDER 0F COUN. TV, HAS COMPLETE RECORD. The foliuw lug s te cciord ofthIe weatber for the ttonih uf May as comý îîlled by J.J. James uf 4criuch, tofficial seather proguu.sticator andt recorder1 af the county: Weathe-r repart for the nto,,th of May, 1912. Wsrmesl day, 89 ot 23iïd. Coldesl day, «,4 ou 14. Average teml*rsture. 58-6u. Total raînfaîl, 3.66 lurbus 1911. \Varute-îot ay, 94 on 27tb. (oldest day, 28 ou 2d. XVerage temtwratuire, 63.82. 'Total ralutal, 1.10) luches. 1910. W'crmiet da,, 8() ou lqtb Caldest day, 2s on Ilth. Average temperstire, 52.3 Total rainfalt 4.84 luches3 1909. Warmest dat,. 87 ounMh. Colde-at day 26, on 4th. Average îemtîerature. 55.91. Total ralufall, 1.05 lucehes. 190& Warme-st day, 90 au 25th. Coldest (day, 27 on îrd. Average temluerature, 56.46. Total ralutaîl. 6.24 luches. 1907. M'armentl day. 86 on 131h. Coldeal day, 23 ou 4th. Average temperalure,-,50.99. Ralufaîl,. 5.29 luches. 19M& Wartuesî day, 90 an l7tb. Colde-at day, 31 ou 9th. Average teniperature, 58.76. Total ralufaît, 2.10 luiches. 1905. Warmest day, 8a ou 4tb. t'aIde-st day, 3U au 9tb. Average femperature, 55.89. Total aufaîl, (6.45 luches. 1904. Wacmest day, 87, au 2.7,h. Coldest day, 3() au lfth Average temperature, 5 6.20. Total raîntaîl, .80 luches 1903. Warmest day, 85 ou 171h.t Caldest day. 30 oni 81b. Average temperatore, 82.04. Toal raintali, 3.65 luches. Warmest day. 85 ou 19tb. Coldest day, 37 ou 121h. Average temperature. 58.07. Total ralu4pll, 7.45 luches. Mlay, of (hîs year, was a goad aver- age mouth: ual 100 hot, and nt davu tc treetlug, lght frntf ou tbe l4th: but no hartu doue. Just good raînfaîl, lu tact, a well-bebaved moutb 1EVIERETT ZION CITY SCENE 0F ANOTIRit SENSATION WHEN OVER- SEERS BROTHER IS TAKEN LATBROKE PAROLE FR01 PRI34gý TO 1 FOLLOWERS OF VOL IVA CLA1M ARREST 18 ILLEGAL BECAUSI. ' 0F TEOMNICAL ERROR MION CITY, Ill., June 4.-4pecîu- A tentation was precîpltated -thls mnorning in Zion City when offilcei Steaîthily sntered Voliva's officl whiîelie was absent ait a trial in W" ~ stock and, slipping handeuffe on hies brother, Arthur Voliva, practîcally lId& naped hlm from Zion City, r«efal,, according t0 former, Maybr Ciei*. ring to rend requisition papel% UiW~ declared they had and hy vwth ey. wetre taklng hem back to efeie*s'e. ville, Ind., penltentiar>. on the. cId« that ho had violated a parole b>.les ing Indiana borders in coming ta2 IM,î City. Atter taklng him s. feaasWs. kegan, the officeri who arpetnt4 hm turned hlm over ta W. A. ftafs#t of the penItentiar>., who continuil the trip to Indiana. Kîdnaped la the.Charge. That Arthur Voflva was lcldnaaged " by eneodes la the charge of hie broUs. ers followers lunZMon CIty. Shortîy before 9 o'clock Tu~fl,. muornlng lOve men eu4ered tbheeeetlloi OffIce at Mion City. 'We want you,' said one rno a e grabbed Voliva by tbe shoulder. *"Wbats the charge?" aaked Arhu Voliva. 'Neyer mmd lwhat thechcari lte we want Yeu." and hsudculfe usase sllppedl on hlm. Taken ta Raîîroad ospot. Vaîlva wau taken froeu tbe geaeoea offices hy the Oive men. Hoe via tbh J Wuaced lu a carrnage and take 84 Ibi" Noqrtbwesterij rallroad depot. '--"ýId -> At Waukegan, W. A. RaU.t]Z boardeil the train and notlfed VWle9a that he bail been arrested for vlo . lng his po-oie tram the ludiajia&kg" Reformatory. Raffetry ln a deVqVity waw den ofthUi retormatory. Volîva waa flot permîttei t te leVg thve train outil lt pulled lu te tbe#ise. . dIon at Chicago. ZIOU City realdesits co.tend t85i their coverseera brother v,» kIsiap ed in the absence of hie Iawyers bon the clty. Tbey claim that hed WIIbaw Glenn Vulîva been preSeolt hoe soUS have polnted out thse teolmnck lu the requlslton papert, aad til dmp. uty warden woulj have lices ougeil ed to relesa hie prlsonet .. Canvlcted 0of Fcrgery. Ten years ago Artbur VoIlva, It Sq alleged, vas convlcted en a forggY charge and waasttenced 80 serre nes ludeffulte pertod ln thse stats rqtm» tory. lu 1903 ho vas gr&Med a Imrtil hy the state parole board. Hfie &fié a few yeaus ln the lIate.&sa1%« mnovesi to inllIuio Of latelhc b as serveit»ani bo* keep>er lu Uic geucral offies at 2" City. lu CbIcaM ofothie tle d.ê mont. He vas cheklngagsesta ]II FRANCIS D. ECYRET OF HIGH. day. LAND PARK ài*WErD TO A Terhical Error Us Charge. HIGH OFFUCE IN ASSN. VolIva*s fol1owers clalm that ehelm Pray er vas uecescsry ta calrn Thura Green or bis deputy abould bavea w daY's convention at Elin o? hllb. r11 Arthur Voliva. Tiser daim tb«a unis Suuilay echool couveution. RiErGreuen.ahe fo s or1" Ssa>.. Coulderable bîtterness vas maul- refofed 10 ser-va tbeNariantfor Vis t"sted vbeu thc conveutiun opcned. lvas arrust. They diM 4"t VMai% Thi@I was catrseil by a dispute between ah H oov« r rflmed tg e mat-v»t te Beardetovu sud Danville tel.. cales. The former chargedthlie latter w&rvsai. The>.dams 4the ar-net 4t bail 'pcked' the convention lu order VOlîva asU llleRl lnaanucbasth ta havea tIclty chuacu for the neIt unrrsanut vs ot served offlc convention. o h apoel ora b Durlug the vrangle axer thîs charge rpsy1 ei h the convention vas auspendeil utchage prayers were askeil. Fullovlng this, Receutly efforts ver. maile ta s v-heu the trouble bailq been adlustet. Siseriff Green o? Waukcgau Wa uséfsS Breardelowu vas chosen for uext thse youngxer Volîva. bultbe ellued è yesr's conveution site. Offîcers elected for rhe enuuns year taise phonse messages as dîi a30 CWi are: Hoover' ofZMoniCity.. <T'hs àbmàeIU Presldent-<leorge E. Cook. Elgiu. hovever, Depot>. Rafr-srtyaft'Sg Pirit vlc-preient-Dr. C. U Ham. requlsitlon papars. lurneet *M Mlon, Dvlght. Second vca.presdet-J. M. Dunlap ,to Clef Hoover and aftu ew Quîne>. a scout tb ses If VoUlV Gedleral secretacy--ugb Cork, C-hi- oMelers quiricklusje i <ago. on hlm auM buasnfflw . k l Treasurer-1 D. Everett, lHighland land ueti - rei 0w ~ Park. lb aira e s~ucommit ee - nalss Uêmt A. H . Mille, Da&b i It wxaIt ise> 7'be convention cloeed 1lu thae an. > lu'.1 - M 'l - I. TWUILVE PAGES LBRYILE A, OO1JNTY Ifi!T RfA NE 7,1912. 6~ r)

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