Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Jun 1912, p. 10

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%ibertlvit[elnbepcn bcnt1 IT'S TMll TO BE THOUGH'TFUL. Now that the street car company is about te aak vtSs to approve a franchise, it miglit be well for officiais to sùg- gent to employes that they sort of cater to the public and, 1 m t not too inconvenlent for themaelves, 10 ettnd com- mcm courtesies te thooe who are anious te, pay their mon- ey ln#the coff ers of the cornpany. S -r are many. w ays iii wluch this can be done! One in p;lcuar â« 10 iggesatthat cenductor on the cars leaving Berr's colrner1 for the south observe the cour- ey of nel plittiug'Out *bon peroMM are baif way 4cflss e.. roa ltserrinq from 1the North Bide car. Thio la do»etee fruquntlytl 'f icare are supposed t mlet eaeh 0t mr-if they do not, then ft 18 the cernpany's fïuit, net = laic. If the North Bide car is a few seconlds lato, be~ h company's fault and no excuse for tb. oulu ~Incaretp pUl away. The patr'ons can flot regulabe the *vii~f l0 Northi Bide car, ïvhith, at its but, cIft th shr useems te move back and forth as the ce eio For instance, Me-n-day evening, the North Bide car, due tçt 1lave the norbli end at 7:10, reachied Pearce 's corner b Ifr#clcaW on tîme and the soulli bound car waa there ---- Nl. Tlwoè mon,4 le& the North Bide car, sLrte aqstÏe racks, net on a u, ut walldng fast. Altbiough sfe ot frein the sath bound car, th. conducter on h& lagu.rag tb. bell and the mon wereoebliged te wait i'th neit car. ,Mný ocomplamnts of this -sort have cerne te th. SUN. La t1his particular case the writer knews whereof lie speaks f« hé htappened te be one of the three mon. There seemed 3.0 reaa6b1bo excuse for coznpelling those patrons te miss &'car. It caused thoin great inconvenience and no doubt il àd&MLtkelpthe sôuth bound car getting le its destination thal mucli earlier. It is those littie oversiglits and effronts to the public that makes it harder for corporations te expect or receive çonsidprationfro theb public, a consideration which often- Ithe. corporaions are entitled te but which employes make il bard for theinte gel. It mmat be admitted that the oflicers who descended on Mm itOy Tuasday and arregted Overseer V'oliva's brother, t kt1w; blded thefr lime te Ihd Volive absent from *6e'1oW1. fEad Le been there, the. removal of bis relative bbuoce 66wôud fot bave been accomplish.d, wfthoutt 4* 1 m trà han characterlzed il. The Vo1iva brothers M bMa kl:buay with the polie, courts and oppenents" bo.s t teuh 11111e wbue the overseer scores a fewC ~ *Mchin the total, giebstly sheet about an even Wth the *10,00 additienal te the .loctric liglit plant, hont ýen#e Ponce plant as weli as the ne*w WW amd heciy alWaukeg bd fi mwUielm J&reremngon heftatoa àte show it a g Oie o e seruturesin the commuty. Il m e Èf emnmpîcyetterany m n for smre montha. The clby ls:installing an expensive laboratorp in the of- ffte of 1é ctpiy d.If the city.had acity building, à.*p .for such a department of the city.t ~t,~e it~ slOuld £rom 0w on make plans te concen- ~màibs depaut ea10, ls oial branches, etc., in one place as much as possible. W'si l right if 1h., city official who le soliciting for a upaper d.mim working heurs Sets that auto-vossible buwtetfctwr é. he Io rk- 12dYb oiagte gel that car. Wondo'rIf h.bas? Who kows? Sixte. dead horses on th.efRats, noue buried 1 No we n- dér i sWech has c.Ôe frein tin sectioi& of the city when- evéi a wht4 haWo'wn freinlthe lake. This erphu a lla the. more 1h. neod of an incinerary for 1h. city. Ooenmisioner Orvis shows h. ien't te b. pesteed- be- yend offIciai endurance, even if h. lias te break a finger in reenzti. CENSUS TAXtER MAS TROUBLE (ContinueS Plrom Page Que. natisra ly maIes t-le vork much bard-1 ar than 1tat-ei-ise would b,. m. GraS>' bas asked tiiet tise nanter ble expiained ta tihe people of t-be ity so tIsaIt tby may' tndentand mat- boy IMPOrtant It Is tiiet tiseoeabaol census ahould b, taken mait as accnratoay asi tIé iederai census. In aPPOrtJounig tue eliarmfous f unS ilel'ivediram tise ane bal! mil] tax th, aats allwse a certain amount for ev- a17 child ln a city and toan. Thus thc more tisare are lus a city or toaa b«eljwethUe ags ai 7 anS 21-tise IMuitise potion oi the annual a4- -osmsslalloe DluWauikeasn it amiunta to*e v il a cilElan tisat- if tise Sn- SUS tais.' dSuetiat tiser-sar-e 500 mO0 Cilara ln a Siaimit tisa tiere ais'.ebea t tAie et- Cenusras an ibn *05e viiinsuaddlibe i$600 et tbe d101>011of etticeisoo banda anS the demand upoe thse ta.x payer ahIlh. miSe tWiter tht uelsil. la tiklng thce.cfool cenosatueeansi- Menator taietise aimas anS figitre &hoot aM>'te i se e boareof acho iSOr-4 ii la isard te arrive st an>' 41111.erueaits ote iccati. aPUILa t-on ai a db>'. Mi. Ors-yJ'le heing as- sisted ln bue gar-k b>'assistants aho ar-c abe ta speak several dîfferent languageas got-at tiIs part-ofai il vont les mode eaâler bot iu many la. stances Itla b ard for- hlm or bis assis. tenta ta get even a bearing. lnasomne instances lb requires considerable argument and persuasion te secure an audience. Desiite tise obstaclesa Mn. GraS>' le c0vering the, clty ln e ver>' tuaough manner. Telling bthe Banane. A. bsana la a isard bhlag for thi Ereensaruste isqy rlcsL Oaa va>' ttR tell le by the ip endSf ttla garet Sheý hip insmaliland comas t-o s al-aiV Piont. If there le an abundascoA tisicis, touigli kia. full of letiseni liber, scneting la vrong vitis the banane, Maybc k hba too muci plan- tainl l b.AvalS thaelanea viththe tiV ail isread out viii 100 much lkatuO Vy skm at tue end-New York Prean Mans Oyerlâokqd OpporlunlUg&e Oh. the llttlep ai tIse lives t-lat ers ar-e living. Seuyiag te aurselveg t"c igusesa ai tIsat tbluisg wvIeicila.t-o lie a man, t-.a, cilàlé et OeU-pbll, illon lrouk RECOMMENDATIOIiS 0F FACULTY 15 ACTED UPONSV BOA RD 0F EbUtJATI'g ME. G0O0 REAÉÙSONMAE GIVEW IN PAST MANY CHILWISN HAVE NOT RECR#VED FLOWKRS AND FELT HUMIL.IATED. The. members of this years graduat- ig class at the. Waukeýan Township 111gh chool, will flot recelve flowers or pyresets-at least they wlll flot be pliesented ta them upan tihe platfor-n. Tisl edict bas been given out by the faculty af the iigb echool ansd by the. sahool board. Il te fiifiat Urn the bistory of the local higIscshool that tiel action bas been takea. In adoftioz lhis .r-sle lb la saiS the board was limpeiled ta action by the fact thatansany t4nmes the parents of grAduates are flot able to purcbage flowers for t.beir children, tbeir mea. ger means bavIng been taxed beavily ta provîde for the, bigb sobool training end for thse extra clthes neede<l for graduation. Wben others In tbe class w ha werî' more fartunate recel ced handsome banquets aof fowers it net. urallY made sanie of CAe graduates feel very ba.dl. Toavaold this condiltion of affairaj tuis year the board deefded tbat it wonld be belter fiat ta ihave any iow- ers or presentg receiv.d tapon lihepiat- farm wbere they are open ta lubli n- sp)ection. Of course If anyone wisbes ta give Presfents or flawers ta the graîluates, atter they leave the. stage, fia abjection can be ralsed. Now tisat ths ilan hbaa heen decîdedu non lb la believed that ft aili b. tollowed eacb year. Another new plan adopteil by the board of educatian la ta aak that the gradUating clasa stand the expenses af graduation night. Thse graduabing el-asealways bas atood the. expenses of clas s igbt,. but the. board usaIY bas Pald for graduating nigbt. The expenses of the cjasa bis Year ARDW4Si Arden Shore association, formerly 'badS MIIi Wfll meet taday for lunich- son and a zýectIng at the 'Menine ho- tel ln Highiland Park. The iollowing 0111cela, for the association have beau appointeil. Prident, Mrs. James E. Keitb af Xeuhlwort.h. Htin6rary president, Mms. P. R. MeMuliin. Firat vice president, Mms. A. A. Car- limiter. Second vice Vresident, Mre. William D. McKenzle. Ricrafg secretary, misMabei DicIt withi Miss Ruth Gregory as as- sistant. P COrresPonding secretary, Mýrs. Cor- snelfils Lyade. e Tveamuret, Mms. Aunutus Magnus, with MisAile. Kelth, as assistant. 9 Directors, Miesdames McGregor Ad- Bams, Robert B. Gregory, W. G. Ru-» abard, Jlr., ira Cauch Wood, P. S. Post ,J. W. Scott and Miss Editb Boynton. The chairman af the subunbe are: lira. A. A. Carpeister, liake Forest; Miss Darby, Ravinia; Mrs. Ayrea Boâ),ý fWinnetka; lire. Henry P. Pape, Gien- ca.; Mrs. Grant Ridgeway, Kenîl- Worth. r The star. TIse noàber ofai tm t 1h51caS nceu by a skrp ceein on? betniufiu la abolut 8,00, or 60 laI bath beeal- laheew. Br' the tel.scop,.of courqi, Muagy- t#puano of atm Sare broutt out t»t çreivWblhq te tbl naked eye. j Using an listuuat. littie more tIsau ttwo laches wide there bave hein more tiâ 8(0.00stàre duhi Charlt! ln tic Dôctbeinbal of thse beavens aloq« It la bu bêta ttmatsd b>' veaT bI$ii augmr1jsUm it thse total nemiser vis ible la tb iblo e istial vanit vouAS MaUMtup t.o 80.000,00. OBITUARY OF MIRS. DALZIEL ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Newport. 111. (Contributed. The ladies of the Altar and Posary Society' bad a bîgh mass of requiem rSung On Wedihesday marning for the. are very iieavy and bhey arfe rps ithe saul ai Mrs. Williamn nin.g~ ~~ ta=ne e leetia'vi iilla On urnte.. A large numi)er carne Outfilnancially. Tii. annuels oi lhe ladies oi thse soiety anS tbel biset are being gotea ont titis yeeri are ffo espensive tiiet the clissa stands te og las.tlt' ents an eeh ai tbe 2M0 ennusals tiiat ailli b. printed.1 VOTE AGAINST STRIRE PERCE' Engllsh Employer@ Deniy Demande ai Transport Workers. Londais. June 5.-At a meeting of thse employers t-he demanda af thse etrike leaders tint-&aI the transport etzaers be reinstateil sud a Joint board representing bath parUis, le cre- &We. met vIih an utàqualbfled refusai. Tihe emDloiera decklred tisatDo sug gestion for a setleasent vouid he-ac- ceited until tise mci redusmed vans. Probe for Stock Ex6iiange. Waihinjt-on. Juna 5. - Chelems.. Polo, of th* hanse banklng commiitý tee, abIch la iaivestlgatini théa 9(' calaS '-moacy trnt" announe tIsat t'he committes voulil More tu Ne* York Thupa3gî AlléboWla examina- tIon of bthe Nev York ClogrIng Roul. and stock Exehaxige officIaIs. Annapolla CuOlil WO rie Overtime. Wsstington,Ju4 5-Tbe recentiy cisacted las granting to graduntes oi tise naval scademy cenMluto0ne as en- gigns lu tise avy lrnrediateiy tapo thi recerto ai fploaes Borns lite ly bo regult-lunbthe. nRA.xgO Of MU. "ole vidova et Anapll s e Value of QeeS Soofee vaaI! - mr Magi&* boa%& twbar 49#0.'fer tisa vouk. Ulmàc t»i rM 4g3jý 4m.a k g o ui& h1.aMe aâ cil t a,"1 4 faIW toictllar Sh.ti i 4kad« rôi -, 11, c#saie nea '*oWles o ai san>, brsa8dcva trUth frontl icaven, 1 I l. eterual hicssbngs for thia EUt, aM. tl~k for book-Jamu. Pie Thse G;àutt4 OictNamas Ail Eisgllehlacis dishme c ùte vlilh -of tbcil are' "ÉenUteaSo:" the- puobrein divids e bb ie nation labo esbit-. ttmeS unita. lb là, liovever. gen.rsll Q040offlI, tisalno M" Jeia e"afle pas4" 'ho bg~ b* oarsuole&- o-r, ito. s robbc4 bis oonubq-2 donü Truti Qiteter v T in. l omlsc. teri t= proiii* . 1.Rame IN came-oup a ayln thse nuenSla# suàmeain of daus--vhcn belngs, bc luge vho are nov laltentuin o thoughts anS hîSSea lu oui loins, vIt stand upoîl tht. curti s on@ standS Ul a fooitool, and l154h sud rach quistkr bjaIandes anildt- tic stams-H Ç. Wonsa. iriends ofaI r&. DaIxiel sere présent et the, services. iMr. Dalzlel disil et her borne near Gnrnee, MAI, 21. 1912. She vas bain 54 yers &go et Pox Lake, Ill., bAe daughter o! Danlel O'Bayle anS Mar- gar-et Watt, botAs'of whom aere bigh- hy respecteS b>' ail vIsaknev tiieul for tiseir man>' sterling quelîties, ses- cia!)>'. morally and religiausly. lirs. Daixel I nherit-ed tisevirtîmes ai hem good parentsansd far irtsm neglecting titis noble Ieritage, by tise nîîigbt- nesa ai ber lii.. her devotiosn taSubi, bar quiet but- steunci adherence ta priaciples bot-h areS as-S secular, vIson aieé knevlbt ta be rlght, thse virtues allone. macla.And vs CRnUsSAY, aithout- feer of cout-radiotion. thnt is, vras au5 euteaed. ornamesst, bécaues ai ber mais> noble qsailities ta t-be commuait-y lu vhIlsaisbe liveil, tthie church. oi ahich l lie vas ia muet fith- fui memiser, te tthe iom, husbail anS ildIren, vIson eeloveS aitis a truie love. ishe as anrried ta Wlliam Daîziel and tbey made home in Warren near the. bas-siat of Gutrneç, taessty- seven years ugo, shere tbey have Ilved es-er silice. No viitar ta tiat home but ahat vas impressed allAs the beasty ai thits 1.We, trul>' Chris tian love af parente anS affection ai cildren. Tisai ar, liva: WllIam Jr., Agnes, Margaret, Jennle anS George. Tb ans the. ii. vaorli afbath iparente, aa lb shouild be, to brbng thèese chIiS- ren np In thse popet minnet'. Just 'anS honorable, edafe*ted In and faitS> fui t-o sacred Sut> andS principle. Mis. Daiziel left nolstiig uËdone ta fui- tiier tus end euSdssotaidoneaiflier children buins alée from thse pebis, he or aile cannot han mbck anS biame t-he base exemple of eltiier pareat. 8he vas hurleS iron S t. Patridlis churcb, May' 2rdwviti t-be saiemnl> -and banor tint tIse Cat-ilc cbn'eis cen give ta lier fit-hful chiudren. TIse aalemui requiem higl mais vas suag by her cousin Fat-ber MeGavick ai -e<'hlago, In préseic4 aofiie' at-ici cousin t-he Right Reverend Bilhsis ,toUevik, assîsted iri Fat-bers Pals>' anS KInsella ai doanon or sutudeanon of t-le Mess, mspectivelî. IatIsi iNsît>' Prfeeiied lier fuaral sermon. Bisop MqG&s'kk bleseed t-lie iualis ipati la t-be cllumgl sud nI lis.gmnve la Miii Creaeaselsp'«y. This perlais bas lesft IL» h.aL seip*c. the homne bias ls ict îait omafent and lbei friands have lest a truc frisau. But- bar ussaoirywvIi lve end bei' egansa i vi11 continue te lia an u iasatio 10 ail, ecpcilally to buseh ensd childs'es anSdviii Salibistheea"t aofuea'tlsig uherisb tise hope-ci a réunion &baire wbere tisere wviiiho neoiiertii»g or wpaIn for ovasirc. . I . P. f V. J.E. CA¶'HELL RELATES IN. DENT 0F HI$ UOVMOOO. ÈÉÉAT TALK OU LINCOLN EPMSOPAL..CLERGYMAN 0ON LEC- TURE PL W?>fo *GIVÈs blA TER sTubY 0oie xpRtalDENTr Pour bundred naval sohool lads and aL Eosen or more outsiders braveS the stoms of Monday eveting toe ataMt thse lecture 4c8lvéèd et the navad trainfig st*ton b)y lt-v. J. Ev«at Caf- hull, D. D., lot yefta rector of a 13« Moines, la., efisoope bitob, a nma Wbeo on four ocetalona decllned toacan cepb tise bisbopric of leodlng effise0. pal dioceus. Ris eMrem ana an "AbraansL4fr tIsas6 vio heard hlm. lit showed ths Ideas andIS nterpretations ai one wha turneS ta me and saiS: 'Weil, bub, bas mad. a lueé-long study ai the. grêat visat la the mater; abat eau 1 do for eme.ncIiator. It gave the. audience a you? insigit tothM tgreat man abîI hbooks '"I rouIS nat speak; 1 was at saur- papers, etc., couid nat e.nd bave not cd ta Sut b.' given. It reeulted in a dl*lins'atian "Flnally that great umaiwAi lthe af char-acter sncb ni; lR seldom sean big beart Raid: 'Nna, my &on, a boy i rm a lectsilte plabform. wbo has been as linsistent a. you have5 Mr. CathelI poesea a voice abicb for the peut bour. for i bave kett for power lbas never' been equale In latr-ack of yon for a isalf bur test and ' thia locality; one whlcis for clurneas i-eaUx. your peralgtency, ocraialyalioe- and enuinclation could be improved flot faitai usea. N'ow, speali up.' but Ikttle If any. Ther-fore an ad- -i told hlm ltion wbat baS bhappen- dress by blm la one of tisose treats ed ta my fatber and bho liwtsned al- whidohspeople enjoy tlsor-oughly. He ienllvely. Ile asked me If my fatl,,r epoke for ani)sour and tbree quarter-s was a gaod father end ItoltaiSlm ha anS It seemed but a few minutes, oc ana the. heet In tiie world anS that ho Intense awsa thei. LerM. austise best aman that ever lived. Mr-. <at-bell tiaced tii.file of lÀn- lnaily. after hear-lng the details. lho coin In a moet picturefflue Inanner, toid mé lta go home and tel] my maoth. startlng f rom bis birba In the bisvel or tbat father aotîld ho home between n Kentucky up tismaugis bis struggîs 1l and 12 o'clocis, addlng, 'Tisat wil b. for education, hie entra.uce Into poil- bettei*i than &fiter stinse w,(mt lb" tics, is eamjsal4sing for president "Wll father vwsborne as h. bail and bis subseqiient beautiful Ilue as promi.,PS anS my vieil 10 tth. preeblent head of tbe nation andi emancipator bdtbersi a lalssn a re of thse slaves. He ahoaad Insigtsaof 1tbat every resident of tue dominion bis eharacter ahicb few baS known be; a:he relateS Incidunstala his lits vhicls gave botter undeoetding ai tM ag¶'eat mans, lu tact vhen Mr. Cathel vas through hia audience iéa- lized t-bat a muster lied spoken. ane who had studied the great cisaracter as few Persona stuidY the lef of an- othir. How Me Savcd Hie Father. But, the on. Incident ahlch %fMm Cet. bell releS whlch proved iutenseiy Inteq'eeling and il iStise audience spel * onuS, gave detuilaorof heU. awiea a mare strltspling of a lad, peabed hies ay ab no luanoonàhome 'vMs tise président and bis tamilly aer e t breakfast, hb o etheu'e llead- ed for bis fat-her'a lii, and boa h. was sucoaniul lu gettiag the presi- dent not onu>' to &&aethe .eider CatisU but boaw bis liteucy for bbl parnt rculted ln fs-elug thlrty ethfer mon sic, 1ke tisae OderCathi ali baieen PWOcd ilu pr$aon uuay vîtioutLin- colq'salkcewledga or sanctilon. lb vas lust nthse ver va. brek- Ing Out. NeWopapen a luWaabng- ,ton wilcis vas under mextlal ]&w, baS practlcally sugecadjPublication and the, only aay people ffluiS get neye sas to refer to bulletins hibis tise gaverfmeat posteS about- the cibi. Witb nelatubors omsevecing, the. eider Catiseil vent fro ieIsborhnse outaide Waahlngton to the. ctty ta '-get tIse neye." For no reasan vbatevc h. vats amme.lted. placeS In belland efforts Of friande ta get hlm ont proved fu- tlie. Tc Be Sista a Sunset Word came ta the. Catheil hiomse,ln. quiry was madSe and fdnaily tise provoat Z*A SodMlcof gave thse lnfor-ntiosu thà t Mm. Catie1) vonld ha put ont oa! the. way b>' unee thenemt Say. iibimiy the. nîxt mornlng, Cathell, Jr., (noa the lecturer) starteul for Wasb' lngtan to do abat lho could to help free bisfstIser. , RHé made bis aay et Once to tise bomne ofthse pimeldent. flfldren alwas hlia bean parmkited ta enter t-be yai* witbou± lut-arfen- occafrom oa$btere.But, matersbaS become oo bail unular tise martial law tint. aben tise boy reached the. gato leadlùg te tise preasit's residee, thse guard halteS hlm anS taIS hlm lie <ould rot cet lbuSie. "I pIe*.Sd. altb hlla; I bogged hlm s"S filýy à paayed as 1I have never prcuyed ainces-aveu durls My fostti Ysars' miniotry," eaiuj Mr. Cathellinl hi tlk. "I kept nt iforanoum and tue vouild nfot relent. At lent, seelng MY perastenoy, h. alleved me t0 esa sad thmi I ttpptimehedtie pi'celdcts home. The».'c outetie ,veretva more guanm. ley 7s'ow t.ot me Pa»S. 1 InalsteS anm Couléipe pee au ens and ose ltheîrilaat and h e mil> at br..kftL )-Pt lt Und ajfMIYii ,Mie çririut beokoesedime 10 cnter ad. us'ylng a«dilvitsmy haurt fil 1 uku waid tto hW déSlalg roSm.a.1 vin wotaIS taLke -tii.oatb ai alleglance votaiS b, given lita freedom and over tlslrtY meus -'Sm.liioed fS ron tise lalse tbat day'" In short, it vag apparent tIsa tise boy'e riat to t.Incolna breakfasttable saved ninny lives and ssowed a liglit ta the emancipator-it showesi hlm the usuoyal anS Indîsereet aetion. ai hia affiner, vho vere suimmarlly or- de'ed toa dopt new tartios 'Melii.Ider <itiell la still living lus thse Saut.being t99 yens aid. lits sou ireuuently visita vltbhlm. THÈ il#'a - Chicago Cash Grain QuQtatiens. Chicago. June Il. Wbreat-No. 2 red, $.2~.:5. No. 3 rl. $1.1001-12%; No. 2 lhard viâter. $1.11%«1- 13; No. 2àlbard vic- lB'. S.SOil;Ne. 1 nottherw stiiha,$.5b niU No. 2 nortbSers alsring, $1.15qî1.18. Coin-No. 2, 7411 @75%5c; Na. 2 yeiloa, 7514076e. Oa--No. 2 white, S3%û544c; No. 3 vwhite. 52053c, standard, 62%@564C. chie4go Live Stock. Roga-Recelpts 12,000. Qualations rahpgd et $764078 eavy buleher.', 87.5007.55Il lght bstehers. $7.2tf( 7.55 heavy Parking, and 15.60 Ca,6.90 good tu Cibtle-fter-elpts 2,500. Qntatiooa rangeS aI $8.65ûa9,40 prime st "'rai $6.25«7.00 chaice ta Prime fed beel eowa, 86.0006.75 selects fesSera, S&-401[6,0 1rt-o ood aseker~,,$8251 SiieapRe~el~-s 11,00. Qutatlons re rtl t 825!90 coe. tu prime 1=115i,89.5006.1Ogod ta choî ce îsàlf»tsi, $5.00@6-76 gond ta cholci- voIers, 642505,00 faur te good ee,". Potatoos. Wlsonsus, ~.Li 1.0par bu; Aicis. Creapery, Per lb.. 26c; Plnta. 28bi; extra lirais, 24%'c- àrsasUc- daie«.. extra,24c; fftti 225; ici~sok 20c. Live pou"te. Tuu'kens Der Tb.. 12c; chicken& fovis, 14%c; rooliter. I9c; duels,ý 13c; gesse, Or- EsaI Blultalp 1.1v. Stock. >L -ifaoKY., JUO 4. DUgoiusjin SiQ, ULve Stoçk Casa- mWI outz marcitEnta. a iffal4s*N. T., 4 cas; mail et steadV Hgâ-Rç" célelts 20 cares mari<ef slow: isavy5 97.8507.90; Y-drkCri, $7.eOéty.SO; piÉs. $7.107.20. sfre#-Rc.cipts I0 cars; market Idw; top lambul.. 8.26; yeSr- 'Ieu, $8.0006.U; sttrà, 15.50V f6 74- evesIItSLuSJ.0, Calvasu. .V Tbteb.e.>e s muaIsrotre.., p ~ but~UlJwe dPbtvt ise you*< Yffl t i blgsI' ubo OODBOUTTODïy/ WEDDING 7001< PLACE AT 7 T HIS MORNING IN IMMACU. LAYE CONCEPTION CHURCH VWO HNODREB AITEWOED 907H ARE VERY POPULAR, THE GROOM SEING A RISING YOUNG 1USINESS MAN OP CIY. One af the. pretîleet weddi"inl occur bere in ane tins. aa golem- fll7Ad ln lthe (hurch ai thii.lmmaru- laIe Canreptian tîls mor'nlrng at 7 o'c-lck when Rev. Fa t hr E. V. Gai in unîted in mariage NfitlssNellie Suli.i van, daugliler of Mr. and Vrns Daniel Sullivan and Josephsis Gaoit,san of NIr. andSVir. Peter (;ooduîoîît ar tubke sîreet. Milss Gertrude Sullivan, sdater af bie bride, wos hridesmîald, and Albert Poodbout, brother aoflthe groom. van best mas. Neauiy 200 frlends and ne lflyes aere premeut orthei. éiri5oIy. .%iss Suîllivan a drpsseS ln a béau. liful abat chiffon gown and ware a bridi vil.Stecarrled fiowerm. lmmediately citer thse ccremooy thse youusg couple vent directly ta the flat that have fitteil up et 108 Nantisl'tira itreet abers a aiidding breakfast wan served. Tbhey tiien left un a wedding trip tiirough varions points ai interent ln nor-theru Wlsoonso anSdahIllreturn [n about toni deys or tWO aeeks. Bath yaung peapbe arpe very popular 1,n thbe city. lsj Sulivan for several îears wan emi eoed as a abenographer ln th.e Isa4 offiap ai tiheAmerican Steel agià Wire cornpany bers. .1<1. Goodsut la one oi the city's ris- lng youni huainens man. Far years se an employaS In the Bîdinger silo. store, but tluree years ago he enterme a partnershlp aith Albert Carney sud bhey apened an up-to-date aho. .store on North Geneseo stre-et, lie I<s à çeeuinzly popular, as i-s the youag bride. GOG WHEELS MOLD FINGERS. (Continued Prom l'âge Une'). the. macine. The lirt man wbo reachd thesoeueof the occident faund It neceu.ary ta toi-n back the togi wh.loh bald the band' ln ItS llon grip befare the band was releaeed. Mrs. Armes dis flot fafllln a faint. Shé wejked Irom thé fplace tb ber room and ber husband was sumoson- ed. Dr. C. Knight of Waujkegan was summoned. It was nearl' two liaurs before he ars-Ived. In the imeentIme the lnJur8d fingers were cared for by hotel attend"n~. That M.ts. Armes d1d flot lof. ber afin 10 tmraculOUS, salS a hotel attend- ant. eTleos blond Poison fsets , Dr. ~high haies t~ha ae te, "x, the lingers whlch w*e'eenb ntico whecls 0f tIie machine It aWa f0areS for a,,tiiap that th& c . c10.t -q rscqlt in th cote ioàll Qi theeusc, of berrlght haqo, bot tii latÇet 1OrêfrOmen b otel la Lthat ti .ln~moretisaa stff jl ilimOy tu ollew the uPlortxueaSc4Vent. M"j. AfUlea la, welil kiowns inWau. :kegan. Her huaba ùd for 'usny year W"s Proprletor oi ti A rlngton hotel In thie clty. Mis. &rMs ia t4p dagb. ter Of Mr. e4d Mm. Sçhermerborn of Grand avenue m$ula eîer of, lM1a4 Beý1U .bý l 1Wher ei t s&jý.. Ïifeois, Woýtd Red ce thé COe Ô f LIVING You wlll trade wlth us 4adtbý rlht ptlcie ail TipTop Bretad. Reà S*w*Sàtea C. H. BARNSTABLE, Garnee, Ill. vi s ol fil 1Ni ti b, Y, ti y, h; a tl 01 Ç. b ,ý-. :ý - ý '-i

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