Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Jun 1912, p. 4

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-o-t t,~ ~ E fl COUNTY INDEPNDENT LESTERB.COLBYSES OElN*A _____________________________WÀR AT CLOSE RDELÂTSMONBYMO0141IISL NJJE MISS BESSIE ARNER WEDOE l*Ce Tels ,boite No. 1.C:ly Editors Residence Telephone No.FORMER, LOCAL BOY AND NEW,$- 1VOUNG ELEGTRICIAN EMPLOYED . îiilt.rîvtlle IltaClagte PAPER MAN, RETURNS FROM ý TO ELLIS D. ALLENSWORTH .v C. & N. W., MEERTS WITH Rbmred at th'.i't,-tIteAfiv lui rvîiI as Neon 'ail Mlatter TRIP INTO MvEXICO. SATURDAY EVENINGAT. ACCIDENT NEAR LAKi 13LUFF TRIP TO MEXICO WAS TO GET A1 HIDE THIE SHOIS OF GROOM WHO WM.YUG ELECTRICIAN FOR ed W oeklc Airtjeing Rates.Mado Kitowns on ~3lti SERIES 0F ARTICLES FOR NECESBARILY DELAYS MIS RIRA HONTNFE et -OrDvra Qyir"TI INànv'Nftg:IN AIR; LANOED IN DITON. týIU8SCRIPTiON PICTU. SI.&OUPER YTAR STICTU;LT [4IN AVANEiIHOUSTON CHRONICLE. DEPARTURE ON TRIP. W. J SMIH ... .lEd 1 eer Coly, orinrivof Wtt-W. NI. YoungemilloYed as an elec- W............................ ........d.r . lrBClttorm1t 0TWtt ~marriage of Miss Basale artçianby lte Chicago & North-weet- F G. SMITH ... .............-... Manager an i)ryilbtnwo irt li oD lesot okern raiiroad cempany was quite seri. RAY L. HUBSARD ..... . ............ ............ ............. .......City Ed-iooethe staff of the Hrouston Chionicte at l)î1lace Saturday eveî, lune lot af ously inJured earlY F'rlday rnorxllng Hlouston, Texas, lias Jut returned t ltite home ot the brides mother, Mma. when he was thrown tram a '"speeder" Ilotistuti from a tri n Mb exico and ('harles Warner at 45 W et Washlag- O1n whlch lie was riding trom Lake FRII)AY. lUN E -é 1912. aiung te Rio Crante ini the inLeress oitaUSteetluff io NiUes Center. i Pi«oluptly' at 6G (et khie bridai ?Mr, Young aas enroute trom North of te lialer ontwhih ilie s l rîloed. prty *ntre th pai and took C'hicago ta Niles ('enter on a gasaine CHURCH ATTENDANCE. Ife ias 'iceil gathering Soins stonýes t heir places nlle, a entrer of fera ,pe "t malle repairs on a cross. of the ftutitng along the iborder ai and lî dranils. The Rey. W. W.! iig signal wlien hlle speeder strnck a The Chicago Presbyterian churches have taken I p ls age oe fteEpiscoîtal churcl off iciat-1 tn ntetak ewstrw to compel the xùembers to, attend the Sunday services. jAt Ini writing te friends ard retatives dn. el t aîngt he rant o! way I. as lait it has adopted me-ans of getting rid of members who lit Laikecoun ty, heoiredicla that the The bride wore a grmwn of white bditly bris te is peedf wa He w %var !n 'iexiî ,i s far trons an end and marquilsette. trînameil with lare and bdYbusd i ledrwsmk doeflot attend the services, being unwilling to carry as a tha onue reiolîîtion wttl foliow close criled a boquet ofmilies tif the valley, Inig twenty mailes an bour when lit »omber any person who does flot attend the Sunday meet- on te heeta uofaiolber in qîîlck Sc-ste sas attended blii Nus5 Anna Pye, stktemloye o the traodcoma a cession tliles hiers Is intervention. mvto wore a gown eof1ink niarquiset- hEîîles. thftthe tast adsener taie hWg. To quote froma religious paper: This las due tlu the pecutîtai' emiier- te and carried plisk roses, The groomý elv httefs asne ri ',uîîder a Il( iliterpretatîoîî puit tîpotu th{' ment and limlted powers of thouglit wa attended by Theodore Warner, Wouid have been derailed bad lit hit' suspnsin th Prsb vteY deide it of he 0f the bride. the sarte atone. is legal tt) siispîendulaiv inil),i-talîsulit froin the \Vhen President Madero wisbed t0 The young conple were given te Although Young's condition laoflot Irstr Iheni ta revoltlon lewn rr~a hi lie hnthrtîn regarded as critical, It will lie weeks hrliforl' îe ial. or-nmore deffl hecaîîse of wIed snP1B e ofteî lvesohg n tloîîs betore lie will lie able ta restiue bis 'aiîgtlilu ii îî4or a disrunlltled feeling amnnîoc hem andto ld îhem thatIf dtawort<enrttltin t n thîlev moulId figthlfor hlm that- m'en trienda and relatives 10 the numnber o. towaî'd tiv liiiîîisteî'. Alli îeittitrs îioted il sntt lita'z as oerltroaýn he wotuld bring of tweaty-five gathenee, m'ho had corne, The gasolînge speeder anl wbich hel for tweli e nionttlîs uil be stiiîii(iiûned fo)r trillfor tem prosperity. Iltlaeasybtaliûr a train farand nearn WaS ridlng la une outhte latest nmaire iniseoîîdiet. 1'aihîî'e tg) appear wvî1l entail vonI- downtroddeit nation and iliey ans- Atter the congratiiitan the guest3anad la guarantssd Io maise !ity tailes siLoetliîett tg) ftue stlsl>eilide( rol, with disbariîîu'ît sered hia cal sat dawn to a bouuei' seddtng dia-1 per boni'. fronî al irix i1eges. The day afer the revolution tbeY lier: the rouple had intcndcd leavin n g t hias wee aea phshomen How the churches conduct their affairs may flot be a draddcoiloprt. hyotIb :1 tanli uîdfltmle constant attendance. He ta wefl cIîd flot hie made ta realize that lie- gtod their eScapeoîviug lu the tact known Ini every railroad center tu fît aubject for comment i the secular press. People are fore prosperiy coîîîd come thal they that Borne eft he gules h bd roliled Li.cut epecially sensitive concerning criticiani of their religious wotild have tluplant and tilI the the groom o! bis s1noes. The Couple Lake___________ matters. At the sanie time is must occur ta many laymen groîtid. Tlîev had hesut promlsed rscelved manY lieautifil gfla. the term " disbarment from ail privileges"1 is not hap- îrosîterity. Thev waittsd Il ai once. Thoae pressaIt rots olit 1îwo 1 VOLIVA SEIZED>, pUychoen.Surly he resytey culdflo men hat Ta was whaî ultet had foughlto gel. wet'e' USE TiJ pilychosn. urel th Prebytraicold o eta th hhbad tîeen pnumlsed thern as Ibeir! Mv nid tIns. Beri- n Xntesou t.Ir R S E OJI zwin paced upan the suspenueu ol hough non-atten- ,v. and Mrs. Albecrt Atcii udMs htNirnFutPt Nt dance at church inlata ho denied the consoling services of a se anoîher leader aprang up adu amidOstn.thvaie a o-ý1(OT N)F101lit plonr ik ujnister in case he is dying or that the mother of a chi.Jd fered Iheni pntîaperlîy If they sutld 'The couple w111bu' I,, lit ýe iiiIheir> awaty. Geiteral feelIng lîrevaîts; that,j n fot have it cbristened if she conceives it ta be her duty join hin 1. o'e'ihrosineu Madero. t frienda afler donc 1st it '-2 Norihad Overaeer bolaleeit Iresgent, or to do so, even though she may flot have been to church for When lie stcceede, if hoe doesale m'il! 1(utointv sneet. 'bis attorneys, the arres'l votld bave tectinalle te fiiflîl lls promises. Tîten 1 _________ieen fba'arted i least delayed on the a yer.?uthe, "ilpriiiees woid ncudetheoc a anuher isut 1promise and wIllgel bis SUICIDE REPORT A JOKE groundsi ihai the îîaîers were nol rend aldgW attendance at divine services to worship God.' Is a olîowing. Il marks lu an endIese F A repotr reacbed itete Mualt ai F o the detendant. Voliva was netflled supended member toi be denied such privilege after the citait of revulltiins. sîndeni in Latte Forest acatîcîi, . pin-hitb IhOeite aI oodalock and plana. lapsiof tweive months? Thisie e ite t aMtr. Cltu, aler'dav tuttI comrnllted -siclîle 1vttilini luttcdialpe s o10delermnie the le-ý à tersunaiiv coingt o te border, st'ilng un te gas. zallty of! îbisb"bers rernoval from RAIRO .DIG W LI1NO ied ii i)te siluationi In epecitti anti 'rThe Sl'N ltiqtiireit oh it i(I i asler iZion withotî roîter delta telng taien. cles for lite nemuspiaper. L.evs wst ated titi i' nas i- triIit'hi VOliva In Woodatock. he annuai report of the railroads 'i Ililinois for the Il'letmleinthepoyu to te rinur. exn)iaî:iîtc Ibat !t sas lW'lliiîr Glenn t'ol'a anti bis la pas yarjua, Ilouston <'hrotiitle as sitecili rl-idue lu a toke perpeltt-ti h, seines t'il tur"es sie1'r7-11 TM ea jstmae ubic s ntrettg.ut lite cýiilu oo, the (.t1Icago Exatuti dent,.le tad teard lte repotrb.l ho't!t' V itti , c dîtte During the tweive months there was ati increase Of itet] 'o 2oiSouh. lie bas alsupisrteuit down the vource and tound IL 10 wbere the famoîts \tuhr'l.ola paoserigers numbering 3431,536 which would seeni to show finLilieul a toelitIretîgl Texas on lt' lieb a mers "*Joke." I liel suit waa calied for trial. -httepeople have been quick ta take advantage of the 1 1 ted Star 'n Coud Ruadesultecial,'ite 'tw-cent fare rate, aithough the electric lines no doubt fig- i:t;t1:.1 train mshich will 4u on te road lir largely ini the resuit. r-o îcnx iAat&da af e, l, n il-1 a earand hat ,Is-at Durig the year there was a very smail increase of uile of te Fcîecu 5,51cmn. - trackage and a decrease in freiglit tonnage. -Ii 1 ~ Neariy 100 mare persons were killed on Illinois rail- -roada during the year than i 1910 and 3,000 more persons 've injured. By far the greater part of those kiiled and were railroad exnpioyes.. The Sane Fourth women are flot ietting up in their »lans ta have the affair a big success. And, it is noticeable that thia yar the men are sticking to the job rather closely,. What'a te reason? The women? Maybe! But what's the 4ifference, sa long as they stick? Brutish Iiag, In sans. siticb bavs tar. JVIED IN ricd litît into c-ers tînttiof telrt- LAKE CO . ihempu'îe. [le at'lit-lte tigttec nouioflinisiuc office iit a ia ris ate IDEVELOPS THAT PATRICK WEBB niai officiaAlu asume in te lBritish NOW NEAR DEATH'8 DOOR, mtltsitetlue scas made a sengeant OWNEO ARMOUR LAND. miajor, M F. We'îcitit tas ton i n iouiî t,ýKil. IS LYING NEAR DEATH AND RE. Cane. lî'hand otiniýanth J. istl i ur- FERS TO INCIDENTS PERTAIN. I lite gJE tUstfIlle it InOnttd it ING TO CRIMEAN WAR. 18 j he vias diîsen. aitît s lterothecr cuiti Of te etuiiî I lIe uuîted the LATER-Mr. Webb dîed Salurday'.tie' iihii tit.iti'1ilit' uts Inot Jue . r rouutd i ctitltalifv le ltii tr a,,n DiS you i ttiowit-i t e iimnan ste ai"nni etber of Itis fatti hIeahI enaardl drilled tlc fi-, tutu' tigll lînitI ge" n ,Feor I menutitis e t nII,- s,,er cd ii the ('rimean set - s as a laee oîîîîîuIthe Fihitu0-Nînîl andtI ten lhe enlereil man, finat ue lit#d onIlite land wuree ttis Il iLaieashire. lie sensmd lotir J. Ogdenit 4ur's palirn nemislale0 ca'here antifutur cear'. li th.lii cated near fak, Fotesrt? Sichi Ilte l ')uinlîtv miti MIiles, a crtack mnîtîa. ca"e and iun inuestitu aticiresrefer lie ensri-d un te as' tanud West Indue.. ring tD 0m'us1utc51ilt îatt te igîîitg an,]ini C lanadla titnroIrClolci r t-. aven Ille baie>ni! izt meas lie t (', .Iio II*t Sic Thiomas liecot lias; usar de-iii - is i _ iýen lit a 'nd Lornd Bettes, ah] i (itîan vter- Chicago I lstr a1, iuus-as Going ocet'-î' tiîl icusln bts Escapea Yeuiow Fever. s ldael-e andti iiagh!RutIlle sanur vto 11 lt ofitheif i0 vit-., linha cgitnent en- l'h. clatiter nd aid ltnofu ut e-ir, nd ofnt-i ti iitia iiina he ('anulheaut *lWoeds. kluîd les tuttlwi-u rit.e1ing lîfe 1ici Tt!tdu a it iint' lthuti 100loldoiers. Of Patr lutWebb, ihu îhnI iild '~~ ' -iiitclhetcr5tiia dotun là antraîned t lit ifes or e I.-falutotis I V'1.,tiin-ut.j. Fln WiFhiluc>ing on' o! e barge of the Luglit ýrlu- c-si f -- Ite-curu% i 4. Y Mr. Webb,. mhu ' hal..- 10 t-- tf j' .iris Icî tSi t ci ld risa tanni il4 is J. Webb, a meunier o! the i l andtti tiuOmclmac lire >bWtofrevIew. ]les ai the point o!f tttitutuoi "lt t îatt standstahue hte 2 aa±h ai bis boulrne 2fSiucidatî)a î ofi ut (cuent Ariiti u- nîhîswmla S'est 111%r lthe MalIbres >ear.,pi itu iiiu ,of 1t.t. Futrth liraui cetiJohanna t bave saiS ha could nt ito Iue tiioih liitt.i sti nrte aatuxii U4 nJelDzt day. Butl tie man, msua S n1ýSii tii îed futur seat'-magoan'I b.lived ouitil li5xt 1-- mu t'. s utu i s'ittln cf tîeir !xchîttinen IlI. b. 100 Years old. fSghls for lus ie 1119c Ii,, noi. Titomnas . W'eblh. a-ho -wttLs the. arnDo$1mIit courage that Ftitu tu,!Itt ilt i It ite be lutt a lie dàPlAYad ln th. Crimean war. 11 4 h'nie ou i le norîh ide. loit Ibis was lovrsec -&Il*verY inCident tnq i nd d î'u Ir v ltse lire o! 1 ý,1,h * aaeuva,. thal occurred in the ftamous batle o! Balakava, viien 600 berces Lai Iw arWlTap Ofeu.its nsser AnL agie kled near Edgewaod, Oldet BllIh PesIo.'. Cal. carrlsd on ans o! lu. f at a fiS t' Mr Webb la te oldeit pensioner of Irap uhiblîb RWas learned later had ClYla Mstaja. fie sae5twenty- ensts lmutt 0 ie wy 11118 g Yb airs a asoldiers under thea' n£ta PYOt,30 ie wy ADDRESSES NAVY BOYS REV. DR. CATHEýLL. WHO OFFI- CtATED IN CHRIST CHURCH HOLDS U NI1QUE DISTINCTION S TO CIVE LECTURE ON LiNCOLN BEFORE THE BOYS 0F NAVAL TRAINING STATION Ttc e;,iscoiai pt rr ho ofinicle Cht ri)tlrcll thlis ciii Stindan riorniit aiid eveiting hlîodR Ituedis tuu iuîtioof hliig dcoei1uf ouifir d it'u refit occasion,; to uciconse ili1 siop lier. J. E. Catiteit. B D., fernmant tmsret tor n iDles Nmoline: li sd no, feti u tr a lecîtune lu reant Fn Ci- rage uuuas nrîutd frts to KL!cttItI ttc utien btit 37 se'rs of i lIe usent tlon e tti rontiortnuiee ilahui lthaI the ration outflie ,r( hai titin iiela imiai t 10tli ti rt learns o? ulie. enu-e te coutl ruaIaccept. le noininated Dr. Dtiddles Iii his t !7ie anîdthie ltter wtas <1erted . a- 1er. aller lis had attiiued turtber t nttuence ln the church.ire was ot- Icie td he iîii.hoiic rot Indiana aîîd Iowma and anouter far Wtesternt dlocese. Iii ctch caseclte declined. expiaining fils îreference lit remnalaInl tse niuteriai sortk. lie later gare uiu ies uanis I o lerture and bie bas mape a reinivialile scress lu the latter lie-id lclii.t lugreal dsmand and ilufhls ilînt-rarY iue.iiun re carrying hlm aIl oier file Ilnd silihouil any iet-tup dur tng luýe setk da: e. Ife la amani o! ..real ailliry and one o! bis moat la- tnî,uï icttirer W ouiAhraham-lincoln. Speals a4 station. Mîr 'athelt la a fnlend of Chaplain Tb'omî.snii o!fthe naval training sta- rint, a bossgustlihe 'as today. He has coitr-euited ta adIress th. boys Ibis esenlng. giving ls lecture ou [la- ohn an addres a mîifrt la sure ta tîlease 1h. navy lue'. a greatly. Tisalecture la Dr f'atsll'à master.] i teceand acrardjirîglu ruan>'Wauke- Vant juOffle wh1lleiP yaatI theniselves of tine apitolnht> uuf oing la lbe ilatIan la Ihear filmr. The lecture Flarts As7:45 anud <a ptl ullani of the station Soday>- eidtihe -would wel- cottia anYbody abo d'-aived leaAttend, Iidie. as' well as gentlemen, He wants àrite local ipeople Io harlicîpate in such affaira att he siatlon and gil ln closer ttui with the boym and tb. odklors. STEER STRAIGHT t %v7. & lai ',AIf %Ti li art>' ittit l - pir"rug ir itîl i- . l 1 tlat1in ft( itir ltur i . i n.-,. Du t. ti ai lred lt,, -a it tn ti ' gintîl î .-nevry it na tic lu iand., -n if sun auybow. tuu. Wm. Laycock Co. Agm.ts Vo. MOLINE MOTOR CARS Libertyville, 111. PIIONES'.Retid.,nce 120L Shop 4324 The art of making watches Bas (tet, îmare Iitutîgabead aleaudil>' for yeau-s. %Wate ,' avessmore brama' and Mkili pu ui sitstiriaaking te day ptitan es-er. And atil; tiîî's are gattinst cheaper aiitbea'hi-wht'l lu vu t er strange. Il You wouid like vo leara just bow fer lthe msati'b niaking art bas ad. vaneed,tI i»l tthe place ta corne ta. Ifiyou wih to find ouI bow cheap a rolvlablewachcaau besol d Orwattb tok coutains îLL bhat he r o ateb akiug has to offer Andv. w ligl place Our tur et you disposai A. HUSS, JEWELER «0 E CMPDR Oi0-.FOft EN611NU11% 14. PRUN 8U'~lhU Initernil ombustion engiue. b a. Bya vote of 93 la 46 iglhland Park lui; crmide ail as tuel ware advcaed voters carried a bond leu. Saurday Yesterday b>' W. R. MeKeai. of Orna- ilae. Ue In Waukegan today; the ha et the meeting o! the arnoke abate- Interest was decidedl>' lackina, shown ment committea of the Chicago asso- by lhe umal vote. The, issue wm for nlation of commerce. $11,000 ln bonds, EL H. CORLETT C.A. FEEDERICKS Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and Grooeries Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS STAVER BUGGIES ARE GIOOD BUGUiES We Have a Stock of Fifty SelectFrom. Cal lui and' Talk it Over. IF IT S FROM SUIIA.NCK SCIIANCK'S IT'S OOODBRS j j' P E ose b~ut in mhe y outn of its V igor ý'%oiuld--e îhloîberi, '-;Iewing the large proportionîs of life insur- RIJcI, anud wholly iinnent of the kuowledge coutained in otir ùtterat censuis repo)rt, that tiiirty -two per cent of thet widlows4 of this eotintry are obligtsd to earn their owîî living, cotîclude at times that life insurance i.4 ot'erdone; while the more thoughtfui may ask. -Why do you stat~e that the' business ÏF but ln the' yoîîth of itsý vigor 'C' Edward A. Woods, of Pittsburgh, who bas done much te lolulari-ie life'insuralîce by explairiing it. answered this question ini the eolloWing way: 'hý iin ~uatcd population of lte t'iuiîti States iin iuoi; was 1,S:i0,4o" fauntltel, of 84,i7t4,0Wii pensons, o3f hu 21,t,-2 were wîgo s-arners. .%asuning average earnilge of *w(sOJ a veV, aud the ave rage wage-carner ith at n expectancy therefore îof 32 years, the ItreAelît salue of eat i lite wutll u'$,u:7,lte nitunt neqiirei la pro lires $500 a year for U vtsars. Excluditi5 nit torsider:ttion tîte lives of ail women wito anceitot watts camlera: ste have Tlotal s altir otproductiv.e tivvu lasureti for 1'ercentage of value insîired Of lte 116 billhonsetf rupenîy ln ths Vmt4et-teLq, tIti'001ii bustiblu does net excecîl - Total fire insurance c àrrueul Pmrceîtage >of value inqureii $261t,72b,t,i14 12,o147,:hq l', 71 4.8 ier cent 45t,000,000O,000 4- - per cent Mr. Woods' fire-linsurance figures make a telling comparison, Life, the great creator and conservator of the world's wealth, is grossly under-insured when compared with fire insured estimated to cover three-quarters of combustible property of the civilized woild, or with marine inHurance whlch covgrs practically all property afloat. Ang Other Business Cao Better Afford to Wait. Write to Your MichiganMutual Lufe Agent To-Day' THE TIME TO ACT IS 1NOW111 Yours truly' 7 JOHN HODGE .5 j s 54 4 yà Ai lie

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