X, NORTH CICAGO LAi MAS RESULTES l OPPICER 0F CHICi SAYS IXPIRIENI A pnuien office IlIlieiâ uutris) as t.««ed ht ch assoS- 1lsstone noir factei t»e laber troubles &J moebunm r'tetry, '- appe jlsthe. SUN Cr=slteNt sian oMpny vie iad b the BsocItio<i for b tr ths ie a n ou go cslied hlm on t oui éàked him wvia tse àatter up chia tisat ho ieard tiie lob vas lied up Il »elson. He vas il ut once repiied: "ý, Well, If hais I vils us are calleNt afceptIng yeur offe * plant the"e lu casei 4 situation Ilke chat' * Ansd, tii. Industr fliretates that, de ch. cfflcer laisiie gotiatona off. - "And voeibave1 otiior tacher>' 'vbld pleyed aI le"sevl tise Industriel aseoc- Tise, h. questiei Are oe sor tire labo la tisein oW. ligIt, lnuhl.11511of!mmdi Ieoa)itywno vonid1 iseMul>recoption u torss. Is't Il a M00100tlote .Dm ft bu 'a lit discour *Isllng et locatin soe lrsd are he *6 by *e tact h ta qoosb aend unxe "mr vos-k vicli à b> tise pineltsimi Ml~ust precède 1* la w&erteod ivpsepl ar no, ~lseaviti che , of esm t atlsfl SArSllnt attitude Il unid omtlicume the - 4oc 4.rmw.if ordo lrb 4igtea] -Sb lIOrk chat th, busc. tIse>'amo st Irb> the omon bearl «Mcrn lir. tedo th boe sstepped. 7 te 9uWe eut lut sSi eu>' vossi PNARRY *1< £Ton lise solI kegews 'nev to' ot Dmn Cupid. ât 10.00 Wclocl Nies MimaMrgaret id tise Wankm" t'O resgnRed bon pooil cosin business - ~ At 12* Moodj 't Pnrireducier. tisé latter part ei ho uelt.d ln ithe men>' te Mr. C.4 Muan lu hal et The. exact date nol been madte p Miss Hall bus tâcher ofthtie 1% kegan ince UMi otgmed hon positi XMn Curtis, It Alecwto ltb t j». 2Mras ud "U. oplete 'iN'- ttt date, ta. mi ort- CONPIPUN ) P. U5li>', Who &$W*the iOty' 9,DN fr 1 N 1eW ni. W y Jr %F T V"YV 1V10110 we W -iu " 9 uud e1ý q KTORY . OFEE «Ir tii. nium are right l.' eep IBOR TROUBLE NICCE FIGURES IN MOST SENS^- thé vEiW8~tO EfEwl lb a'*e lei. 5liole FéL N AfCELA TONLCASE ON WEST BIDE PtsIT8GOOWI ledn i ti Ie.moiIk-MM rt 8 PUAI-on the West Bide uâtnow he.FOR OiTY t cth ll li. aof lK»%it l le grogrealii the, mont nonaalni-*SA*1 aecr t181 a i.P ;00 CONCERN affir ef the kind the. City hba » le o everndawol WCa o CE OF DAVIS had, Que whch -MaY ProCiPitate ot E1~if'tit 4rmnai adD11 s B M oewi ar. forthe dira resuits befere the untostuna*. terOsul addrose ou ..City Bidn"ml...8Mr- aboi D's ide tt H FOR HlM. tues -MIlzuali>' dliposd of. It' la ab> Pro.A. H. -aShéïdon. founder of strI #8th oeilabllitY of oe u MM liv. . case wbere a wite la sccusing ber 'L, eriwsseat..t e.acailai acisool, ' -ai e iréent are. S of thse Nortiieru band wth favIng plrted away 7aam âsoclaton toda>' Chicago thse Io-yea'old isiee of lier The Sheldoli 501500. "No CIW In greater thoan its pou.1- Caton u estetdead .1.1er tu order te cover up thse '*No Ciy tu ORIIIATEJR thais iiCIT. 110pId h a i. ha be t brtiso a son a few w.eks go, a hiN. a Sy' as a renait of case wiere the girl bus refused te h li orooo f«heU h bl te Davis Mliii04igtiie Warra.nt presented te bier lai "Civie Patitsm in responsible for ira sOpnable for thie proeat rating qui details ot wlslch Chcago by ftateo Attorney' Dady la the groWth of ail ucSestful business of the muniabiaity, according te bisi, l ; Wedniesday, vhich the uncle la chargeNt w1tiia sert enterprises ilu mricL Siendntdvidsn.i t i Offlor of nw ou$ ofense."If the. UNITS are ,nul tth I dg. " Mt. blo IdeInt beenfigrn ihsgetgr nices etn ahlfnl WHOLE wlll take cars of ITSELIF. four plane. m brnglng their foc- w.ie ler clild la t a toSinhlii<5 "The SPIRIT of ach Citizen of a Tlh tiret plane-Tlie plant or minerdi le et North 4Chîca- home, ti ite ans left hone an. ina i. phone Tuee<iay hLi5baDfd. iulitu h. î iu Sn, 1 muuleipality forma but ON£ unit ot! ts;11thlts clmns lacks the abih pie lus tise world wo a ingteWc lon; as ne the nuity. etIty' o! buovedge. thse art t fknalm * way. explainlngen ber mmenasumfuilly loIg e if teuit fPÀTRIO'IIM. Â, T«i, second c>an-besipe n Davis copN-Y' charge te iis01owiat te girl ii i RIOIIT the City' shah PROSPSsR. Te ecocintioln ciase;sipea d , Irogh abr ds-to beohe tats, the. expanation beisi 'Thse commercial and iandiai caie, etc., they knowbu dont l yen the fats and made thnt the, girl made admissions growtis of a municipalîty dep.nds sole- knw tatthe knwro te ulrami atier iso e liaNt 4aIo-, ' upon the, $Pilt et fits citis on rThe, third the- is ii.lowe 91 tecs,'i eOcated ber in a private home lu Ci.i-Units, citas oncl e are consceniions of te Off; we'fl nt nlek cage wliere, ue la saiN t o have ad "A cty whoe, people will pull on non. chber than "self."th er te locate our mIUteN the uncle was pnying bier ex- thesanme rop, snd lu the lame direct- The tourth plane--'Nian; thos who hb we're liable to fac eusetnn.l RSER r ebeso h "e s&d Leofithe Davis com .,But, wich thse girl uuwlling te aigu ion ofsh a d Re lit. leDEATH ofthe emm>rse ie"WU - ý la uld tueiv, altrdeiI t. Comp~any. Tlhoee wio aspire te nid unwilliiig and unable te proceed hence prophets. humanity as a whole nnd nat on, laiasocatonet tseflaioucoe t is mttr a n- "Co-eperation le tiie eventuai power Individual. w ,spite his pleadingu certai. lu the lower plan of lite. i"Thor. are more, People ongaged iu ,i on caliug ail ne. Tii. wie, Whso leit homne some days "The zone of service la the, zone of the manufacture and distribution oftM aie, won lu Waultegan Tiursday but wrsta na ieohrwhsc positvelytest mrely caiied ou West aide friands, profit. aeth Iaiteobrwlkofw poilrl ls"si returnin te Chicago again lu tise eve- "He profits mont who serves tiseIlite," proclimeNt the speaker. "Theit Si weuld have em. ning wlthout isavissg gene near ber lest. 1POople et today are living ln a renlm n enty-flv, men," sald home. '"People toda>' live lu a reslm et et cana, and effort." lie snld. P lation officer. Tise girl la question le 20 years old, cause end effe Ti eerpialstaio fWu >n whlcis ariesl. and when ber mother was on ber dentû Th eorphc.siutinofIu oleaders tanding lied Yeats age, oise asked thse Wanlce. If a mais le unlnclt>'Il a business i kogan lg perfect, lnasmucl as fi formey ir~Sa En aioman (ber sdater) te care for entertieloo10k ln a mirror and he a big portion eft he frînge efthtie rit>' are 'biey standing ber daughier and son, bth thoen &mal will find thse esponsibl, part>'. tisatitti becoe.tise commercial.cen- traits ofinen in th1a children. The>' Worm taken Itoe se "Tise mais who stands aport le of ter Ot the wvend," preclimed Mr. 1Moi.el hoe benefied b>' the Waekegan hoeand rmiseNt. Tih e y h to pospctie tc. on waytestFai an ba neer eaune gond service te hlmself or his cern- don. r rallier unpau= sebard trom mince. Ho cialmed ho, was munait>'. He attribut.. this accempllshsnentw . oniied meoliard hi, could net stand II"Tii. fnanical pendilumetftise en- et Chicago te tise "I Wil" ingennit>' vis People.? WO't and tisai was whs ho loft; tise girl lire venld la swlmming toward Chii. of lie people. laai te ail thera aise clama *4. wus dligeN t t work cag u akgn Mr. Siieldon for the firt tîme lu hie ýeim lr a Tbeict ch. eoutrlie senithe girl diap- "Chica.go WEIl meon become tise i-ihietery informeNt n Waukegan audien- C 5@bilBl l Idiat- ed r.5 homewend reortise ame aucial and commercial center of tise oe8vii>' lieas desirlene ot uamingc tcertain union* am utpeat fohom d pra cae rvorid. 1usieSheldon statien noar Rockieeller, -l te go shos'd UlIJI brother, lecaus, of Ov.rwenk. Tii. "Wnukgan formas a big portien of "Area." bau been Preveuted aunt, liowever, suapecteNt 0tehing the frnge of on ciV t hat lu but a "-Nonrîisment. pns use binga "abil- i b>' the, men wvi iese 1., torff ahinquir>', vos r.ccm- 0 horsmended to cali on Chicage detectlves, few Years vii lecome tise fluanclal jty" <tarting witii "A" forme thse tiret .went tier, end bureNt oue and fluai; conter of the world. ltter et the word "Ares.')P tedBy th&ttch. 1)& located tiie girl, fisaly obtained ad- "The. MORE iman the MORE pov- Nourismeut, plue mhlit>' hrhngs re- W' taklsag sipe te tmlsson. iîc i mpul dthe wan. er. lahuliy. Reliabilit>' tarting vitisa Weai tie ietve, r.-kean m-aisnd tison returned home, "htami uv l n> n-ts etr""frets eodlto rug the. complaite conironilug hlm vlth the. charge aft- htamnkes-I nyoe helte R om h eodlte "tue"a agent vinSSeterbrnglng lter lreuber-In-law wth fourtis o! hlm power. Inu "Area." s iid10 av cais ler sud being accompaniled te thse "A man vso kuoe a viiele lotj Nounlinent Plus abuit>', reliabîlît>' 13 ald e hae C sbonse b>' Mairin Green Ud Assisant may prove a dangerous citizen If ho Irluga "endurance,"-"E" tise third1 en aMcOgU S eOwÜla ef Tyrneil. The iusand alenti>' la net rigbt imaiNte- letter Oet "Area".4 momber. et tise er- deni.Nt the chargeasadstilU inasa "orsmn ls's'hlg u- Nnîimnpu bht' elhl eeG te do thse 'VorithO e>' *uatru.. I shetpus'n'brnsa iy Nd rshenurancse iieation. "lAdi- spmiklugs>stem lu Tii. vif., hovever, insiste li, girl I . pus'ue'aY mli- n etraniti A" vhctioeri"At.e esoenfuammslr i madte admissions ansd chat tise people, "Nourniientust ue n ai-tn trewt A hc om h hlu thel hom ie ore se ls living daim Ity' lringe RELIAMILITY. mtlte u11 od le>' cofld net do it.tise Wukegau mais was the oe vWho "ouisimenepus,'ue,"aît" or Intbps abWoyrde.au a leng te figur.eout came te the. bos, vitis th* girl and Noramnpls'ue'abit .t..:,pusbltyrlabI -lug ûnlon cara se àoSacledd PaYment ot ber board. ex-and 'reliability" bringa ENDURANCE. lty,,endurance and action, brInga MAN! se vorn huld haveailalnlus tisai tish ie va wuthse "Nonrlshment plus 'use,' 'abhlity' vhlch Prof. Sheldoli and hie ekllleda.- "Y ,t evea-, osia t>'apbrt>' ad die t mudlchat 'rlility' and 'endurance' brins sistants are endeasorngIotedeveop ah ;> ai'. teonuneable he gairl' epd d ecde t 10kaction. ihelr achooel at Suedonhursi or "Area" d sanction doing the. Ti. whol. affoir la a ratiser unpleu "Use, abilît>', r.llability, endurane' or Lake Ares or Rockiefeller, vhlcts ot ou, te reter te but ieatie.01 amnd action tenue a MAN. even mn>' suit the readera' notion. __________ thse lieol>'subioquent tagal actions "Tii. liandiaI prosperit>' ot a Ciy Tiie greaueq of a City' depende net visleh vili corne provldlng tbe girl. let equal te the, 'boostlng spirit ef lit alan, ou Ita buildings, its raliroada, % Lprevalled uvSp te sin tlie couspiaint e4Ultzen etc., but aseo f the A-R-W.A or tisa mt atver nct trecordwillwon h a ci Il atevi0dcout record vii 50D'te l ie ,dlvlded matanut lisait eau. Individuals chat make the municipal. VL E Mtoeoab0eesn Public. snet prosper -.1h>. iILL W ED______________"À mon la a body' plus a mhit Prof. Sheldon isa Issued an iunvita. ET' M. MAI., ne-gg "hn lar e telswlth love thosn lion te Waukegen andfita hontte 'ION TqOAY TO C~LOSE vh a tu.ta»e a bath ilut*i, Aa.aetA-R.E.A,4 SCONSIN MAN B G DE L Loe lu business la emutal." I vosld haImposib5le for ch. SUN bric Wnls f -on.BIG DEA teprint le nteworlis>'addr.sa et Mr A V. Siildon, fonnder ef Amont- Bheldoii, but ah a later date this r.. wnshlP bigiih ool - AT'TORNEY IEDWARDS AND FATH- oaa gretst edoutional scboh t0o l"" ededuditor mouise te laro tie -W4 e ttoo attaca -19R AC41.01111VALUABLI PROf- buinse mmn, la an sddrese ta tK*platterm lu Waslkean eid entsrtahi k Mndy mrnng 1 ERTV UN THE CITY. commerclai mon of Wesskeffl fhidi>ail vhe sua> deIsetg bar 'what iha Mdall , mohrnNEWOg ulL11«OLIE)ngbt outinDed *0 . essetials orthtie buste eaY Onem cty iinhdfu. i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ «f Wal atechs'laor O NS aIL»«MSL mM«. a n" Mn. 1H . X. Ppilm»"«marof tise >Wahlp bigis sclseel. TO IVIE FORMER OWNER rt« eOMiuei'eai 1.," 'sMd a Bieldon scioL lntredeesd Mn. obi tien te UBI'17 a Wla' MONT14LY PAYMENY. . 19ruel C>',donte ch. membeis r et i.Nortier mm ay M91« Hall left Jet On.e oftise bigg.st ne.) estate deahs PaiIng as ileýs mijoet "City iBUd- Illinois Iuduats'lsiumselmtleu, Fnlday, a, Wisconsn viee iiotIgteboo rV luaemo time vwu Cul- iu&' prot. fied am s e4iisgIT nigt. Mr. Ton" ebad Plànned to des )f h. mentis she vini mnated Studavr WeouAttorney C. Iteel a ccner ta&.i j»epoilelisliver a lecture but duo t e tsbouie hol>' bonds o matni- 0. Edrrds ui "bIs, tcer Heur> è. chatsmut he aooWà by WaeâbsgMand ithee loctien ihapW#t~e da Inl Zdwards. 'purcasl et Dr. C. H. and 18bst elqtaiga hosn noeatien n mmlia lat«e dato. "Dis.. C. Coion, a businoess Scîucion o! Ontario, CaMoisttl, the a emuuwtte loetlvisli bm "!Ifl " mdlae mh. m o i maetbaàsoSl ion of h. tate. bnUldi«ng-ouWashngton strant »P' - p or ton le ubl bhoabid te spesiý e of thse mariage han merI>' seoepl.4b>' tise Wueitgtnm gi, mtdI. Uss ote publetuc ae Mind iauwy, an .lght room. hocè O, utd Tle sh te d1e. ou JùsItriai;U«w- and Neniout. ibeau employed on s and a lot on Grndilsytue.Toco- '________ ucSIîh sClasses In Wau adertloi le given mas nomiiBl. Ts lA L WR RMOA is Flreoce Cartis e*d" Ii u Made lrOuis he uh*ommuel a ar1 1 tio tw Yera go. imeva regl sotte agmey of Comrd neYkls#3WS*Mb ion tva reors agwil o nd Dun»ing vie have negottated ses' "Yai stenom b>'Plies OMicenMtW le reente, vi b.oral large deala ef laie. 'sacrvsnbhaa nti e te vacaiscy causeNt bX Meus, avdardj aiinunc.d'toBi>' - 'tain lovera frden ft u te uo Wcatl. tîir litêtin of ceasplteiy remdê' Ç in couers ftSilcie v aséeinfO& second ér u ltab ifiit11thé .bauidia smm1 as md ootheor Plls agsta tNt tlser vôrk, uIsat dny's tIv euoalune*expires. ÀbA limamtsbteaim4s'gws lI gplant vinha i stalied, the lever ail examînations ver, boon vil -lemae Ito, a medesis t MM S yler nii>s mut . iohcba Snuder the supervision sad thie ivo spper meens vilIlieon-vemi twthP $b4 verted Mo to liessoffces. À A pw ' uovedcompitlalls roux Pwflovh Ideece lu Wankeg.nfront vill b. placet on ch. building. ~~Of t seti et go t rou ravet aide msny tienda Suie Tlh propent>' formerl>' vas ovued stbtl Ciet wwo&Md@ by -Mn. sud mrs. Chanlm esWyer sud i" wlrltýr e*uw n dms George Hardy on emaned- lu their vposseuue-M.fe.'Seca t etSyaiI lb.>' boecme dlvprced #about foutrete té vi m a royal send-off 1>'y Yats g«. Wiisnthé. pvfrepent> Ib lhaho bsdiapesel of the decre. Cave Mr. ". MAOSEN UELLIIS THEATRE Wey.r bis poon aond gave Mss. W4 ul'Aueu6 otvmas ii maI l er as ber port"leà dover nlgittlh*i - ~propeie>. mIsete recelve front ly. Bei- ~~Wlluaa Madsstl. goïget M lie IT.O #UW'TRIAL vucison, $32.60 Pen moti as a ~npiolur.tUems - _ýk Wesbt rW %she lived. Tihe iropei' W l t lm "ag~ ,. i M.0 , i .Ib la C etiroë# E 4 W' ~W foa*s- k - IfM e rs. nvarda l purc yi i e" é M _ à à amanw% -au - o -~. îTMTIêIWV'WINUSEOAT maly0 .F CIILO l iýýtFOuLT ONaE ASi 49 ,*TWITW OUT ANY RELATIVES, A aiue year olh glnl4thmo.deista ilountlng lu ail te appyOzlSitl>' 100 sud a few sticks of id turnîture tve leeniniseiteN the bmPeople ot he vos'ld b>'the demis of Peter Yi. [alsi, vho commltted suicide etni> Prida>' mornini 1>' lulins poisonousi se fumes. 1 Wii.n Yunquli suleid.d flada>' nri'ng, u. left Ieanie year oNt laugisuer ho, le cared for isy lti pee- >le0f ilheMahetf nliusoi. Tii.cild is ncocoher living relatives, Wlti the tbars hs'lckliuuu dovai hor -beekthîs Infant lu moumuing ami dur- îg tise luquesi ai tbe Whuie and To- bn undertakiug reoms iseiN ever the ammains 1>' Dr. John LU Taylor o!fUb- ertyvile. and lîstened te siansers tell of thse disheantenîni lite hem ta- lier had led, and et the linding of Ihis boy lun aied in a bearding bouse un- der a saloon ln Wankegan. The cil's mothen dieNt four mentis aje. Tiinee day. alter hem motiser was laid ai resi lu tise cemeten>', she was sent te tise home of Mn. sud Mra. Martin Petenson, 130 Lassez avenue, cliere she han been Iprovided vlth ha necesmîties ot lIte. Tise ciuINtas sent te tise lcAliater snisooni 1'.%Ira. Peterson. Sonatter tise doati oft i ifie, Yunquist vent to board viii 3lrs. Edna Strombeni. He vas assigneNt .o a room lunithe basernent et tise buildting visich unili recenil>' vas -enteNt for salon purposes. Ynnqumt as employed as a atreet sweeper isy tie clty ot Waukeîan. The stor>' of tise firding et tise cerpse ln led b>' Joisn Johinson and Charles Wl&ra, as relateNt lu ts. hast issue efthtie SUN. vas presenied ai tise luquesi. b Tise jury's verdict showed liait un- quls aît cerne to blé Nteath hy as- pisyxîntion. The led>' vihi be Innied Sunday mornIsii. one of Mas eOldesetWoroe. The. necropoiLsa e Bahrein. the cent ten o! ch. guif peani fti'es, lasoe efth ii.oldesi pieces of mani's landi- won ilnlise vorid. 1 t 1 dUT Pi. Ae< jà = ~OINTR 0Rtv1 SPYS pfiARSON cAI.Lo 141M A eboO% AM» MPTIIEREO Hilb ORtA WNOLE BLOCV. Ceslsoe"«r Ea V. 0rv# vwu the pookligu aub ln p eueuntpn *llch bei tploe fi trost of teti oli>lcce on Wtsblnton treei '1515 mornins- As a resui tihe thumb etMse rlgiit and vo. eprad anO a dep ouitvas inMetced eu, bWs left band viiere s flst ceunsctod nuiti.th tetfPeter JOHN J5U&,I~yD»A LEAlqIt !am ri tvwu. TH MANINER 0 DOp ,TH oiES MAN; uAVaeS'A AMNTSRq. Joba fiumtt ,C odma ost. mluer ofet steldan4pubUltepiove. mmt&, vasfou"i d4wlla b"edlu à boarding l,"ousomdned b>' Mr*. . StretuboM iktSU 128 oMisGensse stret t 5B ckfled ay sioaning À lieug au Jet .vea4tise caus Pears094 tu0e thar combataut. One feo j O UEOUSU dOU 50. Of tihec vlocbh Os-vie delvsredl Wbetlser Juisqulst commtia isl- sent Pearson -spinnI gand h. vouhdd l oruuulethb>' thenSutissa iwuaon- have brouihtup ou hie pvemenit iad causes, lea &suintor>' hat vilns"Ver "I liai l aie.luit about as mmcii of Jaquttibu spoutitheis.di'on tise Pearsonl'aabuse s Icared te sbefere 1 srosu andout B e'dbcitisutuda inafuen be mol 1truck soututemobul. bu usado inev struIt hlm." ommisaloner Orvis sait! noon. He vwu net seauBf tes 'liaI afierwardsL.. "le lad tollowed me t))i bonr. the. va>'front ch. ernerof et n.a. Cisarles Wlrda, vie occuples a reepi-. andWasingon trets o te ctyadJeInîng tihe oe slai viicis Junquls ana ashngte steeta10 ii. liwova touai. forced the bedrees dn odete. Heu Sept Jernog ai mï clouhesai 5B oici Fras>'morulusu vleuh aun pushlug me abouit. calling Me a de#,ected th ell et Ofglis. crook and severai oison names-1 Junqulot lbas léen employed tol hi tbt I hadidnotsto tht treet sweeper b>' Commiimioner ilt teit is tai f s~dit Dt to uatMeyer for ch. pau six Moei. He h wonhd thnsi hlm, luitble persIsteNt has beauna esoment et tise ci>' ton the Wien lie acknowiedged uhat h, bad past tivire ars. liaN enongli. i eft hi<.m I underetand He hsas a Ntuglter, aged 7 years, tisai helias urenteneil to have me an. living tu tls t >. rfttd."Thse Inqusest viii le beld at 4 o'cleck resteNt."thîs atternessu îy Dr. John L. Taylor Mn. Orvla. some lutile trne age, vaj, the coroner ef Laie couni>'. 3lre. Pearson'm attene>' vien se got a Ntivorce trom ber isusanud. Thons HELO ANNUAI. OPEMINO BUNOAY afhiougiitise ceuni awarded tise chlid- Tise Wnukegiis faciselors club held,, ren te Pearson, Orvis appealed tise lts annuel opeulug aiT aThr Lake on case and Mërs. Pearson has retaineN i Sunday ad l p.rved an enjoyabie if- tise cnatody ofthtie nhldren up te thse 1tain lu spite efthtie nain lu tise mern- preseni time. When lu camse time to lng wblib for a time tineatened to pa> tise taxes it vas tound imposfisle rami a damper ever the affaîr. 3te get an arrangement lelveen Pear- Tise bigtfenture efthtie day vas a tson anudhis wlte ns te boy much eanh hall game. played hetveen tise Barbe- shouid pay and Onvîs finali>' perchas- lors and isola visitons. Tbat Ou.elde eN tise tan ceel.Ificate. won 1>' the score of 43 te 2 heasmsureNt Ail ! tses ibnga n. aiN se bav ut vhirls aide Il vas le isard uo sa> maNte Pearsons very bitter againsi itheas iotis aides are rliming the isonon. - cemissoneraudvas ismicnusdIn addition thon. ver. races and otiier hlm te pester %Ir. Orvis thîs asornaIni. porte. Hia uisumis vas sprained viien loi Ir-t I Tise big dînner tisai was serveNt - truck Pearson and tise eut on hlm proisabi>' vas th. mont enjoyable 3- nuriles vas recelved a few me- event efthtie day. hvwus ver>' sump- menus later. tuions. Mais>'of those preoet pua. y___________ othtie re aing sud swrimmlug. An 'Wen* of Wsîlb. orchestra furulaised ithemunie. 'Tb.o mncleasused te wrIte ln cli>' ud theu bate it" "Tes,"'replI e im Narel Expenatlee, -man vise vasn adlug ch. latent 'Mr is t tint wven wvilneît sapeoec&. lu chois ddorsvIson tiser lbasaib>' spenlsnesr" Recause 15e>' Mok pore burlng epithetett I ais- I obJet te Tlm.'s givinu uthoransur meant sometblng." vntiles.' REDUCT ION IN PRICEI 0F MA - Tungsteiv oLAMPS Beginniing June lot, 1912, the sales price and, the exohange or renewal price of Mas" lamps, wMl be nasfolows:, wt tj! oleorboul frocted 44 66 se 4se 46 46 is "r' e - se.;s--'-7 di SELLING PRICE *.55 .95 1.50 ILUO 3.00 Mo4 RENEWAL OP EXCHANGE .75 1.10 L~OO 2.90 &520 AU ot1her typesof Mazd Liompe will be con-, sidered .peio1 and* will b. sold at the latest t priesad teree price Qr exohauge rie wiUb b. 90 cents 1lees tan Ust price. PizbIic G