Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jun 1912, p. 4

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c-,'. ~t<ECOVNTY INDEPENDENTI 00ice Telpte N.1 PtFi 'sResiecTelehaaa No.45L Liberty v-ile Lrange Esteidntt iil' o-totlmre at Lilerty aille, Ill., as Second Class Mlai l atter 'l Iq fý 4 S netiAdertiminit Rates (Made-Knoscn n "s liv~ation. SUBSCRIPTION PRtCE, $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AODVANCE W. J. SMITH .......................................................... ... ............ Editr F. G.SMITH ...................................... ................. Manager -, RAY L. HUBSARD................................................. .Ciy Editor FRJDAY, JUNE 14, P)12. I8 IT A GOOD PRACTICE? This is an editorial written to motiiers and girls. Thus, of course, the men and boys will read it. Perhaps it Winl do no barin that the y do!1 lu notlcmng the practice of young girls dressing now-a- days in Waukegan, it in particularly noticeable that tiere »ienuto b. a fond and constant desire on their putto make tb« look as matured as possible. One aies a 1W l omlag down the treet, who, seemmngly, a short cils- ,tance away, looka to b. a young wonîan of 16, 17, 18 or 191 Wben she arrives where dloser observations can be made, it la frelquenty found tliat ahi a astrliig of from 13, 14 or 15 yoars. 8h. bas tried to make hirself look old- ot-and aie bas succeeded, through tie permission, no doubt, of ber motier. The idea seemp wrong! It la au injustice tothe girl herseif for ah. vu, as the saying.,goe, usOit old soon mnt" gI t in vrong ofthe mothers to allow their girls to u> drenses wbich vill brlng about this change froua the girl to tbe woman before ber tiebas arrived. Su viilb. old long enougi; ah. cannot bé young too long. The transormation of the gi intiih appearance of th. woom*i "so as a t.ndîncy, and a serious tendency ai *bao, to'start that young girl int miacief tbrougi the ad- <venoos youths a few years older tian tiey, will pay them. n Tbou. same boys would not b. attractid to thie girl vin 11110 as youtbful iu appearanci as ber agi would make ber, barring the rnatured dresses. But, possible tbat ia wbat the inlaaniing at-to get tbat attention from. tii boys of élider agu. But, should the mothers encourage the prac- mUas? W. 6lieve not, we believe it in a grievous miatake, o'mu which mothirs themselves wil regret more, possibly, ihat tie girls tiemaîlves. It là sometbing you may noi -blave hhought of, but one which deserves some considera tion. W. warrant that every fnother who reads this edito rial will remark that it contains sound senne. Will sht ,profft by it; it's up to her, for her daughter's sake, for hei Sown sake. Talce a stroîl dowr. Genesee street, bear these state mients i mid and see if you don't agree witi us. It's ade iIorable condition, brought on througi tiidesire tob ~c tyish;it may prove more serious to your daughter thai leu oun conceive unless you give it careful thoughts. Thi raid of the child attired in matured clothes ilasfot s0 stronj ansthie mid of the woman who may seek to make hersel lok young-mothul'a should not forget il!1 Tink it over-you'll say we're dead right, providin you are a good, conservative mother. YES, WHIY NOT? It bas bien suggested by C. T. Heydecker and othez s w Waukegan te lps be taken to have the country, o: p=siblir lie nation, adopt a National Memorial Day for Il fraral societies, tie saine as is now observed for the ve- erans of lhe Civil war. Tie suggestion la a good one, it is timely and wortl of consideration. There are many arguments in its favor. In the fi tplace it would be the means of making a more general o servance of a single day for the departed members of fr, lernal soieties; il would make possible a better observani of the. day through abillty to out down the expenses incur ed by so many at di-ferent times; il would permit the hol ing of a celebration or meniorial in some central point, su( as the armory. Il would be a day when everybody mit ested in fralernal work could show-respect to the dead there would be no conflicting of plans; tiene would bei detraction one from the other. The plan is just as logical, just as reasonable and ji as xeitorious as the Memorial day for the G. A. R. Waukegan has suggested the plan, why not boosti Arthur Frederici Sheldon. of the Sheldan achools in hie most able déc rte01 The Science of Building As>' Business," says: "I believe lé ad% tleing as a dynammec force in thé building of a business, Itlas th ir ue under bolier o! the business. The man isba aduertises just a lit11e and then tihat advertiing does flot psy, réminda ,me at the man isho buréed just Mgaitch under a 10-galion ketIlé o! water and thén said that thé èire would bét the water. A lle fie wili flot béat much isater and a little advertié 4.111 fot builti much business. But, rruch fire will heal mhuch water and rm - &VaKlslég o théermghlt idn thé right medium i, ndeed, a ptent facta ý14é building of éauch business. Advertising takes many forme and one of ~>Sroftellt edverliséméétm n al théeisorid lsthé wagging ton9Ué cf thésatis S oir that the Lake county bankers have organizi tkeqeîton l, wll mneybe wrthmoreor ess;OR, If Lake cg ai a iuwof desires to avail itself of lie offer toi ' for agricultural development from1 bi taken soon or it wiii b. of couies wnhv ens -irebae hein 4.-- - r - IN INTEtuESTNOWA BIG16MrTTING.0 PROF. PUÇI4 0F LIUURTYVILL.E'TMIRO DEGREE WAS CONFIANO - - m HIGH SCHOOL SUBMITS ANTI. UV ANTIOCH MASONS'ON SEU. ANOTHREi VICTORV FOR. ATTOR. t CLE ON THIS SUBJECT. ERAL CANDIDATES. N. UAUff N AMA- à LEE IN L.ORDffo CAS«. The followig la an article sulimit ANTIOC i ~ODGE IS ONE 0F THE IN KOFSKy AGAINBT KOFSKY THE t' (1 by Prof. Pugh, head of the Liberty-' VERY OLDEST IN COUNTV BSE. COSTS ARE TAxID AQAiNST ville Hligh school, two others ta follow ING ORGANIZEO IN 1853. PLAINTIFF ON MOTION. ln the near future: If you were called upon ta explain On TUuiaday evening of thls week The Illinois Supreane court Thur%- the orkng rinipls o "rferedum Anioc I»ge . r & A. M. heid a day denled a pétition for a reboaring Initiatite and recali" ta a compaflyof vry large and enthuiastie meeting aIliatefmu odRe aead hici te tIrddegee as onfr. o dolng chaiked down another vie- - whch ti. hirddegre w roner-tory for MIma. Oeaevieve lléed, wlio mea represenbitaise 0f the average red. *rhere were vlaittai-apresntafin rome ttrey As ciasa of citienas, couid you doit? Antiocli, Graymslake, Wauconda. Laite wBelnadBnai am eo Ifyucud o el aufe r-Villa., Waukegaa, Libertyville and Clii- euenadBJmnPral o pared ta intelligeaitiy vote upon suclicg.Avryeiyhean usa- Recntly the courts declded that Inns? uchtiai aupper wuas erved and everYOne M isa eéd, who won a former stenc* tenuesveted that the wivee of the Masons grapher ofthe.lats WUMaIm Lord. gen- Wouid sc a vote be leaving tao f the Ântioch lodge at Mlîhura kI.w eral freiglit agent of the. Wisconsin your deceadent and your coanmunitY how to prepare and serve a very ré- Centrai railiroad. iaiit anaintain pot.- ltsé iegacy that you wouid desire In- freshing repart. 1 sessin of a valuable tami in Lake corporated la your m-111 of "servnt Aftéer thie work was compieted, C. ouity wuich Mr. Lord had iven lier-. T. Reydecke, o! Wejw gn gave aAllaI. the death of bh bsiand. Mrâ. citizenahlp?' ako telicnes ot AtlU o u Il &all o th puroueLord vent loto th.e curts and tried te * it ahail Of the upoeofli..Lo<Iueo.~ 127.11 beag iargely of a lieé- bave the. praperty réturnéd to lier (a three short papera t0 net foitiitIhe toi'iECi nature. 1 theonta f Umad 4 ad bées prectical (net intangible aad tb.oetl- 'MO dlCpflsatlin for the formagiéeme« nlysuafflnitr ofbebu aubanA ani one f te Adochlode w grufflby siâtehebad exerebeelau andu 2»a cal) prInciplee of these live questii Grnt ade E.B. me an Grndfinénce over hlm 10 becSur. the puaô. w" rant MaaitrvE.eB. ames audeG mnd otY. Theécas -- tegibt outqersy vili wlChailvotra re 0114 UOSSeotary H. C. fteynolds, on Miel 2S& bitteriy sud Shalîyr reuffd lu th. de. ta demi. 1853. ýThé charter vas lsaaed mter cimion liat Mise 10.4, evec thoogèt Whén Mr. William¶ Bryan retnrned grand Iodge meeting on ooL 3a ln& abe mllglt have beeu anly an sfinaity. fronhie "orouad the world cri9ie- 13,aeser 8. Inalls, -as terDu"mui erty ii. poesion of ltheBaisem and wu a tled upon Mt a banquet l ewi& as senior warden. LèTOY D court la deo3Ing a rglenrng tutoti New York for a speech lhe 50uIle Gage Mg4,ýçX q~wgrdeo. Ti f2S gly pte e.nend lo thecase. thie k.ynote et lies plattorin for a se->meeting ot thé e waa i« là " I"la ueM iOa.0ofa«kY Agaat KO.- ond pi-.idettial cmsupigil. adiOcattfl< théeipen.aticai on, Ih. 1858. . sncer weii-kawnWaksa Initiative and referendum. T 't lc ieee sigci n oa.,a «notion vas ma"eyéIs Tilit t lt4t Ve»Oer . ngale in orbetore tlb. Suprémeconurt th"at speech vas a révlew 0< 1the gavern- shipfij maste, IDaniel Lewis, senior cooseInla. the a W t b-i» ment experlenceof Swtzéilslid 5&M arden, Leroy D. Gage, Junior Word. tgtalUsI lpl2tifr. This motién WUe ta Americai conditiona, anid vas prac- en, joh H. Falait, q«"b dBlOw0d. Attorneys IéYdekér Mad i ticaiy b. irt tme 1h.te-uS"mi co. JhnM. Carik. puwierdos- thé defen4ant sud won theé rulini. tative and référendum" became POPIX- con.Gdeon W. Hénderéo ,OtaTY larly nsedla 1h15 country as mOderli and Myron Stevens, tréesi-ér. Rlf5 SUES GAZETTE FOR 026.000 polkil hheories. Bron0f Rialng Sun Lodge, a viakor A suit for $25,00ougainst the Wau- "Thé referendurn ln a plan wherebY vas tylér. kega aIîY Guette. on a charge et a &mi percéntage of th voera usay At this meeting petitiona for de- libel la connectiozn vill certain lstét- dt eamnd Ihat any st-Mute 1>5,5.4 y the asees weftrocoled fImumithe.foliov- ment; made against thé Héctél Bd-- *légilature (witii thé excePtion of cer- ing persons and ln thé folîcwtng ord- mnnd. vwonfBled in Circuit court late tain lawa) muet b. submittéd 10 hie er: Ibis aflernoon by Attorney George *eletoraté and approved y a stipilt' R. B. Simmin. William TomPitins. Flld o! Waulkegan and At<on>- J I6 ed malorlty before golnt lInto éffect." David B. Gage, Harrison B. Nelson, O'Connor of Milvaukee, frmer ttor- (Beard'a Américan Government aad Daniel Bommes. ney Genéral of Wiaconsin and ofle of Politica, pagé 463.) The. Iodge continued lits home et the. th béat knowu lawyera ln the count- Le Early la oni- listai-y t beMame on vlliage of Antiooh until April, 1869. try. Thé Gazette, la makIng the If establlahed prbnciple 1h51 llltOtPCéBd when t wan moved tae Miibura. vhere staternents &bout thé botl, claimed cons3titutions or amendments should théeSi-t meeting was held on AprIl that tliey lied been mande by Rev. ha referréd ta the votera for rai-lOi- 811, 1869 and slns-e that date MiUhburn George McGinals of thé Flrot Baptist c, ation and %Ince, 1l bas heén émployed 1 bas hieen the home of Antloeh Lodge chai-ch. Thé suit vas siartad by Mrs. oaly for local legislatlon, auch as the No. 127. ,Frdrich. vlto ims tat ier hi:îsiand, )tIncorperation of iTnunipalltles, thé Othar speeches vere made by mem- at the present trne, ià attending toaa organization of couisties and toti- bers from thé dillerent iedges and a inancial matter ln California and will 9, hips, location ofe -nnty sats. met'-- very enjes-able tîrne bad. i-tui-n here ln a weelc. rifle of indeledness, graniing of muniI e 'il franc-hises and lsstgng of liquor r The refei-en<turn la lsed more ê,- tenetvelv in but vine %taies a hile e- more of thé Western states have ad- eaptdIltfor local questions. la SouthH o àe Dukotra the referendum aras Incorpora- ted liv a constitutional amendainit 1898 and 1.20 o! the number of votea-C s 1 - n àeco hi-t bacit a legslative Ftatue ta Ti sli aî ig the votera anti compati them te ré- or bad reizolintious or noi Lfgiater their wlshes for or agalngt such a mnesaure. whia tInNebr-aska 115 liq tgrequireti. ItIs only a quetstic g This theory of gai arnmental r-form ot yu uesgt& i has corne o us firn the Saisé whaaei n lybidewita govai-amant closely resemblea that of STEER STRÂIGHTatdpybrgewiti the 7nhted Stateé. la Switzerland It t)W-n i.avvo-k & C'o il v.n lie any gallivaîîtitig aroulîd the1 migît hc aaid that they have six Iiade auto aD-d, r.-ta'riig or otl,'ras s" Wé e bt =s of poputar votas: nanelv: compulsery claim t,, know oui- bu,.in~s,,antit, ut.- e bt o , referend um . w hich sy tem u aderm in e e ol, l ait a ' ralo i ed - . E i i if veYo'l h i e n of a àethe laglalation by malting it sirply a dontjr-d 'or -riveetodaý,.duoin a' equsino ht ody which preparrés the detatîs of a sii.yow. %Ytioomel .onîe. If a man's brain iE lt rIts ieatcsnt: e opto i W m. Laycock Co. ment Sound, and he is r -i hyý erendum. vhich t9 practlcatiy a vato Agents For 1If you want a man to sa po-war, not Iniokad on most as ad MOLINE MOTOR CARS tramps, get youthful les 'stn vlanvoked paihape reaults la ap- b-t provai ef thé measure; peptlar votes Libertyvifle, Ill b as la useti ln thaelUnited States. undar PHONES--Reidence 126L Shop 4324 ra- etate s'atutes on lawq relating ta a t is certaitily a g [Ce partiefflary lbralillaor tauniciplilty efr orh isato1 irr- and sînder generqi statutes a,ýping taprfmorh O ptt Il-grosips of local government as aluded had ail the mnoney they ich ta aboya; claie statiteo! generai eue ic oei obligation, ta arhiolithé Amerirans securdhavnie hapmein ara last; acctitomed and thé gêýneri 1l av ap i refereuidiiml rhc applies ta al1 foi-m the ohiekens being selec no a! logilaloti whlch lé belng popular- frtenwlf a v ]y lisctssati amoag us at proent. and forthean w li fef sud US.t finloytteIandatvedropped wll ttim giva the principal arguments for ianti amainst thesé mensuiree. I sago hu Let s cose hispape wih, aby-coinpelltidto keep bus'y ead- Grantat cla ve th e rpiper a my The art of L aago hn ver- The legltature bias passad a law i- ...' 4,l-ab cmt is of the most the. dtictg tae rate of a raiiroad may maJ.iJ.Jfg WtV'J-L CaYs t-arge for passéligér service. fi-cm tBa bsan n,;trehing ahead sleadiy for old age, because the oneé thrae and q1uarter- cents per mlle ta foryasra.atel,éé hasre more briané woi'kert lat he Mxay haN Jd nttwa b t Iolérater-ad ta and édjit put iuto thei- makinirto dayr dependent upon hi$ rell iléng yen ta e-atfy or reject. But the con- than ais-r. much sgtitutloit expresaiy toribd, logisiation lAd til her ni-e géttîngt ebeapol ®r in tisat vould viale the obligation of al the whiep-whkth lé rather tranige. thé c1t-1aatite oféato , lyon arould ir1e te learo iust boy Al% ihoar BRsi cotat n tecnictino lr ai- te asatm-b makiag art bas ad- ~~5 lfled erty andi ln ordar ta taIte Intoconider- vanced. Ibis lé the place ta> cornéta.O ation thé nuanher o! miles ori- hicli If yoa Wisit to fond ont how cbW o ohPi the uallroad operateé In thé stâte the & iealv reliabie vateli Cau b. so« rltion of Inter and lInra CMate i-Ctsaiét tlifiéstars. :ed, rla sciaiegti preysdté otr ws.lebstock cotains ALLTI Wil 1hi -1-' A tttied comulhéehbou tofeart fvateli making bils ta H ý- -, LOtérfwow Il 1 1 . UàtIle J*Iaagel -5.4«tat he 14x, oor luansvéer h' t#s o tib0mna, hine, ad"w va iadd a mot$.t card, tbé rfflOé Wt on*e i.b.d élrer »eé. "Ob* 9thl imoma.'l a*he caiméd, 'heWes a ltt. = 15 orfor you, but il 'hasot gte t vlér ktrI ont" boit»~ 0A.V*MrICKS E. Il CORLETT Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and Grocerie phono 30 ARE (IOOD BUG(ÉIBS We Have a Stock of- Wifty ' to Seet From. . Cul in and TsJlk it Over. IF IT S FROM SCLIANCK'S IT'S OOOD 8CHANUK BRose OId Are- You? i-e are getting older. You may make good rt-solutions resolutions,, but--on yoiî go. on of turne when yottr ha'ir wiIl be thin, patr teeth fail tshaky and you will be content to estay homue niglits id dominoes and talk abotut the weatber inslead of town with one eye on the milllnery girl taking home a' .ge, when yen coitî to think of it, is an all-absorbing is in good conditi-n. bis mental faculties clear, his judge- asnby active, that is the man for counsel and control. &aw ci)rds of wood, oit the windmill and bounce the çs and nînsîce. gouod thing for an old man to have sonie mental work to fade out. llow maîy tmon 1 have oseon "rotire." They needed after a scrambling life of activîty, and havlng the country and chickens and things, they thoîîght they me. They did, se Ioong as the house was being fixed and 3ted. but just as soon as the excitement of arranging tr they lost flesli, haîl a perpetual stare, îjuickly rusted Idenly. g, peniiaps, liant some people cannot 'retire" and are Y. importance, however, for every mnan toniake provision mworld may nol form the estimate of is value as a i-e formed himself - and lien witbout mea»ei he becomes atives or the charity of friendo. iness Cou' Better Afford, to Wait. Write. ichigan Mutual Life Agent To-Dag TIME TO ACT IS' NOWIU! Youro truly JOH N HODG j

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