Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jun 1912, p. 5

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LAKE COV1NT-Y F'RmÀY. JUTNE 14, 191-2. là - BUTTER, BUTTER. Who ha, the butter? If you ame ooking for Butter mode from tis eteeanest and purest cream-Butter tst itas a golden calor, en saqulsite flaver and cruamery teste. thon TRIGMGS'S GRQCERY la certain ly th. place ta ifind lit. For rehlable Groceries at reasosable priea, calti on us. liH-ot Weather is ComInZ ARE Y( We have the "o as B, V. D., Porous wear, lu plece and~ Neglifos shirti wth Straw hata la both 1 ponate la , &the tlng, ,Have yoii mon Ithel in tact we alm to cal goode for men, vo in antee Yenu tl.factiol EVERYTI jBo M -PIryve 'U PREPARED? Poather Is I-Iere RE YOU FIXED xida to help you keep cool, snch SKuit and Balbriggan under- d union suita and ail stylea. ior without collais attached. hard and soft brim, but the emi We have them. Lrry a fulll une of warm weather ivite your inspe~ctionl aud guar- DU. HINO FOR MEN orse & Co. 'H 0 N E 14- - - - flinois. 't, 't, 't, OH, YOU Si-ADY LAWN! You who ihave nice shady lawns, 'With frees and flowers and bushes. Wîlli Furnture Kings and Queens and Pamns, Oan chsckmate Oidi Soi's rushes. WE HÂVE TUE KIN4IS AND QUEENSOF LAWN FURNITURE as weii as the iowfy buai useful Pawns PLAY THE GAMEI FURNISt- THE LAWNI The. enjnyment ynu vill derive frrîm s summen on te lain will1 Wall repay the6 modesf aullay. TREPTOW & TAYLOR L 1 S E R T Y VI1 L L E j fYou Contemplate 'Building I A BARN,, HOUSE, CRIB, POULTRY SHEDS, PORCHES, SLEEPING PORCHES OR SCREENING YOUWR HOUSE AND PORCHES. CALL ON US WE CANË HELP YOU TO REDUCE THE COST...... .. .. ... PHIONE 47 Librt'ileLumber Co. iLibe*yTm »Da 'i IBERTYVILLE RIE FS] LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEK I - To Insurs publicationln te Indepen- dent, copy must be in teoffice noisater than Tuesday of sacit week. Adver- tisers, especelly. are asked ta lake perticular notice ta this effect. lira. Eluner Wiliams ie epeuding a week viliting et Bluff Lake. Mir. and Mr@. James H. Swan were Racine risîtore Sunda. F. P. Locke froin Chicago was a Libertyville visitor Tueoday. W. Wirt Wright from East St. Louis, vslted bis parenut ere l&et week. Um Mary Bell [rom Lake Bluff, ie vWstlng ise ieses Bond at ber homne on~ Division itreet. : Mr. nd lira, C. F. Bolelrom Chicago, vlslted aver baturday nlgbt and Suaday wltfi ye scribe and famlly. Mesers. E. B. WUIllam, W. B. Williams Mad John Dupre of Antioeb, were Lllrrtrvillls vstors Sonday. Dot ss thé street parade Baturday, Joue 15, Tiger BU's Wild Wet. Se@ the ,ow, boys Indians Mnd cow girls. Baud met Bohr and lamlly of Boonm,1-114 lave been vsitlng the peut week ai Add:sis A. P. Smith. G O"ae, for piano &uW organ taunlg, repoirlng and Mnd tclcng. Work guaranteed. Tinis Orapter of the Westminster Gonld Win meet aIl;bhebome of Miese Rasi Smnal on Tueeday evenlna, Joue 18. Mir». B. Cberd f rom Aust in.yslted front Wedneeday tIti Saturday at tbe home of Mir. and tirs.'Frank Nicholea. tirs. Coleman has returned t Mli- waukee ater spendlng nouneturne wlth ber Mider, lir». . Wolff, at the New- Wendel] Lovait of Racin-,, Wl: clIýent Suuday witb bis inotber. Minm Marie Haven bas retirneiI !rnm a week's vîsit wllh. frlenîl., ot laywood, INI. Tiger Bille Wild West :înd -oigreqe of n,îugb ridera yull give two 1-rformances ltaturday June 15, et the -fuir grounds. %lie@ Mande Whitniey rî-turîed laet Friday fromn a tbres wrek- %-..ît wîtb ber mother et Alden. la. Dr. and tMrm E. R. Stniti andi Mrr and Mmre.0. A. Neweom erîîoyei an auto tri p to Palatine andi Laken fi l Suni- day. Poimer Riendee trami Antîoch, vieited a few daye the latter part of lset and the fore part o! tie e eM with relativem and f nieuds bers. Tiger BIi'a Wlld West and Indien Village vOll show eit tek faîr grounde to-morrow (Batbris) atternioon aud evenlng. Doa'* MM It. lirm e. 3rgelCrolet and eidren trai Cblcagc, sepiat iev" Jdays the latter part of luti andllb. fore part of tile week et the home of tMr. and Mmrs Frank N lcbola, tirs. C. F. Uag aud @on W. J., last tiMouday for a veokes vieil witb ber doeter, tire. TB . Clarke and fatnily at Mmrs. ermna f&bultz sislted everal dais the.faamit 61lelat and the fore part of tis vsek wltb relatives et L.ake 1Zuich sa lebrpoits in the eontb- 1western peiut Slseouuty. Mir@. Sheelsa of BDiago.Mont., who 1basibee» uislllug ber motber, Mire. S Wolff, ft ormntàme paet, bai left to vieit vlth relativesand friende at Mlonday ulght a Ornuk was pi-ted up on ilwauokeeaveInue @outtilOf the electrie depot by iarsbal Liin berry and lodged lu tb. villaige jail. A etrange The Wemtîuinuetr r im:d t et athb home Of Mi@e Bewau,. Bond ou M')nday evening. A very riî ail. iinîa prograrn "ai rendr..d aller 0 ih refrehmenraa aererN ,, i- u,,lney of Lake Foreet. an rgaiiizýr ,f mb- ,:rdinate gîî lds. ia: tr,,,.,t and addreoweed th@e înt,tii, il bîstory Of the worl.a: am 1111W,îie, :t t1ng 1:, rt i ln a very itereetiiig tal. tbé îiurîîîe..for which th@ cî,îtîna.a: îrKaniced. Ali in al the iîu-t îîîg n îw. ýrv n terest- ing and proitabi AGED RESIDENT DIES MIre. Mary HeI.r, agý(.ii) y nar.,, died at the home of ber nnl aE RH Meyer, rieur 1Aaueoruîià, Friday tiorllîng et about 3:00 o'Ic ,.atiî r-.ulinîg fromin inuries reelved a feiv da.%, prior wheu teefeu, eustiaining a c,.ve,.iiury tb ber bad. She leavem t, umnril ber death two daughteré, lMr@,E. EH, bev.r of Wauconda and Mirs. Mary Hern and John flelier 01i eePiaine@. The fanerai was beid Sunday. TAYLOR--JEDLICKA Wednesday eveaing at 8:80 ecelocir at the home of the groom'@ uother occurred the marriage of RomeSi. Taytorand Mise VtaataJedlieka of Cblcago, te ,Reverende W. L. Whlpple and J. B. àiact*uffi xerformlng the effmony. tir. Taylor la the eldet son of tiMm C. W. Tayioi, of tbis place, la& member 01 the orna of Treptow & Taylor. furaiture dWaere, and vas rentiy appolnted posîrnaster at this place. Re ln very weil knowu boe, bavlng growss t0 manhood vithin our rulditandbas a large eftcis of frends who ex ted to 111111 the i glae. ishes for a happy wedded Idfe. Miss Jedlilka, wilie ber homne le lnu Chicaglo, bas many friende bers, gained dnnlng ber assltlons amont thein whlle empioYed at Sheidon Sehool wlth1 whlch Intitution the hm been aseoclated aintes Is eetabilshment Bt 1&ke Eara Sb@ le au setlmable Young lady, weti worthy 0f the Maun e.chose, and vu eau but cougratulate ber upon ber @eeection. Af er the ceremony the Young couple loft for a week' honevinoon tip îbrongb Wlsconîin luntMr Taylor@ Chaumer.l tir. and tirs. Carl Hlughes of Bigland thoncdue sl. tact that he had in hie tiourlnir car. Park, formenly of titis place, are the 4uktoi 142.00 W ben f ,und. Upon their return they will reslde happy parente of a liatie daugbter born luvitatlao are out for tihe weddinoe of wlth Mir. Taylor'@ ruothen wbsre they Mouday, Jane 3. Miss Mary Deil Colhy, ilauglitor of Mir. will bh.aat home to their mny friende Miss Ethel Whe,:ier %vas home frottaI and fill. 1. 0. Colby (1 if I îjn, Colo., alter July 10. DeKalb, over Suuday. Mise Adah ormerly of Russell, tht: îîîtnut >v, te, Mr. trip Sunday eveuiiag. bai many friendu Inlutli- . îv who will Tîhe follomiug story told bv one ofioon Tiger Bille Wld West a Htrictl.V moral 1tie întereeted tu learn f0lir marniage. local liankere may mrove o! interest aný show for ladiîes and ,hildrsn Saturdayv, IiSue graduated frontlit, 1-.iii hghiseboO~ profit to @orue or our reandors who at Jîue I1, at the air grîuudm Two tlir-v venrs ugo, bepet with canva:mnrs and faiets. peýrliucri. at mion at:d! evennr Pria-s 25antd :15 cent: Nari-%. WElissorti. 1l-u,-* tîday Oune day ia.t w,ek an agent ,a'Ilec Idro W.B. Cr nd dughr Baric 1,rîday i1lubar Iîodge c(uv. Ra to.ifoin ipou tuie buker anîd îîtiýed jfor sahit( 1ai ivil engineering crewv of th 3ii, ate Fe hifm a met of art ione vllonitlrlg fo (ifl %Iiwauke,.. ver,. Liwrt.n ville vi8tors rirîd iswîk wi ak inos1>iîos:lin tR ahn ti i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~'" let1tra.rtrîigtitî.ruîtn tlîr.ugb Kaneas. oi khiaioia. Tîxiss aindlmet. Tue îituîri-s are ni- butlti city' Surîdin. 1prohabfy acrose the i îrder i l xl,îo. banker wan not îuter('nteîil aid said hb lion't expferitlnut eith rfîeap John He especta ta lac g i. ýabou, nt tiri, ilid lot i-ar,- tii lii . ' uf it iin s uui] LI mdiîinem. Iarker: s i guarauti*dîl i unthes. bal the îpropîosition~muid tui,'irent Ntig ,în fr oghm.e. -vde, atarrlî Sunday eveniîg aiit L NIE îlhurch 'I:kuva. iv,. aiiot gît îîîei and heuuatiii For cale ut vonr drug1 day in a :'.r3 ittuîuiri uinuer. . 'i.waitIiiont paying lfîr it. fil >, îî il tak, Il ub 1itier loft for Chiiiago 1 tueuo ii, 1, rendereif ai llii, f so we nîay use youir ilanie v- ber br:ther util the rlal terni:of thte appropriatelt-ai iieiiun i ntey@ peeto :î ft ~laconmi iusinse r.voiîiopvnc. gramn, each nuriilll ii 1,ig resented lui a bandsome lîleees o! furntaroe; t1,, MaccrmacBusiêom I'chol ons. inanuer wbicliî r.Il,-, -(l grpat vredît wbieii the: agent produied eut@ of plein upon tbepparti îaîîntri.. Too,,iiuv fî fluriture taincîl ut friîin $5,11 t, LIFE INSIJRANCEI t bringe relief t. caunot be said i lri ris of tbîî:e n b,,$:10-00 liiii ,-%vre offoed a: a -inî the arrsof berea.eemerit. and bight- dnilled the itil, r ,. sfor tiie. a ayin ideratiîîiifor tiie-une: iftbisn aine. ans the tberteisedeacolae p.tbway. wbich ecdipart n- ilie,red exeiliîili. Tiiiit lool.ei rett - , col)t' ,liit i ied the momuet itii i. training. and notiîiug wroug aboutnv iii E EJUS y With tegi ~.sorder Saturdai ieBikrsc it îirîtlgi b______ ave a packag,i i vi.:rainons Nolini, lier@e te i'r,al pîîîiiii.Fort D oap (Iii,: ,ui..'u itdat h w ai-lu însderat i ,n b:avas as kelt:, sIl thb S AN B O R N dît:, il, , -fba kz k i, - iîoi itii frt,,lii aud mnt rnllii. N .. îi.i, , tniîwi,, hut ii i e rmiî,i l i ibre mi. District Ma...gerl ,~i~ i .a..'f-r iweiiiutnt iii1 tti i a. tiul ne 01.1 Colouy Life lnatrance Comrpany tfor tics,, LaIi i iii trui:t itiýiiiion r1,llth, i l Iiieiii lîseildiui Oltic. ta» i Cieeypciiv2 1 mi i rur. 1111irllb au n ei i i dlPUT $10.00 in my Bank Account every month. IHow much do you put in yours? Ths i i. ow that accotant ba& grown: FIRST YEAR $122.10 THIRD YEAIt $377.40 SECOND YEAR 247.80 FOURLTH YEAR 510.80 A Savings Account makes for Lappineis, thrift and independence. It means cleaner habits, better lives and happy old age. It earns 3 ',while it ac- cumulates. Learn to save if- it is only one dollar at a time. We can help you. Deposit $1.00 and procure a book. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Dbe Yirsi flatonal flack of £ibertypiile (Next Door to the Poet foH: Houri, 8:00 A. M.-4-00 P. M. Saturday Nights 7 to 8.30 P. M. INSURE ÂGÂINST PIRE IN ONE 0F THE XOST RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANiIE8 IN EXISTENCE -THE NýW HAMPSHIRE CharleS D. Proctor, Agent, LIBERTYVILM l , I R.Phoemm164L de Rd e ed be ky it, le ,n it io it ýi arie % n uiiild dclaud thle publlie fiv i liisaki- ofithie preurnîuîîîî i i l il gi ut gîit bii.. [tltitt WLI-11 t iaîuni Th'is kilid ofut iaiîd e ils, fi.i.-ie t lu - ij :riieif i l, iîiiii il gIuz îî1 le ici aliseiof liu.ii(,Ss - îu rtey. ýi in lin, iiuss-,r Oandi agi-it. vriii on i i , u%%if l r1t- ililîe-'ri, atio isiiiv l Yi îîîr 1rwnli. ii.i ,i ftisliut ,ibats ti a lali, i liii liter, s. viii, iii ture i. iiiOait. M. E. Ohlurch Services. or, a. ii t îs: imeeting, Il-v. J. Il. Wh rîipî. r i'OSui 'iS,ait ifi AnLliitîV 1.2 fi.ilBile lvluiil. Sdlib iun. t I . irii. -p, iirtlî Leaguin. 7 30 p. miii ,tIii clog îiles. L. Uliiifîl,. Sil,1 ,Lîîoiljj,îtîiît(. Maudayla. 7 30i, Tevi ier-.'1Train iig ilauc W ei iesîf ai . 7 :u0IriPr ar, iv.- A i i;îîiNotice pe lit rqet Latei 1,. cel-' a duen , iifotr the up,.ecî:of tii, ani, - ili tii:cretary proîiv K lc. (; et i îîr %initdo w sereens a jtfîou t r aitue>-lat thfe HOME Lit, lEuiCOi Episcopal Services St r: ,.: ult tis Episcopal char i i ovry Sut f îy ail f :1 ws: Churceb er: îles at 2:.o l. ni. and Sunday ochool at 3.3<). Res l avcob'ltebbine aI Chi-ago, wili oiiate. C h al1mle r ,C a r s 'Ia re asa fe c-a r Bankinig Service We want you to become acquatited with the fact that we have one of the best eîiippod banks in the counity and it is officered by mensnot by icebergs or niossbacks. We want your bueineis and are in a position to give you prompt and courteotis service Let our bank be yonr bank. Lake County' National Bank Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $87,0OO.OO . "Shw,-oni EYEGLASSES >AM CorrctiyVItmoby Beiwi*k ourA Wu C, A. Beswick, OPIAN LIBERTY VILLE, - ILLINOIS M le Laugbs nt Base% Trahes who owno a coinfortâble homie fa sielter ..ife and chljdreu in turne of fijancial, stress. Its mutel easier t0 weathtîr lte stonni. If yon are thinking of gettiug % piece of property, corne in, )ook over our list, get our prio. e atiltermnd su!we'I1 have vour tîtauks when the leal ies,îcudd We do a General Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Business N V1--F (I1.0I1)D A. R. Schnaebele & Co. Real Estate, Mortgage Loans and GENERAL INSURANCE Luce Building PHONE 18 Libertyvifle, IDI. Vour Vacation Needs in the Wearable Line Middy Blouses. handsomne garments in regulatio n idkdy style, made of good white drill, collars and trimminge of Galatia, 2 styles of these at S100 and $1,50, SA t rercerized blouse waista for outing wear, »Ade of a pretty silky material in natural pongre color with collasof contrasting shade, 3A4 siceves a cool and cç>mfortable garment for $100. Subonnets made of pink or blue gingham e ach 20c. Auto Bonnets the vet'y latest and a reai protection troim the dust made of grey duster çloth each 50c Summer weighls ila hosiery Our lines of white and tan goods are very good. aleco somne excellent nugmbers ;n light weight blacks. W. W. CARROILi & SONS CO. TWO STORES I DMI TIlA I.S 1 lul a

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