Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jun 1912, p. 6

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CUIRISTIAfr4?deNCIPt sS indlavuliereth Ptenty .1ol wtsdhmrpr.,Ild ..k. 11 P":Wuithappy, sue wiab ltthiuastic C. O. P. IXeeUng-Lpe. Clan o1Candidates thst eventsof1 VM naus would octur frequentty. Ail ta ail. et Vran au ejoy. XIntodei by Illinois State Court Degree Teax-.d- ale aud areblrooeit v eer to lie fargotten. Belote boidornetI drewse by Hon. 'Wm.IF. Ryan, Stat. Chie! Ranger, waasreeolved to makes et.mud effortte se s uother elage of atletat and Other Distingn"sed lorutere-Sooial Under llteen candidaflte l hie close u*f tige content, J une 8oth. Auspices o! Ladies Alter Clam Adoption Lant Sunday. A F.wWords Aiout tii C.O.F. _______________The Catholie (rdî,t' <A Forestere wus organlsed Moi 24. 188M, and basé this Let >uuday. J une 9tli, waa certainly consent of the individuais, wh:ch coulti day the largeat.litur"ue nembirhtp of ared..etter day tor Forescers of ourlt lte obtaineti in the short ie an>' CathOlie frtea intsurance societ>'b bea tful crivnglitietoun hicb ban alowed the writer of this artilte. nainel>', over 150000, beeldes tu gréai beautifl, hriinglitle ownw Ilitils tat Cort egre Tam uuuber of bhonora(soci(al) mriers. in3creaset isttpopulation 10o0, la l tlpotSttheutDere sm it bus oçnt1780,Bubordoste Courte; ta tant decade and ito, business enterpriâe The' abpve-u3amed teani iitiate th ie orgaises! la ivreut>'-sl states ln the .m tutreetnse of candidates aud exemplittsd the U. 8.and elgiti Provinces of Canada. sdierssproiiortiouatety. Chritian principle af the ordr-*l'hch TLhs apPrdkintta moÙut of duatb Net on21Y are %bd afficem saud »Entiers le unquestionabl>' beautifuil, instructive beS!. colwlectdai .uce date of organisa-U t otse lucal Cout elated in conhequeuce andi ediyig-at town hall, 'a-P.ID tien ts $18,000.00000, wilst theé el the @uecffhel ceans ieicationebutof g ffi ersdayd'appraiite aulount patd ont atngt T! thtanincesefulclaeei ofiatinerbutsud olusunday.perlr d iite *5,250,000.00. t0 thstats court offiteers of the Illinois menibers of St. Elizabeth Court. Nu. 22, bas a tesrie funti oz over $2750,000. jurtedtctton of the erfer, Ry. Wm. J. Chcago, the' largeot lu the' order, havtug Ths appraxtisate amounit of sick and Kinseeta. tee, thie worthy pastor of St- 1000 11nem1bers. a&pproattatet>'. Thé fuperal beuite pald b>' ubodlut. .Joseph's chfteh, id bighty Pleaeed anud persounel o! the teain te: PatrtcktWatib. Courte te $8.000,000. Evéry titmate igratifiod, for it vas hée who inaugurate<t chtef rangr Johne Walsh,, vice oble! daim te Prempti> pald and lu ttlut! gtitimorement, sometimo st.t:ranger; J7tý. Rurtubse, set chistm g.eit hébiand thé oot e<A t~cs&KI, nimbrferl ranger; Wi. V. O'Cnné . senior ths sazue lovwest, duril>'1910 bi i" mtmmerpl t, > , whc caductor; tBernard Sehuniacher, junior 52ofer pet nmita.'and! duran 1911 I Çùr o 0 ,a. mrs ilwih odco;Peter J. Johmane, asstnt (eu The~)6 e t*av 1géa a m org anse i ser em be s, e,we&la s deatit graié, lé oy %l.asIsteS b>'ese--"o ou'local Egîrdtsea o téDal poli"té60 eissud er $M.* 41*l0S Thé exerekeseof theéday weft *e umsss$IWO00sud *2000. Au a »tuae ratseu ih@ He hCourt anud the lýitI@Statesaud partcipats<1lu >à in , eéemée(N .C. eihypy 't>ot1t.tvidodtflg ta the usquet <A Ryau. Bats Chie! Ranger, -Geffl bmutahai .hâa eadoptés!, ta go mto 1114. Fat lier Kîneetta sud carryiqtug ont1<b>, Lswnda Court, N'o. 689; gon,.@etc Janusu>' 1. 11>18, ai vhlch tîme \ toeSYMtle tnPlan Of organIsttion vont, ThPo. F. Pronîx; Thon. M. Mcîty.'ethe age o! eutry' wtlt hée 18to 50 >'era, \mit tate Oganiser Thos. P. Mintré J. E. Rurtubise andiOea. -if, tlamilter iut6ad Of 18 ta 45, as nov lu force. of Micao, to Llhertyrie lu the early 'sito a rgaulers sud audisoréanti Jue. J, Al'istbé e vll hé Do hasardons claie * ýmgo te year ter the pur"asofa Eltas of Court No. 1577, ail of Chcago. ater Januar> Jet. Thé rate of auiées- tiga pssibte inrease o! member- Vlettangoffice.'. ans! maember@ of euh- meut te basnédst émeof cuIr>', dechireti = ah[ptu Court No. 1580. Howver, th ardimate Courts surrauuding Liberty- VO hé aholutel> gale sd sounu.- aiseuent veather, bad roade suad vIlle, usuel>, Nos. 5s, waukagau; 61, The. RigitCourt Offices âare §ti228 liayorable condtionss caneet a depla>' Gnose Point; 64, Harvard; 66, Morto tock Exchange Bulding,' Cicago. lae snudorcakiug. Oro"e; 81. Eveeett; 96, Johneburg; 137, untier thé direct eupervilietof o Tho& . R Later ou $tâte Organizer and Auditor BIglé; 18, Buffalo Grave; 224, artý Cannon, igit chier ranger sud Thae... Ofse. M. Steînmiller of Chigana. as lsM:281. Vote; 245, Elgrin; 59 P. MeDnld, htgh sécretar>', bath of delegatei ta undertalie thee au. An 'MBnry; 740. W. Meflen'-;84 whom have beau ropeatedly ce-ritel to. oumeting01 hVi ourt ivas arraniges! Hightand Park; 955, DesPlIneus;-'1262, these -retctlve offices M.'acaneo 1,atwh peiiur'stp eeWuesu 58 skgnad 1629. wee irot eSiged B. C. R, te 1894su taien ta organise if possible,' a laie of'North Chîcaglo. Grolié Point a][une meut Mr. MeDouald inl 1903 as higb secretar>' twent>' candtdate@. Again dela>' was tweetyvIe or more ForestersThé tIlinois Jurlédiction eperenced Prinal>' ater patient andti iedostbese were the' ofiers andi le th oldeot andi largeerof courses aud iserilirent effort antd overcomiug many monemtsare of the local Courtaud membens itt preset meuiberdhlp le 45.000, obotacleo, th demireil as a vs, rgan- affltateti wJtb other Courte, but reoidtug approxintel>'. Its @tate court officesâ ligted. wth promioesof man>' more néw lu Libertyville andi victuit>'.1 are at 1329 Stoick Ezhanue Building. aember belageeécured- beore the clse Rer. Wm. Eluéella, pafftor of St.: The juriadition te, preieldt orer by ai t%@ pret rnmberollip conteet, Josepheo chnnch, particieti andi logeti the Hou. Wtt. F, Ryani. S. c. R., andi Jube 30th. thé. meeting vitu praPjr andtisaI MAr. Nicholas V. Fischer,.@ste ecretarv. DY>'thse Initiation aud acquisi tion of favoreti the sie vith ai. enthusiamtic tu i charge il the t.fice anui dtait work. 'iIs clse of candidates, St. J oseph's aidres. The board meetit rigularl>' once eauh COMi, NO. V580, Libertyrille. enjoys Ait r tjie exercsea at tovu hall the, tnonth tu traàMiet routineanti neceasar>' g« 2' lcese nIsrýdain f FreterpgerntleeciatMets nd;e bunsinesatsiico-niriut I"b120iucrestsed ..4î t suanof titeti eaiet.e mn , diate atis y n i@ a femad 110111raY (mil) emers 'aud wbat hall. tehere a enniptuou@ banquet',wae presence geulal per@tunalit>' anitifllei 1l"lie nodoutgrativiug to the "srveti li the ladies untier the' directn intelligeuce. He is; e recoguiseti leader,1 fil he actthlt te ûýrff âg ifof rs. Robert Sctt. chiot rangeraif the' who bas heem known for many y.earw as c b» thsé1ev ineurance inembere ia a local Court of the' W. C. 0. F. She vas a trong, illuetial adrociata ofut t*ena aven tw«nty.lire 1ars. aqsstted b>' Mesdames M .1. Detletu, iraterual ineurance orlons, always an T1 1 e, Young bloot i tlî Inflsegeife Joaet)h Bechler. T. tiibboue, Jus. allequate rate expounder, and holdmie 4e~tiie local court no dauht, chus Gueti, Heur>' Lawreuce. C. Eamet. J. mniuberphtp ilu the Royal Arcalluin,1'ovteg thé soclet>' Ulimericaîl>', Wolf. S. Dub&. Ueo. Carsi. Bert Kreée, North Aierican Unton, Modem od Illib"IalsIansd iecalI tet the sattefac- Peter Mnwes, Adeline Pet4tr.' John Imen oi Amten-a, Rotyal LeagueW. ulbt Mfflal ocved Dolleurnaler, E. Doute>' anti Mise Mary of Columbus anti Catholic Ordir of l>W8Voatestablished rumb. th,' Humphrey. Fo)restere. He r-. an suterprisirinratsud oi'.is dciedta grvetht' lamues iof thring thé' banfiupt the social progfraul pule-spiniteti citizen. He hemi emoidaos orpublication wtlxout1vas lu enfer, ln thé coums of which partant positions lu the emploi o th Î. w-RD JÎ 0F *w4gm ,or i'RoopaSS POÇIRELK«IRIC O-Itos0P, GII~PS. LIBtITS; LIMINOUS COMOASSE Oo.i.2 - - SmltJP ies Oneîêiird e lex rivr ta ta hb. tickes! Malý ilts Nev #ppllgnces Mad equll>UOutam ppiasi nov beqgturatised ta tise Voit* TboalsiuieaithetMlasfsIme Ufl ei stuIo! ih, .nd a gouga topfathe. héyear *lth a alilos iartt>or hia- .States a-vulmy. ÉI ltité3d vltisglu- yedalitiaprov fd as rWéd.. d1e4% Of g9uMefléï, aSwodlng tu word tqthi.toom te ieldîs!vîtigu sétole. A pelte1141asIrons «ee rocelvetl b>' Dty Qame Werdou g~ » lant, tise Maxim ileucer, the, 0*a"v0ifé Qa frle # s! Me =t4i 1er ad oxteéloa e tatéitr âÏsau Md eê.tgr orr. vtsobuaicharge ' î#Ehl iàsonrtit. _autosel. sclsnq fneun sd oticer t» os Masoof etfiulsissi . L 1.>i B>' tRyuring vlsicitisa h.srn con n ut.emate, lnclilu equtismeat. the War Depertmnt la bot Qmals. -d lr'rea sait stp arted i éiuroe n eoVs qt bard ta 96 haiadecoin tu t- LAie. Horeaftr cavait>' troapers ara Vo is e-ene M Ud seSmédbghise gtaS- et t1~B. ISuIIbak Foee ususuku Toud- of black-base, pke andi équipmés! ltb pocket Oelecl ghte s u11l ms dpeio oina Duosinher and Mo li pretcd law il, Chueguansd *'As lut antbuw troust wtt! ho sent ta hlm sads11121111161113field compese, 'li ThéedlWa tte ..,rMas ans littueltty Frote,.itîngAttuol?,Re.h dlvM," .urgs n suheé"tlytl nbarked ln thé pinttnaSman for tise rivera ln hie district andi beyasstit ta i-Ota ho adted ta the 0. Ks! b6y thé 8O"ue m051150land ans bôi -sinîne huluse us!.' te Fz rverwtt chr. énéons>' fltt'ooptéis eilprent. n tiat. lu stect. valsate aodsudraivuou tis@ reepsU. arnd naseo -fndutkubu-limes a,uterteov rvrwl hri eeosl nuniora.d, ho yul ho as efficient as Au tIn ire o 0a1spegituofo! >alutnlé. éd' 5004 Shrman treet, Lhicsno. fne bu th cotuQutounSaVela luko I heti rassètent reelectes! Altiéran $let W'é ttairetsMyof thés. fls .ont ao Velue' In Foeiagn servie. Waees 4oit Co. gsollé. $ ..026 85 thé 4 rt -Yad u nappointes! chair. tisé river untl tise>'hommne a certain F.B.Wtioupunlg.......... 58 Du. ta t,. e eteuded nées! for foré-. n.s . ,sm ......... 440 a» af! thêcommtteou oinenn g ai., theé am belug ta conserve N I gn service oitlthe Part ofthVitrcopi. antse J tec.....i..W,,. 169 21 cssdtably ailthebsti nît ie andft P lss t .o! Lust umtni nt 1-st, ho hsibsheens au1h.file.o us fli t htis a.a" de pndes- trtsii t #b 00 reeI5, aunoumiy vs.oleted stats -May 'and! June are claied mintisi, an tath su î..r obl ta The . £ -drsag -.........0... G7 citte tais.erda!tht' Illinuill StAte Court, for seîulng as! net flahtng I lîn 110,1Unî tes StaVse le --king sztenuiv as!- ...rJ .. 175 C. Ao s t.,he Un ecdttin oe lua90. acptla héPurpose of 'eTi~ng dîiUo» to'tise fisit canvaitencea of aueSEjs.plc.......... 2 00 sud the. ihitui tne (a chares> A Uilitnwwsfor bit.tetoipr.2 i.l, lar, sta>'......6500 Boltord tu f te 4"rSte guidanse o! Isiserme ,Mr 4boré.Pies ali' s eIs . 2") Pftmatlei.'vlV.u" tlts liasr bu aue pDertieut extrade ai Ir - it 'r ma"'OsiT. 1200-.Sa oees edoiska i au.uesaué l<> Id efsk. itl leDrar.wl ~'~l.T~ Sfl r " lt e ti on f lli . " a oi tis "fai î w m m ander a pochet w tt le U e lls t, 5 Lt»- 1 u . w lk n ai Omti theO f t* %h lw Po'tua«Im. og and! caverei ,,M dubl . A#»SéDis, e.wilkreballe...0 ids tbViit eFUof le l sl ise or velalit esse vok.,....18ma a u sinater prescribe . My>' le or th&a vW îit> i bol ~ il o....-... 0 cnCtairaisor kîlloti witb booM uns! i 'i.>,ed t~hat tise ligbt nl h. use- guuaranutsd *#M0ovard the 'mstàS s» t 55>7tisas;,bblack batseIl Inch- tu tatroop coman4çm St- draintu rJrain1PEUsuét ta 111cus as;viite and dtrIped bas, 8 Incises; Ing niglit opurattons itit ther troops Aller Ob stdW ea h via o red b>' rock base, 6Il lehs; cropple, 8 is- or een ineient lgist operation. os u teeidg effsprirte VM;lito.perch on watt eyed pîre. 13' ia naean un dsac -opoeltana!hs AMdt ID Utov laceil; ickel 18lahes hitan.151, .xslnng crosstuge a" ibanIts of CautiilJIvotiit a>.. ads;Germeant carpi, 16lucbee; wn streasugbefors fonflus. .Mored b>' tlkks ad Clevetand! that ouh, 6 inise; bIne or cihimnnet cat. 13 The lgista ta ho supplIes! bave beu th Merédit FloUer sMd VegeIhie 0W. tachs; bultheas cet, 7 incises." o c0 re as a h pref aa êt héb@ saweod t Put tuta fout inch taip VO Ai t, té ste o fias tsa lv eys:thé e wto.'main for vater sUPPlY. Au o.te sleof oisth la sas:weathsr sud tropcal teuiPegtnts. Carries! ail rotins aie. -¶t ssho b unlawful et any tta.. ta Us.o ne Luninous Confl$Issss. The &annuat approprititon ordînasc saili or oSrer or expose for mile or bsave Tise lumiluons campasse ara ta hé knov mas No. 223 v.. rés! sud panés ln Pousemilt or antisa puPase o<il 5- isueil io eacisreginsontal ands quas- un motion a! Boyes sud TrIis vislci lng an>' bIakse . o,5,plIespîckenul. o.'rau issadquarl.ers, ans! tieir nie ls ta carrieti. Ail vottng aie. iptlke-parcb, damnant>' kuovaas vaîî. guida (roulisacrose a dr anti un- Atovney! >' cUuths u Clertn!ttu eyad pîlte, S, jak an yellIowsaîtiti. kuovu country et nlgbt. Tise UnlVod Atraa r>' MeeumfohéItmuctaY Ragitiatlons o! shîpmeuè of finis for States té hart' tolowlng tise example ciment valit on te anethisîdo 09ai t. sala la regulateti as follown b> '- o f aio.' rcounitries vhlch have sîre"at> treetfions Ailwauter Ave, ta the iMmm. Geo. M. lelAuil.-. hicao. tateVln 13 a! thse law: "IV sisal!l un-afioptoti a campas oftise luisinone Fétrpuety Crt Itvtntae Olrgaser aid Auditor lawvltuil oseil!or aioSfer for sale tp. .M4ou bu Fahue noti Baytj e tioa As hoe de!lins ie )iv. th.wr, shor îptuient bt e h >'pda f Th opesJ.r hal usitusI.tMot'eu théweotfe!mtin or thie doge" îfora î.i. v otspi Ma>'andthie lest day of! ml>'of oaci tisraugisuse et cytte. an Engliislun- vater vîilhéu iut off. Carnes! aIl th prenst Mtne, m e iail1lut saY thet year an>' fisi or frog canght lu an% vention made tuminone b>' radium anti rating &o. hniixwip paiet.nakiiifort titl ai othie waters untier the jurledictlon tie effetene>' of the tievîca bas ieen irt b'iolnune n! lmot nuttnig d utsjfinancelieoitiel. 'As 1cert - aprlaeth-sneadvi.a!o Vils state, exceptlng tisat vhitefloh, teeted at Rock Ilans! and on a 500- chat the fnne au invmlustiaate him succoeselu bim future nudertukîngm, Itrout, longjaws, chube black finuansd 1I.1mlle icemarci. Tise surface o! tht' cuAv*t o! ta>uall sud oeo wré yatisê weat'au trnze bas Lprrte ppleof Av 0 Westr a t per fo wlinc ettni sa h u rsaierbshemntng tua>' hosols! or shippes! of-, tecompotsa tesais! ta hé pertectly eseet on C. A. Apple> property>. Beis eeI*ially grateful o taler.Fath Ç, r fores! for Frc'Pr i"- e'nt. u rti tr lurmiro're. ansI It la claî-npdti hat there artlatvtt.5>. 1dK tbl her taswer l>inleiu. fiepiitv 1cl for shîr' ent he'wccn thre iret day, le nu (iiminution o! this qualty alter tioquseti frai thé iemet vetore st Hluh Clief Ratior AMoore for tht'e lot Daemiser.ot an>' ycar ans! tis finoiconstant nie, anti refonreti totireand vaterî-ummittfe. pi v-uumngemott antiý-ertu giron i Vi ý Te meeting thon adjourueti to J une n àtise iiimaCin of abiA catio0 u j day o!. No ebr of the sueneas!ng Thens lesanme taIt o!fslng tise 201 b. futI>' littatet la t Iaact oo. year 1saine materl lfor application ta dises.r E.'H. COSLa'rr. Clent. To offset the fà'1-sé-reports which are being circu.lateçl for the" purpose- af influencing investors, against our company, 1 wish to make-the foiîow- nt sworn statement: -That our inanciaI statement issued leI*luarg ,192 which was made up by R. P. Schnaebele and Wma Newton in a ves'g conser- "Vative manner and onlg the actual figures tpken into accont was. - a = - = - A~sets Liabulities $219211-79 169136.76,' -.Showing over 50 perctent. of an act'uall"gaio. Orcmpv ia eer borrowed. moneyp for which to peu tbeir interest and the interest *as taken from the actual.earnings of the plant, and we have a good surplus to pay more., Everg dollar that lis been paid into the Treasu' urq of this compangj has been invested in thé building of same and our books are open to ail stockholders and intèreésted parties. We do not figure our business as assets-...and the $2 1,2 11.79 is ini actual buildlogs and stock, of the l --- and everg dollar invested cao be realized for the lovestor, which absolutelq cannot lie done where a business is l'gured as assets. Our busness for t, e month of May shows $Z,500 over.and above all'expenses and our plant to-dag is absolutely sound and far1 from borrowing 'money to pay interest;' as represented. J. E. MEREDITH,'President Subscribed aod[swore to belore me this 11lth dag of June, A. D. 19 12.- Flora A. Staplms Noterg'PubIIc ~reithFIower& LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS F"bore 7 tire Lira mod Lube ha bu1 vle- FI 'Il. FO- ba Dow tio Libe - FOI -thés Api rr

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