News of IFFICIS TO WAUKRAN l~5 C.&M.OFFiCIALSTOCONSIO5R >RO~O8iTiON SUBMITTED BY e" ~'ÇMMIS8IONER ORVIS r - V. Oreis. dÔmmlBIlOnOr 0f ptbilc p1~f0OrtY le wilhlng to grant lie c~lcago ~ Mlwsnkee Eiectrlc railrond a fiffir ~,er franchise. If tiiey wUl r ape. U~ move their genersi offices anijaStus to Waukegsn add agre. to pà~ *elr saseaunent et 14,O0O for tii. Marlon atreet paving contract. ~, A3~ougli It la doubtisi if eue ceuld 1141 ~flOtbet comml~si0ii.r who la wlfl. '~'~ leg lb tek. this stop, J. Floyd Cllnoh tue eau whe muet O. K. every requl dttoa for tii.. expeuditure of rnoney k~i Ugreod ta brln< titi offer to tiR ~ StbOStIeS 0f tii. reorganlzatlon eorn ~ ~kf0Rr4Ich b. la tii, iiee~i. iue.thandwheiithOf U6I~ 0f titi conipen>' mugt abandai ~ tbIIrWIteISEIgIIWOOd ,eek mon ~WL 'A teilow cau't get any thing t~ set. Tii. mite et the generai offIce uM ail rigit when It oceupied a mIs Mas -l~ tii. mldd3e o! the hue, but in tarer of Ifs rernove.I ta Wauk~ .~ <ga," nid Mr. Jobneon to a SUN n F~ U0*toe. ¶11e sonupan>' vould requtire a tweu- ty~ Nero mite sud fie commusatouera ~Waukegau viii use their inilueuce te tas-suade lia marniiers et lie Net-fi- r ~ Illunola Induatnlal sasoclatlou ta vM~a boue te.' tii. gouenai offIces est bain. o! 1h. ceaimai'. f4 s. freo site vas effered as an un- ~ioes'emf K>', Clinci belleve. lie r.- fipsaUmaflon comeulttso vonld cpusld- ~'% pmpemlttou cf titis mIni-e. - 414e rosserai o! tii. acceral officie - d~w bei-us cf lii. coupan>' I. fils Il is eetlmated, vould steve * trou nertii abore levas. - - *~' Resuima Fer Change. lis aabonaoemeent cf fi~ jBans geupsa>' for citatulna tii le- et tiiel>' pow s lite 4e. ue.'Ica. censt~em, t, lie t0~b~uleaferu ceci mmd. realarka made eudals Il la net bcyosd nef tie ,robalilljfy -' ~ de. ~hiie heatien. lb. coupas' bas i-.eel viiefas tii. plant nov K I - E la sud lie>' etunot gat u-e. ¶ust 15 di. ornaI predlcaimelll the ceamena Another Important reou 1~ fiat ti. location cf lue ~laves atation le met as nemi lite cuite.' cf lie systesu as 1h. officiais destre. 'rite>' preter I s site near Wmnkegan viticli le about I midvay b.tve.n Mîlvanice and Clii- cage fi. norti md senti tenuntuale 0f fie syctein. Tii. brlnglug o! lie pover station ta fila locailty vould be a big ,fiilng for tue f hty. lu tact. It vould mess more ta tii. clty than lie average tee- tory lu the long ruin, Whtie Waulcegait wôuid hall sucii s change. It vould rnean lie ruluatteit o! ttlgbwood mc f ar as fie buslae.e et thit cit>' gees. Tiie puas>' plant le lie on, melueta>' cf Highwood tada>' meelua that about everythîna elme un * bumineas ilue bas renwved from Ils bordera. Tii. location o! tii. peWer -plant ai Htgbwood h muci tint It taie. tel long te send cars ta lie uertii eud eset monulua, heur. tii, argument o! ina - Ina iii. etation as unr tii. cents, a, Waiukegan le approved. WILL BIJILD S25,OOOIIOMI S SEING SUlkY ON THE LOGE 'OU HiON CLIFF OVERLOOKiNO LAKE MICHIGAN. ~*IHEN COMPLETEO iT WiLL Di ONE 0F THE REAL BEAUTV SPOTS ON NORTM Si-IORE. A residence that viii munpaes I beaut>' md ua'efuluesm the paiatla.l rer Adence o! J. Ogden Armoun ai Lah Xli., us beîng erecied at Rugi Iand Park. Iii., for E. V. Pnlce. il multi-mIlIiOflaIi'e clolilen o! Cilcago. Tii. rnamrnatb resicleuce is bele couetrucied on tii. banka o! Lai Micilgan lu Hlghlaud Pari. A ceati>' cernent retalling val> beina mut ah lie edge et tiie iii cllff vhlcii ceperates Laie Michîgi ftpm fi, remlde*ce5 o! huudred.s Chlcago's rnIhhIou&li'ei. ArtIitIc terraces vbich viii be dec ratod viii several speclea et Ire vil lie made lu front e! li. resîdent Flever gaiuleuts et exceptlitual beau have been laid ont b>' fie arciitect. Tic resideuce lise>! composes t lateat Ideas cf beant>' and neetuine it viii b. o! fie latent desigu. cou. at>'nctuure md vil ceaI $250.000. 'vi ,t Miss Ut ~~ast yaera, 4 - ~wt~s .~. ~ 'u fie US~ ~ b&Vlfl% ka0id4I~ .4 ' t t. ~*.ttii.~setbIç1i* et t~ U[IIJ lb. d~y ..~ ~g$t wliea b. taIle4to Medavitus. It 4 101é hO - K>'. Wrid*~ whmn h. kuew liât fie ACTION 0f ifl0gP~iMNT AL0k~. émaNe. ts*$'set lb Ui çoprta Mid ATT~ReIJfty MAtES CHARGE lwor1!tém~ va. vloiatlnff 15WL~ MIN 41 *tOIXPECTEO TO iiave tue maisisi msadamusa.4 frem AGAINIl' 3IM ANO 18 TQLO I4ttJ* o *Ortalice vas aceehiiPIISi. ~AUE Ar NKW WAfi THENI .liforet.g 1t.e Tiie lsd.ii.adEalN are lb u STATSMVITI8UNTRUE od b>' tif ~s~bueeIouère. Tii. m#er - faeor of enfoeclng tie orulnaNOo 4 Thal ~ - Mr.yAt*b.rl quarreled OF Suai 'rie PISISaN O1 Iii otdlnmiiC. by tb* vIl figit mat as bard ~so tut a Idg iirtn~ iminulea, 'Burina ~1> ~ ~ Ziot Oit>' teoncli Mouday uiabt h ol. ctruggle sooma Inovltabîe. Wauioe~an, laid Atheet N.lsofl, 5 P' Mr 5~ Qjf$~ dnvor.4 te officiate p.c*(i%1 f0 dUr ui~ afreah tiie Ziai> CII>' lice office>'1 te diBrUguté fie erdera of as 'ti'e opve ~e pence." va>' 504 deveioprnents ma>' b. ex- CELIUATES UER hie ehl.f~ Cari Attei'b.ry, snd witli. "j d4fl~n4 fiat this oetrndli ~ peoted ~B 0000 tii. tii cIt>' inafeiDJ 0f msmsuaaiw ii draw 'from 1h. corngr cf Waahlngteft' te orde,,";*s±tso lir, Orvia aevuaJ Zicil 4~itybqlnî ta carry ont tii. lu- 51V115D81 aad *pri~g mInbets sud lb,. permit ~ strucAlopa given huit b>' tii. conneli lu - tour A. Fldniol(e te operat. hie m*iedii Ofl Tii. ceuniS 414 pesa tvo lii. 5ev or4laano. vbli~i antherlsea ~ dagdite>'5, elilit grand- W i SujidalP i. direct diaciedisuca to 1h. ment ~~-utian-a. j tue iWsial t. tear dovu ai bulletin dulîdreix aad j~WO great gland cilidren h et fie stafe cf minois sud lb. One vas Sp.' tii. ba>~iOVerneRl5, ,A aadmlgra.teocrde lu Zion CIt>' md ~ at ber BIde, Mra. S. E, V51145UBI*, a ordiflalice. et tii. ait>' cf Wauksgafl, lustlng et ~a~nkotes. tii. coustruCtlOOfO enter bouses and taie placarde pioneet rectésit 0f Wankegaa cale- vas tii. .eertlon niade by Wauke. et uew ce*cii basins, cnrblug, trou tii. windows. bcetd ber 93 birtida>' an iWaiW7 St * gana commigeleuur 0f public saisI>' and papfag ~ Clallon ~ ~ A jiertien of section 16 cf tii. nov ~ reelr.uce cf ber daugilse', lire .7. * t. fi. oit>' oquncU.filonday nIght. ceit et; ~ ~ ~. __ cedinasue. which shows wlaat ii. et- W. ~5~821 Siiecean placa, Mcm. ( "Tiats a dehubeilte 11.." tet0Tted for lie iv~tng cf court at a teot viii b.. le as tollova: d5~, JtmO 10. Kayor Bhdingel'. -~ cf s1.I10~0. Bath ordlaamucucf "Ail bull boards. aigu heerds, pie- At fie 41550.' 9sit7 BeIYé4 SuSIu>' 'i)tdu't yen parade tii. streeti 0f ~ ~ g~ lu ~ ~ carda orolrculmrs, ar.cted vithin ~î. tour gU~UtiQPB vere vepnaeitted' h Wnnkefn aud tuB lii. Balcon ke.9eT5 office for paliflo tii~p.ctlon. coriiorate limita et tii. Clty 0f zion >~>'~* S. N. Mineke>'. a 4ea.bti'. WiiO _______________ lu mci a manne>' as te espOsa tii. useiglai af Cetocea. Oua.. vas ks cmi>' fiat tii.>' .conld reinatu open If tiiey ber>'?" sbouted May.1~ BIdingor. edene te pubilc ,lsv, contamIna yul- rete.êul*UV6 cf tii. Leur genemtlefls I elected yen couiiétadloiie>'. lir. Atter- A.NOhlR 'gare r ludecent language, deunucia- vagi 'ras not preseut. tii. people that BUILDING t4~>' r.muta. .ic*.. Mus. Vandausti bas mcd. Wauk.- 'Dldn't yen propulse ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gan i.>' home for tii. put seventy you v0fuId devote yauj entlrd~tiine and E efforts te tiie posItion it ti'.~ eîectmIl WORK ,WWL. ROT SE PL.ACEO UP. at tie follevers cf Wiubur Glenn Vol- Y~5->'5- yen, Mr.' Attnb.ry? corne, teil ~ ~î ON TH% MARKET U NTIL REX>' iva wiio have erected about tbree Sue taies great deligiit lu reedîn: MONTH, PENHAPO LATER. thoussnd pladarde In tii. front vIn- the dail>' papera, et wiilc~ tii. SUN Is dova et their bornes. Tiiese placards ou. of ber favorites. and lu veli poil- "Oh. the.t's a tiluL c~ fl~ p~ ADOiTiOfIAi, APPROPRIATION 0F centalu tii, tollowlng inecription An ed ou ail tii. happenings et tii. day, ~ aunveygd Mr. Atteduery. $MO SUCURIO AS PREOICTES large typa: - Aitiiough 93 yeara et age, Mr5. Van- - "Ôiir7~5 liste a thinz et tii. put; SATUSOAT UN THE 8UN. "Zien Cît>' vas fouuded for Zion demari lu ail, W rend for a great , your lust avingina over lu ~ - people oniy. inqulrlug visitera cordi- leughi et tlmn. vithout tii. aid et ber ~. thst'a viat le tronbilng von." resleud- 'n. hope tius± vite vork upon fie ~1i~ velcorned aud siovu every cour glasmes. Le ed the mayor. proposed federal building lu Wauke- ~ Tobseco, lutazlcatlns liquorv, But receuti>' mie finlsiied readina Tus diaceura. vas proitipted viien gan rnlgbt b. started at once, lu net dactors. drugi. garnbulug, unclean food "StOddO.rd'i Lecturee?' ~g Mr. Attenber>' deuiaiidod fiat the cor- te b. i'eSllSed as tue statemeut 15 and ail vIces strlctly prohiblted. Oth- Mus . Vsndernank's needie von ~, povatlon cOituSOl palS ludaornent on made at Wssiilngton tumi lu an>' event er titan ZIon farnillea rnust net corne Would do credit te an>' dome.tic Bd- fi, rnayor'a act cf grautina a saloon ~ Ig4e vifi nat b. cailed for befora har, te ~ once teachar lu tii. Uulted BIaisa. le liceome ta Mn. tinula Hntii, atter he, morne titi. neat moutb. Thîs means Tii. resdlng o! tiie ordînance wae Tii. ciilldreu. ~b lAttenberi') bas refueed ta sauctlon that it viii lue corne Urne lu Auguat the sIgnal for an irnenedlate proteet 'Mus. E. Yeoman. o! Wankeaau. Mus. un Ibm set et lleeuelug lie Bote> Eduuund before the bide eau be opeued sud tii. ou ibm part et tii. three tbeecratlc J. W. Richards et Weatlcegan, Mus. S. 0f as a salooli. centniet awsrd.d. 'nuls vouid mdi- membeus 0f the councli but lu spîte cf N. Mîneke>', (I~toema, Okia.. Mis. C. Tii. mayer heM tiat h. md Lite cnt. tiat lp ail probabîliti' It vould the oppc.ltlou the ordinance was W. Vaudemari. Wauk.gsn, Mus. w. fl. e- nlgit te grant lie liceuse, luasmuci be toc lai, lu tiie seamon ta aigri work passed by a 7 to 3 voie. Wiider. Watertovu. S. D. ee as tii>'.. q< tii. fiee oornmlasiOuere iiad and ~ weuld have ta b. poati~ued ta h la predicted liai as moon as lie Tii, grand cilidren: i.. muctloueb lie sot. Tii. tire. mou lie followiug Spvlug. a' maniai b.glnm w enfonce the ondi- Mn. sud ~lrm. Ned Yeoman. t>' vhorn the mayor reperted as iiaviu~ The architecta. Wyatt aud Nelilng nauce, there wlii be a generel nlot. It Mr. aud Mus. Olubent Richarde. sanctloued duo mot vere J. i. Blet- 0f Baitimere. Md., mubmiited their h thougit ubat the Theocrata viii ho Mn. Walter~ Vandarnari. h. \m.3~er, Zimer V. Orvla md J. 3'. Bîdîn. pl~ md dedans te lie officIais at lnmtrii~ted te keep hein doora loclce4 Tiie Misses Ma>', Meleu aud taunS M. g.>'. Wamhiugton, morne utile Urne ago, and and ta loeep ont tii. martial, Vaudornani. uni Mr. Attenbery Iualnuated tiat Mr. believlng hbat fit. van vould nov Il is sait tiat guards valu be placed The great grand-chlldn.u. Hufi bas officlated b. an agent fer be nusiied. flue SUN vrete ta Waab- about iii. bla sigubeards go uhat they Deroti>' sud Ghîbent RIchards, Jr. lngtou, luqulrina ~e statue cf affaire. ____________________________________________________________________________ Tii. fehic'wing latter vas re0eived te-' e f day frorn lie supervîsifla architeot: "Wasiingtou, lune 8, 1912. - "ilditar Bail>' SUN, "Wmnkegan. lilluols. "itefernlug te yOur lutter o! lie isi laffaut relative ta te pregreme b.lng usai. on lie plans fer lie public bulid Ina lu your çlty, yen are salvimeai tbat fbe dravinga sud epcelflcatlons have been roceivill trom tii. architecte and are nov beina ciieckod lu tus office, and It le beltved fiat lie von viii - probsil>' laoed on fie mariet viii la the nexi menti- "3. K. TAYLOR, S T "supernsing Archîtect" On Isat Saturday nlgbt du. SUN de-, biered fiat lu ail probubllity an extra tii. oncued ~ f.4gn - C veulai be added ta ~ai huaulduna, bringlus fie te Ut tbla a.uo'uIxt 810.060 viii for ti. .11. and lit. reuêinhui 480,000 for lie ceet et fie buildIng. - -' -. amenait lu nov ~ecured. Tins. -lie citi' vil iave a boiter building flan bcd been planued tiefose. Juat ~ Wlueu von viii be atarfed, hovever. la seenethîna fiel ne eue s.erns te mev. TW~ IMPIANS Tht COW.BOYS ANO CoW-GIRLS TII! BIJCKII'IG BRONCOS TII! TRIC1< RIDING TIIESIIARP ~I1OQTUNG - TUE ROP1NG LASOOING TUE ROPE SPINNING TUETURILLINGATTACI< ON Tilt DEADWOOD C~>AiU TUE WE~ EA!H iiEeW.'TUP 1W .~. J w~om1 ss~dîonT twrRlfs TWO WUUS AO R. PirOl4iPS AT 0148 TINS WAU A TEAÇt4ES 01< TI~ WAUICK- 'r-e GAR PUSLfC*CIE.b0t8. r. s Wed. moi-nAna la lie iaaeMeAitetet -e capital. oocarred tic dqatii et Ultisi r 'itilige au tie mas et 75 y.eua. bah ras due lndtreeliy ta a laD viIcblie~ ad mnstaiflel two vomis sge la w&toii e tecks ceN cte lia up pst lcfurel ç~ ils lueci auj haBIb s.1,euiely. Tii. accideat eceurrel on Souati lmneeee street villa K>'. PMliip. otarf id ho wsil~ dcwn statrs. Me 5eoued t. ilumile ami feu ail the wy le lie tettcu. Ne wm pick.&~up aad rosi- / - i te lie b0sp~*l. h vas seen trmiu i. ftrst fiat bis condition vas cr111. ~ai. Otite>' comuplicalleas eet us ami j uhees, tomeuber viii hum lujur>'. caiis~1 bis death. Mn. Plallilps vas on, e! the beat kuevu realdeute cf Wank.g50 andW'L~ tus ceunI', havina re.lded ber. fer.~ Sftyyears. Me vas boeulatie5t5*~ o! Vermout md carn. bore liait a con- lu>'>' 5<0. - Mr. Pilîlipa torm.nly eugaged in lie~ profession ut teachina lu fils lava- siilp sud at eue tîme vas a menthe>' et lii. W.nk.gau scioci beard. zAbeut liv. years mgo b. feu dovu tii. chopa at iii, old Academy biuild- -. -, Ina sud at tus fia, bno~c tve bciie5 lu bis iimbs. Tus laid hlm np fer a Ilium sud iie vas neyer guil. velI Bit- or tut. 'nia Auj.>'>' two veoke ago vas tee rnuckfor Mm. Me lo~vee une slaVe>', Mus. bm Washbnrn et Ksnsas sud a brother- ln-isv. Deai Sergeant John Mayuard 0f te police station. Tii. funreal vas held ah 10:3e o'cicck 'Tlunraday monnina St lIte First Bajatlet ciiuirch. Tbe Maseos viii ha,. change et lia services aI lie grave. Tuterment viii taie place Lt Spsuld. lng's cemetef>'. Ruaseil (i. Woodward has mot tound lu ils stuc a old ccp>' ot ,tie Nom 'Ton Aunerîcan. lie issue 'havlng -beez pntuted on F'nlday, 5~t .16 1811. M. ie.a not know boy long fie pteer hi-I bec,. le, bIs nossesilon. ~YU~O 's- It's it good inveetuient for restaurants, groceries, barber shope, meat manketa-for stores and factoiles of almoat any klnd. It makes the place more oomfortable for custoinera and that'e a bld for favor. Besides It h~1pe preserve gooda froin damage by insects. Tbey caii't settie lu the wide air curreuta the fan çre~tes. I~ail to See The Gnctt Ceilîma rats lui aU eou~.erciui sluSs ir.muS~j3.25 t. 5~O.5O the SHOW LOT ON T~IE - a, r - > ""0%" alte~ .zaauuaaii. vs>' b>' e UI~srs*- W. mutas ,~,uUL&~à1t'sm.a5o et x -z. ITHE CEILING FAN