Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jun 1912, p. 9

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-ÀAKE COJJNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN KY -'Nla q7 VAVf ~- PART TxWu. LIBERITY VILLE, .I[MC H. 1911 FOUR PAGES ~1.5fl PER. VEAR ThT AFIVAWfl1fl - - -y -.z>wSUI¶ERVISORS DECLJNED TO VACATE SAND STREET FOR THE CYCLONE CO.; NO * CIIANOiE MADE ON CO@ DR. Supervisors Declined to Concur With City Coun. cil in Fence Company Request and Ultimate ficers of the Jut I wîaî lt . woj i m Iit,' i 0eor the sors i trnjjTgIoss t h. î,tî liont of t1W ' -Ion,- len'econjîjatj lu v0,-aI,- Sýmjd sI rea't as Ilje -Il> (-ojijj <'Il r dit], 1 l j.slunoT k fua ufr off,- cers Of the orni.any art,-nol nci md tu StatCP umITio el s. Iart Ij.-jr -ourse would 4e; flipy ssoul jt lOT5.1Vwhj(tb or the fiîire now lu gel he. rountys vaeaion Oft he street nifghT titçrfre wllh lîleir llans suufiently 10 <ancel factory tins here. 'ltes- inmaied sueh llîgbî b,. the otrome. Tlje siaiwrvigors' cominottee dîd nul report on the mater. mer.,], throwing it opx-n Io tbe boardl o dIscuse MMessrs. Dow. Kirk and WVest rei.rp'sn1îng theîr Birune a,iwe-sred befor,. the board. ex. tlalI .d that lbey needed Sand treet wesl Of the sa lîch Iracka lu order lu get tbhe trafîr lack and forth 10 thelr Plante: lhey lnaîated the easl portion Of elgt tfoot I. Inadequafie andl nrged the boar'd not to varate the treet even though the rilY ba& done go. The rountys vacation lea150'onere"iary in Order lu aeutre lte cuunern wbhj unlght acaqure seh iladl. Suî.ervleors lieseon and Speilman maufde trong talkas aînst any step to vatcte the sîreet. lthe board ac- 'olrdînglY deided to vieil the strip ln question t 1 'c)ok and they met lter.,,lnaPected Il and bter voWei fot ta Vacake the street Foallowlng the vîsîlt toIhe sîrp of land the board re-convened and Allor- ney' Orvis representlug the cyclone I%ý--ce compan>', staîed to the board tltat unless the bo-ard wae unanImous In ita derlMon la vacate te sîreete, that the compan>' dl.!nul viabit Ilta act. SPelîmen again made an argument againai liavng &aatreele and l-ettie OMeqîrote.! l., me vlews, James Welcb of Wankegan made an earnesc PIes for te varatIon af the street -PinlIng out te Cee.! of te colmnt>' hclping lthe dlv mnaint actonles; adding the lbhe Cyclone compan>' mas Wunt a hait do7enu other smalter plants. î gers motion lu table th. e oiton mss Iflotb>' ai il toil vol,.. A motion çredeitlula>' It over la Septemben Illowtng <'omnmie2oeer Atterbeys S StUetentî thal the it>' ha.! tatten , fileles tu condemu a certain portion Wst outhlbe tiacks lu order la gis-e mort. roam for tralfie Tbe super-si- surs seeme.! ta feel that, If lb., ît>' did thbisand provided for traffle, the hoard would thoetuse., la me>' dean ta do irbat lea uked of il. Th., blîl of Dr. Wethers of Lakte Bluff for $5U for carlng for the in mita wassht b>' lbevillage marahal vas cut ln haIt. Preaident J. P. Arthutr, urthelb.ty clone Pence catnLpany, seemne.! dleap- pOiited ai lbhe tail jre0of tlebohard lu do as th., cil>' bsIdone and declare.! ho, did flot csre to have lbhe board va. c-le Dulgan treet if lb,.>' d.!nul va- ente San.! alneet. le roli 001 tstate wbal 1h., mullmale elect would b,.. SamIel %chwarti -vas aSthIe bonnil meeting tIs mornîng l tote iii lbe ptîllun sgned b>' daturs of Il,, olin- t>' irereln te>' agreed la rare for tht. e')ntnlo echanit>'Patiente fre of cfl Provilng lb,. ctînt>'Iurnn lb.,$2.000 per year, noir paîd te thte cotint>' doc- Ion, lto te MeAllter hospitl aî Ind.. ls bande-.!ln the Peillon, hut lterl -.ltitdr,.w Il Cter feeling ai sentiment, Àamnong boardi members mito Inelale.! t hey wirmhe.! the conîrart ne-sIgne.! wit Dr. Breonfor osing for te caDut -v Poor aI $2.000 a year. Mr. Schwmartz expîsîned tb members taI lue felI more Patiente titan were tep- nenîed b>' tbe $80 r aid ta the bas- pIlailoy Bn..hBrown al Year sitould have ri"alved atention ln the hospî. tii, hut te membere coul.! fat son lb titat wa>'. Tbe suiPrvîsons came bac init the argument tati kseemeil tun- nYthe ànetere now agneed la do tIs watt for uoêiag yhereaS a fev Tsar ACCIDENT 1IELPED MARSIIAL TOCATCII AN AUTO0 SPEEDERý MACHINE GOES THROLJGH LIBER. TYV1LL E AT FORTY MILES PER HOUR, IS PU.RSLJED. UAUGHT FIRE AND STOPPED' DRIVER PLEADED HE HAD DYING WIFE IN CHICAGO AND WANT- n According toOf L l KrU--iueu. e COMPa«d..y (Ijargîi j' h e\coýedinlg i'-j. j ý(i Iijjnjt, tam,s, .orgrînson, Ijajjff., jr f1 ago, îwfore be conny îd-j or Ipla , \-xAijI-rjjan ,. i-f (Ij. ;g. s j caina oIeraiîe, th,.coii,, jpaîd froin h,,ja oa Sujjjnj Foxj. vIs .,as j $15,1000 la $20,000 a eUr for bariîy ai,-nrjî jai v j,.- Ir-~,j work. 's, j 1h,, ar lj- i .rjvjg ' sj Il it stalpird atî tIhe couirt hbouse j li., rooigli, j,-j jog, il a Sjxredj ljthatt.ejjîerviso)rs mnayla 10somnehing )r frmiles an j j,,jr'en lir the lijojjiTiia O r ail, .Ls the oi-' a :rij- ii , l, j c les ,j j j j initje oe.,f V.',vlj of Newjs-rt; Ferry ý:s o.I. j,l $ am, I , I. ,ijal and FlcI, lu was nam<d to tivjjegtîgate Liivr,-r îrv , iTrgrisnsj,î ,.jaîj,jIIj lbhe matter aile]relworî or ltheStî o.r Tj j r t j]rJ if b, jaie. ler mieeting as toaijhatshojîîd lb 'j e li j,, f ,rgzrijn sTîja,hIon,. donte. Iij i tjj, i jg] jjonj jr, iL, T 5j-j rroýss Turn Down Poor Application. jjjj th, e'j -jj ri(ijjIrlr. I r'. ký.lor- C' G. HmalIIe of Ito'1<ff.iIerlirepC6tit ig,-Tj.j(jlija.0 lr.'I j ljs i.ff,- -j,, al e.l a ljttijflaskitig the. board to yç TîjelojjjTof,1j-atlijin j îjjjgojamd lnhljirse tDr a ofwijetllertyvîlle sajd jI,.,j j1w sas hijrrý,, tja b il- for cusrîng for Johjn Su rma of Rtoce- feIlir wlîo, ln Alirll.Ijad lothas and m-110 was atlenTed by the, physician who uped $210 worîh 0f eerum. 1le lalmed bi , was a bard working mnon' 'Ind Unahie ln psy the bill, Dr. Galo- WUv also had a commitnication lu the~ same effecl Nîlpervstr Naelher sai.l thal If the board slarled pavlng fncbh bill% Il wonld soon deplete te Ireas-ý ury and exPlained Ihat he felt Surina ISERVED TWENTYz (IURNEE WILL HAYE six YEARS As A TflREE YEAR HlieJ TEACIIEROFGRÂDES' SCIIOOL COURSE MISS CORNELIA BARLOW RE. CITIZENS VOTE BOND ISSUE TO SIGNS POSITION AT HIGHLAND ALLOW ADDITION TO PRES- PARK AFTER YEARS. ENT SCHOOL TO BE BUILT. TO HOLD A RECEPTIONIPLAN FOUR YEAR COUR SE MISS BARLOW WILL BE GUEST 0F HONOR AT BANQUET TO BE SERVED BY CIIrIZENS. FORMER PLAN WAS FOR TU. DENTS TO GRADUATE IN TWO VEARS AND COME HERE. 'Ilisss j jjrjj,-lja rjh who lias ,jerv-1 Bya îrartiraîîy unanîmous vote the ed fr 01U 'l-ot tw. jt> -ix >ear-- as.village of C.Trnee han decided tu Il.. a tca, hçr ,of tj,-rade,-lit the pujblic-I r(-ase ls bîgh achool course from a ýsh(Ols, lîjîlTIa'nj Park, D)istrict 1117, ltwo Yesor couîrse te a three year cours.. lias cîgj, Il.qr.osî lier resig- To do -th11, iliî be neemaary for a natjon 5Mill take O fIs I lITthe rose 'bond Issuie 10 cuver the expeuse of uft he. echool y, ar T h. ast week ln erercing an addbtlon ta lte ttt Jure. higI, sehool building. This bus aIl To shjjathrir app,li-alrjn of berý been decfiled uipon and lit la nefomy valuabie sers Ices TO ail thje ceblîren nov.* or for bîds ta be galled for. the of H-ighland Pari, a re.se1jîîlon in liercontrazt started and the actuai work hoijer ai thlb, jllic scîjool auditorium ut constrîcicon hegun. -s'srter of Sheridan rnad alxî jhj I. PFor fears there dias been but a t-vo tdsee-\tNonday evening, JTia, 10, wasi ve<rs hîgh sehool course at (luffloe The fl ig w l-riw loha NI r \.jj o ,- (.. aI',] jjp onj h, teI(-,T,, aT bIs Fox îalmrn je andI ATTORN EY BEN H. MILLER. rt.jili.-CT,I Tîalt orgi-oson Ie aTsd Lbertyville man, wjo, through the purchase of the Lake County To ujoljij len (jjjag aio ~,,Telephone Company hy the Cnjcago Telephone Company, retire& as pres.- 'Cry .,. le askM IthalTthe muý dent of the Independent Company, which han successfuly operated here j ine l-be -ld for serurity aid -a!Id for many years, hasng sn-j 1.000 phones in Western Lake Comny. Il sn lie wejjîl o> ythe fine Ihis moriiing. underatood that the StjÀssolders of the Lake Coumty comuany made a nuce ,Xfler .orge-o.fflnbad Ijeen fined lije ldprfit off their invesiment as a resuit outIhe saie. n<.l eeu, 10 0e ln a hurry tle get To was far mûre able te psy lIhe bill than Cijcago andl waIîe, jutil tijMornjug' IIHbs a ,dejejel ecam ties wrerefrre t th pflrWOMAN W T AXE ..oen. lIon ver reerre tathe m-. corn.: machine having been repaired in theýn j f ,,jj fîe, mîlîpe wlch neans lb,.>'wlll flot be llberty% le garage. ý1r;ý"llraplc altowed. Marsbal Limîberry sas eoîîngi zlid IIAND IOLDS Frýe<Ierlfk Aldrich, who owns prep- lier when Infortcd al a sîjeede r baji bh- jlsTrijnje be mojînted eryna otSeiaakda ne- IilI A î,a-'Cedlbrough telb . .A friend L31i.4~jj j~ Ijjjjr.l0 h ua bT0faesm teclaimîng he iiasiwaa passeng ln a mac-ine anddlbe lratb, EjA h soajjd ,,f j TrP ofjtIe jjcTî rais.,.! tram $600 te $1,600 îaaet year: e.!ln and gave <base bat lthe race aî-'b,, jc-p1e ,js nî James Swanson, lýake Forest, aakedi pealred to l,. a fuTle one as Jjrgený1,igfr iei, Iitst prud Ihat bie gel a rehate, helng raise.! froinons machine Jusl ran assa rntm Ib WATER PIPE BURST AND WOMAN Tjlgfrfj j îjt 0prud $1.0 081,000. lie sasd be was 83 î.jing car. It aflersssrds deveioped UH T BAKVRN 0nP f loimnstdng ow Years olil sud unable t appearhefor tîjat lbhe maruilnî' as a racer, having SHOUTING FOR AID. tlji'- 10Toiojj-To w>' oassistance,' she the board of review wheu eummnoned, won ither sec'ond or tîjird prîce aîil-r lj-i therefore is asseoisment was unjust- the recent rares lijeidln'Porij njesTjgaTioii Nr. t.vons dis- lY ilhxed. Swantan wae asked la ap- At lb.,electric îracks, bowever, Jor-ITHOUGHT WOMAN DEMENTEDthejjij.sýli a î.jp and jode e sinth1 pear hefore the erroneous assessments genson loti an extra tjre and stopped lii' kjtosumd jwtadIloe!l committee, while Aldrich waB aeked bis cor. As be did se the engine The wrom ddno vnknwta 10 appear be-forelte board Tbunsday étreemed to backllre anidis carlijîrre-I MEN SENT FOR POLICE OFFICER; The sherifs repart,sBhowing a bal- lar caîgbit re. Tbis gave the mar- IE US NDR SNKh jija .,.ljIjej jnj ange af $105 was acoepîeel. ebal lune tb cati. bupiand iplace lb,. FLOODING LTVING ROOMS. -ITjj,%,associjjT, didjlulknow feiiow under srrest. 1: sdonr h u rle NORJH WESTERN 10 A woOiaun NIh,ii ,j\(jln bond beld Toon s. WAR S. S OKE NAVAL MILITIA MUSTERED OUT, ai bay tsejjTý ij ii-iijtîje rear ut a ans moa niir (-tthi fioinlij lH i asju s,-- reji for Troolsu NORTHWESTERN ORGANIZES A Rock Islandu,Ilii., Jurneil terje Tt e jnrj .l 'jrrî,îjjic'1. BUREAU TO AID IN ABATE-. ofet ,Ilstiulm u teep TO ujeýrjjli, s l wMssademnici j , i rjj for a polio tls nil i rJl ee MENT 0F NUISAN'CE. îîp 10 lire prolo-r sTajdîr l t. Roco,fi,,r. I jarjjjîjth ij s r j jj 1,,- il,l jjjt ijlyjT. tIsnd hrau,-h of tîje semonjl Ilion (ojîje uji' p, ' sholjtele IlleI .-troolýs, ' Il ar,!j j- Il, -ontjhTe of tîje Illinois, Naia i Tliti;t îoîay ýoînOli a.s sh j- .,rlon the 'verana ji.î .jj[jfjjje ]lj- io jrjîj and \jjrliremnain ssmi'tered <ouI. The ,.<îjjî entl Over te r iiimenr-j -j .r, I,-,-jj jojj a j, djjrjj'ijls and lu an effort To aale the sinotte n sas ordere.! Iransferre.! to, 1eoria. Nor a aj.jri o ii.T of bjs traclis. - I-rli( sj -r g i t,- jarjoîjaconTýsT.. alice as mnrrh j,-pssible,. thenage ment of the Chicago & Norlbweetein road bas develope.! a central urgooliza- lion wbic-b mIl work ln conjunclien witb the Ismotte Inspection departi meut of te clly. This departmenl will confine -ita attention excljîsîvely ta lb,. elloination ot amutte ftrm logo- western Une tocatpd about Chicago. C. W. Corning bas lîeen plaoed at the bond ut the new deî,artment wt lb-e titI., ut chief smokte lneî,ecîor lin u'barge0of 'aIl ternitory wiîhln t, lmils of Chicago. The (,hier ohiect lu hi' sOngbt la 001 unI>' a mnimum enii.- slon et sinole, but alto a maximumu efficieni->'ortfuel. ARREST FORMER ELGIN BANKER. Loujis N. Seamon, fermer cashien ofth ii.ElgiiNational bank ws îamîreet- eKI Yeslerday h>' govenumeul agents in Ioas Angeles for sîlegoe embezzlement an.! misalPllcatlon af lb., tunds ai the tantt. Tbe iarN--ats-as the .resijll of sîlege.! dlscrepan,-ieq fotînî,lnl the afairs of lb., bonI over a yiear cago b>' national' bank exoîin,-rs, invtlving uven $100,- 000. J. P. BGeaI-ie. editor an.! ptblîeber of the Crystal I.atte 1eraId ionrte lasI ffeelj yenars, di'.! at bis home lu Northt trystaîL atte ai 4:45 oeloctt ' muntilng fullawiug a long 111- nets. . Park bu ' lness men made ai the recept Ion lkev. P. f'. wuIcolt. Prof. lesse tL. Smith. Franris 1). bveregl. Carîjetun Muele>'. 11eI John Oliver, mayor. t). MI. FrBkne. add rue *9d 1 0 lie- >er ai t- ibn ler- 1: 30 Irst av* M. nid. b u t. I t a ee u n n î , m a uai n a s s u c u m high standard that wllh the cr'diM hey reelved there at graduaton te sludente culd -.nte llte Waukegaa 11 b choland enter lte third 751 To make lbhe addition wltjcts viii h sarted next year, Il wIli e n e O sr toapeure te services of an addltosa Instructor. Because of the proposai change tis year the elght tudflia Ihat otiterwlse voulil bave graimUed willl 001 graduate untit str cOMg4t.' I DANCE EVIL S IN lrang ofelr imethre yar' o i. t teX THE KIND 0F MUSIC acw:ICn MUSICIAÀNS RENDER -oaus't1 hlghîy probable thalt tis viiil ho do&» TEACHER TELLS COLLEAGUES next year. TRASHV TUNES MAKE "RAG. The eight students would have irai TIME"I STEPS POPULAR. îiated titis year bail the chage Éot heen put lita effect, are au foliov: Bernard Young, Dorothy I. March. Mia Ilie M. Reeves, Marion A. lime. 31W Arlîstii dancing, sn-eb as titat of our lie C. Bond and ituby U. Stant , grandomothera and grandtathers li Ilie eighl grade of Use a.Usi their mînueTs aud cotlkione, leaflot ta sc-Gita, about tira and & a hat Mil«s lie. exIected ufthle. young people of front Gurnee will Itald their graduabW exerclses on June 19. T. Arthur MOÏ>. Aiîjenîca Ioda>', sho have gone 'rag- son, county euperintendent of sebooja. lin,,. njad, according tu R. G. Hunting- wîîî delîver the addres. The lame lieujse, on,.ofutuhe speakers before lte of lte graituates foliov: Leslie Hais... IntîernuationalDancing Masters' asso- Elole ('hase, Ellen Zîmmaerman, MiW claiooujW'duesday lit Chicago. nie Eddy, Martin Magarian and Oliver TIie.bliroont STace exponen2ts Were flarnalabie. Irîld tha, Il la tho present day MUSIC shî,-lîleads ta the, dancing of lte rîzybear - and thte 'Boston dîp." MARK'S TRIAL US Muni for te immoKoesY Zaces s<> BEING HARD FO JGIIT freiiienlls*-y een in our dance halls," - 1 saida Ntr. 1illutinghojîse, "When the doute bail orchestras are allowed la Counsel ton Claylon MIark, af uIe" pjlay sjîob tra.sby eelecllons s Iley do Forest presîdent of lte National Mlb î,ueî JotI expert lbhe old lime iralîz able Castings cognopeny, andi for», and Imo-stelia to go. The ver>' nature head ut the board of educadion, béga of lb,. muiceleadîs tbedancere on.In Chicago, an attack Tuesday at BocÇ ItI alrigbt to lalk about învenîîng on lt., Indicînent hulding hlm foÎ mna new stelps ro nImite place of lte alaugitter. Mr,. Mark iras indiltet grizz>' bear' anîd sinillar douces, but som in. tre ago b>' a federai jury tei te li-only say t1, adI.!an>' degree eof res- lowlng lte death ofai ames Durney, a pectabilily 10 lb., donc., Is lu have United States Schier., mitavas rua noai music. Letttus have our orcites- over b>' the defendants automoiffl Iras pias,cb select ions as 'The BIue lasI Attgiist on Waukegan avenuel Dow D'anjube' aud tlb,. lmuýë,,, daiice wîîîFort Sheridan. Attorney 'raMa di hisppear" repreffentîng tbhe former preaiden et Fuilowtng Mr. ltunîlngbute,isj îsk thebosivi of eduicatîon argued toi Jua*s tb,. assemî,lod cacher,- enter.,.! lto tandIs Ibaltte bIhilafauît>'. a discussion as 10 jiCIs-bwal u b. _______the___ 'heur dauce.- t'naî.le in agre,., tbey adjournejî uo Tht. dancing fluer, eacb MARRIAGELICENSES. To gi-,t exIjllitions of lb,. bear as I havesee CeuIl - Teacîjer.sfroi the Fast, WVet.Jus.tL. Weber, Kenosha ........... 27 Northbnd o u ,jthu yraîed about the Alice G. Worth, Watukegan ......30 loor i leîPijunsl ration. T,,Il. lames. Ioule Butler, Wauîkegan ...........27 SujIth I, fjrjgo an.! Vilsairy WiI Mary Dt.nlearry, Waukegaut...27 kins of Sajn Franclsco, bowever, mer., John Pîcier, Mlwaukee .......2 iwarded tlb,, ioiorie se champion dem- l'lana Vaeiz, Ocunta. Wls .. ..... 21 oiilOroIrs. erbent J. Ktsentzel, Milwaukee .... 22 Oîne Teai-bers . ..IlMcEwen utfNahel FInI, Milwaukee ......,...21 ll asgo w. Scotland, Iook no port ln George F1ndrlcks, Milwuîkee .,...22 Slie exhibitions, anîl osserled tîtlIn .ydla Erauuse, Milwauîkee.. ...... 20 1Sz-oT i,,nd young men and yamng ira- Arthur J. Bunelle, Chicago-....24 mn would scern to gîve Sjrit an ex- IÀIllln C. Hartig, CihAwo .......... 23 Imiitîlton. Paul C. Tuimp. Milwaîukee ....2 'Tii, rag tinie donc,. bas 001 yet Malee trandt, Kewaskum, Wis ... n2 ri-acîjd is' ," Iad Nr Ncitsen. "Wbile Andreir Maton, Racine ...........24 1,01 wsing 10 dlusjarjg,. theyoutb Otîstie nicha, Racine ............. In of Ame.rica. Imval a-yIbat lb., boys Marquîis E. Sehaffer, O-rysiake .. ..3 and girls ut Scotlin.! are ranch more AUM F, t,.fSershall, Oryslak. ,,.Z lignifli.! Ian they-' Ro st M.Taylor. Libetyvil. ...ik Thjis m orunlnc tlb, dani ng m asterq Vla ta tL. Jedleck a,. ChI cago. .. wjîl buld a business ession ln Prîn- Fred! C.. verett, Kenosa . .bà' cel-ls hall, 15191 West Madison Street. Alice C. Cleear>'. Kemua. Thle atternoon wlll lie spent ln an au- Joseph Eberbarit tomoblie tour of the clty parka. Mà"" Haberojae Facsimile of Invitation Being Sent Broadcast for the Waukegan Sane Fourt- Celebration. 1 FOUR PAGES I'N V, 1 1, 19 1'21. ILL., FRIDAY, $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOR a. 1 DOCE EVIL IS IN

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