fimqla M ~~ qm -m yRoll Cails, Then More Roll Cails, the Programme of Presldent'* Accord- liigr to'Senitor Cr"*e -of Massa- chusetts, and as a Resuit Deadlock May F(iIlow. Wecinesdlay, Jue i18, 1912. Convention Hal, Chicag-1:45 p. ni-The G. O. P. convetion @ive& twu beur' debate on Hodleyse motion toi bout the R0O«Velt conteted delega. tes. 1:50 P. in-Flinn, of Pennsylvanie rassd a big disturbance and Chair. man Root threatened te put hlm out of th. hall uniesho desated.jOrdor wss restored wthin s few minutés. At 1:55 a m. the ilro department OrdOrod &Il the Colisoum doors losed on th. graund that the capcty of the hall irad bein reached. 3: 15 p. m.-During a tell< by Devina of Colorado Root throatuned ta ejoot a Texas delogate bocauaa pf hie bols. terous conduct. Iare determlnedi fot to, a(roîri Sernair l11Jhuitoot as cirairmair tof tire cr- jvention. Tire colonels î,liaa nd- vancedl to the cotiventior, bal Ioda>' determlned te renew lire flon.i to Ibrow out lire conlesipd votes. Senator Root won oyer Gov. Francis. E.Mt-overn ln tire tenîporary ebair- manablp fight iry a vote of 558 o 10 01> This ebowed eighîeen votes over a néajorit3' of tire convention. Ir was seo close tiat bolhir itles s ere "as nervouis as birdes- until tire claIr-of W.ashinîgton was calîed and gave tire majorit>' Senalor iloot naebed. TALK 0F A DARK IIORSE IS 'REVIVED ST TIlV LrlMv1ÇMT IfN 3:25 p. m-Te mention eV Prosident A 1 I.dHL Wil T Lil 1I IVU Taft's came b>' the Michicin delega. lion gave the. Taft mon an opporainIt> t0 maire a strong demonstreticn. u Rpbian Ny S':52 P. m.--Gov. Hadie>'gls the great h ll a eulcn a est demonstratlon of convention. CM@.. Pi Compromise Candidate. gatea and gaileries cheringhlm.t Wat- 5011 of Indien& stated Govencr Nid- ley waa ln favor of aending conte«t et ta * Nrvnv 19 nrirrm _ Jt iR- 1fC# 9 Ê~?IMFEu4W Tait iotgent. lir. Watom then. moved te table theiiseMJaNrwbavvy eofDrolt. 10 WIed Deneen amenâment. This brought Frank Brooks of $&me City. th, whole matter f alrly and squarely 1 ,W before the convention. If Deneen'â Detrfit, Mich., Jue 20-Ml199 ('ro.i 1,wJat taihWý amendment w-aj tabled it meant a de- Newberry. daugirter of Fx-Secr jetary "ntr ± e. lay for the Roosevelt contingent. If1 of the Navy Truman Il Newbierry t- the Audtore ubi countle Denueen's amendment waa fnot tahled kla d Frankt Brooks, son of F. W.:fmo~a~~6 a meant that the Roogeveit contingent~ Broill, general manager or thre De- lý Loanp. - bad won tireir main contentioni. It troittUnlted Railas vislted thre anar. ,,oanao el meant that ne or dele- ! riagre liense clerk's office and took Ilranz on collateral gates could vote and It meant li u iaii o o.Oher loansand16.23 mately a clear-cut majority ln the con- liga. Newherry two weeks el Il diffounts .......... 648 132.77 $1.@ ventlon for thre Roosevelt men. De-' cmuu.l the cancellation 2.tie 0erdratu.. neen's amendnrent was tabled by a'nouncement of ber weddlng to Cap- sloW Oroflitty and vot or663te 10.Tire convention tain,.Âfleyne of the Queen'e Own ei lui srI cr - whie NboieSe gLVANl crrANSi BOIToune. meat because, after thre Engllshmana Iali bonds...8600.0 big buncir of pink swOrct Iren, le The votlng changes were made2from arrlyai haro. It dawned on ber tirat. t-iîe- .......4.and 0 fore she got tbrough site h1,1 Iren te previons day's vote: the rea.lly did net love hlm; that stoeks of corpora- Rosvet eegates Vote to to the press géts wirpre rirecrled,!Inois, 1 ln Kentucky, 1 In itary-. iakntfose.1.0.0 "Roosevelt, Roose'velt, IBRracet, land. 4 ln New York, 1tu North Caro- WITNESS ACCUSES OARROW ire&[ - tate theCM Il ln banking Leavo Ropubilcan Convention. whlle the Taft delegates larrrzherr at lina., li n Virginia. and 13 in Wlacon- Fu.,l<rrro and li1-11206.41 ______lier. Thre thing finally gr r-lo rllidru sj AlI.ged Plan to Induice McIanigal-to Furn.........210. Action I l-iltd at Peronal Re and ther. olcemer was r"" r rr, esovl smgalned 1 ln New Mîexico, 1 ln Ropudiate Confession Told. ,tire rsore A cat la olned l PRonse e. In,'r. athestlier mae ierto e-Oreonand 6 ln Hawaii. ttiofron ans qeto Cooe Rosvl, cert lier back te ber seat Ini lie gai- Los Angeles, Cal, Junc 20*--George state..............5.000.00 Who Aske fDelay. Ilei7. -i Belinm et Portge, Wls., an tunclae of* .to~. . *64. - -EVLY TAW IN CORT Ortie MeManigal, testified At the (<*-m -, on..I..... -UoWî oOin :... ... 1 .4 Chcao Jnc2 Trepnn~l i.No Slgn of Recognition la Seen Be- LgIbei7 trial of Clarence S. Darrnrw sllr-r ojo. 4,221.25 Chcgo un 0.TeP*,eytr[1that Dawbac) brongbt blm-to LS i IliWuorr-I ...... 223.42 Roosevelt delegates, by a %ote of (;-L1' j wen uman ad if. geles to get OteMeMaMigal to î.(ý.îrer Cash Resources: etIt of 64, voted te leave tihe Rtic1 OOSViL PL Nil wpudlatestis confession. Chsexe, tWd oliver Ilca covenion WiliamFiln, ire~1, hiWlte Plains% N. Y., Junle 20.-Evo-' t r-t~y ~Items .e..,64487 aicas aoEenton.yn Nesirit Thaw appeared In cout- ltMlet om ro. rwto l ie c tien,. ehairgnan of tihe delegation, made an W 5,EÀ -'ED ta talle the stand for thre stae to tes- l' » inestslfel Total Refl.ouO,ëes 1 announcement te tirat effecî at a orei tiry againet ber husband, Harry K.' lien, at Darrow's roquent, Judge i q&]tWrH à«g cf Roosevelt delegales held ln th JL U 1~ Tha'w. vin Isafglting for fis reietase Mutton admonisbed the witnes lottgo on I ......... lorentine ronin of lire (ongress ho-DY DEI Sfrein tbe Matîeawan asyluin for the ak 0ay n botbste@tlmony .7 prie rft te._________criminel Insane. b-oecut sitn ititDpfis The annollncenent arouaed tbe v.iri site vasl reavlly veiled and as sbe butor cour. Assstant Istrit Att. tet ney W. Joseph Ford declared lie vaz Uo61lle ... ..... 619,871.44 eut esitement among thre delegates, Chicage, June 20.-At tire (titi O!al took ber seat In thre court room sirbc . t Bhmaiyhw.chol, ....... 50.21te etvbm hee er pesnt.~ ~day dcie,td te debate On te itioIl gs.ed at Tiraw, but noag frcg_________ e ina nàd certili- .500. At the belght of tire excilenrifo Geno sly0fiisniiTiarantion Pasaed between tiemKle nSrkoRo.<,O.......2896 Colonel Roosevelt cntcrod the-.rrîrîIe ims ! kRoosevelt deteggtes' lvin.O, uo2 ocmn .h.soek.. 100%0 H. akd t dlegtc 10arsîerîle sutlsillîted on tire tr-lfltrrary rollThe 8tam E&52Waid Parker was siot and kilUed 6.4 ellaffls. 9.9<6< I Judraat and te delay decisîbrirat, of ire convention for thre n.rrregof The. number of stars tirat cnh and William Gerlachr. dri-ver o! an si- CoIntingent fund.., 4,saft ka hâd ascertained certain farts. T'aftt 'lelegates vie were serTediiby'tire s»en iry a sharp eye in our iremispniie press wagon, inortali>' woundcei Ilaa ___________national committee. tire a [ie rame la about 3,000, or 6,000 la botb bem- Vlttor 1.500 forelgn lairorers al the 1T*W JLàabldtc r tu a vote. 1ispheres. By the teleacope, of course, plant cf the Otis Steef 'Wor or . Seuriîy sa de' ROOSEVELT BETTING SLUMPS Former congreseman WVats, nnrr i many tiiousanIda o! star, are brougbt ...tirt tire abus.waea 9~ to roter tire Hadley motiorn ir l,.eL,,um-or ut that are invisible t0elire naked eye. A Card of Thaekt. test of My kitouldi m. Wall Street ehows Reversai on Colo- nittee on credentlals. TUnin an Instrument littie more tiran To trio kind filendu anrd neighbore for Stalleio Ofsg"""2 nel as Presidentiai Possibiliîy. Governor Deneen cfIlilinoia mrrned tvo Ilichtes vide tirere bave been more tircir snpatby and service ln a tihno 2eri day of J e .1912. r, an amendment go Watsorranrrrmoton tha" 310,000 stars duly cbarted ln the o! thre most oxtrerne sadness and @or- (sent) ARO 0 &~ NewTrr, June 20-.11allstet that no delegate viiese strrirs -as in ncrthorn hall of tireireavens aIoe..rowrin b rchb e were lun uddenly eIà 0 a IreversaI on Roseei as a question could be alicved 10 rite In it .-a been etlmated by vory bigirlrnng-brtreuiri o flhflwtfe. t" peoeelbllty fer presidentlal Domination. tire selection of the Members 0rrf lie authorities that tire total number vis- lne ythdahofaai:gmt- la* Thm 0".fou on and prer-louri oier comi2teeon02 cre<onitl or ira thire nelu the whole celestial vaulb would a devoted Chiriatian and a lovlngmo ILr W ,« kW ia«a Roosevelt-for tire norm report of that -coLDmlttee. Thi:îs amend- Mount up te 80,000,000. or W%'jllinnr luddles and Famîly.>'altistenatq, c MOMM havae eccded. Taft la now a It vkly4.1 lW favoite en odds. G OsClak la gtting stronger in 1Wbeti ai la picked to wln the aWDMU eiaastbn ai 044e cf 9mu te IL411 et- dentisecommittae. Cevention Au.u-I flUUHlLI i13BER ICN manded t0 heur Hadley end hie appear.___ once thl t he convention la cireur.1v usm,.'sss1w ln@ demrontration that i*O aetdtn rmn- «111111t CbiMfains Clalm that Colonel la JJAULEY LM ERIIi. utés end In wblch the gallarles Joinod MMslnt. frcm Contat- CIMde r»ne etecon. De Wle MayutFOR 40 MINUTES v*nf4On 60dm>' & tateMen slgned by'm lu u.j ' ItepWi« naionl oomM« ex. ehWgi Janie 20.-NotwItbstandtng IN WILD TUM4ULT *'M delegateaw«* . fAi irY5mt- ObdRoosevalt, William Flnn and, Nolsy Demonstration for Popu- .d. touilleail Colonel Roogevelt'à camp'i Unanlrnty of opinion prevalied fer ma dn"ottfaadlng 6h. remarks toi lar Missouri Executive. a echange viren tire second dey'@ ssil'héOotmrrof a number o! President ____ aietfthe Rr nJi astional con- Uare chieftains,thbere are veil veopn d toda>. Sbrtl, aetter gtemede reports. based on substantial SUGIFICANT FÉATURE 0F GAY Chairmn Root calied tile r'onvontion é«Ilace of effort»atublnig about to agiter et 11:30 Ie e a uneed IItbp oemqaUo au a compromise of a' It lied beon sgreed b>' the Roosevelt 1 iaimol 'cndidate for president. Benefit cf Ovation sa Partiali>' Turned and Ta«t leaders to bave three heure,à,anumber of Pruidlent Tatta friends to Roo0seveit b>' Chicago Womafl of debatc on thve smaject of a corsoitied'uzete continue tireir efforts te nomin- 1alrWh nul delegates. Threo as not a dlsenting! w»e hfm on ftle tiret ballot. But, an GColoely,& Wh0 unIo voeine. 1 Sing te thre best figures at tîrement. ooesPcue Roltails rînrtil tire cows corne thé présidet hasna more tano a mna-____ Ironie. -- oety of 10 over tne oecessnry 5401 'l'aft ilt-rn ioday gave <isit, tuabte ~vtfeontetary te nominate hlm on Chicago, Jolie2. -A lroliinged ltror-t!.it dhîerents. Scoatur W ll. &Mballot. In -oItrn ords tire afndnoie>'derroration m arsa 11 lesi- Mrîrry <'rfle c Nlsaae-buetts tI fnlends dlam 5500 vates, tare o! tir e lub1Irul11 ("11-1Trir0(rIrrrl ti,l'rr rane io l mssag e WalOqes ln the presîdents campr daim lasîed Icrty urinutesanaîd seri d bo the eare of he mssag. , 50votes. Colonel IRoosevelt bas but draw aIl tyca lorrarr iletiginure of -W, are more titan willlnlr," suidr 470 votes& Senator LarFollettebira 36 Gui ernor liaie> ' lrssouri. 8,-n4lor <ranre, '60have lie <oivctr.l (*a votes et Wisconsin adNrIr l ias a dcnîrirrtrrrn mrrleir> IrI, lm"ason emaîrIn ndIv' rldelegate1 DabMI )andt Benator CUmnmins bas la tire IRoosevelit fîlsrr.te bire ure, whlose seablmqîestioned hy any one.1 mnt théetate e of0waL. but ft vas tire Nirssrîrrrran î,1rrr)u rritd Sutrit a troeiln mlgbt taire a week Iii Accooding 60 the retpont presentedIlartas aîgnlfait r ir shurilia a src--îrarîrvirlec demnanded on each!1 tO the convention there are 72 dele some o!flire t <oir> s trli'lrrrrr nrriîld c-aie vtiretRoosevelt leaders, but in! Este viioe seats are to ibe reveees>likte s a-e li'n O rrrIrrIiiir \\lilenr-it tir(' Iierrest of IIîlpublleity and' of'by thse comittUeon (renentlnls. Il was in lrrlgrü'rrarcol- of fiiI-ns cila lb. flrm bellef oethb..ose drectl>' ln-,lieutIenan'tslr, W'illiamri11. lrrlr-rriai, laimt îrry we are villing te0.tay hiere.'1 tereetedlan theculmination o! Ibis cou- jumpedOn thliîlarfornr -' i e r-rs The ourriook aI lresent. nsnny lead- veation lia by tire tinoelire commit- for Ilîdiev , Our TiaI î1iii -T.sait er.n îeilre, le for a grim deadlock teet on credlentials suirmisbtsRereort tii. Peunyanarr, anrdîî,rirfrthTie liral rîay ast soverail day, or ma>' to the convention 16lina>'fire very dii! Pennsylvanîn ricîrgatis and oiTilr rn--ml TnI WO conventions. iclt rte 0nompete thre president on vers soeur tircirýerr Tii ' ierbe- ThiR loosevelt plan of action forý tefret ballot. Furthermore it mn> gan vit-n (loi Ornor iari r ,Tre for- tels), . rniliined t» te leaders, 1.9 loi le ml, imore difficuît le nominale itim yard to roîîiy t il aar lr ît amuie ir forte teTireltatley rosolution tîrougir onte second ballot. Tire L.aioleîtr- RepreFientatr'.e Wartsoil' Tirafltirror tIno ~ ~ ~ aç w-runlo.liovi not go te hlm and neither leader. It W2rr, liute eciudTrr,rip- the crnerlrOr lly o IloaîlnaIr the Cuimiiiismen. and if tire parentl>'. but seelîro it; spointaTiil Goveror Iadleygot ntû ation et' dfentials committee decidos te ovor- the RooseveOt reople ai uni e -, rir-r Oce frrte Reesevitians. lits ide turcnthea racemmendations o! tiren upon it for a do-monslrrntirrn forrTe' was lin have one heur and a iraîffi and tioaco mmittge.concernlng anov part Colonel.,vitlîi te>' ai 1>00 jTrt icI tire ;tri men were to bave an equal cf 'hm 72 sea te ln dispute tliat nie-! lng te aerlIi tire boire orîtiinlýading 515,re nf limie. 1 clWoa Wquld bel la Roosevelte favon ,certain dolegaTes te tinorei(or.eit Jîrar'XWataon of Indiana Ildthe The daecsions. bowever. vould net bire aide before a volewans takeaou tire deirate for the Taft forces. 1suflolent It le declaredý 10 bribg about'1 question debaled tirrougirort tire after- laque Renewed wth Vengeance ROMeevitsO nomnation. Of one tbingl110011L as to the rieitOth ie msent- The Iasue last yesierday vas re- Taft men are certain, it is tire,0d b>' tire national conrmitte In tire nl we itir a vengeance. The Taft doteat of Roosevelt as tire candidtel contester] cases te vote on tire selec- sie wh gaette conoe' hnt o hsSvention, itien cf tire comnittete on crerlenlials monnir gae bc clonts hapions 1WbJlé Colonel Rooecvelt's frienda and cine tint coormit tee aiould relire- tire renînt yesterday b>' declarîng aIl notabî>' William Flinn, continue lte sent. motions cul o! order tinlIl the tempo- th.eten a boit ln Ibis convention If The Hadley chier vas. thierefore. rary organlzatîon wns perfected baril ta decisions of lie commîttee on turned loto a Rosevelt cireer. itut If tirir plan of campalgo mapîned outi credentlalts are net te their liking1 tIre dentonsîratirrn tint toîloved belli- irev tie old timers leadîng tie re l 1i7 y01 Colonel Itoosevelt friends ed anybedy tint jirson va, Gui orner düntl'$n iand. i lI5rt liat tirey viii net boit. Hadley. Taftîtes Bail tint tic>' woîrld met- With the posslbîlity o! a boit prnc-j A large part ln tire racket stirred le lire Issue Ioda>' on a motion tb re. tinal>'eliminated, tiers vas an lu-- nP, Once the titing a-asgoing, vas comOrttee on credentilBî. 'rie>' it-modste revival o!fte propoaitiontiaet Ilayed b>'Ea woman, waie seemad to n-both Presldent Taft and Ez-Presîdent kmcv just vint t10d and a'orked witb mlst tint t v il haet least hhirtv- R»ooevelt sbould bé set aside anti a vlI. Sire a-as Milfre.Dclr J. Deavis, one mon on tins committee te lwenty--ansea lepublicsnt selected wvio coîld the vIff oanChicago lîrmierman. It twx) Rosevet symathiZrslimitethe oppo&ing factions ln tire Re- vgs aid. Siteont In thte West gl -.. Roosevelt on Job Early. V .ilcan national Party., 10a..Bealde bier sut George R. NIlan- j Colonel Roosevelt vent mbt conter- The opposing Taft andt RooseveI chester, One o! Roosevtt Nov Yorkj ence lit 130 a. im. aitir Senater Borrh leadmeils ara stili exceedîngly bittr lieutenants anrd once secretar'ofethtier Geo. re FiCortiyou.Goveror J htieli'personli Iestirnate of sacir ether. .Newv'York county commîtlee. son o! Califertaa. Offcrd Pincbot. WlI but ther. la no galnsraying lire statle-. te ie010m engîgo ment thlu inmportant quarteiu, a bet- about toin minutes thii, voman d2'ew Ilan Flilon and other leaders. The ter feeling la beglitrong 60o exist. adiaul e2ee tovard irer b>' gettlng up In colonel expeted te oinue Itoits> te theueineîons are basted on th1e hope hét seat next te te galler>' raillng IeIpIn touci vîtî blir forces In tbe Ija compromise candidate vîli ie and, nnrolling a lithograph of lte folo- convention hall b>' inans of telle- seléctail vbom Colonel Roosevelt and ftel, began vavlng It and> tiroving phones In iis irotel apartimntts. his follovers vilI find a wilytu 10up- Icisses at the delegales bitth lie or be- Colonel Roonsevelt and iis varriors 1 1e.UhQor94bgblc bl The iedk-Mkatienx of thé iê Which is. nw being installed in ShiIoh Tbb'r*&â Iè,2119 City, wili, Ood willing, be dedtcated le%'>Prutof Wilhelm Middleschuite of the Thôiifls Orsia t Chicago, on Thursday £venin g, juine1w 1912, at 8:00 p. M. Program in full below. AchiwIqIdlW# f ree. Vrtée-wUi offerifigs only. received. Programn Concerto---G Major .................... -1iandel (La rghetto-Allegro.Adagjo-Andante> Cadenza by W. Middleschuite a. Andante . . ' " * * * ' ' * * « *.. Bach b. Asa's Death ...................... ..GrG « c. In Paradisum...................... Du oià d. Fiat Lux ......................... Dubois a. Pastorale and Finale ............... Guflp4nt b. Marche Ftinebre et Chant Siraphique. Gull"nàant a. Chorus Mysticas................. Schiýian' b. Allegretto..................... Mniîh c. Perpetuum Mobile .............. Middleshulte d. Allegro Cantabile (Pedals alone) .....Widdr a. Angelus............................ ýis>f b. Finale ....................... Rheinbergerr Professor Middleschulte will be assisted by Mr. A. Howard Garrett, Baritone, of Chicago A Few of the Many Interesting Items COflCel the Organi Number o0rgn . 7N -(ih.......<lei 1. The Greqt rgafl ieght...........30e Réet 2. SweIl Otgn Dph.....2 4. Slo 0-a li 5. EchoNhiïbek' of Registeru. .219 6:'Prdl~gi 7.Eebbo 0anî1No.2 Nuuibeir of Pleëà ...5124 WILBURGNNVJ erieral Overseer of the Chrlsftan Ctot fot1cC!f 1-MÀ