Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jun 1912, p. 2

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lpe bd ami at, WM r = =ahm utroat and lomM su an d up the wV"l Aiez Wllman has aceepted a positlo &I: the Merchat'a Loan and Trust bail Mmre Emil Fredrkcke and childi returned Sunday from a week'm visit ii Allngton EHeights. )m. Davis rturned from Ohio, Wd imaday evenlng. k. en in ,d- Mr. Bosaid loti Friday for Miniere, DL1, n-hem e hé n-ilvisititthl a ssten and lt» go ta St. Louis, Mo., for ai n-u i -th ber moiber.- Ulme.Isabel Bedersiadi aid Polly IWYlMo aiigbland Part. n-re guesteata the Bodrtadi home Suiday. - -i. Corisil entertalned ber rinsata a 115001 parti Tueeday atternoon. Dscoraiion n-eue put n-wet pea. init p" wu@-as non hy Mns. Cuningham, -second by Mmr. Wari-liand Mrm. Lndsay imieved th consolation priae.. Dora, ta M. ad Mmr. Louis Sose, a- . baby boy. *Mns. Geaig Foth spent everal dayi durlng tbe week in Elgin. The Ladies ofthie Muiioiary society ot tbe Prebyteriai church atoded thé Union Quarterly meeting ot the o'ana lebyterla eocieies ion" Home aid Forelge misions ithe Presbyierî at Chicago, n-hich n-ai hld ai Lakte Fomet Tbuisdây. Mr. aid Mije@ Aid of Chillicotime, Ohio, aie thé guesýsof Dr. anId r. Davis. C. AniS. Boue C., are baviug a eaap dsuontratIon. With srery 25 ent purhato in sn a pacitageof naihing pon-der n-ii begiven. Mm. Lna Aniesa ibe gut afber daugbter. Mms, B. B. RlebotfinluChcago. 1%i. Thimble club claeed ibeir meting@ 'Wddî wtha luceanIn l u na. 8, . Boton euianialusd hie uese, Ni-. abuser o1 nerington, Kaina", several 4we dorhuig thé nest. SM.Dtcb bail two Young ladieestram ,,'DbcNPosaiber- gueite hainrday aid *M Bie ois eiisrtalned Mm. Johnson ot SWIe. dulng the n-sai. ý4' U irlWI Ganowe gave a lunchean -PM*~ ToWsay afiernoon. 'IflsMhsionary soelety ai thé Presby- *M*m chuncb Wn muet ai the home ot Pm " Whtauy, rhday. "ýtuss Mhroê Whtiegave auInformai prOeoa& mber of bsr irids Satun- Cliper celbraisd ber blribday &tren-.oig. FredfromCbicago ,pdDsnfiild wn-erpmni. .WIIN, BUYH'4G SUY ONLY TME Oqetno Mre but Givesthe Boat Rîsuita fi.L. B8n= 4heBadalle, Win., saye bi is -l. o ei olsys Raonci Md Tar onupopntbCest eong cure on *0 id L . 'BShsbont bdvarions ýl" ai ut oley's giv. th@onsuitresui ai mif" frehby a"lDru«ggle. Adjudication Notice. meîi* . ota ereigv.lmitm us Fraunk P. Clark made a trip ta, Wauite- gai Tueaday, Emil Fi-anit made a business trip ta ChicagoaIMopday. The roade w-sie olled ln the village ibis wseit. Abert Rosit made a trip ta Chicago Tueeday. lr. Normai Ladd ol Libertyville, lo visltlîg witb. ber parent@ ebesthie %week. Fred Simdc, aur butcher bas cosedl bis meat market beresuad returncd ta Wgeconsin. Walter Prelim @pênt Saînrday and (anîday nith frleîîde inWaokegan. iThe electrit mtai bor the n-Bien plant n-as received boere Tueeday aid wil ho Insiallkd thia neek. Mir. aid Mms. Wm. F. Wettel ai the golf club are tbe proud parepts ai a baby boy, barn lant Wedueday. The Hudson romedy aid concert compaiy are wih us ibis weeîr. They are glvlng a iery sgaod show aid are drawiîg gwad cr0 wd. Tbe boys played ball et Grayslaits lat Buuday. NeiSniday tbey n-ll piey the. Barringtan ieam ou ths home grounds hems. lire. Joseph C. Whiney bad thé mis- fortune to fau n-hile outinh the yard sad break ber arm. At pi-et chois doing saanellasecan hoexpecte<tior a lady ai b-er age, being h iheseventîse. We n-hi ber a speedy mcoovery. william & Sommerfleld aid hli; iidte IEmelia, ne4 guesiet the home ai their "ami ber busbaaid, Mir. aid Mme. Rmdlu Harvarv, Ill., aver Sonday. Willam A. Saanmertield attended the banquet aid cai-elpart i gb-ounlahbi hanan hi Theta Illumna Chapter of the Alpha Delta Sigma Frateriity ai Harv-ard, Satunday eveniig n-hile I ibat cty. meanhere of Clio Chapter of Wood@tocek, III., and ai Kappa Phi Capter oi Laite Geneva, Win., n-sm aiea preet. 'iss Grace Neumann n-as the totaaimtreuan ad repi-eneted the Tai Béla Phi. ¶Aere n-rs about thinly yolig ladiegs of thé Tan BéesPhi Sarority preent. The banquet n-ai held i the Hai-yard bigh scboal. HUARD DI LIBERTYVILLE Mon- Bad Secte MHaeBecMade Strong-Kldney bIle Corctsd AIl aver Libertyvilie yau bear ht. Doan's Iduoy Pille ar eitephug up the e o -rt. lberiyvhlle peple are tllifiabout h-teiw ot'0fbed baecs mdie auud again. Yon eau beleve the tmsilony ai yourowu tan-uspeople They tel It ber thebe oeflit o! yoî n-ho are suffernug. If your hartkea, siyou féal ilame, sore aid! miesiable. if the kldueys aeittao tmqunay, or passage ar-e paintui, scauiy and off çalan, ue Doai'a Kldney Pille, thé resibsdy ibet bas beped so uaiy 0f our tiendi and uslghbors. Polio* ibis Lib.ityvife llsn'e advbce aid glveDmon's a chance te do tilimame foi- you. Mie. M. Baplin, Mdiin-ukee Ave. aid LaiteOb.. Lihotiville. II., ais: 41)mae Kldusy Pilleabave beesa ued lu my tanlly for a greet many -vean aand have alweys doue good n-rt. luhi an case thérs nweré peins thrangb niy hacit aiditiusy ad nheuI tasped In-as tranbwe g9a- y Teaction ot My iidusysn-i- Inobrand 1 suffred nm i dmy aid ne-vous @pelle., Doen's KMldey Pille gave me permanent relifi, For»salyhi lîdealer. Priceio cents. Fontst-Mhllbur C., Buffao, New Yorit sois &aents for thé United Stetes. Reatuhér ib te nume-Dosn's-eud taireDo ailier. 88-2 Adjudicatioun Notice. Public Notice ls herobi snonili lmthe Cut- meiberUn Ereuof il iRsi n d auiTe«lsannt.o oeilm. siedinpresent tbe mare tesid Court f or a lOamn. j BOY L. HUGRES. Exeoo - -s 5:1.. Tvi9ip. Prealdesît. Rl. F. Roua. Vice President. Irvinmg E. Payne, asahier. THE CI lIZENS9 BANK ROCKEFELLER. IL., By patronizing- your Home Bank you wrlll 41rectly.benefit yo>uirself and also plaoe that Bank hia pouitionl to help you if you so desire. Our Autereste are niutual. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: L .. Tripp. R. F. Rous, Iving E. Payne. ý1 M . Aluler. J. L. Taylor. J. S. Oridlsy. 'fmntneur@i Reupousiblty Approxlmately $100,000.00. MAKE YOUR, iOS -0 1108IYSOOILS TIÂRVL.-Nu'l h ~. istuanud arrNp.Wge teh=y theo pm>- veather permit&. Al»ta cer- ý_rooftng amd roofing *opafrs. R -BAKt-R By T. F. BWÂN CORRESPONPENT]- :. Is.Conrad Staaté retirned Monday !rom Bluff Laxe n-hem sehe bas been vletinjg. Floyd and Calvin Aynsiey returned! Sunday tram mukwanaao. Mr. aid UMm. Robert Lamens moved this week tram Ravine clope inta Herman Kublait's nen- bungalaou Seymour Ave. lire. J. LhRoder vlslted ai n-etk nith ber gon Alhsri, lu Congre«s Park. Mr. and Mms. John Eggere ai Glmer, @peut Buuday wltb their danabter, Mr@. Otto Tegtmeyer. Mrs. Wilii Rey spent i'uesday witb ber mother, Mn.. Knedler at Prairie View. John Roues, Sr., le bere tibis n-ek ram Part Ridge, vlitlng relative#. Viea Rudolpb le taiig a mn-o n-o.k. vacation tram ber <lties ai the Sheldon sehool. Idr. Huating ot Wauitegan, spent Frlday wiib Mrs. 6. A. Kramer. ,,Bert 8Bnan ad tamly of LibertYville,, visted unday n-lUsNiMs.Mary Swan.1 Claemnce Kalggs ba accepted a poui-1 thon a@ ident wth -. A. Mur-le. Horace King returned Fiiday tram Olendive, Mot., n-ber. he bas besu -ai-ting. ia thé pant t-o yeare. Hie aid rejaice thai hhai dans sc el neUh the n-est. Clarence Rapte reelgned hie position n-th tihe Soo line lat n-o.k and n-lu set employaeninl other lines. Floyd Aynsley bai laiton the position thue made vacant.': DeW ait Eramer ai Chicago, n-as oui ttuîday aid epeni the day witb ie taaily. Mr. and lira. E. H. Blibm are ibis n-ektiertaluing itafrmere@ tather aid mother tram Indiana. NextSundayevening ai thé church will ho held the annual Childrei'.e day exercises. Thé uitile aies have hesi carefnly drillsd aid no pains have been spared ta matre the occasion niemorahie. Mm. E. B. Harden otfLChicago là visi t- ing ibis nest n-th mretives aid t-ide bere aid st Lihertyvllie. Mrn. Ane Lathrop underwnet au aperatianinluthe Ravensn-aod hospiiel ihe tiet af the n-et, She le gettiig aloig ulcely aid le expectod home next n-est. Rer danghter, Mm .Arihur Johnson ot Chicago. ta ksepig hane <bring tbe absee of ber mother. LhMas Roueatteided the n-eddhug af Missefleidien ot Aptaitisie. ai thé Buffalo Grave cburch Wednesday mri- lug'! F. A. Bock bai a very siraige chicten thai n-as hatcW d ram a Plymauth Rock egg the tiret ai the n-etk. Thé bird bhs a tiid foot muet bebiîd the natural aies and ibis extra appeudage la a periectiy webhed duci's tont n-th tbe tas. 'poluing beckwnard. Pari of thé tme i peepa lite a aenly hatebed chicteàanad tien changes its cry ta ihat ai a smalt duckling andn-ei n-ater le placSd butors ih gires every evidentce of a desire taon-hi. Sa far thé bird appare p rfety hslthy and the chances ot lis beig raleed @seensIgood. Et.A. Waepa n-ort taObis home, ln Aaefib aurday ta attend ilhe n-ddhug of bis aister LhUlhai. NxttBunday asorning 5ev. Cari n-hi prech ou "Even a Cbld." lu the even- lmg the Chirts .day exerciea n-i! ho beld. : : ;AGI ex penses beig borne by ie Il C., and t hge daiom ade by t n-adpsld promplly, aiea tea p the amoeut recavered was p Dean Ayasley Whoa bond e pennies li the park. The Citisel belng iuily laisured at ail til Ineurance Ca. iheretare assmel and bus demantrated that 1lt Its obligations. Base Bail Mr*. B. INeyer întsraed a number or ber bMouds tram Chcago receîtly ?bey euJbyed a basket picolc at Lakte - Zurich. Mi sHusiuau and puells wilIlglve a recital lu the M. E. church, Tbursday eveîngZJone 27th. Tho pragrans 'n-lu omulet of so", duels, trios, fonr and Inu ceegbt band. two planaoeslectione, also the batik readinge AU aerdlally lîvlted. scent ot MrS. 1Ladimai>ls"vey ii. aid Mrs. i. B E. Fian ker vlshted friands lu ý44.50 lu Chicago meptly. en@ Bankt imes, the es ihe riait m un" .t Any ane n-ho le, meutaliy, ast con- stltutsd thrait ho ean enjoy tbe spectacle affoided by a laffl, MI grown mai ruthlsasl groibbing a stick ot med and n-hite cady ironuthe bilpleee bande of a punyInfuait nould bavebadib te time oi hie lite at ihergasis Bundsy ai mat la ase nser as oieoeru cames tua adescrhpionof the gam i -lu aits Vomist. TSi scores that n-e eeried together wib tbe oies geiaerously proesued to .as made a -total ai ihneteewwh-le tbe visitais accepied n-lthaut a blush the thees that n-oie haided ta ibeni. The gaine n-u@calied hy anomal caissur &fter Laite Foi-est badl baited la tbe sevoiih as aur aide n-a i tred oi runnlîg bassand the appositiun t?) nas tlred n-atchlug thean. A nice crowd came oui ta ses n-bai sbould bave beau a meal gaine coneidering theé em nLaite Forest lird lst yean but thon' ot the aid guard! n-ha immailu the lino up n-ere hadly ont ai tortu. Bouse pltcbsd a wcod gamne, aIlon-lng but twa biteand should not have beau neorsd on. Bstele n-aiemy bar aur alnggere aid Cariigan pnoved no harder thai hois ailait year. The score elly should bave t.een about 49 ta 0 but wni higfstai-ted ho came go eanll. the baYe soo noga that "'Oh wha's the usa" feelig and eaaed np. ei Sunday thé team goes ta, Laite Forest for a mmm rugainesaid n-e hope i n-lho e lttis mare intereuting. Tbo(scare: A a&à BA RBH. P A E H&Dke. 8b ................. a 84 0 0 t J.lOorfier sa............ -..52 2 O 8 0 a. ............. 5 2105 i 0. Kimicf .......... ......i I- i i , O0O H ouse rf........ ...bOl 1ii9i L ihni............ 2 2 0 Seller, il.............',2 i i O O T. Dole. c ................ 3 aut i i & Biouge.Pi... «........... 38 11i B-Ooifier. I............... i 2 O b i 1O Tnul ......... .......... 19 1i91i92 Les AilBRH P A E ChauftiSb .... ..... ... . 00 00 i O Knox. 41.If............ 2 0 i O2 b fi 1i 01 fleserman. b.. ...... 3 0 t 7 O i [Carita. ri. p ........ :O O O 0 0O Heeam. c.................. 3100 61 i 99eele .ri............ 20 010i Total ............... a2 l18 410 Ânes..........**,*....i 1b5O4b1b17 1-11) L.aeionsst........... 0 01 00 0 2- Tn-o hase bits, T. Dardier 3, Rapts 2, 0. King. Sacrifice bite, T. liaidon 2. Knox 1. Stalen hases, L King 5, R. Rous 2 J. Dorlisi, 0. King, H. Rouse. Beller. Knbggs, B. Dardier, T. Darder. Rapte, Smith, àttnidgs. Double play@, B. Boisa ta Knigge, R. Donfier ta Knlgge. Bases on bailla, off Bouse 2, off Stsele 1. Struct oit by Bouse f6, hy Steel@ 4. b.y arrigan 1. Rite off Rous 2, off Siiesié 12 la 5% lnuiugs. off Carrigai i3 lua% innngs. - -I No ose talig the Amass and theý Waihigtau Americam ae pes lig nome banl ibis ear. 1 Pat Kig tapi up hie Ty Cohis n-rt wlth fOve phfemed iacit.- sud Mr@. Irving Payne eutsrWensd aber ai friands gaturday eeuaig inRaptre aid Tony Dardier n-ors the rao ber iriend, Mini Peak of ,ioritia. hhtting thde ai tbe ganu, bath batiining qthoso preéint unr.: Rev. aid timeir batiug an-tag ecoashderahly. .Senti Carr, Mr. anid re. B. L Nobodi n-ai bittlug thén dan third eMmg. ail Mn.. F. C. Shaddle, Mr.- base nayr Sunday, oaiLy ane chance ire. leMang aid Miss Edihb hows lu tbe box score and Chaitry ran. A vsry pléament evnig n-ai gai ihat. ed b>' thon preseeat. Bard lucit rabhed O. King ai a bit hi crance tor Thé Cilions' Batkhbu the ihird. Ré bit oie a mile a minuta m to be &Hthet Iocisd for lt.aandl cauglatStsele in aie af hie ekids s ais n-ai placed luin ehehaitthe aid bouoded straigbt as e diseita the 'y failon-ung the borgie>, a&l tiret baesanaebanda tor the oui. Mniv George îladke and Miss Della wers Waukegan vistais Samrday. Mçi. Willard Beach opent a iew Étayé Of laut week inCcago ast ho ubme ai ber cou Howard. RayKuéker le spendiug a few <aye wit be sitprEmnia, liWautegai. [«i ecuRokwith lieeI thebo nea Ni. a"d lra. 1Ricard Dtddliare ithe proud lparoi of a baby ghrh. Roy Recketsn-eiier, n-ho bas"ien atediaig ecbool ai Champalguis home for thé vacation. Thom n-auainuunyInali arg nmber. at thsue 3»«fesiluat n-.k. Of tii. vwltng dolgation Wanioga , n-tu lBle - îatbsum. s octuiIls17, eilbt 1 rayietàa10 » kmo ld oeS& -Thom wn-en Wo the atteudaice up tu 150,. Ail repart a gond meeting. The C. E, aonletv n-hi give a Ian-n social ai the home of Mise Agnes Payns, Tburmdey evenlmg, Joune 27th. les Mai aid cake IU. Ramé made candi wni hé for sale. A condaliy invitation le éteided ta ail ta came aid have a gcwaitime. MilesElzabeth KG:bter la epeidbîg ber vacatin A;botua. Eva Krsinger vlellod fi-aide lu Grayaleke Fnida>' aid Btrday. A Gard This le a t otiy that Foley'e Houey aid Tai ompouvd dom. not contaln aai oti say hait o.10iudno, oray ogrsdlenu$i îlue* cqd'poibl Unie. O*- 9». SïR.A gruat belng, and sootw meSs aIr&iro - sdyMto f or us.lde MdihrtWu %lt b7uésai49, chi= a" g laOM. 'ffW .a ub luâ a ilo Mise [Alliai htratmudu of Chicago, vlsltod NidsBattis Keubler over Sunday. i. and Mms. T. CAflow aid MIu Benrietta vleiited relatives bers ave? SUG46y. MisaMary Roffmelster wlI toehin iMaywood the comIng year and thus ho usai ber parent&. Tbe Ladie' Aid soelsty met In ths ehureh parlais Wednoe e tterooon. Mms H. Torgier entertained Isr. Aibrfthl; and daugbter oV»uwaokee. IL- ÎÎÂ UflW Obituary. Hfflvy Fenerseln uwaa hon inlisai eDarmstadt, Germny, January 5.,1887. <lied June 11, 1912 attbeags of 75 years fi manthe and 6 days. ils came ta Ameilca when a Yaung boy and flnslly ssttled in Chicago, w ber- ho wasengaged lu business untll tbe spriug of 1887, when ho moved to a emal place nsar f,1u-ltbtan and lved thes utlt-hfrdea. la 1858 heonierrled Maj-'Ursuls Gaes- n-iler, n-ho preeeded hlm lu desth t-o yeare ega. Thére n-sm four children: Emuh G., n-ho diod ln 1906, Abert,n-ho <ied lIn1907, Ren E. and Mm. E. J. Welskopf. Bo aio eaeseta mairn fie las:ane deughter-ln-lan-, oie siseur.* thirteen ganmd chldrsn aid thiee great grand children. The"lt yeare of hihe fle bad been a misery aid <bath came as a relieftota&Il lis snffering. H.ehbagaie tu rosi with ibose n-ha have gaie betore. Card of Thaik a 'We n-bih ta express aur appreciatiai ta aur trieuda for ibeir thudues ani& belpti s ympaihy durîg the ilinees aid death of aur aiber. Ma. AN RMS EaJ. WEtsa.apy AUTO DESTOYEIJ DY FIlE MACHINE OWNED BY DR. PROX- MEVYER 0F LAKEU PORE&T I8 DESTROYED; LOBS $8M0 A two-passengor automobile, ths praperty of Dr. Proxmeyer of Lakte Farest was destroyed by tire an Sher- Idan road drive, nortb Chicago, at an eariy boui Moîday evening. Twa Lakte Forest mon narrowly os- capod serIous Injury. The automobile wu$ turned ta the mechante at the garage at Lakte For- est, Monday moe-nlng for repsirs. The mon workod aIl day on the engine whon the carbeuratar "back fired'" en- gulflng the machine ln fiames. James Smth, who was drlvlng the car, attempted ta shut off the gasoline and narrowiy escaPed serious mni-y. The tsi gallon gasoline tank exPlOded *hen ha was standing wthln threo eest of the car. Whain the gasoline tank exploded small pleces of métal were thrown hundred.a of feet ln the air. The country for a distance of lve miles was lllumlnated by the flamew. Athougli the report of the explo- sion was nat beard.'l Waukogan sev- oral men eîiaylng a launcli ride on SA«ke Mchigan, off Waîkegan. îaw the daese. Passengers en the train whlch ai-. rved ln Waukegan at 9:30 wltne@sed the destruction of the oür by lire. The machinewas vained at $80000. lI our xp)erieiioe coverng a good many year we find the uChîcago Double X' braaid of Portand Cemetjs giving the greatuet safitiot the Ura«tonumberofourpatrofls "Double Ae emm 7w bat b mde rswa Y « e it iW mme m k* 'ý aCOi 3 pwe c. l.tew" tPldO. eout m 9m4sadCsafae TRI FlfT NATIONU ALNI OPFLINITYVILLE l4aat Doft the*0Peut OMMI. LUBOffla e~~m BTBEKE EM MAS. EMILY $ANDERS 0F MOR. ROW PLATS IN CRITICAL CON. DITION AT TH* MOSPITAL THOIJONT DOOR OPINES INTO HALL'ANS PLIJNGED NIAS. LONQ SOWN STAIRS1 Mis. E1mwy Bandera, 63 yeare aId,i n-ho ceides lu . one of theo Morron-g flats on Belvidere street, on Buîday1 afiernoon, opened a toor n-hhch sbh. lisiok for ope loadlpgoui f o! <bon4 th.' mistahe nwa prove a fatal one,i for te ni nMoment ashe had plunead don-n a fitlit of stops lsedhng ta the basemout. Bbc n-as reuaoved tathe bosital ln an &ambulàancen-er. it n-as fouîd that the had broiten tn-o rlbe, both of n-hlch had puictured ber lungs. Her condition le regarded as Ni-a. Bandiers bad llved ln the flat but a week aid It la bulleved that ber unfamUlhaoity wlth the mrnemi nas tai blains for the ocident. The cellari uoor ls quita ntar the doar leadlng out1 ita the hallanid the mnltaite -as quie a natural one. Tn-o of Mrs. Bandera' sons.btho n-loan ai- o nuected nlth the naval traiing station ai North Chicago, aid ber daughter. n-en hin the bouse at the time.the accident happeued. Tliey caried ber up the stops aid iben liurrIled ta the home of James Mai-- ran- owner oe the faets, aid teie- pliaied for Dr. Brow-n. Upan bis ai-- rivailihe san- that the mini-y n-as eerl- oan asand'he advliod that the lIn- jured wn-ameh removed ta the hoâ- Pita]. Thot m. S.andera n-as net more serlotusly Iijnred n-as <0% ta the tact that she dbd uot fo.ll ail the n-aY ta the hoittom of UteeataireAbout haîf n-ny downn here la a laidhi n- hère the stepe toi-n lai another directi,,o Had elie tunibled aIl théen-ay down aid t-unit the cernent loar h seprob- able thai oee noold bave been killed almoat utantly. Asithinh, ber hojîi-- les ai-o ver? igoos, As spo a senie rocoveni partiy tram- thé short hIl l passible that i will betooid ibat she n-as lnternaiiy injored hiuailier i-e- opects. ARREsTED O)N SER IOUS CHARGE Complit 9ffe ta the postoffice au- thorithes by Edn-ard Geer. trotUîng homne dr-iver, resulted lu the arrest yesterday of Miss F. W. Bicebait, member of the Si-m of J. J. Harris & Ca.. live atockIt hsuraice agente ai 29 Bouth Laga11e street. Chicago. Mig Brokiobanitla cliarged n-th frandoient use o! the mails hy the isuraice of a liai-e without intent ta ndemnify the owner. Geer alloges thai ane o! bis hornes n-as nsored for $2,000 ihrongh the fini of J. J. Heu-il & Ca. The animai dled, accordig ta the chargesansd the broitorage fini -e f oaed ta PaY the lndenliiY. Tlioy Put en End To Il -Charles Sable. 80 Cook St.. N. Y. mya ho recamniende Pu Pille at every oppaittinlty bi gave bîm prompt relief trom o1 kldney trouble thatbad lan him. lineh a recammendati froin Mr. Sable, la direct and ovîdence of the great coraila of Fnley Kilduey Pille. Fr t)ruggins. XsV ni nd Tank Com]l aStave Si Best On The D mme's P1se' causa thé a d caasO L.I EMY "PS Oiq'r#M CHI. .CAGOSASBIYEPS4TBDy ft* r"01, MINO. ACCIDENT 11114PIRST PRHMATURIE FOUflt4IEI LUSAI'ION I Fr Pregence of ind aid quick wark 01 ths liat fif -Yaarold MaY Stane of vittoia sust*.Àrth ifloagoresUit- ed ln the child saving tier eyesight Snnday etternoon n he e iren- ber banda to e h- facs, coverid'her eys aid re-eived thé fuli chiarge of n .22 blsuît cesidile ln'ýt*e expoued por- i to 0fber teaid tihsbacit of ber bande. The ridle n-u luthe banda or a 9- year-old boy plstymete, n-ho, pointlng the weapon et another girl, dlvertd Its course n he tb fiâtcbild ra away. As phe started ta i-un, ho turned the eapan n tbseOttee glrl and e. seelug hia acion, tlirew be' bande ta ber face aid recelved the fuit charge. Ha*l ah. uit ruised ber hands. no doubt ber eyestgbt -oruld bave hein rulned. Tih. pon-der cavered the bacit of lier batuds, and permeated every par- tion of lier face wblch ber bande dld flot caver. The chlld waz burrisd ta Dr. JlIey's offce n-ber. ho attended ber Injuries, removing mucli of tbe pan-der. Name of Boy Unknown. The maane of the boy n-ho fired the @hot leuîitknown. Oie boy; was se- cused but àt nas denied that be did ItL -Tbe other lad charged aiea denied it. beire the authorllies are trylîz ta determîno juste n-lia red the ehat. The accident aqrurred at 4 a'clock Stiay and created much excltement. The boy n-ha fred the abat mad pur- chaseel somte blane cartridgew ta bic need lu celebrstlng the Fourtb of jly. REV. TUÇKER STILL MERE frionds of Bey. B. N. Tueker, n-hile admitting that ho le no lmier puutor of the Weat Bide C-hrlatksi ohnroh but bas heen socceedd y ltov. Col., de- 5 Oate ho bua nmoed f r.,. uke- g-uait Os bei-e-eitdaym belng ab- sent ain-l en lie leves ber. Bat- uriiay moruungs ta off iclatela a cbrls- tliai ourunh lna ielghborlng ckty, tliey n-LI not clate n-ber, ho te proachung but Insit #bat ho preaches every Sun- day. tState of Ilinuois. Cority of' Lakte, as: In the Circuit court of lit&e couuty. Henry C. Edwards vu. gSuas wrigltt.- Orlando 8. Wright, Frances Hender- son. George Wright, Juia Gray, t William Wrighit, Charles Wright, f Florence, Duncan, James Wrigbt, r Proston Wright. Amanda E. Wigbt- r mark, Willam W. Edwarde, Burton ) C. Haines, Hurt. Edn-ards. Avis Ed- n-arde. NeIlle Henahan-, Boy Crlbb, B Edmuid Balley aid Mahel Baliey, aid the "uiltnoniourners of or per- sons Interestad Ln the reai entais descrlued i the 16111 of compwat;- I Chancery, Cen. No. 5795. Diatlsfactary affidavit that thé fold lon-lng defeaidants, George S. Wright. Jolie Gray, William H. Wright, Fran- es L. Heuderean, James J. Wright, ;gtiYOFia-ne1uci P-esaiWgt Ân Burton Ç. Haines, Orlando S. Wrilght, ré qaiutisi Burt Edn-ards, Avis Edwnai-ds and Nel- cale hy all e Heusban-ae-ect residonts et the htaie of Illhnois se chai procean beeie cannai ho erved uon ibeni or elhber aof ibem, snd that the "uknown on-- ers of or peusons Inierested i thé Silo real éClate descrlbed ln the miliio complahît" cannai befound seo bai procese herein can ho servedt upan pays theni or sither of thoan havlng been filed hi the office -lieu-k of this SCourt, il' iNotice ha Tho,- Warket ta the sald Gor Giai, Willam Hendorson. Ja_ Nt Duncan, Pre- Bu -/ Haines, Orli li~t, Bùzt Bd- wargs, Avi' id Nellé Heu- shan-, the owîers of or porsonsa'ibe real estate descilbeo - 11-af complaint", -thai iBid '. ined ecaniplainaît filed bis b' -o! complit i said Court on the Chancery sidèe tbeu-ea aid tbýat a suananns thereupan aa'ued ont 0f eaid Court againat the ahove iamed defondaita returnable on the i-st day ef, the October Ternia!f b. CireuiCourt lotit ecouiiy, ta ho, hold ai the Court IHanse uia Waukegai Slu tb. Cony of ILabo on the Su-ai 29NF Moiday o! October, A. -D. 1912 as le hi Ian- roqu-ed and n-hicb suit la sMIipouding. IliosIDateel ai Wauksgann minoias,tibis j th day of ;une, A. D. 191.2. 111e ~ ~ LA xý a <LlR.0. UDwà=eB, e'..é 0 ~pfolet tc 0lao ts 111 -I&U ýM&ý lm uuý

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