Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jun 1912, p. 3

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LKECOUlTY INDXýPII»ENT, FRIDAY, J UNE 21, 1912. au lu 1~ a, SFor thîs is *the baking Sjpowder liai . makes the£ *bakingetr. l iileavens thîe foad o veulythrougliaut; g lg andl vw oenmoe. gRetuember, Calumxet la moderata lu pnc E-bigbcatticlupqnlity. a su hetirute. Y3RK HOUSE Ou accoanut oifte SUnDa183 rhuol con- 'mvgSqtion atZlan City, sie Ladi.u Preîh- l br lset Sonday. T ii. fanra i .srv ïc i im f rg. W ujeld l'inel vas bold tant Suada_ý ai iheehurch 1 many neghborisuad i niends attending.1 The famill ha the .in,-eres ympatby of the camtumnity. There was quit, a number frintu here at the convention et Zion Suuday. blilasFrance. Qould le visitinir lber lro- tuer, Harry Gonld. A large number of Iriend@ attendod the fuerai of E. B. Phîllilîs lest Thnrmday, June 13 held ai ithe Baptilt chureh lu Waukegan. The friendeaIf utile l.lrathy Gould met et ber home lest Thureday It being ber birtbday. Gantes of ail kinds vers played and tesecreant andi cake served. Ail Lad a dlue lm.. Mfr. and Mrs. Char.. Adems, wbo bave Weu violting at the David Adam'é home the paot week, have returned ta tbeir home at Libertyv1ille. Mir&. Wooley te visitiug ber brother, H. L. Wilson. Tbeie wilt be service, et the York Hanse ehurch udxt Snnday ntorniug ai 10:30; lu the evenlug at 7:30. J. L. 13rrls @peut Monday lu Chcago. L GURNME J. A. Bnnett va in Chcago ou business Monday. b M. Dalselt and wie returned ta Iowa ait Fîldar. ,d tRay enter4aled relatives tram Waukegeu Suvday. > ~ Lghtning struck the. parsonage Satur- day daicg siight damtage. Born, ta LMr. and Mii. P. Portegyp, Baturday moraing, a son. * School clooed Fridaiy with a picuir et Druce Lake. 1Many ofOunr telephone8 were out ai busine@s ail day Sunda" ou a£ccunt af -the estorni saturday. * The. Woodman social comunttte met Tueday ereuieg to arrange for a benellt "nu.-- FAed te fwued rom &delu th 1fr. ud Mn@.. rt Trotta,' i Chîcago. aud Mr. 'and Mir. Clarence Banner ai EvIanston, aet Sueday vitit Mn. and Mni. A. K. Bain. yý CHI. n Memrarlatservices vili h. h.ld for lMr. James Elhnry ai the Episcopal Mdission nexé Bundey atternoon et 3 o'clock. Blshop TotI viilolffciate. »1ssAuna Hansen lait Moudey ta a ndànoutb vîth relatives lu Nebraska user Omtaha. Miss Zete Mdassey ai Chcago, vas a guesi ai irlends here tram Fniday untii Maonday. tram Zian Tbnreay ta the Lame afiebis r. and Mmr. wSt. Ellg retunrud a ise, lir. Newtou L.eV ay. Saturde> front a businesstri np siu 1Peut aud Minneeuîîliq. lit. and lins. W. 0i. Tilcluire treusaci. ed busines lu Grayslake Beionday. ?Ar. aed Tire. D. M. White and dangb.ý tan Berthe leit Tuedey ior Nebraska, vbera uhey yul viit ieir cousin Andîew The Keyshonclensgeve a partyThura- daY .venlng ah the homuo oi Mr cul Lire. Aies Hughes. C. E. TapIe June 23: "Reading ihat la varih vhlle." lst Tint. 4:7.16. Ralpi Mler, Leader. Mn. sud lira. Wm. Crentin teit Wednee. day for Nev YorL vhera ihey vili i rit relatives iornomane tinte. Prayan nteeting avery Wednesday et aIgu P. M. The ladies mlaeioeary etudy claie met Tbzuredaî vitb lMr@. eo. Jemniion. Floyd White snd Miss Lilliau Watson of Waukegan ver. married Saturdey, Joue 15. Cogrtulation.. TURE ýFwork one of result- ,esight m ber r eyes 1 a .22 d por- of ber )f a 9- )intlng ýverted j Id ran un bel ne gir ?w b.:p ed the ed her wauld ack of ry par- ide did ried to, ýtended of the ,ed the ras ac- ý did IL iiied it, log te e shot. o'clo-ck tenient. ild pur- to be Df july. RE 7, while pmtor roh but O)e, de- %V"ke- >Ing ab- re sat- 1 chris- ýy, they mching ry Stin- Hslped ta Keep Dasen .iperises %Ivs J E Henry. Akron, Mii., tuleo lio.- .i1wedaiii o: "I vas botheenal iii mîy kidnaye cul bad ta go nearty double. 1t înida asniple af Faiey Kudney Pilla and îhey did mesaseranch gouci Liai I bougit a lottle. andteel ihai tbay saera tue a hig doctors bill. For sale by al Iîrugglset. tireat preparatione are beiug maIe ion a 4th of Juiy pleie tu hé held tiAMee's grave. Severel comnititeea have been eppainted. and, under the direction ai Mira. Bennetand tie Ladies Aid eaciety. are bard et vork planning a ceiéhration vbteh promises t tahe usbeegi erenbell ber.. A base bail gante i. h.lng secural aefSne pragrant arrangél aud everytiing poinuta a Woodl tinte. Plan ta canef and paruake ofthte fiua chieken pie lin. uer thé ladies oi thé churci are ta pro- pare fan the occasion.1 Mr. and lMre. Johnson Tlatcfalmet ai Chicago, speet eevanal days ai laest eek et the hontes of W. J. Oliver and J. 1).1 Muorray.1 RoSecrsaus as veli FepreieuteI et Lie convention vhich vas helI et Zion Cty on Joue 17. Mn. MeCrea vas entertained ai thé hanteutfTir. Itrever lest Sautrdey and Bunday. Lins. Hogen visiteil in Waukegan Sun- day. Ber litile grmid-daugh ter reiurued tu ltoserans vith ber. Mn. and Tira. Nartbrope @peuit the dsy lest Saturdey vislimaî relatives at Huibard'. Woada. ThaeTMount Let centetry soclety and tha Ladies Ail saciety oi the M. E. churci ver. entertaeluei t ie hante of Lins, W. J. Oliver lasi Wdedneday alter- nuon. A vary pleesant aiternoou wan aujoyel by ail preseut. tC. Edvandsend fantily @peut Sunday vith bis brother, T ant E lverds. i Lire M. A. licLaughinl, 512 Jay St., L&Croes. W le., tvnitai ibai she sufferel ail kind@ of pain In her hack cud hipe an eccaunt af i l.ney troubla sud rheu- mettasnt. 1*1gai sanieof Faley KIlney Pillaeanud alLer taking ibsi (or a 1ev laye thsre-vas s vaudsrit chante lu Muy case, for Ithe pain eiltsiylait nMy bu bse udWedI am tbanklutl ter. b ,4O i D 6 M S V I e I e y h t s ' TillasLucy Sanies af Wencoude. returned ta her home Tuesdey alter speuding severai day. wlth her mdater, Louis, et ttateil Gatdinler. Tira. J. Ii. FPinter loit Monlay ion Prairie du Chein and vîlî returu Wedneb- day vltb ber dangbter sebel, vho bas beau attendleg sehool Iliare. Pasrlegrese 40e per lb. ibis vummner. Onr stock slaon bandl; Dov stock, ihe strongast aud bestinthé ineiket. Druce Drux Co.-Tbe ResaIt Store. Dr. John Turner and vite of Wauke- gan, vere gomesta1atihe iormer's parenta tover SundaYî. H. Coamube and femlly are ai their tsutumer home ai Gages LaIke for the segalon.0 tWnt. Cleveland of Tiotiutain Vlev, OkIe., le visitlug relatives8 here thie waek. He wlit attend ithe lepubliccu couveu- at hie home bers.. h had len kuowU fon soinste tnt.that bie heaitit vas p aarly, but oaihtata bh. had (cli muci botter and hbaoeen able tu le up and about. Sa the neya ai bis d,'aih ea e surprise tamany'wbo hed but a short tinte prevclasy mseen d talked wlth hlm. Lin. Thonison le uonoably ou. 0t the hegt kuoavemen inLua-ke nouuty having been le the herdware businese wltb hie brather Albert, here ior a iunnberaiyears. Be vasag,îodeiiien. a kind and lavtng eau, huslaud anI parent. Elavieu a congenial nature lie made many iledabath aîîîoug the younguànd od, wbawill miss hie fnieudiy @mii. andlbearty lhand shake. Ho vas a member ai the. Woodnien and Tiaionie Order. Thîe tueral service. were beld Wedueeday, thé lissonsiqaving charge. Rer. L. E. Stevase..ofifcltiug. Obltuery wiii eppear neit weebk. HOME WEDDING isas Leita Clark, Daughter of a Prominent Physician of Grayulu3keWeda lMr. Frank Winkle, Operator on Soo Lino and Only Son of lirs. Anielia Winkle. (O n We minsa y evafternoo t *l i Q19 dion vhile bere.. ise Leits. Clark, auly d;i,îgiz tuv - ifiDr. Preparatlone are bt-iug made Lu hoid anBd Lir@. w. Id. Clark, sud lIr. Frank tite oldier's and Seilure' reunton ber. Winkle af ibis Cty, wene uîarrîed ai the tiis yer. home ai the bride by HRu.T.I I.Stevens The dance given by the Boositers lait ai Lagoon, III. week was aecurcets. They huld ihcîr The binde, wha watn ou.,ilie î,rettieslt naît dance Juiy 4th. of ihesteagon, wore white ti-',l itli Brick vork bai@ ,.,inenced un the irer tdrees aiwhite ci1k ,vibroidered Hcnîy Kuebkur store. net wîth pearl trimnttig w, o' arried s WVm iare trausacteii business iu siower bouquet oi bnidrut voue, and lily Chicago. Tuceday uof tie Valley. The home vas pnettil,% di,,rîîti with Aletha White,. vi,, las be u euteudiug enserergne es asud i iii w. white bord itii Madison, Wi.,neturned borntepeouue. Mr@. O. Waltilîli.,i if Chicago, Tupsday. îulesed Lobentgreu's o ldî. art The thiiiiîcfor lice on stock i. vhi!e the yonng people to-:1,1v Jlirste Kresmo [hp. Iit a gallon. h ' osiu ces be neati aa scbof evero r,' itir aîlterne. titan ativ other sud eues ientlier.tiruce [lnug tii The ltexaii Store.wbere titey ver. jc.ined ii. h ,i, loly bond o1lm tnst ii u ny by th ic rîno'r . m , y MLins. LFie trang, who lias jusi rcuurnAd lîirectly alter thé con, araîiliitius and front Clmnton, lowa, te tli gneet tif (eeu elebiirett wedding dinzi. r. tuli bride aud S îreîig a ud vile. groom luIt, atuid a slîow, rof rice, tur a (lu,> Stranîc Lransacted lbusineés > ivu veeke trip thruugliieîlu suth and Chîcagu lltoodav. alter which tI-ey ttil]l i. ut hiome to JohnLîuongelieugh tnansacted ituéiuoees iremmatîy firlnditon Lakre ltine iDrive. et Lake Villa Tnsde.r.lnsd Tire. Wiukie are botii populer C. IB. TilsClelland vilil utor the and veli k uo vb young pe le. >raYs- cblîdren autich Sears honte thiesommer. lake, and bave s lerge riIrcli- of Iniends Hie duties comineuced iait Monday. wvia xezinilta them btest wvielîefon e Lin. and Tirs. Win. Wison ai Zenda, happy and praserous future. Wis., vimlted r.lativci ber. Suuday. Those vo ver. pn-erut et ite w dding froua ont ai town 'turc. Tirs. tUbert Clark and lire. William Cunningham and Promrinenl Citizen Dead seau ai tinterburg, Ohiîo; lin. 1). Bhumer, A wvre of grief eprend over ounr tavu vilesud eau ut i'ainberry, Ill.; lire. 0. Sundey alternoan vben iL vas learned Waldntan and lite. Cleiîiunt Wiitmareof ihat Oea. Thomsoan had soddeuiy died Chicago. Jas Arnann d sou Allie Ppent Thnrs day and Frlday mn Chicago. Bessie Meade of (irayslake, ie visitiig ibis week et ber uncle'e, LAu Buook's. 'Wili Hironimne anc], ie. TMrm.Phtl Flary ami Ed Rende. acre Antiocb visitare Satnrday aiternoon. Ed. McCorntick and vile, LylaL TicCur- mick and eoa. Lawrence venu guests ai tb. homte ai NeutIguilivan over Sunday. Ada White haa reeigued ai aperator ai the taiephone exciteuge ai Libertyviile. Ev. Soreneon leit IRouud Lake Mouday for Autioci viere sbe vilI work et thé Bimane hoiel. lith Steele of Lake F'orest, Suudayed yuL finieda bere. Tire. Ueo. I-tsiugz, Clara Rusîug. lire. Peter Flary. sud Martin Tieieu woer.ta Ingloside, Fox Lake, PierakueHay, and Mceury Munday gettiig donatione for thekienear ta h. held lu Auet for the beuett o! St. Soepie chbunch. Mir. and lire. Freley of Chicago, rieltel »t thé boni. o! their daughter, lire. C, Jouge, eatun- laye, r.iurulng ta Chicago Tuesday eveuiug. Alice Junge returnel wiit them. Harvey Taggent retunued ta Cbleza Monday aiter varking fan the paL tvaw mouthe ton Hirouintus Bran. Gtertrude Turner ai Wauoeoda, vas a guesi et Litiliere Suudey. Mmre Litwiler and daughter Coanansd lira. ilch LiLy vere Waukegan vîsitars 1'uesday. BertheaItietz and EenI (Graham fIato JaneivilIc, vere merriel ai Wankegan Tuaîday. Fred Flairy and Hcnry Uieuleki and vufe ver. I bhieagu visitore Tueeday. C. T. Fond and three aubin bead mon ai th. Ckicago Telephüne eomantuy ver. calter. ai Round Lake Exchenge Tues- day aitennoou. If you veut ta have e good johly lIme ocamé t to ind L4ke velbration the 4tb ai Jnty. TAYLOR GROVE A nunthar iron hure attended Lia iun- oralaofliMm.Wiuiid Final ai York Hanse Sunday. The tamilybhai the syn- pahhy ot4heir mauy iniendi bere. Mm B . C. Anus gare a birthdey party Setondey (un thé chilîren. Lira. Theo~. Vaud,-ntvall iequi cii-k. Dr. Betlow inin luattendance. C. Leacii. suon tu leave ion Europe vier. be will speud hie vacation. Stalle Shea han returued ta Weukegau -ater a riait wlth rulatîrea ber.. Lorrette lDoyxle le slaying wlth ber aun boer.. Mris. 1. Itearduil spent 8undaý' with berntother. Friends o) Ni.Shuelbv are glad toluitre b. le able ta le brought honte. Mir@. Mary 'Taylor Io vleitiug ber daugbter here. Fred Leable le n orklng ai (turne. N.b Johueun gwave a party Tuesday evening. Mdis Jouie Eddy çlofied a ouccesoful tarin ai echool with a puenie WedueedaY. Ail bad a guod tîne. Mmre Lele Love, wilefe ailWey Lave, a fermer liviung ear C'veia, Ga.,lave: -1 bave taken Faley Kldney Pilla and find them ta bc ail you claim tor theip. Tbey rave m amait inetant relief w heu My ildneye ware sluggish and inactive. I en cheenfnlly reeotnmend tben tot ail suffers tram kldney trouble." For meai by ail Drtggiote. Cultivai. a peneonal pride tn your abluty tu write vint ails THÂT AC- COMPISTRINOS. DR. L. iM. COULSON V!TCRINARIAN Office at Ciardiaier Hotel Phone 53R IGRAYSLAKE ILLINOISI Doings and Sayings of "yslake Ir. 'l. Druce, B&to7r phone il fur Job Work Advertisir6g Rales On Application Meicasa Bd lu grain tilght poulîke y Sh.ýi.9 -d -P b-d - Mýl alw pmidt>J with grain ýiý 1 ------------ »= Mile Manda Ceveland risited Satur- day wîti ber aunt, li. Ed. Heydacker ai Waukegan. Paul Griffin #pent Saturday wiîh hie parent.nMar Waukegen. MIes Foote and Rev. Baffond returued front Wbeaton the lent ai the week. Eart White of Madlaou, Wle., viii spend part of hIe vacation wih thit bminisfalk boer.. John Ito mnus'sAhir, houeeh,.il cnnA uheýMelrose Convertible Wagon B.,ed MW-j 15 IN ON Can be changed fr- any one position to any the, of t Fe 13 in two ritinutes or less. A twelee old boy can do it. No týls needed-just your hands. aUlIt to U» . . . Bulit to Lest ALWAYS READY to HAUL AUTHINC When you have a Melrou Med on your geýir8 you're ready to do any kind of hauling. Cro to town with a load of hay, straw, grain, stock, or whatever you want to haul, and use it on the return trip for any hauling purpose. When you use this bed you haul bigger loads, you get through with the job quicker. You save time for yourself and for your team: No more back strain- ing, lifting off and on of heavy beds and racks-have them all in one by using the Melrose Convertible Bed. Built to fit un any standard make of n ",g gý-r- 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL FREIGIHY PREPAID to ny point esst of the Miss'iiri 1-- inthe United States GREATEST FARM M ENT 10K OF THE CENTURY Hiram Combeanad familY ofo)Iak Park, are ouit toibeir (arin for the. suillner. Mrs. Thayer and îlaughter Stell1a of Waukegan, apent IMoudaY wfi î riendg. Fred VanZandt and Ricbard Clapbam leit Tuesday for a trip th rough the west. Master Raines W N rglht le lot e@oweli ai preïent writing. Gea. Vase and wi ut Larnl,*s Cornerp, opeut snnday witil frleals bere. Mir@. C. . Âmes wag oui for a drive Sut. day and la feeling ëotne butter. Wnt. sage bas a new Ford autoinuble Mies Auna Paulson §petit Suuday and Monday with Mir@. 'Tom Mugg. Herd Chard of Austin, visjted rulati ves here th@ faut week. 1 Mr. Benjimnan and family drove out tram Austin Frlday aliernoun aud etaj - Bd over Runday ai une of the A lieu rot. Mr,. and Mr@. Wm. untehinson of Waukegan, v1slted ai Fred Cliard«s the firet of hie week. Seboal coaedThnroday. Mlasilraham will retunu ta Wîcaneln gaturday. Anthony Ganyo le ent.rtainîug his brother and wlte trom Nebraska. Phillipp VanZaudt, paatar aiofith irei Baptist cbureh of. Fond du Lac, Wl.., vlértted his brother Fred on Mdouday. Fd Harris weuîtai the Presbyterlan hosplial at Ohlýago Ttmrrday where ho w"i operated ou for appendicitis. About noerety-ltve attended the Sun- day school nicuic in Wright'@ (irove on Saturday and ntany ware canahin lutL severe storru that caent uinbte afternoon. Fred Schaeffer of Highland Park broke bis arm titis atternoon wbule crauking his automobile. The englue baiL llned. rASTES 1BULLY TIiAT'S WIIAT T1IEY ALL SAY ONLY the chaiceet, nîjest natural Ifntits. ONLY the richest, chiesh.eet tvama. ONLY the besi of us et-vtlîiing coin- hiîîed with cdeati, eanitany dispenscery ani [excellanît service. 1ATl' OURISODA lOUNTAI'N 01-R SOD>lA DRINý<S ARE MAD)E fIGHlT >"THE REXALL STORE" 'Druce Drug Co. Grays"ae, - - limaois HICKORY, 14 REC Et Mr. and Nfrm. Alfrp(i Pvderý.n are ng BUYS 38 lm t4 arri, ai of a bab.v girl, born JunpV1cthý Mr. and Mr@. Býrt Edwards went to LOTS WERE TURNED OVER TO 0. Chicago Monday to ýpend a fýw (lave. R. HANSEN AS SeQURITY WHIEN Mr. and Mri.. Gýo. Harmýr arfý HE THREATENED SUIT ing the week in Chivago. Mr. and ýrs. A. P. Pefle.rme)r, v4ited BELIEVED THAT HANSEN THItRe their son Alfred at fAke Villa Suadu vý BY SELLS OUT HIS ENTIRIE IN- Irene 8avage iA visiting rel itivps and TEREST IN THE ROAD. friands in Antioeh thit3 week. According te papers filed la the Mr@. Harry Tillotpon and (;rwe Tiil,)t- 1,ake cotintý recorder'e office M son will attend the coniiiiencFinnt ýxr- 00#AW ciffl et Kenosha touight J Fridavý, Ada 1 fternoori, 0. R. Hansen and wife of ýl 1 k h a, e deeded te the W Tillotëon being one of the graduates. 1 1 "11 el-" 1,11-1 .1 Ille ( hicago and Mllwauk» Mr. and Mr@. W 1,on King vi@ited thoir E1e(trir railroad, thirty lots located IlIX datighter, Mr%. Leo Savage as Ai1tioch,ý Ilighland Park and RavInia, the cou- Suilday. ý. ý ýi(Je,;i,^ton 1,LinL A number from bere attended tl Ji eNed that this transfer by Children'e day exercises at Antioch Su Nir. lian8en disposes of bis entire, hOI& d&yý ings se far as the street car comp»y Je concerned. [le brut held these lot# as securlty for sorne rime and the facrt ýTR1ES NEW PLÀM that the raliroad company now bue te- "R MILKINQ COWS lieu th,. front him IndIcates that the receiver wishes te recover all the orîg-- inai possessions of the road. F. B. PRATT USES MEN FOR JAILK. When FYost disposed of bis Inter«U ING ONLY; PAYS $40 AND lu the electrIc line the greater part et BOARD. hls holdings wore taken over by He»é sen. Some little lime ago ho throist- P. B. Pratt, foreman of the I)unhm ened to, foreclose and ai thls tiras the famaus at Wayne, DuPage couitty, Ill., r@celver took over the greater part of la trylng out a ilew sy9t8m, Of hand- the holdings. paying a good PricO fOIr ling his dairy of ninéty cows which la the same and for security gave H=- being operated on one of the Dun. sen the valuable lots located et High- ham laýrm. The principal feature, of land Park and RavInle Hansen held hia erperlement la having the milkinq them, up to-the time ho allowed them ail doue by men who do nothIng elga te pans back fuite the posâ"OIL Of the The systern as ho explained It te the, raibroad ' il Io said the leu are Worth writer la this: , Three men mJIkýmuch more thon la shown In the. twenty-live cows per day each the tr&nS-aetlon. fourth mon nillks Ilfteen cows and dellevers the milk. DROP BOTTLE IN LAKE Te do thls and get the milk off on time it la necessary for thora te com- Mheu A. P. Albrecht of the IBDAI@ mence ut 2 0'olock In the morning. store, took the bSt excursion tO 39W They are through mllking ut 6:30 In waukee, June 9, lie droppedi ove,60«d» the morning and bave nothJng te do opposite KenSha, a bottle In Whilèh OU until 2 o'clock In the arternoon when placed bis name and aKidress On a the ceiA"s are put up and milked agaln. pki.n, requeoUmg the Peff'SOIL WhO For this service he la paying the fnotind It te CmMmunicate WUh hJIM lie received bis answer Yq»terMI" jeu $40 par month and bowd. Mr. > Pratt says that ho ýh&4 net tried it, the bottle having been Dicired, uî long enough te know how It ta going lïtred Dallman et otion, wis. two MOM te work out, but he ta well sati5fied %outh of aouth Milwaukee. The bOttIO with the venture thus far as bis Sws was picked uP hast 86tuTdaY 90 th"ý;t inererved two caris or milk per day lit bad been in the water Juat au the first thret, days of May, when he days. commenced this eyperiment and Bo1ý far the men are satisiled with the RETURN FROM LONDON change. M.r. Pratt la the firot one te Mrs. A. 1. Rogers and two sigt«llýp pot this svstern In operation In Du Misses Molly and Bessie SDooiri 3* Page connu, se for as we have been turned home Sunday night ft«K a able te learn, althmigh il la not eu- two and a half menthe' VIsit *ftx tirely new In sonne hirge.d&lry borde, their brother, H. A. Spoor and fallotir, whore It Io said te bave been worked of London. They were accorapaa**,, successfully for sorne time. here frein New York hy Mr. who bad gune therme two The INDEPENDENT han mOre sub. While In Europe, Mrs. Rogers b«'ý medium In Lake county. scribans and la the best advertlain, Igisters aise pald a vIsit to Parle. RUSS&LL The echool picole on Priday wais wil atteudel tîy bath Suing and t(Ad'in pits ai the inciemueoutuof thé veailier. Thei dinrier 'va. served iii tie baitiient if Lhe cbuireh about ancelîuudred belng scrved. Misa Meteait turnished thc ire îreair. lu tice ttrnion n ieo evenu sarded tri i Ester Carlsii, liîidred Siver, Haward l'ediey, Esthter Mervilie. Celle Weldkireb anî (lare L.undy.litail. croquet sud variounu îthcr gaintes venu 1layed Ail reporta fine tîtue. E, hi ieteýaif amdi ianîly anIdTire. McClurne of (turne atteuded the pi'ulitc lins. (. A. Hiver aud Mise Charlotte Siver cpi-et a couple oi days lu Miwau- kee. Lire. chisne apent a 1ev day. in Milw au- kee etteudiug eammenceniiînt exercice, of ber deuglitar Nue who reeield iounib houions oie claseofi150. Asa maid Latine Cornie venu isnoela visîto-m ,n 4tttiird ce tau na sta n ig ta si i n pa , i..r . M. yrtie Imî:ne lo n Sumiay -%J c i.. J te ai,,] 'Ou B S It H iw a epuit %%aducedaY in i.oiiers l'ounty. wrige-40 lender- L Gray, Wright, Wright, Wight- Burton vis Ed- Cribb, Balley, or per- estats >Wat; " the fold Wright L, Fran- Wright, Wright, wrigh t, mil Nel- i et the ý herein r elther in own- In the bill of Bo tbat ýd upon Lg been of this Nt ùzý Ed- le Hen- of or 1 estate ipiaint., ilainant In said thereof L lewued above on the L of the ,, te ho tukegan ho tiret S « le suit la Mnrome ne la stock nSâ PW Nklý Bcd in Cam gatb«iU PWi The M.Lruse Bed lu poultry raa 6duffl, straw. tu& Be sure and see a practical demonstration Of the Mel rose. Make it your busines3 to ce , and se' t his -onderful farrit lnýention. The M.1-a' is not en or-dinary single pur- pose box. but a combination of 13 différent wagýns in on, come and Seo It and se colencid ý Melý Bed in bay rack p"ftion . Sh-ig detaile d par

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