JOIJNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ÏVOL. XX.-NO. 38 PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRmAY, JUNE 221, 1912. POUR PAGES $1.5o PER YEAR IN ADV.j liAS CLAIRS MN VICTIM; AGED MAN C DIED TIJESDAY EVE. LOOT 58 HOUR BATTLE AGAINST DEATH; EVERV KNOWN MEANS WERE EMPLOYED. EDWARDS 15 EMPLOYED WELL KNOWN WAUKEGAN LAW- VER WILI. BRING SUIT AGAIN8T GA& CO., IN FAMILYS' NAME.L TH4E CORONERS$ VERDICT. 'We, the jnry, fibd thst Andrus Au. zelmo and hi& son James came to their death by asphyxlallon from s hlgh pressure main on Mrket street, bo. longtng ta the North Shore Oas coin- pan>'. (igned) "Warren P. Holiand. S. S. Grmnlssf, Louis Moore, Jsnm Met- csif, John Whalîin, S. Enfstad." INQUEST NOTES. Claire (1. Edwaa-ds, atto5rey, lis bouc ensployed by thei Auzeinso famii>' to reprosent tbgdr Interests. Atorney' Edwarde won prenant aitlie laquent beld Tuenda>' evoung. <'harleu King, atorney'fur the North ibore Gia Compay vas presest nt ho tuquet. lfty-eigtboure mter lhe vas foadn in a comsaos. condition ut is home, 203 NManket sti-fet. Andr-meAuzelImo. âllas Anton Semble, dieS 0<ofepsyd- etiomi&t the jane McAiter Imepital. Auzelino died TIeodî> evenhig et 6: 05. Ever>' Mogeu mu tetie modemr nbyUmicim of de, wm ued <S revive &nttmo (0 oeondue@!. Tii. gui motor vas Oed vltboot0110091110- Or tventy MW bomrsexprts feue Chies go pumpsd oxygen luto the. sleepinz xa"ns lange vit theti.pulmnotor. Auselmos 13 yens Old ion. died Sua- day mternoon. Tii boy dIS it re- gain conscoa.n.m Auzelmo'. vifs regained onnusn- tysu monda>' monitng. Her condjon toialairegmideil as liopeful. Tne Inquent ove, the. romins -as beld a et iiounrnd à Hart etabuis- ment, eveng. t*vwyenrs.rot-aiitg the fsniliy of lbo . eaaMi, and the North Siore t'oneoliduted OneaCompany' vere Pres- ent tlu'ougiiout thi. inqueut. The(t9-he North Sucre Gas Company' ifstteld responsibie b>' the verdict lu the statement of <ne jurymnus. The verdict shows tbat hoth mes died of esphyxiation b>' llumîsatîng gas. The gsf romea buroted main baviug enter- ed the homise tbal sheltered tiie sleep- ing meinher of thue &nly. 8ides againatthelie s Compas>' vii he started in tii. Cirmtcuit mt o f Lake county. The Bye isemiers of the <Mmli> wore overvomne b>'9». Sonda>' mo-i ing, aa the, resuit of a )urted main 1. front of their borne. vhieb aliOwed h g» sto ieakIt nto h, bateeret and fi-mn otbeir ino thebouse. The. Bye inenibers of the finly woe.found un- consclous by a Ixirder atho yenks for the. American teel and Wire - pany. Amonig thle men, vlo took the vit- nese stand et the inquemt Tueida>' night are foitnd the, foiiowing: Thios, TIyrull, aistant clief f police. Dr. Kalownky. Police Officer Jackt Metz, jo, fînknamp, and MrT. 8SciTMdt, su:- enîntendent eoftAie gai vorits. Wluat Doubt I&. Doubt la sot tself & crime. AIl manner cf doubt. Isquir>' &bout ail mauner cf objecte dvell Inever>' rea souable mind. It in Ibe mysftlc vomi- Ing cf the minci On the objject lit le Soulng tW knov about.-Cariyle. TruNoblensm. To love the Unlovel>', te syOulIMStbi vitb the contt-ry-mlnded, W gles. ta th.eunhaiabe.WfongIve mucli U ) - neyer pît>', ta be juilt omusn viio make Iniquli>' a iav, tocrepa>' hein easelees iba t inever-ceeisa lov,C la on, of the nobleit attalnmenta of mnanInui i lii e ecosses mnt dl- yla-TttscdoreParker, Judge Obna «Wlt-Y ' le ntural> ver>' modenl about dlscunelng las uei.1 Dese affaite, and tiis <sot vms siiovis ver>' cearly a fev morninge ega. It1 vas bat arter Judge Wbllney badi been appointeS a badge of tie Appel-i late court,.lHe rode ail the, va>' W (iCa=ga vllh a io"aattornie nS sev-i gr oven mestloned the malter to hi=i. KANKAKEE FIRST TO GET FARM FUND Bert Baillsecreta>' 0f the crop lm- provem«e tcommittee or the. council of svuin excbanges, bas miled the firet checkt for $1,000 front the fund for crop Slnjrovem«nt WwbiIcb&a<Obi- calp mail order bouse subscrubed Il,. 000,000 ta lthe Kankakee Count>' Soil and Crop Improvssnent assoction. Kdnkakee cOuittIII, ln the, first tW qualit> under the arragements nmade for the. dlbursent of the fond. The «ransgements lneluded the. raislng of a funtl locali>' W lifre a count>' agit- culturist acceptable Inth te "te school of agrculture for tva years. Mr. Bail sino maied a check for 1,000 Wn the OommesaWsicub ofDuluth, ulileli ior a aumbetiof yeara bas employed A. B. Hosatter an agriculturlut for Si. Louis, couat>'.Minn. Over 200 counttes have appled for assistanice froni the f und @Ince It was simrted. The. coancll of grain ex- chiegeanov, bas trained egrlculturlsa touring twesty states epreading lte Propagande, of crop impinvemlent. SEND WIRELESS MESSA4iE TO ICE FIELDS OF ALASKA WIRELESS INVITATION SENT TO OR. 0150. DICKtINSON AND WIFE TO ATTEND HOME COMING. NO RESPONSE TO DATE OUST FROM VOLCANO COVERS STREETS OF %ETCHIKAN, ALASKA THEIR HOME. A virelus lavttstiom basbesu sam Dr. ad Mms. George Dchln of 0<Ket hitkan, AlaI--ttaattend the. home1 oeming tet in WauloeganJul>' 3ad -4. Mrs. George l)ick1n@oný use Dr. Be. att-to, Perce of Wakegam, Ieft Ket- chikan, Alaska, lst I'riday for Port- land, Or.. A messeage hmasb.., sent from Wau&egsn to Ketchikau init- ing the. doctor and kls vif. «ot>le pres- ent et the. bome comlng In Waukegan. Dr. Dckison iimmedlstely sent a vire- les message from Ketchint. Port- land to Mis. Dickinson. Dr. and Mm. Dickinson bad plan- ned tb spend a few weeks [n Wauke- gain laie tuis Fll. Thunsthe nflws of the Waukegan home coenlng in belnz sprend in the uttemtct paits of the. vorid. Thi e fields ocf Alaska bave recelved the. neye of the. event that promises Wo mark an Important aragraph In tiie bistor>' of the. cil>. lettqrs re-entiy recoived from M.s Dbkinoon tell of the dust in Ketchi. kan rom the, volcanowbloih wlped oce ain entir. village In th. north of Aaa~ Mme.Dckinson l.t Kwcikan lent Friday with a patient wbo wililtait. treatnient In on. of the. largest bon- plais lu PortUand. 'MINKESOTA TO BE STRICT Sflngeot Corrupt Prsctlcss Act Passed b>' Legisiature. O. Puai. Min. June 9.-At the tual sfttingof thé.spèclaI smatounof th. leglature a corrupt practice mt vas pavd by the. bouse. It iied ai- 2f1 ei nse tbrongh the senats. The bilD lae .tremeiy stringent on oaffdates for once lu tis niate. Un- der ls rovision» expense statemonts mut le fled ever>' two veeks during m S oeiagn NERVY ROBBER.BARRESTED Cbusier ate. Teke n n nFrancis. 0 fr New York Polce. a ranclsco, Cal., Zone 1.--Cbes ter Tatu wuva eu-teS lierq on la- ftrmUalon rom the. Nev York police, tu vb" hcinlechargeS vlth bavlsg robbed aagel broisi- oi $85,000 vorth ci bon&e lnat ia Ilà ayear &go. The. cie- oaame froni Sas Diego, Whm ho e luvnted for a serles of ho- 1.1 lurlarfim Word hisabeen recelved o e iadeaili ln ('hicago of Mrs. Eizabeth G. Lloyd 50 yeasu otd. vif.eof M. J. Lloyd, vha vas be-rs in Wanlt.gan and Ilved hem. man>' yeara, but whia med ava>' neani> tv-o score years&go. Mrs. Lloyd d1.5 Tuesday inoraincatai& ociok. tue litora vii l eielS Tri- day mormnlgait 9 oo'c=L AEROPLANE FL16IIT FOR SANE FOURTII IS DECIDED UPONt ALL THAT 18 NECESSARY l8 TO GET ARRANGEMENTS ARRANG. ED SATI&FACTORY. FOWLER REPORTS PROGRESS ALREAOV THE NUMBER 0F EN- TRIES 18 LARGER THAN IT WAS UN LAST SIG PARADE Titat W&ukegan vili have an areo- Plane flitabt on tbe Fourth of July vas preeticaliy decIded upon at a înect Ing of the san, Fourtil generai cornmites lu tihe nounoUcil Cambersi huit evenina-. The. oharman annouac. ed tbat b, bad been ln communicationE wità an air pilot atho wiii corne ber. and maite as nalîy iights as desired On (he, }oqrth for $500. The. matter vas dt-nes.!qut. t1eely (itheii niieetlng. The chainion finali>' vs. empow- ered to enter loito t trtiier neçgtetlons witb tbe mon ta find out how man)- lilgiies l wsuid b, possible to malte, bow many, If aauy. lessengers be cOuld take uP wviehi hb.woutd charge, If anythlng. If the weather vas no bail he could flot make a fligt and what i. vouid charge If the fSlghtt va, oct a enoces@. Tiese replies yl be u94- ta the. general comimittee at the neat meeting. 'lTe generl iaCÉinian la of the, opIn- ioU that Itwviii be possible to get at leu 11bei! cf (the seceesat-> anont ralsed bY ascriptioi. He tihinits the. Oter hl! aifcn lue rabel b>' cbarglngt peasng-s for tise privilege of maki"g a flîglt vtithe. bird-ýmai. Iisplan vas outiela the ii. UN Ise eulag The commnitte. e misdm1 taven If Il 1, not posslible to raine.the. «titre lonutt nfeeesar>' to get thei. aton he-e tuai the advertlelag vIii be vos-tii wbat I Coets ase [heaerofflane <Mature siiould brng handreds more t the Cit>' th"s wouid corne dherie. The different commktes mail. [hein reports, shovlug viat prt9.reno e i-c lng made. Cia-aIn n 'wl.r reposted1 that t2ie nuntier cesoletieg vbiciic bauve agneed to ibite part la tue parade tht, Ysemr t six tiume as greai as Il w3â in the. last big parade the City had. Alr.ady tiere are 100 positive entries ln the peil, scompareSinta elgit>' eWiriclunIthelest parade. (iil1airman King of the. progrant com- mnittee,-reported that i. le encounter- lng rensldea-abi, diffIcuIt>' ln securing speakers foe- theday, but ilopen in be ahi. to report progres l a fox dsys. Tii. deai for securlng Electrîr park, Wihicii s-as pendWig, vas settie! lai nlgba. CANNOT (iET NEWS OUT 0F A PIANO rWiUfUiiq SCnSWOiln LONG LAKE MAN ONE 0F HIl MEN' Springfield, II.,.1111W 18.-The tihir- teenth annuel grand Ainerican banil cap tOcrn&2nent WU Opoc4l-. thise morn- tng. Willb.m fRldIey of What Cbt.r. ta., won firet honore in the amateur section, bresldng 98 out of 100 birds. On the progrent of 200 target. Frank StantOn, an amateur truom Long Lake, Ill., woni tihe bghbet hcnorn In is ckaie 193 break&. Hie re ord wns tied Iby C'. G. Spencer andIl. G. Taylor, Jr., J. W. Gairrett and fi, 1). Freeman camie next viti 192. DEVERAVX SAYS FORCES ARE TO BECOME UNITED' SAVS ME 18 WORKING AT PRES- ENT TIME TO GET NEGRO DELEGATES TO JOIN PARTY PREDICIS TWO BIG BOUIS 8AYS bOLTING FORCES 0F BOTH PARTIES WILL UNITE AFTER CONVENTION 18 OVER. 'Rupert Deveraux of Zioi city leader Ofth tii. tcfaM4tui liowie faction of that ckt>, vw« oneetuf ttcfortunate 0nes wbo vitnesd the openinng of the RePubâSca national convenution at Chicago Y.steY. H, declared ta tiie SUN tbst in bis opinion t th cheering given W. J. BrYau et the Auditorium MoInda>' eveatng ad the ovaion that vas aceorded âM the <ollseuin, prediet tihe comblaing of forces at no far dis-j tant ttmea H. predicia a boit ai both the CCiii- C@90 and Batimore conventions ad MYS tI th tii Eo forces vIn un"B mter the, conVention tino one aulid par-1 t>' In an attenapt to defeU thIe reg- ulari>' nomlnated candidates. H. says h. le nouftive tbat «hia act- ion viii b. taken becausge arrange- ments alrsady have been madle witti ittm t get the, nagro delegates to join la tiie boit and later become a part cf Uihe United forces- le says (bat a bail bobt viii take place ai the i>emo- CTateCconVention In lWatlniore. 1%r. IDeverouxx-le beconting quit. vpplar wîth the negrio delegates and even pans to take thom to Zion City, to VWat pointe of Interest tiiere. NAME RECEPTION COMITTEE FOR THE IIOME-COMIN4i EVENT FORMER OLD RESIDENTS OF CITY WILL BE GIVEN HEARTV WEL- COME AT ARMORV. PROGRAM IN THE AFIERNOON FROM THE RE8PONES IT U8 EVI- DENT MANY OLD RESIDENTS A RE COMING HERE. The "Home tom Ina- receptio for ol! settlers ciii be beld in the Arrnory Wediie-.ay, arternoon, July 3rd from 2 to 5 o'ciocit, The ft,,lolna have been aaked tu serve on tii.reception conmlittec tir, an! Nirs. J. E.Weyiie, Mies lilmîna Jones, Mise Etnma Shunt- wa>', Mir and Mir. J. B. Moiitoberta, Mr. an!dtirs. J. 1). Pope, NIr. and Mis. Samuoel KIrk, Dr, an! Mm. L H. Tom.- baugt, '%Ir. and Mmr. E. W. itutehins, >0ev. S. W. Chidester, MIr. an! Mrs, I O. liroctwnï, N. and Mir. N. A, Griffin, Mr. an! MretMartin Abbott. AIl oid sefftlers are e.imecially invited ta titis reception. Hlundreds of invilations bave been sent to ol! former residents ofthOe citY and froml the reoponses tilat are bein>' receise! I le -ileved that many of tilem will <'osto. ere ta epend Oie Fouritil. The plan la ta bave a pro- gramo for tilr benefit an! the afler- nM30 xii be made as pleaeant as ,ac- sible for them. In [he evenlng lter. ila1.0 b. a danoe fo- tue younges- people and titis algo la expected to b. aa mrom.Esavery- ti[ng novPointa ta o t act Uth e i big liase ccuug event viilb. ons of 1tll, mnt eatures Of lie celebration FIND NOTE IN A CATSL>P BOUTLE' Moes. FYrssk Hoff, Robor, Sîoor and Chatles Dietmeyer, yesterday founil an empt>' eteup boule on the bach, on. mile. iortii of the bar- bor cniilasning thie foiiowing note Lake Michlgan, May 24, 1912. To Whto May' Find Thts Mes- sage: Piesec notlfy the beat-er. Gakar Nebbenls, Wells, Mliii. Apparently some man crossIng tiie lake put tihe not. into a hotu. snd tosed bIt nto the lake just t s»es into wbc.. bande It vcuid <ail. Madison, WWl,.June JE.-Thbe at« railrSed commission cannoI order com. mon carriers ùo reimburse pasengers who miss connertions at junction points. This vas decided in an order eseued toda>' ln a cae brought by Al. fred C'. Burrili of the University or Wisconsin againat che Illinois Central Rond. REV. -Te . R7IYLE TO TESTJFY FOR SALOON KEEPER REV. QUAYLE US8StJ*POENAED 8V ATTY. ORVIS TO TESTIFV FOR THE DEFENSE. ACTION SURPRIBED HlM EIGHT JURORS HAD BEEN AC- CEPTED IN THE KRAUSE CASE TIS AFTERNOON thls ear.Probabu>' for tue St-st tîmeilubils ________________ hie~, 1ev, Tbomas R. Quayle of Lak Forent, secretar>' of the, Laite Caou> Mies Helen Wrlgii of UibertyvilI,, Lay and Order beague, a mas via will b. tnaid cf bnor ai t th.mai-nuage baz alvaye vaged e bitter fight of ber couais, Mise Gra-e 'Marlon againal tie saloons, bas bees called Pice, daugiter of Mr. and Mm., Wîî- upon ta teetif>' lu behaif et a saloon keeper and be fSuds lie situation ratb- liato D. Frice, et 5408 Northi 'ft>' er unique. He assounced Ibis atter- slxtb avenue, Chicago, tu Marshall J. noon liat be bas been subpoenaed b>' Fetcher, Tuesday evenisg at 8:30 at Attoru e> E. V . Orvie 10 testIf>' for the the hone cf the bIndee parents, 11ev, detense In lie case of lhe North Chi- G. W. ShortoftheCegrgatonlicago satoon keepers vhu have had lu-j ciiurcb xii! perform tiCe ceremon>'.1 YOUVA'S IDEASON 111E CDEW- INC CUI 1HABIT AS EIPRLÎSSED iN A RECENT SERMON il lIQN Here 18 viat t nilva ln a recent ad- drue sald aait lis Idiu npeuple cbeving gumn: Gum Chewing s Vice la ba Destroyed. Yo know, I ucceeded ln havinig that chewing gît nisiot machine re- tAi'LAIN KLAULKmoned frm th, Narthxeatrn siatiou, tand I tlisak Go! foýr il! FORMER SUN SUBSCRIBER MAKES INTERESTING REPLV TO A YOUNG WOMAN CANVA88ER A prominent mani of Graysaaie made an lteresting stailement te Oie SUN Ioda>'. Me et!: "I stoppe! youa- paper a couple of s-eekB ago bemae weve o.un.setled an! plan a-goitaF," (be leotI yeBerday, Tuesda>') bt viien I get bacit home, the. lIrst thina I eh"I do t, te sub- scribe for te SUN, for Itll you, 1 have beca lonesonie liiout IL. I have bees etayng at a place la OrayBlake vilere Oie>' laiete b.ller Wsuitegau paper, but 1 tell yen It lant Il"thei SUN-m-ail my rienS -vitae 1i9amy teets the Mmne va>' ol>' die& tie! up on a subsonitlon given a yela- ago- 'Tii, Olier dÂy a young voman asit- e! me te give lier a subscription te the. paper ln question anS I »id te br: 'Young lady, Yeu cent gel nevs out of a piano. t subecilbe for a uevs- papes- becainse I vaut tWget tihe5ev-a. If 1 vated Ct tcontribut. ta yon, tic heki >'ou z ebepiano, 1I uould do Il, b«t not et 0 sacrifice, <o mnyuef l prevestina- me ge«tthe li.N3SW." Name of MusnlaiWne ableMti*e UN ~onfce. TIe ettien day t reail cf a certain C'ongregatinali tinister <rblddng Oie uae of che-vina-gum n nis ollurch, and of hox i. walked dovn rom his pul- pIt and took a youîîg man b>' Oie cool coler an!] took hlm ta the daor an! pot hlm ouît. because b, pensted In stt.ina - tere an! chewIng gu=; and tien ha! hlm arreste! uniler a state warrant; an!dalten tIle case came ui) bfore thse court the juduge sald: "The mînIster s-as withIn hie r1ght; ho te dotX cmpelied 10 preach 10 people wio are oies-ing gaum unies» he vanta 10 ad b. bas a riekit te malinels order in bis os-n ciurc&." Wlien I reail tiat I sal!, Tiare le a Oongu'egationmi anjnister vito has soeen vat an about- illhei habut choiienta gum le getting ta be.., An! how nany boys who etart chex- ina- guontare flot content viti obevlng oui>' gîm, but soon 4.iey niait chy tobacco; an! ater the>' geltabacco, tien tii. next thing thé>' muet bave la liquor. An! 1 s«ii! 10 nivecîf, I wxliiagain lift muy voice ln Zion. Ma>' Go! ielp every 1111.1. aion boy anS girl! t amt perfertty villitisa liI le>'hall bave A.verythna- tlat la nah. lit l5a&Il right fer ithem totahave 900cd, athoiesome cen!>', or 1<'. cneom--md sne oher tiga; but t do pra>' b lied <bat ve viii be at lesat as far advanpced ai tihe Congregattioual aburclu. Wben 1 read sometime mgo 0oflthe ewh i Wcsr At the NS al petiesM a North Chicago Issuingan t order abso- lutely tor-tidding Oie use ot gunt, or the gale ot t, and forbiddlag visitors on the. arounds ne ain u, i thoua-bt to oty6eif, "filitZion b.cies ad- vauced tien thle Naval TrainIna- sehool ? AnS 1 natioed that ln another î.hac, ini a cestain cltY, an order bad been lssued forbidding Oie use of chewlng -um n Oite Hîgit scitool Nos-, If People nutside of Zion are as tar advanced as that, shails-e not at thîs point be a Iltte ahead of lielu? Tis chevvlng a-un is a damnnable habit, no question about that. lu the tcstimony mleeting itis morn- ina- a number of Peuple thanited Go! tor- Dr. Doi&eS teaciîja regarding s-lues lesb. M rs. Robbins toid about ber goîna- Into a horne on tic Pacifie coast viiere aile foun! a vo- man suffering trot trîcilinoeis. Those little trichina parasites are tlnîiork, aud a p>erson eating porkt tiat Is not thorougbty cooited viii geltilhose lit- tie animais ln thle body, and Il is said to b. on. of the. most terrible diseases fromt wiilcia peison cao sufer. formations filed agaluet them b>' States Attorney' Raiph De!>' on a charge of iteepîng their atona opea on Sunday. He says he cannol im- agine wial testimon>' Mr. Orvis ex- pects hlm te give. Thie case against lie fmIr defen- dant, 'Walter and Stepiien Erause of Northibcago, vas slarted in Circ-uit court today wîti Mr. Ou-vis for the defeno. and Attorney' Eugene Run- yard representing the prosecution. Up to 2:30 o'ciocit eight jurora baS heen accepte! b>' both a ide& anS the vont of selectIng lie final four jurors vas starte!. lioth attorneys are usina- extreme care In gettîna- the jury and et leasîi twenty men were dismîsaed for one reason or asotiier. In queBtiontng lhe venirenten AI- torney' Orvis le empaasing the point thaltancrder for a violation We b. lîroveilIl must b. shown that lie m- moon vas open for business on Suoda>' to the general public the same as ou a weeit day. tir, Krause vas one of the men an~ reste! and in.! b>' Stetes Attorney Dady lest fall shen Informations verir fIe! egaînst a large number of Wau itegan and North C'hicago saioonitiep. ers. (D Marriage làcensea. WKeli, when Mrs. Stabiîns was, Witliam H. Wienhoeber, Highland thiankixtg ilo! for D)r. ovies teach. Park------------------------..26 ing on avwines flesh, It tioutslto my Ciara Louise <Iedge. Weukegsn .... 26 self, "An!dviien peopte cites that iliair>' MKine>, Norths Chicago ... 21 abomninalte cbew-ing-um, the>' are Laura Wf. Slioqp, saie----------..20 cies-ina- flini that la exiractie! rom Job e Waamevakl, North Chicago ... Si the inîna- of a hog's tornach. dl!Maggie itolodzinsia, same ....19 yoniituox that? Water Dulile, Mlwvaukee---------.24 Ttîe mean oid, suittie devi! f h. Coi-a M. Pfeiffer, sie-----------..24 cannot gel yeti toeat ponkt ie iii Peler Muita, Waukegan-----------..22 tri' te gel itlnlto your systent la sont. Bar-bat-a Kakis,,sane-------------..22 other vay-and se bu tries toea-elthti Andrex J. Làais, Milwvaukee-....23 yoîîng people te chex gut. Sema E. (lerlaci, sains---------.23 Tés, tbe e Svl is evér on the, alerb Stéven Klm.., duicago----------..22 an!, 1 tel yeti, tiiere in grsnsb neeýd for IMtie Kacet. sanie-------------..19 somnebod>' te stand up snd itesp a Clher L4 Leatty, Omit Park-...31 Iose vateli al the Ulme. Beede 4 lusuuy, Obtugo,...l DETALS MADE FOR BRINOIlNI ÔW BOYS CHICAGO. ASSN. COMMERCE NOUNCES DETAULS F00.L CURSION TO WIRE MILI. NEED LOCAL MEN TO--ý BOYS TO BE BROUGUT T0. KEGAN ON STEAMER UN~ STATIES ON TH4E SU? Hon. la vinat Ciog the officiai organ nofbm thue Commere of tllao e about Uhe visîttaWnsj 28tb of the 600 sons et0M tie association: Vlce-preeldent BucmMug triai CommisionerH Cd'. l-Indu8trlai c wuie rea!>' 10 antioqnce the rial excursion ftr inmm and do lit mediumt aittiugli officil - adviS viil b. en htuý Tii. Industiles t.g' tait. plaoe IPrldu>', . be d utileW Wsubeglg ed mli Ttuning stalles-.Ot go. The. steamer United taiete10Wank 5,*Oào Wo lte.greet men edr m ing ef salios or < avy. E ven t ln 5 v and the Young liM Agais teking tue taB i'eturu tavard W tbrough tiie glMiM , 6: 30 la due bsoue f teril guide andl ovesiser. kmiegan r-, -4Ju compcati' fis ieU oys b he belg ar <e mu4 grP de tenla b esi possbla strogbdf grunoas aeo ti lds onvenrtipiiSt Ing the oyle Or caras onthe 1lle WComgan la aalrk oId for thei- j'A E