~AK COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN- WE-EKL-Y SUN VOL. 20.-NO. 4o. TW.LVE PAGE@ LIBERTYVILLEr LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRI)A\ -J UNE -, 1j91f. ONE TO EIGHT PE ~ >R Y1EAI iN ADVANCE. *iuiiii BT l~~~ta t e lack o! attendari o odeirii hiITi A T LF T POLICURAIDmembers Was du. te the, (lis.IUI / UIL VE IJ IlUII!L 191SURIRTY S D POLICE AID tedAiiJe :.,ýsTfl Ouun@THjiSUICIDEoSN~~ thp, fuure li charaterize PRHI1U RAN WI1 ND WOdJgnîlied action*. on the part g a I 111 Mliii DRANK A QUANTITY 0F TOOTH fO T PROPRIETOR AND WIFE AND TW& *fl ~~as a whole.I.iriiEICN CNTNNGU iII 11 R R CCDET GIRLS PROM EVANSTON TA- U-JtIJiivat s ~ HCAOACHE MCOIECOAINIINIGSi~ CONDUCTOR HERBERT RUSSELL, Three women and one marn were ar. TWENTY E1014T1 ANNULEENT impossible tc induce an5oni- to serve NORTHWESTERN WILL MOVE REPORTED THAT HE CHIOED HER TISTESNH A VR rse udyatrou ythe polue 0F HIGH SCHOOL ASIN ATION th-m. 5h. sMed t"t tU - noise ot1 PSSNERSATO T ECAUSE HIS SUPPER WAS HP HTWUEA IL c.£N .R~MESTA Inrid on a&n leedbawy boug SSNOT REAOY ON TIME. B HOE THE CHOSKN ITE. DEATH IN FREIGHT YARDS i ado nalgdbwyhgr HELD SATURDAV. Proviens banquetsail.d lut a daitoTRED N IE on Trkthetret, ankean.on thora so fai au aider inemnier iwer hTANLEY STREETBETECOF SI. o etir sted;- u10n.-oncerned. L«etsMood,7 expresse-d le (uIf ualleged martial troubles, yW H VEN'hf MoEMoAYrSE.d:iEnself along 9101W ii-îîre\rsJoe hJohnsron, Sewart avenue MARBAY NA RORESWN, Evatioton. BLOCK NOYE TO ABANDON Mrs. Morey nig tirat elie hoped tbey IWILL BUILD $14,000 SUBWAY -ntd Ta.itv i-ond street, North Chi-. MUST WAIT FOR BOARD CHARLEIS BOUSIIAN, Tentir treeL wouid anetire 14I*coftinuedl as did aise i-a go, draiirk a quantlîy of toothacire - 'ea -ilss MarW« t 154. They both fetkmdn contalning carbolle acid Mon- MENUNER AR MRS. CHARLES BU NTnhtethre bêa5eters of the e'enlng cd.Tr fftetwru !D.JIe WIENSWTC EGIE LIPW Wietr arraigred belote Walter A. Lv THE ANNUAL BANQUETS lec*iOablO dMUnOfhr8tlons. (EDI-t OTHER IMPORTANT CHANGES who was 9ammoned et on1e a-ved tire RESTS WITH STATE BOARD OF CAR FROM THE REAR. Teor, police Magistrats, at 11:3o o WOULO BE DISPENSED WITH TORS NOTE-As the wrlrer was bon-BEGMAEwmnsifAD NITAON Nienday nlorning, May etevens ad rdiybngtetdrsdetote The trouble is alleged ta have start- *Mary Brown plesded gurlty toCà charge asociation for fleXt Year, and as be ed wheen Johnsonre-t ited Iromie front One marl]cau crished ta deatb bie- Of blt ren istes of a bawdy bouse. rlée Rêbty-eigirtisuranai banquet téd ~s li48 ~On rowdulam M>!,NIWýI.%R5I~d at-~i».lhe hardware fosrnsrv Xlondav SenaorA. j. On, froM Itiidia- tw e e n î o t fi-l i ric a rs a n d t o o th e rs B fl o ri t sa a d i tsh i e P left d e d g u ittY O f ithe W au e g a n M g c o o l A lu tru iit th e b m q u e t, ie d e sres e re tea ial îy p ft t h d t lr b uIîrn a ld â d'nt 1,, I>; 4 h e t h is e fe h a d f o tnt a l st r to t re S Ne i r badl narrow escalies from being gi-ound tar a charge of conductng and operat- Asâociatoa was -held Saturday es-e- wrd N Ifeen. asi-stor com Partyha& repeatedly and emphatic- yet prepai-et bis suliper- Ile; i atidho le still worklng on tire new tate tpeesusetietelwelofaIng a bawdy bouse. rlng Ini tbe gyrnaaiurn of tire new toaibe iast againstitire hanquet of Sat1 a ue;wht ra IIýànw et n ta 0have uPbmlded ber for-lber- lai- inatitution for tire insane and thet ho frelghtr lai n the Chicago Ë North- A dune of $50 avoicoma s a sessesl Townsip Higir Sihool, heurgth ie i-- urday-thec las. yelllrcriLehcta11piurg, e of attenrglor andi a te quiarIiel i-o- in exerej-ng every effort ta ge thei western raiîroad yai-s,,Waukegan, at againatthlie tour Occupants of thre banquet beud ln tire neinibuilding. ec a osetd tlstStr a tionuaed t make Wke ian s hraîo sulted. IebaI of administration te decIdo, If):40 Mouday mornlng. bause. Thre bigg &-vn r oved noue too large l îa4 Mlu the n th dam tat I canaI ffod MS. Jonay won ef t br hrd tr.e sn -say thate locatd on.Mr The deasi mani: 'lMe fine irm been suasrended anrd ta accoorodate tbe 250 Mro sh loat le. It vas tire ac-tions of a few, ears ohsnlf br isan nte Osnsy HEBET USEL-Cndctr aBorrartan ands iwfe have been glvtrredtire Importantbg cro pr g be osfauh-w, aanisc ego -ao a osklbnas eîintoer bedrooot0f the site and buildings *111ire close per train. en two days toashakoe qie duat o! Wair- event. wrreyiinithlud îouttrifn- 1tpangta saendcampsny 2,000 tefO e-$14,nisw oilgci-neiitotomlIo olrs Tire Iseemen wiro irasia narrow es, keçan fron t teir feet. Thev must Thre Baptist ladiesseerved tire ban-'teirrptlon ansiwhereflot one of tirh lnnnto sni ,' 1 e this but wben vis edisi net return ln a "Ihave trled.' hosanys, '1t show the. cape front death: 'nove front this clty by noon Wednes- Quet andtUey deaerr-e much credif for odrirebrucus ithe ba socialr l0cagnan improveent wi at not Chi. ew inut e re et uslobutW5cmatnrtte eir Wsr*ege, ar thromi ANDREW HERBE RGER-llepalr man day. thIe waY they bandles tihe dîffîcuit task Miinute, tbàt for'ned t4ebsi o u mprnoeetatinngbb.utcao freIrurarcertainot for ENOC MASONICK-flei-bergei'sassis- Tire two Evansloni girls wer-e diiver Tire kiti-ire la a long distance from remai-ka. Nolrody cou'd tininobods OItlyncesr, ui as et Ifle foirnd ber lylng îrnconactoirs On thebusinéessstansipoint as Wa'eu tant. ~~~~ont of tire elty today. Tbey wiieetire gym, but despite thîs drawb.ck, sud balte exceptions bta cI 4havisor extent, a Iurrury. thre bed Tire empty botîle by biei-r î ~ tir iritr od' Conductor Ruaseîl and the two cri- llowed flime to procure tiririlceting everythilng sers-esir y tire ladies was; of Salai-day evenlrng tasit t ail pre- tr trn ir ortircesterri bas1 aide told tire ami-y. Quicklv ire aura. toi-ansitiret locatirg there Ut woubht ii repeîrnrmrr were e,,gagesi in chaîning beforrethey wei-e escortei toalire clty bot ansi very palatable. General rom. ýi ous irarquetir lied bepn rtîrkcd by' f"n'shred Ita par-t of tihe new aubway Mnod Dr. Jollev ansi antidotes wCi5b a tr rstrle nareuto e IIfegtcastgterwe h lris ent s'as irearsi on this feature of tr u- rva.tihee 1 bî avebeen beîng tilît tander thre t-acks at Stanley admInîsteres. Tihis ires tire effeet of 1 Pei thIrie." accident oeccurred. Thre di-aw bar on Tire place. It le allpged, baiireen' banquet becaîrse Manyfeares tire la-more oider memaiersa-a the banquet stre,,t, Ikwill bave sperêt 814,000; mOt restor-ng bier ta corisciounnos andi Iltn8I-. Oison empurasizes tire tact tb cone of tire freight cars irasipuliesi out, open for tireprier two weeks. Tirsp. dietwould find I t bard te keep tinçaiOrSauray tho, re-cas ler ' ]y for thre onvenîence of tir e ioprle la thought sire wtIlireoer. thre fiuai dcision lies wltir thir . thug necesltatlng tire use o! tire cianlice lear-reI of thre place errly Sunday bat.'rire menu was an excellent one, bacomea thre duty of eft ~of tire s'b twillgo to Posa Park, theriere- 'ne Johinson farahî ia wel lrnosn iboardi of sainistration, andi tiat tirà Ruseilws stndig otwntire morn-ing andi arrestei htiroe ewom- andiser-ves i wtb proi-elon and dis- 1association tir Insure o014-ifr rers ation spout ot Nor-th Chicago. ln Nortb Chicago. Accordiez tatohie board hira «rolute arrt.oaty 16 Mi, tRuscar-a ajustiiganinngpn nnmte naSrna.pto1trruiou.Itirat tire demneinor o! gii-os at futui-e AND FL'RTHERMORE nelttabor3 and f rierids, tiere iras beenwhcrcyarslg teiniiiOt Below Io latra tire pregrant, the~ banquets wifllibe elmitar t , tiat rIt aas enei ytr U conssier-aIle friction between 'Mi-. ani when a awitch engine iuntesithre train mn1ni ieo ce0sia ais asaau-dyrtr ri atant errasthe NOrtiweatei-n ban given abstiltte -s oren o-Nil ia as any cities lu thre ebt have .....O tth er eoeRselbianmnanth fieswohdcharel atS61 ahr Ia ono o aie iradI 9a bld for tire location of the hlatk%*e, op t u ytir - a %tep o e R ase li eb5d Sti IL E D o ! tie Almni assoiation durng 1912 .1 tin of a e s'years a ' - tiey have' assurance ta North Chicag oOfficiais saisi tat sie ias Irn ate d that salto n n h s ie i av o opprtnit t stp e ne id ir sasPROGRAM. th~e exemple ot a f"' , prs ago ln!lirat It wlll at once luve tiere ilroad would taire ber os' IUle if sonne btter stio ad iresteailnhvem bon tM caugirt between tire two cars. Hi% IN IRONS Tatrasater--------------------.... tirurminde andi tiat mittire ramoed doîot from Is Preoent otte, sentit arrangement waasntotreacires. bard.ct le y c et-a mmttsr ta bedy wasuaIrrsesi about tire abdiomen*r.N.. .S. Ti0orason. '97 before thirutteront wciiibcrerevived.1 ftire -J.- srbway ta aasite adjaent Just wbat tihe poison s'es tirt aire itlano leaeria An mblace asauinoedan .Be blrgirt andi jovial amfong We slncer-ely hope tint tire change ta tire new stubway belng mult St Stan- took Isariot known, but tirere s'as ~a f emnis. b-en ei te lomt . j Wsu divnsaiata hiîgirrat. o! speesi TWENTV-FIVE ,...,Y. .S lit ,loy sieet. Asi tiiat s'l! coa a aur- quanlty e carSaic acii lit tvitres tairev.shemat al airerrrrsmiree toi tireJane 1cAlister- hospital wber? ARE CAIJGHT AT MADISON Song-"«AlI Towether." trfv nfcý e tet n twl otanm uniyo ablcai nI r.l elee hï l L ob t Buissul sio! li ton inute-. AN PLACD 1H RONS. Election of Ofilcers. s'P belles-e It s'as; s'e believe msn-i ber o! tironens dollars, proirfly ses-. Johnrson la saisi teas-ae purcirases Il~ ~~-ll~ii ieie.th P4Mlldid n tn inte. AD LAEDIN ROS."Orest ira yeuuiglory. fortire bel as a wirôle roalize tira a modi-1eoral, for- It la trot belles-o! tirettiresomrrotira. ago wlien sires'as auffer'lng aietbqa will $rl te sL tu Herirerger vas vorking under one atrife seIrara." ficatilon o! etltruasama s'as nerestsary, 00-rP5flY wll irother t MOI e rot-s- wltir a totirache.anto ilrivnth& WSI of tire cars viraittire stcb engine Madison,. Ws., lune 24.-Madison Remarir, by tire Pi-esdent. therefore lit vas gis-en Satrur-day ]ast , enti dézrt but wlll ei-ect a nes' station __________ iom tani lrtslcatJa.o* . coupled anto tire car aithtie reai- o! tiresaer a ranchr oi! soldler lite lest lesxons-"Belf Starters.".. taflae.51Uhrfbaqelu 'ot1oYwhnl rahsth ontb« nt1" *r trin Hs scpefrindat l lokd igt be wetyflveeraideer- "The li-e l'thfint shows nt brllllart uccoe, niaried irs-gond 1 feol ia Ichange am plannosi at Northa Chi- IREtN1LfEU gï mbeet ces etfbsiflguiqsa5d eil ip g upnas a miracle by s'ltness'es, ers s'ere broueirt baik ta camp it tiiî ît ire atr-nck." lng ansi totally vî'il if olei'tionable Icago. BT fRAND ( ETofh Ic±oa."ieste9s18l~i ConucorRusei ra trosasi 0 l-os.Smce leaing Diure, lit la VoIalSolo ....- Ruthr Norman, '10 actions of anyirody. Ther-efore it pro-r'I urick Gets Contraciý A11 tire d"y Il" Y 'cfa 'ralet frienda li ttins cty. Haeiras been Sm- salitithat 200 bave destertei. _1ome Respone-"efSatrsas Sagan uice s comrn s e Avo Ddc rsire sadpr'ession uron the mmeirers Coflr ployesi by tire Nortirsestei-n for os-er werst ta Foi-t Shreridan ansi othiers ta Eitglleg.. .fertticé Board. '10 the ts'owirere baiqiietci-s forgut thera- tire centrnact for exoevaing et tire THIRTEEN VEAR OLD BOY TAICEN bo,,d Who «Mote lir.s Mdtirs. tventy yeai-a. O! recent date ire bas For-t Snelllng and srill otirerg to Spar- never turnung lrack."le o ersao)Salyitee uwy hc e b- IT UT- Y POIE o eeo ionlae mgbX officiated. as coirductor o! tire palier ta tea-aiod a 200 mile marcir en font. Chascng-....Clans of 1912 A motion s'as tne tirai thTire --tweeit Sixteeutir ansi Sesenteenti EARLY SUNDAY MORNING. cortylaceoites-membieam cf tba'" train.,sIrici r iaches Waukegaa frer Tire gavairiment iras a standing o!t- 1R e a p o n s e - "Cranks ansi urroers of future banqurets Mriae an streets. Tire Nortltstern iras drivaien traever-ythirlr onildss-sd. III Chiragoeat 3:34 a. mt. fer of $50 res'ard for tire capture o!f lths.-Eoi rn.' effort ta have as it-h noise as posai-Ilits piles ansi Dudeol états 'Soi-k et FATHEIS DIED AT HOSPITAL FOL.- site la-lire bout one «rsnle He wa retrnin fro Milwukee da"ters On latetrai laiWit.htaov andi tien, struck hIe elismnated, and. aIr-ange te say, fIl Once, excavatlng ansi shen lit la dents,1LOWIING TWO WEEI<S' ILLNESS Wssslsgair slarruions toe 1 t tI1W He 'asretrnia fontUiiwaneesieer-ei-. O a atefr-in aatrugt. martly, shows a spsrk." WiVI., ta Ciîcago vîtir a llgit reigbt six desertera wer-ý brerrgit back frora Piano Solo-M.'taliel Ruehe. '03 w55 uos-Inerwirelmnigly. Ta olier-,tire company s'il) at once put dos'n MOTHER PEAD 3 MONTHS. oetutioe for twe vory hamemtf train when tire accidesnt bapperred. Sparta. Ail vere fni ansi thros'n It- lteponse-"SBeIf Starters ansi trres ir e woîîld auggest that thi tire conci-ete aiutmeata. -gong. Inthtie fi-et Place lit weM Tire dras'biri-pulled eut o! tie re -libita the guai-sibouse. Bras,-....OreceWyan, '12 reoffly doe«not mean as Its'ould Are ta Mcv. DeoI.Tire band of deatir rendered a 13 vertige tue City vory emtonslse> in cars'iraithtie train reachesi Wauke- Tire 2000 soldiers broke camp at "From little spar-ks may brta seitatte bur aecuae n Pa amv h otws.ya l e ahre, oeesai utescn lote c uA gan. Camp Randall. s'iere tireyiras-e been Song .................America" no1 ise l te futur-eai-n depot laesiesignesi ta gemt t near- friendioe.lit Wauksgan 'l'iursiay of lar~ge arumr ofe- Mndiants volie ' MW forthir-lst foui- siys. thisa meinng Thre officers electesi toi-next yaar A motion than i-arr-ed tiraitirhe bain- or thre TPer-k atrance ansi, when tue lunt reek s'iraitCorelius Guinaite maireteir h orn.me . w&Purgi Tire -or-oner-s jury c iiblat a1glittat 7 o'clork ansi restmeSthir.a rc- flios': quetlsre centînues ln tire future as SIxteentir str-et electric rald uide- clased hIis eyes la desîtirai tire lMcÂHo- ing patienits abo voulisi epsasiCOMOW in tire Conrad & Hart ur.Sertskliig te Sparta. Tireywsil) camp tonigirt et Preaideit-W. J. Smitir, 1897. la tire pust Insteasi of airasdonirra flet lu mos-ad one block soutir te bring ter irospîtal following a ts'o weeks' Il- érable monsy intatre City. lih:a ils t-anas inveutigates I ltath ie cause Ashtoan, about twenty-mlles ritir iof Vle-peieldnt-Edti Coon Kucker-, thomti. iIl t Stanley street, tire ts'e depots itSOPes. o piétrttott5.able tiraItire'. yl re emme. dsI11i viiih led ,ate ie SutofHerber-tt)D.Madison. 1893. Tire Mttera!otiett Ing out an atnual,1 will lho practirally asi9olunng. Tira Stiiday ai sasearIy Irour In tire mtri~'lnformationr on tiers alter vItiras Itusseil, tira Chicago condnictor s'b5)Seciears-Chistie Holateit, 1902. !firtire Alinni assorlaion s'as 1011ta 1 electilaralî-oasi Ias prosalsesite mos-e lng trIs 13 year- olsiboy s'as piciresi <r'~tiuir met doir latu In tire local yards ofthtie BADLY SCALDEO BY MOT WATER , Treasurer-Ethel Dunr, 1902. the execrlve cammilttse o! nrt yeux-. tiresiepot it question as »non as tiret p by the police andSitalien te the Chir-go & Nortbwestern ial-caS mest Exécutive coramitiee: Aima Dlet- Thonipson la Toustmiater. 1euirsay lale i soSje for, passenget.iors fty basile wiore lires'as assigned "FI55' BU§" DIES' tîetrr-e noon on Monday retur-ies a Tire 2-year-oid son o! Fred Cggirmore Mye,189;e, 'rurGogeSrag .8.Tomlson, ri-iy superintendent tiren siliîlbe lot off Sl-ecty St tire a coal on thre thiri floor. l~ IU V sertit ila accorsianrce s'tirthre tacts. of Wadss'ortir sas iradîy scaidesi by 199-Hyer, 1899; nia1r0a ; Geoe stagof cf - was itroducesi by Pi-es-1 par-k ertrance. Wlren lntervlewed iry a SUN toer- OFTYPII Norecommensiatioitas'ere radse by a tescuptul o!fihot tea sMon. nigit 10;eeani-odont04;Joh Is- s irool as, osiatro be hs ihteerirtdicagz e Mna onn h o odt toe u se that tire verdict ta an 8 'clerk. Uts bon!, face. eue rm asceon. 1908; Clar-ence W'etzei, 1912. enitad1 1M hePsio wtlwt hssuiyudrwyadwt io : ope e.neafoot s'as nvolved ud ci ng Seé aKepBnqes rtarti-isH e as a tratataiof t! astire foncelti -oas lantr<>d chng u 1"l'mo13 siarnitire by otoIr ls PEE tinsRRSIE N i înUt sai Thg e icipldeteoanues.esbnq e rtrlgOsNiiedtiepoitAnRGtrE'thtieTubsHIunieO'MWasisîtr0toy Tire engîneer<of thre train s'lich ievai-age. Dr. Yourng o! Gur-nee s'as bires :1î r orlnfatureao!tre banet of 897He sas pa niebe o tira nase t irioner com ans plangalng uphre'me13the anI. Se iy oer n - e EE EO RETOO bumpesi Inta tire carsa teleen s'whhsuIaroesi andIreports tisat whie te wsithe es ifé pogi-am Iansitie 'ete" cf 1897afnurd ia ogeseS alo n S-'tnea r a int iringesucebot tark ee orthIrse . irek s ioS canecm-a SON ECHARE AFHIGWQ Russels'as standing, testIied t at he Irinjuries are s-aiy painful tirat tire cirlîs 'stteSSo oîo'tgad bata o tie the osition o! baad Or! nit, rtty fat. Vau.keg-an witirmy fater. Ile rvss liai] no Idea.tirat Russell s'estirere. i- eover. aogmrtes ta hIaqet teahoshr.'d.Topo n!teieni 111 a tes'daye afici- oui- arirval REMOVEO FROM LAKE C08.NVV, tirnking tiret ire bail laittite cars Thirs'teaciethppnd~ sira i o irea a e i aI tie fe siial e.tr iroapon - P. HOHENAOLE, JR., DEAD lutr tyass'seno-i10ie BATETO HEMAITf- tiiere ta e isedutribuit ouaiet tire localnot knowu. ît la t-spoved iroses-ér, the s denisia a ateb vt ate ieferencee. The tiientioftirelire-, P. loieial. Jr.iiresllcnrt oftire p hosepital. is'as sent tira aioardlng HOSPITAL LAST WEUK., yrsadlatlaitonr theresuaoité Ibtat tire chirlsi iebd upon the table tire dntWeto Prirouiseedgrm asaoombtl sggheon ai-orner o!e IVa oman. wteron angeoSth crnr f_____an r tire tdes pi-ai-eldo goosi ote, bei-ruse the olei-area et cai cauninonetai-toi-lesSprlng strects. My !atiridiesi o!pneu- Pater Sera,. an allegi- I " 19_1 train ta Chi-ago as s'as iisrs cer. frtiefaotadpaleiI o-ite ebanqueter-s ta or-er àfter tirey tIrend ttke-s rs.r,-bae1to 'oi-k tut lu oiîtb He d.rd not tin~ow-that tie reiais bai--contants strarc4tIsg It alnnaét fr-otta iraSpartakien of tire excellen menu. tesekr è,ehl awr , 1 i oteiisarotI linrois andi lo- marila trThuuday I-leA as buriesi siteS o! tiphirol ifiver at ire h o m 4q en heesbond tfoot. sore Ver-y rtol a11 s ln 0epplying atu- Saturday. I buste one broither- living It Alisier hospitai at 3si oco ra* o! thre car liraitbea taken ontatnt Ha calleS attention ta tire f a tirItua, diesi a, a irosîitailitu Janeavilie, afteron. Ruissells'as seoklng to havaitt chaunasi New YTa i- 'ty.le le mitiriesi ansi Sioradretdb iesic terietintcr o ht o oîlir- . .RUGLSuN~tire banquets ail 1alrast ieached a ta terre as 0lite atti ludividuals. Wl- esteidal o!fatîînducitiis. Firîter-Seawsretd yheDes4 ta he ex ca g tht ie oud Tre- E.D. UGLESINCOU"r state wlaeie, because of ire sàz, itlutire reslýt,-s from classes, s'uir ,ai ut liiiIi-orer lhoume flni tbitît. e irts ta-o i-tildi-ei. 1 tutinklie la ath ,ibories of Hlgtlwood tour s'een as' 'rira hcao.Te carcntaIneS1 I 'ounisiup tlite ro-tutu, tires.clusecais iter ctoon ar 23 r, o iirsketuanon tri'ie Grand Tr-uuk rail-Il-e s'as hound o-ar te a tgrand a Itelaailafrut o irt I sass-iy t a-aemanipulated ibis businessatli.-Ha fetthia,'thero s'as somne uuknown 'oie -p1 iteiI ý-aî-l tastl) tcros O! ..r-adIftepoie-iiltm,'î -1ftreC-ctcut!Lkaont neceesary tuat t esidrtaSieacir Ciica- te78ts I94'05 ' 57, j'091'10, a'11-o ansie go ivitir aIl possIbleceaste. suniras'ay saste cause ss--it-eon wiytyh-ie atie'rrianrce o! oider .4î '(III'.*9 910, 9. 3 'i-Mr eflaiel art tierS o! threbicgnsigo r tc iiraikee a-bei-e ITiras- an, artionalter hisrlamoval te tire LaIs geol'iry o! rasssibsur-tistami1i 'n.n05, ','1,'11 i-tittittig tir toi-v a ttat.eamir s-"ttandtiincle. Tlîey resde at 191,ounty tasile ire ws'amlt111î, JMW Ttwstsiidas btRFm"Park 1taire losers te the tune of sas-- outt lia.tNil-a. tlorey. T70, aas tire only 1i2.isî.rrrontr on ataesl niTa-elfth r titet.Ail rirut I hase in tiq -condutIorisitd hot Inriros-. ansi ie wa bai ben etwe te IIrat butral tirousansi dollars, s'as arratanteS fOepreserit of tire oluer rr,'tibei-s. %Itaskîrorîn iranany residenti of! havorldri. tiri-ten cents." r e-moved te thé Jarre MeAlister bae thiratione of amiente w t he iai- burt1 'rirRT ACIDNT Te iros- si-tigiron iieare t N-te uzon adice of Dr. A. C. Brown.- ctue fapio o.alintWie a-iante 5i-, '\Ionday lit Circago battu-e Jusge Wl!- H-e salîl tîat ltre cortm.ittee iia i-iriie iEAUE ORHACIET1se tjiafethe- e-urrtry niiere ,lrc coin- mn ý,e ir siti im ttire roenty physiciait. cidur irppnes. t 5e taetitiatlianu W. 'uaxe-elI on a cierge oofrper-.ied wondereri wietlter- r-by bal bet-i Tire 11111esort otfIr. ansi Mis. IHei- itunt o'i tmi leltises tisv and htii - raier ur iI utlmthmTo tire very lat Sen-oproteired r ta tire novtng train struck the tationa ti tng a confidence garae. Tire atiq er abandon bannq't' in tirefturie bei-t Towrsi ort Faïrview 'ilace ihum.n i- 'ru'elerri itiiononSecnd tr-tbirg s'as nnocefacHaos'a.cl* -ied ca eY-etYadtatI iad Ncmai, Tlire fatîr sgilled] wati-ira-arstolen ithuh iastng setlfr-e to tirree briiinlgl i-n- erv -etl sal itt t osa s a lfltaueilutil tus a oriting. wl bananseso! tire difft iiliy lu1mettlng ed iis liianid troue iatbei-severels 'i î,îNîîiî iltia lntHigbseod.Ha ciainis Il sas au pat forward but a foot. Wlt tire dr-a-a- B. Maritn, n ressiderit otHighrland Park People ta serve ttiu. île rugieste Teset nugbt ahi-n a lire iracker- explotil ir'roll. i tdabtolîit ,5'00oîai-iet o! tinO fro tit ir îov Satur-day night as irelulotebv iimlrûdtp4- bar gone. los'vei-, tue sl)aee irtaeerrhock tihe stand anS testîIlesi iriefîy tirsil n tire fututre,. fral iiîgatbeings esi la bus f.see IrI mas tire fireti--Ilu thieIt in1ty o naylake. Atiuurr7lay asîntp ln a irin 'eow tue bil.îî n lH. 10ia-eIleirliroaevI 10 Ie, tire tto i-ai-ss'awuiahriiai-ios'ansi- a is ~early dsealini-s a-tub Rugg5ea. ira bels ln tireilgh scol. alti a dent lnt lrit crsfîloIrvni a pmrre' tire t,îrtra isit-ttnipnyaiqui-tsi a-ci-.bitildîngé iraS ireetasel on ire l men  .I Rurssell ats a arge tman. Tirs caille- Ruggles wsslit court but sould Malte short progiram if Sesu-ed, brut sers-at celebrtion ofthne Four-tir. Theiren-,îtue, !oiiowiîrrFIND NUDE WOMAN s'ho sera not irist;riensis. W ion ii-ushidl lnhis ciret but aven tien no tatement about the case. lght refi-eshients. retirer than a ban-! juresa a-ile pî,utîîare flot rerions. rrerliteto Fn at t aaaio hr'yya- -e ediato! o-otitnthIewkpir i tairal ire ml-bt have Ils-eS iraS ire not bI-(ken- A_______of________ quel. 1-le feIt tire ofsalnitsue nient __italienthe heImgt av'ivd h le o boenqut le et hecmmtt nrter-te.(liai-les Tttcker-, OVi. I<apple, biy offi-ers o! Fort Shreridan it s uders oet f H-n 0. eeafrald. bIs nai-r Iuat s ho s'aESenINs-REfrONayeara-ainsi ias-e trouble getttlng any- ýCînra Oait. tHarrison and abot o ) Tlconsitiuon ln a ras-inea o irersrv-trghtau i , sti rgt - b~iis precai-lotus Position iry tire audition OE NOEGNiody t r ivebor'auseof t he. aber Supervisors Mcci and Adjourn i-res urîictit ry base unsier base, tion Sun3day mor-rrng and Inqulyhiry wh w 'r!în-trýIest a!Pl ' .4s'ltcbing o!fbiies n. Word iras been r-ai-aIs-d horsata fo!guest. Tire aupei-lssniot Monrtay lu ai- Trh'e çomnr i-rowsspersand otirhoeStiraIt sire hadt gareta their sé talan uesI "c at-arnesttth -Io E.tD. fRussell tof Cicago, s brotiser Mrs. Mai-y Bu-roa-s (ne. Dru-y) of lt tiIlnedeto!SiroeMi.Jartoisesont lk p ia aam onl. ieSfi cnIn-ittîsi'i. ealStraye-eiicaseds.al. Sri rtlrlu--ifGicn is of tire sec'asesi,s'as presont M the Pertland,. Or-e., diesithere Iast Wei- l.nmpson. foît Ita-ouIS bi oobail te land rentir at Fox Lake ansi Fox i-v- a! Saturday nîgbtI li thlieras-iteerie jfellIoscrtrtu unwsci-etryîla&te Inqurast. Tire hodjywaas rmos-ed ta nesday, folloa-lng an eperatîca s'iil bgis-e rp tire banquets irecausne of tireer-. Tirei-ommittee s adbeen unairte Frant P. Tyler o! tire Chicago Tille coldfor-s strippeS ber o!tirer-cloting a: % Ji tpionbc» ChOicago on the 10: 10 o'lock train- thua1sire sufferési ]ast Decamirer. Sibe s'es emornaîngp-l sunrpiritalsatteWeclcahecsin rerc tra eri!anl rtsti-epsy uda-fe ias-ndfibeantdsdnnre cndtin nt hasi.&ttea 2 &1 notring, Mr. Rulssells'as s'éll-4mmm; bomt .SttAs-oitCenter it L-aie county. oobiraffaire serv-es ta kaep rip therad jouriteelto tire 241h o! July nt 9:-!0i-ans ta Pîtiaburi- V're haya-Ill! sires'as dlscos-ered by officierslatter. r-oaS for a tottton Ma A elI-lkea ia Wbukegahl, leitrg one lire leavsseber, iruflid, Josepir Br--tersatInlittire oiroola ansi li thlie AlIn-t Fox Lake depot lit ormer tirai ail spend ta-o s'eelste a '.%IrMi. TyIet's Sire asd ter-s clalmud tirey irad oh- ufferes ire bos o!S b loftbtheOldet einploye l oitrcf rovie'and four cislSi-on,, l'ire D-ry t-y n d atin, W. J, gmtt it tt iet1memiars mlght personally look minto Irer. Mi-. Tyler laeanjoylng a ta-o, taureS quor fronta s "bllng-pig" lit1 rork 1mb ensia l *«vstd.>a,. ftt --eu t-. Nots~ M I r 4. tjrIy 6Wanlkegsn alga are relatives, tire beuquets a-ci-ofine tirinbta ltrîtottire malter. s'eeks vacation. Hifghland Park. SuflIas rI «rte4u .5, -vu t- t5 tii', le t-'- or- 5;4 E--tu i r t-. I i -t, 'r t. I --